Dick The Briton / TGT +++++++++++++++++++++ To contact The Geneva Team (PC): mail to SYSOP (Pws) Gonisoft BBS (16.8K) +41(22)7576573(5nodz) By Fido : 2:301/320 +++++++++++++++++++++ Here's the 2nd mod of my light artwork series 'Brainstorm': only Rotterdam-tekkno for HEADSTRONGS!!!! +++++++++++++++++++++ Greetings go to : A.T.L.(I can't under- stand how you can write your mods are 'tekkno' or'hardcore' when they are only soft teCHno,'coz you ought to know what HARD-tekkno means in ZH,shouldn't you??!)/ Donaldini / Joker / Hydlide / Rash / Trz +++++++++++++++++++++ GONISOFT's the HQ of: TGT - C h i n o o k - UK HardCore modules