Dick The Briton / TGT +++++++++++++++++++++ A techno module insp- ired by the PumpItUp djaimin mix-13 march- (better than usually) Trz, hello. I've got a good news, but I'm waiting a confirmation... Do you'll go to rave- signal?? I sent the letter to lucky spin rec. in London-->be ready!!! Greetings go to Pws (your flood runs fast enough...) All the tekno-party people (not enough in this part of switz') Dub (static man) & Nicolas dj Stand B & the amiga techno l. +++++++++++++++++++++ To contact TGT : Gonisoft BBS(6 nodes) Mail to SYSOP (Pws) +41(22)7576573(5nods) Fidonet : 2:301/320.2