1000 Although there have been hardships in the past, your future now looks bright.
1001 Distant countries beacon to you now more than ever. Now is the time for travel.
1002 Executive ability is prominent in your make up.
1003 Good health will be yours for a long time.
1004 Good news will come to you.
1005 Although there have been hardships in the past, your future now looks bright.
1006 Distant countries beacon to you now more than ever. Now is the time for travel.
1007 Executive ability is prominent in your make up.
1008 Good health will be yours for a long time.
1009 Good news will come to you by e-mail.
1010 Good news will come to you by mail.
1011 Good news will come to you by telephone.
1012 Good news will come to you through a close friend.
1013 Happy events will take place shortly in your home.
1014 Hardships will be coming soon. It is best to prepare now.
1015 In your life, excitement is welcomed, now more than ever.
1016 Now is a good time to finish up old tasks.
1017 Now is not the time to wonder. You are needed at home.
1018 Now is the time to try something new.
1019 Outside pressure to change will cause your long held value system to strengthen.
1020 People like you because you are different, don't change.
1021 Soon you will be sitting on top of the world.
1022 Stop searching forever. Happiness is just next to you.
1023 You are a bundle of energy. Always on the go.
1024 You are a person of culture.
1025 You are a person of dignity.
1026 You are a person of respect.
1027 You are always welcome in any gathering.
1028 You are careful and systematic in your business arrangements.
1029 You are going to have a very comfortable old age.
1030 You are kind-hearted and hospitable, cheerful and well liked.
1031 You are needed elsewhere.
1032 You are next in line for a promotion.
1033 You are one of the people who 'goes places in life.'
1034 You display the wonderful traits of charm and courtesy.
1035 You display the wonderful traits of patience and understanding.
1036 You have a deep interest in all that is artistic.
1037 You have a natural grace and a great consideration for others.
1038 You have a reputation for being straight-forward and honest.
1039 You have a strong desire for a home and your family comes first.
1040 You have a strong desire to travel abroad.
1041 You have an unusually magnetic personality.
1042 You will be a very successful in your next life.
1043 You will be awarded some great honor.
1044 You will be fortunate if you seize the opportunity.
1045 You will be fortunate in the opportunities presented to you.
1046 You will be loved by many in your old age.
1047 You will be unusually successful in business.
1048 You will have good luck and overcome many hardships.
1049 You will have good luck in your business affairs.
1050 You will have good luck in your personal affairs.
1051 You will make a change for the better.
1052 You will soon be involved in many gatherings and parties.
1053 You will soon experience a change in pace.
1054 You will step on the soil of many countries.
1055 Your existence is enough to make at least one person happy.
1056 Your luck has been completely changed today.
1057 Your mentality is alert, practical and analytical.
1058 Your personality defines you.
1059 Your personality is so powerful it often frightens others away.
1060 Your wisdom spans many lifetimes.
2000 You are going to be visited by the aliens.
2001 You are going to win the lottery - and lose your personality.
2002 Someday you'll be President. Then you'll be impeached.
2003 In four weeks you'll be fishing (you didn't need this job anyway).
2004 Your pot of spaghetti boilith over.
2005 Your cup spillith over.
2006 Your bank account will continue to be empty, uninterrupted.
2007 Love awaits you. With the emphasis on 'wait'!
2008 You will soon pass through a door - to the kitchen? Bathroom?
2009 Soon you shall learn a new skill - How to quickly click the 'OK' button to get rid of a boring fortune!
2010 Bleach can look tasty, but if you drink it, you will see the giant fortune cookie in the sky.
2011 DUCK!
2012 If you had a nickel for every time you said, 'If I had a nickel...' you'd have a lot of nickels!
2013 In the recent past you have been victorious.
2014 The aliens were here, but they left.
2015 The IRS will call you today.
2016 The mouse is your weapon of choice.
2017 There will be a new mahjongg CD in your future.
2018 You are being followed by a tall man in a dark coat. Look, there he is! Oh, you missed him.
2019 You are too paranoid, even though everyone really is out to get you.
2020 You will receive a fortune in the future!
2021 Your belief in fortunes will be shaken.
2022 You guessed it. This is another one of those fortunes that don't say anything.
2023 You love your family. So why haven't you spoken to them in so long?
2024 You may soon be the winner of $10,000,000! You might also be a figment of your computer's imagination!
2025 You may want to write this fortune down so you don't forget it.
2026 You will soon need some fresh air and sunshine.
2027 You should pay dearly for not flossing regularly.
2028 You shouldn't believe this fortune.
2029 This fortune is a lie.
2030 This fortune is a truth.
2031 You want the future? You can't handle the future!
2032 You will be getting a call about an upgrade within the next few months.
2033 You will be struck by a car next time you step into traffic.
2034 Anything that can go wrong will. Anything that can't go wrong, will go wrong.
2035 The stars indicate that you should go get a glass of water before playing another game.
2036 I predict you will continue breathing for the rest of your life.
2037 You will doubt the accuracy of this fortune.
2038 You will have a craving for fortune cookies after a few more games.
2039 You will have the disquieting feeling that you left the stove on.
2040 You will have the strangest urge to say 'Yeeeeeehaaaaaaw.'
2041 You will have used a computer before the day is over.
2042 You will meet secret agent Boris at the corner of 7'th and Elm Street. He will have your package in his left arm. The code word will be 'Fluttering bio-degradables'.
2043 You will never win the lotto. Now here's your lucky numbers...
2044 You will see the sky every time you look up, unless you're inside, in which case you will see the ceiling, unless of course you don't have a ceiling, in which case you will see the sky.
2045 You will shun all that is material, unless it is a MoraffWare CD ROM.
2046 You will soon reach a higher state of consciousness through Morejongg.
2047 You will think about listening to your conscience, but quickly put the idea aside.
2048 You will wonder what this fortune is trying to imply about your intelligence.
2049 You won't think this was very funny.
2050 Your evil plans for world domination will be foiled. Curses!
2051 Your fortune can be found in a cookie.
2052 Your life's achievement will hinge upon your next game of Morejongg.
2053 Confucius say: lovers in triangle not on square.
2054 The answers you seek can be found at the nearest convenience store.
2055 The future of your wealth depends on your friends...don't lend them money.
2056 To be or not to be...now that's a dumb question.
2057 You are a great asset to your friends...if you own a car.
2058 Your memory is much like a rabbit...short and fuzzy.
3000 Life is a wonderful habit.
3001 Life is habit-forming.
3002 Knowledge is power, but wisdom doesn't need power.
3003 Who wants to live forever?
3004 Innocence belongs to children, lovers, and the aged.
3005 All values are learned. Like a good car, we must be concerned with our values' performance and source.
3006 Will-power is habit forming.
3007 Self discipline is a skill.
3008 Intelligence is learned.
3009 If you think you can't when you can, you won't. If you think you can when you can't, you just might!
3010 It is best if your future remains a mystery.
3011 Self worth can be found through mastery.
3012 Stop searching forever. Happiness is right in front of you.
3013 The key to mastery is through your inner self.