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README file for PLBM Pong-Out - by PLBM Games
File Updated: April 30, 1998
PLBM Pong-Out is actually two separate games in one, a two-player
version of Pong and a one-player version of Brick-Out.
Pong Game Parameter Adjustment
The first screen you see allows you to adjust various game
parameters. Adjust these parameters by typing the alphabetic
letter corresponding to each line.
An uppercase 'A' adjusts upwards, a lowercase 'a' adjusts downwards.
Registration information located at the bottom of this file.
System Requirements:
This program requires an IBM PC or compatible with at least VGA.
In general, faster systems will run the program more efficiently.
Sound Blaster Notes:
This program contains routines to play digital sound on a Sound
Blaster or compatible card. However, this program does NOT
contain autodetection routines. This program relies upon the
BLASTER= variable being set appropriately in your environment.
If the BLASTER= variable is set incorrectly, the program may
crash. If the BLASTER= variable is absent the program will
NOT attempt to use Sound Blaster sound.
Additionally you will need to have free EMS memory to hear
all digital sounds (they're too big to fit in conventional
memory). The sounds deemed "most important" to game play
will be loaded into conventional memory on a first-come, first-
served basis. To hear ALL sounds you will need enough EMS
free to fit the file KPSFX.DBO. Check free EMS with the
MEM command under DOS.
Primary Controls:
PLBM Pong Controls:
Player 1 (left side): A, Z for up/down
or use Joystick
Player 2 (right side): cursor keys for up/down
or use Mouse
Joystick can only control the left side.
Mouse can only control the right side.
Joystick and mouse CAN be active simultaneously.
PLBM Brick-Out Controls:
Player 1 (bottom): cursor keys for left/right
mouse for left/right
joystick for left/right
Additional Keys:
[P] - pause the game ([P] or enter to restart)
[M] - toggle mouse on/off (right paddle only)
[J] - toggle joystick on/off (left paddle only)
[Ctrl-J] - calibrate joystick
[F1] - Review this file (HELP)
[F2] - Review the high score chart
[F5] - Toggle sound on/off
[F10] - Quit game, go to menu
[ESC] - Quit game, go to DOS
Game Notes:
PLBM Pong:
The object in Pong is simple: return the other guy's shots.
Mix it up by hitting the ball nearer the edge of your paddle
to get more radical angles. If you miss the other guy gets
a point. Adjust handicap at the main screen by adjusting the
size of the paddle. After each hit the ball will accelerate
by the specified acceleration factor (which can be zero).
After each lost shot the ball starts over at the start_speed.
You can choose to play to any number of points. Press F10 to
end the current match and reset the scores.
PLBM Brick-Out:
The object of Brick-Out is even simpler: destroy all the
bricks by breaking them with the ball. Do not allow the ball
to fall off the bottom of the screen. What more do you need
to know? Go have fun!
Internet Support:
Contact support@plbm.com for support via email. You may also check
the following site(s) for upgrades:
This program was written by Kurt W. Dekker and is distributed
by PLBM Games. You may contact Kurt via email at kwd@plbm.com
Ordering Information:
To order the full version of this game, send your $14.95 registration
fee (plus $4.95 per order for shipping and handling) to:
PLBM Games <sales@plbm.com>
PO Box 10342
Costa Mesa, CA 92627
You may also call 1-800-909-5701 to order using your credit card.
International orders call 1-612-924-3235 to order via credit card.
Include your name, address, phone number and email to ensure rapid