Labels:text | screenshot | font OCR: Pricing: All 6 episodes are packed together for only $25.00 Shipping and handling: $4.00 International, $3.00 U.S. California residents must include 8.00% sales tax. Orders will be returned without the proper fees. Toll Free Ordering: Visa and MasterCard orders may be placed by calling Laser Point at (800) 894-6758. International users may call (408) 722-6894 or fax the required information to (408) 722-6895. Notice: As of April 1, 1998 our area code will change from "408" to "831" so please use this new area code after April 1998. Electronic Mail Registration: You may register via electronic mail by sending the following information to or kalich@got .net: E: \>me of the product you are registering (Clone)