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101 T ááááááááááááááá World Countries, #1
102 T ááááááááááááááá World Countries, #2
103 T ááááááááááááááá World Countries, #3
104 T ááááááááááááááá World Countries, #4
105 T ááááááááááááááá World Countries, #5
106 T ááááááááááááááá World Countries, #6
107 T ááááááááááááááá World Countries, #7
201 T ááááááááááááááá World Capitals, #1
202 T ááááááááááááááá World Capitals, #2
203 T ááááááááááááááá World Capitals, #3
204 T ááááááááááááááá World Capitals, #4
205 T ááááááááááááááá World Capitals, #5
101 A 000 ╦╒╫┴╔╘ááááááááá Invaded by northern neighbor, Iraq
101 A 020 ╚╧╬─╒╥┴╙ááááááá Second largest in Central America
101 A 030 ├┴╬┴─┴ááááááááá Southern border with 12 states of US
101 A 050 ╔╥┴╤ááááááááááá Called Mesopotamia in ancient times
101 A 106 ╥╫┴╬─┴ááááááááá Part of the Nile-Congo Divide
101 A 113 ┬┼╥═╒─┴áááááááá Most isolated, most popular resort
101 A 153 ┴╞╟╚┴╬╔╙╘┴╬áááá Lies in south-central Asia
101 A 189 ╨╧╠┴╬─ááááááááá Largest country of Eastern Europe
101 A 195 ╨┴╦╔╙╘┴╬ááááááá One of the world's major Islamic nations
101 D 001 ╒╙┴áááááááááááá Land of the free
101 D 005 ╘╚┴╔╠┴╬─ááááááá Was long known as Siam
101 D 010 ╟╥┼┼├┼ááááááááá The birthplace of Western civilization
101 D 027 ╙╨┴╔╬áááááááááá East from Portugal, south from France
101 D 030 ├╧╬╟╧áááááááááá Lies west of Zaire, east of Gabon
101 D 033 ┴╒╙╘╥┴╠╔┴áááááá Occupies a whole continent
101 D 074 ═╧╬┴├╧ááááááááá Part of the French Riviera
101 D 114 ┼╘╚╔╧╨╔┴ááááááá Third most populous country in Africa
101 D 142 ╩┴╨┴╬áááááááááá Leading industrial nation of Asia
102 A 001 ╨┴╬┴═┴ááááááááá Between Costa Rica & Columbia
102 A 011 ├╚┴─ááááááááááá Landlocked in west central Africa
102 A 038 ┴╠┬┴╬╔┴áááááááá Smallest country on the Balkan Peninsula
102 A 065 ├╒┬┴ááááááááááá Largest island of the West Indies
102 A 093 ╠┴╧╙ááááááááááá Landlocked country of Southeast Asia
102 A 156 ┼╟┘╨╘áááááááááá Land of the pharaohs
102 A 203 ╟╥┼╬┴─┴áááááááá Known as the Isle of Spice
102 D 001 ╨╧╥╘╒╟┴╠ááááááá Southwestern corner of Europe
102 D 003 ╬┼╫┌┼┴╠┴╬─ááááá Lies southeast of the Australia
102 D 005 ═╧╥╧├├╧áááááááá At the western end of North Africa
102 D 012 ╚╒╬╟┴╥┘áááááááá Lies east of Austria
102 D 023 ┬┴╚┴═┴╙áááááááá Consist of about 700 islands and cays
102 D 040 ┬╧╠╔╓╔┴áááááááá Lake Titicaca is here
102 D 096 ╙╫┼─┼╬ááááááááá Largest of the Scandinavian countries
102 D 074 ┘╒╟╧╙╠┴╓╔┴ááááá One of the youngest nations of Europe
102 D 132 ╒╥╒╟╒┴┘áááááááá Smallest & most compact in South America
102 D 160 ╘╔┬┼╘áááááááááá Long known as the Roof of the World
103 A 019 ╓┴╘╔├┴╬├╔╘┘áááá Lies within the confines of Rome, Italy
103 A 090 ╙├╧╘╠┴╬─ááááááá Northern part of Great Britain
103 A 154 ╔╙╥┴┼╠ááááááááá Carved out of historic Palestine
103 A 186 ╟╒┴╘┼═┴╠┴áááááá Western most nation in Central America
103 A 215 ═┴─┴╟┴╙├┴╥ááááá Fourth largest island in the world
103 D 005 ┌┴╔╥┼áááááááááá On the equator in the middle of Africa
103 D 007 ╞╔╬╠┴╬─áááááááá One third north of the Arctic Circle
103 D 009 ╨┴╥┴╟╒┴┘ááááááá Interior of southern South America
103 D 014 ├┘╨╥╒╙ááááááááá Island nation in the Mediterranean Sea
103 D 026 ├╚╔╠┼áááááááááá Lies west of Argentina
103 D 030 ╘╒╬╔╙╔┴áááááááá The smallest North African country
103 D 077 ═╧┌┴═┬╔╤╒┼ááááá On Africa's southeastern coast
103 D 079 ┴╠╟┼╥╔┴áááááááá Second largest country of Africa
103 D 096 ╬╔├┴╥┴╟╒┴áááááá Located midway across Central America
103 D 118 ┬╥┴┌╔╠ááááááááá World's largest tropical country
104 A 015 ╥╧═┴╬╔┴áááááááá Once part of the Roman Empire
104 A 045 ╬╔╟┼╥╔┴áááááááá Most populous state in Africa
104 A 075 ┼╬╟╠┴╬─áááááááá Most populated of the United Kingdom
104 A 083 ╔╘┴╠┘áááááááááá One of the oldest nations in Europe
104 A 108 ┬┴╥┬┴─╧╙ááááááá Easternmost island of the West Indies
104 A 170 ┌┴═┬╔┴ááááááááá Was known as Northern Rhodesia
104 A 216 ┴╥╟┼╬╘╔╬┴áááááá Lies east from Chile
104 D 000 ╞╥┴╬├┼ááááááááá Across the English Channel from England
104 D 025 ├╚╔╬┴áááááááááá Earth's most populated country
104 D 029 ├┌┼├╚╧╙╠╧╓┴╦╔┴á Bordered by Poland on the north
104 D 057 ╟╒┘┴╬┴ááááááááá Known as the colony of British Guiana
104 D 078 ╠┼┬┴╬╧╬áááááááá An Arab state in Western Asia
104 D 083 ╔╬─╔┴áááááááááá World's most populous democracy
104 D 111 ┬╒╠╟┴╥╔┴ááááááá Eastern portion of the Balkan Peninsula
104 D 115 ╙┘╥╔┴áááááááááá At the eastern end of the Mediterranean
105 A 000 ├┴═┬╧─╔┴ááááááá A remnant of the Khmer Empire
105 A 030 ╠╔┬┼╥╔┴áááááááá Africa's oldest republic
105 A 051 ╬╧╥╫┴┘ááááááááá Lies west of Sweden
105 A 107 ╒╦╥┴╔╬┼áááááááá Largest country entirely within Europe
105 A 115 ╬┼╨┴╠áááááááááá Mount Everest is on the northern border
105 A 154 ╙╧╒╘╚┴╞╥╔├┴áááá South most part of the African continent
105 A 180 ─┼╬═┴╥╦áááááááá Only landward neighbor is Germany
105 A 217 ┌╔═┬┴┬╫┼ááááááá On the high plateau of southern Africa
105 D 000 ├╧╠╧═┬╔┴ááááááá Fourth largest country in South America
105 D 006 ╔╥┴╬ááááááááááá Once the heartland of the Persian Empire
105 D 023 ╦╧╥┼┴áááááááááá Land bridge between China and Japan
105 D 032 ┬┼╠╟╔╒═áááááááá Bounded by Germany on the east
105 D 040 ╘┴╔╫┴╬ááááááááá Formerly called Formosa
105 D 043 ╓╔┼╘╬┴═áááááááá Border countries are Cambodia, and Laos
105 D 109 ╥╒╙╙╔┴ááááááááá World's largest country
105 D 158 ╚┴╔╘╔áááááááááá Has French & African cultural roots
106 A 003 ┼╠╙┴╠╓┴─╧╥ááááá Borders with Guatemala & Honduras
106 A 032 ╩┼╥╒╙┴╠┼═áááááá Known in Hebrew as Yerushalayim
106 A 060 ╨┼╥╒ááááááááááá The great Inca empire was here
106 A 067 ╔├┼╠┴╬─áááááááá Land of snow, ice fields, & hot springs
106 A 125 ┬┴╬╟╠┴─┼╙╚ááááá Surrounded by India on the west & north
106 A 137 ╞╔╩╔ááááááááááá About 1,100 miles north of New Zealand
106 A 188 ┴╥═┼╬╔┴áááááááá Republic in the Caucasus Mountains
106 A 213 ╘╒╥╦┼┘ááááááááá Was the heart of the Ottoman Empire
106 D 005 ╙┴╒─╔┴╥┴┬╔┴áááá Occupies 4/5 of the Arabian Peninsula
106 D 032 ╩╧╥─┴╬ááááááááá The Hashemite Kingdom
106 D 040 ═┴╠╘┴áááááááááá Located in the central Mediterranean Sea
106 D 042 ╦┼╬┘┴áááááááááá On the equator of Africa's east coast
106 D 060 ╨╒┼╥╘╧╥╔├╧ááááá Eastern end of the Greater Antilles
106 D 128 ╟┼╥═┴╬┘áááááááá The Black Forest is located here
106 D 160 ┘┼═┼╬áááááááááá Southwestern edge of Arabian Peninsula
107 A 003 ╙╫╔╘┌┼╥╠┴╬─áááá Alps make up its main terrain region
107 A 033 ═┼╪╔├╧ááááááááá Has a long northern border with the US
107 A 060 ╨╚╔╠╔╨╨╔╬┼╙áááá Islands off mainland of southeast Asia
107 A 092 ╩┴═┴╔├┴áááááááá National motto "Out of many, one people"
107 A 125 ╓┼╬┼┌╒┼╠┴áááááá Name means "Little Venice"
107 A 218 ┼├╒┴─╧╥áááááááá Surrounded on the east and south by Peru
107 D 003 ╙╧═┴╠╔┴áááááááá Located in the Horn of Africa
107 D 058 ═┘┴╬═┴╥áááááááá Once known as Burma
107 D 096 ╔╥┼╠┴╬─áááááááá Across the Irish Sea from Great Britain
107 D 131 ┼╙╘╧╬╔┴áááááááá Baltic country, north from Latvia
201 A 005 ├┴╬┬┼╥╥┴ááááááá Australia
201 A 033 ┬┼╔╥╒╘ááááááááá Lebanon
201 A 053 ╧╘╘┴╫┴ááááááááá Canada
201 A 060 ┬┴╬╟╦╧╦áááááááá Thailand
201 A 095 ╧╙╠╧ááááááááááá Norway
201 A 150 ╚┼╠╙╔╬╦╔ááááááá Finland
201 A 159 ═┴─╥╔─ááááááááá Spain
201 A 182 ═╧╙├╧╫ááááááááá Russia
201 A 218 ╨┴╥╔╙áááááááááá France
201 D 005 ├┴╔╥╧áááááááááá Egypt
201 D 015 ╠╔╙┬╧╬ááááááááá Portugal
201 D 033 ┬┴╟╚─┴─áááááááá Iraq
201 D 038 ╘╧╦┘╧áááááááááá Japan
201 D 040 ┴╘╚┼╬╙ááááááááá Greece
201 D 057 ╫┴╥╙┴╫ááááááááá Poland
201 D 074 ┴═╙╘┼╥─┴═áááááá The Netherlands
201 D 096 ╙╘╧├╦╚╧╠═áááááá Sweden
201 D 129 ╥╧═┼ááááááááááá Italy
201 D 150 ╚┴╬╧╔áááááááááá Vietnam
201 D 161 ─┼╠╚╔áááááááááá India
202 A 002 ┬╒─┴╨┼╙╘ááááááá Hungary
202 A 032 ╨╥┴╟╒┼ááááááááá Czechoslovakia
202 A 064 ┴╬╦┴╥┴ááááááááá Turkey
202 A 100 ╠╔═┴ááááááááááá Peru
202 A 105 ╥┼┘╦╩┴╓╔╦áááááá Iceland
202 A 157 ╙┴╬╘╔┴╟╧ááááááá Chile
202 A 180 ╫┴╙╚╔╬╟╘╧╬ááááá United States, D.C.
202 D 009 ╘┼╚╥┴╬ááááááááá Iran
202 D 028 ┬┼╠╟╥┴─┼ááááááá Yugoslavia
202 D 032 ╨┘╧╬╟┘┴╬╟áááááá North Korea
202 D 060 ╟┼╧╥╟┼╘╧╫╬ááááá Guyana
202 D 067 ┴╠╟╔┼╥╙áááááááá Algeria
202 D 086 ╓╔┼╬╘╔┴╬┼áááááá Laos
202 D 095 ╙┴╬╩╒┴╬áááá