TetRiS was written in Turbo Pascal 5.0, and requires VGA graphics. I do not take credit for the idea behind the game itself; the game of Tetris was invented by a Soviet mathematician named Alexey Pazhitnov. Many versions have been written for different systems--what I have done is combine what I think are the best elements from the many different versions I have seen, as well as added a few of my own.
I'd like to thank my good friend Tobias Mixer for his help in creating TetRiS. He was my beta tester, and the game wouldn't be what it is without all his bitching and complaining. I hated Tetris myself when I first started writing this version (just to see if I could do it). I thought the game was too frustratingly difficult, and it didn't help that Toby was so good at it. I do believe I'm better than him now, though. Unfortunately, Toby is an artist, which means he's a Macintosh man, but I do hope to collaborate with him somehow, someday, on something. . .
NOTE: If you are running TetRiS under Windows and the screen flickers every now and then, go into GAME OPTIONS and turn the sound off. This should fix the problem.
Object of the game: To stack randomly shaped falling pieces in a "well" in such a way as to keep the build-up from reaching the top. When a horizontal row is solid, it disappears, allowing more space for the falling pieces. As the number of rows completed increases, so does the level, speeding up the pace at which the pieces fall.
START GAME -- Brings up the Level & Height Selection Screen. The Level ranges from 0 to 9, with 0 being the slowest and 9 the fastest. The Height ranges from 0 to 6; the greater the height, the taller the stack of randomly placed blocks in the well. Pressing return starts the game. Two alternatives to the "Start Game" option are as follows:
Alt-S: Bypasses the Level & Height Selection Screen, starting the game with the same settings as the previously played game. While the settings are the same, the pieces fall in a new combination.
Alt-R: Replays the last game. The level and height settings stay the same, as does the order in which the pieces fall. This is useful when two people play back-to-back; each can compete in playing the exact same setup and block sequence.
GAME OPTIONS -- Allows the selecting of certain options which effect the look and feel of the game. There are seven options:
Game Type: Standard (10x20 well, 7 standard pieces)
Extended (14x20 well, 7 standard + 6 extended pieces)
Piece Type: Solid
Piece Colors: Changing (Colors change after every 20 lines)
Level X,Y (To select colors that, when in "Changing"
mode, would appear during levels X & Y)
Background Type: Open (Stars visible)
Closed (Solid background)
Background Pattern: None
Moire (Weave pattern)
Piece Lock Delay: 0..50 (Sets the length of time a piece takes to lock
into place -- while a setting of 0 locks
immediately, 50 gives the player a little time
to slide or flip the piece)
Sound: On
SET CONTROLS -- Allows the changing of the keys used in game play.
HIGH SCORES -- Shows a listing of the top ten scores. Two high score lists are saved--one for Standard game type and one for Extended.
ABOUT TETRIS -- Whodunit.
EXIT -- Exits the game (ESC works just as well, and in only one keystroke!).
I encourage free distribution of this program, only on the condition that this documentation and the files TETRIS.BAT, EGAVGA.BGI, TRIP.CHR, SANS.CHR, and KEYSPEED.COM be included with the main program.
If you like TetRiS and continue to play it, please send a $4 contribution. I'd
be just as pleased if you'll think of me the next time you see a $2 bill.
If you don't think my game is worth squat, feel free to let me know why. My email address is ryandear@umich.edu. If you should choose to rub it in, make sure your thesis statement is strong and well defined, and that you back up your claim with definite examples. I do not grade on a curve.
By sending a contribution you will be assured of receiving any future versions of the game. I am planning on re-writing the game in C with a higher resolution and 256 colors, a joystick (used also as a gun--bullets, not bombs)--and I've met someone who makes excellent music and might want to chip into the process. I can't guarantee that other projects won't keep that from ever happening, though. If you would like to encourage me to do so, no thesis statement is required (unless you already wrote Essay A, in which case you're a hypocrite and the thesis of Essay B should be something along the lines of "I am not a hypocrite because. . .").
Visit my Web site at: http://www-personal.umich.edu/~ryandear/
( OtteRSofT )
+ 311 Linda Vista +
( Ann Arbor, MI 48103 )
FINAL NOTE: The file KEYSPEED.COM has been included to allow for quicker key-board response. Note that TETRIS.BAT issues the command "KEYSPEED R=0 D=0". This sets the keyboard repeat to its quickest, and the delay to its shortest. If you do not want this, either do not use the batch file, or alter it to your liking (KEYSPEED R=[0..30] D=[0..4]).