RaceDay is the ticket which admits the player to a day at the track. As the fascinating world of horse racing unfolds in the 12 excitingly different races, the player participates as an owner and as a better.
Each player has $50,000 to spend as he chooses in purchasing and betting on horses. Before each race an auction is held in which the player, consulting the Official Racing Program, bids for the horses he wants to run for him.
After purchasing one or more horses, the player may bet on any horse in the race to win, place or show. The wise player strategically evaluates the racing characteristics and abilities of each horse before choosing his favorites.
After all bets have been placed and the horses are in the starting gate, the Racing Stewards call for the race to begin ... "And they're off ..." After the race results are declared official, the purses are distributed to the winners and payoffs are made on all successful bets.
Strategic selections in purchasing and betting on horses in each of the the six races may allow the player to finish his day at the track as a wealthy man - and the wealthiest player wins the game.
The game is for one to six players of all ages.
Run SETUP - ready !
If the names and/or numbers are not placed correctly within the statistics, choose small fonts (normal size, 96 dpi) in the Windows system control.
The Configuration window
will appear everytime you start the program.
There are two different race days: you can choose the option 'First six races' or 'Second six races' and you can decide, how many players should participate in the game (one to six). And feel free to enter new names for the players instead of the standard names provided by the program.
The sound can be switched 'on' or 'off'. Switching 'Detailed information' 'on' makes during the races the electronic randomly thrown dice visible which decide on the result. You'll see the running strength and the dice pips for any move as well as the starting horse and the bonus dice.
Clicking the 'Standard values' button will cancel all changes, and 'OK' (or pressing <ENTER>) starts the game.
The Menus
'Game...' contains the options 'New race day' and 'Quit program'. Under 'Race history/highscores...' you'll find 'Show history/highscores' which provides complete race histories of all race days; careful studying of those statistics and data bases is an excellent basis for your bidding and betting decisions ! The four categories of those statistics are:
* The race days: horses and stables
* The race days and the highscores
* Summary: races, horses and medals
* Summary: stables and medals.
Well, you can 'Delete history/highscores', if you wish it.
'Show race situation' opens a window with a summary showing horse owners and all betting slips of the current race.
Under 'Details/Sound...' you can switch 'on' the 'Detailed information' and the 'Sound' (see above).
'?...' opens this window ('Help'), and 'About RaceDay' opens a small information window.
Running the game/Rules
The Auction
Before each race an auction is held in which the player, consulting the Official Racing Program, bids for the horses he wants to run for him.
That program contains:
* Number of race,
* Type of race,
* Purse and purse distribution (total, 1st to 4th),
* Distance,
* Post (= Start) position,
* Bonus number (this number on dice adds three pips to the running
* Name of the horse,
* Odds (determines bet payoffs on winning horses),
* Name of stable,
* Speed (ability of horse to win if race is finished before the complete
running strength is used), and
* Class (ability of horse to win if race uses the complete running
Bids must be in multiples of $500 with a given minimum for each horse. Each player either bids or "passes" on a given horse. In choosing which horse he wishes to buy the player should consider the Post position and the Speed and Class along with the Bonus number.
After purchasing one or more horses, the player may bet on any horse in the race to win, place or show. The wise player strategically evaluates the racing characteristics and abilities of each horse before choosing his favorites. A player may bet on any horse he chooses but may not bet on more than three horses (one to win, one to place and one to show) in any one race. For any position there is a minimum bet of $1,000 and a maximum of $5,000. All bets must be in multiples of $1,000.
A player may bet on one horse to win, place and show the same amount. This is known as a combination bet; if the horse wins, the player collects the win, place and show payoffs. If he comes in second, the player collects the place and show payoffs. If he comes in third, the player collects... nothing.
The Race/Order of Finish
After all bets have been placed and the horses are in the starting gate, the Racing Stewards call for the race to begin ... "And they're off ..."
A 'Race Report' table shows the current situation during the race !
The winning horse is the horse farthest beyond the finish line on any given move. In case of a tie the last horse to arrive at the space nips the other by a nose (in German: "gewinnt mit einer Nasenlaenge"); see the photo-finish symbol in the result window.
End of Game
At game's end the player with the most money is the winner: the highscore window shows some details.
Looking forward to your visit to my above mentioned website for screenshots,
detailed information and download of my following games:
* the Risk Clone Attila (Windows, English edition),
* the Horse Racing Game RaceDay (Windows, English edition),
* the Stocks & Bonds Game Dax (Windows, German edition) and
* the Battleship Game Seabattle (DOS, English edition)
As registered RaceDay user you have to pay only 50 percent of the regular registration fee.
Ich freue mich ⁿber Ihren Besuch auf meiner o.a. Webseite !
Dort finden Sie zu meinen folgenden Spielen Screenshots, nΣhere Informationen und die M÷glichkeit, die Programme direkt auf Ihren Rechner herunterzuladen:
* den Risiko-Clone Attila (Windows, Deutsche Version),
* das Pferderennspiel RaceDay (Windows, Englisch/Deutsche Webseite),
* das B÷rsenspiel Dax (Windows, Deutsche Version) und
* das Schiffeversenkenspiel Seabattle (DOS, Deutsche Version)
Als registrierter RaceDay-Spieler zahlen Sie nur jeweils 50% fⁿr die Vollversionen.
Copyright and Registration
The unmodified program may be copied, distributed (by electronic means, e.g. Internet/WWW, online services or BBS, by floppy disk or by CD-ROM) and used by everyone.
If you like the game, please send US$10 (or equivalent) as cash/cheque to my a.m. address. You will then receive the registration code (via email or snail mail) right away. After entering the code, the copyright window will no longer appe