Around Easter, this means end of March, begin or April.
Around Christmas, this means end of December.
Around Pentecost.
Around the feast of Tabernacle, this means end of September, begin of October.
You can find this by searching nothing then the bible!
Birthday Jesus En.rtf
Do you find anything about reincarnation (transmigration of souls) in the bible?
No, reincarnation is not mentioned nor excluded,
Yes, it is written, that man lives only once here on earth.
Yes, it is written, that man lives several times to approach more and more his destiny.
Not explicitly, but there is some evidence for reincarnation in the bible!
Man is destined to die once, and after that to face judgement! (Hebrews 9,27)
Reincarnation En.rtf
What means the name Jesus?
The Lord is salvation
God saves
God delivers
The Lord saves
Hebrew Jeshua / see also Matthew 1,21
At what place Abraham was meant to sacrifice his son?
In Bethel
On Mount Tabor
In the valley Ben Hinnom
On Mount Moriah
It was the very place, where Solomon later would build the temple (Genesis 22,2/2. Chronicles 3,1). This means of course, Mount Moriah is located in Jerusalem!
God commanded Abraham to sacrifice his son. What were his thoughts, when he decided to be obedient?
God is a frightening God. Abraham had no choice, and this he knew!
Abraham knew from the beginning, that it was only a test. He would never have to kill Isaak!
Abraham believed, that God would raise Isaak from the dead after the sacrifice!
Abraham loved God more then Isaak.
God promised Abraham many descendants through Isaak. So he had to resurrect him. Such was his trust in God! (Hebrews 11,17 ff.)
How many people were on Noah's Ark?
Genesis 7 ff. / The Chinese letter for "boat" is a box with 8 people on it. In this way, there are many facts from the first chapters of Genesis embodied in the Chinese letters!
Can you believe, that spiritism (inquiring dead people) is real, if you trust your bible?
Of course! You find it in the bible!
No! Nothing but superstition!
You can't decide this question out of the bible.
For example 1 Samuel 28,3: Saul asks Samuel about his future, who died some time before. Such things are a offence to God!
How often a man was allowed to enter the Holy of Holies in the temple?
Once a week on Sabbath
Once a year on Yom Kippur
Three times a year during the high feasts
Seven times a year according the seven feasts
Nobody but the high priest on Yom Kippur, the atonement day (Leviticus 16)
How could you see instantly (symbolically), that the way to the father in heaven was now free, when Jesus died on the cross?
In Jesus' words: "It is finished".
You could see heavens open, as Jesus died.
Jesus said to the man on his side: "I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in paradise".
At that moment the curtain of the temple, which separated the Holy of Holies, was torn in two from top to bottom.
The Holy of Holies, in which the father had promised to be present, was open now (Matthew 27,51)
What was the length of Noah's ark?
55 meter
450 feet
1000 feet, as a modern tanker
500 cubits
Genesis 6,15
Who lived the longest ever?
He lived for 969 years (Genesis 5,27).
What did happen, when Methuselah finally died?
God confused mans language.
Enoch entered heavens directly.
A earthquake started.
It started raining!
Genesis 5,25-27/7,6ª the Flood started!
Methuselah En.rtf
Which statement corresponds to the gospel?
I will get to heavens, if I have enough good deeds.
All is by grace: If I did accept Jesus, I have got the ticket to heavens.
I am saved and God's child by grace. Therefore I am now able to do good deeds.
For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith -- and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God -- not by works, so that no-one can boast. For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. (Ephesians 2,8-10)
If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink. In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head.
This statement is given by Jesus. The Old Testament says: "Hate your enemy".
Paul recites the Old Testament
This statement is given by Paul. The Old Testament says: "Hate your enemy".
Paul (Romans 12,20) recites Proverbs 25,21-22. God is the same yesterday and today and for ever!
Love your neighbour as yourself!
Jesus recites the Old Testament.
This sentence is unthinkable for the Old Testament!
Jesus (Matthew 19,19) recites Leviticus 19,18. God is the same yesterday and today and for ever!
When Mose received the law, the Israelites did build the Golden Calf. Therefore: "The Levites did as Moses commanded, and that day about three thousand of the people died" (Exodus 32,28). Where do you find the number 3000 in the New Testament?
In Bethlehem, three thousand children were slaughtered on orders of king Herod.
Three thousand people were eye witness of Jesus' crucifixion.
Three thousand people did see Jesus after his resurrection.
Three thousand people came to faith in Jesus the Lord, when the Holy Spirit was given.
(Acts 2,41) The Jewish feast of Pentecost is the memorial day for receiving the law from God: "The letter kills, but the Spirit gives life." (2 Corinthians 3,6)
Was the apostle Paul married?
Yes. Sometimes she accompanied him on his journeys.
No, of course not!
He travelled alone, but it is not unlikely, that he had a wife at least for some years.
The bible does not contain any clue to indicate, he could have been married.
Acts 26,10
Paul Marriage En.rtf
What does the bible mean, when it speaks about sin? What is the original meaning?
An action, which is contrary to the common norm.
If I harm somebody.
I miss the target, I do something, which leads to a missing.
An action, which is contrary to the norm of the bible.
Sin separates me from God. I MISS the goal of my life: A close relationship with God!
Sin En.rtf
What can I do, to correct this "missing" (sin), and get into a close relationship with God?
I try to do good deeds!
Jesus did solve the problem of sin at the cross for me. I ask for forgiveness, and put my life in his hands.
It helps, if I read the bible regularly and pray often.
Jesus did solve the problem of sin at the cross for us. It doesn't mater what I do.
Bridge Jesus En.rtf
The prophet Jonah was thrown into the see during a storm. A fish caught him, and vomited him on dry land after three days. Jonah lived, and took up his original task. Was he alive all the time in the fish, or did God raise him from the death?
Of course, he was always alive.
In the book Jonah, there is evidence for the death and resurrection of Jonah.
In the book Jonah, nothing points towards his death and resurrection. Only Jesus' words: "A wicked and adulterous generation looks for a miraculous sign, but none will be given it except the sign of Jonah" (Matthew 16,4) could be interpreted in such a way.
Jonah 2,5-6: The engulfing waters threatened me, the deep surrounded me; seaweed was wrapped around my head. To the roots of the mountains I sank down; the earth beneath barred me in for ever. But you brought my life up from the pit, O LORD my God.