1 Unable to start the Control Panel joystick calibration program. Either file Joy.cpl could not be found or there was a lack of memory or a lack of system resources. Close all other programs and reattempt calibration, or try calibrating the joystick directly from the Control Panel.
2 Error
3 Unable to start Help. Close all other programs and try starting Help again.
4 Error
5 This program requires a more recent version of Windows.
6 Error
7 Unable to start the game. Either file DTPLAYER.exe could not be found or there was a lack of memory or a lack of system resources. Close all other programs and try starting the game again.
8 Error
9 Unable to start the game, due to a lack of memory or system resources. Close all other programs and try starting the game again.
10 Error
11 Deadly Tide PCC
12 Deadly Tide PCC
13 Unable to save current registry settings.
14 Error
17 The Pilot name list is full. Please delete a name and try again.
18 Error
19 Are you sure you want to delete
20 ?
21 Deadly Tide Player
22 Deadly Tide Player
23 The Pilot Name or Graphic Quality setting you have changed will require the game to restart at the last save point.\nDo you want to continue?
24 Warning
25 You need to enter a pilot name before playing the game. Would you like to enter a pilot name now?
26 Error
27 LOGOS.L96
28 Name already in use. Please enter a new name.
29 Error
30 Unable to locate required registry settings. To correct this problem, please re-install Deadly Tide.
31 Error
32 Error
33 DT.EXE cannot be started directly from CD. Please start Setup and then start Deadly Tide from the Start Menu.
34 Deadly Tide requires a color palette of 256 or more colors. Please change the color palette through the Control Panel and try starting the game again.
35 Error
36 Required video decompressor is missing. Please reinstall Deadly Tide.
37 Error
38 Unable to initialize audio. Possible causes are that audio is already in use by another application, there is a lack of memory, or a missing driver. To start Deadly Tide without audio, choose OK.