PM StringMajor PS,8,9 PM StringMinor PS,8,9 PM StringArr PS,8,9 PM Piano spr,8 PM DeepString PS,7,4 LI Oboe NC,8,9 PM Small Bdrum PS,4 PM BeatDrum PS,6 PM LargeCloseHat PS,6 PM MiniBongo PS,6 chip bzzzz Hello World! I tried to make some easy minded music here... just type a melody which goes throug my head ... so it's sure nothing very fancy. I used very common and familiar samples, ripped of Purple Motion's song "Purple Sky" .. i think it sounds very different, for- give me pleeze ... welti / enigma 1995 Wilfried Welti Carl-Orff-Str. 36 a 69488 Birkenau Germany Internet: wilfried@rbg.informatik. lard : Sorry for the lousy and boring drumtrack tml : Better don't listen it, it stinks... mjk : Maybe you like this relaxed music.