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Text File | 1995-10-22 | 34.2 KB | 1,206 lines |
- ┌─-─--·· · · ··--─-─┐
- ╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════│ █▐ n-Factor's │══╕
- ├─────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ █▐ │──┤
- │ │ ▐███▐ ▀ ▐███▌ ▀ │ │
- │ ≡≡≡ DIGITRAKKER ≡≡≡ PROGRAM-OVERVIEW ≡≡≡ │ █ █▐ █▐ █ █▐ █▐ │ │
- │ │ ▐███▐ █▐ ▐███▐ █▐ │ │
- ├─────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ █▐ │──┤
- ╘═════════════════════════════════════════════════════│ t r a k k▐██▌e r │══╛
- └─-─--·· · · ··--─-─┘
- This textfile contains the descriptions of the...
- (A) General Keys
- (B) Effect-Commands
- (C) Pattern-Editor
- (D) Discmenu
- (E) Sample-Editor
- (F) Instrument-Editor
- (G) Config-Menu
- (H) Other Functions
- and...
- (I) About Digitrakker and some more information
- (J) Greetings and Messages
- (A) General Keys
- ------------
- The following is a list of all keys you
- can use at (nearly) any time:
- F5 + Alt -> Pattern-Editor
- F6 + Alt -> Disk-Menu
- F7 + Alt -> Sample-Editor
- F8 + Alt -> Instrument-Editor
- F9 + Alt -> Synthesizer
- F10 + Alt -> Songlist
- F11 + Alt -> Config
- F12 + Alt -> Extras
- F1 / F2 -> Set Octave
- F3 / F4 -> Set Instrument
- F5 -> Play whole song
- F6 -> Play actual pattern
- F7 -> Play from current pos
- F8 -> Stop Playing
- F9 / F10 -> Set Edit-Pattern
- F11/ F12 -> Scroll Channels
- F1 / F2 + Shft -> Set Song-Position
- F3 / F4 + Shft -> Set Pattern
- F5 / F6 + Shft -> Set Songlenght
- F7 / F8 + Shft -> Set Song-Repeat
- F9 / F10 + Shft -> Set Song-Speed
- F11/ F12 + Shft -> Set Beats per Minutes
- F1,F2,F3,F4 -> Switch LN-,SMP-,VOL-,
- + Ctrl CMD-Buttons on/off
- F5 / F6 + Ctrl -> Set Pattern-Length
- F7 / F8 + Ctrl -> Set Edit-Skip
- F9 / F10 + Ctrl -> Set Main-Volume
- F11/ F12 + Ctrl -> Set Sample
- F1,F2,F3,F4 + Alt -> Editskip to 1,2,4,8
- Q + Control -> Quit DigiTrakker
- H + Alt -> Open Help-Window
- - + Control -> 4/6/8/18 Tracks
- \ + Control -> Panning/Tracknames
- S + Shift -> Edit Songname
- I + Shift -> Edit Instrumentname
- right + Control -> Insert Song-Position
- left + Control -> Delete Song-Position
- up/down -> Move Notepos Up/Down
- Page Up/Page Down -> Skip 8 Notepositions
- Home -> Jump to Pos 0
- End -> Jump to Last Pos
- 1,2,3,4,5,6,7+Alt -> Jump to Position at
- 12%,25%,37%,50% ...
- The following keys are mainly used for...
- Return -> Select, Ok, etc...
- Esc -> Cancel, Exit, etc...
- up/down + Control -> Scroll List/Change
- value...
- To activate a function in one of the menus
- by the keyboard,just press control and the
- hotkey (marked letter) of the menu-point.
- (B) Effect Commands
- ---------------
- Command-Overview (MOD-LIKE commands):
- - - No Effect
- 1 - Note Slide Up G - Volume Slide Up
- 1F- Fine Note Up GF- Fine Vol Up
- 1E- Extra Fine Up GE- Extra Fine Up
- 2 - Note Slide Down H - Volume Slide Down
- 2F- Fine Note Down HF- Fine Vol Down
- 2E- Extra Fine Down HE- Extra Fine Down
- 3 - Note Portamento I - ** not used
- 4 - Vibrato J - Tremolo
- 5 - Arpeggio K - Tremor
- 6 - ** not used L - ** not used
- 7 - Set BPM-Speed (Beats per Minute)
- 8 - Set Panning
- 9 - ** not used
- A - ** not used
- B - Position Jump
- C - Set Global-Volume
- D - Pattern Break
- E - Special-Commands (see below...)
- F - Set Speed
- E0- ** not used E8- Set Samplestatus
- E1- Pan slide left E9- Retrig Note
- E2- Pan slide right EA- Mainvol slide up
- E3- ** not used EB- Mainvol slide dw
- E4- Vibrato Wavefrom EC- Cut Note
- E5- Set Finetune ED- Delay Note
- E6- Pattern-Loop EE- Delay Pattern
- E7- Tremolo Waveform EF- Set Sampleoffset
- Command-Description:
- * 1xx - Note Slide Up
- This command slides the pitch of the note
- up.xx is the slide-speed (01-DF,00 -> take
- value from the last slide-command).
- * 1Fx - Fine Note Slide Up
- Slides the pitch up at a slower speed(only
- one time per row).
- * 1Ex - Extra Fine Note Slide Up
- Like the 1Fx-command, but this is 8 times
- more accurate.
- * 2xx / 2Fx / 2Ex - Note Slide Down
- These commands slide the pitch down.
- * 3xx - Tone Portamento
- This command will automatically slide from
- the old note to the new (up or down). The
- new note must stand in front of this
- command. xx is the speed.xx=00 means using
- the last speed.
- * 4xy - Vibrato
- This will give you a frequency-vibrato. x
- is the speed of the vibrato, y is the size
- (depth). x/y=0 means using the speed/depth
- of the last command.
- * 5xy - Arpeggio
- This command will produce a one-channel
- chord. x is the second halfnote(add to the
- main-note), y is the third.
- * Gxx / GFx / GEx - Volume Slide Up
- Acts like a 1xx-Command, but it slides the
- volume up instead. GEx is 4 times more
- accurate like GFx (look at the 1x command-
- description).
- * Hxx / HFx / HEx - Volume Slide Down
- Slides the volume down.
- * Jxy - Tremolo
- The tremolo is similar to the note-vibrato
- (4xy), the different is, that it changes
- the volume. x is the speed,y is the depth.
- * Kxy - Tremor
- The Tremor-Command turns the volume on for
- x ticks and off for y ticks.
- * 7xx - Set Speed in BPM(Beats per Minute)
- Sets the song speed in BPM to xx (0-FF).
- xx<3 will stop the sound.
- * 8xx - Set Panning (stereo-position)
- Sets the stereo-position for this channel.
- Values from 00 (left) - 7F (right) are
- possible.
- * Bxx - Position Jump
- This command will perform a pattern-break
- and let the tracker continue at position x
- in the songlist (in HEX!).
- * Cxx - Set Global Volume
- Sets the global volume(volume at which the
- whole song is played)to the new value (01-
- FF).
- * Dxx - Pattern Break
- Sure simple,this will end your pattern and
- go on with the next at note-position xx
- (this time xx in DEZ, don't forget it!)
- * Fxx - Set Speed
- Sets the song speed to xx (0-FF).
- * E1x - Panning slide left
- Moves the pan-position of this channel to
- the left.
- * E2x - Panning slide right
- Moves the pan-position of this channel to
- the right.
- * E4x - Set Vibrato Waveform
- Select the waveform for the vibrato (4)
- with this command: x=0 - sinus (default),
- x=1 - ramp down, x=2 - square.
- * E5x - Set Finetune
- Sets the finetune for the current note:
- 0=0, 1=+1, 2=+2, 3=+3, 4=+4, 5=+5, 6=+6,
- 7=+7, 8=-8, 9=-7, A=-6, B=-5, C=-4, D=-3,
- E=-2, F=-1.
- * E6x - Set Loop Point/Jump to Loop Point
- This command repeats parts in a pattern as
- often as you want. E60(x=0) sets the begin
- of the loop, E6x(x=1-F) sets the end. x is
- the number of repeats.Example: E60 ... E65
- means, that the part between the two com-
- mands will be played 6 times(1+5 repeats).
- * E7x - Set Tremolo Waveform
- Select the waveform for the tremolo (7)
- with this command: x=0 - sinus (default),
- x=1 - ramp down, x=2 - square.
- * E8x - Set Sample Status
- x=0 no loop, x=1 loop, unidirectional, x=3
- loop, bidirectional
- * E9x - Retrig Note
- This will restart the note after x ticks.
- * EAx - Mainvolume Slide Up
- Slides the mainvolume up. x is the slide-
- speed.
- * EBx - Mainvolume Slide Down
- Slides the mainvolume down.
- * ECx - Note Cut
- This will stop the note after x ticks.
- * EDx - Note Delay
- Delais the note and starts it (again)after
- x ticks.
- * EEx - Pattern Delay
- This delais the next note-position in
- pattern for x notes. That means that there
- is break which is as long as x note-posi-
- tions.
- * EFx -xx - Set Sample Offset
- This is a double-command. It starts the
- sample at adress xxx*256.
- Example: C-5 01 -- EF1 -23 ->starts sample
- 01 at address 12300 (in hex).
- (C) Pattern-Editor
- --------------
- Keys in the Pattern-Editor:
- Esc -> quit pattern-editor
- Return -> stop/start playing
- Space -> switch between Write-/Play-Mode.
- In the Play-Note, notes will not
- be written in the pattern, only
- tested.
- left/rght/up/dwn-> move cursor
- TAB, TAB +Shift-> jump to next/last track
- left/right+Shift-> jump to next/last note,
- useful in polychannel-
- mode
- With the right mouse-button you can also
- place the cursor by the mouse.
- up/down + Ctrl -> choose chord-mode
- Insert -> insert note-position
- Delete (+Shift)-> clear note/volume/comd.
- or the whole slot
- Backspace -> delete previous notepos
- Return + Shift-> Store pattern to undo-
- buffer
- Backspace+ Shift-> Undo:Restores the whole
- pattern in the undo-buf
- N + Alt -> Switch polychannel-mode
- for curr. track on/off
- R + Alt -> Switch polychannel-mode
- for all channels off
- While editing/recording the polychannel-
- mode only shows effects, when the multi-
- channel-edit/-record options are switched
- on in the configmenu (Editor-Settings)!
- E + Control -> Fullscreen-mode on/off
- "1" -> Insert key-off ("^^^")
- P + Shift -> Edit patternname
- Use the alphabetic-keys to insert notes.
- Block definition:
- Alt + B -> marks the block-begin
- Alt + E -> marks the block-end
- Alt + D -> Quick Select: Pressed...
- 1st -> block contains 16 lines
- 2nd -> block contains 32 lines
- 3rd -> block contains 64 lines
- Alt + L -> selects the current channel.
- Pressing twice will select the
- whole pattern
- Alt + U -> Unmark Block
- You can also use the mouse to mark a block
- (left mouse-button).
- Area-commands:
- Activate the "Block"-,"Track"- or "Patt"-
- button to select the area-type. You can do
- that also with...
- Ctrl + B -> Select block as area
- Ctrl + T -> Select track as area
- Ctrl + P -> Select pattern as area
- All following listed area-commands show
- effect on the defined block, the actual
- track or the actual pattern. They can be
- activated by the menu in the pattern-
- editor or with the following keys:
- Alt + Q -> Transpose one halfnote up
- Alt + A -> Transpose one halfnote down
- Alt + S -> Changes all instruments in the
- area to the default one
- Ctrl+ V -> Changes all volumes to the
- default one
- Ctrl+ W -> Only vols in the notes will be
- changed to the default volume
- Alt + I -> multiplies all volumes by 3/2
- Alt + J -> multiplies all volumes by 2/3
- Alt + K -> volume-/effect-slide. The first
- and last rows in the area have
- to contain the bordervalues.Fx-
- Slide,when the cursor is on one
- of the two Fx-columns;vol-slide
- in the other cases
- Alt + W -> change effect-parameters. A
- window will be opened and you
- can now choose the Efx-command
- number and the value,which will
- be added to the parameters of
- the selected effect
- Alt + V -> swap effects from the 1st col.
- with these from the 2nd.
- Alt + Z -> clears whole area
- Alt + X -> deletes all effect-commands
- Alt + Y -> swaps area with a same sized
- one starting from the cursor-
- position
- Ctrl+ X -> mirrors the area. The last pos
- will be swapped with the first
- one and so on.
- Alt + C -> copies area to the internal
- buffer
- Alt + P -> pastes datas from the internal-
- buffer to the cursor-position
- Alt + O -> overwrites intern.buffer to the
- cursor-position
- Alt + M -> mixes intern.buffer datas with
- the datas under the cursor
- Alt + T -> pastes internal buffer without
- overwriting the volumes and fx.
- Alt + G -> halves area by removing every
- second row
- Alt + F -> doubles area by inserting a
- blank row between all existing
- rows
- Volume-/Panning-/Effect-Recording:
- It is possible to record the volume or an
- effect-command for one channel just with
- the mouse.
- To enter the recorder-menu press on the
- "R"-Button.
- * Volume/Effect 1/Effect 2 - what you want
- to record...
- * Effect-Number - if you record an effect,
- here is its number
- * Range Begin/End - the values, which will
- be recorded, are between these two
- variables
- * Recorder - to start recording, just
- click on the slider and move the mouse.
- To change the width of the slider, click
- on the button right to it.
- Notation (Info for one note-slot):
- 'AAA' - note to play at this position(C-0-
- B#9). A key-off '^^^' (set by
- pressing"1")will start the fadeout
- 'CC' - number of the instrument played at
- this position.
- If a note is entered without an instrument
- number, the last played instrument will be
- overtaken and the actual vol., panning and
- envelopes will not be changed. If an
- instrument is entered without a note, only
- the volume, panning and envelopes will be
- changed to these of the entered instrument
- 'DD' - volume (01 - FF, '--' means no
- volume change)
- 'E' - number of the first effect-cmd
- 'FF' - the description for the first efx
- 'GHH' - the same for the second effect
- Note that the effects 1-6 (note-effects)
- can only be entered in the first effect-
- column, G-L (volume-effects) only in the
- second column.
- Editor-Buttons:
- "LN" -> enter full sample-number/volume/
- effect-databyte or jump to the
- next position at any time (F1+
- Control)
- "SMP" -> use current sample-num. or don't
- overwrite existing sample (F2 +
- Control)
- "VOL" -> take last volume or don't write
- volume (F3+Control)
- "CMD" -> take last command(s) or don't
- write any commands (F4+Control)
- "BLOCK" / "TRACK" / "PATT"
- -> area type. Read the description
- of the area-commands
- "M" -> (in the head of a channel). By
- pressing ALT+N or by clicking at
- this button, you can mark the
- current channel as a polychannel.
- When entering notes/other datas
- the cursor will jump between the
- marked polychannels.
- (D) Diskmenu
- --------
- Keys for the diskmenu:
- Esc -> quit diskmenu
- Return -> load/save/delete... file
- Ctrl+Up/Down -> scroll directory-window
- Ctrl+A,B,..J -> change to drive A,B,..J
- Tab -> choose file/directory with
- cursor, page up/down,home/
- end, return
- alpha-numeric
- keys.. -> enter filename
- when "test-file" is active:
- test the selected instrument or sample
- Buttons in the diskmenu:
- * Ok-Button - loads/saves/deletes/... the
- selected file
- * Sort-Buttons - click on the "File"-,
- "Length"- or "Date"-Button at the top of
- the directory-window to change the sort-
- criterion.
- * Directory-Buttons - the "Modules",
- "Instruments", "Samples", "User 1" and
- "User 2" Buttons will switch to the res-
- pective directories.
- * Drive-Buttons - click on the "A:", "B:",
- ... "L:"-Buttons to change the drive.
- * Filemask-Buttons - the buttons left to
- the directory-window determine which
- file-types will be displayed.
- Options:
- * Pack Samples - save samples unpacked or
- packed. This options shows its effect to
- "Save Song" and "Save Instrument".
- * List Names- turning this option off will
- stop displaying the song- and/or sample-
- names in the directory-window.
- * Save as - when saving a song or a sample
- you can choose,which format Digitrakker
- should use (MDL / XM, IFF / SMP, IST).
- Functions in the diskmenu:
- * Load Song - Loads a Song-Module into the
- memory. The old song will be removed.
- Following formats will be accepted:
- - MDL (DigiTrakker)
- - MOD (Protracker, Noisetracker, Star-
- tracker, Fasttracker, Taketracker,
- Octalizer)
- - S3M (Screamtracker 3)
- - XM (Fasttracker 2, Digitrakker)
- - DMF (X-Trakker)
- - PTM (Polytracker)
- - MTM (Multitracker)
- - ULT (Ultratracker)
- - 669 (Composer 669)
- - FAR (Farandole Composer)
- - DSM (Dynamic Studio)
- * Save Song - Saves the current module as
- a MDL- or a XM-File to (hard)disk.
- * Load instrument - Loads a selected
- instrument to the current one (which
- will be deleted!).Digitrakker loads: IST
- (DigiTrakker), PAT (Ultrasound Patches)
- and XI (Fasttracker 2)
- * Save Instrument - Saves the current
- instrument as an IST-File
- * Load sample - Loads a selected sample:
- IFF,SPL (old Digitrakker sample-format),
- WAV (Windows), VOC (Soundblaster, only
- unpacked VOCs will be accepted) and raw/
- unknown-sampleformats (will be handled
- as signed or unsigned samples -as setted
- in the config menu).
- * Save sample - Saves the actual sample in
- the IFF- (amiga) or SMP-Format (signed
- raw-samples)
- * Test File - By selecting a file and
- pressing a note-key the instrument or
- sample will be played but not loaded
- into the memory.
- * Delete - Removes a selected file from
- disk.
- * Rename - Changes the name of a selected
- file.
- * Make Directory - Creates a new sub-dir.
- (E) Sample-Editor
- -------------
- The functions in the middle column of the
- menu operate to the whole sample, the
- functions on the right side only to the
- selected range.
- Click the left mouse-button in the sample-
- window and move the mouse-pointer to
- specify the range.
- To define the repeat-start and -length of
- the sample, use the right mouse-button.
- * Range All - Marks the whole sample.
- * Unmark - Unmarks the whole sample.
- * Clear Buffer - Erases the sample-buffer.
- * Play Sample - Plays the sample in the
- normal way
- * Play Range - Plays only the part of the
- sample inside the range-marks.
- * Play Display - Plays the whole sample
- without loops.
- * Stop - Stops Sample-/Songplay
- * Copy Sample- Copies the actual sample to
- the selected destination.The destination
- sample will be overwritten by the actual
- one!
- * Clear Sample- Removes the actual sample.
- * Mix Sample- mixes the actual sample with
- a selected one.The result will be copied
- in the actual sample.
- * Resample - ....
- * Echo- First you have to set the delay of
- the 1st echo in the actual sample. The
- point you select is the position, where
- the echo starts. The volume of the echo
- will be entered after that. Values of
- between 50 and 80 are generally good.
- But you can create echos, which become
- more and more loud too, by setting more
- than 100% for the volume.
- * Minimize - cuts datas behind the repeat-
- area of the actual sample.
- * (Un)Signed - converts data in the actual
- sample from signed to unsigned and vice
- versa. DigiTrakker uses signed samples.
- * Finetune - you may change the frequency
- of the sample by choosing the finetune
- and the relative note with this function
- * Copy Range - Copies the selected range
- into the sample-buffer
- * Clear Range- Deletes the selected range.
- * Cuts Range - Copies the selected range
- into the sample-buffer and deletes it.
- * Paste Range - Pastes the datas from the
- sample-buffer into the actual sample.
- * Volume - Changes the real volume of the
- range. You can select numbers of between
- 0 and 999.200% will double the amplitude
- (=volume) of the sample. The volume is
- halved with 50%. You can produce a vol-
- slide by entering different start- and
- end-volumes.
- * Smooth - like a filter: makes the sample
- deeper.
- * Backward - revers the defined range.
- Click this two times to get the old
- constellation.
- * Zero Position - this gives you the
- possibility to move the zeroposition of
- the sample.
- (F) Instrument-Editor
- -----------------
- One Instrument consists of:
- - 1 instrument-name
- - 1...16 sample-places
- One sample-place consists of:
- - 1 sample (out of 255)
- - 1 playrange
- - 1 volume
- - 1 pan-position
- - 1 volume-envelope (out of 64)
- - 1 panning-envelope (out of 64)
- - 1 fadeout
- - 1 auto-vibrato
- Instrument-Parameters:
- * Sampleplace-numbers - to select a sample
- place,click on one of the buttons at the
- left screen-border.
- * Samplenumber - the number of the sample
- for this place
- * Playrange - the range in which this
- sample will be used.When kicking a note,
- which lies inside the range, this sample
- will be played. You can also change the
- playrange by clicking on the keyboard at
- the bottom of the screen. To swap the
- playrange of the actual sample with
- another one, just click on one of the
- sample-place numbers with the right
- mouse-button.
- * Fadeout - this is the speed for the vol-
- fadeout.The volume-fadeout starts with a
- key-off "^^^"(release note)."CUT" means,
- that the sample will stop at once when
- reaching a key-off
- * Vibrato-Speed - the speed of the auto-
- vibrato
- * Vibrato-Depth - the depth of the auto-
- vibrato. Set the depth to 0 to turn off
- the auto-vibrato.
- * Vibrato-Sweep - this is the time-periode
- the vibrato needs to reach its full
- depth
- * Vibrato-Form - by clicking on one of the
- three waveform-symbols at the right
- border you choose the vibrato-form.
- Volume, Panning, Envelopes:
- At the right side of the screen you find
- the two envelopes and the volume- and pan-
- ning-parameters.
- * Volume - the volume for the sample. If
- the volume is switched off, the actual
- volume from the channel will be taken
- when playing the sample.
- * Panning - the pan-position for the
- sample. Switch off the pan-position to
- overtake the old one from the channel
- when playing this sample.
- * Volume- and Pan-Envelope - the selected
- envelopes are displayed in the two
- windows.
- Envelope-Editor:
- * Copy - copies the envelope into a buffer
- * Paste - pastes the envelope from the
- buffer
- * Duplicate - creates a new envelope: The
- actual envelope will be copied into an
- unused one which will be overtaken for
- the current sample-place.
- * Current Point - the number of the actual
- point
- * Sustain - if the sustain-point is acti-
- vated, the envelope will stop at this
- point until a key-off is reached.
- * Loop- the envelope loops between the two
- points when looping is switched on
- * Stretch/Shrink env. - this is possible
- with the two arrows < > over the "Ins"-
- button
- * Ins - inserts a new point. Up to 15 are
- possible
- * Del - deletes the current point
- * Predefineds- six different envelopes can
- be stored as "predefineds". To select a
- predefined click on one of the numbers
- (1-6) with the left mouse-button. The
- right mouse-button will store the actual
- envelope in one of the predefineds. The
- predefineds will be saved in the config-
- file
- (G) Configuration
- -------------
- * Autosave - if this is switched on, Digi-
- trakker will update the config-file when
- you leave the program
- * Load Config - loads the config-file and
- updates the configuration
- * Save Config - saves the configuration in
- the config-file
- * Reset Config - resets all parameters!
- Return -> toggles between the two pages
- Page 1: Sound-Device, Layout
- ** Sound-Device **
- Your soundcard...
- ** Sound-Control **
- * Default number of channels - number of
- active channels after the start
- * Master Volume - the mastervolume is
- superior to all other volumes
- * Amplification - only takes effect to
- mixing-devices (soundblaster)
- ** Frequency **
- This list contains all output-frequencys
- for every number of active channels.
- ** Predefined Palettes **
- The last three palettes (user I-III) are
- defineable and will be saved in the config
- file.
- ** Palette **
- You can select a pen by pressing on one of
- the coloured buttons and change its colour
- by moving the[r]ed/[g]reen/[b]lue-buttons.
- The dimmer-button will increase / decrease
- the brightness of [one] or [all] colours.
- ** Pattern-Layout **
- * Griddistance - the distance between the
- coloured lines in the pattern-window
- * [X-]- , [-X]-num maximum - with these
- two values you can change the line-
- numbering in the pattern-window!
- * Show zeroes - on: instead of "--" zeroes
- appear in the instrument- and volume-
- column
- ** Colours **
- To change the colour-definition for the
- "actuals" ([de-]selected buttons) and the
- "sliders" just press on the two buttons.
- ** Font **
- You can choose between two different char-
- sets.
- Page 2: Editor, Keys, Directories, Misc.
- ** Editor-Settings **
- * Default Editskip/Octave - the editskip/
- octave which is setted when starting the
- tracker
- * Default Pattern-Length - this length
- always will be taken when you select a
- new pattern.
- * Multichannel Edit / Record - the poly-
- channel-mode only shows effect, when
- these options are switched on.
- * Record Keyoff-Notes- when you are in the
- record mode,the trakker will also record
- the keyoff-notes,when you release a key.
- ** Chords **
- To rename/edit a chord,click in one of the
- fields and enter the new name/notes.
- ** Effect-Commands **
- It is possible to change the numbers/let-
- ters of the effect-commands. To change the
- number of one effect, just click in the
- window and enter the new number/letter. To
- select the MOD-like or the S3M-like
- commando-set, click one of the two buttons
- below the window.
- ** Miscellaneous Settings **
- * Screen-Saver - if the user hasn't made
- any activity in the setted time-period
- the screen-saver will be activated.
- * Load raw samples - by selecting "un-
- signed" all samples with an unknown
- format will converted to 'signed' when
- loading them.
- * Value set methode - limited:when setting
- values in digitrakker you won't pass the
- limits of the possible area; unlimited:
- you can pass the limits and begin at the
- other side.
- * Mouse - the sensitivity of the mouse-
- pointer
- ** Keyboard-Settings **
- * Key Delay, Key Repeat - 0 is always the
- fastes adjustment
- ** General Keys **
- Here you can redefine all general keys.
- Click in the window and enter the new key
- (-combination).
- ** Directories **
- * Modules - the drive and the pathname of
- the directory with the Song-Modules.
- * Instruments - drive + pathname for your
- instrument directory
- * Samples - drive+pathname of the sample-
- directory
- * User 1 + 2 - two more pathes for the can
- be defined in here.
- (H) Other Functions
- ---------------
- ** Songlist **
- Change the songposition by clicking on the
- songpos-numbers. To place the edit-cursor
- click on the pattern-numbers or -names.
- If you use the right mouse-button you will
- always set the song-position.
- Keys for the songlist-editor:
- Cursor -> move cursor
- Tab -> switch between pattern-
- number and pattern-name
- Return -> set SongPos to CursorPos
- Up/Down+Ctrl -> scroll songlist
- Only on pattern-numbers:
- Insert -> insert songposition
- Delete -> delete songposition
- ** Songmessage **
- Clear-button -> clears the whole message
- Keys for the songmessage-editor:
- Esc -> quit songmessage-editor
- Insert -> toggle insert/overwrite
- Cursor -> move cursor
- Home/End -> jump to begin/end of line
- Page Up/Down -> jump 14 lines up/down
- Delete -> delete char under cursor
- Backspace -> delete char left f.cursor
- Control + Y -> delete whole line
- Return -> insert a line
- ** Clear-Menu **
- Unused Patterns/ Instruments / Samples are
- these which are defined but haven't any
- use in the song. Clearing them wouldn't
- have any consequences.
- ** Printer **
- * Print Song-Head - the songhead contains
- the song name, the songlist, name of all
- used instruments and some more infos.
- * Print Pattern, First,Last - the patterns
- you wish to print out.
- * Printer-Port- the parallel-port at which
- your printer is connected with your pc.
- * Lines/Page - DigiTrakker needs this info
- to do a correct form-feed.The default is
- 72 for 12 inches-paper.
- * DOS Shell * - Enters the MS-DOS Mode
- without leaving the program. To go back to
- Digitrakker just type "EXIT"+<return>.
- * Protect * - Starts the internal screen-
- protector. You have to enter the password
- to return to the program, when the screen-
- protection is active. Before the protector
- starts you can change the password. The
- password will be saved in the config-file.
- * Screen Saver * - Starts the screen-saver
- directly.Press a key or move your mouse to
- return to the tracker.
- (I) About Digitrakker
- -----------------
- Credits:
- code, design............prodatron/n-Factor
- graphics...................'cider/n-Factor
- The Betatester-Team:
- .............Lard / n-Factor..............
- ..............FK / n-Factor...............
- .........Odo / ExMachina Design...........
- .............Rew / Nostalgia..............
- ............'Cider / n-Factor.............
- .................Bytefox..................
- ................Stonehead.................
- ................The Lord.................
- ...............Malte Pagel................
- ................The Crow.................
- Features:
- Channels................................32
- Instruments.........255, 16 samples/instr.
- Envelopes....2x64, 15 points, loop&sustain
- Samples..........255, 4GB/sample, 8/16 bit
- Patterns...............................255
- Song-Positions.........................255
- Octaves.................................10
- Effects.......................38; volume +
- ...................2 effects for each note
- +..4-,6-,8- and 18-channel pattern-display
- +...Variable C-4 Frequency for each sample
- +.....long song- & sample-names (32 chars)
- +......names for every pattern and channel
- +........redefineable effect-command names
- +...........new superior instrument-system
- +...............full-screen pattern-editor
- +...............high song-file compression
- +................pattern-hardcopy function
- +...................built in sample-editor
- +....................redefineable keyboard
- +.....................built in screensaver
- +......................song-message editor
- +...........................and more . . .
- System-Requirements:
- Processor..................80386 or higher
- DOS...................MS-DOS 3.0 or higher
- Videocard...Standard-VGA (coded on ET4000)
- Soundcard..........Gravis Ultrasound (GUS)
- ............................and compatible
- Memory.....about 380KB conventional memory
- ..............and some XMS & EMS (LIM 4.0)
- The Program:
- Language....................100% Assembler
- Sourcecode................about 650 KBytes
- Length..............more than 33.000 Lines
- Digitrakker consists of...
- DIGITRAK.EXE - the program
- DIGITRAK.CFG - configuration-file
- FILE_ID.DIZ - bbs-information
- DIGITRAK.DOC - documentation
- WHATSNEW.TXT - new features
- FORMAT.TXT - file-format descriptions
- REGISTER.TXT - register-formular
- N-F'95.NFO - information about n-Factor
- No part of DIGITRAKKER may be changed,
- removed, used in other programs or sold
- without a prior written permission from
- the author.
- The author takes no responsibility for any
- damage, caused by using DIGITRAKKER . No
- guarantees are made for the functionality
- of this program.
- For more information on the structure of
- the new fileformats (MDL,IST and SPL) read
- the "FORMAT.TXT"-file.
- The Author
- Prodatron / n-Factor
- Joern Mika
- Bergstr. 128
- 47443 Moers
- Germany
- Phone: +49-2841-51210
- eMail SN169MI@unidui.uni-duisburg.de
- About n-Factor:
- N . - . F . A . C . T . O . R
- World Headquarter
- The Hideout-BBS............+49-611-9545013
- (zyxel 19200)...............+49-611-547324
- Contact us!
- We are always looking for talented girls
- and boyz, able to create the awesome stuff
- we do ;), so if you wanna be part of the
- world domination tour 1998
- just contact us ... mail swappers with
- modem also welcome ...
- Current Memberstatus
- BeXXX.................................Code
- Black iC..............................Code
- Caos..............................Graphics
- CiDER.............................Graphics
- FK...................................Music
- Lard!!!..............................Music
- Prodatron.............................Code
- Slash.............................Graphics
- (J) Thanx, Greetings & Messages
- ---------------------------
- Thanx to the whole betatester-team for
- giving me so many improvement-suggestions!
- Special thanx to the main-betatesters:
- Lard / n-Factor
- FK / n-Factor
- Odo / ExMachina Design
- ... who all did the main-job!
- Thanx to all my contax (especially to
- 'Cider / n-Factor) for software-support!
- Thanx to Lone Ranger / Acme for the PTM-
- fileformat-description!
- Thanx to The Rew/Nostalgia for some cool
- Poly Tracker-modules which I could use to
- test the PTM-loader!
- Thanx to all which have registered Digi-
- trakker!!
- Thanx to Kilroy/LDi for supporting the
- MDL-Format in his xtc-player.
- greetinx to...
- All members of n-Factor... 'Cider, Lard,
- Black IC, FK, Slash, Caos and BeXXX.
- bytefox, axel f, vassago / necron, leather
- rebel, odo/exmachina design, freeze, rew/
- nostalgia, made/scoopex, laserdance, marco
- vieth, joshua/the firm.
- all my old CPC-Contax [alien,bsc, fraggle,
- face hugger, hypnom, dark sector, marabu,
- stephan m., k-os, titus, knutschfleck,dsc,
- odiesoft, incognito v, duck, tfc,thriller,
- caesar, ast ...]
- n-Factor sends greetings to...
- * Flamoots * Nostalgia * KLF * WTB *
- aCME * Amable * Atomic * Legend Design
- * Strontium 90 * Psychic Link * iNFINY *
- DiFFUSiON * Post Mortem * PURE
- * Xography * Success * Blank *
- RADiCAL Rhythms * Purge.Public_NMi
- * The Coexistence * Humanoid * iSCH Crew *
- Devastor * DiSTORSiON * iNZANE
- * T.O.M. (64 * Plush (64 * Freak *
- RETiRE(am) * Blank * FBK * Dust * Prophecy
- * PukeHeadZ * New Age * Pain * Neutron *
- Overlook * Your Crew