HOT Scene Stuff
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┌─-─--·· · · ··--─-─┐
╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════│ █▐ n-Factor's │══╕
├─────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ █▐ │──┤
│ │ ▐███▐ ▀ ▐███▌ ▀ │ │
│ ≡≡≡ DIGITRAKKER ≡≡≡ PROGRAM-OVERVIEW ≡≡≡ │ █ █▐ █▐ █ █▐ █▐ │ │
│ │ ▐███▐ █▐ ▐███▐ █▐ │ │
├─────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ █▐ │──┤
╘═════════════════════════════════════════════════════│ t r a k k▐██▌e r │══╛
└─-─--·· · · ··--─-─┘
This textfile contains the descriptions of the...
(A) General Keys
(B) Effect-Commands
(C) Pattern-Editor
(D) Discmenu
(E) Sample-Editor
(F) Instrument-Editor
(G) Config-Menu
(H) Other Functions
(I) About Digitrakker and some more information
(J) Greetings and Messages
(A) General Keys
The following is a list of all keys you
can use at (nearly) any time:
F5 + Alt -> Pattern-Editor
F6 + Alt -> Disk-Menu
F7 + Alt -> Sample-Editor
F8 + Alt -> Instrument-Editor
F9 + Alt -> Synthesizer
F10 + Alt -> Songlist
F11 + Alt -> Config
F12 + Alt -> Extras
F1 / F2 -> Set Octave
F3 / F4 -> Set Instrument
F5 -> Play whole song
F6 -> Play actual pattern
F7 -> Play from current pos
F8 -> Stop Playing
F9 / F10 -> Set Edit-Pattern
F11/ F12 -> Scroll Channels
F1 / F2 + Shft -> Set Song-Position
F3 / F4 + Shft -> Set Pattern
F5 / F6 + Shft -> Set Songlenght
F7 / F8 + Shft -> Set Song-Repeat
F9 / F10 + Shft -> Set Song-Speed
F11/ F12 + Shft -> Set Beats per Minutes
F1,F2,F3,F4 -> Switch LN-,SMP-,VOL-,
+ Ctrl CMD-Buttons on/off
F5 / F6 + Ctrl -> Set Pattern-Length
F7 / F8 + Ctrl -> Set Edit-Skip
F9 / F10 + Ctrl -> Set Main-Volume
F11/ F12 + Ctrl -> Set Sample
F1,F2,F3,F4 + Alt -> Editskip to 1,2,4,8
Q + Control -> Quit DigiTrakker
H + Alt -> Open Help-Window
- + Control -> 4/6/8/18 Tracks
\ + Control -> Panning/Tracknames
S + Shift -> Edit Songname
I + Shift -> Edit Instrumentname
right + Control -> Insert Song-Position
left + Control -> Delete Song-Position
up/down -> Move Notepos Up/Down
Page Up/Page Down -> Skip 8 Notepositions
Home -> Jump to Pos 0
End -> Jump to Last Pos
1,2,3,4,5,6,7+Alt -> Jump to Position at
12%,25%,37%,50% ...
The following keys are mainly used for...
Return -> Select, Ok, etc...
Esc -> Cancel, Exit, etc...
up/down + Control -> Scroll List/Change
To activate a function in one of the menus
by the keyboard,just press control and the
hotkey (marked letter) of the menu-point.
(B) Effect Commands
Command-Overview (MOD-LIKE commands):
- - No Effect
1 - Note Slide Up G - Volume Slide Up
1F- Fine Note Up GF- Fine Vol Up
1E- Extra Fine Up GE- Extra Fine Up
2 - Note Slide Down H - Volume Slide Down
2F- Fine Note Down HF- Fine Vol Down
2E- Extra Fine Down HE- Extra Fine Down
3 - Note Portamento I - ** not used
4 - Vibrato J - Tremolo
5 - Arpeggio K - Tremor
6 - ** not used L - ** not used
7 - Set BPM-Speed (Beats per Minute)
8 - Set Panning
9 - ** not used
A - ** not used
B - Position Jump
C - Set Global-Volume
D - Pattern Break
E - Special-Commands (see below...)
F - Set Speed
E0- ** not used E8- Set Samplestatus
E1- Pan slide left E9- Retrig Note
E2- Pan slide right EA- Mainvol slide up
E3- ** not used EB- Mainvol slide dw
E4- Vibrato Wavefrom EC- Cut Note
E5- Set Finetune ED- Delay Note
E6- Pattern-Loop EE- Delay Pattern
E7- Tremolo Waveform EF- Set Sampleoffset
* 1xx - Note Slide Up
This command slides the pitch of the note
up.xx is the slide-speed (01-DF,00 -> take
value from the last slide-command).
* 1Fx - Fine Note Slide Up
Slides the pitch up at a slower speed(only
one time per row).
* 1Ex - Extra Fine Note Slide Up
Like the 1Fx-command, but this is 8 times
more accurate.
* 2xx / 2Fx / 2Ex - Note Slide Down
These commands slide the pitch down.
* 3xx - Tone Portamento
This command will automatically slide from
the old note to the new (up or down). The
new note must stand in front of this
command. xx is the speed.xx=00 means using
the last speed.
* 4xy - Vibrato
This will give you a frequency-vibrato. x
is the speed of the vibrato, y is the size
(depth). x/y=0 means using the speed/depth
of the last command.
* 5xy - Arpeggio
This command will produce a one-channel
chord. x is the second halfnote(add to the
main-note), y is the third.
* Gxx / GFx / GEx - Volume Slide Up
Acts like a 1xx-Command, but it slides the
volume up instead. GEx is 4 times more
accurate like GFx (look at the 1x command-
* Hxx / HFx / HEx - Volume Slide Down
Slides the volume down.
* Jxy - Tremolo
The tremolo is similar to the note-vibrato
(4xy), the different is, that it changes
the volume. x is the speed,y is the depth.
* Kxy - Tremor
The Tremor-Command turns the volume on for
x ticks and off for y ticks.
* 7xx - Set Speed in BPM(Beats per Minute)
Sets the song speed in BPM to xx (0-FF).
xx<3 will stop the sound.
* 8xx - Set Panning (stereo-position)
Sets the stereo-position for this channel.
Values from 00 (left) - 7F (right) are
* Bxx - Position Jump
This command will perform a pattern-break
and let the tracker continue at position x
in the songlist (in HEX!).
* Cxx - Set Global Volume
Sets the global volume(volume at which the
whole song is played)to the new value (01-
* Dxx - Pattern Break
Sure simple,this will end your pattern and
go on with the next at note-position xx
(this time xx in DEZ, don't forget it!)
* Fxx - Set Speed
Sets the song speed to xx (0-FF).
* E1x - Panning slide left
Moves the pan-position of this channel to
the left.
* E2x - Panning slide right
Moves the pan-position of this channel to
the right.
* E4x - Set Vibrato Waveform
Select the waveform for the vibrato (4)
with this command: x=0 - sinus (default),
x=1 - ramp down, x=2 - square.
* E5x - Set Finetune
Sets the finetune for the current note:
0=0, 1=+1, 2=+2, 3=+3, 4=+4, 5=+5, 6=+6,
7=+7, 8=-8, 9=-7, A=-6, B=-5, C=-4, D=-3,
E=-2, F=-1.
* E6x - Set Loop Point/Jump to Loop Point
This command repeats parts in a pattern as
often as you want. E60(x=0) sets the begin
of the loop, E6x(x=1-F) sets the end. x is
the number of repeats.Example: E60 ... E65
means, that the part between the two com-
mands will be played 6 times(1+5 repeats).
* E7x - Set Tremolo Waveform
Select the waveform for the tremolo (7)
with this command: x=0 - sinus (default),
x=1 - ramp down, x=2 - square.
* E8x - Set Sample Status
x=0 no loop, x=1 loop, unidirectional, x=3
loop, bidirectional
* E9x - Retrig Note
This will restart the note after x ticks.
* EAx - Mainvolume Slide Up
Slides the mainvolume up. x is the slide-
* EBx - Mainvolume Slide Down
Slides the mainvolume down.
* ECx - Note Cut
This will stop the note after x ticks.
* EDx - Note Delay
Delais the note and starts it (again)after
x ticks.
* EEx - Pattern Delay
This delais the next note-position in
pattern for x notes. That means that there
is break which is as long as x note-posi-
* EFx -xx - Set Sample Offset
This is a double-command. It starts the
sample at adress xxx*256.
Example: C-5 01 -- EF1 -23 ->starts sample
01 at address 12300 (in hex).
(C) Pattern-Editor
Keys in the Pattern-Editor:
Esc -> quit pattern-editor
Return -> stop/start playing
Space -> switch between Write-/Play-Mode.
In the Play-Note, notes will not
be written in the pattern, only
left/rght/up/dwn-> move cursor
TAB, TAB +Shift-> jump to next/last track
left/right+Shift-> jump to next/last note,
useful in polychannel-
With the right mouse-button you can also
place the cursor by the mouse.
up/down + Ctrl -> choose chord-mode
Insert -> insert note-position
Delete (+Shift)-> clear note/volume/comd.
or the whole slot
Backspace -> delete previous notepos
Return + Shift-> Store pattern to undo-
Backspace+ Shift-> Undo:Restores the whole
pattern in the undo-buf
N + Alt -> Switch polychannel-mode
for curr. track on/off
R + Alt -> Switch polychannel-mode
for all channels off
While editing/recording the polychannel-
mode only shows effects, when the multi-
channel-edit/-record options are switched
on in the configmenu (Editor-Settings)!
E + Control -> Fullscreen-mode on/off
"1" -> Insert key-off ("^^^")
P + Shift -> Edit patternname
Use the alphabetic-keys to insert notes.
Block definition:
Alt + B -> marks the block-begin
Alt + E -> marks the block-end
Alt + D -> Quick Select: Pressed...
1st -> block contains 16 lines
2nd -> block contains 32 lines
3rd -> block contains 64 lines
Alt + L -> selects the current channel.
Pressing twice will select the
whole pattern
Alt + U -> Unmark Block
You can also use the mouse to mark a block
(left mouse-button).
Activate the "Block"-,"Track"- or "Patt"-
button to select the area-type. You can do
that also with...
Ctrl + B -> Select block as area
Ctrl + T -> Select track as area
Ctrl + P -> Select pattern as area
All following listed area-commands show
effect on the defined block, the actual
track or the actual pattern. They can be
activated by the menu in the pattern-
editor or with the following keys:
Alt + Q -> Transpose one halfnote up
Alt + A -> Transpose one halfnote down
Alt + S -> Changes all instruments in the
area to the default one
Ctrl+ V -> Changes all volumes to the
default one
Ctrl+ W -> Only vols in the notes will be
changed to the default volume
Alt + I -> multiplies all volumes by 3/2
Alt + J -> multiplies all volumes by 2/3
Alt + K -> volume-/effect-slide. The first
and last rows in the area have
to contain the bordervalues.Fx-
Slide,when the cursor is on one
of the two Fx-columns;vol-slide
in the other cases
Alt + W -> change effect-parameters. A
window will be opened and you
can now choose the Efx-command
number and the value,which will
be added to the parameters of
the selected effect
Alt + V -> swap effects from the 1st col.
with these from the 2nd.
Alt + Z -> clears whole area
Alt + X -> deletes all effect-commands
Alt + Y -> swaps area with a same sized
one starting from the cursor-
Ctrl+ X -> mirrors the area. The last pos
will be swapped with the first
one and so on.
Alt + C -> copies area to the internal
Alt + P -> pastes datas from the internal-
buffer to the cursor-position
Alt + O -> overwrites intern.buffer to the
Alt + M -> mixes intern.buffer datas with
the datas under the cursor
Alt + T -> pastes internal buffer without
overwriting the volumes and fx.
Alt + G -> halves area by removing every
second row
Alt + F -> doubles area by inserting a
blank row between all existing
It is possible to record the volume or an
effect-command for one channel just with
the mouse.
To enter the recorder-menu press on the
* Volume/Effect 1/Effect 2 - what you want
to record...
* Effect-Number - if you record an effect,
here is its number
* Range Begin/End - the values, which will
be recorded, are between these two
* Recorder - to start recording, just
click on the slider and move the mouse.
To change the width of the slider, click
on the button right to it.
Notation (Info for one note-slot):
'AAA' - note to play at this position(C-0-
B#9). A key-off '^^^' (set by
pressing"1")will start the fadeout
'CC' - number of the instrument played at
this position.
If a note is entered without an instrument
number, the last played instrument will be
overtaken and the actual vol., panning and
envelopes will not be changed. If an
instrument is entered without a note, only
the volume, panning and envelopes will be
changed to these of the entered instrument
'DD' - volume (01 - FF, '--' means no
volume change)
'E' - number of the first effect-cmd
'FF' - the description for the first efx
'GHH' - the same for the second effect
Note that the effects 1-6 (note-effects)
can only be entered in the first effect-
column, G-L (volume-effects) only in the
second column.
"LN" -> enter full sample-number/volume/
effect-databyte or jump to the
next position at any time (F1+
"SMP" -> use current sample-num. or don't
overwrite existing sample (F2 +
"VOL" -> take last volume or don't write
volume (F3+Control)
"CMD" -> take last command(s) or don't
write any commands (F4+Control)
-> area type. Read the description
of the area-commands
"M" -> (in the head of a channel). By
pressing ALT+N or by clicking at
this button, you can mark the
current channel as a polychannel.
When entering notes/other datas
the cursor will jump between the
marked polychannels.
(D) Diskmenu
Keys for the diskmenu:
Esc -> quit diskmenu
Return -> load/save/delete... file
Ctrl+Up/Down -> scroll directory-window
Ctrl+A,B,..J -> change to drive A,B,..J
Tab -> choose file/directory with
cursor, page up/down,home/
end, return
keys.. -> enter filename
when "test-file" is active:
test the selected instrument or sample
Buttons in the diskmenu:
* Ok-Button - loads/saves/deletes/... the
selected file
* Sort-Buttons - click on the "File"-,
"Length"- or "Date"-Button at the top of
the directory-window to change the sort-
* Directory-Buttons - the "Modules",
"Instruments", "Samples", "User 1" and
"User 2" Buttons will switch to the res-
pective directories.
* Drive-Buttons - click on the "A:", "B:",
... "L:"-Buttons to change the drive.
* Filemask-Buttons - the buttons left to
the directory-window determine which
file-types will be displayed.
* Pack Samples - save samples unpacked or
packed. This options shows its effect to
"Save Song" and "Save Instrument".
* List Names- turning this option off will
stop displaying the song- and/or sample-
names in the directory-window.
* Save as - when saving a song or a sample
you can choose,which format Digitrakker
should use (MDL / XM, IFF / SMP, IST).
Functions in the diskmenu:
* Load Song - Loads a Song-Module into the
memory. The old song will be removed.
Following formats will be accepted:
- MDL (DigiTrakker)
- MOD (Protracker, Noisetracker, Star-
tracker, Fasttracker, Taketracker,
- S3M (Screamtracker 3)
- XM (Fasttracker 2, Digitrakker)
- DMF (X-Trakker)
- PTM (Polytracker)
- MTM (Multitracker)
- ULT (Ultratracker)
- 669 (Composer 669)
- FAR (Farandole Composer)
- DSM (Dynamic Studio)
* Save Song - Saves the current module as
a MDL- or a XM-File to (hard)disk.
* Load instrument - Loads a selected
instrument to the current one (which
will be deleted!).Digitrakker loads: IST
(DigiTrakker), PAT (Ultrasound Patches)
and XI (Fasttracker 2)
* Save Instrument - Saves the current
instrument as an IST-File
* Load sample - Loads a selected sample:
IFF,SPL (old Digitrakker sample-format),
WAV (Windows), VOC (Soundblaster, only
unpacked VOCs will be accepted) and raw/
unknown-sampleformats (will be handled
as signed or unsigned samples -as setted
in the config menu).
* Save sample - Saves the actual sample in
the IFF- (amiga) or SMP-Format (signed
* Test File - By selecting a file and
pressing a note-key the instrument or
sample will be played but not loaded
into the memory.
* Delete - Removes a selected file from
* Rename - Changes the name of a selected
* Make Directory - Creates a new sub-dir.
(E) Sample-Editor
The functions in the middle column of the
menu operate to the whole sample, the
functions on the right side only to the
selected range.
Click the left mouse-button in the sample-
window and move the mouse-pointer to
specify the range.
To define the repeat-start and -length of
the sample, use the right mouse-button.
* Range All - Marks the whole sample.
* Unmark - Unmarks the whole sample.
* Clear Buffer - Erases the sample-buffer.
* Play Sample - Plays the sample in the
normal way
* Play Range - Plays only the part of the
sample inside the range-marks.
* Play Display - Plays the whole sample
without loops.
* Stop - Stops Sample-/Songplay
* Copy Sample- Copies the actual sample to
the selected destination.The destination
sample will be overwritten by the actual
* Clear Sample- Removes the actual sample.
* Mix Sample- mixes the actual sample with
a selected one.The result will be copied
in the actual sample.
* Resample - ....
* Echo- First you have to set the delay of
the 1st echo in the actual sample. The
point you select is the position, where
the echo starts. The volume of the echo
will be entered after that. Values of
between 50 and 80 are generally good.
But you can create echos, which become
more and more loud too, by setting more
than 100% for the volume.
* Minimize - cuts datas behind the repeat-
area of the actual sample.
* (Un)Signed - converts data in the actual
sample from signed to unsigned and vice
versa. DigiTrakker uses signed samples.
* Finetune - you may change the frequency
of the sample by choosing the finetune
and the relative note with this function
* Copy Range - Copies the selected range
into the sample-buffer
* Clear Range- Deletes the selected range.
* Cuts Range - Copies the selected range
into the sample-buffer and deletes it.
* Paste Range - Pastes the datas from the
sample-buffer into the actual sample.
* Volume - Changes the real volume of the
range. You can select numbers of between
0 and 999.200% will double the amplitude
(=volume) of the sample. The volume is
halved with 50%. You can produce a vol-
slide by entering different start- and
* Smooth - like a filter: makes the sample
* Backward - revers the defined range.
Click this two times to get the old
* Zero Position - this gives you the
possibility to move the zeroposition of
the sample.
(F) Instrument-Editor
One Instrument consists of:
- 1 instrument-name
- 1...16 sample-places
One sample-place consists of:
- 1 sample (out of 255)
- 1 playrange
- 1 volume
- 1 pan-position
- 1 volume-envelope (out of 64)
- 1 panning-envelope (out of 64)
- 1 fadeout
- 1 auto-vibrato
* Sampleplace-numbers - to select a sample
place,click on one of the buttons at the
left screen-border.
* Samplenumber - the number of the sample
for this place
* Playrange - the range in which this
sample will be used.When kicking a note,
which lies inside the range, this sample
will be played. You can also change the
playrange by clicking on the keyboard at
the bottom of the screen. To swap the
playrange of the actual sample with
another one, just click on one of the
sample-place numbers with the right
* Fadeout - this is the speed for the vol-
fadeout.The volume-fadeout starts with a
key-off "^^^"(release note)."CUT" means,
that the sample will stop at once when
reaching a key-off
* Vibrato-Speed - the speed of the auto-
* Vibrato-Depth - the depth of the auto-
vibrato. Set the depth to 0 to turn off
the auto-vibrato.
* Vibrato-Sweep - this is the time-periode
the vibrato needs to reach its full
* Vibrato-Form - by clicking on one of the
three waveform-symbols at the right
border you choose the vibrato-form.
Volume, Panning, Envelopes:
At the right side of the screen you find
the two envelopes and the volume- and pan-
* Volume - the volume for the sample. If
the volume is switched off, the actual
volume from the channel will be taken
when playing the sample.
* Panning - the pan-position for the
sample. Switch off the pan-position to
overtake the old one from the channel
when playing this sample.
* Volume- and Pan-Envelope - the selected
envelopes are displayed in the two
* Copy - copies the envelope into a buffer
* Paste - pastes the envelope from the
* Duplicate - creates a new envelope: The
actual envelope will be copied into an
unused one which will be overtaken for
the current sample-place.
* Current Point - the number of the actual
* Sustain - if the sustain-point is acti-
vated, the envelope will stop at this
point until a key-off is reached.
* Loop- the envelope loops between the two
points when looping is switched on
* Stretch/Shrink env. - this is possible
with the two arrows < > over the "Ins"-
* Ins - inserts a new point. Up to 15 are
* Del - deletes the current point
* Predefineds- six different envelopes can
be stored as "predefineds". To select a
predefined click on one of the numbers
(1-6) with the left mouse-button. The
right mouse-button will store the actual
envelope in one of the predefineds. The
predefineds will be saved in the config-
(G) Configuration
* Autosave - if this is switched on, Digi-
trakker will update the config-file when
you leave the program
* Load Config - loads the config-file and
updates the configuration
* Save Config - saves the configuration in
the config-file
* Reset Config - resets all parameters!
Return -> toggles between the two pages
Page 1: Sound-Device, Layout
** Sound-Device **
Your soundcard...
** Sound-Control **
* Default number of channels - number of
active channels after the start
* Master Volume - the mastervolume is
superior to all other volumes
* Amplification - only takes effect to
mixing-devices (soundblaster)
** Frequency **
This list contains all output-frequencys
for every number of active channels.
** Predefined Palettes **
The last three palettes (user I-III) are
defineable and will be saved in the config
** Palette **
You can select a pen by pressing on one of
the coloured buttons and change its colour
by moving the[r]ed/[g]reen/[b]lue-buttons.
The dimmer-button will increase / decrease
the brightness of [one] or [all] colours.
** Pattern-Layout **
* Griddistance - the distance between the
coloured lines in the pattern-window
* [X-]- , [-X]-num maximum - with these
two values you can change the line-
numbering in the pattern-window!
* Show zeroes - on: instead of "--" zeroes
appear in the instrument- and volume-
** Colours **
To change the colour-definition for the
"actuals" ([de-]selected buttons) and the
"sliders" just press on the two buttons.
** Font **
You can choose between two different char-
Page 2: Editor, Keys, Directories, Misc.
** Editor-Settings **
* Default Editskip/Octave - the editskip/
octave which is setted when starting the
* Default Pattern-Length - this length
always will be taken when you select a
new pattern.
* Multichannel Edit / Record - the poly-
channel-mode only shows effect, when
these options are switched on.
* Record Keyoff-Notes- when you are in the
record mode,the trakker will also record
the keyoff-notes,when you release a key.
** Chords **
To rename/edit a chord,click in one of the
fields and enter the new name/notes.
** Effect-Commands **
It is possible to change the numbers/let-
ters of the effect-commands. To change the
number of one effect, just click in the
window and enter the new number/letter. To
select the MOD-like or the S3M-like
commando-set, click one of the two buttons
below the window.
** Miscellaneous Settings **
* Screen-Saver - if the user hasn't made
any activity in the setted time-period
the screen-saver will be activated.
* Load raw samples - by selecting "un-
signed" all samples with an unknown
format will converted to 'signed' when
loading them.
* Value set methode - limited:when setting
values in digitrakker you won't pass the
limits of the possible area; unlimited:
you can pass the limits and begin at the
other side.
* Mouse - the sensitivity of the mouse-
** Keyboard-Settings **
* Key Delay, Key Repeat - 0 is always the
fastes adjustment
** General Keys **
Here you can redefine all general keys.
Click in the window and enter the new key
** Directories **
* Modules - the drive and the pathname of
the directory with the Song-Modules.
* Instruments - drive + pathname for your
instrument directory
* Samples - drive+pathname of the sample-
* User 1 + 2 - two more pathes for the can
be defined in here.
(H) Other Functions
** Songlist **
Change the songposition by clicking on the
songpos-numbers. To place the edit-cursor
click on the pattern-numbers or -names.
If you use the right mouse-button you will
always set the song-position.
Keys for the songlist-editor:
Cursor -> move cursor
Tab -> switch between pattern-
number and pattern-name
Return -> set SongPos to CursorPos
Up/Down+Ctrl -> scroll songlist
Only on pattern-numbers:
Insert -> insert songposition
Delete -> delete songposition
** Songmessage **
Clear-button -> clears the whole message
Keys for the songmessage-editor:
Esc -> quit songmessage-editor
Insert -> toggle insert/overwrite
Cursor -> move cursor
Home/End -> jump to begin/end of line
Page Up/Down -> jump 14 lines up/down
Delete -> delete char under cursor
Backspace -> delete char left f.cursor
Control + Y -> delete whole line
Return -> insert a line
** Clear-Menu **
Unused Patterns/ Instruments / Samples are
these which are defined but haven't any
use in the song. Clearing them wouldn't
have any consequences.
** Printer **
* Print Song-Head - the songhead contains
the song name, the songlist, name of all
used instruments and some more infos.
* Print Pattern, First,Last - the patterns
you wish to print out.
* Printer-Port- the parallel-port at which
your printer is connected with your pc.
* Lines/Page - DigiTrakker needs this info
to do a correct form-feed.The default is
72 for 12 inches-paper.
* DOS Shell * - Enters the MS-DOS Mode
without leaving the program. To go back to
Digitrakker just type "EXIT"+<return>.
* Protect * - Starts the internal screen-
protector. You have to enter the password
to return to the program, when the screen-
protection is active. Before the protector
starts you can change the password. The
password will be saved in the config-file.
* Screen Saver * - Starts the screen-saver
directly.Press a key or move your mouse to
return to the tracker.
(I) About Digitrakker
code, design............prodatron/n-Factor
The Betatester-Team:
.............Lard / n-Factor..............
..............FK / n-Factor...............
.........Odo / ExMachina Design...........
.............Rew / Nostalgia..............
............'Cider / n-Factor.............
................The Lord.................
...............Malte Pagel................
................The Crow.................
Instruments.........255, 16 samples/instr.
Envelopes....2x64, 15 points, loop&sustain
Samples..........255, 4GB/sample, 8/16 bit
Effects.......................38; volume +
...................2 effects for each note
+..4-,6-,8- and 18-channel pattern-display
+...Variable C-4 Frequency for each sample
+.....long song- & sample-names (32 chars)
+......names for every pattern and channel
+........redefineable effect-command names
+...........new superior instrument-system
+...............full-screen pattern-editor
+...............high song-file compression
+................pattern-hardcopy function
+...................built in sample-editor
+....................redefineable keyboard
+.....................built in screensaver
+......................song-message editor
+...........................and more . . .
Processor..................80386 or higher
DOS...................MS-DOS 3.0 or higher
Videocard...Standard-VGA (coded on ET4000)
Soundcard..........Gravis Ultrasound (GUS)
............................and compatible
Memory.....about 380KB conventional memory
..............and some XMS & EMS (LIM 4.0)
The Program:
Language....................100% Assembler
Sourcecode................about 650 KBytes
Length..............more than 33.000 Lines
Digitrakker consists of...
DIGITRAK.EXE - the program
DIGITRAK.CFG - configuration-file
FILE_ID.DIZ - bbs-information
DIGITRAK.DOC - documentation
WHATSNEW.TXT - new features
FORMAT.TXT - file-format descriptions
REGISTER.TXT - register-formular
N-F'95.NFO - information about n-Factor
No part of DIGITRAKKER may be changed,
removed, used in other programs or sold
without a prior written permission from
the author.
The author takes no responsibility for any
damage, caused by using DIGITRAKKER . No
guarantees are made for the functionality
of this program.
For more information on the structure of
the new fileformats (MDL,IST and SPL) read
the "FORMAT.TXT"-file.
The Author
Prodatron / n-Factor
Joern Mika
Bergstr. 128
47443 Moers
Phone: +49-2841-51210
eMail SN169MI@unidui.uni-duisburg.de
About n-Factor:
N . - . F . A . C . T . O . R
World Headquarter
The Hideout-BBS............+49-611-9545013
(zyxel 19200)...............+49-611-547324
Contact us!
We are always looking for talented girls
and boyz, able to create the awesome stuff
we do ;), so if you wanna be part of the
world domination tour 1998
just contact us ... mail swappers with
modem also welcome ...
Current Memberstatus
Black iC..............................Code
(J) Thanx, Greetings & Messages
Thanx to the whole betatester-team for
giving me so many improvement-suggestions!
Special thanx to the main-betatesters:
Lard / n-Factor
FK / n-Factor
Odo / ExMachina Design
... who all did the main-job!
Thanx to all my contax (especially to
'Cider / n-Factor) for software-support!
Thanx to Lone Ranger / Acme for the PTM-
Thanx to The Rew/Nostalgia for some cool
Poly Tracker-modules which I could use to
test the PTM-loader!
Thanx to all which have registered Digi-
Thanx to Kilroy/LDi for supporting the
MDL-Format in his xtc-player.
greetinx to...
All members of n-Factor... 'Cider, Lard,
Black IC, FK, Slash, Caos and BeXXX.
bytefox, axel f, vassago / necron, leather
rebel, odo/exmachina design, freeze, rew/
nostalgia, made/scoopex, laserdance, marco
vieth, joshua/the firm.
all my old CPC-Contax [alien,bsc, fraggle,
face hugger, hypnom, dark sector, marabu,
stephan m., k-os, titus, knutschfleck,dsc,
odiesoft, incognito v, duck, tfc,thriller,
caesar, ast ...]
n-Factor sends greetings to...
* Flamoots * Nostalgia * KLF * WTB *
aCME * Amable * Atomic * Legend Design
* Strontium 90 * Psychic Link * iNFINY *
DiFFUSiON * Post Mortem * PURE
* Xography * Success * Blank *
RADiCAL Rhythms * Purge.Public_NMi
* The Coexistence * Humanoid * iSCH Crew *
Devastor * DiSTORSiON * iNZANE
* T.O.M. (64 * Plush (64 * Freak *
RETiRE(am) * Blank * FBK * Dust * Prophecy
* PukeHeadZ * New Age * Pain * Neutron *
Overlook * Your Crew