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94 lines
Extreme's Tracker - Revision file
+ Added
- Removed
* Changed
x Bugfix
────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── 25/11-94
x Billions of bugfixes!
* Position editor now follows the song.
* The timer resets when starting the song.
* Better S3M Compability
* "Update" button in config added. To update the new memory config.
* Some layout changes
* New frequency table for better accurancy
* Switching off the BPM won't destroy the original BPM value
* New Pmode handler (v2.5)
* New graphics
* Mouse cursor flickers less
* Enhanced marking in filereq.
+ MultiChannel Mod supported
+ STM support
+ TakeTracker support
+ MIDI support added (Using the GUS MIDI Adaptor and a Keyboard)
+ Sampling in Samp. ed added.
+ Info popup added
+ Added 9 new commands
+ Multi Keyboard added (now you can play chords on the keyboard)
+ Added optional Pattern connect.
+ More editfunctions
+ Some more functions in the sample editor added
+ Support for some swedish characters
+ Many new options in the config.
────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── 13/7-94
x A bunch of bugs solved + a lot of internal changes made.
x I guess all GUS clicks are removed.
+ A lot more editfunctions added
+ ALT GR now works, so some more characters are available to type with.
+ Added Zoomed pattern.
+ Added automatical-tempo-insert. (press at BPM when in editmode)
+ Added the ability to change the channelpositions on screen.
+ Automatic name suggestion feature added
+ DMA transfer available
+ Description editor is now finished.
+ Digiplayer 3 SampleLoading available
+ Equalizers added
+ Filereq now changes the path to root when pressing on [drive] twice.
+ HelpBars added
+ MOD saving included
+ More effect commands added
+ Now filereq automatically saves the extension if none supplied.
+ Option to convert sample when loading
+ Option to use FastTracker samples or not.
+ Pressing "<" and ">" changes the RowAdder
+ PulldownMenus added, only few works though.
+ S3M loading added
+ SampleEditor works a lot better
+ SamplepackingRoutine added
+ ScreamTracker EditingBoard added
+ Select samples with numeric keys.
+ SplitKeyboard added
+ Started with the Config. Parts of it is finished.
* Improved filerequester.
* Music won't stop when changing paths, drives etc.
* Mouse shows an hourglass when busy.
* Changed Panpot so that a command overrides the SamplePanPot.
* Changed PosEditor so that current pattern is shown when selecting patt.
* Changed the packing of the patterndata
* MANY small changes/improvements in the layout, functions etc.
* The former X3M format has changed name to AMS
────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── 11/4-94
+ Added the ability to press RMB in filehandler to skip the PathChange
x Fixed a >14 ChannelBug
x Fixed an INS bug
(A lot more code added, but not released since a nasty bug appeared)
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v0.5 First Release at The Gathering 94.