HOT Scene Stuff
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^c5 __ ____________/| __ ___________________
^c4 | | / _ ____/ | | | / __ ____/__ ____\
^c2 | |/ / / __/ | | | | / / / _/ / /
^c6 | ' / / / | | | |/ / / / / /
^c6 | / / /__/\/ |_|_ / / /___/\\ \__
^c6 |___/ /________\_______/|_/ /_________\\____\
^c6 ____________________ / | _____ _____ _____
^c6 / _______ ___ /| || \ \___/ / _ \
^c6 \ \____ / / / / | || |\ \ | |/ / \ \
^c2 \___ \/ / / / | || | \ \| | / \ \
^c4 ________/ /\ \_ \ \__| || |__\ \ | \___/ /
^c5 \_________/ \___\ \_______||______\__\__|\_______/
^c6 viviD
^c4### ^cfINTRODUCTION ^c4###
Welcome to Velvet Studio 1.0 help! Please be aware
that this is intended more as an on-line help reference
rather than full documentation for the tracker, but as
the real docs haven't been completed yet, much of this
help is in the form of documentation rather than a
reference material.
If you have any problems and wish to obtain human help,
please see the Contact section in the Miscellaneous
^c4### ^cfCONTENTS ^c4###
Click on any of the following topics for more
information on them:
^h[demo]| * Demo Version^c1
^h[help]| * Using help^c1
^h[keyb]| * Keyboard^c1
^h[use]| * Using the tracker^c1
^h[pted]| * Pattern editing^c1
^h[inst]| * Instruments^c1
^h[cmdr]| * Command reference^c1
^h[musr]| * Musical Reference^c1
^h[misc]| * Miscellaneous^c1
^c4### ^cfDEMO VERSION ^c4###
This version of Velvet Studio is released as a demo
version to let you test all features of the program.
Mode 1.
In this mode you can test all functions in the program.
The only exception is that you cannot save any format.
Mode 2.
This is the pattern edit mode. You can edit patterns
and make a song, but you can only save 8 positions AMS.
Mode 3.
This mode lets you test the Instrument/Sample part.
You can save both ASE (sample) and AIS (instrument),
but a sample can max be saved 32KB big. You cannot
use the sampling part either. The pattern edit mode
is disabled.
^c4### ^cfUSING HELP ^c4###
Velvet Studio's help system is a hypertext engine.
You can click on various highlighted words on the screen
which will refer you to another section of the helpfile
which has more information on a topic.
The help facility has a search function which can be
used to quickly search for text in the helpfile. To use
it, click the LMB or RMB on the textfield next to the
button, and type in the text you wish to search for.
Click on the Search button to search for the text, and
click on Search Again to repeat the search when some text
is found.
The Back button is used to go back to the previous
location when you've finished looking at a certain help
If you see a vertical pipe next to the a hypertext
link, it means that the section has been updated since
the last revision of the tracker.
^c4### ^cfKEYBOARD ^c4###
Keyboard commands are divided into the following:
^h[keyb010] * Browsing^c1
^h[keyb020] * Playing/recording^c1
^h[keyb030]| * Editing patterns^c1
^h[keyb040]| * Block functions^c1
^h[keyb050]| * Channel controls (muting/locking etc)^c1
^h[keyb060] * Transposing^c1
^h[keyb070] * Sample Selection^c1
^h[keyb080]| * Menus^c1
^h[keyb090]| * Miscellaneous^c1
Of course, these are the default key mappings. You can
change all the keyboard shortcuts through the Keyboard
Setup option on the Config menu.
^c9# ^cfBrowsing song ^c9#
Shift ArrLeft - Decrease Current Position
Shift ArrRight - Increase Current Position
Ctrl ArrLeft - Decrease Current Instrument
Ctrl ArrRight - Increase Current Instrument
Alt ArrLeft - Decrease Current Pattern
Alt ArrRight - Increase Current Pattern
Shift Arrup - Fast Decrease row
Shift ArrDn - Fast Increase row
Ctrl Arrup - Fastest Decrease row
Ctrl ArrDn - Fastest Increase row
Home - 1:st press: Go to first row.
2:nd press: Go to first channel
End - Go to last row
Arrows - Browse the patterndata
Tab - Next Channel
Shift Tab - Prev Channel
PGUP - Jump 8 notes Up
PGDN - Jump 8 notes Down
CTRL PGUP - Jump 16 notes Up
CTRL PGDN - Jump 16 notes Down
ALT PGUP - Jump 32 notes Up
ALT PGDN - Jump 32 notes Down
^ca# ^cfPlaying & Recording ^ca#
Enter - Play Current row, advance
Backspc - Play Current row, don't advance
Right Ctrl - Play Mod
Right Alt - Play Pattern
Ctrl Ctrl - Play Mod from current row
Ctrl Alt - Play Pattern from current row
Right Shift - Record Pattern
Shift Shift - Record Song
Ctrl Shift - Record Pattern from current row
Alt F6-F10 - Play pattern from stored row
Ctrl F6-F10 - Record pattern from stored row
^ca# ^cfPattern Editing ^ca#
` - (The key to the left of "1")
Insert a Note Off.
Alt K - Kill current sample at current
Ctrl K - Kill rest of channel
Alt O - Contract Pattern
Ctrl O - Contract Channel
Alt V - Expand Pattern
Ctrl V - Expand Channel
Shift F3 - Cut Channel to buffer
Ctrl F3 - Cut Commands to buffer
Alt F3 - Cut Pattern to buffer
Shift F4 - Copy Channel to buffer
Ctrl F4 - Copy Commands to buffer
Alt F4 - Copy Pattern to buffer
Shift F5 - Paste Channel-buffer to Channel
Ctrl F5 - Paste Command-buffer to Channel
Alt F5 - Paste Pattern-buffer to pattern
Del - Delete note under cursor
Shift Del - Delete note+command under cursor
Alt Del - Delete command under cursor
Shift Return/
Ins - Insert blank note at cursor-
position and move the others
down. Notes beyond pattern-
position 63 will be lost!
Shift Backsp/
Shift Ins - Delete note above cursorposition
and move the others up.
You can not do this if you're at
patternposition 0!
Alt Return - As above, but with pattern
Alt Backspace - As above, but with pattern
Ctrl Return - Push cmds one down
Ctrl Backspace - Drag cmds one up
Shift 0-9 - Store current command on selected
Alt 0-9 - Insert all commands in current
Ctrl 0-9 - Insert one command in current
Alt , - Copy all commands above cursor to
current row.
Alt . - Copy all commands above cursor to
current row
and add one to the value.
Alt - - Copy all commands above cursor to
current row
and subract one from the value.
Ctrl , - Copy command above cursor to
current row
Ctrl . - Copy command above cursor to
current row
and add one to the value.
Ctrl - - Copy command above cursor to
current row
and subract one from the value.
CAPS . - Halve C4 Rate
CAPS , - Double C4 Rate
ALT U - Undo. Exchanges Pattern with the
stored Undo Buffer. This will
NOT undo small changes in the
ALT B - Backup Pattern to Undo buffer
^ca# ^cfBlock Marking ^ca#
CAPS Arrows,
HOME,END - Mark a block (also with Mouse)
Ctrl B - Mark Block Begin (PT compatible)
Ctrl C - Copy Marked Block
Ctrl D - Delete block, drag notes up
Ctrl F - Quick Mark a block.
Ctrl I - Insert block, push notes down
Ctrl J - Join-Paste Block (Mix)
Ctrl L - Quick Mark Channel/Pattern
Ctrl M - Interpolate command data at
marked channels.
Ctrl P - Paste BlockBuffert To CursorPos
Ctrl U - Unmark Block
Ctrl Y - Change Inst in area to curr. Inst
Ctrl X - Cut Marked block
^ca# ^cfChannel Controls ^ca#
Ctrl A - Mute/Lock/Unmute current channel
Ctrl Q - Unmute all channels
Ctrl S - Solo channel (Mute all except
current channel)
^ca# ^cfTransposing ^ca#
<CAPS LOCK> Plus keys below:
Sample/Track | Sample/Pattern | Sample/Block
1 - Note Up | 2 - Note Up | 5 - Note Up
Q - Note Down | W - Note Down | T - Note Down
A - Octave Up | S - Octave Up | G - Octave Up
Z - Octave Down | X - Octave Down | B - Octave Down
| |
All/Track | All/Pattern | All/Block
3 - Note Up | 4 - Note Up | 6 - Note Up
E - Note Down | R - Note Down | Y - Note Down
D - Octave Up | F - Octave Up | H - Octave Up
C - Octave Down | V - Octave Down | N - Octave Down
^ca# ^cfSelecting Samples ^ca#
On the numeric keyboard:
0 - Select Sample 0
1st row - Select Sample 1-4
2nd row - Select Sample 5-8
3rd row - Select Sample 9-C
4th row - Select Sample D-F
Pressing a shift key simultaneous with above:
<CAPS LOCK> Sample 10-1F
<SHIFT> Sample 20-2F
<CONTROL> Sample 30-3F
<ALT> Sample 40-4F
^ca# ^cfMenus & Screen Blocks ^ca#
Alt C - Config Screen.
Alt D - Disk Option.
Alt G - Toggle Piano
Alt H - Help popup
Alt E - Description Editor.
Alt I - Instrument Editor
Alt P - Position Editor.
Alt S - Sample Editor.
Alt Z - Toggle Zoom pattern
Alt R - Restore to main screen
^ca# ^cfMiscellaneous Keys ^ca#
Ctrl E - Increase CommandNr on current
Ctrl W - Decrease CommandNr on current
Ctrl E - Increase CommandNr on every
Ctrl W - Decrease CommandNr on every
Ctrl T - Toggle Rowskip when using arrows.
F6-F10 - Go to the stored row
Shift F6-F10 - Store current row on F-key
Ctrl R - Restore F6-F10 positions
Alt N - Load next selected song.
Alt X - Exit the tracker
Space - Toggle edit. Stop all voices
Shift Space - Invoke Pulldown menu at mousepos
Keypad Del- Kill Instrument
Shift Keypad Del- Kill Sample
< - Increase RowSkip
Shift < - Decrease RowSkip
Esc - Main PullDownMenu
F1 - Decrease Octave
F2 - Increase Octave
^c4### ^cfUSING THE TRACKER ^c4###
This section is divided into the following:
^h[use010]| * Using menus^c1
^h[use020] * Input fields^c1
^h[use030]| * Optimize module^c1
^h[use040]| * Disk options^c1
^h[use050]| * Configuration^c1
^ca# ^cfUsing Menus ^ca#
The tracker screen is divided up into various menu
blocks, which can be changed by pressing the LMB on the
menu button at the top left corner of a block. (The
button with the fancy little lines drawn on it).
Pressing the RMB on a menu button will cycle through
the screens available for that menu block, eg: If you
press the button for the lower block (it's placed in the
middle of the screen, near the left edge), you can choose
between the Pattern editing screens, the Sample Editor,
the Instrument Editor and so on.
You can also click at the very top of the screen, which
activates the main pulldown menu. You can control all the
menu blocks with the main pulldown, and you can also
access the configuration menu through here.
^ca# ^cfInput Fields ^ca#
To edit an input field with text or digits, click on it
with the RMB. (Note: With the exception of the instrument
list, the pattern list and the position editor, you can
also click the LMB on the field to edit it).
Pressing the LMB & RMB simultaneously will clear the
string, or set the digits to zero if the field is
If the field has Up/Mod/Down buttons, you can also
click on them to adjust the value. Pressing the Up button
will increase the value, and pressing the Down button
will decrease the value. The Mod button (the middle
button, between Up/Down) will allow you to click & drag
the mouse up and down, and adjusts the field value
^ca# ^cfOptimize ^ca#
This function scans through the module for any unused
rows, channels or commands in each pattern and reduces it
to the minimum amount necessary, which saves memory and
makes the module smaller on disk.
There are two different types of optimizing. Remove
only removes unused command numbers at the end. Thus, it
can't remove command number 2 if you use command numbers
1 and 3 in a pattern. With respect to patterns, Remove
will also only clear (zero out) the unused patterns, and
not actually remove them from memory; for instruments,
Remove will delete any non-blank instruments which are
not used in the song.
Compress is more powerful, as it goes through the
patterns and 'fills in the blanks' between command
numbers; for example, if you have command numbers 1 and 3
used, but 2 is unused, it will move command number 3 to
number 2. With respect to patterns, Compress will remove
them from memory, and Compress will also delete all blank
instruments not used in the song and move the non-blank
samples up to group them together.
^ca# ^cfDisk Options ^ca#
All disk options, such as saving and loading samples
and songs, are done through the Disk Options screen. It
is designed for power and flexibility, even though it is
quite easy to use.
The filelisting box can have multiple files selected in
it for the operations. Pressing the LMB on a file will
select or deselect it, and pressing the RMB will either
select or deselect all files in the current directory.
You can select multiple files for the Rename and Delete
functions, and also when loading instruments or samples.
(Note that the order in which the files are loaded are
dependent on the sort order of the filelisting).
The top of the Disk Options screen has the complete
pathname of the file for the current operation. You can
change the filename to load or save with this path.
You can load or save different types of files with this
screen; the Song, Patt, Inst and Samp buttons will load
modules, patterns/channels, instruments, and samples
Each of the file formats available also has its own
default path. Pressing the LMB on the format will move to
the default directory as well as changing the currently
active file format, while pressing the RMB will not
change the current directory. The Mixed button will
display all the fileformats available, while the *.*
button will list all files in the current directory.
The Name button will create a filename of a sample,
instrument or module depending on the name of the thing
itself. This can be automatically activated in Config
If the Cnvrt button is active, then any loaded samples
are automcatically converted from signed to unsigned, or
unsigned to signed format. Velvet Studio uses unsigned
(Amiga) samples.
If the Loop button is on, samples will be treated as
Fast Tracker raw samples, and loop values will attempt to
be loaded.
The Pack button indicates if your modules or samples
should be compressed when they are saved. This should
normally be on, and can be automatically activated in
Config Options.
If Name is on, module, instrument or sample titles
will be shown in the filelisting box in addition to the
normal filename. If you have a large amount of files in
each directory, it might be an idea to disable this since
it takes time to scan the titles of all the files.
If Auto is on and several modules are selected, the
program will load the next selected module as soon as
the currently playing module ends.
The Rename button is used to rename files, and the
Delete button will delete (with confirmation) the
selected files. These buttons can be used with multiple
The Save button is used when you want to save a module,
instrument or sample. Make sure that the name at the top
of the Disk Option is correct to prevent disastrous
Press the Load gadget to load a module that you have
selected, or to load an instrument or sample to the
current slot. If you are loading modules have have more
than one file selected, the first one will be loaded into
memory and will be deselected. You can use the Load Next
Module keyboard command [Alt N] to load the next selected
module in the filelisting.
^c6### ^ccFile Formats ^c6###
Velvet Studio can manipulate the following file
(Those with a "*" can also be saved.)
* .AMS - Advanced Module System (Velvet Studio).
* .MOD - ProTracker, FastTracker 6/8 channel, xxCH
module (ProTracker, FastTracker, TakeTracker,
FastTracker II).
* .S3M - ScreamTracker revision 3.0 module
(ScreamTracker III)
.STM - ScreamTracker module (ScreamTracker).
.XM - Extended Module (FastTracker 2, DigiTrekker).
.MTM - MultiTracker Module (Multitracker Module Ed.)
* .AIS - Advanced Instrument System (Velvet Studio).
.XI - Extended instrument (FastTracker 2).
.PAT - Gravis UltraSound patch (PatchMaker).
* .ASE - Advanced Sample System (Velvet Studio).
* .SMP - Raw sample format (FastTracker, Velvet
.S3I - ScreamTracker III instrument (ScreamTracker
III, Advanced DigiPlayer).
.IFF - AIFF sample (FastTracker 2).
* .WAV - Microsoft RIFF wave sample (CoolEdit).
Pattern data:
* .APS - Advanced Pattern System (Velvet Studio).
* .ACS - Advanced Clip System (Velvet Studio).
.XT - Extended Track (Fast Tracker 2)
^ca# ^cfConfig ^ca#
The configuration pulldown contains everything you need
to design the Tracker to become exactly what you want it
to be.
SoundCard Setup
Here you can set up your soundcard if the autodetection
(reading the environment variable) fails or if you want
to change a certain value. For SB's you can also change
the 16b/Stereo mixing options along eith the mixing
A huge amount of options can be configured just to
fit your own purposes. There is not enough time to comment
them here, but select Options from the menu and you will
be presented with a window where all options can be set.
Color Setup
You can also change the colors of the Tracker by
selecting Colours. A window with a some dragbars
appear, where you can change text color, bitmap intensity
and so on, just to fit your own taste.
Key Map
The Key Map selection brings up yet another window,
which is used for defining new keys. If you find that the
standard keymap is totally out of order, you can define
your own special keymap here. Every key on the keyboard
can be reassigned, so that it will match the keymap you
are used to.
Pattern Defaults
These are the default values for commands, channels
and rows. These default values will be used when creating
new patterns, so set them wisely to reduce the work you
have to do when creating a song. For example, setting
rows to 48 is a clever stroke if you're making a waltz
Default Paths
This Popup lets you define the default paths of your
songs and samples. Pressing the button to the left of
the input slot will automatically insert the current
path used in the diskoption.
Click on one of the following for more information:
^h[pted010]| * Channel locking^c1
^h[pted020] * Using multiple commands^c1
^h[pted030] * Song info^c1
^h[pted040] * Position editor^c1
^h[pted050]| * Pattern information^c1
^h[pted060] * Split keyboard feature^c1
^h[pted070]| * Echo editor^c1
^ca# ^cfChannel Locking ^ca#
Locking a channel prevents it from being edited. It
comes in useful if you want to make sure that you do not
edit the channel by mistake, if you for example, play a
chord on the keyboard.
You can lock a channel by pressing the Channel Control
button, which is located just above the channel data.
Pressing it once will display an M for MUTE, which mutes
the channel; pressing it again will display an L, which
indicates that the channel has been LOCKed.
Note: You can turn off channel locking if you prefer;
see Config Options.
^ca# ^cfMultiple Commands ^ca#
Unless you are in Zoom mode, the tracker will display
one command for each channel; if you have more than 1
command defined for the pattern, pressing the Command
Number button (located just above the channel data) will
cycle through them. Pressing the LMB on the button will
increase the current command number, and pressing the RMB
on the button will decrease the current command number.
If you wish to watch all commands on a single channel
you can use the Zoom function (found in the pulldown
menu in the lower menu block), and the tracker will
switch to a mode where all commands are displayed.
^ca# ^cfSong Info ^ca#
In the top left corner of the screen is the Song Info.
It contains some short information of the tune.
You can modify the current pattern number, the current
position or the song length, by changing the values of
the respective fields.
Below the length field is the current BPM (beats per
minute) timing of the song. The actual BPM button can
also be clicked, and what it does depends on whether you
are in editmode or not. Clicking on it when you are in
editmode will insert the current BPM timing as a command
at the CursorPos in the patterndata. Clicking on it when
you are not in editmode will toggle BPM timing on or off.
^ca# ^cfPosition Editor ^ca#
To sequence your patterns, use the Position Editor
which is located in the left menu block. Clicking on the
pattern number for the position with the LMB will select
that position for editing, and clicking on it with the
RMB will change the pattern number for that position.
The INS button will insert a new pattern at the current
position (and possibly copy the previous pattern number,
depending on your Config Options). The DEL button will
delete the current position.
The name of the current pattern is also shown below the
position listing.
^ca# ^cfPattern Info ^ca#
You can use the Pattern Info menu block to adjust the
amount of rows, channels, or commands required for each
pattern. Thanks to a total rewrite of the allocation
routines, it is now possible to reduce the memory usage
by not defining more data space than you exactly need.
For example, the beginning of the song may use only three
channels, but it will probably use more channels later on
when they're needed. Use this menu block to change the
amount of memory needed by each pattern.
You can also set the default amount of rows, channels
and commands used by each pattern by Main Pulldown ->
Configuration -> Default Pattern Values.
^ca# ^cfSplit Keyboard ^ca#
The split keyboard is quite similar to the multisample,
except instead of mapping samples to certain notes, it
remaps instruments. For example, you can have two
instrument zones mapped, one from C-0 to B-4 and one from
C-5 to B-9. Pressing a note from C-0 to B-4 will play the
instrumet mapped to that zone, and pressing a note from
C-5 to B-9 will play a second, different instrument.
You can have up to 15 splits defined. The value in the
Split field is the current split which you are working
The Zone field is the current splitzone you are working
on; you can have up to 15 splitzones. Each splitzone has
a single instrument assigned to it, and a Begin and End
note. If you wish to set a zone from C-2 to B-2, set the
Begin note to C-2 and the End note to B-2.
A splitzone also has a Base note reference, which is
how much to transpose the notes played in that zone up or
down by. For example, you may set a zone from C-2 to B-2,
with a sample that sounds best from C-3 to B-3. By
setting the base note to C-4 your instrument will be
transposed to this note instead.
The Clr All button clears all splitzone settings, and
the Active buttons activates the current split.
^ca# ^cfEcho Editor ^ca#
The echo editor can be used to automatically produce
echos and simulate reverb effects.
The From field is the channel which you wish to echo.
It uses zero-based numbering, so to find out which is the
channel number you wish to echo simply copy the channel
number above the patterndata.
The To field represents the channel which will be used
for the first echo. If you set this field to 2, the echo
will be placed on channel 2 (zero-based).
The Chan # field is the number of channels to use for
echoing. For example, if you set the To field to 2, and
the Chan # to 3, the tracker will echo to channels 2, 3
and 4.
The Delay field indicates how much to delay the first
echo. The tracker will delay the initial echo by one row,
plus the number in this field. The Decay percentage next
to this field is how loud the delayed echo should be, as
a percentage of the original volume. So if you set the
delay to 5, and the decay to 67%, the tracker will set
the initial echo to occur 6 rows later, at around 2/3 of
the original volume.
The Rate field, along with the other decay field
represents how fast you wish to make the echo fade out.
This affects the initial echo and not the original
volume; the decay field is the percentage of the last
volume echoed, and the rate field is the number of rows
plus one on which the echo will take place. So for
example, if you have a rate of 1 and a decay of 33%, the
tracker will "re-echo" every 2 rows, and that re-echo
will have a third of the last echo's volume.
You can also save and restore echos which you've made
by pressing the RMB on the digits to save the current
echo settings in that slot, and pressing the LMB to
restore them. The echos is saved in the config file.
If the Wrap button is depressed the echo engine will
wrap the echo to the beginning of the pattern if it goes
beyond the end of it.
^c4### ^cfINSTRUMENTS ^c4###
^h[inst010]| * What are instruments?^c1
^h[inst020]| * Instrument editor^c1
^h[inst030]| * Shadow instruments^c1
^ca# ^cfWhat are instruments? ^ca#
The concept of Instruments have been used in advanced
synthesizers for years, and they now have been brought
into trackers, for a much more powerful way to control
your samples.
An instrument has volume, panning and vibrato envelopes
which are applied to the samples automatically on
playback. Each instrument can also consist of up to 16
samples; depending on which note is played on the
keyboard, a different sample can be played (musicians
will know this as a multisample keyboard split).
^ca# ^cfInstrument Editor ^ca#
^c6### ^ccEnvelopes ^c6###
An envelope changes the volume, panning or frequency of
a sample on playback. For example, if you wish to have an
instrument to have a fast attack but a very rapid decay,
change the volume envelope to that the volume is at
maximum initially, and declines very quickly to zero.
On the instrument editor screen, there are two boxes.
The upper box represents the Volume envelope, and the
lower box represents the Vibrato or Panning envelope
(depending on which of the VIB or PAN buttons are
You can adjust the points on the envelopes by clicking
and dragging them around in the envelope box. Dragging
them with the LMB will only affect the current point,
while dragging them with the RMB will drag the entire end
of the envelope. This is useful if you have created an
end of the envelope that you want to keep, but you want
to change the beginning.
To add or delete a point, press the Up/Down buttons on
the Points field respectively. Pressing Up will add a
point at exactly halfway between the current point and
the next point, and pressing Down will delete the current
The Value field is the current point's value (vertical
offset). The Time field is the current point's time
(horizontal offset). You can finetune each point value by
selecting the point, and modifying the fields directly.
The Env Speed field is the speed at which the enveloped
is scanned. A higher value will make the envelope to be
scanned faster; a value of zero will cause the the
current song BPM to be used instead, which will make the
envelope song-speed dependent.
The top On button to the right of the envelope box
toggles whether the envelope is active or not.
You can also sustain a point until a KeyOff is reached
in the pattern; ie: the envelope will stop at a specified
point and not advance any further until a KeyOff is
encountered. To activate Sustain, select the point which
the envelope should halt at in the Sustain field, and
press the On button to make this active.
You can also specify a part of the envelope which
should be looped; to do this, select the points of the
envelope which represent the start and end of the loop,
and press the On button next to the Start Loop field. If
the B button located beneath the field is activated, the
tracker will Break out of the loop when a KeyOff is
The type of curve which a point can produce to the next
point can also be changed. The dafault curve is a line
curve, but a positive and negative parabolic curve to the
next point can also be used instead. Press the
appropriate curve beneath the Curve button to change it.
There are pre-defined envelopes available for your use.
Click on one of the Pre-defined buttons to choose them.
Often-used envelopes can be saved by pressing a
Userdefined button with the RMB. Pressing the LMB on
these buttons will recall the saved envelope. You can use
these buttons to copy envelopes from one instrument to
The Scale buttons can be used to adjust compress or
expand the envelope, both horizontally and vertically.
It's hard to describe, so experiment with them to see how
they work.
The FadeOut is used in conjunction with the normal
volume envelope, to fade out a sound after a KeyOff is
encountered. The value decides how many frames the fade
will use until the sound is completely faded away.
Note: When experimenting with the envelope functions,
try using a looped sample rather than a non-looped one.
Envelope functions will of course work on non-looped
samples as well, but it's easier to hear the effects on a
looped sample.
Note: To enter a KeyOff in the pattern, press `, the
tilde key (it's located to the left of the number 1 key
on most keyboards).
^c6### ^ccMultisamples ^c6###
A sample is usually only fairly good or accurate within
a certain note range, eg: a sampled piano might only
sound good between the notes C-4 and B-4. In the past,
trackers used to have multiple samples of the same
musical instrument, and had to switch between these
samples and adjust their octaves accordingly since the
samples were of different note ranges.
With the introduction of multisamples, several samples
can be grouped into a single instrument, along with
different base note references (among other values) for
each sample. Depending on which note you play on the
keyboard, a different sample will be selected to be
To map a sample to a note, simply click on the piano.
If you have incremental selection turned on the Config
Options, clicking on the piano with the LMB will increase
the sample number for that note, and clicking on it with
the RMB will decrease the sample number. If you are using
sample-based selection, clicking on the piano will map
the currently selected sample to that note.
^ca# ^cfShadow Instruments ^ca#
^c6### ^ccWhat is a Shadow Instrument? ^c6###
A shadow instrument is a copy of the original
instrument and all of it's samples, which can have
different instrument and sample values attached to it.
For example, if you would have to like to have a
different volume envelope on an instrument, simply shadow
the instrument and modify the volume envelope on the
shadow. The actual samples inside the instrument are
totally unchanged, except that the instrument values
(such as envelopes and multisample splits) and sample
values (such as C4Rate, panning and loop points) are
In other words, a shadow is like loading up two
instruments which are exactly the same, but instead of
taking up twice the memory used for the samples, it
simply uses the original instrument's samples. This is
extremely useful if you have limited sample memory, such
as if you are restricted by a memory-based sound card.
^c6### ^ccCreating Shadows ^c6###
Beneath the instrument box is a button labelled
Shad. To create a shadow of an existing instrument, first
select the instrument you wish to shadow, then click on
the Shad button; the mouse pointer will have an S beside
it. Then simply click on the destination instrument in
the instrument box, ADDing an instrument space if
^c6### ^ccShadows vs Real Instruments ^c6###
You can treat shadows exactly as you do real
instruments; use their instrument numbers in patterns
normally, change sample loop point values, loop
direction, tuning values, instrument envelopes, and so
The only exception to this rule is that any
modification to the actual sample data in the shadow
instrument will update the original instrument sample
data, and vice versa. So if you load a new sample into
the place of a previous sample in the shadow instrument,
the original instrument will have the new sample in the
sample slot as well.
When you save a shadow instrument, Velvet Studio does
save the sampledata with the sample file.
^c4### ^cfCOMMAND REFERENCE ^c4###
^h[cmdold] * ProTracker commands^c1
^h[cmdfine]| * Finer ProTracker commands^c1
^h[cmdnew]| * New commands^c1
^ca# ^cfProTracker Commands ^ca#
^h[cmd00xx] * 00xy: Arpeggio^c1
^h[cmd01xx] * 01xx: Portamento up^c1
^h[cmd02xx] * 02xx: Portamento down^c1
^h[cmd03xx] * 03xx: Tone portamento^c1
^h[cmd04xx] * 04xy: Vibrato^c1
^h[cmd05xx] * 05xy: Portamento + volumeslide^c1
^h[cmd06xx] * 06xy: Vibrato + volumeslide^c1
^h[cmd07xx] * 07xy: Tremolo
^h[cmd09xx] * 09xx: Sampleoffset^c1
^h[cmd0axx] * 0Axy: Volumeslide^c1
^h[cmd0bxx] * 0Bxx: Jump position^c1
^h[cmd0cxx] * 0Cxx: Set volume^c1
^h[cmd0dxx] * 0Dxx: Break pattern^c1
^c8 0Eyx: Extended commands^c1
^h[cmd0e1x] * 0E1x: Fineslide up^c1
^h[cmd0e2x] * 0E2x: Fineslide down^c1
^h[cmd0e3x] * 0E3x: Glissando control^c1
^h[cmd0e4x] * 0E4x: Set vibrato waveform^c1
^h[cmd0e5x] * 0E5x: Set finetune^c1
^h[cmd0e6x] * 0E6x: Patternloop^c1
^h[cmd0e7x] * 0E7x: Set tremolo waveform^c1
^h[cmd0e9x] * 0E9x: Retrigger^c1
^h[cmd0eax] * 0EAx: Fine volumeslide up^c1
^h[cmd0ebx] * 0EBx: Fine volumeslide down^c1
^h[cmd0ecx] * 0ECx: Note cut^c1
^h[cmd0edx] * 0EDx: Note delay^c1
^h[cmd0eex] * 0EEx: Pattern delay^c1
^h[cmd0fxx] * 0Fxx: Set speed^c1
^c6### ^cc00xx: Arpeggio ^c6###
Usage: $00 + 1st halfnote add + 2nd halfnote add
[halfnote add: $0-$F]
Arpeggio is used to simulate chords. This is done by
rapidly changing the pitch between 3(or 2) different
notes. It sounds very noisy and grainy on most samples,
but ok on monotone ones.
C-5 00 0047 C-major chord: (C+E+G or C+4+7 halfnotes)
C-5 00 0037 C-minor chord: (C+D#+G or C+3+7 halfnotes)
^c6### ^cc01xx: Portamento up ^c6###
Usage: $01 + portamento speed
[portamento speed: $00-$FF]
Portamento up will simply slide the sample pitch up.
You can NOT slide higher than B-3!
C-5 00 0103 1 is the command, 3 is the portamentospeed.
NOTE: The portamento will be called as many times as
the speed of the song. This means that you'll sometimes
have trouble sliding accuratly. If you change the speed
without changing the sliderates, it will sound bad...
^c6### ^cc02xx: Portamento down #^c6###
Usage: $02 + portamento speed
[portamento speed: $00-$FF]
Just like command 1, except that this one slides the
pitch down instead. (Adds to the period).
You can NOT slide lower than C-1!
C-5 00 0203 2 is the command, 3 is the portamentospeed.
^c6### ^cc03xx: Tone-portamento ^c6###
Usage: Dest-note + $03 + slidespeed
[slidespeed: $00-$FF]
This command will automatically slide from the old note
to the new. You don't have to worry about which
direction to slide, you need only set the slide speed.
To keep on sliding, just select the command $3 + 00.
A-2 00 0000 First play a note.
C-5 00 0305 C-5 is the note to slide to, 3 the command,
and 5 the speed.
^c6### ^cc04xy: Vibrato ^c6###
Usage: $04 + vibratorate + vibratodepth
[vibratorate:$0-$F, vibratodepth:$0-$F]
C-5 00 0481 4 is the command, 8 is the speed of the
vibrato, and 1 is the depth of the vibrato.
To keep on vibrating, just select the command $04 + 00.
To change the vibrato, you can alter the rate, depth
or both. Use command $0E4x to change the vibrato-waveform.
^c6### ^cc05xy: Tone-portamento + Volumeslide ^c6###
Usage: $05 + upspeed + downspeed
[upspeed: $0-$F, downspeed: $0-$F]
This command will continue the current toneportamento
and slide the volume at the same time.
C-5 00 0503 3 is the speed to turn the volume down.
C-5 00 0540 4 is the speed to slide it up.
^c6### ^cc06xy: Vibrato + Volumeslide ^c6###
Usage: $06 + upspeed + downspeed
[upspeed: $0-$F, downspeed: $0-$F]
This command will continue the current vibrato and slide
the volume at the same time.
C-5 00 0605 5 is the speed to turn the volume down.
C-5 00 0640 4 is the speed to slide it up.
^c6### ^cc07xy: Tremolo ^c6###
Usage: $07 + tremolorate + tremolodepth
[tremolorate: $0-$F, tremolodepth: $0-$F]
Tremolo vibrates the volume.
C-5 00 0794 7 is the command, 9 is the speed of the
tremolo, and 4 is the depth of the tremolo.
To keep on tremoling, just select the command $07 + 00.
To change the tremolo, you can alter the rate, depth
or both. Use command 0E7x to change the tremolo-waveform.
^c6### ^cc09xx: Set SampleOffset ^c6###
Usage: $09 + offset
[offset: $00-$FF]
This command will play from a chosen position in the
sample, and not from the beginning. The two numbers
equal the two first numbers in the length of the
sample. Handy for speech samples.
C-5 00 0923 Play sample from offset $2300 (8960).
^c6### ^cc0Axy: Volumeslide ^c6###
Usage: $0A + upspeed + downspeed
[upspeed: $0-$F, downspeed: $0-$F]
C-5 00 0A05 5 is the speed to turn the volume down.
C-5 00 0A40 4 is the speed to slide it up.
NOTE: The slide will be called as many times as the
speed of the song. The slower the song, the more the
volume will be changed on each note.
^c6### ^cc0Bxx: Position-jump ^c6###
Usage: $B + position
[position: $00-$7F]
This command will stop playback of the current position
after the current row and will jump to the specified
position number.
C-5 00 0B01 B is the command, 1 is the position to
restart the song at.
This command will also perform a pattern-break
(see below).
^c6### ^cc0Cxx: Set volume ^c6###
Usage: $0C + volume
[volume: $00-$7F]
Well, this old familiar command will set the current
volume to your own selected. The highest volume is $7F.
All volumes are represented in hex.
C-5 00 0C10 C is the command, 10 is the volume
(16 decimal).
^c6### ^cc0Dxx: Pattern-break ^c6###
Usage: $0D + pattern-position
[pattern-position: 00-64]
This command just jumps to the next song-position, and
continues play from the patternposition you specify.
Note that this uses decimal values and not hexadecimal
values, unlike most other commands.
C-5 00 0D32 Jump to the next song-position and continue
play from patternposition 32.
^c6### ^cc0E1x: Fineslide up ^c6###
Usage: $0E1 + value
[value: $0-$F]
This command works just like the normal portamento up,
except that it only slides up once. It does not
continue sliding during the length of the note.
C-5 00 0E11 Slide up 1 at the beginning of the note.
^c6### ^cc0E2x: Fineslide down ^c6###
Usage: $0E2 + value
[value: $0-$F]
This command works just like the normal portamento down,
except that it only slides down once. It does not
continue sliding during the length of the note.
C-5 00 0E26 Slide up 6 at the beginning of the note.
^c6### ^cc0E3x: Glissando Control ^c6###
Usage: $0E3 + status
[status: $0-$1]
Glissando must be used with the tone-portamento command.
When glissando is activated, toneportamento will slide
a halfnote at a time, instead of a straight slide.
C-5 00 0E31 Turn Glissando on.
C-5 00 0E30 Turn Glissando off.
^c6### ^cc0E4x: Set vibrato waveform ^c6###
Usage: $0E4 + wavetype
[wavetype: $0-$6]
C-5 00 0E40 Set sine(default)
0E44 Don't retrig WaveForm
C-5 00 0E41 Set Ramp Down
0E45 Don't retrig WaveForm
C-5 00 0E42 Set Squarewave
0E46 Don't retrig WaveForm
^c6### ^cc0E5x: Set finetune ^c6###
Usage: $0E5 + finetune-value
[finevalue: $0-$F]
C-5 00 0E51 Set finetune to 1.
Use these tables to figure out the finetune-value.
Finetune: +7 +6 +5 +4 +3 +2 +1 0
Value: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Finetune: -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8
Value: F E D C B A 9 8
^c6### ^cc0E6x: PatternLoop ^c6###
Usage: $0E6 + loopnumber
[loopnumber: $0-$F]
This command will loop a part of a pattern.
C-5 00 0E60 Set loopstart.
C-5 00 0E63 Jump to loop 3 times before playing on.
^c6### ^cc0E7x: Set tremolo waveform ^c6###
Usage: $0E7 + wavetype
[wavetype: $0-$2]
C-5 00 0E70 Set sine (default)
C-5 00 0E71 Set Ramp Down
C-5 00 0E72 Set Squarewave
^c6### ^cc0E9x: Retrig note ^c6###
Usage: $0E9 + tick
[tick: $0-$F]
This command will retrig the same note before playing
the next. Where to retrig depends on the speed of the
song. If you retrig with 1 in speed 6 that note will be
trigged 6 times in one note slot. Retrig on hi-hats!
C-5 00 0F06 Set speed to 6.
C-5 00 0E93 Retrig at tick 3 out of 6.
^c6### ^cc0EAx: Fine volumeslide up ^c6###
Usage: $0EA + value
[value: $0-$F]
This command works just like the normal volumeslide up,
except that it only slides up once. It does not continue
sliding during the length of the note.
C-5 00 0EA3 Slide volume up 1 at the beginning of the
^c6### ^cc0EBx: Fine volumeslide down ^c6###
Usage: $0EB + value
[value: $0-$F]
This command works just like the normal volumeslide
down, except that it only slides down once. It does
not continue sliding during the length of the note.
C-5 00 0EB6 Slide volume down 6 at the beginning of the
^c6### ^cc0ECx: Cut note ^c6###
Usage: $0EC + tick
[tick: $0-$F]
This command will cut the note at the selected tick, creating
extremely short notes.
C-5 00 0F06 Set speed to 6.
C-5 00 0EC3 Cut at tick 3 out of 6.
Note that the note is not really cut, the volume is
just turned down.
^c6### ^cc0EDx: Delay note ^c6###
Usage: $0ED + tick
[tick: $0-$F]
This command will delay the note to the selected tick.
C-5 00 0F06 Set speed to 6.
C-5 00 0ED3 Play note at tick 3 out of 6.
You can play the same note on two channels, delay one,
and get a nice flanging effect.
^c6### ^cc0EEx: Pattern Delay ^c6###
Usage: $0EE + notes
[note: $0-$F]
This command will delay the pattern the selected numbers
of notes.
C-5 00 0EE8 Delay pattern 8 notes before playing on.
All other effects are still active when the pattern is
being delayed.
^c6### ^cc0Fxx: Set speed ^c6###
Usage: $0F + songspeed
[songspeed: $00-$FF]
This command will set the speed of the song.
Range 00 - Stop song.
Range 01-FF - Set speed
Range 20-FF - Set BPM speeds,
range 32-255.
^ca# ^cfNew Commands ^ca#
^h[cmd08xx] * 08xx: Set panposition^c1
^h[cmd0e80] * 0E80: Break sampleloop^c1
^h[cmd10xx] * 10xx: Direction control^c1
^h[cmd13xx] * 13xy: Retrigger w/volume slide^c1
^h[cmd1cxx]| * 1Cxx: Channel mastervolume^c1
^h[cmd1dxx]| * 1Dxx: Long pattern break^c1
^h[cmd1f0x]| * 1F0x: Set decimal BPM value^c1
^h[cmd18xx]| * 18xy: Slide panposition^c1
^h[cmd20xx]| * 20xx: Keyoff at tick^c1
^h[cmd2cxx]| * 2Cxx: Global volume^c1
^h[cmd2axx]| * 2Axy: Global volumeslide^c1
^c6### ^cc08xx: Set PanPosition ^c6###
Usage: $08 + panpot
This command will set the current channel pan position.
C-5 00 0805 Set the panpot to -3.
Use this table to work out the value from the panpot.
Panpot: -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7
Value: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
^c6### ^cc0E80: Break SampleLoop ^c6###
Usage: $0E80
This command will set the volume to 00 if the sample has
reached the end loop-point at least once.
^c6### ^cc10xx: Sample Directional Control ^c6###
Usage: $10 + value [value: $00-$02]
This command controls which direction the sample is
played in, as well as the types of loops the sample can
have (bidirectional or unidirectional).
Value 00 - Play sample forwards
01 - Play sample backwards
02 - Play w/bidirectional loop (only for
looped samples)
C-5 00 1001 Play sample backwards.
^c6### ^cc13xy: Retrigger with Volume Slide ^c6###
Usage: $13 + volumeslide_value + tick
[volumeslide_value: $0-$F]
[tick: $0-$F]
This command is very similar to the $0E9x command,
except that it allows volume slides between the retrigs.
C-5 00 1343 Retrig note every 3 ticks with -4 volume
between each retrig.
Use this table to work out the volumeslide value.
0: 0 (No volslide) 8: 0 (No volslide)
1: -1 9: +1
2: -2 A: +2
3: -4 B: +4
4: -8 C: +8
5: -16 D: +16
6: 2/3 * the orig. vol. E: 3/2 * the orig vol
7: 1/2 * the orig. vol. F: 2 * the orig.vol.
^c6### ^cc1Cxx: Set Channel Mastervolume ^c6###
Usage: $1C + new channel volume
[new channel volume: $00-$7F]
This command will set the current channel volume, where
$7F (127) is the default and maximum volume.
C-5 00 1C20 Set channel volume to $20 (32).
C-5 00 0C40 Play sample with volume of $40 (64), but
since channel vol is set to $20, the real
volume is (32/127) * 64 = 16.
^c6### ^cc1Dxx: Long Patternbreak ^c6###
Usage: $1D + pattern-position
[pattern-position: $00-$FF]
This command just jumps to the next song-position, and
continues play from the patternposition you specify.
Note that it is very similar to the 0Dxx command, except
that it uses hexadecimal values so that patterns over 64
rows long can be accommodated.
C-5 00 1D80 Jump to the next song-position and continue
play from patternposition $80 (128).
^c6### ^cc1F0x: Set BPM Decimal Value ^c6###
Usage: $1F0 + bpm_value
[bpm_value: $0-$9]
This command sets the 1/10th fine BPM value (the value
after the decimal point).
C-5 00 0F82 Sets the tempo to 128 BPM.
C-5 00 1F07 Sets the tempo to 128.7 BPM.
^c6### ^cc18xy: Slide Panposition ^c6###
Usage: $18 + left_speed + right_speed
[left_speed: $0 - $F]
[right_speed: $0 - $F]
This command will slide the current channel panning
position to either the left or the right.
C-5 00 1805 Slides the panpot to the right by 5.
NOTE: The slide will be called as many times as the
speed of the song. The slower the song, the more the
panpot will be changed on each note.
^c6### ^cc20xx: KeyOff at Tick ^c6###
Usage: $20 + tick
[tick: $00-$FF]
This command will send a KeyOff event on a certain tick.
C-5 00 2003 Sends a KeyOff signal at tick 3.
^c6### ^cc2Cxx: Set Global Volume ^c6###
Usage: $2C + global volume
[global volume: $00-$7F]
This command will set the current global volume, where
$7F (127) is the default and maximum volume.
C-5 00 2C20 Set global volume to $20 (32).
C-5 00 0C40 Play sample with volume of $40 (64), but
since global vol is set to $20, the real
volume is (32/127) * 64 = 16.
^c6### ^cc2Axy: Global Volumeslide ^c6###
Usage: $2A + upspeed + downspeed
[upspeed: $0-$F]
[downspeed: $0-$F]
C-5 00 2A05 Slides the global volume down at speed 5.
C-5 00 2A40 4 is the speed to slide the global vol up.
NOTE: The slide will be called as many times as the
speed of the song. The slower the song, the more the
volume will be changed on each note.
^ca# ^cfFiner ProTracker Commands ^ca#
11 xx Extra Fine Slide Up (4 times finer than normal)
12 xx Extra Fine Slide Down (4times finer than normal)
15 xx Just Like 5, but with 2 times finer volslide.
16 xx Just Like 6, but with 2 times finer volslide.
1A xx 2 times finer volslide than A.
1E 1x Just like E1, but this uses all octaves.
1E 2x Just like E2, but this uses all octaves.
1E Ax 2 times Finer volslide than EA.
1E Bx 2 times Finer volslide than EB.
21 xx Just like 1, but this uses all octaves.
22 xx Just like 2, but this uses all octaves.
Note that this section will of course be updated in the
future, but I'm so tired right now (I've been working on
this helpfile for almost 4 hours straight) that I can't
be bothered to retype this section..
^c4### ^cfMUSICAL REFERENCE ^c4###
The Modal and Chord Theory sections are taken from
TraxWeekly #1, and have been reprinted here with
permission from Leviathan.
^h[musr010]| * Modal Theory^c1
^h[musr020]| * Chord Theory^c1
^ca# ^cfModal Theory ^ca#
^c6+----------------------------------+ ^c1
^c6| ^c51 ^c6| ^c52 ^c6| ^c53 ^c6| ^c54 ^c6| ^c55 ^c6| ^c56 ^c6| ^c57 ^c6| ^c1
^c6|----+----+----+----+----+----+----| ^c1Major Modes:
^c6| ^ccC ^c6| ^ccD ^c6| ^ccE ^c6| ^ccF ^c6| ^ccG ^c6| ^ccA ^c6| ^ccB ^c6| ^c1Ionian: No change
^c6| ^ccC# ^c6| ^ccD# ^c6| ^ccF ^c6| ^ccF# ^c6| ^ccG# ^c6| ^ccA# ^c6| ^ccC ^c6| ^c1Lydian: 5b
^c6| ^ccD ^c6| ^ccE ^c6| ^ccF# ^c6| ^ccG ^c6| ^ccA ^c6| ^ccB ^c6| ^ccC# ^c6| ^c1Mixolydian: 7b
^c6| ^ccD# ^c6| ^ccF ^c6| ^ccG ^c6| ^ccG# ^c6| ^ccA# ^c6| ^ccC ^c6| ^ccD ^c6| ^c1
^c6| ^ccE ^c6| ^ccF# ^c6| ^ccG# ^c6| ^ccA ^c6| ^ccB ^c6| ^ccC# ^c6| ^ccD# ^c6| ^c1Minor Modes:
^c6| ^ccF ^c6| ^ccG ^c6| ^ccA ^c6| ^ccA# ^c6| ^ccC ^c6| ^ccD ^c6| ^ccE ^c6| ^c1Dorian: 3b,7b
^c6| ^ccF# ^c6| ^ccG# ^c6| ^ccA# ^c6| ^ccB ^c6| ^ccC# ^c6| ^ccD# ^c6| ^ccF ^c6| ^c1Phyrgian: 2,3,6,7b
^c6| ^ccG ^c6| ^ccA ^c6| ^ccB ^c6| ^ccC ^c6| ^ccD ^c6| ^ccE ^c6| ^ccF# ^c6| ^c1Aeolian: 3,6,7b
^c6| ^ccG# ^c6| ^ccA# ^c6| ^ccC ^c6| ^ccC# ^c6| ^ccD# ^c6| ^ccF ^c6| ^ccG ^c6| ^c1
^c6| ^ccA ^c6| ^ccB ^c6| ^ccC# ^c6| ^ccD ^c6| ^ccE ^c6| ^ccF# ^c6| ^ccG# ^c6| ^c1Diminished Mode:
^c6| ^ccA# ^c6| ^ccC ^c6| ^ccD ^c6| ^ccD# ^c6| ^ccF ^c6| ^ccG ^c6| ^ccA ^c6| ^c1Locrian: 2,3,5,6,7b
^c6| ^ccB ^c6| ^ccC# ^c6| ^ccD# ^c6| ^ccE ^c6| ^ccF# ^c6| ^ccG# ^c6| ^ccA# ^c6| ^c1
Basically, all of the scales listed at top are the
Ionian, or standard mode. These are the scales you
usually learn first. Below that are the other modes,
listed by category. They show changes you need to make to
the scales listed at the top to get the other modes. For
example, Dorian is shown as 3b,7b. To get C dorian, take
C D E F G A B (from the top) and flatten the 3rd and 7th
notes, to get C D D# F G A A#.
You may ask, "What's the point? How can I use modes?"
Well, if you makes all the chords in a chord progression
in the same mode (that is, all of the notes of all the
chords stick to one scale) then it sounds much better,
and writing leads is easier since you only have to use
notes from the mode to make it fit. A well-planned chord
progression that fits a mode eliminates the "trial and
error" style lead writing that a lot of us need to do
when we have an odd chord progression.
^ca# ^cfChord Theory ^ca#
^c6+----------------------------------+ ^c1
^c6| ^c51 ^c6| ^c52 ^c6| ^c53 ^c6| ^c54 ^c6| ^c55 ^c6| ^c56 ^c6| ^c57 ^c6| ^c1
^c6|----+----+----+----+----+----+----| ^c1
^c6| ^ccC ^c6| ^ccD ^c6| ^ccE ^c6| ^ccF ^c6| ^ccG ^c6| ^ccA ^c6| ^ccB ^c6| ^c1Major: 1,3,5
^c6| ^ccC# ^c6| ^ccD# ^c6| ^ccF ^c6| ^ccF# ^c6| ^ccG# ^c6| ^ccA# ^c6| ^ccC ^c6| ^c1Minor: 1,3b,5
^c6| ^ccD ^c6| ^ccE ^c6| ^ccF# ^c6| ^ccG ^c6| ^ccA ^c6| ^ccB ^c6| ^ccC# ^c6| ^c1Add2: 1,2,3,5
^c6| ^ccD# ^c6| ^ccF ^c6| ^ccG ^c6| ^ccG# ^c6| ^ccA# ^c6| ^ccC ^c6| ^ccD ^c6| ^c1
^c6| ^ccE ^c6| ^ccF# ^c6| ^ccG# ^c6| ^ccA ^c6| ^ccB ^c6| ^ccC# ^c6| ^ccD# ^c6| ^c1Sus2: 1,2,5
^c6| ^ccF ^c6| ^ccG ^c6| ^ccA ^c6| ^ccA# ^c6| ^ccC ^c6| ^ccD ^c6| ^ccE ^c6| ^c1Sus4: 1,4,5
^c6| ^ccF# ^c6| ^ccG# ^c6| ^ccA# ^c6| ^ccB ^c6| ^ccC# ^c6| ^ccD# ^c6| ^ccF ^c6| ^c1Fifth: 1,5
^c6| ^ccG ^c6| ^ccA ^c6| ^ccB ^c6| ^ccC ^c6| ^ccD ^c6| ^ccE ^c6| ^ccF# ^c6| ^c1
^c6| ^ccG# ^c6| ^ccA# ^c6| ^ccC ^c6| ^ccC# ^c6| ^ccD# ^c6| ^ccF ^c6| ^ccG ^c6| ^c1Minor7th: 1,3b,5,7b
^c6| ^ccA ^c6| ^ccB ^c6| ^ccC# ^c6| ^ccD ^c6| ^ccE ^c6| ^ccF# ^c6| ^ccG# ^c6| ^c1Major7th: 1,3,5,7
^c6| ^ccA# ^c6| ^ccC ^c6| ^ccD ^c6| ^ccD# ^c6| ^ccF ^c6| ^ccG ^c6| ^ccA ^c6| ^c1Diminished: 1,3b,5b
^c6| ^ccB ^c6| ^ccC# ^c6| ^ccD# ^c6| ^ccE ^c6| ^ccF# ^c6| ^ccG# ^c6| ^ccA# ^c6| ^c1
For example, to get a Cminor7th, you take the 1st,
flatted 3rd, fifth, and flatted 7th note from C D E F G A
B, or C D# G A#.
Experiment with the chords and get to know their sound.
Each chord has a different tone and feel to it, and can
be used to give a song different emotions.
^h[misc010]| * Trivia^c1
^h[misc020]| * Troubleshooting^c1
^h[misc030]| * Known bugs^c1
^h[misc040] * Hints^c1
^h[misc050]| * Future of the tracker^c1
^h[misc060]| * Velvet Development news^c1
^h[misc070]| * Contact/help^c1
^h[misc080]| * Credits^c1
^h[misc090]| * Closing words^c1
^h[misc100]| * Acknowledgements^c1
^ca# ^cfTrivia ^ca#
* This tracker is coded in 100% assembly and it runs
under Adam Seychell's DOS32. It contains over 85,900
lines and about 1.7MB of source code.
* We started to develop it in January 1994.
^ca# ^cfTrouble Shooting ^ca#
You can't start the tracker. The tracker just
hangs while in DOS before it even has changed
video mode.
* There might be some error in the environment
variable. Change/Remove that line in
AUTOEXEC.BAT and try again. (you should now
get a setup instead).
You get FATAL IRQ messages when loading/saving a
* Change IRQ and/or DMA channel in the config
* Disable DMA transfer in the config.
(IRQ errors may disappear if you restart the
The graphics looks weird somewhere in the
tracker, or the update is very slow.
* Unload all TSR programs that may affect the
graphics (try a clean boot)
* Buy a faster Graphics card (if update is slow)
* Test another mousedriver.
* If it still doesn't look good, contact the
The tracker won't work or behaves very unstable
under DPMI.
* There may be weird problems under some DPMIs.
Many DPMI drivers out there are anywhere from a
little to extremely buggy. If you suspect your
DPMI driver, try running without it, or under a
different DPMI driver.
The QEMM's Stealth function doesn't seem to work
with the tracker.
* Remove the Stealth feature, or run another Memory
When using MIDI styled keyboard in the tracker,
I can't press as many keys simultaneous that
I want.
* All keyboards doesn't support multiple
keypresses, so buy a new keyboard or use the MIDI
support instead.
I've made a tune in a previous version of the
tracker, and when playing it in this version
it sounds wrong.
* There was a bug in all prior versions of the
tracker that now is corrected. The bug only
appear if you have changed the C4Rate (former
C2Rate) and are using slides and/or vibrato.
You have to change the song so that it sounds
correct. Sorry for this inconvenience.
If something else fails, try to remove the configfile and
run again!
If you still have problems, contact Baldric!
^ca# ^cfKnown Bugs ^ca#
* You can't sample 16 bits on GUS yet.
* The MIDI function may behave strange at startup
sometimes. That's because I haven't figured out how to
send commands to the MIDI port yet (I know how to do
it, but it doesn't work) So the tracker may not know
what state the MIDI device is in. I've also recently
noticed, that on slower machines (slower than a P90)
the MIDI will sometimes totally bug out. I know the
problem, but have no solution yet.
* There's an extremely weird bug in DOS32, that can
appear at anytime. It doesn't happen very often
though, but if it does, just about anything could
happen, even a lockup.
^ca# ^cfHints ^ca#
* Check out the <config> <options> carefully! There are
a lot of switches to satisfy your needs. (If anything
annoys you in the tracker, check the config. There may
be a switch for it. If not, contact Velvet Dev. and we
will consider adding it in the next version.)
^ca# ^cfFuture ^ca#
There are a lot of things to implement in such a
complex program as this, but right now we will have a
long break from coding trackers, so we don't know when a
new release will come. But I know that someday I'll feel
like including more stuff from the incredibly big, ever
growing to-do list.
^ca# ^cfVelvet Development News ^ca#
Velvet Development is a company run by Patrik Oscarsson
and David Broman (Baldric and Zyric). Our main goal
is to get this program out on the market. After that, we
have some other projects planned.
Extreme has decided to change names to match our company
so that there won't be any confusion.
^c6### ^ccCoders ^c6###
Baldric . LEV . Vicious . Zyric
^c6### ^ccMusicians ^c6###
Gibson . MPS . ToneDeaf
^c6### ^ccGraphicians ^c6###
Rubber Duck . Mikie . TAP
^c6### ^ccSysops ^c6###
Ivanhoe: Unreal
Crack: Methadone
^ca# ^cfContact ^ca#
For comments, ideas, bugreports and suggestions:
Patrik Oscarsson
Hermansvägen 44
S-554 53 Jönköping
Voice: +46(0)36-711593
E-Mail: da94ospa@hj.se
For help on using the tracker in general, or for errors
or additions to the helpfile:
Andre Pang
PO Box 494
Roseville NSW 2069
E-Mail: ozone@zip.com.au
^ca# ^cfCredits ^ca#
^c6### ^ccCode ^c6###
Baldric . Zyric
^c6### ^ccGraphics ^c6###
Baldric . Rubber Duck . TAP . Zyric
^c6### ^ccHelptext ^c6###
Vicious . Ozone
^ca# ^cfClosing words ^ca#
In this release there are a lot of new functions, a new
layout and many other new things. That's the main reason
why it took so long to finish v1.0. We really hope that
you will enjoy using it, since we have worked really hard
on this product. Our main goal is to satisfy the users of
the tracker, and that's why I ask you to send comments,
suggestions and bugreports to us, so that we know what
people want to have in a tracker. We already have a huge
to-do list, but we are always open for more suggestions.
^ca# ^cfAcknowledgements ^ca#
(If I've forgotten someone, sorry and let me know!)
^c6### ^ccMucho thanks to these people ^c6###
Adam Seychell:
DOS32 Protected mode system
Andre Pang (aka Ozone/Heretics)
Helpfile and document writer
KeyMap configuration
Option HelpText Writer
Carlos Hasan (aka Pelusa):
SB Optimization! (BIG THANX!).
Joshua C Jensen:
Some info on commands in PPS sourcecode.
Kristoffer Henning:
Soundblaster Pro supplier.
Michiel Ouwehand:
GUS ClickRemoval docs.
Mr Destroyer:
GUS information.
Niklas Beisert (aka Pascal/Cubic Team):
SB coding help.
Stefan Wirebrandt (aka Wirefire):
Soundblaster 16 supplier.
Thomas Pytel (aka Tran):
Protected Mode System
^c6### ^ccSpecial thanks to our betatesters for all the ^c6###
^cc effort, ideas and comments they've given to us
Andreas Wessman
Emil Gustavsson
Daniel Falk (aka Leinad)
Claes Mellangård (aka MPS/Velvet)
Marc Brown (aka Maruku/SAS)
Andre Pang (aka Ozone/Heretics)
Sebastian Meyer (aka Xylon/Mode 19)
Jussi Kärkkäinen (aka ToneDeaf/Velvet)
Pontus Munck (aka Vicious/Velvet)
^c6### ^ccThanks to the following guys for bugreports, ^c6###
^cc ideas, comments and encouragement
Alex B. Novikov
Alex Wicks (aka ACiDZ/Apathy)
Andrew Fort (aka Chuck Biscuits/Kosmic)
Bo Vestergaard
Christian Haarmeijer (aka Voodoo Child)
Craig Galbraith
Henri Vilminko
Jo Haavar Slangsvold
John R. Kowalske
Lutz Roeder (aka Mephisto/Dicode)
Paul Bragiel (aka Pyromaniac)
Peter van den Boogaard (aka Chojin)
Scott Laraby
Sven Degroote
All the guys at #coders on IRC
..and everybody else who i can't remember! remind me to
put you in here!
^c9 And of course a special thanks to YOU, for using and
supporting this tracker!
^cc- ^cfThe Velvet Studio team
^c4### ^cfEND OF HELPTEXT ^c4###
ozone's helptext revision 950921
Baldric's update 951221