home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
Text File | 1978-05-22 | 44.9 KB | 1,363 lines |
- ;*******************************************************
- ; Version see below
- ;
- ; Copyright ⌐ 1989 Daniel Bloch ( ->Ver 1.3)
- ; Copyright ⌐ 1990-1992 Nils-Arne Dahlberg
- ; FREEWARE!!!!
- ;*******************************************************
- ; revision history
- ; by 1.6 these things are added:
- ; Search for menus, bulletins and messages in separate directories
- ; Private messages for all users
- ; 1.7
- ; Private user passwords
- ; 1.8
- ; Double menus
- ; 1.9
- ; More messages areas
- ; 1.91
- ; Packing and download of messages
- ; 1.92
- ; UL/DL check
- ; 1.93
- ; Remote Backup
- ; Cosysop enabeld
- ; 1.94
- ; Using extended hayes setup (all reset z0 gives right setup)
- ; 1.95
- ; Removed part of page routine..
- ; 1.96
- ; Changes in file menu
- ; 1.97
- ; Changes in messages menus
- ; Local mode
- ; 1.98
- ; Cleanup, changing sysop/cosysop versions
- ; 1.99
- ; Change of dos-commands in SYsop menu
- ; change of sysop password placement
- ; 2.00
- ; Changed placement of U/D load credits
- ; 2.01
- ; Fixed a bug in placement of $name"DL" files
- ; Added Possibility to grab bulletins
- ; Added "waiting " at up/download
- ; 2.02
- ; Changed packing program to variable, use what you want as sysop
- ; 'Return' leaves password change.
- ; 2.03
- ; Just a bugfix
- ; 2.04
- ; Changed timout command to make a 300 s timeout for logon as well
- ; 2.05
- ; Made a small change to shorten the file
- ; 2.06
- ; Added features: filetransfer with Ymodem-Batch and Ymodem-G
- ; Print version number from main menu
- ; 2.07
- ; A special reboot, or break facility included, I might take this
- ; into an later E-script
- ; 2.08
- ; Changed for an error when HOLD-directory is missing, this
- ; directory might be missing due to the fact that BU-progs not
- ; allways copies empty directories
- ; 2.09
- ; Changed password routine to not accept nil password
- ; 2.10
- ; YABH (Yet Another Bug-Hunt...)
- ; Missed two \" in delete comment part...
- ; Added Start Script in Sysop mode....
- ; removed a IF $ -line, line no 680 somewhere....
- ; 2.10E
- ; Back in english, again...
- ; 2.11E
- ; Some small special features
- ; A user questionare is added, upload for just some users,
- ; a bug in login-sequense is corrected.
- ; The messages editing is made in ram: now
- ;
- ; 2.12
- ; A few minor modifications: Should now work with DTR-hangup function.
- ; ... and you probably don't have to turn your modem off when you want
- ; to log on locally, the script now sends AT Q1E0 before local logons.
- ; (Changed by Torkel Lodberg [?])
- ;
- ; 2.20
- ; A version made especially for NComm 2.0
- ; Main differences is a better way to handle the user-info
- ; 2.21
- ; Minor bug in login section fixed
- ; 2.3
- ; Several bug fixes. Demonstrates ANSI in login sequence. Waits for
- ; two seconds after displaying "messages waiting".
- SET $version= "2.3Enad, 930531"
- ;--------------------------------------------
- ; Set these variables to fit your needs
- ;--------------------------------------------
- SET $dir = "ncomm:host/" ;Directory for misc. files
- ;base of all other
- SET $menudir = $dir"menus/" ;menus here
- SET $bulldir = $dir"bulletins/" ;bulletins here
- SET $msgsdir = $dir"msgs/" ;messages here
- SET $uldir = $dir"files/" ;Upload directory
- SET $dldir = $dir"files/" ;Download directory
- SET $hold = $dir"hold/" ;Hold directory
- SET $apack = "c:lha a " ;packing command
- SET $alist = "c:lha l " ;listing command
- SET $aextract ="c:lha x " ;extract command
- SET $arch = ".lzh" ;archive extension
- SET $holdzoo = $dir"files/HOLD"$arch ;Hold file
- SET $tmp = $dir"files/NHS.tmp" ;Temporary file
- SET $sysname = "Boringtown BBS" ;Name of system
- SET $list = "c:list" ;Directory lister
- SET $qlist = "c:dir" ;A quick lister
- SET $delete = "c:delete" ;Delete
- SET $copy = "c:copy" ;Copy
- SET $MaxBaud = "2400" ;Modems Maximum Baud
- SET $doscomm = $dir"Ckomm/" ;dos commands for remote
- ;All files in hold directory will be deleted at initialization!!!
- ;-------------------- M A I N P R O G R A M -----------------------;
- message "\f" ;Clear screen
- main: clrstack
- gosub init ;Initialize various stuff
- gosub connect ;Wait for RING and answer the phone
- timeout 300 goto bibi ;must have it here i think..
- when "\r\nNO CARRIER\r\n" goto NoCarrier
- gosub prelog ;Show opening picture
- ;LOGIN gives a returnvariable: $NameOK set to "T" if the name exists
- ;and $PassOK is set to true if name and password is OK
- gosub login ;Get name & password
- timeout 300 goto bibi ;must have it here i think..
- if $PassOK == "T" then goto OK
- WrngName:
- send "Wrong!!\n"
- write $dir"log" "\n"$date" "$name" Wrong password: "$pass"\n"
- gosub logout
- goto main
- ;User has logged in
- OK: write $dir"log" "\n"$date" Login: "$name" ("$baud")\n"
- send "\n\nYour last logout was:"$inLast"\n"
- set $ULCredit = $inulcredit
- set $DLCredit = $indlcredit
- set $Status = $instatus
- if $insysop == "Sysop" then SET $sysacc = "T"
- if $insysop == "CoSys" then SET $sysacc = "T"
- if $insysop == "CoSys" then SET $cosys = "T"
- ; Set right charset
- set $charset = $incharset
- ; Set right protocol
- set $proto = $inproto
- gosub SetProto
- gosub postlog
- timeout 2
- echo off
- send "^[[97x"
- input $id "\r"
- timeout 300 goto bibi ;must have it here i think..
- echo on
- send "\nPress [ENTER] to continue..."
- input $dummy "\r"
- send "\f"
- IF !EXISTS $msgsdir$name then goto OK1
- Send "\n\nYou have messages waiting.\n"
- send "==========================\n\n"
- delay 2
- OK1: ascsend $menudir".menu0"
- ;This is the main loop
- loop: gosub MainMenu
- send "Are you sure you want to log off (Enter=Y)? "
- input $cmd "\r"
- IF $cmd == "N" THEN goto loop
- send "\n"
- gosub logout
- goto main
- ;--------------------- S U B R O U T I N E S ----------------------
- ;********************************************************
- ;* Initialize the system
- ;********************************************************
- init: config $dir"host.config"
- hangup
- send "\w\w\w+++\w\w\w\wATZ\n" ;Reset to saved default
- converse "OK" "\w\w\w+++\w\w\w\wATX4V1M0E1\n" ;
- converse "OK" "\w\w\wATS7=60\n" ;Wait one full minute for carrier
- wait "OK"
- SET $sysacc = "F"
- SET $cosys = "F"
- echo off
- dwhens
- timeout 0
- CLI "delete >nil: "$hold"#?"
- write $hold$sysname $sysname"\n Is running on version "$version"\n"
- return
- ;********************************************************
- ;* Wait for CONNECT
- ;********************************************************
- connect:
- dwhens
- send " \r"
- gosub skip
- conn0: SET $Local = "F"
- message "\n\n\n"$sysname" [Press '?' for help]\n"
- message "Waiting on call...\n"
- ConnW: timeout 300 Goto DoExitQ ; just wait for 5 minutes
- input $char "" ;Get one character
- timeout 90 goto noconnect
- IF !$char == "?" THEN goto conn1
- message "\n\nSpace = Local logon\n"
- goto conn0
- conn1: IF $char == " " THEN goto Local
- IF $char == "R" Then goto Local2
- conn2:
- when "CONNECT 1200" goto conn1200
- when "CONNECT 2400" goto conn2400
- when "CONNECT 4800" goto conn4800
- when "CONNECT 9600" goto conn9600
- dtenths 7
- SET $baud = $MaxBaud
- send "\n\w\wAT\w\wA\n"
- timeout 90 goto noconnect
- wait "NO CARRIER"
- NoConnect:
- write $dir"log" "\n\n"$date" Login Failed\n\n"
- gosub init
- goto connect
- conn3: dwhens
- timeout 300 goto bibi
- echo on
- gosub skip
- return
- Local: message "\nStarting local logon..."
- SEND "\n+++\w\wAT\wQ1\wE0\n"
- SET $baud = "19200"
- SET $Local = "T"
- goto conn3
- Local2: message "\nStarting local/remote logon.."
- SEND "\n+++\w\wAT\wQ1\wE0\n"
- SET $baud = "19200"
- goto conn3
- QuitNHS:
- config "NComm:NComm.config"
- end
- conn1200:
- SET $baud = "1200"
- goto conn3
- conn2400:
- SET $baud = "2400"
- goto conn3
- conn4800:
- SET $baud = "4800"
- goto conn3
- conn9600:
- SET $baud = "9600"
- goto conn3
- ;**************************************************************************
- ; Check if another program wants NHS to quit.
- ; In that case, a file named NHSQUIT shuld be placed in the RAM:C directory
- ; you should also let the startup-sequence place DELETE there
- ; The place of the file may be changed.
- ; The Script tells it is quiting by removing this file
- ;***************************************************************************
- DoExitQ:
- Hangup ; shouldn't be neccesary
- ;********************************************************
- ;* Show "prelog", i.e. the picture to be shown before
- ;* login.
- ;********************************************************
- prelog: send "\f"$sysname" ("$baud") up on "$date"\n"
- send $NComm" / NComm Host System (NHS) v"$version"\n"
- send "\e[33m"
- send "Copyright (c) 1989 Daniel Bloch (-> ver 1.3)\n"
- send "Copyright (c) 1990 & 1992 Nils-Arne Dahlberg\n\n"
- send "\e[31m"
- ascsend $dir"prelog"
- return
- ;********************************************************
- ;* Show "postlog", i.e. the picture to be shown after
- ;* login.
- ;********************************************************
- postlog:
- send "\n\n"
- ascsend $dir"postlog"
- ; CLI "cookie"
- return
- ;********************************************************
- ;* Read user name and password into the variables
- ;* $name and $pass.
- ;********************************************************
- Login: echo on
- set $NameOK = "F"
- if !EXISTS $dir"userfile" then goto FirstUser
- set $firstrun = "T"
- timeout 120 goto LogSleep
- Loginagain:
- send "\n\nYour name: "
- input $name "\r"
- IF $name == "new" then goto NewUser
- NilPass:
- send "\nYour password: "
- echo off
- input $pass "\r"
- echo on
- IF $pass == "" then goto NilPass
- timeout 300 goto bibi
- send "\n"
- set $SkippPassword = "F"
- gosub CheckName
- if $PassOK == "T" then return
- if !$firstrun == "T" then goto AreYouSure
- set $firstrun = "F"
- send "\n\nSorry, name or password is incorrect\n"
- send "Try again, enter NEW if you havn't logged on before.\n"
- goto Loginagain
- AreYouSure:
- Send "\nThat was two illegal tries.\n"
- send "Are you sure you want to log on? (N/y):"
- input $ok "\r"
- send "\n"
- if $ok == "Y" then goto Login
- set $NameOK = "F"
- return
- ; Check if the user exists in the user-file, if it does, read all info
- CheckName:
- set $NameOK = "F"
- set $PassOK = "F"
- varfile $dir"userfile"
- repeat
- readvar $x
- if !$x == "#" then goto NotName
- if $x == "EOF" then goto NotName
- readvar $inname
- if !$inname == $name then goto NotrightName
- set $NameOK = "T"
- ;The name DO exist, now we read in the rest of the info....
- readvar $inpass
- if $inpass == "EOF" then goto EOFExit
- if $SkippPassword == "F" then if !$inpass == $pass then goto EOFExit
- readvar $incharset
- if $incharset == "EOF" then goto EOFExit
- readvar $inulcredit
- if $inulcredit == "EOF" then goto EOFExit
- readvar $indlcredit
- if $indlcredit == "EOF" then goto EOFExit
- readvar $instatus
- if $instatus == "EOF" then goto EOFExit
- readvar $insysop
- if $insysop == "EOF" then goto EOFExit
- readvar $inproto
- if $inproto == "EOF" then goto EOFExit
- readvar $inlast
- if $inlast == "EOF" then goto EOFExit
- set $PassOK = "T"
- goto NotName
- ;This is where we land in case of a sudden EOF or if the password is wrong
- EOFExit:
- set $x = "EOF"
- write $dir"log" "\n"$date" USERFILE CORRUPTED, pleas check!!\n"
- NotrightName:
- if $inname == "EOF" then set $x = $inname
- NotName:
- until $x == "EOF"
- varfile Close
- return
- LogSleep:
- send "\n\nLogon terminated after 2 minutes\n"
- gosub logout
- goto main
- ;This is used for the first user to logon, it makes her/him to sysop
- FirstUser:
- set $issysop = "T"
- ascsend $dir"FirstUser"
- set $NameOK = "F"
- goto NewName
- NewUser:
- ascsend $dir"newuser"
- set $issysop = "F"
- Newname:
- send "\n\nYour name: "
- input $name "\r"
- send "\nIs '"$name"' Correct? (y/N)"
- input $ok "\r"
- set $SkippPassword = "F"
- if $issysop == "F" then gosub CheckName
- IF !$ok == "y" then goto Newname
- IF $NameOK == "F" then goto NewPassIn
- send "\nSorry, the name "$name" already exists!\n"
- goto Newname
- NewPassIn:
- send "\nYour password: "
- echo off
- input $pass "\r"
- echo on
- send "\nOnce more... : "
- echo off
- input $pass1 "\r"
- echo on
- if $pass == $pass1 then goto NewPassOK
- send "\nSorry, line noice, enter password again\n"
- goto NewPassIn
- NewPassOk:
- gosub GetCharSet
- set $Incharset = $chars
- gosub GetTransProto
- set $inproto = $trans
- if !EXISTS $dir"userfile" then write $dir"userfile" "#\n"
- write $dir"userfile" $Name"\n"
- write $dir"userfile" $Pass"\n"
- write $dir"userfile" $Chars"\n"
- write $dir"userfile" "N\n"
- write $dir"userfile" "N\n"
- if $issysop == "T" then write $dir"userfile" "10\n"
- if $issysop == "F" then write $dir"userfile" "1\n"
- if $issysop == "T" then write $dir"userfile" "Sysop\n"
- if $issysop == "F" then write $dir"userfile" "New\n"
- write $dir"userfile" $Trans"\n"
- write $dir"userfile" $date"\n"
- write $dir"log" $date"\n\n New User: "$name"\n"
- timeout 300 goto bibi
- send "\n"
- ; Here is a questionare, its simple, but it should work...
- ;just add and delete questions as apropriate
- send "\nBefore you enter the BBS, I would like you to answer\n"
- send "the following questions:\n"
- send "\nAddress (2/4): "
- input $tmp "\r"
- write $dir"userfile" $tmp"\n"
- send "\nAddress (3/4): "
- input $tmp "\r"
- write $dir"userfile" $tmp"\n"
- send "\nAddress (4/4): "
- input $tmp "\r"
- write $dir"userfile" $tmp"\n"
- send "\nComputer: "
- input $tmp "\r"
- write $dir"userfile" $tmp"\n"
- send "\n\nThank you, I hope you enjoy it here!\n\n"
- write $dir"userfile" "#\n"
- set $SkippPassword = "F"
- gosub CheckName
- return
- ;********************************************************
- ;Skip junk from the modem
- ;********************************************************
- skip: timeout 3 goto SkipOK
- more: wait ""
- goto more
- SkipOK: timeout 300 goto bibi
- return
- ;********************************************************
- ;* Log out
- ;********************************************************
- logout: ;CLI "fortune"
- ascsend $dir"Logout"
- hangup
- write $dir"log" $date" Logout: "$name"\n"
- CLI "delete >nil: "$holdzoo" "$hold"#?"
- write $hold$sysname $sysname"\n Runs with version "$version"\n"
- if $NameOK == "T" then gosub PreChangeUser
- if $nameOK == "T" then set $NewLast = $date
- if $NameOK == "T" then gosub ChangeUser
- return
- ;********************************************************
- ;* User sleeps
- ;********************************************************
- bibi: send "\n\nGood night!"
- write $dir"log" $date" Sleep disconect\n"
- gosub logout
- goto main
- ;********************************************************
- ;Main menu
- ;********************************************************
- MainMenu:
- send "\nCommand (? or ! for menu): "
- input $cmd "\r"
- send "\n"
- IF $cmd == "?" THEN ascsend $menudir".menu0"
- IF $cmd == "!" THEN ascsend $menudir"menu0"
- IF $cmd == "G" THEN return
- IF $cmd == "F" THEN gosub FileMenu
- IF $cmd == "B" THEN gosub BullMenu
- IF $cmd == "O" THEN gosub page
- IF $cmd == "S" THEN gosub sysop
- IF $cmd == "C" THEN gosub Comment
- IF $cmd == "M" THEN gosub Messages
- IF $cmd == "E" THEN gosub LetterMenu
- IF $cmd == "P" THEN gosub ChangePasswd
- IF $cmd == "L" THEN gosub ListUsers
- IF $cmd == "V" THEN send "Version:"$version"\n"
- goto MainMenu
- ;********************************************************
- ;Chat with SYSOP
- ;********************************************************
- page: send "Calling SYSOP...\n"
- send "(press Ctrl-Z to end the conversation)\n"
- beep
- dtenths 3
- beep
- dtenths 3
- beep
- write $dir"log" $date" Paged operator\n"
- when "^Z" goto EndChat
- chat: input $dummy "\r"
- send "\n"
- goto chat
- EndChat:
- dlwhen
- send "\n"
- return
- ;*********************************************
- ;Change Password
- ;*********************************************
- ChangePasswd:
- send "\n\nWhat do you want to change your password to? (Enter to cancel) "
- echo off
- input $psw1 "\r"
- if $psw1 == "" THEN goto PsQuit
- echo on
- send "\nOne time more, thanks "
- echo off
- input $psw2 "\r"
- PsOut: echo on
- IF !$psw1 == $psw2 THEN goto PsQuit
- set $pass = $psw2
- gosub PreChangeUser
- set $NewPass = $psw2
- gosub ChangeUser
- return
- PsQuit: set $psw1 = $pass
- set $psw2 = $pass
- goto PsOut
- ;*******************************************************
- ;Set transfer protocoll
- ;*******************************************************
- SetProto:
- if $proto == "X" then MENUSELECT TRANSFER 7 0
- if $proto == "Y" then MENUSELECT TRANSFER 7 1
- if $proto == "B" then MENUSELECT TRANSFER 7 2
- if $proto == "G" then MENUSELECT TRANSFER 7 3
- if $proto == "Z" then MENUSELECT TRANSFER 7 4
- if $proto == "K" then MENUSELECT TRANSFER 7 5
- if $proto == "E" then MENUSELECT TRANSFER 7 6
- if $proto == "J" then MENUSELECT TRANSFER 7 7
- if $proto == "Q" then MENUSELECT TRANSFER 7 8
- return
- ;*******************************************************
- ;choose characterset
- ;*******************************************************
- GetCharSet:
- send "\nWhat character set do you want to use? (L for list):"
- input $chars "\r"
- send "\n"
- if $chars == "L" then ascsend $dir"CharSets"
- if $chars == "L" then goto GetCharSet
- if $chars == "" then goto GetCharSet
- varfile $dir"CharSets"
- set $y = "F"
- repeat
- readvar $x
- if !$chars == $x then goto NextChars
- set $x = "EOF"
- set $y = "T"
- NextChars:
- until $x == "EOF"
- varfile close
- if $y == "T" then goto CharsetOK
- send "\nI don't support charset "$chars". Please reenter.\n"
- goto GetCharSet
- CharsetOK:
- return
- ;*******************************************************
- ;Get transfer protocoll
- ;*******************************************************
- GetTransProto:
- send "\nWhat Transfer protocol do you want to use? (L for list):"
- input $trans "\r"
- send "\n"
- if $trans == "L" then ascsend $dir"TransProtos"
- if $trans == "L" then goto GetTransProto
- if $trans == "" then goto GetTransProto
- CheckProto:
- varfile $dir"TransProtosS"
- set $y = "F"
- repeat
- readvar $x
- if !$trans == $x then goto NextTrans
- set $x = "EOF"
- set $y = "T"
- NextTrans:
- until $x == "EOF"
- varfile close
- if $y == "T" then goto TransOK
- send "\nI don't support protocol "$trans". Please reenter.\n"
- goto GetTransProto
- TransOK:
- return
- ;*******************************************************
- ;Prepeare variables for changeuser
- ;*******************************************************
- PreChangeUser:
- Set $newpass = $pass
- Set $newcharset = $charset
- Set $newULCredit = $ULCredit
- Set $newDLCredit = $DLCredit
- Set $newStatus = $Status
- Set $newSysop = $insysop
- Set $newProto = $Proto
- Set $newLast = $inlast
- return
- ;*******************************************************
- ;Change a entry in 'userfile'
- ;*******************************************************
- ChangeUser:
- set $CUOK = "F"
- cli "copy >nil: "$dir"userfile to "$dir"userfile.old"
- cli "delete >nil: "$dir"userfile"
- varfile $dir"userfile.old"
- repeat
- readvar $x
- write $dir"userfile" $x"\n"
- if !$x == "#" then goto CUNotName
- if $x == "EOF" then goto CUNotName
- readvar $inname
- set $x = $inname
- if $x == "EOF" then goto CUNotName
- write $dir"userfile" $inname"\n"
- if !$inname == $name then goto CUNotrightName
- ;The name DO exist, now we read in the rest of the info....
- readvar $inpass
- write $dir"userfile" $newpass"\n"
- if $inpass == "EOF" then goto CUEOFExit
- readvar $incharset
- write $dir"userfile" $newcharset"\n"
- if $incharset == "EOF" then goto CUEOFExit
- readvar $inulcredit
- write $dir"userfile" $newULCredit"\n"
- if $inulcredit == "EOF" then goto CUEOFExit
- readvar $indlcredit
- write $dir"userfile" $newDLCredit"\n"
- if $indlcredit == "EOF" then goto CUEOFExit
- readvar $instatus
- write $dir"userfile" $newStatus"\n"
- if $instatus == "EOF" then goto CUEOFExit
- readvar $insysop
- write $dir"userfile" $newSysop"\n"
- if $insysop == "EOF" then goto CUEOFExit
- readvar $inproto
- write $dir"userfile" $newProto"\n"
- if $inproto == "EOF" then goto CUEOFExit
- readvar $inlast
- write $dir"userfile" $newLast"\n"
- if $inlast == "EOF" then goto EOFExit
- set $CUOK = "T"
- goto CUNotName
- ;This is where we land in case of a sudden EOF
- CUEOFExit:
- set $x = "EOF"
- write $dir"log" "\n"$date" USERFILE CORRUPTED, pleas check!!\n"
- CUNotrightName:
- if $inname == "EOF" then set $x = $inname
- CUNotName:
- until $x == "EOF"
- varfile Close
- return
- ;*******************************************************
- ;List users who have logged in
- ;*******************************************************
- ListUsers:
- send "\nUsers up to "$date"\n"
- varfile $dir"userfile"
- repeat
- readvar $x
- if !$x == "#" then goto LUNotName
- if $x == "EOF" then goto LUNotName
- readvar $x
- if $x == "EOF" then goto LUNotName
- send "\nName="$x"\n"
- readvar $x
- if $x == "EOF" then goto LUNotName
- if $sysacc == "T" then send "Password="$x"\n"
- readvar $x
- if $x == "EOF" then goto LUNotName
- if $sysacc == "T" then send "Charset="$x"\n"
- readvar $x
- if $x == "EOF" then goto LUNotName
- if $sysacc == "T" then send "ULCredits="$x"\n"
- readvar $x
- if $x == "EOF" then goto LUNotName
- if $sysacc == "T" then send "DLCredits="$x"\n"
- readvar $x
- if $x == "EOF" then goto LUNotName
- readvar $x
- if $x == "EOF" then goto LUNotName
- send "Userlevel="$x"\n"
- readvar $x
- if $x == "EOF" then goto LUNotName
- if $sysacc == "T" then send "Protcolls="$x"\n"
- readvar $x
- if $x == "EOF" then goto LUNotName
- send "Last on="$x"\n"
- readvar $x
- if $x == "EOF" then goto LUNotName
- send "Address="$x"\n"
- readvar $x
- if $x == "EOF" then goto LUNotName
- send "Address="$x"\n"
- readvar $x
- if $x == "EOF" then goto LUNotName
- send "Address="$x"\n"
- readvar $x
- if $x == "EOF" then goto LUNotName
- send "Computer="$x"\n"
- LUNotName:
- until $x == "EOF"
- varfile Close
- return
- ;********************************************************
- ;File menu
- ;********************************************************
- FileMenu:
- send "\nFile command (? or ! for menu): "
- input $cmd "\r"
- send "\n"
- IF $cmd == "?" THEN ascsend $menudir".menu1"
- IF $cmd == "!" THEN ascsend $menudir"menu1"
- IF $cmd == "" THEN return
- IF $cmd == "Q" THEN return
- IF $cmd == "L" THEN gosub ListFiles
- IF $cmd == "D" THEN gosub Download
- IF $cmd == "U" THEN gosub Upload
- IF $cmd == "V" THEN gosub ViewZOO
- IF $cmd == "S" THEN gosub QListFiles
- IF $cmd == "EXT" THEN gosub ExtractZOO
- IF $cmd == "ADD" THEN gosub AddFile
- IF $cmd == "DEL" THEN gosub Remove
- IF $cmd == "DIR" THEN gosub Show
- IF $cmd == "GET" THEN gosub GetHold
- goto FileMenu
- ;********************************************************
- ;List files in download directory
- ;********************************************************
- ListFiles:
- send "\n"
- CLI $list" "$dldir
- return
- ;********************************************************
- ;List files in download directory quick
- ;********************************************************
- QListFiles:
- send "\n"
- CLI $qlist" "$dldir
- return
- ;********************************************************
- ;Download file
- ;********************************************************
- Download:
- IF $DLCredit == "Y" then goto DownlOK1
- send "\nNo files up, no files down....\n"
- return
- DownlOK1:
- send "\nFilename: "
- input $file "\r"
- send "\n"
- IF $file == "" THEN return
- IF exists $dldir$file THEN goto DownlOK
- send "The file '"$file"' does not exist!\n"
- return
- DownlOK:
- send "Choose protocol (return for "$proto"):"
- input $nproto "\r"
- send "\n"
- IF $nproto == "" THEN goto XDownload
- set $trans = $nproto
- gosub CheckProto
- set $proto = $trans
- gosub SetProto
- XDownload:
- send "Waiting...\n"
- upload $dldir$file
- write $dir"log" $date" Downloaded "$file" (Xmodem)\n"
- Set $DLCredit = "N"
- return
- ;********************************************************
- ;Upload file
- ;********************************************************
- Upload:
- send "\nFilename: "
- input $file "\r"
- send "\n"
- IF $file == "" THEN return
- IF $ULCredit == "Y" then goto ULOK
- send "\n\nSorry, you have no upload-credit..\n"
- return
- IF !EXISTS $uldir$file THEN goto UploadOK
- send "The file '"$file"' allready exists!\n"
- return
- UploadOK:
- send "Describe the file: "
- input $desc "\r"
- send "\n"
- GetProto:
- send "Choose protocol (return for "$proto"):"
- input $nproto "\r"
- send "\n"
- IF $nproto == "" THEN goto XUpload
- set $trans = $nproto
- gosub CheckProto
- set $proto = $trans
- gosub SetProto
- XUpload:
- send "Waiting...\n"
- download $uldir$file
- write $dir"log" $date" Uploaded "$file" (Xmodem)\n"
- IF !$desc == "" THEN CLI "Filenote file "$uldir$file" comment \""$desc"\""
- set $DLCredit = "Y"
- return
- ;********************************************************
- ;Bulletin menu
- ;********************************************************
- BullMenu:
- ascsend $menudir".menu2"
- bull: send "\nBulletin number (? or ! for menu): "
- input $cmd "\r"
- send "\n"
- IF $cmd == "?" THEN goto BullMenu
- IF $cmd == "!" THEN goto BullMe
- IF $cmd == "" THEN return
- IF $cmd == "Q" THEN return
- IF exists $bulldir"bull"$cmd THEN goto ShowBull
- send "Illegal bulletin-number!\n"
- goto bull
- BullMe:
- ascsend $menudir"menu2"
- goto bull
- ShowBull:
- send "\n"
- ascsend $bulldir"bull"$cmd
- write $dir"log" $date" Read bulletin #"$cmd"\n"
- goto bull
- ;********************************************************
- ;Sysop menu
- ;********************************************************
- ;rewrite, add possibility for userupdate
- SysopMenu:
- ascsend $menudir"menu3"
- Sysop:
- IF $sysacc == "T" THEN goto SysOK
- send "Nope, you're not allowed!\n"
- write $dir"log" $date" Attempted restricted command\n"
- return
- SysOK: send "\nSysop Command (? for menu): "
- input $cmd "\r"
- send "\n"
- IF $cmd == "?" THEN goto SysopMenu
- IF $cmd == "Q" THEN return
- IF $cmd == "" THEN return
- IF $cmd == "L" THEN goto ListLog
- IF $cmd == "R" THEN goto Priv
- IF $cmd == "D" THEN goto DeleteLog
- IF $cmd == "C" THEN goto DeleteComm
- IF $cmd == "B" THEN goto RemoteBackup
- IF $cmd == "S" THEN goto StartScript
- IF $cmd == "U" THEN goto UserUpdate
- ;********************************************************
- ;Execute DOS command
- ;********************************************************
- write $dir"log" $date" Executed DOS command: "$cmd"\n"
- send "\n Commands that can be executed from remote are:\n"
- CLI $list " " $doscomm
- if $local == "F" then goto NoLocalDos
- CLI $cmd
- goto sysok
- NoLocalDos:
- CLI $doscomm$cmd
- goto sysok
- NoDos:
- send "\n\nOnly available in local mode, sorry!!\n\n"
- goto sysok
- goto sysok
- ;********************************************************
- ;Delete log file
- ;********************************************************
- DeleteLog:
- if $local == "F" then goto NoDos
- IF $cosys == "T" then goto sysok
- send "\nSure? (Enter=N)? "
- input $cmd "\r"
- send "\n"
- IF !$cmd == "Y" THEN goto sysok
- CLI "delete "$dir"log"
- write $dir"log" $date" Started new log\n"
- goto sysok
- ;********************************************************
- ;Delete private messages
- ;********************************************************
- DeleteComm:
- if $local == "F" then goto NoDos
- IF $cosys == "T" then goto sysok
- send "\nDelete all private messages (Enter=N)? "
- input $cmd "\r"
- send "\n"
- IF !$cmd == "Y" then goto sysok
- CLI "delete >nil: "$msgsdir"Comments"
- write $dir"log" $date" Private messages deleted\n"
- goto sysok
- ;********************************************************
- ;List log file
- ;********************************************************
- ListLog:
- send "\n"
- ascsend $dir"log"
- write $dir"log" $date" Listed Log\n"
- goto sysok
- ;********************************************************
- ;Remote Backup
- ;********************************************************
- RemoteBackup:
- send "\nRemote Backup started.\n"
- CLI "run >nil: <nil: copy ncomm:host to df1:host all clone"
- write $dir"log" $date" Started Remote Backup\n"
- goto sysok
- ;********************************************************
- ;Start a script
- ;********************************************************
- StartScript:
- Send "\n\nThis is a Point of No Return!!!\n\n"
- send "When the script is started there is _NO WAY BACK_\n\n"
- Send "Continue? (Enter=N)"
- input $Cont "\r"
- If $cont == "Y" THEN GOTO StartS1
- goto sysok
- StartS1:
- CHAIN $dir"A.Script"
- ;********************************************************
- ;Uppdate user
- ;********************************************************
- UserUpdate:
- set $tmpsysop = $insysop
- set $tmplast = $inlast
- set $tmpname = $name
- send "\nWhat user do you eant to update/change? "
- input $name "\r"
- send "\n"
- set $SkippPassword = "T"
- gosub CheckName
- if $NameOK == "T" then goto UserUpdateOK
- send "\n"$name"Doesn't exist!\n"
- goto LeaveUserUpdate
- UserUpdateOK:
- if $insysop == "Sysop" then if !$tmpsysop == "Sysop" then goto LeaveUserUpdate
- send "\n"$name" is '"$insysop"'\n"
- send "\nUpdate to: (1 = New 2 = Normal User, 9 = CoSysop, 10 = Sysop ) "
- input $level "\r"
- if $level == "1" then set $newSysop = "New"
- if $level == "1" then goto LevelOK
- if $level == "2" then set $newSysop = "Normal"
- if $level == "2" then goto LevelOK
- if $level == "9" then set $newSysop = "Cosys"
- if $level == "9" then goto LevelOK
- if $level == "10" then if $tmpsysop == "Sysop" then set $newSysop = "Sysop"
- if $level == "10" then if $tmpsysop == "Sysop" then goto LevelOK
- goto UserUpdateOK
- LevelOK:
- send "\nULCredits="$inULCredit", should be? (Y/N) "
- input $inULCredit "\r"
- if !$inULCredit == "N" then if !$inULCredit == "Y" then goto LevelOK
- send "\nDLCredits="$inDLCredit", should be? (Y/N) "
- input $inDLCredit "\r"
- if !$inDLCredit == "N" then if !$inDLCredit == "Y" then goto ULOK
- Set $newpass = $inpass
- Set $newcharset = $incharset
- Set $newULCredit = $inULCredit
- Set $newDLCredit = $inDLCredit
- Set $newStatus = $level
- Set $newProto = $inProto
- Set $newLast = $inlast
- gosub ChangeUser
- LeaveUserUpdate:
- set $insysop = $tmpsysop
- set $inlast = $tmplast
- set $name = $tmpname
- goto sysop
- ;********************************************************
- ;Comment to sysop
- ;********************************************************
- Comment:
- send "\n\nSubject: "
- input $subject "\r"
- IF $subject == "" then return
- SET $to = "Sysop"
- SET $mfile = "Comments"
- SET $mtype = "Comment to sysop"
- goto Writemess
- ;********************************************************
- ;Messages menu
- ;********************************************************
- Messages:
- ascsend $menudir".menu5"
- Mess1: send "\nMessage command (? or ! for menu): "
- input $cmd "\r"
- send "\n"
- IF $cmd == "?" THEN goto Messages
- IF $cmd == "!" THEN goto Mess2
- IF $cmd == "" THEN return
- IF $cmd == "Q" THEN return
- IF $cmd == "R" THEN goto Mess3
- IF $cmd == "W" THEN goto Mess3
- GOTO Mess1
- Mess3:
- send "\nArea number (? or ! for menu): "
- input $area "\r"
- IF $area == "?" THEN goto Mess3a
- IF $area == "!" THEN goto Mess3b
- send "\n"
- IF exists $msgsdir"messages"$area THEN goto Mess4
- send "Illegal Area-number!\n"
- goto Mess1
- Mess3a:
- ascsend $menudir".menu5"
- goto Mess3
- Mess3b:
- ascsend $menudir"menu5"
- goto Mess3
- Mess2: ascsend $menudir"menu5"
- goto Mess1
- Mess4: IF $cmd =="R" THEN goto Read
- gosub Enter
- goto Mess1
- ;********************************************************
- ;Enter message
- ;********************************************************
- Enter:
- send "\nTo (Enter=ALL): "
- input $to "\r"
- IF $to == "" then SET $to = "ALL"
- send "\nSubject: "
- input $subject "\r"
- IF $subject == "" then return
- SET $mfile = "messages"$area
- SET $mtype = "Area"$area
- goto Writemess
- ;********************************************************
- ;Read public messages
- ;********************************************************
- Read:
- ascsend $msgsdir"messages"$area
- write $dir"log" $date" Read message in area "$area"\n"
- goto Mess1
- ;********************************************************
- ;Read private messages
- ;********************************************************
- Priv: IF !EXISTS $msgsdir"comments" then goto sysok
- ascsend $msgsdir"comments"
- write $dir"log" $date" Read private messages.\n"
- goto sysok
- ;********************************************************
- ;Handle NO CARRIER
- ;********************************************************
- NoCarrier:
- write $dir"log" $date" CARRIER LOST\n"
- gosub logout
- goto main
- ;********************************************************
- ;View ZOO file
- ;********************************************************
- ViewZOO:
- send "\nGive the name of the "$arch" file: "
- input $file "\r"
- send "\n"
- IF $file == "" then return
- IF exists $dldir$file then goto ViewOK
- IF exists $dldir$file$arch then goto ViewOK
- send "The file does not exist!\n"
- return
- ViewOK: write $dir"log" $date" "$arch" view of "$file"\n"
- CLI $alist$dldir$file
- return
- ;********************************************************
- ;Extract ZOO file
- ;********************************************************
- ExtractZOO:
- IF $DLCredit == "Y" then goto DownlOK1
- send "\nNo files up, no files down....\n"
- return
- ExtraZ1:
- send "\nGive the name of the "$arch" file: "
- input $file "\r"
- send "\n"
- IF $file == "" then return
- IF exists $dldir$file then goto ExtOK
- IF exists $dldir$file$arch then goto ExtOK
- send "The file does not exist!\n"
- return
- ExtOK: send "\nGive the name of the file(s) to extract [Enter=all]: "
- input $files "\r"
- write $dir"log" $date" Extracted "$file" "$files"\n"
- send "\n"
- CLI "delete >nil: "$tmp
- write $tmp "CD "$hold"\n"
- write $tmp $aextract$dldir$file" "$files"\n"
- CLI "execute "$tmp
- return
- ;********************************************************
- ;Add file to HOLD
- ;********************************************************
- AddFile:
- IF $DLCredit == "Y" then goto DownlOK1
- send "\nNo files up, no files down....\n"
- return
- AddF1:
- send "\nFilename: "
- input $file "\r"
- send "\n"
- IF $file == "" then return
- IF exists $dldir$file then goto AddOK
- send "The file '"$file"' does not exist!\n"
- return
- AddOK: CLI "COPY "$dldir$file" "$hold
- write $dir"log" $date" Added "$file"\n"
- return
- ;********************************************************
- ;Delete file(s) from HOLD
- ;********************************************************
- Remove: send "\nFilename: "
- input $file "\r"
- send "\n"
- IF $file == "" then return
- write $dir"log" $date" Deleted "$file"\n"
- CLI "delete \""$hold$file"\""
- return
- ;********************************************************
- ;List files in HOLD directory
- ;********************************************************
- Show:
- send "\n"
- CLI $list" "$hold
- return
- ;********************************************************
- ;Download files in HOLD directory
- ;********************************************************
- GetHold:
- send "Wait while I pack the files...\n"
- CLI "delete >nil: "$holdzoo
- CLI $apack$holdzoo" "$hold"*"
- GetPr:
- send "Choose protocol (return for "$proto"):"
- input $nproto "\r"
- send "\n"
- IF $nproto == "" THEN goto XGet
- set $trans = $nproto
- gosub CheckProto
- set $proto = $trans
- gosub SetProto
- XGet:
- send "Waiting...\n"
- upload $holdzoo
- write $dir"log" $date" Downloaded HOLD"$arch" (Xmodem)\n"
- CLI "delete >nil: "$holdzoo
- return
- ;********************************************************
- ;Letter menu, private mail
- :********************************************************
- LetterMenu:
- send "\nLetter command (? or ! for menu): "
- input $cmd "\r"
- send "\n"
- IF $cmd == "?" THEN ascsend $menudir".menu4"
- IF $cmd == "!" THEN ascsend $menudir"menu4"
- IF $cmd == "" THEN return
- IF $cmd == "Q" THEN return
- IF $cmd == "R" THEN gosub ReadLetter
- IF $cmd == "W" THEN gosub WriteLetter
- IF $cmd == "E" THEN gosub DeleteLetter
- IF $cmd == "G" THEN gosub GrabMail
- goto LetterMenu
- ;********************************************************
- ;Enter message
- ;********************************************************
- WriteLetter:
- send "\nTo: (enter to abort) "
- input $to "\r"
- IF $to == "" then return
- gosub CheckName
- if $NameOK == "T" THEN goto WLCont
- send "There is no user with the name "$to
- goto WriteLetter
- WLCont: send "\nSubject: (enter to abort) "
- input $subject "\r"
- IF $subject == "" then return
- SET $mtype = "Private"
- SET $mfile = $to
- goto writemess
- ;********************************************************
- ;Read private messages
- ;********************************************************
- ReadLetter:
- IF !EXISTS $msgsdir$name then goto NoLetter
- ascsend $msgsdir$name
- write $dir"log" $date" Read private letters \n"
- return
- NoLetter:
- send "No private mail to "$name"\n"
- return
- ;********************************************************
- ;Delete private messages
- ;********************************************************
- DeleteLetter:
- send "\nErase all private mail? (Enter=N) "
- input $cmd "\r"
- send "\n"
- IF !$cmd == "Y" then return
- CLI "delete >nil: \""$msgsdir$name"\""
- write $dir"log" $date" Private messages deleted\n"
- return
- ;********************************************************
- ;Grab all mail
- ;********************************************************
- GrabMail:
- CLI "copy >nil: \""$msgsdir$name"\" to \""$hold"\""
- send "\n\nAdd messageareas (enter=Y) ?"
- input $cmd "\r"
- send "\n\n"
- if !$cmd == "N" then CLI "copy >nil: \""$msgsdir"messages#?\" to \""$hold"\""
- send "\n\nAdd bulletins (enter=Y) ?"
- input $cmd "\r"
- send "\n\n"
- if !$cmd == "N" then CLI "copy >nil: \""$bulldir"bull#?\" to \""$hold"\""
- write $dir"log" $date" Fetched mail\n"
- goto gethold
- ;********************************************************
- ;Enter message
- ; $to = to who
- ; $mfile = to wich file
- ; $mtype = type of message
- ;********************************************************
- WriteMess:
- CLI $delete " >NIL: RAM:__NHSX__TMP__"
- cli $copy " >nil: \""$msgsdir$mfile"\" to RAM:__NHSX__TMP__"
- SET $header = "\n\nFrom: "$name"\n"
- SET $header = $header"To: "$to"\nSubject: "$subject"\n"
- SET $header = $header"Date: "$date"\n"
- SET $header = $header"-------------------------------\n"
- write "RAM:__NHSX__TMP__" $header
- send $header
- send "[Write in your message below; "
- send "end with Ctrl-Z on a blank line]\n\n"
- when "^Z" goto endWL
- WLent: input $line "\r"
- send "\n"
- write "RAM:__NHSX__TMP__" $line"\n"
- goto WLent
- EndWL: dlwhen
- cli $copy " >nil: RAM:__NHSX__TMP__ to \""$msgsdir$mfile"\""
- send "\nMessage saved!^G\n"
- write $dir"log" $date" Entered "$mtype" message\n"
- return