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Text File | 1978-05-22 | 71.8 KB | 1,539 lines |
- NComm V3.0: Released the 1st of October 1993
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- It is finally here, and this time it's not a fake... :-)
- I have to apologize for the long time it has taken to develop this new
- version of NComm. It took quite a lot of time to make NComm look and
- feel like a real OS 2.0 program. A lot of care had to be taken to
- still keep the program compatible with OS 1.3. Actually, NComm will
- look just as good under 1.3 as it does with OS 2.0 or 3.0. This is
- much thanks to Nico Franτois and his ReqTools.library.
- You will quickly notice that this is not a complete version of NComm.
- NComm 2.0 was cracked the same day as it was released and I have
- certainly lost a lot of registrations on that. Even if the copy
- protection had been better, some persons would certainly have managed
- to crack it after some time. A new step has therefore been taken with
- NComm 3.0. Unfortunately, I had to remove the code for a few
- important functions. This will hopefully encourage users to register
- and certainly makes it impossible to turn the unregistered version
- into a registered version. If you want to have a complete version of
- NComm, you should register (or pay your upgrade fee if you are already
- a registered user).
- EXTREMELY IMPORTANT: Cheques (except from EuroCheques written out in
- norwegian kroners) will no longer be excepted as payment for NComm due
- to very expensive cashing fees ... Also, the general pricing has
- changed, please refer to the "Register.doc" file for further
- information about registering or upgrading.
- Apart from the OS 2.0 look and the new OS 2.0 support functions, some
- persons will probably not notice an enormous difference between NComm
- 2.0 and NComm 3.0...at first. The underlying changes are, however,
- quite big. Several bugs have been fixed and a lot of changes have
- been made. This especially goes for the script language. Numeric
- variables and arithmetics are a few of the things that have been
- added. Please see below for a complete list of changes in NComm since
- version 2.0...
- Two versions of the reqtools.library have been included, one for OS
- 1.3 and one for OS 2.0 and above. Click on the "Install13" icon if
- you want to install NComm for use with 1.2/1.3, otherwise click on the
- "Install20" icon. A custom IBM font has also been included, in some
- cases it may be preferable to use this font instead of the NComm font.
- I have not included all the XPR-protocols listed in the protocol menu.
- This is mainly because most people don't want to download a few 100K
- extra because of some protocols they never use. When registering your
- version of NComm, please specify if you want additional protocols
- installed on your NComm 3.0 disk... (all will not fit).
- There have been a lot of demands about improving the terminal
- emulation in NComm. Not many changes have been made to that part of
- the program, although it certainly can be much improved and made quite
- a lot faster. I have unfortunately been quite busy lately and also
- lack specific information about the different emulation protocols.
- However, if you keep on supporting this product, I will probably
- include this and several other things (like XEM support) in the
- future. The custom font support will probably also be improved a bit.
- If you have suggestions or source code for future versions of NComm,
- it is certainly welcome. Bugreports are also very much appreciated.
- Please note that the email addresses mentioned in the previous version
- of NComm are no longer valid. The best way to reach me is via the
- Rodel°kka (M)BBS, which is also the new support BBS for NComm. Refer
- to the "doc/NComm.doc" file for further information.
- Note: NComm 3.0 will probably not work on a 512K machine anymore
- (unless you are using a two color config file). It is recommended
- that at least 600K of memory is available when starting NComm.
- Below, you will find a list of things that have been fixed or added in
- this version of NComm:
- Xfer bugs
- ---------
- o XPR protocols that attempted to call any of the four XPR extension
- functions would crash NComm. This was a really dangerous bug and
- is also the reason why Jmodem crashed when using NComm 2.0. I
- must say that it is a miracle that Zmodem worked at all... :-)
- o XPR protocols that attempted to do a serial read after flushing the
- serial input would crash NComm. This bug could actually cause
- crashes whem using any XPR protocol, including Zmodem.
- o Icons were not created for Xmodem / Ymodem / txt files when downloading
- o Auto-activated downloads performed with EXPR protocols would be placed
- in the current system directory instead of the current download directory.
- o NComm crashed if it received characters after receiving the error message
- "Unable to open XPR library".
- o Error messages during transfer are now cut off so they fit in window.
- o The "Use WB Screen" option in the menu was not ghosted during downloads.
- If you tried selecting it during a transfer, NComm would crash if you
- were using KickStart 1.2 / 1.3 ...
- Terminal bugs
- --------------
- o When using the 80 x 24 mode, the status line covered the last three
- pixels of the main terminal window. Reported by several persons :-)
- o NComm sent the x,y coordinates in wrong order when a VT100 terminal
- asked for a query. The results were unpredictable :-)
- o The "Destructive BackSpace" option now works when using half duplex.
- o Terminal colors were mapped wrong when using 4 colors.
- o The main terminal window will keep its original size if NComm is unable
- to open a split window (the size was previously halfed)
- o It was difficult to select the IBP character set. Although currently
- in use, it would not be checkmarked in the menu.
- o Flashing text didn't work if you cleared the screen when using text
- snapping (previously called OS2 snapping)
- o When using ConClip and pasting the clipboard, NComm sent a null
- ('\0') to many. Was normally harmless, unless using emacs :-)
- Dialling bugs
- -------------
- o The serial port crashed if the "max ringing" number was set to
- something different from zero and "RINGING" was received.
- o When connecting to a bulletin board, config and several other things
- will be loaded before starting the attached script. This fixes problems
- with script commands being overridden by phonebook settings.
- o NComm now restores the "Redial at logoff" menu flag after loading
- a new configuration file.
- Scrollback bugs
- ---------------
- o The scrollback previously only sent and remembered text currently
- visible on screen when marking a long line.
- o NComm would refuse to append to a Scrollback or Capture file. The
- original file would be overwritten.
- o NComm now ghosts the "View Scrollback" functions if buffer is empty.
- o Amiga System Shortcuts entered while positioned in the scrollback will
- no longer be threated as commands to the scrollback window.
- Script/ARexx bugs
- -----------------
- o The "CONVERSE" command now has higher priority than the "WHEN" command
- when waiting for a string that is also searched for with a WHEN command.
- This fixes problems with the error message "Unknown Command ''".
- o The ARexx "message" function crashed when displaying a very long line.
- o The ARexx "menuselect" function did not handle subitems
- o The script language "DORX" command didn't do anything :-)
- Other bugs
- ----------
- o NComm didn't clean up nicely if it was unable to open a screen/window
- o The serial port stayed open if there wasn't enough memory to start.
- o The phonebook "sort" function was unable to sort within a specific area.
- The sort function now works as mentioned in the documentation.
- o The OS2 Snapping option (now called "Text Snapping") was not always
- ghosted when using KickStart 1.2/1.3. If selected when using 1.2/1.3,
- the results were unpredictable :-)
- o Changing any of the default transfer directories caused enforcer hits
- (and sometimes trashed memory).
- OS 2.0/3.0 changes
- -------------
- o Added Reqtools.library support. Reqtools.library looks much nicer
- than the previous req.library. It has full 1.2/1.3 and 2.0/3.0
- support and looks good with both versions of the operating system.
- All the ReqTools requesters in NComm support automatic shutdown.
- This avoids the highly irritating "Please close the current requester"
- messages. Note: Magic FileRequester does not patch the reqtools.library
- correctly when using the ShareIDCMP and ReqHandler features!
- NComm checks for the existance of MFR and will disable automatic
- shutdown of the file requester if present (this avoids crashes).
- o All NComm windows now have a much nicer 2.0 look that much resembles
- the look of the requesters in the reqtools.library.
- o Support has been added for all 2.0/3.0 screenmodes via the reqtools lib
- ScreenMode requester. You may now run NComm in for example DoublePAL
- or Productivity Mode. This also means that NComm will no longer
- phreak out if you are using DoublePAL on the WorkBench screen.
- o NComm now uses interleaved BitMaps (supported by OS 3.0 and above).
- This avoids flashing when scrolling and even speeds up text output.
- If you are using OS 3.0, you don't need CpuBlit anymore.
- o When using OS 3.0, menus will get the "New Look" (light background).
- o All NComm windows that are displayed will be centered on the screen
- (unless the window is snapshot).
- o Full Public Screen support has been added. The public screen name is
- the same as the rexx port name, i.e. "NComm" for the first copy of
- NComm and "NComm_#" for additional copies (# is 1 or more).
- When selecting a Public Screen, NComm asks if it should "shanghai"
- windows. If you turn this option on, NComm will steel any windows
- that would normally open on the WorkBench screen. By using this
- option, you may for example easily run a Shell window on the
- same screen as NComm...
- o The "NEWCLI" environment variable has been renamed to "NEWSHELL"
- which is more according to the 2.0 style guide :-) The same thing
- goes for the system menu.
- ARexx changes
- --------------
- o It is now possible to Shift-Select a script icon when starting
- NComm from WorkBench. NComm will automatically detect if this is
- an ARexx file or a normal script file.
- o NComm now uses '|' instead of ',' as a seperator between ARexx
- telephone numbers (',' is used as a modem delay command).
- o Upto 60 characters (previously 40) can be entered in a requester
- brought up with the ARexx "STRINGREQ" function. The same thing
- also goes for the normal script language.
- o A "NCommToFront" command has been added. It simply brings the NComm
- screen to front. The same thing goes for the normal script language.
- o New "GetBoardName" command returns the name of the current board.
- o New "GetBoardNum" command returns the current board phone number.
- o New "GetLogTime" command returns the current logon time.
- o New "GetDlDir" command returns the current download dir.
- o New "GetUlDir" command returns the current upload dir.
- Terminal changes
- ----------------
- o The 80 x 24 option will now open a screen that is 640 x 204 pixels.
- This reduces memory and also looks better.
- o Several finnish and swedish users have requested a character set that
- both receives IBM and SF7 correctly (all 8-bits) but sends SF7
- (7-bits). This is supported when using the new "S87" character set.
- Script changes
- ---------------
- o The script language has been much improved and now has numeric
- variables (sort of) and arithmetics (+, -, *, /, %, ^). Numbers
- are completely compatible with text strings and you may therefore
- easily convert back and forth between text and numbers. A part
- of a text string can be used as a numeric argument by using the
- "STRPART" function. A "STRLEN" function has also been added, it
- returns the string length. Off course, you may also use numbers
- for making do/while/repeat loops. In general, the NComm script
- language is now almost as powerful as ARexx...
- o I have a added a $RAND variable that returns a random number
- between 0 and 65535. To get a number within a specific range,
- multiply with (range + 1) and divide with 65536.
- o The new variable $Boardname contains the name of the current board.
- o The new variable $Boardnum contains the current board phone number.
- o The new variable $Logtime contains the current logon time.
- o The new variable $Dldir contains the current download dir.
- (Note: Change IRIS scripts that refer to standard variable with same name)
- o The new variable $Uldir contains the current upload dir.
- (Note: Change IRIS scripts that refer to standard variable with same name)
- o The "Start Script" option in the menu works as a toggle but the
- text in the menu did not reflect this. NComm now displays "Stop
- Script" in the menu if a script is running.
- Screen changes
- ---------------
- o Added "Use WB Palette" option that automatically gives you the same look
- in NComm (on a custom screen) that you have on your WorkBench screen.
- A nice feature is that you may grab and modify the WorkBench palette by
- entering the palette requester and clicking on "OK". If you turn off
- the "WB Palette" option, the modified palette will be used.
- o Custom font support has been added. The translation menu still selects
- which type of translation that should be performed. If you are
- using an IBM font, you should normally set the translation to ISO (no
- translation). Custom fonts are unfortunately not _fully_ supported since
- the console device is not able to display characters in the range 0x80
- to 0x9f... These characters will appear as blanks. I hope to add some
- functionality in the next version of NComm that makes it possible to
- display these characters by using custom text routines. It may be
- preferable to use the inbuilt NComm IBM emulation if you need these
- characters but normally you won't notice much of a difference.
- o I've added a "Line Editing" option that puts outgoing split screen
- characters in a buffer until carriage return is pressed. You may in
- other words edit the line by using "backspace" before sending it off.
- o A sample option has been added to the list of "beep" options. Any 8SVX
- sample may be loaded and will be played back when a beep (Ctrl-G)
- is received (OS 2.0/3.0 has the same option when a DisplayBeep is
- performed. You may want to disable either "DisplayBep" or the
- "Sample" option in NComm if you're not running 1.2/1.3) ...
- o The terminal, split screen and scrollback windows will automatically
- be snapshot when saving the config and will remember their previous
- positions when starting NComm the next time.
- o I've added an "ANSI Pens" option that arranges the screen pens so that
- NComm 3.0 will look as good as possible with the original NComm ANSI
- palette. The palette may need a few modifications, though. If you
- are using a normal OS 2.0 palette, you should turn this option off.
- System changes
- --------------
- o NComm no longer starts a background process (with cback.o) since
- many programs depend on NComm being sticky. If want NComm to work
- the old way, I recommend inserting "alias NComm run >NIL: <NIL: NComm"
- in your "S:Shell-Startup file". Note: This change also means that
- NComm is depending on the Shell stack size. Set your stack size to at
- least 10000 bytes. NComm will refuse to start if the stack is too small.
- Add "stack 10000" to the "S:Shell-Startup" file if necessary.
- o NComm now puts up an intelligent requester on the WorkBench screen if
- it for some reason is unable to start. Previously, NComm just flashed
- the screen and just about everything could be wrong :-)
- o Several persons want to disable the NComm "Quit (Yes/No)" requester.
- This has now been made an option via the environment variable
- "NCOMM_NOQUITREQ". If you want to disable the Quit requester, add the
- following line to your "S:User-Startup" file: SETENV NCOMM_NOQUITREQ "TRUE"
- Serial changes
- --------------
- o The LockSerial option has been removed. Since NComm from now on is
- sticky, there is no need for such a function. I also saved a few K
- by removing it. This function was as far as I know quite buggy.
- o NComm now expunges the current serial device when starting up or
- when changing the device driver. This makes it possible to switch
- between devices that both use the cia.resource, i.e. devices that
- both handle the internal serial port...
- o NComm now tries opening the current serial device in "shared mode"
- before giving up.
- o A copy of NComm can be started even if the serial port will not open.
- This is extremely handy if you want to edit the phonebook, macrokeys
- or modem setting while another program is currently using the port.
- If the serial port listed in the config file is faulty, you will no
- longer be "dead locked", simply enter NComm and change the device.
- o A "Serial Open" option has been added to the menu. If the serial port
- did not open, you may try opening it again later. You may also choose
- to close the serial port if another program needs it.
- Dialling changes
- ----------------
- o When logged on, NComm will not attempt to dial entries selected
- from the dial menu. Instead, they will be marked as selected in
- the phonebook and will be dialled after logoff if the "Redial
- after logoff" option is turned on.
- o NComm now displays "Next: Unlisted number" before dialling a
- number that is not listed in the phonebook.
- o The phonebook is stored at connect for updating the "last on /
- # of times on" info. Persons who are using a disk-drive or have
- temporarily modified the phonebook may want to disable this
- functionality by turning off the new "Log Phone-Info" option.
- o The dial window now also shows information about your username
- on this board and the number of times logged on (Note: The
- Escape, Delete and Space hotkeys are still valid although
- not listed in the window anymore).
- Xfer changes
- ------------
- o NComm now clears the "Last Error" field in the xfer window
- when reading/writing a new file. This avoids a lot of confusion.
- o If the "File Comments" option has been turned on, NComm
- will also add the final CPS rate to the file note :-)
- o Four new XPR protocols have been added to the menu: Bimodem,
- Bmodem Plus, VMS and Uue-Ascii. The script shortcuts are
- "i", "p", "v" and "u", accordingly.
- Phonebook changes
- -----------------
- o The phonebook edit and select modes are now handled via two seperate
- windows. Both windows will be visible when editing. This makes it
- much easier to edit multiple records or to look up current phonebook
- settings (if you click in the select window while the edit window is
- open, your changes, if any, will be saved and you will move to the
- new entry). It is highly recommended that NComm is set to use
- overscan width if you want both windows to be completely visible
- at the same time. Otherwise, the windows will overlap.
- o Each phonebook entry now has a "Show In Menu" selector that defines
- if this entry should show up in the quick dial menu. This makes it
- possible to keep the phonebook sorted and at the same time mask out
- entries that are rarely dialled from the dial menu...
- o Phonebook entries can now use any of the four dial prefixes defined
- in the modem setup menu for dialling the bulletin board. This is
- very useful when dialling boards that need special init strings.
- o I've added a "PB Password" option that makes it possible to protect
- your phonebook with a password. You always have to enter the password
- when loading the phonebook. The passwords stored in the phonebook will
- be encoded to illegible gibberish..
- o A "username" can be defined for each phonebook entry, making it
- possible to send of the username from a script or a macrokey with
- the '\u' string...
- o The phonebook now also shows the number of times you have connected to
- this board (if the log phone-info option has been turned on).
- o Double-clicking on a phonebook entry will bring up edit window
- Scrollback changes
- ------------------
- o The scrollback only shows the end of the scrollback buffer the
- _first_ time you open the window. It will remember the previous
- scrollback position if you bring it up multiple times.
- o When saving the scrollback (or doing a capture), you previously had
- to respond to two requesters if the file existed. NComm now brings
- up a combined "Delete / Append / Cancel" requester.
- o It is now possible to print the scrollback or a scrollback block
- by selecting save from the menu and entering "PRT:" in the
- filename gadget (leave the directory field blank).
- Modem Setup changes
- -------------------
- o A part of the Norwegian state called "Statens Teleforvaltning" (normally
- called Statens Tulleforvaltning --- the department of jokes) has decided
- that it shall not be possible to redial a telephone number from a modem
- more than three times within a minute. After some time you won't be allowed
- to dial the number again at all (it will be added to a blacklist). This is
- totally unacceptable if you want to quickly connect to a bulletin board. In
- general, the blacklist system makes redialling a pain in the a**. I have
- added an option to NComm's modem setup menu that tries to work its way
- around these limitations. It is called "Avoid Blacklist" and off course
- does nothing illegal or dangerous. Unfortunately, this work-around will
- only work with some telephone centrals. I will not inform anyone about
- how it works in detail since I don't want S.T.F. to get this knowledge,
- but, as mentioned, it does nothing illegal. If you have purchased a modem
- that spits out "DELAYED" or "BLACKLISTED" messages, try turning this option
- on and see if it helps. With most telephone centrals, it will totally solve
- your problems with these messages.
- o If case the work-around above doesn't work at your place, I have added a
- "DELAYED" string gadget that makes it possible to define the string that
- is reported by your modem if a call is delayed. The default action is
- to dial the next number in the queue (or redial this number) until the
- number can be dialled again. A "max delayed" gadget makes it possible
- to define the number of "DELAYED" messages that will be accepted before
- aborting dialling completely (if set to zero, NComm will never abort).
- o Three more init string gadgets have been added. This makes it possible
- to have different init strings for different types of boards or modems.
- This is extremely useful if you want to connect to a modem that won't
- handshake correctly unless you use a special init string.
- That's it folks... Comments, suggestions and bug-reports are welcome!
- NComm V2.0: Released the 9th of Mars 1992.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- This is the first official ShareWare release of NComm. Some persons
- probably wonder why NComm suddenly has turned into ShareWare:
- First: We've all spent a lot of time and money making new versions
- of NComm. After four years of continuous development, I think it's
- about time that both Daniel, Trym and I get a little back for
- the effort and money we have put into NComm.
- Second: This will hopefully insure continued development of this
- program. It's a lot more inspiring to work on NComm if you can earn
- a few pennys on it. I have got a lot of plans for NComm. A few of
- the things I currently want to implement are:
- o A complete VT220 emulation
- o Custom font support, eliminating the need for special NComm fonts
- o An even better script language with numeric variables, arithmetics
- and string functions etc.
- (Any additional suggestions will off course be highly appreciated).
- I would also like to do a major code clean-up, minimizing the use
- of memory and making a better interface/look when using OS 2.0. This
- will hopefully also make NComm run a little faster.
- However, since I no longer intend to work for free, neither of these
- things will be realized unless you pay for your version of NComm.
- If you want to keep "developers developing", please register your
- version of NComm.
- The money that we get for NComm will off course be shared just between
- Daniel Bloch, Trym Hansen and I. The price for the registered version
- of NComm 2.0 is $35 or 215 NOK. Upgrades can be received freely by
- calling the NComm Support BBS. Snail-mail upgrades can be received
- by sending $6 or 35 NOK for each upgrade.
- Please refer to the NComm.doc file for more information.
- PS: NComm V1.95 BETA is a version that was never meant to be released
- bugs and also lacks many of the features in V2.0.
- PPS: Also stay away from the FAKE version V2.003.
- Bugfixes since V1.921
- ---------------------
- o The ANSI auto detection code ESC[6n sometimes crashed NComm
- o Zoom'ing the scrollback window on the WorkBench screen crashed
- NComm when using OS 1.3 (and it wasn't even a bug in 1.3 :-)
- o Terminal emulation has been improved. ESC[...A, ESC[...B, ESC[...C,
- ESC...D and ESC...;...H now stop at the correct margins. Previously
- they didn't, and due to a serious bug in the console.device this
- also crashed NComm from time to time.
- o NComm would previously not work with the A2232 serial card at any
- other speeds than 2400 baud. This has been fixed and probably fixes
- some problems with other device-drivers too.
- o 7E1 (7 data-bits, even parity, 1 stop bit) did not work if it had
- also been turned on in Preferences.
- o NComm restarts the script timer after a download/upload. Previously
- you had to enter "timeout 0" before a upload or download to prevent
- the script timer from messing things up after an upload/download.
- o OS 2.0 snapping could sometimes be selected even when using 1.3.
- o It's no longer possible to dial more than one unlisted number from
- the menu by using the Dial Number function. (Unless you have seperated
- the numbers with a '|') This caused several problems.
- o You may no longer delete an entry from the phonebook if it exists in
- the dialling queue (this caused some *very* funny problems :-)
- o NComm didn't remove the status window on WB completely (if you were
- using a WB pattern you would see a small area without a pattern)
- o The phonebook script now starts as soon as a connection is established.
- Previously the script was started too late.
- o Spaces were not allowed in path name when downloading with Zmodem.
- This is a bug in the XPRZmodem.library but anyway, I fixed the problem.
- o Fixed a problem with the ESC[17x G&R command.
- o The "PRINTER" script command was broken.
- o The "disk full" message sometimes popped up when it shouldn't...
- o Uploading/downloading to another dir than the default upload/download
- directory did not work when using EXPR or Kermit.
- o Hopefully fixed some more bugs in the timer.device dialling routines
- o Did not open terminal window on WB screen when loading a config file
- o Colors will be translated correctly when echoed locally
- o The padding function did not work if the ASCII file started with a CR
- (this has been a bug since MsgSend was included :-)
- o Menus and text do no longer get garbled when running NComm on the WB
- screen and using large screen fonts (set via the OS 2.0 font" program)
- o Fixed problems with the XON/XOFF handshaking.
- o Fixed several scrollback display bugs
- Script changes
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- o The script execution is now up to 20 times faster than previously.
- NOTE: This also means that "label: goto label:" will tie up your
- system 20 times more than before so use WAIT "foobar" or the DELAY
- command if you want the script to wait forever...
- Many new commands have been added to the script language;
- o The CHAIN command now remembers variables. Use the command
- "CLEARVARS" if you want to clear all variables.
- o The DUMP command now takes a filename as an optional parameter.
- If you specify a filename, output will be appended to that file
- instead of displaying the contents on screen...
- Example: DUMP "t:debug_info"
- o Added script command "DORX" that executes an ARexx command/script.
- Example: DORX "ncomm:scripts/rxread1.ncomm"
- o Added RING command that checks the Ring Indicator signal (hardware)
- Example: Loop: delay 1 ;Wait one second
- if RING then goto Send_ATA
- goto Loop ;Repeat the loop
- o Added CARRIER command that checks the Carrier signal (hardware).
- Example: Loop: delay 1 ;Wait one second
- if CARRIER then goto Connect
- goto Loop ;Repeat the loop
- o Added MENUSELECT function that selects a function from the menu.
- Example: MENUSELECT SYSTEM 0 ;Open About Window
- o The character set can be changed from scripts via the variable $charset.
- Example: SET $charset = "IBN"
- MESSAGE $charset
- o Most serial-port parameters can now be set via the variables $length,
- $parity and $stopbits. Example: SET $length = "8" ;8 data bits
- SET $parity = "N" ;no parity
- SET $stopbits = "1" ;1 stop bit
- o Variables can now be read from files via the commands VARFILE/READVAR.
- VARFILE "filename" ;open file for input
- VARFILE CLOSE ;close varfile
- READVAR $var ;read line from varfile into $var
- Example: VARFILE "s:startup-sequence"
- READVAR $firstline
- READVAR $secondline
- MESSAGE $firstline"\n"$secondline"\n"
- o You may now delete any WHEN that you like with the command DWHEN.
- Specify the WHEN search string as a parameter.
- Example: WHEN "abc" SEND "abc"
- WHEN "bcd" SEND "bcd"
- [...]
- DWHEN "abc" ;remove "abc" when checking
- o Added REDIAL command that enables/disables redialling
- disable Zmodem auto-upload/Zmodem auto-download/G&R Commands/
- Zmodem resume/Pad Blank Lines
- All req.library requesters can now be accessed from the script language:
- o The script command PALETTE opens up the palette requester.
- o The file requester may be accessed via the variable $FILEREQ.
- Example: SET $filename = $FILEREQ
- IF $filename != "" config $filename
- o The string requester may be accessed via the variable $STRINGREQ.
- Example: Set $baud = $STRINGREQ
- o You may open simple text requesters with the command SimpleReq.
- Example: SimpleReq "You selected: "$filename"\n"
- o The TwoGadRequest() function can be accessed by using the BOOLEAN
- expression SELECTFALSE (you may of course also use the ! (NOT)
- operator if necessary)
- Example: IF SELECTFALSE "Fast modem?" THEN SET $baud = 300
- ARexx Interface added
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- I've finally added an ARexx interface. Thanks to Radical Eye Software
- for their MinRexx module. The ARexx interface offers you all the same
- possibilities as with the new internal script language. I've also
- included a few extra goodies that should make it possible to write
- very powerful scripts or even an advanced BBS-system in ARexx. The
- ARexx interface totally adds less than 13K to the code so I did not
- bother to make a special non-ARexx version of NComm.
- The port name for the first copy of NComm is 'ncomm', further copy's
- will use the port name 'NComm-X', X is 1 or more. The default
- extension for ARexx scripts that are used by NComm is .ncomm.
- You may use the CLI command line option '-r' to start an ARexx file/
- command with parameters. Note that this must be the last option
- specified!
- There are several other ways to start ARexx scripts. Apart from
- using the CLI "RX" command, you may start an ARexx script from
- the menu (Amiga-$). You may also start an ARexx script from a
- macrokey by entering {arexx} followed by the path/filename.
- ARexx scripts may also be executed from the phonebook, just like
- normal scripts. Enter the path/filename in the "ARexx" string gadget.
- Information about the script will be displayed while dialling and
- the script will execute as soon as you are connected to the system.
- Please see the ARexx.doc for more information. Also take a look at the
- few example scripts that have been supplied with this package.
- Serial changes
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- o Added support for the UUCP function "getty" by including
- a "Lock Serial" option. If selected, this function will lock the
- serial port when starting NComm and unlock the port when quitting.
- o You may now select mark or space parity from the menu.
- o I've added a command line option '-e' that enables CTS/DSR checking.
- This function was actually included for debugging purposes but I
- didn't bother to remove it :-). If this option is specified
- NComm will warn you if CTS or DSR is low when opening the port.
- Serial.device requires these two signals to be on when opening the
- port. If these signals are low, CTS/RTS may not work.
- o 1200/75 baud (split speed) support has been added. Thanks to
- David A. Varley for sending me the 75-baud output routine. The
- code jumps directly on the hardware and shifts out one bit
- at a time with precise timing. This unfortunately also means that
- this function will only work with the internal serial port.
- I've included an option that makes it possible to set the delay
- between each bit that is sent since the timing may differ from
- machine to machine...
- o Shared mode and CTS/RTS handshaking may now be used simultaneously.
- However, use this feature with care! Some *NASTY* gurus will appear
- if you try to run more than two NComm-copies simultaneously. As
- far as I can see, this is due to a bug in the serial.device.
- Dialling changes
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- o Messages from the modem are now displayed in a seperate field in
- the Dial window.
- o I've changed the dialling routine totally. NComm now only aborts if
- the code that is received is identified as an "abort code". I've
- included codes for "VOICE", "NO DIALTONE", "ERROR", "RINGING",
- "NO ANSWER", and "RING" (remote ring). You may also adjust NComm's
- tolerance for these codes in the modem setup requester.
- o If the script file that is specified in the phonebook does not
- exist in the current directory, NComm will check if it exists
- in the NComm: directory.
- o Info about last logon-time/date will be stored in the phonebook
- each time you connect to a board. The info will be displayed in
- the dial window or when editing phonebook entries. The phonebook
- will automatically be saved to disk at CONNECT if the "log calls"
- option has been turned on.
- o Added "Redial at logoff" option. If turned on, NComm will start
- dialling the rest of the boards that are selected in the phonebook
- after logging out from the current system. NComm automatically
- deselects boards in the PhoneBook when you connect to them.
- o If the entry that you are dialling contains multiple numbers
- seperated by a '|', NComm will display info about the call in
- progress, for example "(1 of 2)".
- o I've added nodelist support via the traplist.library. You may
- dial any number from the nodelist by entering a node number instead
- of a telephone number. Node numbers may be entered *anywhere* where
- telephone numbers are accepted. You may for example enter "2:502/15"
- as a number in the phonebook. Use the "Change TrapList Dir" function
- to change the nodelist directory.
- Modem setup changes
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- o As mentioned previously, most modem result codes may now be entered
- in the modem setup menu. These fields also have a "Max" option that
- makes it possible to adjust NComm's tolerance for these codes.
- Please see the documentation for more information.
- o Added option for turning off "Modem not responding" checking.
- Note: Normally this is a fatal error and means that your modem
- did not respond to the command that was sent by NComm. Please
- check your complete modem setup rather than just turning off
- this option.
- o Included option for hardware CARRIER / NO CARRIER checking. NComm
- waits for DCD to go on when dialling and waits for DCD to go off
- before logout. This is more reliable than just looking for the
- NO CARRIER string (if it shows up in a message, NComm will assume
- that the call has ended). NOTE: Your modem must track TRUE CARRIER.
- This means that the DCD signal must be "low" (off) in command state
- and should not go "high" (on) until a connection has been established.
- o Added a "Loop Delay" gadget. This delay-time controls how long
- NComm is supposed to wait before repeating the dial loop.
- o Changed the text "Auto-Speed" to "Locked Rate" since many people
- misunderstood what this function was actually doing. Normally, the
- locked rate option should be turned on! If this function is
- turned off, NComm will look for the number that is specified
- after the CONNECT message and automatically switch to that speed.
- Macrokeys changes
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- o Added four extra gadgets that makes it possible to configure what the
- cursor-keys should send when shifted. This can be very handy for
- installing Home, End, PgUp and PgDown.
- Suggestions for the MBBS FSE... Shift-Up: CTRL-R
- Shift-Down: CTRL-C
- Shift-Left: ESC [ H
- Shift-Right: ESC [ K
- o Added '\i' command that sends out the modem init string (this may
- of course also be used in scripts).
- o Added support for '\xHEXNUMBER' and '\NUMBER' in macrokeys
- (can also be used in scripts). This makes it possible to send
- codes like '\x1b' (escape) and '\32' (space) from macrokeys.
- Scrollback changes
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- o The snapping has been much improved. Previously you had to mark
- a whole line even if you just wanted to mark a single word.
- You may now set vertical positions where the block should
- start and end (like the Mark Block function in CygnusEd Pro).
- o The search function will now only mark the word that you are
- searching for and not the complete line.
- o The scrollback is now much faster when you use the proportional gadget
- for moving between lines with a long distance between them. This
- also means that the "move to end" function now takes no time at all.
- The speed increase depends on distance and position in scrollback.
- o The scrollback now displays the end of the buffer as soon as the
- window opens up.
- o IBM graphics that are saved with the "Save block" function will now
- be translated to "real IBM".
- o Added "Clear scrollback" function.
- o The scrollback save functions now asks if they should
- Append/OverWrite/Cancel if file exists.
- Phonebook changes
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- o Added two gadgets for moving to next/previous record while in
- "edit" mode. I.e, you don't have to return to the main menu if you
- want to edit any other records...
- o The 'Edit' function has been much improved. If you want to edit
- multiple entries, simply select all the entries that you want to
- edit and then press the 'Edit' button. When clicking on the 'OK'
- gadget, the edit function will automatically display the next
- entry that was selected.
- o Added a combined "Mark All" / "Clear All" button. If any entries
- have been selected, this function will deselect all entries. If
- no entries have been selected, this function will mark all entries.
- o Added a swap command that swaps two entries. Click on two entries
- and then on "Swap" if you want them to change place.
- o If an ARexx script should automatically be started at connect
- you may enter the path to the ARexx script in the new gadget field
- called "ARexx" while in edit mode.
- o "Last dialled" information will be displayed while in edit mode.
- Turn on the "log calls" option if the phonebook should automatically
- be saved when a connection has been established.
- Transfer changes
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- o Added support for the Compuserve Quick-B and Jmodem protocols. The
- protocols can be referred to as 'Q' and 'J' in the script language.
- These protocols use the "xprquickb" and the "xprjmodem" libraries
- (not included in this package).
- Please note that I have not actually been able to test these protocols
- with NComm, but they should work without problems if they follow all
- the XPR-specifications.
- o You will now get a graphic display of how much of the transfer that
- is finished when uploading or downloading (if supported by the
- protocols). The CPU loss is kept at a minimum but anyway I've added
- an option that makes it possible to turn this feature off.
- o NComm now checks at startup if the upload and download directories
- exist. If they don't exist, you will get a warning.
- o From now on, a file-requester will pop-up if you want to select an
- External-XPR library. The pattern "xpr*.library" assures that
- only valid XPR libraries can be selected.
- o I've added an "Add filenote" option. If selected, NComm will add
- a filenote to the file after a download. The filenote consists of
- either the boardname or the telephone-number to the board where the
- file was collected from. Such a filenote will also be added when
- doing an ASCII Capture or when saving the scrollback.
- o Added an option for setting the Zmodem buffer size. The recommended
- value is 16K but you may enter any values between 1 and 1024 (1MB).
- o The "internal multitasking" has been *much* improved when downloading.
- When using a 14400 bps modem, the Scrollback is now almost "real-time"
- when downloading or uploading...
- Terminal changes
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- o Added "Flashing text" option. Text will be displayed as "flashing"
- if ESC[5m is received. If this option has been turned off, the
- text will be displayed in italics if the style command has been turned
- on. This function uses an extra bitplane for flashing the text so
- the text display will slow down a little when this function has
- been enabled.
- NOTE: Due to limitations within the console.device, flashing text
- can not be used when using 8 colors.
- EXTRA BONUS FEATURE: The cursor will flash too... This is also
- due to limitations within the console.device (it's not possible
- to change the color used for displaying the cursor).
- o I've added an option that forces a window that is 80 character
- wide and 24 characters high (80 x 24). Some bulletin board
- systems seem to require such a display.
- o NComm now understands the codes used for ANSI detection (cursor
- position report, terminal report and terminal state) and responds
- with the correct codes for a VT100 terminal.
- o Added "Line Wrap" option. When this option has been turned off,
- text will not move to the next line when hitting the right edge
- of the window. This is according to the VT220 specs, so normally
- this function should be turned off.
- Other changes
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Added an OS 2.0 version string. You can now use the CLI 'version' command
- for checking your NComm revision.
- A new host script has been included, made by Nils-Arne Dahlberg. It uses
- many of the new features in NComm V2.0's script language.
- The CLI '-u' option shows who owns this copy. Hopefully YOUR name is
- displayed, if not you had better report this to me as soon as possible.
- ==========================================================================
- NComm V1.92 was released in a hurry and had not been tested very
- well (the beta-testers deserve a large flame :-) Many bugs were
- unfortunately still left in the code. NComm V1.921 fixes all the bugs
- that were reported.
- o CTS/RTS only worked if it had been turned on in Preferences (I can
- see that JrComm 1.01 has the same problem). The serial device settings
- are now completely independent of the settings in preferences.
- o Since the input.device (the device that handles all input events)
- runs at priority 20, it would be fatal to set the NComm priority to
- 20 or higher. The maximum allowed priority is now 19. Another very
- naughty thing: The A590 harddisk sometimes changes the input.device
- priority to 5, so a priority of 5 or more could cause problems too.
- When running NComm at a higher priority than input.device, the
- scrollback up/down-gadgets never received an IDCMP message when
- releasing the left mouse button. Finally, you had to reset your
- machine :-( To prevent such hangs, NComm now checks if input.device
- runs at a lower priority than NComm and changes the input.device
- priority if necessary.
- Note: Be careful with setting a high priority! High priorities
- often cause big problems, dead locks and so on... The filesystem
- normally runs at priority 10, which means that you could get into
- trouble when setting the priority to 10 or higher. I personally run
- NComm at priority 15 (on an A3000) and have experienced no problems,
- but the general rule is: If you experience problems, try setting a
- lower priority.
- o XPRZmodem library V2.10 should now work with NComm (The serial
- input routine returned -1 on timeout so V2.10 did not work.
- Thanks to Geir-Inge H°steng for locating the bug!). NComm V1.9
- contains the same bug.
- o The download warning message "Not enough disk space" was
- unfortunately brought up during uploads when uploading from
- a disk that was almost full, or when using Xmodem/Ymodem :-/
- o "Next board" msg was misplaced when dialing multiple boards.
- o (Due to a bug in AmigaDOS 1.3): It was almost impossible to choose
- any options in the "Protocol options" submenu.
- o The ANSI mouse function turned itself off when changing resolution.
- o Numbers dialled with the "Dial #" function were not dialled
- immediately if a Dial window already was open. The window
- had to be shut down first.
- o Many users experienced hangs when dialling entries in the
- phonebook. This normally happened when closing down the transfer
- window or pressing any of the gadgets. This bug is probably
- caused by a problem with some very old timer routines, so I guess
- it has existed for quite a long time. Anyway, I added some lines of
- code that should prevent the timer functions from messing things up.
- Hope most of the problems are gone now (everything seems to
- work nicely with OS 2.0)
- o Even parity is not handled correctly by the serial.device. I
- have added some code which should make 7-Even-1 work correctly.
- (thanks to Jack Radigan for supplying me with the code
- originally written by Dave Wecker).
- o Upload requester was sometimes brought up twice when using
- the Zmodem "Auto Upload" function.
- o The "Save Scrollback" function did not save the complete
- buffer if the buffer had been filled up.
- o Tried to fix the OpenDevice() bug when using OS 2.0. I'm not
- 100% sure if it's gone, but anyway, thanks to Willy Langeveld for
- pointing out a few things that could be wrong!
- o Smashed a tricky bug when using "EXPR protocols". If an EXPR transfer
- was aborted, this would disable the "auto-activate transfers" feature
- for that protocol.
- o Amiga-X could not be used within gadgets since this hotkey was used
- by the ASCII capture function. The new hotkey for the ASCII capture
- function is now Amiga-J.
- o ANSI-mouse escape codes will not be sent when closing the "About"
- window with a mouseclick.
- o Fixed a problem with international keyboards in the scrollback.
- o If a script is already running when dialling a new board, the
- script configured for use with that board will not be started.
- o The 'SCR' and 'CAP' fields were not removed properly from
- the status line.
- o There is a problem with the 2.0 console device when using snapping.
- NComm uses two fonts for supporting IBM graphics: the problem
- occurs when characters drawn with the second font get overlapped
- by another window. The 2.0 console device will then redraw these
- characters with the current font, and the whole thing will look
- garbled. Until this gets fixed, NComm will only turn on the
- snapping flag when the "2.0 snapping" function has been selected.
- This also fixes the problem with screen-flashing when using Emacs.
- Unfortunately, this also means that NComm will have to close
- the terminal window when selected.
- o "ANSI mouse" escape codes were sent when clicking on the file
- requester 'OK' and 'Cancel' gadgets.
- o 16 color ANSI graphics didn't work and still won't work due to
- limitations within the console.device. We will probably have to
- get rid of the console.device before we can implement a complete
- ANSI emulation. I have decided to leave these things unchanged
- until a better VT100 emulation has been added.
- o The GURU appeared if the download/upload directory-name was more
- than 80 chars.
- o By pushing the "Quit NComm" window to the back of the 'About'
- window, you would put yourself into a "dead end". NComm now
- closes the About window before putting up this requester.
- o NComm would crash if 'NComm:' had not been assigned and
- the current directory path was > 30 chars long.
- o A "Sysop" directory was missing in the Host directory.
- The format should be the same as the CoSysOp directory.
- o When using the program ConClip, the OS does not automatically
- paste text to level III console.device windows. Instead,
- Amiga-V results in an escape kode. This escape code much
- resembles the code sent when pressing the first function
- key, so actually, the first macro key was sent to the
- serial port when pressing Amiga-V. NComm now reads the
- contents of the clipboard when the correct escape sequence
- is received (another 2K of code, sigh...)
- o The mark in PhoneBook will be removed when choosing 'Del/Remove'
- o Various internal buffers will now be updated when calling a
- new board.
- New functions/features
- ----------------------
- o Added support for Kermit Finish/Bye/CD server commands.
- o Will no longer create a default 'show' field (based on
- the previous filename) in the file-requester when
- uploading or downloading.
- o Possible to expand scrollback window to full screen size
- with "Z" (zoom) key.
- o Added support for skipping a single file during an
- XPR-transfer. I don't know about any protocols that
- support this yet, so watch it! By pressing the xfer-window
- gadget you will probably abort the complete transfer.
- o The "print" function will now ask which device you want
- to use as output (you may for example select PAR: or SPEAK:)
- o Styles will get turned off at CONNECT
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- NComm 1.92 is a vastly modified and enhanced version of NComm V1.9.
- It corrects all known bugs of the earlier version. Some changes and
- additions have also been made.
- Just to make a few things clear...
- ----------------------------------
- NComm V1.92 does NOT contain an ARexx interface
- NComm V1.92 does NOT contain an improved VT100 emulation
- NComm V1.92 does NOT contain an improved script language
- (numeric variables etc.)
- If you really need any of these fixes, you will probably be
- disappointed, and should look somewhere else. Any of the above
- features will take a lot of time to realize. Currently, Daniel and I
- don't have much time for working on NComm. Hopefully, the ARexx
- interface will be ready within a few months. Anything else will have
- to wait for a long time: Don't expect to see all these features
- implemented until 1992. Remember: NComm is just a hobbie, we don't
- earn a single penny on it. Just forget every rumour you have heard
- about NComm V2.0!
- However: If you are pretty satisfied with V1.9, this version will
- hopefully suit you well. It corrects several serious bugs, and also
- adds some features that will make NComm much more comfortable to use.
- The NComm Host Script has also been enhanced and should even make it
- possible to run a small BBS.
- -----------------------------------------
- *** What has been changed from V1.9 to V1.92? ***
- -----------------------------------------
- - Windows have been customized for use with OS 2.0. Text can be pasted
- to the console.window using Right-Amiga-V. The hidden depth gadgets are
- now compatible with OS 2.0. A "close gadget" will be added to the NComm
- CLI window when running 2.0. Added optional "2.0 snapping support",
- allows 2.0 users to snap text from the NComm terminal screen using
- Right-Amiga-C.
- - NComm may now be run on WorkBench, and will then use the new 2.0 gadget
- flags if used. NComm may be "iconified" with the new 2.0 window
- iconify gadget.
- - Added 4 and 16-color ANSI color modes (16 colors will run awfully
- slow and should only be used at 2400 baud and below. If you own a
- 68030 machine, I recommend using the program CpuBlit by Eddy Carroll
- for dramatically increasing the screen display performance).
- - Added "Close Workbench" option, saves memory.
- - More options may now be specified at the CLI prompt;
- o -cFILE; Load config file with name "FILE"
- o -mFILE; Load macro file with name "FILE"
- o -pFILE; Load phonebook with name "FILE"
- o -sFILE; Load "FILE" into scrollback
- o -d; Disable scrollback adding
- - Many new serial.device options have been added. The serial unit and
- device may now be selected from the menu. The serial.device can
- now be run in "Shared" mode. Baud rates from 300 to 115200 baud
- can be selected (but M68000-Amiga's still only handle a maximum of
- 31250 baud...) An "adjust" option allows you to "fine tune" the baud
- rate (old versions of the serial.device miscalculate the baud rate,
- and this causes problems with some high speed modems, like the US
- Robotics HST). Added "DTR hangup" option for dumb modems.
- - "Req.library" is now used for most requesters. This makes NComm much
- more comfortable to use. All requesters are started as seperate
- processes, and will therefore multitask!
- - NComm now has a *complete* XPR library implementation, and even
- supports all extension fields (NComm previously only had the minimum
- of functions necessary for running XPRZmodem).
- - Added support for XPRKermit.library (Kermit protocol) and External
- (custom) XPR libraries. Options may be be entered via an init string or
- by query. New protocol flags in script language (K == Kermit, E == EXPR).
- - The download/upload window will no longer be activated when opened.
- - NComm will put up a warning if there is not enough space for receiving a
- file onto the current device when an Ymodem-Batch/Ymodem-G/XPR download
- is initialized.
- - Added Ymodem-Batch/Ymodem-G/XPR support for batch uploads (hold down
- SHIFT in filerequester for selecting multiple files).
- - Zmodem autodownload is now (optionally) available for use with any
- bulletin board system. NComm will automatically jump into receive mode
- when the Zmodem header is detected. A Zmodem autoupload option has also
- been added (not yet supported by the xprzmodem.library). This option
- will automatically bring up a file requester when the Zmodem upload
- header is detected.
- - Optional icon creation for files downloaded.
- - It should now even be possible to multitask internally when uploading or
- downloading (Although it works, this is not recommended due to problems
- with serial.device and hogging of the CPU)
- - New ASCII send option: Pad out blank lines. Will send CR-Space-CR when
- CR-CR is detected. This is very handy when uploading a textfile into a
- text editor that returns to the command prompt when CR is pressed on a
- blank line.
- - "ANSI capture" option allows ASCII capture of ESCape codes (were
- previously filtered out).
- - The scrollback (review buffer) has been greatly enhanced. Added "mark",
- "paste", "search" and "save block" options. "Load scrollback" option
- allows you to load a textfile into the scrollback. If you "disable
- scrollback input", the scrollback may be used as a normal text viewer.
- Text may still be marked and pasted. The "load config" function will
- no longer delete the scrollback buffer if the sizes don't vary.
- Improved the adding of characters to scrollback a bit (GotoXY
- sequences and TAB's should work a little better now). The IBM font will
- be used in the scrollback if an IBx character set is being used. Much
- nicer "up/down" gadgets added. Added "left justify" proportional gadget,
- makes it possible to see text that does not fit on a single line. All
- proportional gadgets now support "real time scrolling". Scrollback text
- routines rewritten, cause faster screen updates. Hotkeys ('/', 'N', 'L',
- 'S', 'B', ' ') available.
- - When you connect to a board, the phonebook selections for that board will
- be removed. When you dial boards via the "Dial menu", the chosen entries
- will become selected in the phonebook. Information about "config" and
- "macro" files will be displayed in the "Dial window" requester.
- - The NComm logfile directory may now be changed (NComm previously always
- saved the logfile as NComm:NComm.log)
- - Optimized phonebook "Sort" routine, should be almost twice as fast now,
- and also consumes less memory. The "Print" function no longer truncates
- multiple numbers when printing. Transfer protocol and "Del/BS" swapping
- can now be selected in phonebook (please observe: all V1.9 phonebook
- files will now default to Xmodem, and should probably be changed using
- PbConvert.)
- - New macrokey option: {script}FILE will execute the script "FILE" when the
- macrokey is pressed.
- - Added ANSI mouse option (use the mouse for pointing at a specific
- location that you will move to).
- - Cursor blinking is available as an option.
- - Modem Setup window made larger, it is now easier to see which
- setup that is being used.
- - New translation option: "Destructive backspace". Will translate incoming
- backspace codes as BS-SPACE-BS. Assures deletion of the character to the
- left of the cursor.
- - "Quit verify requester" before quitting NComm.
- - A new enhanced NComm Host Script has been included. It was made by
- Nils-Arne Dahlberg, and now supports such things as private messages for
- all users, private user passwords, more message areas, packing and
- download of messages, UL/DL checking, grabbing of bulletins etc.
- - Many bugs have been corrected;
- o CTS/RTS handshaking now finally *works*! This important
- option has not been working in any of the previous NComm
- versions.
- o Zmodem ACKnowledge was always turned on during Zmodem
- transfers! This caused a dramatic loss of speed when using
- modems with a slow back-channel, i.e HST modems. So the
- Zmodem protocol in V1.9 was really quite slow :-( ACK will
- now only be set when transferring to floppy disks, but
- can be turned on manually in the options menu.
- o Smashed ten Enforcer traps, some of them serious.
- o Fixed SERIOUS bug that made NComm jump into
- "AMIGA_FIREWORKS_MODE" if boardname was longer than 24 chars.
- o Did a complete rewrite of most of the console.device routines and
- all the split-screen routines. This was necessary for adding
- extended 2.0 support. At the same time, I fixed some bugs in the
- previous console.device implementation (NComm would crash if it
- had no memory for opening a console.device, and the cursor
- sometimes got trashed when running OS2)
- o NComm no longer fragments memory! Found a bug in the
- clock routines, causing a loss of 40 bytes each time
- you started and ended NComm.
- o Fixed a bug in the "Save scrollback" function (would not
- save files larger than 32K).
- o 7-bit character sets were not loaded from the NComm.config file
- (previously used US7, but displayed something else in
- the status line :-/ )
- o It is no longer possible to load a new phonebook during
- dialing, since the dialled entry then would become
- invalid in the meantime.
- o Fixed a few bugs in the IBP and IBM translation tables.
- o CLI window that NComm was started from may now be closed.
- o Removed View Transfer window. This function crashed 2.0
- and was rarely used.
- o Caps Lock can now be turned on while using the Scrollback.
- Made an attempt to fix a bug that disabled Shift-Up / Shift-Down.
- o The Zmodem Resume flag is now updated when loading a new
- configuration (this caused many problems).
- o Modem Setup "cancel" did not restore Auto-baud flag.
- o It is now possible to pick items in the menus from all windows.
- Known quirks
- ------------
- 1. Some of the req.library requesters look rather ugly (yellow) due to
- limitations in the req.library. Since all requesters are started as
- seperate processes, a problem occurs when you want to close the screen
- (or quit NComm). Most requesters that are open must then be shut down
- manually. This is also due to missing features in the req.library
- (signalling) and hopefully this will also get fixed in a later version
- of this library. The final problem with req.library is that the req.lib
- filerequester sometimes trashes the NComm window pointer (this can be
- proved by using for example ARTM). Hope to see a new version of
- req.library really soon!
- 2. If the serial device can not be opened when changing device/unit, NComm
- will try to open the previous device and/or unit. Sometimes this second
- OpenDevice() call causes a crash when using OS 2.0. The problem seems to
- be caused by the Amiga operating system, since this does not happen
- when using AmigaDOS 1.3. I rewrote the init serial routine from scratch
- but have not found any bugs in NComm's handling of the serial.device.
- ----------------------------------------
- *** What has been changed from V1.8 to V1.9? ***
- ----------------------------------------
- - The NComm.config file format has been changed. When upgrading to
- the new version, remember to delete all configuration files. The
- format has also been prepared for future expansion.
- - The NComm.phone phonebook format has been changed due to a new
- macrokeys field. Convert your phonebooks to the new format using
- the program PbConvert. The format has been prepared for future
- expansion.
- - FAST Zmodem protocol added, using the external XPRZmodem.library
- created by Rick Huebner. NComm now has the fastest Zmodem protocol
- available in ANY comms programs - actually faster than VLT, which uses
- the same library ;-) Maximum troughput close to 19200 baud using
- the serial.device that comes with Workbench 1.3.2. A new transfer
- window displays lots of information.
- - The Xmodem and Ymodem protocols have been completely rewritten,
- and are now ultrafast. Ymodem-Batch and Ymodem-G protocols have
- been added (please consult the documentation before using Ymodem-G
- with high speed modems).
- - Scrollback feature (review buffer) added. Buffer size can be set
- from 0 - 512K. View or save text that previously has been displayed
- on screen!
- - A portuguese IBM character set has been added.
- - Advanced NComm Host System using script file. Supports two
- security levels, bulletin menu, up and download with user selectable
- protocol, configurable up and download directories, immediate
- access to uploaded files (optional), message area with both public
- and private messages, chat function, hold directory with ZOO
- support, logfile, sysop menu with possibility for execution
- of DOS commands, sleep disconnect, detection of NO CARRIER...
- - NComm now works with multiple serial ports. The serial port
- device name and unit is set using an environment variable.
- - G&R Host Mode added. Control file transfers from a single machine,
- when communicating with programs that support the G&R protocol.
- - Macrokeys window has been made better. Step trough the string
- gadgets by pressing RETURN, loading a new file won't close the window.
- The maximum text length is now 512 characters.
- - It is now possible to change resolution and exit NComm when using
- the file requester. The requester is now really proportional.
- - The modem abort code has been changed for compability with all hayes
- compatible modems.
- - The windows won't blank out when using Dmouse (actually a bug in
- Dmouse but who cares...)
- - A problem with redial has been fixed.
- - Error messages are displayed if there isn't enough memory for NComm
- to open a window.
- - NComm now works with an overscan WorkBench screen.
- - The files NComm.phone, NComm.keys and NComm.config will be loaded
- before libraries and devices are opened. This should make it more
- comfortable to use NComm with a single drive machine.
- - More hot keys have been added.
- - Phonebook settings now have higher priority than settings
- found in configuration files used in PB. An error message will
- be displayed if the config file can not be found.
- - Chopping will be disabled for .ZIP files.
- - A lot of changes has been made to the script language. NComm now
- has one of the most advanced SL's available;
- o New Command; SET - assigns a text (or an earlier defined variable)
- to a variable. The pre-defined variable $date contains the current
- date and time, $ncomm contains the current version number and the
- variable $baud contains the current baudrate.
- o New Command; IF ... THEN ... - checks a variable for a
- specific string and performs the following function if TRUE/FALSE.
- Can also check whether a file exists or not.
- o New Command; INPUT - reads input from the serial port and places
- it in a variable until a specific string has been read. The
- timeout function can be used to define how long NComm should wait
- for the terminating string.
- o New Command(s); REPEAT<->UNTIL ... - performs what is situated
- between REPEAT and UNTIL. If the expression is TRUE/FALSE, the
- procedure will be repeated. Can also check whether a file exists
- or not.
- o New Command(s); WHILE ... DO<->ENDWHILE - performs what is
- situated within DO and ENDWHILE until the expression is
- TRUE/FALSE. Can also check whether a file exists or not.
- o New Command; CLRSTACK - clears the RETURN stack, forgets active
- subroutine calls (gosubs...)
- o New Command; DLWHEN - deletes the last defined when command.
- Repeated usage will succesive delete the "previous" WHEN
- command.
- o New Command; DUMP - used for debugging of scripts, dumps a list
- of all variables and what they contain.
- o New Command; ECHO - defines if characters read by the INPUT
- command shall be echoed. If echo is ON, text sent by the functions
- ASCSEND and SEND will be echoed locally. The output from the CLI
- command will be sent to the serial port if ECHO has been turned
- on.
- o New Command; WRITE - opens a file and appends the following
- string to the file.
- o TIMEOUT now also concerns ASCSEND. If ASCSEND is halted by a ^S
- and no ^Q has been received within the timelimit specified by
- TIMEOUT, the script will go on with the next command.
- o 20 WHEN commands may now be active simultaneosly.
- o Control characters now work well in WAIT, CONVERSE and WHEN
- commands (guess there were some problems with this in V1.8)
- o WHEN command fixed to "override" previous WHEN commands
- containing same string...
- Variables can be used everywhere where strings are expected.
- It is also possible to concatenate several variables and/or
- literals.
- - Yeah, we fixed some bugs.
- o Changing resolution while using "view transfers" doesn't call guru
- o The file transfer block counter is no longer reset at block 255
- o A long redial delay won't make NComm hang
- o Status line is updated while dialling
- o The palette should no longer display strange values
- o G&R paths are updated immediately after loading new configuration
- o The CLI command will (hopefully) not make NComm hang
- o Fixed a small bug in the IBM font FONTS:NComm1/8
- o G&R filenames will be translated correctly before usage
- o Fixed an irritating problem with detection of NO CARRIER!
- o The 13th entry in the phonebook no longer disappears when using
- the "New" command.
- o Clearing screen while using "split screen" doesn't clear
- reference line...
- \\\ Thanks to all persons who sent us ideas and bug reports! ///
- /// More ideas, (bug) reports and source code heavily wanted \\\
- -----------------------------------------
- *** What has been changed from V1.01 to V1.8? ***
- -----------------------------------------
- 1. Main New Features.
- ---------------------
- - Scripts. NComm now has an integrated, advanced script language,
- which, among other things, enables you to fully automate your online
- sessions. Unattended operation is also a possibility. However,
- decrease of time used online and thus, online costs, is perhaps the
- most common utilization of the power a script language gives you.
- - Logfile. By enabling this option, NComm will maintain a log of all
- succesful connects. The "Callinfo" utility, which is a standalone
- utility, uses this to estimate the phone bill, display statistics,
- etc.
- - NComm now supports the Ymodem file transfer protocol.
- - The G & R protocol has been added. This is an auto up/download
- protocol for use with the MBBS system. Automatic up/download without
- entering filenames and so on is the virtue of this feature.
- - Load / save configuration. By saving your personal program settings
- in the file NComm.config, those settings will be used as a default for
- subsequent sessions. Also, NComm can be set up to load special config
- files when connecting to certain hosts.
- - Phonebook. Limited only by available memory, the Phonebook allows
- easy keeping, editing, sorting, printing and dialling of all your
- phone numbers.
- 2. Display.
- -----------
- - Both two and eight colour modes are now supported with full ANSI
- colour emulation when using eight colours. However, the two colour
- mode may give faster screen I/O on some systems.
- - The colours used by the program can be easily adjusted with a
- built-in colour palette. Each screen mode has its own palette.
- - Interlace mode can be toggled from the 'Screen' menu.
- - Status line with On-screen 24-hour clock, showing current time and
- time used online, respectively. Setup displayed when not online.
- - ANSI x3.64 / vt100 emulation has been improved. Most notably, the
- Clear Screen and Set Scroll Region commands have been implemented.
- The cursor keys also send the proper codes. As a result of this,
- NComm will now work with many screen-oriented programs, e.g. full
- screen editors, games, etc.
- - NComm can be set to ignore the ANSI control codes for boldface,
- italics and underline. Some bulletin boards tend to overuse these
- styles.
- - The ASCII BELL code can be configured to either flash the screen,
- make an audible beep, pop the screen to front, or do all or even none
- of the above.
- - Reset screen function. This function will clear the screen, turn of
- all style settings and reset the colors.
- - The program will now work in PAL mode even when using Kickstart 1.3.
- - The requester for editing macrokeys now gives you an overview of all
- 20 keys. This makes editing a much easier task than with previous
- versions of NComm.
- - Dial requester for dialling phone numbers not in the phonebook.
- - Modem setup requester. This lets you customize NComm for use with a
- wide variety of modems.
- - The file requester has been made much better. Eight devices will be
- displayed, with non-available devices 'ghosted'. Ten entries and disk
- space free will also be displayed. Parent and pattern functions are
- available.
- 3. Translation.
- ---------------
- - Twelve translation modes are available (both 7 and 8 bits); ISO,
- IBM, IBN, US7, UK7, GE7, FR7, SP7, IT7, NO7, SF7 and DE7. If you
- choose the IBM or the IBN translation, an IBM PC font will be used.
- All special IBM characters will be displayed and translated correctly.
- This is also true when using ASCII receive/send, if not the "ISO"
- translation selected.
- - The program now uses the current Workbench/CLI/Shell keymap, i.e.
- NComm now supports all keyboards supported by Commodore-Amiga.
- - Eight bit characters are no longer truncated.
- - The "Show HEX chars" option is now made easily available.
- - The DEL key can be mapped to the Backspace key and vice versa.
- Handy when using host systems which expect a VT terminal. This might
- be the case when the remote machine runs Unix, VMS or Tops-20, amongst
- others.
- 4. Other changes/new features
- -----------------------------
- - The program now has a "message upload" facility for uploading mail
- to bulletin board systems. This is useful when the message editor on
- the BBS does strange things with your message.
- - Redial function has been implemented. This makes NComm dial a
- number repeatedly until a connection has been established. Alternate
- phone numbers for a system can be specified, in which case all numbers
- will be tried before starting all over again. It is also possible to
- set up a dial queue of several host machines, each of which may have
- several phone numbers.
- - The serial buffer has been increased from 1K to 4K, in order to
- reduce the probability of loss of data when screen I/O is temporarily
- suspended. This may be the case when holding down the right mouse
- button for a long while, or when printing incoming text.
- - NewCli function. By selecting this menu option, NComm will start up
- a new CLI on the Workbench screen.
- - 7-wire handshaking (RTS/CTS) is now supported.
- - 600 baud option has been added.
- - The invisible close gadget in the main window has been removed, as
- well as the "windowed xmodem" protocol.
- - The status window is available from the menu.
- 5. Known quirks.
- ----------------
- - The ANSI 'blink' command is not fully implemented. Instead the line
- is shown in italics.