13410 Custom mouse pointer icon specified by the MouseIcon property
13411 None
13412 Fixed Single
13413 Appearance constants
13414 Flat
13415 3D
13416 A collection whose elements represent each contained control in a parent control.
13417 Returns the number of members in a collection
13418 Returns a specific member of a Collection object either by position or by key
13419 Contains a collection of ListImage objects, each of which can be referred to by its index or key
13420 ImageList Draw constants
13421 Normal
13422 Transparent
13423 Selected
13424 Focus
13425 Returns/sets the height of a ListImage object.
13426 Returns/sets the width of ListImage objects in an ImageList control.
13427 Returns/sets a value which determines the color to be transparent in ImageList graphical operations.
13428 Returns a reference to a collection of ListImage objects in an ImageList control.
13429 Returns a handle to an ImageList control.
13430 Returns/sets the background color used to display text and graphics in an object.
13431 Creates a composite third image out of two ListImage objects and returns a reference to the new object.
13432 A bitmap or icon of any size that can be used in other controls.
13433 Returns the number of objects in a collection.
13434 Adds a ListImage object to a ListImages collection and returns a reference to the created object.
13435 Removes all objects in a collection.
13436 Returns a specific member of a Collection object either by position or by key.
13437 Removes a specific member from a collection.
13438 A bitmap or icon of any size that can be used in other controls.
13439 Returns/sets the index of an object in a collection. Read-only at run time.
13440 Returns/sets the unique string of an object in a collection.
13441 Stores any extra data needed for your program.
13442 Returns/sets the image Picture
13443 Draws the image to a given device context (DC) at a specified location using a specified style
13444 Creates an icon from a ListImage object in an ImageList control
13445 Microsoft ProgressBar Control
13446 Returns/sets a control's maximum value.
13447 Returns/sets a control's minimum value.
13448 Returns/sets the type of mouse pointer displayed when over part of an object.
13449 Sets a custom mouse icon.
13450 Returns or sets a control's current Value property.
13451 Returns/sets whether or not controls, Forms or an MDIForm are painted at run time with 3-D effects.
13452 Returns/sets the border style for an object.
13453 Returns/sets a value that determines whether a form or control can respond to user-generated events.
13454 Returns a handle to a form or control.
13455 MouseDown event
13456 MouseMove event
13457 MouseUp event
13458 Click event
13459 Microsoft TabStrip Control
13460 TabWidthStyle constants.
13461 Justified
13462 Non-Justified
13463 Fixed
13464 TabStyle constants.
13465 Tabs
13466 Buttons
13467 Returns a reference to a collection of Tab objects in the TabStrip control.
13468 Returns/sets a value that determines whether a form or control can respond to user-generated events.
13469 Returns a Font object.
13470 Returns a handle to a form or control.
13471 Sets a custom mouse icon.
13472 Returns/sets a value indicating whether the control can display more than one row of tabs.
13473 Returns/sets the style appearance (tab or button) of a TabStrip control.
13474 Returns/sets a fixed height of a TabStrip control, but only if the TabWidthStyle is set to tabFixed.
13475 Returns/sets the width and justification of all tabs in a TabStrip control.
13476 Returns the top coordinate of the internal area of the control.
13477 Returns the left coordinate of the internal area of the control.
13478 Returns the height of the internal area of the control.
13479 Returns the width of the internal area of the control.
13480 Returns/sets the type of mouse pointer displayed when over part of an object.
13481 Returns/sets the ImageList control to be used.
13482 Returns/sets a fixed height of a TabStrip control, but only if the TabWidthStyle is set to tabFixed.
13483 Enables/disables the Tooltip text
13484 Returns/sets the selected Tab
13485 Forces a complete repaint of a form or control.
13486 Occurs when the user presses and then releases a mouse button over an object.
13487 Occurs when the user presses a key while an object has the focus.
13488 Occurs when the user presses and releases an ANSI key.
13489 Occurs when the user releases a key while an object has the focus.
13490 Occurs when the user presses the mouse button while an object has the focus.
13491 Occurs when the user moves the mouse.
13492 Occurs when the user releases the mouse button while an object has the focus.
13493 Generated when a Tab object is clicked, or the tab's Value setting has been changed. Used to check parameters before actually generating a Click event.
13494 StatusBar Tabs collection
13495 Returns the number of objects in a collection.
13496 Returns a specific member of a Collection object either by position or by key.
13497 Removes a specific member from a collection.
13498 Removes all objects in a collection.
13499 Adds a Tab object to a Tabs collection.
13500 An individual object, analogous to a page, contained in a TabStrip control.
13501 Returns/sets the text displayed in an object's title bar or below an object's icon.
13502 Stores any extra data needed for your program.
13503 Returns/sets the index of an object in a collection. Read-only at run time.