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#ifndef HEXMAZE_H
#define HEXMAZE_H
// Each instance of this class is a maze having hexagonal rooms.
// This class uses the classes "cell" (room of a maze) and "oracle"
// (random number generator).
class hexmaze
oracle *column_selector;
// Random number generator to select column to start constructing maze.
int row_num;
int column_num;
} current;
// Current location in maze.
void draw_line_on_page(int x1,int y1,int x2,int y2);
// Draw wall (of bricks) on "page".
int row_num;
int column_num;
} first;
// Location of the starting room.
int max_x;
int memory_allocated;
// The memory for the maze has been allocated.
int num_columns;
// Number of columns in maze.
int num_rows;
// Number of rows in maze.
int num_x_dots;
// Number of columns of bricks in maze.
int num_y_dots;
// Number of rows of bricks in maze.
oracle *order_selector;
// Random number generator to select the order walls are to considered.
char **page;
// Two dimensional plot of maze, one element per possible brick position.
// 'W' if brick is present; ' ' otherwise.
cell **room;
// Two dimensional array of rooms composing the maze.
oracle *row_selector;
// Random number generator to select row to start constructing maze.
void set_point_on_page(int x,int y);
// Place a section of wall on "page". Each section is "wall_thickness"
// bricks long and "wall_thickness" bricks wide.
int wall_thickness;
// Thickness of wall in "bricks".
TFrameWindow *window_ptr;
int x_dot_max;
// num_x_dots-1
int y_dot_max;
// num_y_dots-1
int constructed(void) {return memory_allocated;}
// Return TRUE if and only if the maze is successfully constructed.
int external_to_maze(double x,double y);
// Return TRUE if and only if a point (x,y) is external to the maze.
double f(double x,double y);
// Return 5.0*wall_thickness if a point (x,y) is on a wall, 0.0 otherwise.
hexmaze(int row_count,int column_count,int thickness_of_wall,
char *seed,TFrameWindow *win_ptr);
// Contruct a maze having "row_count" rows and "column_count" columns of
// rooms. The walls should be "thickness_of_wall" (bricks) thick. A different
// (8 character of less) "seed" generally yields a different maze.
int maze_okay(void);
// TRUE if and only if solving the maze is difficult enough.
int num_x_divisions(void) {return num_y_dots+2;}
// Recommended number of x divisions for plotting f(x,y).
int num_y_divisions(void) {return num_x_dots+2;}
// Recommended number of y divisions for plotting f(x,y).
int part_of_solution(double x,double y);
// Return TRUE if and only if a point (x,y) is on a wall outlining the
// solution to the maze.
double x_max(void) {return double(num_y_dots);}
// Recommended maximum value of x for plotting f(x,y).
double x_min(void) {return(-1.0);}
// Recommended minimum value of x for plotting f(x,y).
double y_max(void) {return double(num_x_dots);}
// Recommended maximum value of y for plotting f(x,y).
double y_min(void) {return(-1.0);}
// Recommended minimum value of y for plotting f(x,y).