==Phrack Inc.== Volume One, Issue Two, Phile #9 of 9=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Phreak World News Compiled by \\\\\=-{ Knight Lightning }-=/////_______________________________________________________________________________Spitfire Hacker Leaves Phreak World-----------------------------------Spitfire Hacker resigned from the phreaking world in December due to a lack ofcomputer. He now is holding a job and trying to earn enough money to getanother computer. He says that he plans to be back by November 1986._______________________________________________________________________________MCI Cracks Down---------------Dr. Crash busted for MCI scanning. In the early part of December, Dr. Crashran a scanner on MCI, MCI traced him and told him to stop, unfortunately Dr.Hack, another 314er, started scanning the same port later that night. MCIdidn't trace it again and assumed it was Dr. Crash back at work. All of hisfiles were hidden away but MCI and authorities confiscated his Atari computerand his phone. MCI security told Dr. Crash that he was part of an ongoinginvestigation. Later that month he had a meeting with MCI security, where theyquestioned him about the incident. His computer, they told him, will arrive inthe mail soon._______________________________________________________________________________Also in this issues news, Jester Sluggo said his goodbyes to St.Louis and nowhas returned to his home in Cross-Bar Territory._______________________________________________________________________________Announcing... _ _ ________ | \/ | / ______/ |_||_|etal / /hop __________/ / /___________/ AE 300/1200/2400 Baud/20 Megs Online 24 hours a day/7 days a week Sysop: Cheap Shades (314) 256-7284If you would like to become a member of this board please contact Cheap Shades,Knight Lightning, or Taran King for the general password._______________________________________________________________________________Metal Shop...PRIVATE--------------------Metal Shop is now officially a private BBS. On Jan. 2 Taran King and KnightLightning purged 241 users from the Metal Shop userlist. There are now generalpasswords and new user passwords to this system. If you would like to become amember of Metal Shop, please contact Taran King, Knight Lightning, or CheapShades on any bbs they are on._______________________________________________________________________________Extasyy Elite Disbanded-----------------------The following data has not been completely researched and may be considered asrumors. Bit Blitz busted for phreaking, the organization and enforcementagencies are unknown. However, $3000 worth of computer material (7 computers)were confiscated. Also it is reported that The Mentor informed on him.The Mentor was busted for breaking into his school to steal 29 computers. Alsoit has been said that Poltergeist is in the hospital with leukemia.It is unknown if any other members were busted for any other reasons. However,all former members are apparently safe now.The Bit Blitz and Crustaceo Mutoid are supposedly forming a new group calledRising Force and The Mentor is starting an elite hacking group. Much of this information has been supplied by former Extasyy member: Kleptic Wizard_______________________________________________________________________________Legion of Doom Vs. Stronghold East Elite----------------------------------------Somehow The Maelstrom found the secret LOD VMS in 305, and decided to postabout it on Stronghold East. Knight Lightning spoke with Compu-Phreak of theLOD, and he said that he told Slave Driver, co-sysop of Stronghold East, toremove all posts concerning the LOD VMS, and the LOD itself. He alsothreatened that failure to do so would bring down the wrath of the 6 mostactive members of the LOD.When last looked at Stronghold East still had the information online.The LOD VMS has 96 megs online and store information in a way similar tolaserdisc.All readers are encouraged NOT to call it as Compu-Phreak is getting pissedand you don't have the passwords anyway._______________________________________________________________________________Dartmouth Abandoned-------------------With the destruction of the 58107s 12-27-65 password to the Dartmouth system,it seems to have been abandoned by phreaks. This is good because basically itonly causes trouble. Many users get impersonated on that system and falserumors are constantly being started. The best way to have a conference is atele-conference...start one today!_______________________________________________________________________________=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
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