Hacker Chronicles 1
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==Phrack Inc.==
Volume Two, Issue 19, Phile #3 of 8
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|_| |_|
|_| Understanding the Digital Multiplexing System |_|
|_| (Part2) |_|
|_| |_|
|_| by |_|
|_| |_|
|_| Control C |_|
|_| |_|
|_| & |_|
|_| |_|
|_| The Tribunal Of Knowledge |_|
|_|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_|
Well some of you may recall my file on Digital Multiplexing in
Phrack 10. Well this is part 2 that was promised about a year and
a half ago. I was finished with this file in may of 87 and I just
desided to release it now. Here it is!
DMS switches were first introducted in 1979, since then it has
been modified to interface numerious types of switches. DMS has the
ability to interface with SP-1, #5 XBar, 1ESS, 2ESS, 3ESS, 4Ess, NX1D,
boards, Stromberg Carlson Turret of ONI and Visual Indicators, Modified
North Electric TSD for ONI, Stomberg Carlson (CAMA operator Position -
ONI/ANI), AE #31 Switchboard, Co-located NT/AE switchboard I/C, O/G,
UDC data poller of OM, DACS(Directory Assistance Charging System), NT #144
LTD, WECO #14 LTD, WECO #16 LTD, CALRS(Centralized Automated Loop Reporting
System), Badger 612A, AE #1 and #21 LTD, AE #30, SC #14 LTD, Lordel MITS70
line Test System, Porta System Line Test Unit, Pulsar II IMTS, Teradyne
loop test unit, and the WECO MLT 1 (Mechanized Loop Testing System).
Common Channel Interoffice Signaling
Common Channel Interoffice Signaling (CCIS) is a way of signaling and
a way of implementing network level services. CCIS provides reliable,
crystal clear data signaling links between the network and the switching
offices. The CCIS signaling meathod uses transmission equiptment that
is separate from voice trunks.
Common Channel Interoffice Signaling No. 6
The basis for the CCIS system is the intermational Consultative Committee
on Telephone and Telegraph (CCITT) No. 6 international standard, which is
brought to it's fullest capasity for use in the Stored Program Control (SPC)
network of AT&T.
The CCIS6 network contains a bunch of signaling regions, each having a
pair of interconnected Signal Transfer Points (STP). The switching systems
put into CCIS6 then connecting to STPs are called Serving Offices (SO).
Band Signaling (CCIS-BS) is used on trunk signaling for intertoll-type
trunks using the CCIS network.
Direct Signaling (CCIS-DS) is used for signaling between SPC switching
machines and a Network Control Point (NCP). At the present time CCIS6
can handle Enhanced INWATS Originating Screening Office (OSO), Calling
Card Validation (CCV), Mechanized Calling Card Service (MCCS), and Billed
Number Screening (BNS). CCIS6 is avaiable with DMS-100/200, DMS-200, and
DMS-100/200 or DMS-200 with TOPS.
------------ - - - - - - - - - - -
DTC | | | ------- |
- - - DS30 | IPML | DS30 | - - - | || | |
--------| |------|- - - - - - |------|-| |---| || | |
Digital - - - | | | - - - | || | |
Trunks | | | | || | |
| | | ------- |
| | - - - - - - -|- - - -
DTC | | TM |
DIG - - - DS30 | NUC | DS30 - - - -----
--------| |------|- - - - - - |--------| |----| |
^ - - - |Network | - - - -----
CCIS \ ------------ Modem
Siganling \ |
- - - -----
AN Links--| | | CCC |
- - - -----
DIG - Digital
AN - Analog
DTC - Digital Trunk Controller
MSB - Message Switch Buffer
ST - Signaling Terminal
TM - Trunk Module
NUC - Nailed-Up Connection
IPML - Inter-Peripheral Message Link
Common Channel Interoffice Signaling No. 7
Common Channel Signaling (CCS) No. 7 or CCIS7 is a CCS system
bases on CCITT No. 7. CCIS7/CCS7 on the DMS switch consists of
two parts the Message Transfer Part (MTP) and the Interim
Telephone user Part. They are compatible with DMS-100, DMS-200,
DMS-100/200, and DMS-100/DMS-100/200 with TOPS.
CCIS7 can't tell the difference between banded and direct
signaling. CCIS7 uses Destination/Origination Point Codes
(DPC/OPC) to rout back to the switch.
CCIS7 can handle Automatic Calling Card Sercive (ACCS),
Enhanced INWATS, Local Area Siganling Services, and Direct
Service Dialing Capabilities.
Equal Access
The DMS-200 Access Tandem (AT) gives a traffic concentration
and distribution function for interLATA traffic originating and
a distribution function for interLATA traffic origination or
terminating inside a Local Access and Transport Area (LATA).
This gives the interLATA Carrier (IC) access to more that one end
office inside the LATA. It can handle InterLata Carrier access
codes (10xxx), 10xxx and 950-yxxx dialing, Automatic Number
Identification (ANI) on all calls, answer supervision, equal
access Automatic Message Accounting (AMA) for both originating
and terminating calls, and operator service signaling.
The DMS-100 EA gives direct and tandem switched access service
inside the LATA for originating and terminating to interLATA
Carriers. It is avaiable in the following three ways:
Equal Access End Office (EAEO)
DMS-100 Equal Access End Office (EAEO) gives a direct
interconnection to interLATA Carriers (IC) and international
Carriers (INCs) Point of Presence (POP) inside the LATA.
Access Tandem with Equal Access End Office
The DMS-200 Access Tandem (AT) when used with equal access end
office (EAEO) lets trunk tandem interconnect to ICs/INCs POP
inside the LATA.
The connection of the Equal Access End Office (EAEO) to an
IC/INC through the DMS-200 Access Tandem (AT) uses what is called
two-stage overlap output pulsing which makes the time it takes to
set up a call quicker. The AT uses the digits OZZ + XXX out
pulsed in the first stage to identify the IC/INC dialed and to
pick and outgoing turnk. Then a connection is established from
the IC/INC to the EAEO through the AT. The second stage digits,
consist of ANI and the called numbers are passed through the DMS-
200 AT at the IC/INC.
A AMA terminating record in AT&T format is produced by the
DMS-200 for all the EAEOs. A per call terminating AMA record is
made for calls that get to the stage where the trunk from the
IC/INC has been seized and a "wink" has been returned by the DMS-
200 AT.
Access Tandem with a Non-Equal Access End Office
DMS-200 AT using a non-equal access end office gives trunk
tandem connection to an IC/INC POP within the LATA. To set up a
call, connection of Feature Group B (FGB) or Feature Group C
(FGC) End Office to an IC/INC through the DMS-200 AT, uses the
standard Bell Central Automatic Message Accounting (CAMA)
signaling. The Access Tandem uses the XXX digits of the access
code 950-YXXX out pulsed from the FGB end office to identify the
IC/INC and to connect to a outgoing trunk.
Mechanized Calling Card Service(MCCS)
The fraudulent use of calling cards, third number and collect
calls and the increasing movement to automate current operator
services has directly led to the implantation of the Mechanized
Calling Card Service(MCCS) to DMS-200/TOPS and to the remote and
host Operator Centralization(OC).
MCCS uses CCIS to relay queries and responses to and from the
DMS-200/TOPS. Operator handled calling card calls and the direct
entry by subscribers of Calling Cards by DTMF(Touch-Tones)
telephones are given special provisions by the MCCS. Both, the
operator handling and the direct entry of calling card calls, are
decreasing the size operators.
Billed Number Screening(BNS) gives an enhancement to the
operator-handled collect and third-number billing by using CCIS
to screen a number at the billing validation data base for
billing restrictions(i.e. the third number is a fortress). This
feature naturally will reduce fraudulent use of the collect call
Common Channel Interoffice Signalling-Direct Signalling(CCIS-
DS), which is the feature that the MCCS is designed around, is
used to transmit messages to and from many possible Billing
Validation Centers(BVCs). Messages transmitted to the BVC about
MCCS include the billing number and the Personal Identification
Number(PIN). In BNS the messages have the special billing
number(collect or third number). The return messages from the
BVC include validity(of the number), billing restrictions(if
any), and the Revenue Accounting Office(RAO) code.
Auxiliary Operator Services System
The DMS-200 Auxiliary Operator Services System(AOSS) is used
primarily for Directory Assistance and the intercept needs that
are not included in the TOPS package. The AOSS is similiar to
TOPS and co-exist with TOPS on the DMS-200 Toll system.
Major benifits of the AOSS include Directory Assistance is
provided with a modern enviroment, AOSS position administrative
activities are performed by the DMS-200 toll maintenance system,
Trunking savings are achieved by combining trunking for 1+ and
0+, and Directory Assistance traffic, DA services are managed by
using TOPS methods, Creation of a buiXQ5~in training system, which
does not require additional training equipment and reduces
training costs.
Intergrated Buisness Network
The Intergrated Buisness Network(IBN) is a revenue-producing
concept designed for small and big buisnesses to offer modernized
PBX and Centrex features. The Operating Company can use the IBN
to maintain and enhance its competitive psoition on a operational
DMS-100 and DMS 100/200 switches. While using the DMS-100
switch, the Operating Company can support varying buisness
features along with existing local/toll traffic.
IBN services can be introduced to a centrex-Central Office(CO)
or a centrex-Customer Unit(CU) by additional software modules and
minor hardware enhancements.
Current IBN features include: A growing system that can handle
30,000 lines, networking capibilities, city wide service for DMS-
100 switch and remotes for any one customer station Message
Detail Recording(SMDR), which gives IBN customers call records.
The records can be used for system analysis and control and
station charge-back. SMDR can use LAMA records, if the IBN host
has LAMA equipment, Centralized attendant maintenance and
administration functions and Direct Inward Dialing(DID).
Electronic Switched Network(ESN)
The Electronic Switched Network is designed to meet the
telecommunication needs of large multi-location corporations.
The ESN is made up of a SL-1 or SL-100 Digital Buisness
Communications System with networking features or a DMS-100 IBN
host. The SL-1 can handle from 30-5000 lines. The SL-100 and
the DMS-100 IBN hosts can hold from a few thousands to 30,000
A DMS-100 IBN or SL-100 can remotely`MIYj9eocations from
the host site. This is done by a connection through digital
transmission facilities which are set up at remote modules at the
subscriber's premises.
Specialized Common Carrier Serice(SCCS)
The DMS-250 Specialized Common Carrier Service(SCCS) provides
the capibility of Analog to Digital (A/D) and Digital to
Analog(A/D) conversions which are necessary with analog circuts.
The DMS-250 can also switch voice and data circuts.
The DMS-250 takes either analog or digitally encoded info and
by using time slot interchange, switches it from any input port
to a temporary addressed and connected exit port. The info may
or may not be converted back to analog.
Normal Private Telecommunications Network Diagram:
----- ------
[Phone]--| SnS | | SL-1 |-[Phone]
| PBX | | PBX |
----- ------
| ------- ------- |
|Tie | | Tie|
|Trunk --------- Trunk|
------| Class-5 |------
----| Centrex |----
| --------- |
| |
| |
| |
----- Tie Trunk ---------
| SnS | ----------| Class-5 |
| PBX | | Centrex |
----- ---------
| |
| |
| |
| |
------- ------
[Phone]-| Small | | SL-1 |-[Phone]
| PBX | | |
------- ------
Cellular Mobile Radio Service
A cellular system consists of two main parts a cellular
switch and cell site equipment.
Cellular Switching Systems
A cellular switch performs three main functions audio
switching, cell site control, and system administration.
The DMS switches provide three basic implementations for
cellular switching Stand-alone, Combined, and Remote.
Stand-alone switching is done by a Mobile Telephone
Exchange(MTX) which is interfaced with one or more class 5 end
offices. The connection is made by DID/DOD trunks. Depending on
the needs of the area, the MTX can be divided as follows: MTX
which serves urban areas, MTXC which handles suburban areas, and
MTXM which is used for rural areas.
Combined switching is incorporated into a DMS-100 by some
hardware additions and cellular software. Combined switching is
designed to give a easy, cost-effective way to install cellular
services to an existing host.
Remote Switching is done by combining Remote Switching
Center(RSC) with a Cell Site Controller(CSC). This combination
is hosted by either a stand-alone or a combined switch. Remote
Switching is designed for serving suburban centers, remote areas,
or a small community and it gives extra flexibility for a growing
All of these cellular switches have the ability to balance the
workload among various cell sites. For example, if one site's
workload reaches the programmable level of congestion, calls
would be routed to nearby sites that can handle the extra calls.
Cell Site Equipment
Cell site equipment consists of a CSC a^%=*EU%A59Q9jD+v CSC is controlled by the cellular switch and it controls
radio equipment and maintenance tasks. The CSC will work on any
MTX cellular switch because of the Remote Cluster
The radio equipment consists of self-contained Radio Channel
Units(RCU), antennas, transmitter multi-couplers and reciever
By different program software a RCU can perform voice, control
locating, and test functions. The self contained nature allows
the RCU be remotely located to the CSC. A RCU has built-in
circutry for extended testing of the radio part of the system.
-------- ----------
[phone]--| Remote | | SL-1 PBX |--[phone]
| Module | | ESN Main |
-------- ----------
| |
| DS-1 Facility | DS-1 Facility
| -------------- |
--------> | Local Class 5| <---------
[phone]---------| DMS-100 |
----| IBN/ESN |-------------
2W Loop MFIDP | -------------- | ESN Trunk Group
or DS-1 | | | or DS-1
| ----- ---------------
| | CSC | | Local Class 5 |
-------- ----- | DMS-100 |
| SL-100 | <--- DS-1 ----> | IBN/ESN |
-------- Facility Ph ---------------
| |
| |
| DS-1 Facility | DS-1 Facility
| |
-------- ----------
[phone]--| Remote | | SL-1 PBX |--[phone]
| Module | | ESN Main |
-------- ----------
<End of File>
If you have any questions contact me or any other member of the T0K!
Control C
!T0K! (1987)
Downloaded From P-80 International Information Systems 304-744-2253 12yrs+