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Welcome to IRP - BBS
(304) 263-2749
Located at the Martinsburg Computing Center, Martinsburg, West Virginia
Operating 32 lines at speeds from 300 to 14,400 bits per second.
Notice: This is an official government bulletin board system provided
as a service to the public. General access to the system is
unrestricted. Electronic filing access is available upon
completion of the Electronic Filing Authorization routine.
However, abuse or attempted malicious intrusion could disrupt
this service to the public. It is unlawful to intentionally
transmit a computer virus to the Internal Revenue Service.
Violators may be subject to fine and/or imprisonment.
This bulletin board provides information, services, and the option
of filing your Information Returns electronically. Sorry, but we
cannot accept your Form 1040 or similar type returns here.
PLEASE: When you log on give us your real name. We are having trouble
assisting those who will not give us their actual names or the
real name of a contact person in the business.
First Name?
Last Name?
Calling From
Enter Your Password: *****
TBBS Welcomes
Calling From
│Internal Revenue Service IRP - BBS Martinsburg Computing Center│
│«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«» MAIN MENU «»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»│
╔════════════════════╗ ╔═════════════════════╗ ╔═════════════════════╗
║ M E N U S ║ ║ S E R V I C E S ║ ║ U T I L I T I E S ║
║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║
║ [B]ulletin Menu ║ ║ [E]lectronic Filing ║ ║ [Y]our Settings ║
║ [M]essage Menu ║ ║ [I]nformation on IRP║ ║ [C]hange Password ║
║ [F]iles Menu ║ ║ [X]Extension of Time║ ║ [T]ime on System ║
║ [R]ecent Changes ║ ║ ║ ║ [P]age SysOp ║
╚════════════════════╝ ╚═════════════════════╝ ╚═════════════════════╝
[G]oodbye [*] Fast Logoff
║ IRP Bulletins and Information ║
<1> Martinsburg Computing Center News
<2> Other Government Bulletin Board Systems
<3> Reminder on the filing of Substitute Forms
Martinsburg Computing Center News
The IRP - BBS Bulletin Board has been operational since November 1990.
We have had more than 5000 users!!
We are accepting electronically filed Information Returns for registered filers
with valid Transmitter Control Codes (TCC). For Tax Year 1992, we have
received over 2100 files electronically containing over 1,500,000 records.
We have an agreement with the Social Security Administration (SSA) to place
some of their publications on the IRP - BBS. We have created a mail area for
the SSA so that you can obtain answers directly from Social Security personnel
concerning magnetic media filing of W-2 information. Your contact with SSA is
Suzanne Ford.
We have received very positive comments from our users and wish to thank you
for your encouragement. We welcome your future comments.
Listed are three additional Bulletin Board System's (BBS) provided by the
Federal Government for public access.
** 1040 BBS -- 1040 Information
(202) 927-4180
** IRS-SOI BBS -- Public Taxpayer Statistics
(202) 874-9574 or (202) 874-0408
** Social Security BBS -- W-2 Information
(410) 965-1133
Filers are reminded that they must follow the procedures in Revenue Procedure
92-30, published in IRS Publication 1179 dated 5-92. This document specifies
the requirements for substitute forms that are provided to recipients.
The IRS has an ongoing effort to increase the uniformity of the information
returns that taxpayers receive to prepare their income tax returns. In many
instances, taxpayers and practitioners advise the service that they do not
receive documents that are in conformance to the revenue procedure. The
Service is gathering input from the practitioner community and taxpayers to
determine a course of action to correct this problem.
│ «»«» MAIL MENU «»«» │
║ M A I L O P T I O N S ║
║ ║
║ [1] Mail for MCC-Information Returns Reporting ║
║ [2] Mail for Social Security (W-2 questions only) ║
║ ║
[-] Previous Menu [*] Fast Logoff [G]oodbye
│ IRP - BBS │
║ F I L E D O W N L O A D A R E A S ║
║ ║
║ [P]ublications [N]ews & Bulletins ║
║ [F]orms [V]endorLists ║
║ [W]2 Publications [S]hareware ║
║ [M]iscellaneous Info ║
║ ║
[-] Previous Menu [*] Fast Logoff [G]oodbye
║ Information Returns Program ║
║ Publications ║
92-15.WP5 4785 Rev Proc 92-15 Wordperfect Format
92-15.ASC 4498 Rev Proc 92-15 ASCII Format
1220-WP5.ZIP 155487 Complete Pub 1220 for 1992 - Wordperfect Zip
1220-92.WP5 600626 Complete Pub 1220 for 1992 - Wordperfect
1220-ASC.ZIP 143864 Complete Pub 1220 for 1992 - ASCII Text Zip
1220-92.ASC 634014 Complete Pub 1220 for 1992 - ASCII Text
1527-92.ASC 23382 1992 Publication 1527 ASCII Text
1527ASC.ZIP 8993 1992 Publication 1527 ASCII Text Zipped
1527-92.WP5 92248 1992 Publication 1527 WordPerfect text
1527WP5.ZIP 25829 1992 Publication 1527 WordPerfect text Zipped
PUB1187.WP5 116351 Pub 1187 (1042S) Wordperfect (10-31-91)
1187-WP5.ZIP 37786 Pub 1187 (1042S) Wordperfect ZIPPED
PUB1187.ASC 127990 Pub 1187 (1042S) ASCII (11-05-91)
1187-ASC.ZIP 35038 Pub 1187 (1042S) ASCII ZIPPED (11-05-91)
PUB1564.TXT 10488 Pub. 1564 Incorrect Info. format - ASCII
PUB1564.ZIP 2892 Pub. 1564 Incorrect Info. format - ZIPPED
B-XREF_A.ZIP 2401 B notice xref ASCII text zipped
B-XREF_W.ZIP 2776 B notice xref WordPerfect text zipped
B-XREF.TXT 5009 B notice xref ASCII text
B-XREF.WP 5793 B notice xref WordPerfect text
TD8365.TXT 24684 TD8365 ASCII text
TD8365.WP 25308 TD8365 WordPerfect text
8365ASC.ZIP 7366 TD8365 ASCII text zipped
8365WP.ZIP 8278 TD8365 WordPerfect text zipped
1179ASC.ZIP 15757 Rev Proc 92-30 ASCII text zipped
PUB1179.ASC 45788 Rev Proc 92-30 ASCII text
1179WP5.ZIP 17371 Rev Proc 92-30 WordPerfect text zipped
PUB1179.WP5 48365 Rev Proc 92-30 WordPerfect text
1281ASC.ZIP 7161 Backup Withholding ASCII text zipped
PUB1281.ASC 24654 Backup Withholding ASCII text
1281WP5.ZIP 9030 Backup Withholding WordPerfect text zipped
PUB1281.WP5 30576 Backup Withholding WordPerfect text
1679ASC.ZIP 4706 Guide to Backup Withholding ASCII text zipped
PUB1679.ASC 13061 Guide to Backup Withholding ASCII text
1679WP5.ZIP 5673 Guide to Backup Withholding Wordperfect zip
PUB1679.WP5 14795 Guide to Backup Withholding Wordperfect
91-26.ASC 19711 Third Party Sick Pay ASCII
91-26ASC.ZIP 5396 Third Party Sick Pay ASCII ZIP
91-26.WP5 19911 Third Party Sick Pay WP5
91-26WP5.ZIP 6148 Third Party Sick Pay WP5 ZIP
92-13.WP5 3605 Rev Proc 92-13 Wordperfect Format
92-13.ASC 3010 Rev Proc 92-13 ASCII Format
92-32.WP5 36445 Rev Proc 92-32 Wordperfect Format
92-32WP5.ZIP 11199 Rev Proc 92-32 WordPerfect text zipped
92-32.ASC 33324 Rev Proc 92-32 ASCII Format
92-32ASC.ZIP 9444 Rev Proc 92-32 ASCII Format zipped
91-70.WP5 6994 Rev Proc 91-70 Wordperfect Format
91-70.ASC 5148 Rev Proc 91-70 ASCII Format
PUB1586.ASC 18930 Pub. 1586 Reasonable Cause Reg.- ASCII
PUB1586.WP5 20769 Pub. 1586 Reasonable Cause Reg.- WordPerfect
92-169.ASC 1405 New Distribution Codes for Form 1099-R ASCII
92-169.WP5 3137 New Distribution Codes for Form 1099-R WP5
PAPERW-2.ASC 36096 1992 Instructions for Form W-2 ASCII
PAPERW-2.ZIP 13130 1992 Instructions for Form W-2 ASCII ZIPPED
║ Information Returns Program ║
║ Forms ║
F4419_92.ASC 10021 1992 Form 4419 ASCII Format
F4419ASC.ZIP 3601 1992 Form 4419 ASCII Zipped
F4419_92.PM3 478336 1992 Form 4419 PageMaker 3 format
F4419PM3.ZIP 96847 1992 Form 4419 PageMaker 3 ZIPPED
F4804_92.ASC 11892 1992 Form 4804 ASCII Format
F4804ASC.ZIP 3555 1992 Form 4804 ASCII Format ZIPPED
F4804_92.PM3 235776 1992 Form 4804 PageMaker 3 Format
F4804PM3.ZIP 55351 1992 Form 4804 PageMaker 3 ZIPPED
F4802_92.ASC 4160 1992 Form 4802 ASCII Format
F4802ASC.ZIP 549 1992 Form 4802 ASCII Format ZIPPED
F4802_92.PM3 447360 1992 Form 4802 PageMaker 3 Format
F4802PM3.ZIP 106520 1992 Form 4802 PageMaker 3 ZIPPED
F8508_91.ASC 9673 1991 Form 8508 ASCII Format
F8508ASC.ZIP 3408 1991 Form 8508 ASCII Format ZIPPED
F8508_91.PM3 365568 1991 Form 8508 PageMaker 3 Format
F8508PM.ZIP 102780 1991 Form 8508 PageMaker 3 ZIPPED
F8809ASC.ZIP 4166 Current Extension Form ZIPPED (10-18-91)
F8809ASC.ASC 12312 Current Extension Form ASCII (10-18-91)
FM2758.ZIP 4826 Form 2758 in ASCII text ZIPPED
F210_92.PM3 75008 1992 Notice 210 (5064 Instructions) PageMaker
F210PM3.ZIP 22233 1992 Notice 210 (5064 Instr.) PageMaker ZIP
F6559.PM3 298368 Mag. Summary Report for W-2s PageMaker
F6559PM3.ZIP 79640 Mag. Summary Report for W-2s PageMaker ZIPPED
║ Social Security Administration ║
║ Publications ║
1141ASC.ZIP 14122 Rev Proc 92-37 ASCII text zipped
PUB1141.ASC 39075 Rev Proc 92-37 ASCII text
1141WP5.ZIP 15517 Rev Proc 92-37 WordPerfect text zipped
PUB1141.WP5 41325 Rev Proc 92-37 WordPerfect text
RIPE.ASC 52224 Handbook for Paper Form W-2 Filers
PQ&A.DOC 8704 Most Frequently asked Q&As for Paper
MMQ&A.DOC 11776 Most Often Asked Questions for Mag Media
SSAETY92.ASC 74368 92 Spec/Edits-Paper W-2/W-3 not ZIPPED
SSAETY92.ZIP 18304 92 Spec/Edits-Paper W-2/W-3 ZIPPED
W2CTAPE.ASC 114432 Specs for W-2c Tape filing-not ZIPPED
W2CDISK.ASC 120704 Specs for W-2c Disk Filing-not ZIPPED
92TIB.ASC 197760 92 Filing Specs for SSA W-2s-not ZIPPED
92TIB.ZIP 46848 92 Filing Specs for SSA W-2s-ZIPPED
HIGHLITE.ASC 43264 MM Highlight Bk Fm SF Region Coordinator
HIGHLITE.ZIP 13184 MM Highlights Fm SF Region - ZIPPED
1991TIB.ASC 197376 91 Filing Specs for SSA W-2s-not ZIPPED
1991TIB.ZIP 42752 91 Filing Specs for SSA W-2s-ZIPPED
INFOREL.ASC 16384 91 Informational Release
║ Information Returns Program ║
║ Miscellaneous Information ║
PUB1494.ASC 10704 Levy Table ASCII TEXT
PUB1494.WP5 25137 Levy Table Wordperfect TEXT
EXT-TIME.TXT 10329 Extension of Time format ASCII
TRANSFER.TXT 7839 Information on File Transfer Protocols ASCII
1212_LTU.ZIP 72934 Tables from Pub 1212 Lotus 3.1 Zipped
1212_ASC.ZIP 84216 Tables from Pub 1212 ASCII Zipped
1212READ.ME 525 Correction to file 1212_ASC.ZIP
NOT988.ASC 859 Rate Change for Backup Withholding ASCII
║ Information Returns Program ║
║ News and Bulletins ║
BBSHOW.ZIP 257775 StoryBoard Presentation of IRP - BBS
║ Information Returns Program ║
║ Vendor List ║
VENDOR92.ZIP 40552 1992 Vendor List - Zipped
VENDOR92.TXT 150303 1992 Vendor List - ASCII Text
The user explicitly acknowledges that all shareware obtained from IRP - BBS
is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, expressed or implied,
including, but not limited to the warranties of merchantability and fitness
for a particular purpose and that the risk of using shareware obtained from
this BBS, including the entire costs of all necessary remedies, is with that
║ Utility Programs ║
PKZ110.EXE 149219 ZIP Compression Utility
UNZIP101.SIT 51712 Unzip Utility for the MAC
LIST75E.ZIP 92982 File view and browse utility
ER30.ZIP 155156 Editor for IRSTAX and DBASE files
ER_READ.ME 6528 Readme file for ER30.zip
The following is a list of changes/additions recently made
to the IRP-BBS. This serves as a quick reference for you.
The most current changes start at the top.
(28) We have now implemented our new programs for Tax Year 1992
electronic filing. Hopefully, you will find these programs
easier to use and more informative. As in the past, you
will need to complete the (E)lectronic Filing Authorization
under the (E)lectronic Filing menu before you can proceed to
send a file.
If you have your data ready to send, it is okay to send it
at this time. You do not need to wait until 1/18/93.
If you would like further information about the changes,
please proceed to the (E)lectronic Filing (I)RP-BBS Filing
Information, question number 11.
If you have any questions or comments, please leave a message
in the (M)essage menu area or call us at 304-263-8700 and ask
for the IRP-BBS Electronic Filing Coordinator.
(27) 1992 Instructions for Form W-2, Wage and Tax Statement
is available for downloading from the [F]iles and
[P]ublications menu. The filenames are PAPERW-2.ASC
(26) Notice 988 - Notice of Rate Change for Backup With-
holding - is available for downloading from the [F]iles
and [M]iscellaneous Info menu. The filename for
downloading is NOT988.ASC.
(25) Publication 1494 (Rev.12/1992)- Table for Figuring
Amount Exempt from Levy on Wages, Salary, and Other
Income- is available for downloading from the [F]iles
and [M]iscellaneous Info menu. The filenames for
downloading are PUB1494.ASC and PUB1494.WP5.
(24) Announcement 92-169, New Distribution Codes on Form
1099-R for Direct Rollovers and for Other Purposes,
can be downloaded from the [F]iles and [P]ublications
menus. The filenames for downloading are 92-169.ASC
and 92-169.WP5.
(23) There was an error in Section I-B of Publication 1212-
List of Original Issue Discount Instruments. The file
that contains this table 1212_ASC.ZIP has been corrected.
The read.me file with 1212_ASC.ZIP contains the names of
the two companies being corrected. There is also a
1212READ.ME that contains the names of the companies
being corrected. These files are available for downloading
under the [F]iles and [M]iscellaneous Info menu.
(22) There was an error in the Section 2 table of Publication
1212 -- List of Original Issue Discount Instruments. The
new copy of this table has been added to the 1212_ASC.ZIP
and 1212_LTU.ZIP files.
(21) The tables for Section I-A and Section I-B of Publication
1212, List of Original Issue Discount Instruments, have
now been added to the file 1212_ASC.ZIP. This file can
be found in the [F]iles and [M]iscellaneous Info menu.
(20) Tables from the Publication 1212, List of Original
Issue Discount Instruments, are now available in
Lotus version 3.1 format and ASCII format. They can
be downloaded from the [F]iles and [M]iscellaneous Info
menu. The filenames for downloading are 1212_LTU.ZIP
and 1212_ASC.ZIP. The tables for Section I-A and I-B
will be available within the next two weeks.
(19) Information on file transfers (protocols) that
are available with the IRP-BBS can be downloaded
from the [F]iles and [M]iscellaneous Info menus or
viewed under the [E]lectronic Filing and [I]RP-BBS
Filing Information menus. The filename for downloading
(18) The Information Returns Vendor List (Revised 1992)
is now available for downloading under the [F]iles and
[V]endor Lists Menu. The filenames for downloading
(17) Publication 1281 (Rev. 8/92) -- Backup Withholding on
Missing and Incorrect TINs -- is available for
downloading under the [F]iles and [P]ublication Menu.
It is in Wordperfect and ASCII format. The filenames
for downloading are 1281ASC.ZIP, PUB1281.ASC,
1281WP5.ZIP, and PUB1281.WP5.
(16) Publication 1679 (Rev. 8/92) -- A Guide to Backup
Withholding -- is available for downloading under the
[F]iles and [P]ublication Menu. It is in Wordperfect
and ASCII format. The filenames for downloading are
1679ASC.ZIP, PUB1679.ASC, 1679WP5.ZIP, and PUB1679.WP5.
│ IRP - BBS │
║ E L E C T R O N I C F I L I N G ║
║ ║
║ [I]RP - BBS Filing Information ║
║ [M]ainframe Filing Information ║
║ [E]lectronic filing Authorization ║
║ ║
[-] Previous Menu [*] Fast Logoff [G]oodbye
║ Electronic Filing from an Asynchronous Device ║
<1> What types of modems are compatible with IRP-BBS?
<2> Are there any publications available on IRP-BBS?
<3> Which data compression packages can I use?
<4> What file format should I use for submitting
information returns through IRP-BBS?
<5> What positions can be used for carriage return/line feeds?
<6> How should I name my file for submission?
<7> What information do I need to provide before being
allowed to transmit an information returns file?
<8> What can I do if I cannot get through to IRP-BBS to file
my information returns because the phone lines are busy?
<9> Must any paperwork accompany my electronic submission?
<10> Do I need a file header when transmitting data to IRP-BBS?
<11> What changes are being made to the Electronic filing routine
for Tax Year 1992?
<12> What types of file tansfers (protocols) are available with
What types of modems are compatible with IRP-BBS?
Filers can transmit data using most asynchronous modems at
speeds from 300 to 14,400 bits per second (bps). IRP-BBS uses
Hayes Ultra 96 and 144 modems. If problems are encountered
connecting to modems on IRP-BBS, please contact the Martinsburg
Computing Center for assistance at (304) 263-8700.
Publication 1527 (Rev. 1992), on page 4, contains information
on modem features.
Are there any publications available on IRP-BBS?
Information on IRP-BBS can be found in Publication 1527
The following files are available for downloading under the
[F]iles and [P]ublication menu:
Reference: Publication 1527 (Rev. 1992)
Which data compression packages can I use?
Data compression programs are widely used in the bulletin
board world. Programs, such as ARC, LHARC, and ZIP compress
files to reduce transmission time. IRP-BBS has most of its files
available for downloading in straight ASCII text and compressed
with PKZIP. PKZIP is available for downloading under the [F]iles
and [S]hareware menu.
In transmitting files to us, you may use any of the mentioned
compression packages. If you use a commercially available data
compression package which is not currently available through IRP-BBS,
please contact the Electronic Filing Coordinator at (304) 263-8700.
It may be possible to add this data compression package to the
IRP-BBS if you can provide MCC with the decompression program.
What file format should I use for submitting information returns
through IRP-BBS?
The file format specified in Publication 1220, Part B,
should be used to develop files for submission to MCC using
IRP-BBS. Files submitted through IRP-BBS must be in the same
format as files submitted on 5 1/4" or 3 1/2" diskette or
magnetic tape.
We DO NOT need to have Carriage Return/Line Feed (CRLF) characters
in the file. All records must be 420 characters in length. If your
software uses CRLF characters, they must be in positions 419 and 420
(See Publication 1220, page 24, Sec. 3.01).
Filers who create their files in a non-DOS environment and move their
files to a DOS environment for uploading may automatically have CRLF's
inserted at the end of every record. In most cases, this problem can
be solved by shortening the record length by two bytes to 418 positions.
If you have any questions, call us at (304) 263-8700 or leave us
a message on the bulletin board.
Thank you,
How should I name my file prior to submission to IRP-BBS?
In the IRP-BBS electronic filing environment, you may use any filename you
wish on your system. When you file your returns, a unique filename will
be generated by the IRP-BBS and formatted in the following manner:
Position 1-5 Transmitter Control Code
Position 6 Type of Submission Indicator. (P = Original,
C = Correction, T = Test and R = Replacement).
Position 7-8 Sequence Counter. This indicates the number of
files for each type of data submitted for the tax
year (e.g.; 01 = first file submitted, 02 = second
file submitted, etc.). This count is for each type
of submission. For example, if two test files and
three original production files were submitted,
the count would be T03 for the next test file and
P04 for the next original file.
Position 10-12 Extension. If no compression is used, the extension
will be ".DAT". If a compression package is used,
the extension will indicate the type of compression.
EXAMPLES: ARC gives an extension of ".ARC", LHARC
gives an extension of ".LZH", PKZIP gives an
extension of ".ZIP", etc.
Filers should maintain a record of the generated filenames for checking
the status of the files after they are transmitted and for reference when
calling MCC. Please include your generated filename on the Form 4804/4802.
What information do I need to provide before being allowed to
transmit information returns?
You will need to complete the Electronic Filing Authorization at the
beginning of the new Tax Year. After that, your access will be updated
to enable you to use the (S)end a file and (F)ile Status options. Your
time allowance will be increased to 240 minutes. If you feel you need
more time, contact the Sysop. You will be prompted within the
authorization process for the following:
Transmitter Control Code
Employer Identification Number
Company Name
Contact Person
Telephone Number
What can I do if I cannot get through to IRP-BBS to file my
Information Returns because the phone lines are busy?
IRP-BBS has 32 phone lines which should be adequate
to handle a large volume of calls. However, if you cannot
get through to IRP-BBS because of busy lines and run the risk
of being late filing your returns, contact MCC as soon as
possible. The Electronic Filing Coordinator will be able to
grant an extension of time to file. Even when an extension of
time to file is granted, you should file your Information
Returns as soon as possible.
Must any paperwork accompany my information returns submission?
Yes, as with files submitted on magnetic media, you must
submit Forms 4804 and possibly Form 4802. This paperwork must be
submitted within 2 days of the transmission or the due date of
the return, whichever comes first.
You may FAX paperwork to the following number: (304)-264-5196, or
you may mail it to either of the following addresses:
By Postal Service: IRS, Martinsburg Computing Center
P.O. Box 1359
Martinsburg, WV 25401-1359
By Commercial Carrier: IRS, Martinsburg Computing Center
Rt. 9 & Needy Road
Martinsburg WV 25401
Do I need a file header when transmitting data to IRP-BBS?
No, a file header cannot be used. The file must begin with your first
"A" record.
For Tax Year 1992, we have streamlined the process for uploading
electronically filed Information Return Data. The number of prompts
needing to be answered when uploading a file has been reduced. The
new procedures will be implemented by the end of December. The following
is a summerization of the forthcoming process. Additional information
can be obtained from the Publication 1527 (Rev. 1992) that is
available under the (F)iles (P)ublications Menu.
You will need to complete the Electronic Filing Authorization at the
beginning of the new Tax Year. After that, your access will
be updated to enable you to use the (S)end a File and (F)ile Status
options. If your logon name matches with the contact name in the
authorization file, your name and telephone number will be displayed to
the screen. You will not have to enter this information.
The filename we build for you will be entered into the upload prompt
automatically. The user will not see the upload prompt at all. The
system takes you directly to the protocol selection. Please be sure to
record the filename that is displayed for you for future reference.
Test, production, and correction files all follow the same general
format. When sending a file, you will be prompted for five(5) items.
If your logon name does't match the name in the authorization database,
you will be prompted for eight(8) items. When sending multiple files
within a single session, you will be prompted for three(3) items for
each additional file.
When sending replacement files, several enhancements have been
added to enable us to properly identify the file being replaced. The
IRP-BBS will identify for you the files eligible for replacement
(excluding magnetic media files). It is important that all replacements
be correctly identified.
The following example will help to explain the process:
A 'Production' file is sent, and the IRP-BBS filename is XXXXXP01.ZIP.
If the file is bad when you check (F)ile Status, a replacement will need
to be sent. When sending the replacement, you will select file type "R"
for replacement, and the 'file to be replaced' will be XXXXXP01.ZIP. If it
is necessary to replace the same file again, the 'file to be replaced'
will be the name of the original file -- XXXXXP01.ZIP. Once the file
status is good, you need to send or fax a Form 4804.
XXXXX = Transmitter Control Code
The (F)ile Status will be expanded by the end of December. When you
call into the IRP-BBS, you will be presented with the following options:
(1) View Todays Files
(2) View Previous Files
(3) Exit Program
If you select (1), a list will be displayed of all file(s) you submitted on
that day. The date and time of transmission, filename, and file size
will be given.
To obtain a full report on the acceptability of your file, you must select
option (2). This information is not immediately available upon completion
of your transmission. You will need to call back in 1-2 workdays to check
the status of your file. When you select (2), a list of all files
submitted for the calendar year will be displayed. The listing will
include the filename, date and time the file was transmitted, number of
"B" records in the file, and the file status. If your file status is bad on
any file, you will be given the option to have a report generated explaining
the discrepancies found. Up to four errors will be identified. If more
errors exist, this will be noted but not explained.
If you should have any questions, please leave us a message in the (M)essage
menu area or call us at 304-263-8700.
What types of file transfers (protocols) are available with
File Transfer
File transfer, as the name suggests, is the act of moving a file
from one place to another. In the online community, this is
usually referred to as "uploading" and "downloading" files. File
transfer is one of the most common uses of an online computer
You can provide file libraries (download areas) for your users,
and you can also allow callers to add files to the libraries.
File libraries are the most common method of providing file
transfers, because each file has an associated description and
there are several tools for locating a specific file from the
many files in the library. In addition to file libraries, you
can allow users to upload to or download from specific sub-
directories on your disk or use one of the special-purpose
file transfer functions TBBS provides.
File transfers are accomplished with the use of protocols-
standardized file transfer methods. TBBS supports a variety
of transfer protocols. The protocol is selected by the user
when the file transfer begins. In order for the transfer to
be successful, the same protocol must be used on the host
side of the connection (TBBS) and the remote side of the
connection in the user's communications software.
If you do not currently file information returns with us at the
Martinsburg Computing Center (MCC), AND you do NOT have a
Transmitter Control Code (TCC), you must file form 4419 with
us before you can proceed.
In order to ensure the security of your files, we must ask you
the following questions. When you have completed the questions,
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│ IRP - BBS │
║ I N F O R M A T I O N S E R V I C E S ║
║ ║
║ [W]hat are Information Returns? ║
║ [P]aper Filing of Information Returns. ║
║ [M]agnetic Media Filing of Information Returns. ║
║ [A] Electronic Filing Using IRP - BBS. ║
║ [S] Electronic Filing to the Mainframe. ║
║ ║
║ What Are Information Returns? ║
What are Information Returns?
Information Returns contain information reported to IRS by financial
institutions and by people who make certain types of payments as
part of their trade or business.
This information includes interest, dividends, pensions, nonemployee
compensation for personal services, stock transactions, sales of
real estate, mortgage interest, and other types of payments.
║ IRP Bulletins and Information ║
║ for Filing Paper Returns ║
Where do I file my paper returns?
To the appropriate IRS Service Centers. Reference instructions for Forms 1099,
1098, 5498 and W-2G.
<1> Who is required to file information returns on magnetic media?
<2> What is a Transmitter Control Code (TCC)?
<3> How do I apply to file on magnetic media? How do I get a TCC?
<4> Do I need a TCC if a service bureau is going to prepare my files?
<5> Do I have to get a new TCC if I change from tape to diskette, etc.?
<6> What types of magnetic media can be used?
<7> How can I get a vendor list?
<8> How can I get a waiver from the magnetic media filing requirements?
<9> How can I get an extension of time?
<10> Where can I get a copy of Forms 4419, 8508, or 8809?
<11> How do I get in the Combined Federal/State Filing Program?
<12> How do I submit a test file?
<13> What is the due date for filing Forms 1098, 1099 series, W2-G, and
5498's to the IRS?
<14> When are corrections due?
<15> What address must I use to send my data or 4804?
<16> What should I do if I discover the file I sent IRS is incorrect and
I want to send new data?
<17> When will MCC return my media that is finished processing?
<18> W-2 magnetic media filing information.
<19> Penalty notices or information not directly related to magnetic media.
│ IRP - BBS │
║ ║
║ [I]nformation on Filing Extensions ║
║ [A]uthorization for Filing Extensions ║
║ ║
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║ Extension of Time Questions ║
║ and Answers ║
<1> How can I get an extension of time for Information Returns?
<2> How do I file an extension of time for multiple payers?
<3> What format is needed for submitting a request for extension of time
magnetically or electronically?
<4> How long of an extension can I request?
<5> By what date must a request for an extension of time be submitted?
<6> To what address should I send my extension of time?
<7> How can I obtain the Form 8809?
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