Hacker Chronicles 2
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51 lines
LAB.BAS is a basic program written for the IBM or IBM
compatible with 128k of RAM, two disk drives and a printer. It
may be run on a one drive system by removing the "B:" from
several lines in the program files LAB.BAS, LAC.BAS AND SEM.BAS.
The program is written in using double precision for
accuracy. If accurate station locations and current orbital
elements are used angle accuracy is within .05 degrees and range
to about 50 meters.
This is a menu driven program using overlays to minimize
core requirements. The following files are required:
LAB.BAS (saved in ASCII)
LAC.BAS (saved in ASCII)
SEM.BAS (saved in ASCII)
The basic files must be stored on disk using the /A switch
in order for the overlay technique to be used. The disk
containing the above files must be placed in drive B with a
SYSTEM disk containing BASIC,BASICA or GWBASIC in drive A.
Output is to the printer therefore the printer must be on line.
The file "STATION.FIL" is the file containing the location
of the station for which data are to be computed. The parameters
are latitude, longitude, height above the spheroid, meridian
deflection and prime deflection. Height, meridian deflection and
prime deflection may be entered as zero if unknown without
serious degradation of output. Longitude is positive east. The
following is an example of a location near the Tech Lab at PAFB:
28 13 34.8742 LAT
279 24 2.0120 LONG
-14.94 METERS above spheroid
.84 meridian deflection (seconds of arc)
1.17 prime deflection (seconds of arc)
ELSET.FIL contains the orbital elements of the object of
interest. Samples are included in the file.
With the default drive A, type BASIC B:LAB, BASICA B:LAB or
GWBASICA B:LAB. Make menu selections and away you go.
When computing angles you will be prompted for the station
name, object number and object name. Give names stored in
STATION.FIL and ELSET.FIL. You will then be prompted for the
date of the desired look angles. The form is Julian (yydoy) or
year and day of year. Example 86001 is the first of Jan. 1986.
The stop date is in the same format. The next prompt is for the
interval between points. Enter the number of seconds (1 to
86400). The computation begins.
The display will show U(3), (the number of kilometers above
or below the tangent plane), WD (the vertical velocity in
kilometers/sec, the current revolution the target is in and the
elevation angle in degrees. These are displayed to show you the
computer is working and the printer will receive only those
points with a positive elevation.
Happy computing.