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X-Wing Editor PRO V1.14
Welcome to XP, this is my first attempt at writing a game editor. However
so far I'm happy with the results; I've got a very simple interface, which
uses the cursor, hot keys, ENTER, and ESC to navigate the entire interface.
-= Files =-
XP.EXE - The Xwing Editor
XP.DOC - This file (Documentation)
XP.UPD - Revision and Future Enhancements List
XR.COM - A TSR to revive ALL pilots while in XWING!
REG-UPD.EXE - Updates your Registration program if you
- Have prieviously registered XP.
ORIGINAL.XPC - The Default settings for all of the Ships
REGISTER.ME - Registation Form.
MISSION.LST - A listing of all of The Missions Tour 1-5
-= Features =-
!!! NEW !!! Graphical Mission Editor, Drag and Drop! !!! NEW !!!
!!! NEW !!! Turn on/off the Cheat Flag.
Complete facility to create/edit the Pilot Files.
Quick Recover of Pilots two different ways.
Complete facility to create/edit Missions Files.
Reads All three versions of XWING and BWING!
Support all Five tours that are out.
Almost Complete facility to edit Crafts.
The Ability to remove the Copy protection from XWING & BWING.
Menu Driven, and ESC aborts whatever you are doing.
XR - The ability to revive all of your pilots inside XWING!
Coming Soon: Tour Editor, Briefing Editor.
-= About the Author =-
Currently I have only a few games I really Enjoy: WOLF-3D, XWING, Lemmings 2.
Since their is already many great editors for WOLF3D, I decided to do one for
XWING, after looking at the editors that are out there. Most of them were either
a pain to use, Buggy, or incomplete.
I spent many, many, many hours deciphering the Pilot, Mission, Briefing, and
other select locations in other XWING files (The Briefing was the hardest).
There is very little I don't know about these files(See HELP), I have several
programs I programmed in-house that I use to make sure that the files are
deciphered correctly. Also the "XWING Official Strategy Guide" was helpful
by making sure that the first three TOD's were deciphered correctly.
-= BUGS =-
Hopefully you won't find any bugs, but if you manage to find a bug that I
missed during the Testing cycle, Please let me know via the addresses
Notice: Version 1.11 is in beta, I have added a lot of changes in
two evenings to completly support BWING. There may be some bugs!
Notice: Version 1.13 I also classify as Beta, I believe I've fixed all of
the bugs releating to BWING, However adding a complete Graphical editor is
bound to have introduced a bug or two. (Due to Comdex, I didn't get quite
all of the time I was expecting to test XP).
-= Shareware =-
Since I spent so much time on this project (I never guessed it would take
me this much time), I'm releasing it as shareware for $15.
What I've done to the shareware version is deactivated Tour 4 & 5 editing,
Deactivated Mission Saving, and Removed the copy protection removal function.
Otherwise it's fully working version of Xwing Pro.
XR's Limitation is only being able to activate it 3 times.
-= Letting Me Know =-
-= Or Getting the latest version =-
If you have any questions you can Mail me a letter via:
U.S. Post Office = 1997 Cluster Pine Rd. Colton, Ca 92324-8400
or Phone (Voice) and leave a message, I work full time so I won't be able
to respond to it until late in the afternoon or the next day: 1-909-875-3219
You can get the latest version or contact me from either of these two boards:
Software Creations = email "Nathan Anderson" at 1-508-368-7139
The Prime Connection = email "Nathan Anderson" at 1-909-274-9634
-= XR.COM =-
This utility, I put together so that you don't have to exit XWING to revive
your pilot (Yes, I know there is a option on the main menu of XWING that allows
you to revive your pilot, but it steals your score, Rating and other things.).
It defaults to ALT-R to activate itself. You can change it by loading XR
with the /Kx parameter where x is the key you want to use. You can also unload
it from memory when you are done with the game by typing XR /U.
Upon hitting the HOTKEY, XR will beep once, then after restoring all of your
pilots it will beep again. If XR has been deactivated it will not BEEP and
it will not restore any of your pilots.
XR has been designed to restore you the same way the game does except that
it will not steal your score & other stuff.
One word of information, If hou hit the hotkey to activate XR in the pilot
menu in XWING, the pilot will be fixed, however XWING will not know that until
you change to another room and then return to the pilot menu. Upon returning it
reloads the information on each of the pilots.
*** Notice XR is limited in that it will only activate 3 times. By registering
you will be able to activate it unlimited amount of times.
-= XP.EXE =-
-= Command Line =-
XP can be started be a variety of ways. Starting XP without any parameters,
will start you in the main menu. Starting XP with a '/P' or '-P' will stick
place you in a listing of pilots that you can edit. Starting XP with a '/M'
will place you into a listing of Mission files. Starting XP with a '/O' will
stick you in the Other Menu. Starting XP with a '/T' will stick you in the
TOD menu. Starting XP with a '/B' will stick you in the Briefing Listing.
Starting XP with any of the above plus the name of the file will stick you
in their respected editors. Starting XP '-P' plus a file will open the
file and check to see if the pilot is dead/captured if it is it will revive
the pilot and quit to DOS. Otherwise it will stick you in the pilot editor.
Starting XP '-E' plus a file will force XP to stick you in the pilot editor.
And last but not least, XP *.PLT or XP NA?HAN?.PLT will revive all pilots
matching the wild cards.
XP - Main Menu
XP /P - Pilot file Listing
XP /M - Mission file Listings
XP /O - Other Menu
XP /B - Briefing file Listings <NOT AVAILABLE YET>
XP /T - Tour of Duty file Listings <NOT AVAILABLE YET>
XP /A - Applies a TOD file to XWING <NOT AVAILABLE YET>
XP /P <NAME> - Checks if pilot is dead, if so revives pilot. If Not Edits.
XP /E <NAME> - Forces XP to Edit pilot.
XP /M <NAME> - Opens Mission file and Edits it.
XP /B <NAME> - Opens Briefing file and Edits it. <NOT AVAILABLE YET>
XP /T <NAME> - Opens Tour of Duty file and edits it. <NOT AVAILABLE YET>
XP *.PLT - Revives all Dead Pilots
XP NAT?.PLT - Revives all pilots matching the Wild cards.
-= Main Menu =-
The Main Menu will give you 6 choices, you may either move the cursor up/down
or hit the first letter that's highlighted to select it.
P) Pilot Editor - Will Stick you in the Pilot Listing
M) Mission Editor - Will Stick you in the Mission Listing
B) Briefing Editor - Will Stick you in the Briefing Listing
O) Other Xwing Stuff - Will Stick you in the Other Menu
T) TOD Editor - Will Stick you in the TOD Listing
ESC) Return to DOS - Quits XP
-= Pilot Listing =-
The Listings are probably one of my favorite things in XP, they display
fifty file names in a list that you can choose one by using the cursor keys
(Up/Down/Left/Right) and the <ENTER> to select one. Upon selecting one
you will be put into the Pilot Editor.
If there are more than fifty pilot files in the directory, another option
will appear. By hitting 'N' you will go to the next page of files or by
hitting 'P' you will go to the prior Page.
Also available in the Pilot Listing is the 'R' command, it will revive a
dead/Captured pilot (You may notice that the names are not all the same color,
if a name is in red that means the pilot is captured, if in black it means the
pilot is dead, otherwise the pilot is healthy.)
And Then you may also use '2' - Change to Mission Listing, '3' - Change to
Briefing Listings.
-= Mission Listings =-
This listing acts the same way that the Pilot one does except for two things
One is that there is no 'Revive command, and two is if you highlight a file
that is a Original Xwing Mission (Tours 1-4) it bring up a window with the
mission Full Name, Mission Tour Number, and Mission Number.
-= Playing your Missions =-
Currently you have to rename one of the existing missions, and rename your
mission to xwings mission name. For a complete listing of missions see
mission.lst. Soon I will have the TOD editor done.
-= Briefing Listings =-
Identical to the Mission Listings. Except that its for briefings.
-= Other Menu =-
This menu is very similar to the main menu except it has three new items.
1. Remove Copy Protection - Will Remove the Copy protection from Xwing, So far I
can remove it from the three versions that I have (Original V1.0, Tour 4 V1.1,
and Tour 4 V1.1a with bugs removed). When the game asks you for the copy
protection you just hit <ENTER>.
2. Enable/Disable Cheat Flag - Built into the game is three cheat buttons,
however if you use them, the games will consider it a trial run. What I've
done is made a option to Disable the Detection, and then re-enable if you
want it back.
3. Edit Ships - This will allow you to edit the Ships attributes (Like Speed,
Firepower, Shields, ect...).
-= Pilot Editor =-
Basically these menus are self explanatory, However I will point out one thing.
the "2) Edit Tours" & "3) Edit Pilot by Tours" I implemented this system twice
one by a menu and the second you scroll through the names of the tours/Missions.
-= Mission Editor/Briefing Editor =-
Basically you have on the Top part of the menu 16 Crafts (On the Left) and
16 Object (on the right), by hitting <ENTER> on any one you will go into
their respected editor. By Hitting <DELETE> you will delete one, and by
hitting <ENTER> on a Unused spot you will add on.
NOTICE: Currently XP doesn't support the LEVEL?.XWI files, because they have
over 16 objects and have no crafts.
-= Graphical Mission Editor =-
Well, Actually Its pretty simple. You simply click the left mouse button
to pick up and drop a ship or object. And you click the right mouse button
to edit a ship or object. If you pick up a ship you can delete it by clicking
inside the craft box. The same goes for a Object, to delete it just drop it
inside the object box. You can scroll either by using the buttons or by using
the cursor keys on your keyboard. To exit hit ESC or click the button on exit.
When you pick up a ship or object the cursor will change to the shape of the
ship or object, to let you know that you have it.
-= Editing Ships =-
Most of the Information is self explanatory, however the weapon racks are
sorta confusing, The ship can have a max number of 12 mounting racks for the
energy and missile type weapons. Basically the racks are were the guns are
mounted on your craft, they also control how may guns you have. If you have
a Laser configured for racks 1-5, you will have 5 Lasers. You can also put
more than one weapon on a rack, You just map multiple weapons to the same
group of racks.
Notice: When you choose more than two energy guns they work but the display
of which weapon you are using seems to get corrupted. Also when you
pick energy weapons for torpedoes you will see the same behavior.
Warning: Please make sure that if you are going to use any energy weapons
in the 3rd & 4th energy weapon spot, please have a weapon is slot 1.
Otherwise it may crash or do other weird things.
-= Letting Me Know =-
-= Or Getting the latest version =-
If you have any questions you can Mail me a letter via:
U.S. Post Office = 1997 Cluster Pine Rd. Colton, Ca 92324-8400
or Phone (Voice) and leave a message, I work full time so I won't be able
to respond to it until late in the afternoon or the next day: 1-909-875-3219
You can get the latest version or contact me from either of these two boards:
Software Creations = email "Nathan Anderson" at 1-508-368-7139
The Prime Connection = email "Nathan Anderson" at 1-909-274-9634
-= Help =-
I'm willing to SWAP information on file formats, I currently don't know:
Pilot File: Locations 19-38
Pilot File: Locations 51-134 (I suspect it has to do with the PG's) *
Pilot File: Locations 138-158 (I suspect it also has to do with PG's) *
Pilot File: Locations 353-544 (I suspect it has to do with the HIST's) *
Pilot File: Locations 593-640 (I suspect it has to do with the HIST's) *
Pilot File: Locations 642-647
Pilot File: Locations 649-736
Pilot File: Locations 1561-1584
Mission File: Locations 7-8
Mission File: Craft Locations 140-141
Mission File: Haven't figured out the difference between Multi-Starts & Gotos
in the Cords system
Mission File: Object Locations 48-49
Mission File: Object Locations 64-69
Ship Editor Locations Starts at Start of Craft Info in File
FLIGHT.OVL: Locations 36-39
FLIGHT.OVL: Locations 46-47
FLIGHT.OVL: Locations 50-51
FLIGHT.OVL: Locations 56-61
FLIGHT.OVL: Locations 66-69
FLIGHT.OVL: Locations 92-98
FLIGHT.OVL: Locations 105-107
FLIGHT.OVL: Locations 204-224
* - I pretty sure what they do, but can't confirm (These locations I'm not
in need of, however any of the other spots I would love to find out)
*** XWING is tradmarked and copyrighted by Lucas Entertainments. All rights
are reservered by them. This program is in no way endorsed by Lucas.