Hacker Chronicles 2
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General notes to the Nowhere Utilities 2.0 CRYPTCOM program included in this
issue of the Crypt Newsletter. Used with permission from Nowhere Man.
The following applies to all of the Nowhere Utilities: all will
give a command summary if "/?" is given as the first parameter; all
utilities preserve file date, time, and attributes, unless they are
specifically meant to change them (FIXATTR and FIXTIME in specific);
all utilities will work on read-only files (they automatically remove
the attribute if any writing needs to be performed and reset it when
finished. All of the utilities are supplied in .COM format for fast load
times, too); and all the programs are written entirely in Borland C++
v3.0 using the tiny memory model (needed to create .COM files), and all
were written by myself, Nowhere Man, with some suggestions and comments
provided by friends, especially Rigor Mortis, Leeking Virus, and Guido
Sanchez. Thanks guys. Now, on with the description...
CRYPTCOM is handy utility that allows you to encrypt .COM files
but still leave them executable. To invoke CRYPTCOM, just type
"CRYPTCOM" followed by one or more files that you wish to protect;
wildcards are allowed, and the ".COM" extension is assumed if none is
given. They key is chosen by CRYPTCOM automatically, so you don't need
to supply one. This program works by encrypting your .COM program and
adding some decryption code to the end. The file decrypts itself in RAM
at run-time, leaving the actual file unaltered with each execution of
the encrypted program. Suggested use: encrypting virii to slip past
virus scanners. It's rather obvious what to do: just run CRYPTCOM on
the virus. It is now unscannable, and it still runs normally. However,
just like the PKLITE trick of old, all subsequent infections will
contain the original virus, so basically, this just gets the virus in
the front door. Unlike PKLITE, though, no scanner (as of yet, at least)
can decrypt a CRYPTCOMed file and scan it, so you don't have to worry
about recent versions of SCAN catching you. (You can also use NOLZEXE,
included with the complete Nowhere Utilities 2.0, for another tactic.)
Closing comments
The complete Nowhere Utilities 2.0, in addition to CRYPTCOM,
includes the following programs:
CIPHER - a quick and handy encryption tool for those occasions
when data should be kept from prying eyes.
DBGSCRPT - converts binary files to DEBUG scripts, handy for
including viruses and special programs in your e-mail or
electronic publications. The DEBUG scripts in the Crypt Newsletter
were generated using DBGSCRPT.
DECRYPT - will decrypt data encrypted by most 8-bit or 16-bit
encryption scheme, usually in under 10 seconds!
FAKEWARE - will plant your virus in a custom set of bogus
"0-30 day ware" game or utility files, complete with ZIPnote
and .NFO file from a famous cracking group.
Give that 'k-rad elite ware' board your virus gift
that keeps on giving in just the right archive, with FAKEWARE.
FAKEFILE - create single FAKEFILE's when FAKEWARE is too much.
RESIZE - utility for resizing any file. It has many uses.
FIXTIME - "touch" up the date/time stamps on your proprietary
FIXATTR - quickly change the file attributes on any of your
proprietary files
REPLACE - replace an attractive utility or game executable
with the virus (or any other file) of your choice. REPLACE
mimics the outward characteristics of the 'replaced' file
for optimium effect.
WIPE - eliminates sensitive date from your drive, fast!
USER2TXT - converts binary Telegard and X-Ot-Icks BBS user
files to text files containing user names and passwords.
NOLZEXE - removes those annoying banners from proprietary files
compressed by PKLite, etc.
As you can see, the Nowhere Utilities are very powerful, but
they also can be abused -- DON'T. I intended for the entire virus
community to benefit from these, not for some losers to abuse them.
Other than that little warning, I heartily encourage you to experiment
with the utilities, to use them in new and interesting ways (if you
find a novel use for a utility, let me know so I can mention it in the
next version). Enjoy them.
Nowhere Utilities v2.0
As usual, greets go out to Rock Steady, Rigor Mortis, Leeking
Virus and Murdak, all [NuKE] and SCP members and sites, Phalcon/SKISM,
and all virus-writers everywhere. Thanks to anyone else who I forgot to
mention; your input into this project is still greatly appreciated,
even if I do forget a name here and there.
If anyone has any questions, comments, complaints, or
suggestions about this or any other fine product from Nowhere Man or
[NuKE], I can be reached at The Hell Pit and FreeMatrix, both official
U.S. distribution sites for [NuKE]. I also monitor most Chicago-area
networks, as well as NuKENet, Swashnet, CyberCrime International, P/S
Net, and FidoNet; responses to my products may be posted there also.
Once again, so long, and happy virusing.
-- Nowhere Man, [NuKE] '92