Hacker Chronicles 2
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Text File
137 lines
112 {# Items} {See bottom of file for DATA FIELD INFORMATION. Date:9/28/89}
1 1 1 6 7 11 1 3 5 Main Menu Select a function or functional area...
2 1 1 6 7 11 2 3 7 MACRO ScriptRun AUTOMATIC presentation script...
3 1 1 6 7 11 3 3 9 Puzzle Menu Solve PUZZLES consisting of Mathematic Functions...
4 1 1 6 7 11 4 3 11 File Editor Create and Change MACRO/Import/Puzzle Files...
5 1 1 6 7 11 5 3 13 Menu HELP HELPFUL information on menu selection...
6 1 1 6 7 11 6 3 15 END XYSee END this session...
7 1 1 6 7 11 7 13 22 Geom-Menu Select a function from the GEOMETRIC MENU...
8 1 1 6 7 11 8 23 22 Quad-Menu Select a function from the QUADRATIC MENU...
9 1 1 6 7 11 9 34 22 Trig-Menu Select a function from the TRIGONOMETRIC MENU...
10 1 1 6 7 11 10 45 22 Advanced Select a function from the ADVANCED FUNCTIONS MENU...
11 1 1 6 7 11 11 56 22 Import Plot values from a disk file...
12 1 12 15 16 19 1 3 5 Geometric Select a function to plot...
13 12 12 15 16 19 2 3 7 MACRO ScriptRun AUTOMATIC presentation script...
14 12 12 15 16 19 3 3 9 Menu HELP HELPFUL information on menu selection...
15 12 12 15 16 19 4 3 11 Graphic Art LINEAR graphic design...
16 12 12 15 16 19 7 13 22 1D Point Points plotted on a ONE dimensional plane...
17 12 12 15 16 19 8 23 22 2D Point Points plotted on a TWO dimensional plane...
18 12 12 15 16 19 9 34 22 Line Draw a LINE with desired rotation...
19 12 12 15 16 19 10 45 22 Triangle Draw a TRIANGLE with desired rotation...
20 1 20 23 24 29 1 3 5 Quadratic Select a function to plot...
21 20 20 23 24 29 2 3 7 MACRO ScriptRun AUTOMATIC presentation script...
22 20 20 23 24 29 3 3 9 Menu HELP HELPFUL information on menu selection...
23 20 20 23 24 29 4 3 11 Graphic Art QUADRATIC graphic design...
24 20 20 23 24 29 7 13 22 Quad-Eq. Plot a solution to the QUADRATIC EQUATION...
25 20 20 23 24 29 8 23 22 Circle Plot a CIRCLE of variable radius...
26 20 20 23 24 29 9 34 22 Ellipse Plot a Vertical or Horizontal ELLIPSE...
27 20 20 23 24 29 10 45 22 Parabola Plot a Normal or Inverse PARABOLA...
28 20 20 23 24 29 11 57 22 Hyperbola Plot a Normal or Inverse HYPERBOLA...
29 20 20 23 24 29 12 66 22 a Conic SECTION Double Right Circular Cones...
30 1 30 33 34 39 1 3 5 TrigonometricSelect a function to plot...
31 30 30 33 34 39 2 3 7 MACRO ScriptRun AUTOMATIC presentation script...
32 30 30 33 34 39 3 3 9 Menu HELP HELPFUL information on menu selection...
33 30 30 33 34 39 4 3 11 Graphic Art TRIGONOMETRIC graphic design...
34 30 30 33 34 39 7 13 22 Sine Plot a SINE periodic function...
35 30 30 33 34 39 8 23 22 Cosine Plot a COSINE periodic function...
36 30 30 33 34 39 9 35 22 Tangent Plot a TANGENT periodic function...
37 30 30 33 34 39 10 45 22 Cosecant Plot a COSECANT periodic function...
38 30 30 33 34 39 11 56 22 Secant Plot a SECANT periodic function...
39 30 30 33 34 39 12 66 22 Cotangent Plot a COTANGENT periodic function...
40 1 40 43 44 48 1 3 5 Advanced Select a function to plot...
41 40 40 43 44 48 2 3 7 MACRO ScriptRun AUTOMATIC presentation script...
42 40 40 43 44 48 3 3 9 Menu HELP HELPFUL information on menu selection...
43 40 40 43 44 48 4 3 11 Graphic Art PERIODIC graphic design...
44 40 40 43 44 48 7 13 22 Para #1 Y = A Sin(B PI T)...X = C Cos(D PI T)...
45 40 40 43 44 48 8 24 22 Para #2 Y = A Sin(T+PI/B)...X = C Sin(D T)...
46 40 40 43 44 48 9 35 22 Comp #1 Y = ((A X)/B)...Y = -C Cos(D X)...
47 40 40 43 44 48 10 45 22 Comp #2 Y = A Cos(B X)...Y = C Sin(D X)...
48 40 40 43 44 48 11 56 22 Spline Plot CUSTOMIZED functions...
49 0 49 54 55 55 1 3 5 Cursor INDICATE points of interest...
50 49 49 54 56 57 2 3 7 Overlay PlotsSUPERIMPOSE previous plots on current plot...
51 49 49 54 58 58 3 3 9 Statistics Display STATISTICS for current plot...
52 49 49 54 59 59 4 3 11 Enhance PlotREVERSE VIDEO enhancement...
53 49 49 54 60 60 5 3 13 Print Plot SEND the current screen to the printer...
54 49 49 54 61 61 6 3 15 Plot HELP HELPFUL information on this function...
55 49 49 54 55 55 7 13 22 Cursor INDICATE points of interest...
56 49 49 54 56 57 7 13 22 Store STORE the current plot for later comparison...
57 49 49 54 56 57 8 23 22 Retrieve RETRIEVE a saved plot for comparison...
58 49 49 54 58 58 7 13 22 Stats Display STATISTICS for current plot...
59 49 49 54 59 59 7 13 22 Enhance REVERSE VIDEO enhancement...
60 49 49 54 60 60 7 13 22 Printer SEND the current screen to the printer...
61 49 49 54 61 61 7 13 22 HELP HELPFUL information on this function...
62 1 62 66 70 73 1 3 5 Puzzle Menu Select a function or functional area...
63 62 62 66 68 69 2 3 7 Start PuzzleSelect a REFERENCE plot source...
64 62 62 66 70 73 3 3 9 Puzzle ReportREPORT solution performance...
65 62 62 66 70 73 4 3 11 Save Puzzle SAVE the current plot status...
66 62 62 66 70 73 5 3 13 Menu HELP HELPFUL information on menu selection...
67 62 62 67 70 73 6 3 15 RESERVED RESERVED
68 62 62 66 68 69 7 13 22 Disk File Execute a sequence from DISK...
69 62 62 66 68 69 8 23 22 Keyboard Execute a MANUAL sequence...
70 62 62 66 70 73 7 13 22 Geom-Menu Select a function from the GEOMETRIC MENU...
71 62 62 66 70 73 8 23 22 Quad-Menu Select a function from the QUADRATIC MENU...
72 62 62 66 70 73 9 34 22 Trig-Menu Select a function from the TRIGONOMETRIC MENU...
73 62 62 66 70 73 10 45 22 Advanced Select a function from the ADVANCED FUNCTIONS MENU...
74 62 74 76 77 78 1 3 5 Geometric Select a function to SOLVE...
75 74 74 76 77 78 2 3 7 Menu HELP HELPFUL information on menu selection...
76 74 74 76 77 78 3 3 9 Example Example Puzzle construction...
77 74 74 76 77 78 7 13 22 2D Point Solve for Points plotted on a TWO dimensional plane...
78 74 74 76 77 78 8 23 22 Line Solve for a LINE with defined rotation...
79 62 79 81 82 84 1 3 5 Quadratic Select a function to SOLVE...
80 79 79 81 82 84 2 3 7 Menu HELP HELPFUL information on menu selection...
81 79 79 81 82 84 3 3 9 Example Example Puzzle construction...
82 79 79 81 82 84 7 13 22 Circle Solve for a CIRCLE of variable radius...
83 79 79 81 82 84 8 23 22 Ellipse Solve for a Vertical or Horizontal ELLIPSE...
84 79 79 81 82 84 9 34 22 Parabola Solve for a Normal or Inverse PARABOLA...
85 62 85 87 88 90 1 3 5 TrigonometricSelect a function to SOLVE...
86 85 85 87 88 90 2 3 7 Menu HELP HELPFUL information on menu selection...
87 85 85 87 88 90 3 3 9 Example Example Puzzle construction...
88 85 85 87 88 90 7 13 22 Sine Solve for a SINE periodic function...
89 85 85 87 88 90 8 23 22 Cosine Solve for a COSINE periodic function...
90 85 85 87 88 90 9 35 22 Tangent Solve for a TANGENT periodic function...
91 62 91 93 94 97 1 3 5 Advanced Select a function to SOLVE...
92 91 91 93 94 97 2 3 7 Menu HELP HELPFUL information on menu selection...
93 91 91 93 94 97 3 3 9 Example Example Puzzle construction...
94 91 91 93 94 97 7 13 22 Para #1 Solve for Y = A Sin(B PI T)...X = C Cos(D PI T)...
95 91 91 93 94 97 8 24 22 Para #2 Solve for Y = A Sin(T+PI/B)...X = C Sin(D T)...
96 91 91 93 94 97 9 35 22 Comp #1 Solve for Y = ((A X)/B)...Y = -C Cos(D X)...
97 91 91 93 94 97 10 45 22 Comp #2 Solve for Y = A Cos(B X)...Y = C Sin(D X)...
98 0 98 102 103 103 1 3 5 Cursor INDICATE points of interest...
99 98 98 102 104 104 2 3 7 Zoom Scale Change plotting SCALE...
100 98 98 102 105 105 3 3 9 Enhance PlotREVERSE VIDEO enhancement...
101 98 98 102 106 106 4 3 11 Print PuzzleSEND the current screen to the printer...
102 98 98 102 107 107 5 3 13 Puzzle HELP Toggle parameter value HELP...
103 98 98 102 103 103 7 13 22 Cursor INDICATE points of interest...
104 98 98 102 104 104 7 13 22 Zoom Change SCALE of plotting window...
105 98 98 102 105 105 7 13 22 Enhance REVERSE VIDEO enhancement...
106 98 98 102 106 106 7 13 22 Printer SEND the current screen to the printer...
107 98 98 102 107 107 7 13 22 HELP Toggle parameter value HELP...
108 1 108 108 108 108 1 4 5 Sound is now Set the system SOUND requirements...
109 1 109 109 109 109 2 4 7 Color is now Set the system COLOR requirements...
110 1 110 110 110 110 3 4 9 Files are in Select Data Drive (A/B/C/Default)...
111 1 111 111 111 111 4 4 11 Configure to Update System Configuration File...
112 1 112 112 112 112 5 4 13 Registration License and Registration information...
Choices = Record
Current_Record_Number, {Index into Menu Array,
used for record purposes only.}
Previous_Record_Number, {Points to destination for ESC
First_Vert, {Pointer to first item in Vertical
Sequence for the current group.}
Last_Vert, {Pointer to last item in above.}
First_Horiz, {Pointer to first item in Horizontal
Sequence (if any) for the current
group. These values may point right
back to themselves in a loop if
there are no other horizontal items.}
Last_Horiz, {Pointer to last item in above.}
Window, {The window definition for this group.}
Col, {Column where text will be placed.}
Row:Integer; {Row where text will be placed.}
Filler:String[1]; {Eliminates single space before Text}
Text:String[Text_Length] {The title of the current item.}
Comment:String[Comment_Length] {Associated comment for above.}