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Morse Tutor
Operation Manual
MTDOC 24/Jun/87 Replaces 21/Apr/87 Page 1
This document is intended is to assist you in the operation of Morse
Tutor. This may not be the best manual you have ever used but it's
better than nothing.
I began creating MT on Feb,12,1987 after listening to a code tape and
realizing that the tape contained insufficient random practice material
for me to learn code. I had already located what I had thought were the
only MS-DOS code practice programs around, and they were not suitable
for learning the code ( i.e. individual practice etc, same format as
ARRL tape etc) so fire up the ole compiler ( necessity is the mother of
invention ) and write your own I said. We'll I did as you can see and
it does work as I passed my code test on April 8th. I have tried to
make MT as foolproof as possible while still easy to use. I you don't
like something let me know.
Program Information
Source code size is up to 118k and growing still.
Written in Lattice C 3.1 Small Model ( Good Stuff )
Written using the BRIEF editor by Software Solutions.
( The best !! PC editor ever)
System Requirements
128K Free ram. ( If I added up the linker map up right )
IBM PC or compatible.
Tested on:
Compaq Portable II
Compaq Portable III
ATT 6300
CGA or MONOCHROME ( Mono not tested, let me know if it doesn't work )
Also PC jr not tested let me know of any problems.
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To execute
Type "morse <cmd>" leaving out the quotes and arrows.
Optional cmds are
/f Read configuration file Morse.cfg
1st line Char Speed
2nd line Send Speed
3rd line Tone Freq
Every other line is ignored and can be used for comments.
Valid Ranges are.
Character and send speed 5 to 50 Wpm.
Tone 500 to 2000 Hz
Morse Tutor will look in the current directory for morse.cfg unless
MTDIR=path is found in the environment. For example if morse.exe and
its configuration files are in the util directory on your harddisk place
set MTDIR=c:\util\ in you autoexec.bat file.
/c Switch to color screen
White letters on a blue background
/a Use alternate learning sequence.
Introduces characters in the sequence described in the 1970 version
of "Learning The Radiotelegraph Code" by the ARRL ( See the learning
help in the program for more information).
Hopefully a small welcome window will popup and stay up for
approximately ten seconds. During this time the system is reading the
configuration file (if "/f" was present on the comand line) creating the
window buffers and calibrating the timer function. After a little humor
the main program screen will be displayed.
The whole premise of the type of user interface I'm using is that it is
self explanatory. Therefore I will not go into any discussion on the
operation except for some special keys.
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Key Function
Escape Abort out of any selection menu
Insert Toggle insert and off during setting window
Backspace Delete previous char during message input
Special Characters, Valid during message input, read from file, and quiz.
- Procedural BT
+ "" AR
* "" SK
Normal Characters
A Thru Z, 0 Thru 9 and .,/?
A note about message entry and file reading
Morse Tutor will look in the current directory for the specified
file unless MTDIR is present in the enviroment.
Any char listed above can be used. If the char is in lower case
the program will convert it to upper case and char's that are not
sendable are skipped.
Comments in text file
If the character ';' is at the beginning of a line it is not sent
but is displayed as a comment line. The maximum length of a
comment line is 78 characters, if the line is longer than that the
remainder will be sent in code. This I thought would be useful
for instructors.
Settings window
Valid char, send speeds are 5 to 50 wpm.
Tone frequency 500 to 2000 hz
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How to learn code
I suggest you obtain "Tune In The World With Ham Radio" by the
ARRL as a companion text to this program.
When using this program it is extremely important to listen to the
rhythm of the character and not the elements that make up the
character. I think of code as music, it seems to help.
1. Select the first group in the learning function.
2. Listen the group once then enter the quiz function and select
groups, individual, group A, and see how well you do.
3. Continue this exercise for approx 10 minutes.
4. Enter the practice, groups, individual, and select the first
5. Copy as much as you can for 5 minutes then stop.
6. Repeat the above sequence the next day until you can copy 100
percent and then continue to the next group.
7. After you have mastered the first group, reduce the individual
group practice to 5 minutes. Then practice cumulatively for 5
Practice for 20 minutes a day and no more. Above all, listen to
the rhythm of the character. Don't make the same mistake I did,
the first time I tried to learn code, by counting the elements.
If you practice every day for 20 minutes you should be able to
pass the novice code test in as little as four weeks.
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Known problems
All problems, as far as I know, have been corrected. If you find
any, let me know.
Problem or comment reporting
If you have any comments or find any bugs ( Argh !!) or get an
error message contact me at the below addresses or systems so I
can fix them.
Please supply the following information if reporting a bug:
Type of system
Free memory at program startup (use CHKDSK to find this )
Any memory resident programs that you are running
If the problem can be duplicated. If so, please supply the key
Error number if one was reported
GEnie Mail J.DUTHLER ( Checked once a week )
Compuserve address 71655,1057 ( I Check Compuserve about once a
month )
Heathkit Store #31 BBS at 913-362-9583 (Checked at least once a
Or by mail:
Jay Duthler
7575 W 106th Apt #57
Overland Park, Ks 66212
Or you can call me at home at 913-341-4857 if you prefer ( Early
evening only, please ).
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Thought this program is not a SHAREWARE program if you find it
useful and what to send me something send me a QSL card or some
mail. It will bring me great joy to know that this program helped
you earn your license.
Program Enhancement
If there is a function that would help you or make the program
easier to use, let me know. Some enhancements that I have
considered are listed below.
1. Keying of remote keyer via RS-232 port. ( good for classes )
2. System generated test at end of QSO practice.
3. Response time recording/reporting after quiz function.
Program History
Revision Date Major fix or addition
Beta 3/01/87 First release ( Very Buggy )
3/02/87 Corrected Quiz results formula
Added char 'D' to quiz, learn and practice func
Added sanity checks to settings function
Corrected problem in group generation, was skipping
3/03/87 Corrected problem with random number generator, was
rounding down and not reaching specified stop
parameter. Affected all code generating functions
Re-released program as morse303.arc
3/05/87 Changed to Large Memory Model compiler
3/06/87 Added giggle pops. Cleaned up message window.
Enlarged help window. And added ESC ability to all
popup windows
1.0a 3/08/87 Added AR and SK procedural characters.
Wrote first decent doc file
Re-released as morse308.arc
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1.1a 3/16/87 Changed to new speed calculation formula
Corrected misc spelling
Incorporated 2 Wpm speed up during Quiz
Removed serial number from welcome window
Found a nasty bug and changed back to the
Small Memory Model
Added ctrl-c and ctrl-break trapping
Added automatic ignore or DOS abort,retry,ignore
during file i/o
Save video state at beginning of program
Added error trapping for not enough memory for
windows system and others
Added comment feature to text file
Changed character display method
1.1h 3/25/87 Released as morse326.arc
1.2a 4/03/87 Changed to a new method of timing which is much
more accurate than the previous function.
Increased maximum code speed to 50 Wpm.
Period was being sent as procedural AR
Words practice is much more random and has more
1.2c 4/05/87 Released to the world as MORSE406.ARC
Added help sub menu.
Added /a command line option.
Added calibrate timer message and reworked timer
calibration. Only takes 5 seconds now.
Added practice words sub menu.
Made minor changes to code timing calculations
should be as perfect as possible now.
Added Environment search feature.
Added main window clear, main window hide functions
2.1a 4/21/87 Released as morse421.arc.
2.1b 6/24/87 Made minor video attr changes and released as
New releases are uploaded to GEnie, and local BBS's as I make them.
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Speed Formula
The following assumptions are made.
The standard speed calibration word "Paris" contains 31 elements that
make up the dit's, dah's and the spaces between the dit's and dah's that
make up the characters. The remaining 19 elements are used to make up
the spaces between the characters and the spaces between the words.
With this in mind when you generate code using the Farnsworth method the
time constant used to generate the 19 elements described above must be
adjusted to compensate for the compressed character generation.
Time for each element used in generating character elements.
e_time = element time in msec.
e_time = ( 60 / ( 50 * Character speed ))
Time used for the spacing between characters and words.
s_time = space element time in msec
s_time = ( 60 - (( e_time * 31 ) * send speed ))/ ( 19 * send speed )
DIT = e_time
DAH = e_time * 3
Space between an element = e_time
Character space = 3 * s_time
Word space = 7 * s_time
If you would like to get started in amateur radio contact:
American Radio Relay League
225 Main Street
Newington, Ct 06111
They can put you in touch with a club in your area.
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My wife Julie
For putting up with DIT DAHS for months and the two o'clock in the
morning and all weekend coding sessions ( obsessed, who me? ).
Pat Burke.
For his tutelage in 'C', for without his assistance this would not be.
Lee Murrah
For saving me the time it would take to type in the base for the words
used for words practice and the variables used in the practice QSO.
Mike Dodd
For his paper on precision timing loops which steered me in the right
direction on software timing loops.
Kent Larson KL7SD
For testing this release and making valuable comments.
End of text
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