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884 lines
▌ ▐
▌ PackCom ▐
▌ ▐
▌ Version: 0.75 ▐
▌ Date: 01/28/1987 ▐
▌ ▐
▌ by ▐
▌ ▐
▌ Jim Wright (WB4ZJV) ▐
▌ ▐
Documentation Manual
Lloyd Phelps (WD5HEH)
PackCom is a program written for PC's and compatibles to
facilitate using the PC with a TNC for communicating via packet
Any terminal emulation program will work so long as it can
address the serial port that the TNC is connected to, but PackCom
is unique in that it is written to make communicating via packet
more enjoyable. The help menus built into the program make it
very easy to use to the point of almost not needing a documenta-
tion manual.
If your PC has a color monitor, PackCom can present you with a
variety of colors, bells and whistles that you define for viewing
the various packets that you send or receive.
PackCom in its distribution form contains three files:
PACKCOM.COM The program.
PACKCOM.000 Overlay file.
PACKCOM.001 Overlay file.
PackCom will create three additional files the first time it is
PACKCOM.CNF This file contains the program default
parameters. What communication port to use,
baud rate, parity, etc.
PACKCOM.KEY This file contains the macro key definitions
that you specify. These macros can contain
such information as your QTH, station equip-
ment, etc.
PACKCOM.WRD This file contains key words to search for
and any special effects to perform when the
key word is found.
To start the program, enter the command PACKCOM at the DOS prompt and press
<ENTER>. After the program loads you will be presented with the program
logo containing the version number and date of release.
▄▄▄▄ Display_Version ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄
▌ ▐
▌ PackCom by Jim Wright (WB4ZJV) ▐
▌ ▐
▌ Version: 0.75 Dev. ▐
▌ Date: 01/28/1987 ▐
▌ ▐
▌ Press ANY key to continue... ▐
▌ ▐
Entering PACKCOM /V at the DOS prompt and press <ENTER> will eliminate the
need for pressing a key at the PackCom logo screen to get to the communica-
tions screen.
Entering PACKCOM /I at the DOS prompt will take you immediately to the
operating defaults screen where you may view/change any of the operating
parameters before actually running the program. Once changes have been
made, if any, you will be returned to the DOS prompt.
The communications screen is divided into two sections, the top section is
the Communications Buffer and is used for incoming packets and commands
echoed by the TNC. The bottom section is the Keyboard Buffer area. Com-
mands to the TNC and information to be transmitted is entered here and can
be edited before pressing <ENTER>. Also, previously entered lines can be
recalled for editing and retransmission.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Date/Time is 01/28/87 08:00 <<<<<
▄▄▄▄ Key Board Input (LINE MODE) ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄
Alt: H=Help, C=Capture, I=Config, P=Comm Parms, X=Exit
At this point, pressing ALT-H will bring up a help screen listing all the
commands available with ALT. ALT-C will toggle capture mode on or off.
ALT-I will bring up the first of two configuration screens. ALT-P will
bring up the communications parameters screen. ALT-X will bring up the
exit screen.
Press ALT-I to view/change operating defaults.
▄▄▄▄ Reconfigure Defaults ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄
▌ ▐
▌ Options with "X" do NOT take effect until PackCom is restarted ▐
▌ Options with "P" do NOT take effect until after an ALT-P Command ▐
▌ All other options take effect immediately ▐
▌ ▐
▌P 1. Number of Stopbits .............. 1 Memory Available = 258K ▐
▌P 2. Number of Databits .............. 8 ▐
▌P 3. Parity Type ..................... N ▐
▌P 4. Baud Rate ....................... 1200 ▐
▌P 5. Communication Port .............. COM1 ▐
▌ 6. ...........DUMMY PARM............ ▐
▌X 7. Scroll Back Buffer Size ......... 250 ▐
▌ 8. Incomming BELL (cntl-G) ......... NO ▐
▌ 9. Eliminate Blank Lines ........... NO ▐
▌ 10. Time Management Every ? Minutes . 15 ▐
▌ 11. Display Time .................... YES ▐
▌ 12. Change Color (takes effect as screen is rewritten) ▐
▌ ▐
▌ Enter the number to change or RETURN for more: ▐
Options 1 through 5 specify the number of STOPBITS, DATABITS, PARITY, BAUD
RATE and COMM PORT to use. These values do not take effect until changed
with the ALT-P option.
Option 6 is reserved for future use.
Option 7 specifies the number of lines to maintain in the receive buffer.
Default is 250.
Option 8 specifies whether to allow incoming bells (CTRL-G). Default is
Option 9 specifies whether to eliminate blank lines. Default is NO.
Option 10 specifies how often to display the date/time depending upon the
setting of Option 11.
Option 11 specifies whether to display time. Default is YES.
Option 12 allows you change display colors if you have a color monitor.
▄▄▄▄ Set-Up Color Display ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄
▌ ▐
▌ ▐
▌ Press <Number Key> to Change Corresponding Color, ▐
▌ Press <ENTER> to Exit. ▐
▌ ▐
▌ 1) Foreground Color is Cyan ▐
▌ 2) Background Color is Black ▐
▌ ▐
▌ 3) Reverse Image Foreground Color is Green ▐
▌ 4) Reverse Image Background Color is Blue ▐
▌ ▐
▌ 5) High Intensity Foreground Color is LightRed ▐
▌ ▐
▌ 6) Border Color is Black ▐
▌ ▐
▄▄▄▄ Reconfigure Defaults ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄
▌ ▐
▌ Options with "X" do NOT take effect until PackCom is restarted ▐
▌ Options with "P" do NOT take effect until after an ALT-P Command ▐
▌ All other options take effect immediately ▐
▌ ▐
▌ 14. 1/1000 Sec. after sending a Byet 0 ▐
▌ 15. 1/1000 Sec. after sending a CRLF 0 ▐
▌X16. Memory for DOS Programs (KBytes) 30 ▐
▌ 17. Default DOS Program to Execute .. COMMAND.COM ▐
▌X18. Set TNC's Date and Time ......... YES ▐
▌X19. Drive/Path to PackCom's Overlays . ▐
▌ 20. Switch Stream Char used ......... | ▐
▌ 21. Carrier Detect TRUE if Connected? NO ▐
▌ 22. BREAK puts TNC into CMD mode? ... NO ▐
▌ Enter the number to change or RETURN to exit: ▐
▌ ▐
▌ ▐
▌ ▐
▌ ▐
Option 13 (not displayed) is reserved for future use.
Option 14 specifies the amount of delay between characters being sent to
the TNC. Default is 0. Maximum delay is 32 seconds between characters.
Option 15 specifies the amount of delay after sending CR/LF to the TNC.
Default is 0. Maximum delay is 32 seconds between lines.
Option 16 specifies the amount of memory in KBYTES to reserve for DOS
programs. Default is 30.
Option 17 specifies the DOS program to execute. The default is COM-
Option 18 specifies whether to set the TNC's date and time. Default is
Option 19 specifies the DRIVE/PATH to PackCom's overlay files. Default is
".", which specifies the drive/path where PackCom was started from.
Option 20 speciies the SWITCH STREAM CHARACTER used. Default is vertical
bar (|).
Option 21 specifies if CARRIER DETECT TRUE IF CONNECTED. Default is NO.
Option 22 specifies to use BREAK to put TNC int CMD mode. Default is NO
which uses CTRL-C.
Options 7, 16, 18 and 19, if changed, require you to exit PackCom and re-
start the program for the changes to become effective.
To view the communication port parameters, press ALT-P.
▄▄▄▄ Change Parameters NOW ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄
▌ ▐
▌ Current Setting: 1200 N 8 1 ▐
▌ ▐
▌ Enter New Parameters. ▐
▌ --------------------- ▐
▌ Baud Rate, 300,1200,2400,4800,9600 : ▐
▌ Parity, (N)one, (E)ven, (O)dd : ▐
▌ Data Bits, 7 or 8 : ▐
▌ Stop Bits, 1 or 2 : ▐
▌ ▐
Default settings are 1200 BAUD, NO PARITY, 8 DATA BITS and 1 STOP BIT. You
will be prompted to enter BAUD RATE, PARITY, DATA BITS and STOP BITS.
Pressing <ENTER> at the prompts will leave startup values unchanged. En-
tering a new value and pressing <ENTER> will select the new value. Whether
the values are changed or not, PackCom assumes you have changed the values
and will set the COMM PORT to the values entered. Set BAUD RATE, PARITY,
DATA BITS and STOP BITS according to values needed to communicate with your
In most cases, you probably will not have to change any of the default set-
tings if the program you previously used was configured for COMM 1, 1200
Press ALT-A to bring up the Special Effects Configuration screen.
▄▄▄▄ Special Effects Configuration. ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄
▌ ▐
▌ 1. Configure Keyboard/Digi echo colors. ▐
▌ ▐
▌ 2. Configure Non-Header colors. ▐
▌ ▐
▌ 3. Configure Key Words to search. ▐
▌ ▐
▌ 4. Toggle Key Word Special Effect's (beeps) ON/OFF. (Currently OFF) ▐
▌ ▐
▌ 5. Toggle Key Word Special Effect's & Coloring ON/OFF. (Currently OFF) ▐
▌ ▐
▌ ▐
▌ ▐
▌ ▐
▌ ▐
▌ ▐
▌ ▐
▌ ▐
▌ ▐
▌ Enter an option to change or press <ENTER> to exit: ▐
▌ ▐
Option 1 specifies the colors to use when displaying keyboard input, TNC
character echo and Digipeater character echo.
▄▄▄▄ Configure Keyboard/Digi Echo Colors. ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄
▌ ▐
▌ This window is used to update the Colors generated on the monitor ▐
▌ for packets received by PackCom, that match previously sent packets. ▐
▌ Usually these packets come from the TNC echoing the keyboard's ▐
▌ input back to you, or by a Digipeater echoing your outgoing packets ▐
▌ back to you. ▐
▌ ▐
▌ ▐
▌ Keyboard/Digi Echo Colors Foreground Background ▐
▌ ▐
▌ Keyboard/Digi Echo ... Cyan Black ▐
▌ ▐
▌ ▐
▌ ▐
▌ ▐
▌ ▐
▌ ▐
▌ Press <Home> or <End> to Modify Foreground Color. ▐
▌ Press <Up Arrow> or <Down Arrow> to Modify Background Color. ▐
▌ ▐
▌ Press <ENTER> to Exit. ▐
Option 2 specifies the colors to use when displaying Non-Header information
and packets that do not match a previously sent packet.
▄▄▄▄ Configure Non-Header Colors. ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄
▌ ▐
▌ This window is used to update the Colors generated on the monitor ▐
▌ for packets received by PackCom, that meet the two following conditions▐
▌ 1) Packets do not match a previously sent packet. ▐
▌ 2) And packets do not contain Header information. ▐
▌ Usually packets meeting these conditions will be information received ▐
▌ from a connected station or information sent from the TNC in response ▐
▌ to a TNC command. ▐
▌ ▐
▌ ▐
▌ Non-Header Colors Foreground Background ▐
▌ ▐
▌ Non-Header information ... Cyan Black ▐
▌ ▐
▌ ▐
▌ ▐
▌ ▐
▌ Press <Home> or <End> to Modify Foreground Color. ▐
▌ Press <Up Arrow> or <Down Arrow> to Modify Background Color. ▐
▌ ▐
▌ Press <ENTER> to Exit. ▐
Option 3 allows you to specify Key Words to search for, what colors to dis-
play them and whether to sound an audible alarm or not.
▄▄▄▄ Packet Key Words to Search. ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄
▌ Key Words to Search on Foreground Background Special Effects ▐
▌ ▐
▌ 1. Cyan Black NONE ▐
▌ 2. Cyan Black NONE ▐
▌ 3. Cyan Black NONE ▐
▌ 4. Cyan Black NONE ▐
▌ 5. Cyan Black NONE ▐
▌ 6. Cyan Black NONE ▐
▌ 7. Cyan Black NONE ▐
▌ 8. Cyan Black NONE ▐
▌ 9. Cyan Black NONE ▐
▌ 10. Cyan Black NONE ▐
▌ 11. Cyan Black NONE ▐
▌ 12. Cyan Black NONE ▐
▌ 13. Cyan Black NONE ▐
▌ 14. Cyan Black NONE ▐
▌ 15. Cyan Black NONE ▐
▌ 16. Cyan Black NONE ▐
▌ ▐
▌ ▐
▌ Enter: Keyword Option to Change or Press <ENTER> to Exit. ▐
Example setup:
Press ALT-M to view/change/edit the function key definitons.
▄▄ Function Keys, Use: ] for CR, @x for CMDS, ~ for delay, ; for comment ▄
▌ ▐
▌ < Unshifted > ▐
▌ ▐
▌ 1. ▐
▌ 2. ▐
▌ 3. ▐
▌ 4. ▐
▌ 5. ▐
▌ 6. ▐
▌ 7. ▐
▌ 8. ▐
▌ 9. ▐
▌ 10. ▐
▌ ▐
▌ ▐
▌ Enter: C=Chg, F=PgFwd, B=PgBak, Q=Quit. ▐
A total of 40 definitions can be obtained from the 10 function keys. F1
through F10, SHIFT-F1 through SHIFT-F10, CTRL-F1 through CTRL-F10 and ALT-
F1 through ALT-F10. As you page forward or page backward, the status of
the function keys (unshifted, shifted, etc.) will be displayed so that you
will know which set of function keys you are working with.
Press ALT-H to view the commands available with ALT key.
▄▄▄▄ Commands, with ALT ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄
▌ ▐
▌ 1 = Help menu for Communication Buffer. ▐
▌ 2 = Help menu for Keyboard Edit. ▐
▌ X = EXit and return to DOS. ▐
▌ C = Toggle capture mode ON/OFF. ▐
▌ D = Display the disk directory. ▐
▌ N = New directory and/or drive. ▐
▌ E = Execute DOS Command. ▐
▌ S = Scroll Back Buffer Processing. ▐
▌ V = View file or Toggle View file. ▐
▌ K = Kill file. M = Macro key defs. ▐
▌ H = Help menu. I = Change config. ▐
▌ P = Change communication parameters. ▐
▌ T = Transmit using ASCII XON/XOFF. ▐
▌ Y = Transmit using YAPP protocal. ▐
▌ A = Alarms and Special Effects. ▐
▌ Q = Toggle Keyboard Mode (Line/Char). ▐
▌ F = Toggle between FULL/HALF duplex. ▐
▌ B = Send BREAK. O = Other Commands. ▐
▌ ^PrtSc = Toggle printer. ▐
▌ ▐
▌ Press ANY key to continue... ▐
ALT-1 lists the Communication Buffer Commands:
<HOME> = Toggle auto update of communication buffer.
<UP ARROW> = Scroll back one line.
<DOWN ARROW> = Scroll forward one line.
<PAGE UP> = Scroll back one page.
<PAGE DOWN> = Scroll forward one page.
ALT-2 lists the Keyboard Edit Commands:
<LEFT ARROW> = Move cursor to left.
<RIGHT ARROW> = Move cursor to right.
<INS> = Toggle insert mode.
<DEL> = Delete current character.
<BACK SPACE> = Delete previous character.
<CTRL-HOME> = Beginning of line.
<END> = End of line.
<CTRL-LEFT ARROW> = Tab cursor left.
<CTRL-RIGHT ARROW> = Tab cursor right.
<CTRL-END> = Erase from cursor to end of line.
<CTRL-PAGE UP> = Scroll keyboard buffer backward.
<CTRL-PAGE DOWN> = Scroll keyboard buffer forward.
ALT-X will ask if you want to exit PackCom.
ALT-C will ask for a file name to capture to. Pressing ALT-C a second time
will turn capture off and close the file.
ALT-D will prompt for DIR mask, default is *.*, and give a directory of
drive specified with file sizes and bytes available on disk.
ALT-N will prompt for new drive and directory to change to.
ALT-E will prompt for DOS program to execute. Default is set with ALT-I
option 17. You may enter another program name but it must meet the memory
allocation parameter specified with ALT-I option 16.
ALT-S allows you to quickly scan the communications buffer by specifying a
line number to start with or entering a string of text to search for. You
can also specify a starting line number for text searches.
ALT-V allows you to view a file and toggle between it and packet communica-
ALT-K will prompt for a filename to kill or erase.
ALT-T will prompt for an ASCII file to transmit. Good way to transmit in-
formation regarding your station QTH and equipment being used without
having to program several function keys.
ALT-Y will prompt for BINARY file to transmit or receive. This function
only compatible with other programs using the YAPP protocal. Very good for
transfering .EXE and .COM programs.
ALT-Q will toggle between LINE mode and CHARACTER mode of transmission.
LINE mode is the normal keyboard input mode in PackCom which allows editing
of data and resending of data as needed. CHARACTER mode is a keyboard in-
put mode that allows data entered to be passed immediately from the
keyboard input area to the TNC/RTTY Terminal Unit.
ALT-F will toggle between FULL and HALF duplex mode. An H will be dis-
played on the right side of the STATUS LINE when in HALF DUPLEX mode.
ALT-B will send a BREAK signal to the TNC. Useful for returning to CMD
mode whether in CONVERSE mode or TRANSPARENT mode.
ALT-O will set DAYTIME parameter on TNC.
CTRL-PrtSc will toggle printer ON/OFF.