Hacker Chronicles 2
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As a lifelong supporter of our space exploration efforts I
have observed many hours of NASA footage. Never have I seen
events such as those recorded by STS-48. Lighted objects
could most certainly be debris or ice crystals illuminated
by the sun, however, I can conceive of no possible scenario
that could explain the objects that are travelling in
opposite directions. Presumably, thruster plumes should
propel debris in one direction only. Another potential
explanation would be meteor storms or space debris from
previous launches. But again, these explanations cannot
account for the observed trajectories .
According to our source, NASA no longer distributes a live
downlink from shuttle missions, instead using a delay
similar to that used by talk radio stations to censor
offensive remarks. Sanitizing video downlink from shuttle
missions, and deleting sections of the official archives is
not in the interest of the taxpayers who fund NASA. The need
for further official scientific inquiry is obvious.
In the meantime, the anomalous events recorded by Discovery
astronauts during STS-48 can only be classified as UFOs, in
the strict sense of the term.
Note: Vince DiPietro's report to FUFOR (the Fund For UFO
Research) provided the descriptions of events for which
video was unavailable to HUFON Report. Interestingly,
DiPietro, a NASA employee at the Goddard Space Flight Center
now publicly endorses the "ice crystal" explanation.
Copyright 1992 by Houston UFO Network / Vince Johnson
End of File
The following copyrighted article first appeared in the
September 1992 HUFON REPORT, the newsletter of the Houston
UFO Network, all rights reserved. Non-profit publications
may reprint this article as long as its source and author
are attributed. See accompanying article "Sts48.Txt"
and graphic "Event2a.GIF." For more information call
(713) 850-1352.
The Strange Case of STS-48
by David Mayo
It was 1:43am Saturday morning, June 6, 1992. My wife had
retired for the evening and I was flipping through the cable
channels as men are compelled to do. Just by chance (or
providence), I landed on KHTV (Ch 39 locally) where the
program "HardCopy" was airing. The host was stating
"...amazing videotape taken by a space shuttle astronaut,
astounding evidence of UFOs!" Well, For over a year and a
half I have been compiling UFO-related television segments
from various programs. I jumped up and shoved my latest
tape in the VCR and hit record. What followed was
intriguing to say the least. Don Ecker, staffer to UFO
Magazine, had obtained footage filmed from a recent shuttle
mission and had brought it to "HardCopy." The footage
showed a dark Earth positioned in the lower two-thirds of
the screen. Banded around its middle, the lights of a major
city sparkled. The Earth's curvature ran from right mid-
frame to upper left corner. Above this, dark space was
punctuated by a few stars. A small bright object suddenly
appeared midway down the visible edge and traveled right to
left at a fast rate following the curvature. There was a
brief flash of light that bloomed from the upper left corner
and the object made a sudden sharp right hand turn, picked
up velocity and sped off into the darkness of space! A
split second after this unusual turn, another object
streaked upwards from lower in the frame and whizzed past
the approximate point where the first object would have been
had it not made the right hand turn.Don Ecker expounded that
this was an alien spacecraft making an evasive maneuver just
before something is shot at it.
Mr. Ecker's opinion not withstanding, NASA's official
explanation was that it was ice crystals formed from waste
water. "HardCopy's" stance was that this piece of film was
either the UFO smoking gun or space debris. I found the
entire footage to be something unique and possibly
important. Still, this was "HardCopy" after all, not "60
Minutes" and with most news events the truth follows some
time later.The next day I called a few people I knew to
inquire whether they had seen it.Vince Johnson and Bill
Eatwell had not.
However, later, Bill called me back with a mysterious
message. He said that after speaking of this program to
some of his friends, an unnamed caller instructed him to
contact me and ask that I refrain from speaking about the
footage any further and, in particular, not publish anything
about this in HUFON REPORT. If I agreed and showed good
faith, I would receive more information about the event. At
first,this rubbed me wrong. I could understand that if the
footage was a "smoking gun" and if an investigation was
underway, the need for secrecy may be justified. What I
couldn't accept was hearing all this third hand. If I am
asked to spike a story, I want to know who is doing the
asking. Instead, I was mollified by the promise of straight
answers to any 10 questions I wished to ask about the
HardCopy footage. My curiosity, at this point, had grown
exponentially. Being the beggar and unable to choose, I
On June 8, I faxed the 10 questions I had compiled to Bill.
He, in turn, faxed them to a neutral fax location (number)
he was given. The questions were as follows:
1) What is the entire scenario of what I witnessed
(i.e., what was transpiring)?
2) Which shuttle mission did this occur on?
3) If the object is an alien spacecraft, what was its
size, speed and distance from the camera?
4) Was this object taking evasive action to avoid
some sort of weaponry?