Hacker Chronicles 2
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Unitcost 1.0 Price jobs on a per unit cost Registration $ 20.00
FILES: unitcst1.sdn
Author: Brian R. Lamoureux
ELECTRICAL DESIGN SOFTWARE is pleased to introduce to the market place
a specially designed program for ELECTRICIANS - UNIT COSTING 1.0. Originally
designed exclusively to allow the users to be more efficient ... and more
effective while estimating or billing, wiring for RESIDENTIAL HOUSING.
Sample Report UNITCOST 1.0:
Prepared For: Prepared By:
ABC Home Builders B.L.C. Electricians
123 Apple Road 321 Orange St
Skyblue, NH 12345 Bluesky, NH 54321
Project: Lot #12 Apple Hill Estates
Report By: Bob Lemay
Quantity Description Per unit Total
77 15/A Outlet 15.50 1193.50
12 20/A Outlet 24.00 288.00
2 15/A Sep Circuit 25.00 50.00
2 20/A Sep Circuit 30.00 60.00
3 15/A GFR Outlet 35.00 105.00
3 20/A GFR Outlet 40.00 120.00
2 Outdoor Outlets 45.00 90.00
18 Halfed Switched 24.00 432.00
14 Three Way Switch 24.00 336.00
1 Four Way Switch 36.00 36.00
2 Casablanca Fan 65.00 130.00
8 Recessed Cans 45.00 360.00
1 High Foyer Light 40.00 40.00
1 Single Flood 45.00 45.00
2 Double Flood 60.00 120.00
1 Fan & Heat lamp 85.00 85.00
2 Track Light 4' 60.00 120.00
1 Post light 75.00 75.00
1 Electric Stove 85.00 85.00
1 Electric Dryer 80.00 80.00
1 Electric Water/Ht 75.00 75.00
1 Water Well 60.00 60.00
1 Heat Sys 1 Zone 150.00 150.00
3 Additional Zone 50.00 150.00
1 200/A Service 675.00 675.00
110 200/A Und 2" PVC 5.00 550.00
20 200/A Und 2" GLV 6.75 135.00
75 15 /A Und U-F 0.50 37.50
4 Smoke Detectors 55.00 220.00
1 Door Chimes 45.00 45.00
4 Phone Outlets 20.00 80.00
4 Cable Outlets 20.00 80.00
Cost for rough wiring 3664.00
Cost for finnish wiring 2444.00
Total Cost: 6108.00
1. Define up to 52 catigories
2. Print field forms to enter quanites based on the discriptions
you defined during setup.
3. Reports to the printer or an ASCII file that can be edited with
any word processor.
4. Context help system.
5. Pop-up calculator.
6. Documentation on disk.
7. FREE support.
Hardware Requirements : IBM PC, PC-compatible or MS-DOS computer
300k RAM, Hard disk or 1 floppy drive .
Other Requirements : DOS 3.1 or higher.
.SDA Format is (c)Copyright 1993 The SDN Project
SDN Authors-Only Info Line is 203-634-0370 USA