Hacker Chronicles 2
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It's Your Money: A Consumer's Guide to Credit
Books for Business
How to Develop and Manage A Successful Condominium
Books for Business
Business in 1990: A Look to the Future
anthology introduced and edited by Adam Starchild
University Press of the Pacific
Starchild & Holahan's Seafood Cookbook (co-author)
Pacific Search Press
Tax Havens: What They Are and What They Can Do
for the Shrewd Investor
Arlington House
Tax Havens and Corporations
Gulf Publishing Co.
Investing in the USA
Euromoney Publications
The Amazing Banana Cookbook
Lakewood Books
Everyman's Guide to Tax Havens
Paladin Press
The Tax Haven Story
PPI Publishing
Establishing Self Employed and Individual Retirement Plans
PPI Publishing
Building Wealth: A Layman's Guide to Trust Planning
AMACOM, publishing division of
the American Management Association
How to Develop Your Own Construction & Land
Development Business
Nelson-Hall Publishers
Tax Planning for Foreign Investors in the U.S. (co-author)
Kluwer Law & Taxation Publishers
The Seafood Heritage Cookbook
Cornell Maritime Press
Marketing Computer Hardware & Software in Latin America &
The Caribbean
Books for Business
The Tax Haven Report
Scope Books
Payment Systems Studies
Prepared by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Edited by Adam Starchild
University Press of New Jersey
Second Passports and Dual Nationalities
Agora Books
You will find these and other books by Adam
Starchild listed in Books in Print at your public library
or bookstore. These books generally are not available
directly from the author, but most bookstores will order
them for you directly from the publishers. Those books
which are out of print may be obtained from the Books on
Demand Service of University Microfilms in Ann Arbor,
Michigan. Again your bookstore may place this order for
you, or you may obtain current price and ordering
information by calling University Microfilms.