Hacker Chronicles 2
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Text File
1,571 lines
| WDCG -- Wake Digital Communications Group |
| presents |
| PTP -- Packet Terminal Program Version 4.1 |
| with XPACKET binary transfer protocol. |
| |
| Includes NET MASTER feature and FAX |
| support for multi-mode TNC's. |
| 3-screen mode now supported. |
| Split-screen routine complements of AA4L |
| Documentation by AB4S |
Introduction to PTP ------------------------------------- 3
USER INSTRUCTIONS --------------------------------------- 3
Main Menu ----------------------------------------------- 8
NTS TRAFFIC GENERATION ---------------------------------- 14
FILES USED BY PTP TERMINAL PROGRAM ---------------------- 16
SPLIT SCREEN CONSIDERATIONS ----------------------------- 18
APPENDIX ------------------------------------------------ 19
XPACKET FLOW DIAGRAM ---------------------------------- 19
TNC SETUP --------------------------------------------- 21
OTHER MODES WITH PTP ---------------------------------- 22
NET MASTER MODE --------------------------------------- 22
TYPE-AHEAD BUFFER ------------------------------------- 24
ANTI-WORD WRAP FEATURE -------------------------------- 24
3-SCREEN OPERATION ------------------------------------ 24
FINAL COMMENTS FROM WDCG ------------------------------ 25
INDEX --------------------------------------------------- 28
[ 3 ]
PTP is a terminal program written for the application layer of a packet
radio station. This program was developed specifically for use with
the IBM PCjr and the TAPR TNC, but it works with other versions of the
IBM PC and other TNCs as well. PTP requires IBM DOS 2.1 or later, and
will work with the monochrome adapter or the CGA adapter. 256K of RAM
minimum is required to run this program. Very little testing has been
done on any other combinations. It was developed originally for
private use by Carl, N4PY, but at the urging of Ed, AB4S, Carl agreed
to allow this one out of his basement. For use with the IBM PCjr, see
the note in the Appendix.
Four modes of file transfer are supported:
ASCII file transfer using hardware flow control
XMODEM protocol (with application and AX.25 error correction)
XPACKET protocol (with AX.25 error correction)
Binary (no protocol, just plain binary)
The xpacket protocol is described in detail in the file XPACKET.PRO
which accompanies this file on the diskette you received.
Binary transfers are useful to/from other users who do not have Xpacket
capability or for FAX receiving and sending with multi-mode TNCs.
To run PTP, you need only type PTP at the DOS prompt. You can also pass
one parameter to PTP if you desire to begin with a personality other than
the one you have defined by PTP.MOD and PTP.DEF. If you have a set of
files (.MOD, .DEF, and perhaps .SET) which you wish PTP to use instead of
the default set, you can specify their common filename as an input
parameter to PTP. Example: "PTP VHFPKT" or "PTP AMTOR".
The next thing you will see is the PTP logo screen. Once you have read
the information there, you can press any key to continue to the main
menu. It is from this menu that you can select your terminal
communications parameters, etc. After you are satisfied with your
parameter setup, you can press Enter to go to communicate mode. See
"Main Menu" for details.
Now, the only thing you should have to remember is to press the Home key
when you can't remember anything else about PTP options. This will bring
up a help screen which you can customize to help with your own
selections. (See PTP.HLP in the FILES section of this document.)
Use a text editor (such as IBM Personal Editor II, or Professional
Editor) to create a file named PTP.DEF. This file will consist of the
numbers 11 through 40 and the information you want to be sent to the
TNC when the appropriate F-Key is pressed. It will also contain
information about how to route traffic listed on the WDCG PBBS or
W0RLI-type BBS and whether or not to add line feed characters after
each CR during ASCII uploads, etc.. All information in PTP.DEF is in
pairs of lines with the first of each pair describing an option, and the
next defining your choice for that option.
[ 4 ]
An easy way to create your .DEF file(s) is to use the utility MAKEDEF
which is on the diskette along with PTP. WDCG recommends that you create
your own, personalized PTP.DEF using MAKEDEF.
PTP.DEF might look like:
c wa5szl-1^M +----------------------------------------------+
| This file is optional. The usage |
12 | of the F-keys is: 11-20 = Shift-F1 - F10 |
c k4iww^M | 21-30 = Ctrl-F1 - F10 |
| 31-40 = Alt-F1 - F10 |
. +----------------------------------------------+
My name is Carl and my QTH is Franklinton, NC.^M
73 and good luck on packet radio.^M
CONNECT TEXT Default text for Alt-M connect message. This can be up
text_string to 255 characters of text. Automatically selected if
STARTUP Commands you wish sent to the TNC upon starting PTP.
cmd_string You can have up to 20 of these, each prefaced with
"STARTUP." Prior to sending the commands you place here,
PTP will send XON (Ctrl-Q), ECHO ON or OFF (depending on
split or single screen selection), MYCALL and CONNECT.
Also, if AUTOMSG YES is set, CMSG OFF will be send and if
AUTOTIME YES is set, the TNC clock will be set from the
DOS clock. All of these will be sent before the STARTUP
commands will be sent. If you have additional .DEF files
you will not want to have STARTUP in them. This belongs
in PTP.DEF only.
EXITING Commands you wish sent to the TNC upon ending PTP. You
cmd_string can have up to 20 of these, each prefaced with
"EXITING." Prior to sending the EXITING commands, PTP
will send CMSG ON if AUTOMSG YES was set in this file when
PTP was started. If you have additional .DEF files you
will not want to have EXITING in them. This command
belongs in PTP.DEF only.
AUTOTIME Does not work on the TNC-1. Sets TNC clock time from the
YES system clock. Default NO.
AUTOMSG Does not work with the TNC-1. If YES, sets CMSG OFF at
YES program startup and ON at exit. Default NO.
AUTO3 This specifies whether or not you wish to have an
NO automatic change to 3-screen mode when connected and
2-screen mode when not connected. This works only when
you have 2- or 3-screen mode active during your session
with PTP (does not work if single-screen mode is selected
on the main menu). Default is NO.
[ 5 ]
BINFILEECHO Controls whether or not binary data is also sent to the
YES screen when <B>inary file download is in effect. If NO,
a short update will be sent to the screen every 500 bytes
or so. Default is YES.
HOLDBUF This describes the size of the retrieve (Type ahead)
128 buffer lines. This can be any number from 1 to the amount
of memory you have remaining, but we reccommend you set it
no larger than 1024. Default is 128
STREAM CHAR This describes the ASCII value of the character selected
124 for the STREAM character in a TNC-2 or compatible.
MYCALL This describes the identifier to be used for the control
N4PY station when using Net Master mode.
CONNECT BELL Connect alarm bell. If YES, alarm will sound when
YES connection is detected.
FOREGROUND This describes the color choice for text on the screen.
7 (0 to 15 -- See your BASIC manual for color numbers)
DEFBELL This will determine the initial state of the BELL option
OFF when PTP is started.
LINELEN This will determine the column where your typed input
0 lines will be anti-word wrapped. This value should be
the same as, or less than your HOLDBUF option. The value
zero (0) will disable anti-word wrapping. Default is 0.
AUTOSTART If this is set to YES, PTP will go to communicate
NO (terminal) mode automatically after the main menu is
DEFQSVE The initial state of QSAVE will be active if this is
OFF defined as ON. The default is OFF.
MSGDEF The initial state of your connect message (from PTP, not
OFF the one from the TNC) will be the default message in
BACKGROUND This describes the background color for text screen.
BIGCURSOR This parameter will allow you to choose a large, full
NO block cursor. Useful when using PTP on an LCD screen.
MCON3 This specifies what you want sent to the TNC to cause it
ON to monitor while connected (MCON) for 3-screen operation.
The default is ON.
MCON12 This specifies what you want sent to the TNC as a value
for MCON when you are in 1- or 2-screen mode. The default
is OFF.
[ 6 ]
HEA12 This specifies what value you want PTP to send to your
OFF TNC for the HEADERLN command when you go to 1- or 2-screen
mode. Note: HEADERLN ON will be sent automatically when
you go to 3-screen mode. Default is OFF.
TAPRCMD If your interface (TNC or TU) uses other than the TAPR
YES command set, you will want to set this value to NO.
When NO, the automatic commands will not be issued when
PTP is first started. The default value is YES.
TYPEONCHAR The ASCII value (decimal) of the character you wish
1 to use for ENabling the Type ahead buffer. Default
is Ctrl-A (01).
TYPEOFFCHAR The ASCII value (decimal) of the character you wish
25 to use for DISabling the Type ahead buffer. Default
is Ctrl-Y (25).
WAITCHAR The ASCII value (decimal) of the character you wish
23 to use for 200ms pause in a string. Default is
Ctrl-W (23).
FILECHAR The ASCII value (decimal) of the character you wish
15 to use to tell PTP that the filename following is
to be sent immediately. Default is Ctrl-O (15).
PACKET Tells PTP that you are not operating in packet mode
YES and automatic commands are not to be sent to the
the TNC. File transfers will not be automatically
closed and only ASCII transfers are allowed. Default
is YES.
CHANNELID Tells PTP what your TNC uses for multi-connect channel
LETTER ID characters. Some TNCs use a digit from 0 to 9 while
others use a letter from A to J. This is used for the
Net Master feature. Consult your TNC users manual to
determine your channel ID character type. Default is
LETTER. Choices are NUMBER and LETTER.
DIRMOD Tells PTP to bypass the listing of .MOD files in the
YES current directory when the main menu is displayed.
This will speed things up a bit (if you desire).
Default is YES.
PROMPT This parameter will cause PTP to put a prompt of any
PACKET description on the middle stripe of your split screen
when in terminal mode. A suggested use is the mode
you are set up for (such as PACKET, MORSE, BAUDOT,
etc.). There is no default text and you may enter
up to six ASCII characters for display.
INITTA Tells PTP what default to use for the state of your
ON Type ahead buffer. If ON, the initial state of Ta
will be Ta on and if you set it to OFF, the initial
state will be off.
[ 7 ]
STATE This should be the 2-letter Postal Code for the state in
NC which the PBBS you are using is located.
NEAR _____________
VA |
NEAR |____ These are the nearby states that might be
SC | expected to access the PBBS upon which you
| are placing the NTS traffic generated with
NEAR _____________| PTP.
SENDLF This will determine whether or not you want PTP to add
NO LF characters after CR's during an ASCII upload.
DCD This will determine whether or not you want PTP to use
NO the DCD line to determine when a connection occurs. If
NO, receipt of *** CONNECTED will be used to detect
USERS This is used only with the TNC-2 or compatibles. When
1 you are involved in a file transfer, the USERS command
for the TNC will be set to one. After the transfer is
completed, USERS will be set to the value specified
here. If this option is not specified USERS will not be
CONNECT FILE The full filename to which you want connected text to be
B:MYMSGS.TXT saved when Qsave is enabled. DCD YES is required.
NOTE: There must not be any blank lines in this file.
NOTE: If you do not specify FOREGROUND and BACKGROUND, they will be
set to 7 and 0 respectively. Also, if FOREGROUND and BACKGROUND are
set to the same value, the defaults of 7 and 0 will be used.
NOTE: There is no order dependence to the keyword pairs used in
PTP.DEF. You may put those in any order you like as long as you keep
the pairs together.
You do not have to define every possible F-key, but be sure that the
number for the key you want to use precedes the text for that key.
Also, if you do not desire to set the other parameters, you do not need
to include them in your PTP.DEF file.
If you assign a string of characters to an Fkey, whether it is Alt-
Fkey, Ctrl-Fkey, Shift-Fkey, or just Fkey 7 through 10, you have
complete control of the string. If you desire a CR character to follow
your string you simply type ^M at the end of it. Also, if you want to
have the Ctrl-C character as a part of the Fkey definition, you can do
that by using ^C at the point where the Ctrl-C is to appear.
[ 8 ]
Also, you may want to create a file to be used as setup information for
your TNC. This file is optional, and may have any name you like. It
is a command list for the TNC and will be sent to the TNC when you
press Alt-L from the terminal communications screen. An example of
this file would look like:
MYCALL N4PY +----------------------------------------------+
SCREENL 0 | This file is optional. The commands are |
. | the ones listed in the owner's manual for |
. | your TNC. Be sure they are set the way you |
. | want your TNC to be configured. |
PACTIME 1 +----------------------------------------------+
A suggested method of building this file is to enable capture (via
Qsave or ASCII rcv mode) and enter DISP. Your TNC should give you a
list of all the commands and the present settings for these commands.
In a similar fashion, you can make other files like the PTP.DEF file
which will alter the characteristics of your system. All the same
rules apply for the additional DEF files. At any time, you can refresh
PTP's "personality" by using the Alt-E and answering the prompt with the
path and filename of the new DEF file you wish installed.
NOTE: Any time you install a new DEF file, any parameters not set in
the new file will remain the same as they were last set. That
is, PTP defaults will not be used, the ones from the previous DEF
file will be.
PTP will be updated from time to time. Check the source from which you
received this copy for updated versions. The author does not plan to
release the source code, but comments and suggestions about future
releases are appreciated.
When you first RUN the program, you will be given a menu screen that
will allow you to set up several operating parameters. The numbered
parameters are:
1 Line bit rate [1200] (300..9600)
2 Data bits [8] (7 or 8)
3 Parity type [n] (e,o, or n)
4 Number of Screens [2] (1, 2, 3)
5 Comm Port [1] (1 or 2)
6 QSave File Name [B:CAPTURE.TXT]
7 User Defined []
8 User Defined []
9 User Defined []
10 User Defined []
11 Save Setup [PTP]
12 Load Setup [PTP]
[ 9 ]
These parameters can all be set by the user. The procedure for each
Line bit rate --- Type 1,9600<CR> if the desired baud rate is not
shown. The 1200 (or any other ABAUD speed you
select) will become the operating speed for the
terminal program. Must match TNC.
Data bits ------- type 2,8<CR> if the desired word length is not shown.
Must match TNC.
Parity type ----- type 3,n<CR> if desired parity is not shown.
Even parity, Odd parity, or No parity. Must match
Split Screen ---- type 4,2<CR> if you desire a split screen. If you do
not select the split screen, a full screen mode will
be used with no keyboard buffer, and the TNC will
provide echoing. 3 screens will give you a monitor
window at the top of your screen to show monitored-
while-connected packets received.
Comm Port ------- type 5,2<CR> if you need to use com2 port for TNC
connection. Use the comm port (1 or 2) to which you
connected your TNC. If you do not have a comm port
or no TNC is connected and you want to use PTP just
to create message files, use zero (0).
QSave File Name - type 6,c:message.sav<CR> if you want to have the
Quick Save buffer saved under a different name when
you use it. See the explanation of CAPTURE.TXT under
User Defined ---- type 7,XXX<CR> if you want to use the F keys for
frequently sent commands, or sequences. Note that
items 8, 9 and 10 are also used in the same way. In
addition to entering the sequence to be sent, you can
type 7,,XXXX<CR> where XXXX will be displayed on the
terminal screen as a reminder of what you have
attributed to that key. This is true for keys 8, 9
and 10 also. If for some reason you want to ensure
that the contents of the Fkey are sent to the TNC prior
to the other data which has been typed (using Ta
buffer, etc), you may use a special character (!) to
prefix the command. An example might be 7,!^C^WX^M^W^Y
to put your multi-mode TNC into Transmit mode, and at
the same time disable the Ta buffer (causing it to be
dumped to the TNC). Try it; you'll like it.
Save Setup ------ type 11,c:whatever<CR> to select the file name for
this parameter file. If you type only "11," your
parameter file will be saved as "PTP.MOD" All
parameter files are .MOD so don't try to assign an
extender to them -- the pgm will do that for you.
The file PTP.MOD will be automatically loaded for you
when the program is started.
[ 10 ]
Load Setup ------ type 12,c:whatever<CR> to select the file name of the
MOD file you wish to use. The rules are the
same as for 11 (Save Setup). In addition, PTP starting
with version 4.0 will allow you to put into effect a
complete set of .MOD, .DEF, and .SET files by
specifying a ".*" after the file name from this option.
Example: 12,MORSE.* will cause MORSE.MOD to be used,
then MORSE.DEF will be selected and finally, MORSE.SET
will be sent to your TNC when PTP puts you into
communicate mode automatically. This is especially
useful with multi-mode TNCs. This same function can
be performed by simply typing the common filename at
the main menu prompt. Example: MORSE
After the menu is written to the screen, you will see a list of all
.MOD files present on your default disk unless you have DIRMOD OFF in
your current .DEF file. You may make as many of these files (with
different names) as you like. Each can have a different personality.
You will notice that when you type nothing and simply press the Enter
key, you will be placed in terminal mode and the previously selected
commands will be issued. Take a few minutes to set up your parameters
the way you like to operate, then save the .MOD file before going into
terminal mode. The only prompt shown on the main menu screen is
F2=Exit. When F2 is pressed, you must also press the Enter key from
this screen.
NOTE: If AUTOSTART is set to YES in the PTP.DEF file, PTP will go to
terminal communications mode automatically upon initial entry to the
menu screen.
If you have selected the split-screen mode for terminal communications,
you will have an inverse video bar across the screen near the bottom.
This bar contains some reference information about the status of the
connect message and status of the bell action, etc. If you use F5 to
return to DOS, depending on what you do while in DOS, this line might
be gone when you return via EXIT. If this is the case, simply press
Alt-C (clear screen) to restore the screen divider line. The Alt-key
definitions are:
Alt-A Abort the sending of NTS traffic. This key will also halt the
loading of TNC parameters via Alt-L.
Alt-B Toggles the BEL character action. This affects only whether or
not the BEL will cause the alarm to sound when received. This
has nothing to do with the Connect alarm in PTP.DEF.
Alt-C Clears all text from the communications screen.
Alt-D Display the definitions for the extra 30 F-keys. This only
works if you have the PTP.DEF file on your disk.
[ 11 ]
Alt-E Sets up new .DEF file. You can have as many .DEF files as you
like with different characteristics. The names of these files
can be anything you like and it can be wherever you like. You
will be prompted for a complete path/filename.ext. When you
install a new DEF file, any parameters not changed by it will
remain the same as they were before; that is they will not go
back to the PTP default if they were set by PTP.DEF when the
program was started.
Alt-F Exit the Net Master mode. See the Appendix for an explanation
of Net Master.
Alt-G Toggles the system printer (LPT1) on and off. When on,
everything received to the terminal will be also printed as
displayed on your screen.
Alt-H Display the holding buffer. When invoked, this function will
display the last 5000 bytes received in the order they were
received. As it scrolls, you may press the S key to start/stop
the scrolling. Also, if you desire to save the contents of the
holding buffer, you can do so by typing "f" while the buffer is
being displayed, and upon pressing Enter, the complete contents
of your holding buffer will be appended to your QSAVE file.
Alt-K Allows any couplet of parameters to be changed without leaving
communicate mode. You will be prompted for a command and then
for a value. Enter these just as if you were putting them in
your .DEF file. After you have entered the command and value,
you will be asked if you want to make that command permanent.
If you answer "Y", it will be written to the current .DEF file.
Alt-L Load the TNC parameters. You must make a file (using a text
editor or by capturing the results of DISP) which contains the
setup you desire for your TNC. This option allows you to send
the entire file of commands to the TNC.
Alt-M Connect message screen. You are able to edit or remove the
connect message you have selected or set up via the PTP.DEF
Alt-N Enable Net Master mode. See Appendix for an explanation of Net
Alt-P Purge the communications buffer. This key will get rid of all
the data which has accumulated in the communications buffer.
Alt-R Send traffic files(s) to a W0RLI type BBS or MAILBOX system.
(See Alt-W.) When logged onto a W0RLI-type system, you may at
any time begin sending a previously-entered piece of NTS
traffic by pressing Alt-R. You will be shown a list of the
prepared traffic available on your default disk(ette) drive.
You will be asked to enter the number (only) of the message you
wish to send. The rest is automatic.
[ 12 ]
Alt-S Send traffic file(s). (See Alt-W.) When logged onto a WDCG
PBBS system, and when you are in the message section (or at the
main menu) you may send your NTS traffic files automatically by
pressing this key. When the message is entirely sent, PTP will
cause the message to be saved on the PBBS and will rename your
message file to MSGnnn.LOG.
Alt-T Escape from transparent mode. When you are in the split screen
mode, you cannot go back to command mode because the characters
are buffered until Enter is pressed. This key will cause a
one-second delay, send 3 ^C characters, and delay for one more
Alt-U Purge the Type ahead buffer. The portion of text on the lower
screen (in split-screen) mode which has not yet been sent to the
TNC will be erased. You control how much is dealt with in the
Type ahead buffer by your setting of HOLDBUF in your .DEF file.
Alt-W Write traffic. This key will take you to a full-screen editor
which has a template for message traffic. The last message
which was written will be displayed again, and you can
overwrite the message with a new one. If you want to enter a
field that is completely different from the one shown, you may
press Alt-E to erase the field before typing. See NTS TRAFFIC
Alt-X Xmit traffic. This key will allow you to send a message, which
was created using the Alt-W traffic editor function, as a file.
The "hand-shaking" is not performed as it is when Alt-S or Alt-R
is used to send to a PBBS or W0RLI-type Mailbox. This is useful
to send traffic to another station or when using using a
non-packet mode such as Baudot, Morse, or Amtor.
Alt-Z Switches between two- and three-screen modes. When in three-
screen mode, the upper screen will show monitored packets while
connected. The center screen will show packets addressed to you
(while connected) and the lower screen will show your transmitted
Ctrl-A Enable Type ahead buffer. This key will enable the Type ahead
buffer and, if in split-screen mode, will cause "Ta on" to be
shown on the center stripe. This is a default value and it may
be changed in the .DEF file. See also Ctrl-Y and TYPE-AHEAD
Ctrl-O This can be used in the definition of an F-key to imply that the
file name following is to be sent immediately. It is useful for
a quick-access brag tape file. Example of use: ^OB:BRAG.FIL.
Ctrl-O cannot be used from the keyboard, just from an F-key.
Ctrl-Y Disable Type ahead buffer. This key will prevent keystrokes
from being buffered when typed. With the Type ahead buffer
off, each keystroke will be sent to the TNC as it is depressed.
This is a default value and it may be changed in the .DEF file.
See also Ctrl-A and TYPE-AHEAD BUFFER.
[ 13 ]
Ctrl-W Causes a 200ms delay in the processing of data to be sent to the
TNC. This is often useful when entering transmit mode and
dumping the Type ahead buffer by disabling it, and starting to
send text to the TNC. Some TNC's require a small delay before
accepting data after a mode change. This is a default value and
it may be changed in the .DEF file.
In addition to the Alt-keys and Ctrl-keys, from either communications
screen you may enter the following:
F1 [Menu] This key will immediately take you to the main menu.
F2 [Exit] This key will cause an end to the program. When you press
F2, you will be asked if you are sure you want to exit.
F3 [Rcvf] This key will allow you to receive a file from the PBBS or
from another packet station. You are asked for the
transfer protocol desired, and the drive to store the file
on. If you wish to have the received file stored on a
subdirectory other than the current (default) subdirectory,
you must specify this at the time you specify the drive
(i.e. b:\subdir\). Next you are asked to provide a name
for the file, unless it is an XPACKET file. You may
(optionally) provide a name for the XPACKET file to be
received. When you are receiving an ASCII file, you will
use F3 again to close the file unless you and the other
station are both using PTP to do the transfer in which case
the file will be automatically closed when the file
transfer is completed. Note that the definition changes on
the bottom of the screen when you are receiving an ASCII
or binary file or using Qsave.
F4 [Xmtf] This key will allow you to upload (send) a file from any
disk drive on your system. When you are asked for the
drive be sure to include the colon (i.e. A:). The protocol
choices are the same as for F3. If you are using
subdirectories on your disk(ette), and you wish to send a
file from other than the current subdirectory, you may
specify the subdirectory along with the drive identifier.
EXAMPLE: d:\subdir\
F5 [DOS ] This key causes an immediate exit from the terminal program
and you will get the DOS prompt. An XOFF is sent to the
TNC when you go to DOS via F5, and an XON is sent when you
return. You may do any DOS functions that your amount of
memory will support. Remember that the terminal program
stays in memory, so the usable memory available to you is
reduced by the amount required by the program. When you
are ready to return to the terminal program, Enter "exit"
at the DOS prompt.
NOTE: If you leave the program altogether while you are in DOS, you
will have to send a CTRL-Q to the TNC to restore normal
operation. If you return to PTP via "exit", it will be done for
you. Each time PTP is started it issues an XON to your TNC on
the selected comm port.
[ 14 ]
NOTE: You must be running IBM PC DOS version 2.1 or higher to use F5.
Additionally, you must have COMMAND.COM somewhere that DOS can
find it or the program will abort.
F6 [Qsve] This key will enable the "Quick Save" option. On the main
menu you selected a file name for Quick Save. When F6 is
pressed, the file will be appended with all that is
received until you press F6 again, or F3 to close the file.
The F6=[Qsve] will flash to let you know that the file is
open. You can, if you desire, capture any messages or
monitored packets which are being held in your TNC due to
either XOFF or because of the DTR line not being raised
until the comm port is opened by pressing F6 immediately
after you do the null enter to go to the communications
F7 - F0 These keys are user defined. See the main menu to set up
the definition and the 4-character description for these
keys. Don't forget the rules for insertion of the CR
character. (See information under PTP.DEF for rules
concerning CR character and Ctrl-C character.)
Home This key will cause the PTP.HLP file to be displayed, even
if you no longer have the PTP diskette installed. When the
program is loaded, PTP.HLP is read from the diskette and
kept in storage for use when Home is pressed.
Cursor Up These keys are used to recall previously entered text. The
and PTP.DEF file has an entry with the keyword HOLDBUF. This
Cursor Dn determines the length of the recall line. You should set
this to the same length of your PACL in the TNC. When you
press Cursor Up, you will step through the ten-step buffer
in one direction, and pressing Cursor Dn will step the
other direction. Experiment with this and set the length
so it is proper for your operation. This is most useful
for correcting typographical errors in connect attempts, or
for CQ messages when in CONVERSE mode. This function is
not available in single screen mode.
While in communications mode, if you desire to write a piece (or more)
of traffic, you can simply swap screens (by pressing Alt-W) and enter
the traffic on a full screen template. The fields are defined and you
can type the required information in the highlighted fields. There are
several keys which are used for NTS traffic entry. They are:
Enter Moves the cursor to the beginning of the next line, if multi-
line field. If you are on the last line of a multi-line field
or if the field is a single line field, the cursor will move
to the beginning of the next field.
Tab Moves cursor to the next field.
Shft-Tab Moves cursor to beginning of the previous field.
[ 15 ]
Alt-E Erases to the end of the current field.
Alt-C Returns to communications mode.
Esc Saves the message under the name MSGnnn.MSG.
The nnn in the message name is the number field from the
message itself. When this message has been uploaded to
the WDCG PBBS or W0RLI-type Mailbox, the message file will
be renamed to MSGnnn.LOG.
Note that the check is not required in the message outline. It will be
automatically generated when the message is saved.
The TIME field is special. It is not usual that this field be used and
it will normally be left blank. If you desire to use the time field,
there are two options:
* Put an "A" in the first position of the time field. This will
cause PTP to enter the current time from the system clock. There
will be a "Z" appended to the time. Be sure your system clock is
set to UTC if you use this option.
* You may enter the time directly in the time field. This time will
not be changed by PTP.
The DATE field can be automatically filled in for you from the system
clock if left blank, or you can enter a date if different from the
current date or if your DOS system clock is not set properly.
After you have finished with the signature line on the message form,
the cursor will move to a field called "@BBS" and you will be able to
specify the call sign (only) for the store and forward feature of the
W0RLI-type MailBox systems. Do not include the "@" since PTP will add
that automatically for you.
Later, when logged on either a WDCG PBBS system, or a W0RLI-type
MailBox system, you can send your accrued traffic by:
PBBS: Go to the <M>essage menu and at the prompt, press Alt-S.
W0RLI-type MailBox: At any system prompt, press Alt-R.
You will be shown a list of all unsent messages from your default
disk(ette) and you will be asked for the number (only) of the message
to be sent.
The rest is automatic (including the <S>ave function on PBBS system
after the message is complete). You may now send another message by
pressing Alt-S or Alt-R again if desired. Note that the sending of NTS
message traffic can be halted (aborted) at any time by pressing Alt-A.
When each MSGnnn.MSG file is sent, it will be renamed to MSGnnn.LOG on
your disk.
[ 16 ]
Beginning with version 4.0, PTP will route traffic according to the ZIP
code (if entered) in the address portion of your traffic. The traffic
will be listed on W0RLI-type BBSs as being to ZIPCD @ NTSxx where ZIPCD
is the five-digit ZIP field from the message and xx is the two-letter
state postal code from the message address. If you have also included
@BBS in the appropriate field, it will be used instead of ZIP. The
rules for sending to the WDCG PBBS system have not changed.
PTP.EXE The terminal emulator program. This file can be loaded
with a .bat file, or directly from the DOS prompt by
typing "PTP".
PTP.MOD This file is used to store your main menu data. It
contains the personality you assigned when you
configured your PTP program. You may have as many .MOD
files as your diskette space allows, and each can be a
new personality.
PTP.DEF This file is the only one which requires a separate
editor to create. There is a skeleton PTP.DEF file
provided with PTP which you may use to make your own
PTP.DEF. 30 additional F-KEYs are defined by this file
(Alt-Fn, Ctrl-Fn, and Shift-Fn). This is an optional
file. If you do not create a PTP.DEF, your F-keys will
be usable, but the extra 30 definitions will not exist.
In addition, there is information included in the PTP.DEF
file which defines screen color and routing information
for NTS traffic to be uploaded to WDCG PBBS or W0RLI-type
BBS. See PTP.DEF under USER INSTRUCTIONS for details on
this file.
MSGnnn.MSG These files are NTS messages which have been written and
and are ready to be sent (.MSG) and logged messages which
MSGnnn.LOG have already been sent (.LOG). These files are generated
as a part of the NTS message process.
PTP.CKP This file is automatically generated and contains
information about the last NTS message sent. It is used
as the default text for beginning the next message. Do
not alter or erase this file if you expect NTS message
writing to work properly.
CAPTURE.TXT This file is the default name which is used for QSAVE and
may be renamed at a later time, or may be changed in the
main menu. From either full-screen terminal mode or
split-screen terminal mode, you can press F6 and this
file (or other specified file) will be opened for
capture. The file will continue to be updated with
everything received until F3 (Close file) or F6 is again
pressed. NOTE: This file is appended each time it is
opened and the previous contents will remain.
[ 17 ]
PTP.SET (Or other file name as desired.) This file is used to
prime your TNC whenever you desire. When used via Alt-L
from the communications screen, the contents of this file
will be sent to the TNC in cmd: mode. It is useful for
setting, or restoring any set of parameters you desire.
A suggested use is to capture (via Qsave) the results of
"disp" and use an editor to change this file so that it
will restore your TNC in the event of a loss of data due
to any unforeseen event.
PTP.HLP This file is required if you desire to use the Home key
for online help. You may, at your option, use a text
editor to add your own key definitions to the lower half
of the .HLP screen. NOTE: This file must remain the same
size -- 23 lines.
PTP.SCN This is the first screen that you see when PTP is
It contains information that must be presented to the
user of this program. This file MUST be present and MUST
be unaltered in order for PTP to run. It must be on the
default disk(ette) drive.
PTP.DOC The documentation file (this file). Print this file on
your system printer if you desire to have hard copy.
This file MUST be copied along with PTP if you desire to
share this program with another Amateur Radio operator.
PTP.WRK This is a temporary file which is generated by PTP when
downloading. If you break, or end the program, before
the download is completed, you might see this file on the
selected disk drive. You may erase it, or rename it if
you desire.
MAKEDEF.EXE This utility will create a custom .DEF file for you accord-
ing to the responses you give it when run. If the filename
you provide does not exist, it will be created for you. If
it already exists, you will append it with the values you
give to MAKEDEF. It is recommeded that you rename your
PTP.DEF file and create a new one with your preferred
parameters using MAKEDEF.
MYMSGS.TXT Or other name to your liking. This is the file which you
cause to be created when you have CONNECT FILE in the
PTP.DEF list. This file will contain only messages that
were received by you while you were connected and F6
(Qsave) was active. All monitored traffic will be saved
VIEWFAX.COM A program for viewing (on graphics monitor with CGA) FAX
files captured using a PK232 and PTP.
VIEWFAX.DOC A short document on the use of VIEWFAX.COM. Contains all
the information required to run VIEWFAX.
[ 18 ]
xxxxxxxx.MOD Any of the additional files you have created from PTP's
main menu containing communications parameters, PTP program
parameters, and F-key definitions.
xxxxxxxx.SET Files of TNC commands you have created to be sent to the
TNC using the Alt-L function.
xxxxxxxx.DEF Files you have created to replace or add to the PTP.DEF
file which gets installed at the beginning of program
xxxxxxxx.xxx Files which have been created with Qsave function (F-6)
and have a name assigned by you on PTP's main menu
When you are receiving an ASCII file via F3, the file will be
automatically closed when a BEL character is received. The WDCG PBBS
always ends downloads with the BEL character. Also, when PTP uploads a
file, it will put a BEL character as the last byte of the file. This
can be very handy when you are transferring a file to a friend. If he
is not using PTP, have him send you a Ctrl-G when he has finished
sending the file, and it will close your disk file, thus ending the
For the most part, split screen operation is as simple as typing on the
bottom of the screen and seeing what is received on the upper part of
the screen.
There are, however, a few things to be considered. Because the split
screen code is an assembly code routine, the BIOS calls are not handled
through DOS and are not the same as the single screen mode. The
characters from the keyboard are buffered in PTP until you press the
Enter key, reach the size of your buffer (which you established in .DEF
file). Since you sometimes want to send a character to the TNC without
the CR, a function is provided to allow this. If you press the Tab
key, the buffer will be sent to the TNC without a trailing CR. This is
useful for entering command mode by pressing Ctrl-C and following this
with a Tab. You will be unable to send the HT character in split
screen mode but this will be a very rare inconvenience. If you desire
to send the Tab character it will be necessary to use the single screen
Also, since characters will not normally be sent to the TNC until Enter
is pressed, a special key is defined to allow you to exit transparent
mode from the split screen. See the description of Alt-T for this
procedure. Split-screen operation will seem a little unusual to you
until you get used to the benefits. For instance, you can be typing to
someone and he might send a packet to you before you are finished. You
should see this information appear on the upper part of your screen
even as you type. Additionally, it is very nice to have all of your
text on the lower part of the screen and the received information above
the divider line. It will not scroll off your screen nearly as fast
this way.
[ 19 ]
Example of an UNsuccessful transfer.
Ready to send file.
<------------------------------------ NAK (repeated every
10 seconds until
data transfer
filename ---------------------------------->
128 bytes data ---------------------------->
128 bytes data ---------------------------->
128 bytes data ---------------------------->
128 bytes data ---------------------------->
<------------------------------------ CAN
< Both stations abort transfer and return to terminal mode. >
Example of a successful transfer:
Ready to send file.
<------------------------------------ NAK (repeated every
10 seconds until
data transfer
filename ---------------------------------->
128 bytes data ---------------------------->
128 bytes data ---------------------------->
128 bytes data ---------------------------->
128 bytes data ---------------------------->
128 bytes data ---------------------------->
128 bytes data ---------------------------->
128 bytes data ---------------------------->
109 bytes data ---------------------------->
End Of File ------------------------------->
< -- Both stations go to terminal mode. -- >
[ 20 ]
NOTE: If nothing is received by the receiving station after 10 seconds,
another NAK is sent. This is repeated every 10 seconds until the file
transfer is started.
NOTE: For details about the XPACKET protocol, see XPACKET.PRO, a brief
description of the protocol.
What's all this about "filename"? Well, the XPACKET protocol sends the
file name in its first burst of data. The receiving station can do
with this what he will. The PTP program shows how this can be handled
by allowing the file to be saved under the name received, or under the
name specified by the operator. This program gives the receiver a
chance to select a name under which he wants the received file to be
stored, or if you choose to let the sender provide the name, you simply
press Enter at the prompt for a file name.
The PTP program uses "hardware flow control" which means that it does
not honor XON or XOFF from the TNC. Instead, it relies on the
asynchronous port hardware to control the sending of data to the TNC.
When the TNC buffer becomes full, the TNC will drop CTS (Clear To Send)
and the terminal will halt in its tracks until CTS is again raised.
This is how the TNC keeps from being overrun with data when the flow is
otherwise continuous.
When the receiver XPACKET station is waiting to receive the first
packet of data it will send NAK every 10 seconds until the first packet
is received. The last block of data will not necessarily be 128 bytes,
but it will be followed by an EOF character to signify the end of the
transfer. The receiving station will then save the file according to
the filespec received, or the one entered by the operator.
[ 21 ]
There are two categories for the TNC command setup. They are:
o Required (for PTP to work as intended)
o Recommended (Local area determined)
Required list
(TNC-1 and compatibles)
Required list
(TNC-2 and compatibles)
Required list
Recommended list
(TNC-1 and compatibles)
Recommended list
(TNC-2 and compatibles)
[ 22 ]
Recommended list
Several TNCs today offer state-of-the-art packet operation and some
other modes as well. An example is the AEA PK232 which will support
AMTOR, RTTY (both Baudot and ASCII), and FAX. PTP is fexible enough to
be used with these other modes to good advantage. The following few
paragraphs offer some suggestions which might be helpful to you in
setting up your copy of PTP for other digital modes.
RTTY - Some PTP features which should be used to facilitate RTTY
operation include changing the .MOD file from the main menu to estab-
lish new definitions for the F-keys. A favorite technique is to make
one F-key put you in transmit mode and, at the same time, disable the
Type ahead buffer (thus causing it to be dumped to the selected com
port. A receive-mode F-key can send the proper command to the TNC to
place in back in receive mode and enable the Type ahead buffer again.
A file containing a list of the commands for your TNC to put you in
RTTY mode can be made using a text editor, then Alt-L will cause PTP
to send the series of commands to the TNC. PTP also supports complete
reassignment of all variables specified by the PTP.DEF file.
AMTOR - Similar to RTTY. See EXPLAIN.DOC for some good tips on using
Amtor mode with PTP and your multimode TNC.
FAX - A few special considerations here. The binary file receive mode
was added to facilitate capture of FAX pictures using multimode TNCs
which support FAX. Set your TNC up to receive FAX, then route all data
to the terminal (PROUT OFF) and enable binary file receive with PTP.
Wait for the beginning of the next FAX picture and your TNC should sync
itself to the special data normally sent at the first of a picture.
After some use, you will be able to determine how a FAX picture sounds
(and looks on the tuning indicator) when it is finished. Data will quit
coming in and you can close the binary file. Be sure to include the
couplet PACKET NO in your current .DEF file to capture FAX.
If you have a set of files (.MOD, .DEF, and perhaps .SET) for a mode and
you wish to start PTP using this set of files rather than the default set
(PTP.MOD and PTP.DEF), you can do so by passing the common name of the
files to PTP on the command line when you first execute PTP. Example:
NET MASTER MODE (Not available with TNC-1)
This feature will allow a multiconnect QSO to be conducted with one
station acting as the Net Master and relaying all packets received to
each of the connected stations.
The Net Master station will have two parameters included in the PTP.DEF
file which will specify his identifier (i.e. call sign), and the ASCII
value of his selection for the stream character in his TNC-2 or
compatible. If these parameters are not specified, the defaults will
be NULL for MYCALL, and the vertical bar (|) for the STREAM CHAR.
[ 23 ]
This mode is active only in converse mode. If your TNC is in command
mode when NM mode is enabled, it will be placed in converse mode as a
result. You will not be able to enter command mode while Net Master is
enabled. More on that later.
The Net Master operator will connect to the other stations which are to
be a part of the "net," or roundtable QSO. After all stations are
connected to the Net Master, and asked to stand by, the operator of the
NM station will press Alt-N. After about ten seconds, the letters NM
will begin to flash on the right side of the stripe which divides the
upper and lower parts of the split screen. (Net Master works only in
split screen mode.)
Hereafter, all received packets will be re-transmitted to each of the
other stations in the "net" preceded with an identifier which tells
the others from whom this packet was sent (i.e. ":N4PY:Good afternoon,
fellows. K") Also, everything which originates from the NM operator
will also be sent to each of the stations in the net.
This mode will be somewhat slower than just an UNPROTO roundtable since
the Net Master will have to repeat the received packet to each station
involved, but it should be more accurate since collision detection will
be accomplished as when only two stations are connected.
Please note that while NM mode is in effect, the NM operator cannot
enter command mode on his TNC. When the Ctrl-C is attempted, it will
be replaced with an asterisk (*) on his screen. If a change must be
made to the TNC operating parameters, the NM operator must first
disable NM mode, then enter command mode on the TNC, and re-enable NM
Anytime an additional connect is made, the NM operator will have to re-
enable Net Master mode to cause the new station to be included in the
This mode will take a little practice to get used to it, but it has
worked very well during our tests in Wake County, NC.
The net "member" station operators do not have to use a TNC with
multi-connect capability. They should see nothing different from a
normal connection, except for the :CALL SIGN: preceding each packet of
text which appears on their screens.
If you are using a TNC-2 or compatible, be sure you don't have newmode
set up to cause cmd: mode when someone disconnects. This will leave you
in a strange condition.
Net Master is terminated by the NM operator by pressing Alt-F to
disable the mode.
[ 24 ]
The Type ahead buffer is useful in non-packet modes as well as in the
split-screen mode for packet operation. This keystroke buffer will
accumulate your characters until it gets dumped to the TNC. This dumping
occurs when one of the conditions in the table below occurs:
YES (default) NO
------------------------ -------------------------
you press the Enter key you press the Tab key
you press the Tab key you press Ctrl-Y
the buffer becomes full
you press Ctrl-Y * For non-packet modes,
when the type ahead buffer is
full, additional keystrokes will
be thrown away and a beep will
occur for each key depression.
Starting with version 4.1, PTP has an anti-word wrap function which will
keep you from splitting a word across two lines, if you desire.
Anti-word wrap is operational only when PACKET is YES, Type-ahead buffer
is enabled, your HOLDBUF is equal to, or greater than the LINELEN you
specified, and your LINELEN is set to something greater than 0. Let's
take the example where you have LINELEN set to 80. As you type, when you
reach the 80th character, the last "space" character you have typed will
be replaced with a CR character and the line will be sent to the TNC.
The part of the next word which you have typed will be moved to the next
line and you continue typing. Anti-word wrap makes your text much more
readable in either a QSO or when writing a message to a BBS system. This
feature is disabled by setting LINELEN to 0.
The triple screen mode was added at the suggestion of a user in Japan.
It has been found to work pretty well in some areas, and not too well in
others. We can only suggest that you try it in your area and if it gets
in the way, just don't use it. The following is a description of how
3-screen mode is accomplished, and you might be able to determine from
this whether or not it will work in your area.
In 3-screen mode, as PTP receives data from the TNC, it continually
scans data received from the TNC to try and determine what data is
"monitored" vs. data that is intended for your station. This is a little
tricky and the algorhythm used is imperfect. Considering the fact that
PTP is written to work with a wide varity of TNC's, there will always be
some situations where PTP is unable to determine acurately wether a
packet is monitored, or received addressed to your station.
First, when in 3-screen mode, PTP "gathers" lines of text received by
looking for lines which end with the CR character. When these lines
have been gathered, they are parsed for the presence of a "greater
than" character (>). Each line NOT containing > is sent to the center
screen since it is probably addressed to you. Lines containing the >
are checked further. If the character immediately preceding the > is
A-Z, 0-9, or * and the character immediately following the > is A-Z
[ 25 ]
then PTP considers this a monitored line and sends it to the top
screen. If this is not true, then the line is considered text for your
station and sent to the center screen. Additionally, any monitored
line ending with the colon character (:) will cause the next line to
also be sent to the top screen as a monitored packet.
Also, PTP imposes a short timeout (in the order of 0.1 seconds) upon
received data before a CR. If PTP "times out" on a line, PTP will
consider the line to be complete (and, therefore, a received packet for
your station).
As you can see, there are several possible modes of operation which will
"fool" PTP into thinking that a monitored packet is really intended for
your station. Any other station which sends packets that do not end in
CR will cause a problem for 3-screen operation. These are not common in
some areas. The WDCG PBBS system will often send packets which do not
end in a CR character, and cause some confusion to PTP. We hope this
will change in the near future.
Good luck with 3-screen operation. Remember, WDCG does not claim that
this feature will work properly in all geographic areas due to different
types of operation which can be found, but if it works for you, enjoy it!
Otherwise, just disable it enjoy all the other fine features in PTP.
The PCjr cannot write directly to a physical disk file during file
reception. If you have enough RAM installed to define a ramdisk, you
can use this as the target drive and should have no problems.
If you are using an IBM PCjr without the internal modem, you will need
to run COMJRNIM.COM program which is included on this diskette. The
PCjr's RS232 port is normally referred to as COM1 when the internal
modem is not installed, and as COM2 when the internal modem is there.
The hardware addresses are not changed. Be sure to select COM2 from
the main menu screen if you use COMJRNIM.COM.
We hope you find the Packet Terminal Program as useful and as much fun
as we have. Please feel free to pass this program along to other
Amateur Radio operators and Packeteers, but please DO NOT attempt to
sell this program, or to use it in any commercial way whatsoever. This
program is intended for the private use of Radio Amateurs and your
cooperation is greatly appreciated in keeping it just as the author
intended. If you give a copy of PTP to someone please be sure to
include this document file also.
The author of PTP assumes no responsibility for the use of this program
and no guarantees are implied or intended.
Comments and suggestions are welcome, especially about the binary
transfer protocols. Send comments to:
+----------------------------+ +----------------------------+
| Carl Moreschi, N4PY | | Ed Stephenson, AB4S |
| Rte 3, Box 260 | | 700 Madison Ave. |
| Franklinton, NC 27525 | <or> | Cary, NC 27511 |
| 919-494-2363 | | 919-467-6832 |
| N4PY @ WA4LPD | | AB4S @ WA4LPD |
+----------------------------+ +----------------------------+
[ 26 ]
Here is a list and short explanation of the new features provided by
version 4.1. If you are already using PTP 4.0, this might be all you
need to read at this time.
Changes for PTP version 4.1
Changes affecting all TNCs
* A third screen has been provided as a result of a suggestion from a user.
This small screen appears at the top of your monitor and displays packets
which are monitored while you are connected to someone else. This mode
is imperfect, but has proved successful in some areas. Give it a try.
* MCON3 is a new .DEF parameter. It specifies what you want sent to the TNC
to cause it to monitor while connected (MCON) for 3-screen operation. The
default is ON.
* MCON12 is a new .DEF parameter. It specifies what you want sent to the TNC
as a value for MCON when you are in 1- or 2-screen mode. The default is OFF.
* HEA12 is a new .DEF parameter. It specifies what value you want PTP to send
to your TNC for the HEADERLN command when you go to 1- or 2-screen mode.
Note: HEADERLN ON will be sent automatically when you go to 3-screen mode.
Default is OFF.
* Alt-Z can now be used to switch between two- and three-screen modes. This
can also be done from the main menu where you are now asked for the number
of screens you wish to use (1, 2, or 3). If you are in two-screen mode, you
can switch to three-screen or vice versa.
* AUTO3 is a new .DEF parameter. It specifies whether or not you wish to have
an automatic change to 3-screen mode when connected and 2-screen mode when
not connected. This works only when you have 2- or 3-screen mode active
during your session with PTP (does not work if single-screen mode is selected
on the main menu). Default is NO.
* When Alt-K is used to specify a new .DEF parameter, or change an old one,
you will be prompted about whether or not you wish to make that change
permanent (add it to the current .DEF file).
* BIGCURSOR is a new .DEF parameter. Its values are YES and NO. YES will
cause a full block cursor to be used. This is useful when PTP is run on a
PCC or other laptop machine where an LCD display is provided. Default NO.
* BINFILEECHO is a new .DEF parameter. Its values are YES and NO. YES will
cause data being downloaded using <B>inary mode to be sent to the screen
also. Useful when capturing FAX files from multimode TNCs. Default YES.
* All <B>inary file downloads are done in TRANSPARENT mode, regardless of mode
of operation.
[ 27 ]
* Anti-word wrap has been added to the bottom window on split screens (2 or 3)
and it can be controlled from your .DEF file by specifying the length of the
lines you wish to send using LINELEN. If the value you specify is 0, anti-
word wrapping will be disabled. Otherwise, a CR will be added in place of
the last space character before your LINELEN is reached and the remainder of
of your word will be carried to the next line. Much easier tried than
explained here.
* LINELEN is a new .DEF parameter. It specifies the length of lines you wish
to send before a CR character is automatically added. Also, a value of zero
(0) will disable anti-word wrapping. The default is zero (0).
* When exiting PTP via F2, when you press "Y" to indicate that you wish to
exit, you will get the word "Exiting" to indicate that your keystroke was
received. This is provided in response to a request from a user.
* You can now select a different set of support files (.MOD, .DEF and .SET) for
PTP to use upon startup by passing the common name for the files to PTP.
[ 28 ]
2-screen ................................................ 4, 5, 6, 26
3-screen ................................ 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 24, 25, 26
alarm ........................................................... 5, 10
Alt-A ............................................................... 10
Alt-B ............................................................... 10
Alt-C ........................................................... 10, 15
Alt-D ............................................................... 10
Alt-E ................................................... 8, 11, 12, 15
Alt-F ........................................................... 11, 23
Alt-G ............................................................... 11
Alt-H ............................................................... 11
Alt-K ........................................................... 11, 26
Alt-L ............................................... 8, 11, 17, 18, 22
Alt-M ........................................................... 4, 11
Alt-N ............................................................... 11
Alt-P ............................................................... 11
Alt-R ....................................................... 11, 12, 15
Alt-S ........................................................... 12, 15
Alt-T ........................................................... 12, 18
Alt-U ............................................................... 12
Alt-W ............................................................... 12
Alt-X ............................................................... 12
Alt-Z ........................................................... 12, 26
Amtor ........................................................... 22, 27
ANTI-WORD WRAP .......................................... 2, 5, 24, 27
ASCII ................................... 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 13, 18, 22
AUTO3 ........................................................... 4, 26
AUTOMSG ............................................................. 4
AUTOSTART ....................................................... 5, 10
AUTOTIME ............................................................ 4
BACKGROUND ...................................................... 5, 7
BEL ............................................................. 10, 18
BELL ............................................................ 5, 10
BIGCURSOR ....................................................... 5, 26
binary .......................................... 1, 3, 5, 13, 22, 25
BINFILEECHO ..................................................... 5, 26
CGA ................................................................. 3
CHANNELID ........................................................... 6
CMSG ................................................................ 4
color ........................................................... 5, 16
comm .................................................... 8, 9, 13, 14
connect ................................. 4, 5, 7, 10, 11, 14, 17, 23
Ctrl-A .......................................................... 6, 12
Ctrl-C .................................................. 7, 14, 18, 23
Ctrl-O .......................................................... 6, 12
Ctrl-Q .............................................................. 13
Ctrl-W .......................................................... 6, 13
Ctrl-Y ...................................................... 6, 12, 24
DCD ................................................................. 7
DEFBELL ............................................................. 5
defined ..................................... 3, 5, 8, 9, 14, 16, 18
DEFQSVE ............................................................. 5
DIRMOD .......................................................... 6, 10
disk ................................................ 10, 13, 17, 18, 25
[ 29 ]
ECHO ................................................................ 4
EXITING ......................................................... 4, 27
FAX ..................................................... 1, 3, 22, 26
file 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19,
20, 22, 27
FILECHAR ............................................................ 6
FOREGROUND ...................................................... 5, 7
HEA12 ........................................................... 6, 26
HOLDBUF ..................................................... 5, 12, 24
IBM ......................................................... 3, 14, 25
INITTA .............................................................. 6
instructions ............................................ 2, 3, 16, 17
length ...................................................... 9, 14, 27
LINELEN ..................................................... 5, 24, 27
load ........................................................ 8, 10, 11
MAKEDEF ............................................................. 4
master ...................................... 1, 2, 5, 6, 11, 22, 23
MCON12 .......................................................... 5, 26
MCON3 ........................................................... 5, 26
menu ................ 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 10, 14, 15, 16, 18, 22, 25, 26
mode ........ 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 12, 13, 16, 18, 22, 23, 24, 26
Monochrome .......................................................... 3
MSGDEF .......................................................... 4, 5
multi-connect ................................................... 6, 23
multimode ....................................................... 22, 26
MYCALL ...................................................... 4, 5, 8
NEAR ........................................................ 7, 10, 25
net ......................................... 1, 2, 5, 6, 11, 22, 23
NTS ..................................... 2, 7, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16
packet ...................... 1, 3, 4, 6, 13, 18, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25
parity ...................................................... 8, 9, 21
PBBS .................................... 3, 7, 12, 13, 15, 16, 18, 25
PC .............................................................. 3, 14
PCjr ............................................................ 3, 25
port ................................................ 8, 9, 14, 20, 25
PROMPT .............................................. 6, 8, 10, 16, 20
QSAVE ....................................... 5, 7, 8, 9, 11, 16, 18
RAM ............................................................. 3, 25
rate ............................................................ 8, 9
retrieve ............................................................ 5
RTTY ................................................................ 22
save ................................................ 8, 9, 10, 11, 20
screen 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 23, 24,
25, 26
SENDLF .............................................................. 7
setup ........................................... 2, 8, 9, 10, 11, 21
split ................................... 2, 4, 6, 9, 12, 18, 23, 27
STARTUP ......................................................... 4, 27
STATE ................................................... 5, 6, 7, 16
stream .......................................................... 5, 22
TAPR ............................................................ 3, 6
TAPRCMD ............................................................. 6
text .... 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 16, 17, 18, 22, 23, 24, 25
three-screen mode ............................................... 12, 26
time ........................................ 4, 8, 9, 11, 13, 15, 16
[ 30 ]
TNC-2 ................................................... 5, 7, 22, 23
traffic ............................. 2, 3, 7, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17
transfer .................................... 1, 3, 7, 13, 19, 20, 25
two-screen mode ..................................................... 26
Type-Ahead .................................................. 2, 12, 24
TYPEOFFCHAR ......................................................... 6
TYPEONCHAR .......................................................... 6
user .................................... 2, 3, 8, 9, 14, 16, 17, 24
USERS ....................................................... 3, 6, 7
VIEWFAX ............................................................. 17
W0RLI ............................................................... 11
WAITCHAR ............................................................ 6
WDCG ................................ 1, 2, 3, 4, 12, 15, 16, 18, 25
word ........................................................ 9, 24, 27
xmodem .............................................................. 3
xon ......................................................... 4, 13, 20
xpacket ......................................... 1, 2, 3, 13, 19, 20