Hacker Chronicles 2
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5,866 lines
a.bsu.programming ??
a.bsu.religion ??
a.bsu.talk ??
ab.general Items of general interest in Alberta, Canada.
ab.jobs Jobs in Alberta, Canada.
abg.acf-jugend ??
abg.acf-termine ??
abg.acf-vor ??
abg.amiga ??
abg.atari ??
abg.biete ??
abg.dfue ??
abg.diskussion ??
abg.gewerblich ??
abg.gruesse ??
abg.intern ??
abg.kultur ??
abg.mampf ??
abg.member ??
abg.ms-dos ??
abg.suche ??
abg.test ??
abg.tip-info ??
abg.unix ??
abg.uucp ??
abg.uucp.sta ??
abg.uucp.waffle ??
abg.witziges ??
acadia.bulletin-board ?? at Acadia University in Wolfville, Nova Scotia.
acadia.chat ?? at Acadia University in Wolfville, Nova Scotia.
acs.magnus ??
acs.osu-mentor ??
ak.admin Alaskan network news administration.
ak.bushnet.thing Alaskan Public Access Networking.
ak.config Alaskan regional heirarchy configuration.
ak.test Messages with the beta-nature.
alc.alc.bier.pils Discussion about Pils beer.
alc.alc.c2h5oh General discussion on ethanol.
alc.archive Announcements of available software.
alc.general Items of general interest.
alc.market Wanted / Forsale.
alc.stat News-related statistics and lists. (Moderated)
alc.suicide Discussions and methods.
alc.test Tests.
arc.ccf.services ??
arc.ccf.super ??
arc.ccf.unix ??
athena.announcements Announcements for MIT's Project Athena.
athena.forsale Items for sale at MIT's Project Athena.
athena.gamit ??
athena.housing Housing at MIT's Project Athena.
athena.misc Misc. at MIT's Project Athena.
athena.test Testing at MIT's Project Athena.
atl.arno Atlanta Regional Network Organization (ARNO).
atl.general Items of general interest in Atlanta, GA.
atl.jobs Jobs in Atlanta, GA.
atl.olympics The Olympics in Atlanta, GA.
atl.resumes Resumes in Atlanta, GA.
atl.test Testing in Atlanta, GA.
austin.announce ??? (Moderated)
austin.eff The Electronic Frontier Foundation in Austin, TX. (Moderated)
austin.flame Flamefesting followup for Austin, TX.
austin.forsale Items for sale in Austin, TX.
austin.general Items of general interest in Austin, TX.
austin.music Music around Austin, TX.
austin.news News in Austin, TX.
austin.news.stats News statistics in Austin, TX.
austin.politics Political issues in Austin, TX.
austin.public-net Public access Internet projects in Ausin, TX.
austin.talk Talk in Austin, TX.
austin.test Usenet testing in Austin, TX.
az.general Items of general interest in Arizona.
az.swusrgrp The Southwest User's Group.
bc.bcnet The British Columbian network.
bc.general Items of general interest in British Columbia.
bc.news.stats Network news statistics in British Columbia.
bc.unix Talk about Unix in British Columbia.
bc.weather [British Columbia] Environment Canada forecasts
bcs.activists BCS Activist discussion
bcs.announce Announcements of BCS events
bcs.answers Questions and Answers about BCS issues
bcs.config Proposals for new newsgroups, etc.
bcs.groups BCS User Groups issues
bcs.misc General BCS discussions not covered elsewhere
bcs.olsc BCS Online Services Committee
bcs.test Test messages
bln.announce.fub Mitteilungen betreffend Freie Universitaet.
bln.announce.fub.math Mitteilungen betreffend den FB Mathematik der FU. (Moderated)
bln.announce.gfz Mitteilungen des Geo-Forschungszentrum Potsdam.
bln.announce.hub Mitteilungen betreffend Humboldt-Universitaet.
bln.announce.in-berlin Ankuendigungen des Individual Network Berlin.
bln.announce.tub.cs Ankuendigungen des FB Informatik der TU.
bln.announce.tub.zrz Mitteilungen betreffend das ZRZ der TU.
bln.announce.zib Mitteilungen betreffend Zuse-Zentrum Berlin.
bln.archiv FTP, FTP-Server-Updates, Information Retrieval.
bln.comp.misc Sonstige computertechnische Themen.
bln.comp.pc DOS, Windows Diskussionen, Hardware, etc.
bln.comp.sun Sun Soft- und Hardware.
bln.comp.unix Fragen & Antworten zu Unix-Systemen.
bln.general General discussions in Berlin, Germany.
bln.kultur Kultur / Veranstaltungen.
bln.lehre.informatik Lehre/Pruefungsordnungen der Informatik.
bln.lehre.mathematik Mathematik-Lehre.
bln.lehre.misc Sonstige Lehre an Berliner Hochschulen.
bln.lehre.tech-inf Studiengang Technische Informatik.
bln.lists Listen, Statistiken, etc (bezogen auf Berlin).
bln.lv.tub.cs.informatik1 ??
bln.markt Verkaufe/kaufe in Berlin und Umgebung.
bln.misc Allgemeine Berliner Themen.
bln.net.internet Informationen zum TCP/IP basierenden Netz.
bln.net.mail User- und Transferagents, Maillinks.
bln.net.maps UUCP Maps fuer das Routing innerhalb von Berlin. (Moderated)
bln.net.news Newssoftware und Newslinks.
bln.net.statistik Statistiken (UUCP, NNTP, News etc).
bln.sci.informatik Informatik-Themen.
bln.sci.mathematik Mathematik-Themen.
bln.sci.misc Andere wissenschaftliche Themen.
bln.termine Veranstaltungstermine (Wissenschaft, Kultur, etc).
bln.test Testgruppe (Achtung: Reflektoren).
boulder.general Items of general interest to Boulder, CO.
brasil.anuncios General announcements of interest to all. (Moderated)
brasil.ciencia.capes ??
brasil.ciencia.cnpq The CNPQ, an NSF like organization.
brasil.ciencia.computacao Discusion of computation.
brasil.ciencia.fisica Physics.
brasil.ciencia.matematica Discussions of mathematics.
brasil.ecologia Discussion concerning the environment & ecology.
brasil.esportes.formula1 Discussions about Formula/1 racing
brasil.esportes.futebol Discussions about soccer/football.
brasil.esportes.voleibol Discussions about volleyball.
brasil.geral Unmoderated general discussion group.
brasil.politica Discussion of Brazilian and World Politics.
brasil.teste Test group for the brasil hierarchy.
brasil.unix Discussions of UNIX* and UNIX* like OSs.
byu.news USENET at Brigham Young University.
c20.0056 ??
ca.driving California freeways and backroads.
ca.earthquakes What's shakin' in California.
ca.environment Environmental concerns in California.
ca.environment.earthquakes Same as ca.earthquakes.
ca.forsale Things for sale in California.
ca.general Of general interest to readers in Calfornia only.
ca.news USENET status and usage in California.
ca.news.group Existing or proposed newsgroups for 'ca' distribution.
ca.politics Political topics of interest to California readers only.
ca.test Tests of 'ca' distribution articles.
ca.unix Unix discussion/help.
ca.usenet Discussion of Usenet/news administration in California.
ca.wanted For Sale/Wanted postings throughout California.
cam.misc Cambridge, UK, misc -- spin off others as need is shown.
cam.sug Cambridge, UK, Sun User Group info.
cam.test Testing network news in Cambridge, England.
can.ai Artificial intelligence in Canada.
can.canet.d An open forum for discussion of CA*net topics. (Moderated)
can.canet.stats USENET statistics from major CA*Net NNTP sites.
can.domain CA-DOM discussion and announcements.
can.english About the English-speaking population (in English).
can.francais About the Francophone population (in French).
can.general Items of general interest to Canadians.
can.jobs Jobs in Canada.
can.legal Canadian law and legal matters.
can.motss Gay/lesbian/bi issues in Canada.
can.newprod New products/services of interest to Canadian readers.
can.politics Canadian politics.
can.sun-stroke Sun Microsystems Users in Canada.
can.test Testing USENET in Canada.
can.usrgroup Unix user group information in Canada.
can.uucp Canadian uucp problems.
can.uucp.maps Canadian UUCP maps are posted here. (Moderated)
can.vlsi ??
capdist.admin Administrative topics of capdist USENET.
capdist.announce Announcements for the capdist area.
capdist.general General topic postings for the NY capital district.
capdist.misc Miscellaneous discussion topics in the capdist.
capdist.seminars Conferences and seminars in the local area.
capdist.test For testing the capdist distribution.
carleton.chinese-news ??
carleton.general Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada.
carleton.scs.undergraduate ???
cc.general ??
cern.alpha Discussion list on OpenVMS and OSF/1 Alpha machines
cern.cernmpp Parallel Processing activity at CERN
cern.computing Important infos concerning Computing at CERN in general.
cern.newmass Strangelet search using TOF
cern.skiclub Latest infos about the Ski Club's activities and outings.
cern.slow Discussions & announcements about slow controls at CERN.
chi.ai AI in Chicago.
chi.eats Group for discussion of Chicagoland restaurants.
chi.forsale Chicago area forsale notices.
chi.general General discussions, Chicago area, not forsale/wanted.
chi.mail Discussion of Chicago area email issues.
chi.news.stats Chicago area USENET statistics.
chi.places Group for announcements of Chicago area events.
chi.test USENET testing in Chicago.
chi.wanted Chicago area wanted notices.
chi.weather Chicago area weather.
chile.anuncios Any type of announcement.
chile.chile-l Miscellaneous conversations that relate to Chile.
chile.chilenet National Academic Network (Red Academica Nacional) and BITNET.
chile.ciencia-ficcion Science Fiction discussion.
chile.comp.sun News from Sun Microsystems Computer Corporation.
chile.compraventas Buy and Sell.
chile.consultas Para encausar las consultas varias en un medio que bla bla bla.
chile.futbol Grupo sobre Jurbol en chile y entre chilenos.
chile.grupos Discusion para creacion/borrado de grupos nacionales.
chile.humor Humor :-)
chile.natura-l Ecology and protection of environment in Chile & Latin America.
chile.revistas.microbyte Microbyte magazine (questions & discussion).
chile.revistas.xxi XXI Ciencia & Tecnologia, Science & Technology Magazine.
chile.sccc Sociedad Chilena de Ciencia de la Computacion (Chilean CS).
chile.scout Movimiento de Guias y Boy Scouts.
chile.soft-l Software for microcomputers.
chile.tes The Economist System.
chile.test Testing the network news in Chile.
chile.text.tex Discussion of LaTeX and TeX.
chile.trabajos Job offers.
chile.uucp Information and discussions of the UUCP community in Chile.
chile.varios Miscellaneous.
cis.general ??
cis.grads ??
cis.undergrads ??
cl.adressen.allgemein CL: Fuer Mitmacher und Mehrwissenwoller
cl.adressen.e-mail CL: Uebers Netz erreichbar
cl.adressen.suche CL: Wer kann weiterhelfen?
cl.adressen.systemdaten CL: Infomationen zu CL-Systemen
cl.afrika.aktionen CL: Was laeuft: Aufrufe und Aktionen
cl.afrika.allgemein CL: Der Kontinent Afrika
cl.afrika.diskussion CL: Forum fuer Meinung und Kommentar
cl.aktuelles+termine CL: Tagespolitik, Veranstaltungen etc.
cl.antifa.aktionen CL: Was laeuft: Aufrufe und Aktionen
cl.antifa.allgemein CL: Breites Buendnis gegen Rechts
cl.antifa.diskussion CL: Forum fuer Meinung und Kommentar
cl.antifa.migration CL: Wanderungsbewegungen, Exil und Asyl
cl.antifa.neue_rechte CL: Neuer Wein in alten Schlaeuchen
cl.artenschutz.aktionen CL: Was laeuft: Aufrufe und Aktionen
cl.artenschutz.allgemein CL: Vom Aussterben bedroht...
cl.artenschutz.bedroht CL: Hier besteht akute Gefahr!
cl.artenschutz.diskussion CL: Forum fuer Meinung und Kommentar
cl.asien.aktionen CL: Was laeuft: Aufrufe und Aktionen
cl.asien.allgemein CL: Der Kontinent Asien
cl.asien.diskussion CL: Forum fuer Meinung und Kommentar
cl.asien.nahost CL: Von Syrien bis Iran
cl.asien.ostasien CL: Korea, China, Taiwan, Japan...
cl.asien.suedasien CL: Indien, Pakistan, Afghanistan...
cl.asien.suedostasien CL: Thailand bis Vietnam und Indonesien
cl.atom.aktionen CL: Was laeuft: Aufrufe und Aktionen
cl.atom.akw CL: Warten auf den GAU
cl.atom.allgemein CL: Strahlung, Kernkraft, Gegenwehr
cl.atom.diskussion CL: Forum fuer Meinung und Kommentar
cl.atom.gewinnung CL: Abbau und Produktion
cl.atom.muell CL: Export bessert die Bilanz!
cl.atom.waffen+tests CL: Wovon Politiker traeumen
cl.behindert.aktionen CL: Was laeuft: Aufrufe und Aktionen
cl.behindert.allgemein CL: Nur die Gesellschaft ist behindert!
cl.behindert.diskussion CL: Forum fuer Meinung und Kommentar
cl.bildung.aktionen CL: Was laeuft: Aufrufe und Aktionen
cl.bildung.allgemein CL: Ein-, Aus-, Weiterbildung
cl.bildung.beruf CL: Der Mensch lernt nie aus
cl.bildung.diskussion CL: Forum fuer Meinung und Kommentar
cl.bildung.hochschule CL: Hochschulen, Fachhochschulen, Unis
cl.bildung.schule CL: Anpassen oder Aufbegehren?
cl.boden.allgemein CL: Die Erde, auf der wir leben
cl.boden.altlasten CL: Das Erbe der Industrialisierung
cl.boden.diskussion CL: Forum fuer Meinung und Kommentar
cl.boden.landwirtschaft CL: Bitte ein BIO...
cl.chemie.allgemein CL: Echt aetzend: Gase, Stoffe, Fluide
cl.chemie.diskussion CL: Forum fuer Meinung und Kommentar
cl.chemie.politik CL: Parteien, Lobbies, Paragraphen
cl.chemie.produktion CL: Was es alles gibt
cl.chemie.stoffe CL: Was ist wie giftig?
cl.datenschutz.aktionen CL: Was laeuft: Aufrufe und Aktionen
cl.datenschutz.allgemein CL: Von grossen und kleinen Bruedern
cl.datenschutz.diskussion CL: Forum fuer Meinung und Kommentar
cl.datenschutz.g10 CL: Wie schraenke ich ein Grundrecht ein
cl.datenschutz.isdn CL: Ab jetzt wird mitgeschnitten
cl.energie.aktionen CL: Was laeuft: Aufrufe und Aktionen
cl.energie.allgemein CL: Energiewendekomitee und andere
cl.energie.alternativen CL: Sonne, Wind, Wasser, Biomasse
cl.energie.diskussion CL: Forum fuer Meinung und Kommentar
cl.energie.fossile CL: Bei uns kommt der Strom aus der Dose
cl.energie.politik CL: Regionalisierung statt Monopole!
cl.energie.sparen CL: Licht aus, Hahn zu
cl.energie.umweltbilanz CL: Aufwand und Ertrag
cl.europa.aktionen CL: Was laeuft: Aufrufe und Aktionen
cl.europa.allgemein CL: Der Kontinent Europa
cl.europa.balkan CL: Von Jugoslawien bis Rumaenien
cl.europa.csfr CL: Tschecheslowakische Republik
cl.europa.deutschland CL: Um den Schlaf gebracht
cl.europa.diskussion CL: Forum fuer Meinung und Kommentar
cl.europa.eg CL: Die Europaeische Gemeinschaft (EG)
cl.europa.italien CL: Vom Brenner bis Sizilien
cl.europa.oesterreich CL: Felix Austria
cl.europa.polen CL: Volksrepublik Polen
cl.europa.recht CL: Der Binenmarkt - juristisch
cl.europa.tuerkei CL: Tuerken und Kurden
cl.europa.ungarn CL: Ungarische Volksrepublik
cl.fluechtlinge CL: Gegen den Hass
cl.frauen.aktionen CL: Was laeuft: Aufrufe und Aktionen
cl.frauen.allgemein CL: Kochrezepte bitte ins Brett Maenner
cl.frauen.diskussion CL: Forum fuer Meinung und Kommentar
cl.frauen.only /CL: Nur fuer Frauen
cl.frieden.aktionen CL: Was laeuft: Aufrufe und Aktionen
cl.frieden.allgemein CL: Wir haben nur eine Welt!
cl.frieden.diskussion CL: Forum fuer Meinung und Kommentar
cl.frieden.kdv CL: Kriegsdienst verweigern
cl.frieden.ruestung CL: Petting statt Pershing
cl.gentechnik.aktionen CL: Was laeuft: Aufrufe und Aktionen
cl.gentechnik.allgemein CL: ... und sie spielen Schoepfung
cl.gentechnik.diskussion CL: Forum fuer Meinung und Kommentar
cl.gentechnik.freiland CL: Genetische Freilandversuche
cl.gentechnik.medizin CL: Heilen und Heilloses
cl.gentechnik.politik CL: Parteien, Lobbies, Paragraphen
cl.geschichte.allgemein CL: Naeher, als du denkst
cl.geschichte.diskussion CL: Forum fuer Meinung und Kommentar
cl.gesundheit.aids CL: Tatsachen und Ideologien zu AIDS
cl.gesundheit.allgemein CL: Goetter in Weiss und Vergoetterungen
cl.gesundheit.diskussion CL: Forum fuer Meinung und Kommentar
cl.gruppen.bund CL: Bund fuer Umwelt und Naturschutz
cl.gruppen.dbv CL: Bund fuer Vogelschutz (?)
cl.gruppen.dkp CL: Deutsche Kommunistische Partei
cl.gruppen.gewerkschaften CL: DGB, DAG, CGB, DBB
cl.gruppen.greenpeace CL: Greenpeace Deutschland
cl.gruppen.gruene CL: Die Gruenen
cl.gruppen.liga CL: Gruene Liga
cl.gruppen.neues_forum CL: Neues Forum
cl.gruppen.pds CL: Nachfolgepartei der SED
cl.gruppen.sofo CL: Sozialistisches Forum
cl.gruppen.sonstige CL: Mehr als zwei sind eine Gruppe
cl.gruppen.spd CL: Sozialdemokratische Partei
cl.intern.diskussion CL: ComLink - Der Kommunikationsverbund
cl.intern.gateways CL: Wie komme ich von CL nach APC?
cl.intern.koordination CL: Auch fuer Sysops READ-ONLY!
cl.intern.systemdaten CL: Unter Datenschutz stehende SysInfos
cl.intern.wahlurne CL: ComLink - Der Kommunikationsverbund
cl.jugendpresse.aktionen CL: Was laeuft: Aufrufe und Aktionen
cl.jugendpresse.allgemein CL: Die Direktoren das Fuerchten lehren
cl.jugendpresse.diskussion CL: Forum fuer Meinung und Kommentar
cl.jugendpresse.kontakte CL: Pressestammtisch + Recherche
cl.jugendpresse.publikationen CL: Texte, Texte, Texte
cl.jugendpresse.zensur CL: Wer zensiert, hat Angst!
cl.klima.aktionen CL: Was laeuft: Aufrufe und Aktionen
cl.klima.allgemein CL: Tropisch bis Polar
cl.klima.diskussion CL: Forum fuer Meinung und Kommentar
cl.klima.international CL: Nicht nur hier...
cl.klima.ozonschicht CL: FCKW - nee!
cl.klima.tropenwald CL: Die Lunge der Erde
cl.kommunalpolitik.aktionen CL: Was laeuft: Aufrufe und Aktionen
cl.kommunalpolitik.allgemein CL: Von Flensburg bis Freilassing
cl.kommunalpolitik.diskussion CL: Forum fuer Meinung und Kommentar
cl.kommunalpolitik.konzepte CL: Nicht den Politikern ueberlassen!
cl.kontakte CL: Gesucht und gefunden: Jobs, Ideen...
cl.kultur.aktionen CL: Was laeuft: Aufrufe und Aktionen
cl.kultur.allgemein CL: Ich will Gesang, will Spiel und Tanz
cl.kultur.diskussion CL: Forum fuer Meinung und Kommentar
cl.kultur.politik CL: Parteien, Lobbies, Paragraphen
cl.kultur.sport CL: Flugblattweitwurf, Dauerdemonstriern
cl.kultur.szene CL: Kleinkunst bis Open Air
cl.kultur.texte CL: Prosa + Poesie
cl.maenner.aktionen CL: Was laeuft: Aufrufe und Aktionen
cl.maenner.allgemein CL: Chauviesprueche ins Brett Frauen ;-)
cl.maenner.diskussion CL: Forum fuer Meinung und Kommentar
cl.medien.allgemein CL: The medium is the message
cl.medien.bild CL: Ein BILD sagt mehr als 1000 Worte
cl.medien.diskussion CL: Forum fuer Meinung und Kommentar
cl.medien.funk CL: Voelker hoert die Signale!
cl.medien.text CL: Freie und weniger freie Presse
cl.medien.vernetzung CL: Alternative Datennetze
cl.menschenrechte.afrika CL: Zur Lage
cl.menschenrechte.asien CL: Zur Lage
cl.menschenrechte.europa CL: Zur Lage
cl.menschenrechte.mittelamerika CL: Zur Lage
cl.menschenrechte.nordamerika CL: Zur Lage
cl.menschenrechte.ozeanien CL: Zur Lage
cl.menschenrechte.suedamerika CL: Zur Lage
cl.menschenrechte.udssr CL: Zur Lage
cl.mittelamerika.aktionen CL: Was laeuft: Aufrufe und Aktionen
cl.mittelamerika.allgemein CL: Der Kontinent Mittelamerika
cl.mittelamerika.diskussion CL: Forum fuer Meinung und Kommentar
cl.mittelamerika.el_salvador CL: Republica de El Salvador
cl.mittelamerika.nicaragua CL: Republica de Nicaragua
cl.muell.aktionen CL: Was laeuft: Aufrufe und Aktionen
cl.muell.allgemein CL: Aller Dreck dieser Erde
cl.muell.deponie CL: Nicht vor meiner Tuere!
cl.muell.diskussion CL: Forum fuer Meinung und Kommentar
cl.muell.export CL: In Sibirien ist noch Platz!
cl.muell.sondermuell CL: Was bleibt...
cl.muell.verbrennung CL: Probleme und Loesungen
cl.muell.vermeidung CL: Das bessere Muellkonzept
cl.nordamerika.aktionen CL: Was laeuft: Aufrufe und Aktionen
cl.nordamerika.allgemein CL: Der Kontinent Nordamerika
cl.nordamerika.diskussion CL: Forum fuer Meinung und Kommentar
cl.ozeanien.aktionen CL: Was laeuft: Aufrufe und Aktionen
cl.ozeanien.allgemein CL: Australien und die Inselwelt
cl.ozeanien.diskussion CL: Forum fuer Meinung und Kommentar
cl.ozeanien.polargebiete CL: Nord- und Suedpol
cl.recht.allgemein CL: Was Recht ist, muss LINKS bleiben
cl.recht.diskussion CL: Forum fuer Meinung und Kommentar
cl.recht.umwelt CL: Wer Recht hat, stirbt trotzdem
cl.religionen.allgemein CL: Wer's glaubt, wird selig...
cl.religionen.christen CL: Oekumene, konziliarer Prozess...
cl.religionen.diskussion CL: Forum fuer Meinung und Kommentar
cl.soziales.aktionen CL: Was laeuft: Aufrufe und Aktionen
cl.soziales.allgemein CL: Soziale Netze, Sex und Lebensglueck
cl.soziales.diskussion CL: Forum fuer Meinung und Kommentar
cl.soziales.jugendarbeit CL: Offene Jugendarbeit
cl.soziales.wohnen CL: Palaeste fuer alle!
cl.sozialismus.aktionen CL: Was laeuft: Aufrufe und Aktionen
cl.sozialismus.allgemein CL: Theorie und Praxis
cl.sozialismus.diskussion CL: Forum fuer Meinung und Kommentar
cl.sozialismus.theorie CL: Von den Klassikern bis heute
cl.suedamerika.aktionen CL: Was laeuft: Aufrufe und Aktionen
cl.suedamerika.allgemein CL: Der Kontinent Suedamerika
cl.suedamerika.diskussion CL: Forum fuer Meinung und Kommentar
cl.technik.allgemein CL: Ueber den Computer hinaus
cl.technik.diskussion CL: Forum fuer Meinung und Kommentar
cl.technik.folgen CL: Technik - Folgenabschaetzung
cl.udssr.aktionen CL: Was laeuft: Aufrufe und Aktionen
cl.udssr.allgemein CL: Ein Staatenbund -- zwei Kontinente
cl.udssr.diskussion CL: Forum fuer Meinung und Kommentar
cl.umwelt.aktionen CL: Was laeuft: Aufrufe und Aktionen
cl.umwelt.allgemein CL: Damit man alles schoen giftig kriegt
cl.umwelt.beratung CL: Fragen und Antworten
cl.umwelt.diskussion CL: Forum fuer Meinung und Kommentar
cl.umwelt.eg CL: Ein EG-weites Problem
cl.umwelt.laerm CL: Eine Form von Umweltverschmutzung
cl.umwelt.luftverschmutzung CL: Mir stinkt's!
cl.umwelt.pflanzen CL: Was blueht, waechst und gedeiht
cl.umwelt.politik CL: Parteien, Lobbies, Paragraphen
cl.umwelt.publikationen CL: Gruene und graue Literatur
cl.umwelt.tiere CL: Alles was kreucht und fleucht
cl.umwelt.wald CL: Waldsterben verboten!
cl.userforum.hilfe CL: So funktioniert's!
cl.userforum.vorschlaege CL: Wie es euch gefaellt...
cl.utopien.allgemein CL: Science + Fiction
cl.utopien.diskussion CL: Forum fuer Meinung und Kommentar
cl.verkehr.aktionen CL: Was laeuft: Aufrufe und Aktionen
cl.verkehr.allgemein CL: Strasse, Schiene, Wasser, Luft
cl.verkehr.diskussion CL: Forum fuer Meinung und Kommentar
cl.wasser.aktionen CL: Was laeuft: Aufrufe und Aktionen
cl.wasser.allgemein CL: Nass und sauber soll es sein
cl.wasser.diskussion CL: Forum fuer Meinung und Kommentar
cl.wasser.meeresschutz CL: Endstation fuer den Dreck
cl.wirtschaft.allgemein CL: Kapital, Sozial, Demokratie
cl.wirtschaft.arbeit CL: Alle Raeder stehen still...
cl.wirtschaft.branchen CL: Industrie, Landwirtschaft, Handel
cl.wirtschaft.diskussion CL: Forum fuer Meinung und Kommentar
cl.wirtschaft.geld CL: Ein Dietrich gegen eine Aktie
cl.wirtschaft.politik CL: Ein Gespenst geht um...
cl.wirtschaft.steuern CL: Kohle fuer den Staat
cl.wirtschaft.verbraucher CL: Lasst euch nicht verkohlen
cle.music ???
cle.sports ???
cmh.forsale Columbus buy, sell, trade.
cmh.general Columbus general news.
cmh.groups Meta-discussions about newsgroups in cmh.* distribution.
cmh.jobs Columbus job postings.
cmh.network Columbus network connections, computing, etc.
cmh.opinion Columbus opinion.
cmh.test Columbus test group.
co.general Items of general interest to Colorado.
co.media.rmn Editorials and letters from the Rocky Mt. News.
co.ocs Discussion on optoelectronic computing at CU and CSU.
co.politics Discussion of Political Issues related to Colorado.
co.politics.amend2.discuss Discussion regarding Colorado's Amendment 2.
co.politics.amend2.info Information on Colorado's Amendment 2. (Moderated)
co.test Testing in Colorado.
control Pseudo-group where news system directives are filed.
courts.usa.config Votes on future expansion.
courts.usa.federal.supreme U.S. Supreme Court. (Moderated)
courts.usa.state.ohio.appls-8th Ohio Court of Appeals, Eighth District. (Moderated)
courts.usa.state.ohio.config About the Ohio court groups.
courts.usa.state.ohio.supreme Ohio Supreme Court. (Moderated)
cruzio.general ??
cruzio.network ??
cscuk.news ??
csd.aflb ??
csd.bboard ??
csd.building ??
csd.logic ??
csd.machines.hp ??
csd.new-phd ??
csd.sports ??
csn.ads ??
csn.ml.com-priv Mailing list gatewayed by Colorado SuperNet.
csn.ml.kids Mailing list gatewayed by Colorado SuperNet.
csn.ml.kidsnet Mailing list gatewayed by Colorado SuperNet.
csn.ml.nisus-info ???
csn.ml.saturn Mailing list gatewayed by Colorado SuperNet.
csstu.general ??
ctdl.lang.c ??
ctdl.lang.c++ ??
ctdl.lang.pascal ??
ctdl.sys.atari.st ??
ctdl.sys.atari8 ??
ctdl.sys.mac ??
cu-den.general ??
cu.applmath Applied math announcements/discussion
cu.courses.cs1300 ??
cu.courses.cs2010 ??
cu.courses.cs2250 ??
cu.courses.cs3155 ??
cu.courses.cs3245 ??
cu.courses.cs3287 ??
cu.courses.cs5573 ??
cu.courses.cs5673 ??
cu.courses.econ4999 ??
cu.cs.clim ??
cu.cs.grads CS department announcements for grad students
cu.cs.macl.info ??
cu.cs.srl ??
cu.cs.systat ??
cu.cs.systat.tmr ??
cu.cs.systems+software ??
cu.cs.ugrads CS department announcements for undergrads
cu.decstation.managers ??
cu.engr.open-option-majors ???
cu.garnet ??
cu.general General announcements and discussion
cu.grads.teaching ??
cu.grads.teaching.leads ??
cu.ics ??
cu.motif-talk Discussion about the Motif environment
cu.netstat Statistics from CU campus network
cu.physics.ugrads ??
cu.slug Sun Local User's Group
cu.test Local testing
cu.vlsi ??
cwo.x11.intrinsics ??
cwo.x11.mltalk ??
dal.general ??
dc.dining Dining in the Washington, DC area.
dc.driving Highway travel around Washington DC.
dc.forsale Items for sale in the Washington, DC area.
dc.general Items of general interest to the Washington, DC area.
dc.graphics.avs ??
dc.housing ??
dc.jobs Job offerings and jobs wanted around Washington, DC.
dc.politics Discussion group for D.C. area local politics.
dc.redskins ??
dc.smithsonian Smithsonian related events in the Washington, DC area.
dc.talk.guns ??
dc.test Testing in the Washington, DC area.
dfw.eats Dining in Dallas/Fort Worth.
dfw.flame Flaming in Dallas/Fort Worth.
dfw.forsale Items for sale in Dallas/Fort Worth.
dfw.general Items of general interest in Dallas/Fort Worth.
dfw.news USENET in Dallas/Fort Worth.
dfw.news.stats Dallaw/Fort Worth news statistics.
dfw.test Testing in Dallas/Fort Worth.
dk.admin Network news administration in Denmark.
dk.chat Social banter in Denmark.
dk.foredrag Something in Denmark.
dk.general Topics of general interest in Denmark.
dk.jobs Employment available in Denmark.
dk.kurser.dcomp Something in Denmark.
dk.test Testing network news in Denmark.
dk.transputer Something in Denmark.
dn.supers ??
dn.supers.disc ??
dsm.network ??
ed.followup Followups to ed.general.
ed.general General interest, Edinburgh systems.
ed.prolog Discussions on prolog, Edinburgh systems.
ed.review Reviews of events in Edinburgh.
ed.sources Sources, distribution Edinburgh systems.
ed.test Test messages, Edinburgh systems.
ed.unix-wizards Unix discussions, Edinburgh systems.
ed.windows.x X Windows, Edinburg systems.
edm.general Items of general interest in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
edm.news.stats Network news statistics in Edmonton.
edm.usrgrp Unix Users Group in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
erg.general ??
essug.copt Discussion of Customer Owned Pay Telephones
essug.misc Esoteric telephony
essug.telco Local & Long Distance telephone companies
fido.eur.genealogy ??
fido.ger.386 ??
fido.ger.amiga ??
fido.ger.atari ??
fido.ger.book ??
fido.ger.btx ??
fido.ger.c_echo ??
fido.ger.ccc ??
fido.ger.clipper ??
fido.ger.comms ??
fido.ger.ct ??
fido.ger.dfue ??
fido.ger.elektronik ??
fido.ger.flea ??
fido.ger.frauen ??
fido.ger.frust ??
fido.ger.gem ??
fido.ger.hardware ??
fido.ger.ibm ??
fido.ger.isdn ??
fido.ger.jokes ??
fido.ger.kirche ??
fido.ger.kommerz ??
fido.ger.lan ??
fido.ger.mailbox ??
fido.ger.midi ??
fido.ger.motorrad ??
fido.ger.movie ??
fido.ger.musik ??
fido.ger.os2 ??
fido.ger.pascal ??
fido.ger.pc_geos ??
fido.ger.pgmrs ??
fido.ger.politik ??
fido.ger.recht ??
fido.ger.request ??
fido.ger.rhodan ??
fido.ger.rpg ??
fido.ger.sat ??
fido.ger.shareware ??
fido.ger.soundkarten ??
fido.ger.spiele ??
fido.ger.storage ??
fido.ger.tex ??
fido.ger.umwelt ??
fido.ger.unix ??
fido.ger.virus ??
fido.ger.windows ??
fido.ger.windows.prog ??
fido.ger.wissen ??
fido.ger.zyxel ??
finet.asiointi.kunnat Asiointi kuntien palveluihin liittyen
finet.asiointi.pankit Pankeissa asioinnista
finet.atk.kielet.c C-kieli
finet.atk.kielet.elisp GNU emacsin elisp
finet.atk.suometus Laitteiden ja ohjelmien sovittaminen Suomeen
finet.atk.yllapito Keskustelua yll{pidon tekniikasta ja k{yt{nn|st{
finet.fan.airisto.lenita Keskustelua tennissukista ja pukeutumisesta
finet.general Discussions in English
finet.harrastus.amnesty Amnestyn toimintaa
finet.harrastus.hamppu Keskustelua hampusta
finet.harrastus.olut Olutharrastajien foorumi
finet.harrastus.siideri Juttua siiderist{
finet.harrastus.startrek Startrek-harrastajat
finet.harrastus.startrek.spocks-hut HUTin trekkerit
finet.harrastus.tolkien Tolkien-fanit
finet.helsinki.hankinnat P{{kaupunkiseudun hinta- ja laatuasiaa
finet.helsinki.hoas Keskustelua HOAS-asumisesta.
finet.helsinki.liikenne Keskustelua Helsingin liikennej{rjestelyist{
finet.helsinki.puhe Keskusteluryhm{ p{{kaupunkiseudun asioille
finet.helsinki.ravintolat P{{kaupunkiseudun sy|tt|- ja juottopaikoista
finet.helsinki.tapahtumat P{{kaupunkiseudun tapahtumat
finet.ilmot.henkkoht Henkil|kohtaista -palsta
finet.ilmot.sekal Sekalaisia ilmoituksia
finet.keskustelu.yleinen K{yt{ mieluummin ryhm{{ finet.puhe
finet.kielet.englanti Keskustelua englannin kielest{ tai englanniksi
finet.kielet.japani Keskustelua japanin kielest{ tai japaniksi
finet.kielet.suomi Keskustelua suomen kielest{, suomen opiskelua
finet.kielet.venaja Keskustelua ven{j{n kielest{ tai ven{j{ksi
finet.kielet.viro Keskustelua viron kielest{, viron opiskelua
finet.koti.asuminen Keskustelua asumisesta
finet.koulutus.yliopistot Yliopistotason koulutus
finet.kulttuurit.suomi Suomalaiset yl{- ja alakulttuurit
finet.kulttuurit.viro Viron yl{- ja alakulttuurit
finet.kysy.mykset Kysy mit{ vain, finet vastaa mit{ vain
finet.kysy.osoitteista Kysymyspalsta s{hk|postiosoitteille
finet.kysy.unixista Kysymyksi{ Unixin k{yt|st{ ym.
finet.markkinat.kaupalliset ???
finet.markkinat.menovesi Polttoainealan markkinoista
finet.markkinat.tietokoneet Tietokonealan markkinoista
finet.markkinat.tietopalvelut Tietopalvelumarkkinat
finet.olemisen.tarkoitus Keskustelua finet:in olemisen tarkoituksesta
finet.politiikka.vaalit Keskustelua vaaleista.
finet.puhe Yleinen ryhm{ kaikenlaisesta puhumiseen
finet.ryhmat Keskustelua uutisryhmist{ (nime{minen ym.)
finet.salaliitot Keskustelua salaliitoista
finet.sex This groups exists for hysterical raisins
finet.taidot.kirjoittaminen Kirjoittamisen taito
finet.testi Testiryhm{
finet.tiedotteet.lehdisto Lehdist|tiedotteita
finet.tyo.ammattijarj Ammattij{rjest|toiminnasta
finet.unet Unet, niiden tulkinta, nukkuminen
finet.uutiset.baltia Uutisia Baltian maista
finet.uutiset.suomi Uutisia Suomesta
finet.valtiot.usa Keskustelua USA:sta
finet.viestinta.internet Keskustelua internetist{
finet.viestinta.televerkot Keskustelua televerkoista ja -palveluista
finet.viestinta.usenet Keskustelua uutisryhmist{ ja -palveluista
finet.yhteiskunta.anarkismi Anarkistinen yhteiskuntamalli
finet.yhteiskunta.vaikuttaminen Kansalaistoiminta, vaikuttamisen keinoja
finet.yhteiskunta.yksilonvapaus Kansalaisoikeudet, yksil|nvapaus, sensuuri jne.
fl.announce Important announcements for everyone in Florida.
fl.attractions Florida attractions and entertainment.
fl.comp General computers in florida.
fl.comp.rep Technical computer repair or modifications in Florida.
fl.forsale Items for sale in Florida.
fl.general General topics in Florida.
fl.jobs The Florida job market.
fl.mail Mail systems, routers, paths .. in Florida.
fl.map Map entries for Florida sites. (Moderated)
fl.news News problems and features in Florida.
fl.sources Distribution of source code or documentation in Florida.
fl.test Testing workspace in Florida.
fl.travel Travel within Florida.
fl.uug UNIX user groups within Florida.
fl.yumyum Reviews and advice on restaurants in Florida.
fnet.afuu Discussions concerning Association Francaise d'Utilisateurs Unix
fnet.c3 ??
fnet.combinatoire ??
fnet.common-lp ??
fnet.culture ??
fnet.followup Followups in France.
fnet.formel ???
fnet.general Items of general interest in France.
fnet.greco-prog ??
fnet.hypercubes ??
fnet.ia French AI discussions
fnet.lang ??
fnet.lelisp ??
fnet.lmastat ??
fnet.seminaires ??
fnet.sm90 ??
fnet.sps9 ??
fnet.test USENET testing in France.
fnet.tietoliikenne.televerkot ???
fr.announce.divers Annonces diverses (pas petites annonces).
fr.announce.important Annonces importantes concernant fr. (Moderated)
fr.announce.newgroups Annonces de nouveaux groupes / discussions. (Moderated)
fr.announce.newusers Annonces destinees aux nouveaux utilisateurs. (Moderated)
fr.announce.seminaires Annonces de conferences et seminaires. (Moderated)
fr.bio.biolmol Biologoie moleculaire, banques de donnees.
fr.bio.general Discussions sur le theme de la biologie.
fr.bio.genome Le projet Genome, tenants et aboutissants.
fr.bio.logiciel Logiciels sur le theme de la biologie.
fr.comp.divers Discussions diverses sur l'informatique.
fr.comp.ia L'Intelligence Artificielle.
fr.comp.lang.lisp Le langage LISP.
fr.comp.os.divers Discussions diverses sur les systemes d'exploitation.
fr.comp.os.linux Discussions concernant le systeme LINUX.
fr.comp.os.msdos Systeme MS-DOS.
fr.comp.os.unix Systeme UNIX.
fr.comp.os.vms Systeme VMS de Digital.
fr.comp.sys.amiga Machines de la gamme Amiga.
fr.comp.sys.atari Machines de la gamme Atari.
fr.comp.sys.divers Autres machines n'ayant pas de groupe specifique.
fr.comp.sys.mac Apple Macintosh.
fr.comp.sys.next Machines NeXT.
fr.comp.sys.pc Micro-ordinateurs PC et compatibles.
fr.comp.windows.divers Systemes de fenetrage n'ayant pas de groupe specifique.
fr.comp.windows.ms Environnement graphique Microsoft-Windows.
fr.comp.windows.nextstep Interface utilisateur NeXT Step.
fr.comp.windows.x11 Systeme de multifenetrage X11.
fr.doc.biblio Discussions concernant notamment les documentalistes.
fr.doc.divers Discussions diverses sur la documentation.
fr.doc.magazines Sommaires de revues et magazines. (Moderated)
fr.misc.divers Ce qui n'a de place nulle part ailleurs dans fr.
fr.network.divers Discussions diverses sur les reseaux.
fr.network.modems Discussions concernant les modems.
fr.news.8bits Les News avec nos caracteres nationaux.
fr.news.distribution Distribution des news fr.
fr.news.divers Ce qui ne va pas ailleurs dans fr.news.
fr.news.groups Discussions sur la creation de nouveaux groupes fr.
fr.news.logiciels Discussions sur les logiciels de News.
fr.news.reponses Reponses a des questions frequemment posees. (Moderated)
fr.news.stats Statistiques concernant les news fr. (Moderated)
fr.rec.cuisine Tous les plaisirs du palais.
fr.rec.divers Sujets de loisir divers.
fr.rec.oracle Le Grand Oracle francophone. (Moderated)
fr.rec.sport Les sports, tous les sports.
fr.soc.divers Discussions divers sur des sujets sociaux.
fr.test Testez la diffusion de vos articles dans fr.
frmug.general ??
fub.general ??
ga.atl-braves Discussions about the Atlanta Braves.
ga.forsale Items for sale in Georgia.
ga.general Items of general interest in Georgia.
ga.test Testing in Georgia.
geometry.announcements Geometry Announcements.
geometry.college Geometry at the College Level.
geometry.forum Geometry Forum Discussion and Information.
geometry.institutes Institutes for Geometry Study.
geometry.pre-college Geometry for Secondary Education.
geometry.puzzles Recreational Geometry Problems.
geometry.research Geometry Research.
git.cc.alums ?
git.cc.class.1501 ??
git.cc.class.1502 A class at the Georgia Institute of Technology.
git.cc.class.150x ???
git.cc.class.2360 ???
git.cc.class.2390 ?
git.cc.class.3450 A class at the Georgia Institute of Technology.
git.cc.class.4803a A class at the Georgia Institute of Technology.
git.cc.class.6752 A class at the Georgia Institute of Technology.
git.cc.class.8113h ?
git.cc.class.8113p A class at the Georgia Institute of Technology.
git.cc.general ??
git.cc.help ??
git.club.guns ?
git.club.seds Students for the Exploration and Development of Space.
git.cont-ed ?
git.ee.class.1300d ?
git.ee.class.3901 A class at the Georgia Institute of Technology.
git.ee.class.3902 A class at the Georgia Institute of Technology.
git.ee.class.390x A class at the Georgia Institute of Technology.
git.ee.class.6180 A class at the Georgia Institute of Technology.
git.ee.class.6311 ?
git.ee.class.6418 A class at the Georgia Institute of Technology.
git.ee.compass ?
git.general ???
git.grad ?
git.isye.mot ??
git.lcc.class.1001j ??
git.lcc.class.2020j2 ?
git.lcc.class.2310p ??
git.lcc.class.3020.bel ?
git.lcc.class.3020o ?
git.lcc.class.4020 ?
git.math.class.3012a1 ??
git.math.class.4803a ??
git.me.research ?
git.msm.general ??
git.news.groups ?
git.ohr.jobs.digest GT OHR Job bulletin in digest format.
git.oit.questions ??
git.os2 Yellow Jacket OS/2 User's Group.
git.police.parking ?
git.politics ?
git.psych.class.1010f ?
git.sga.usc Student Government Assoc communications. (Moderated)
git.talk.abortion ?
git.talk.religion ?
git.tech.futures Discussion of emerging technologies.
git.unix.solaris Solaris 2.2 porting issues.
hackercorp.statistics ??
harvard.test ??
hepnet.admin Discussions among hepnet.* netnews administrators
hepnet.announce Announcement of general interest
hepnet.conferences Discussions of conference and workshops
hepnet.freehep Discussions about the freehep archives
hepnet.general Discussions of general interest
hepnet.hepix Discussions on the use of Unix
hepnet.heplib Discussions about HEPLIB
hepnet.jobs Job announcements and discussions
hepnet.lang.c++ Discussions of the use of C++
hepnet.test Test postings
hepnet.videoconf Discussions on the use of videoconferencing
hfx.general ??
houston.eats Dining in Houston, TX.
houston.forsale ??
houston.general Items of general interest in Houston, TX.
houston.music ??
houston.news USENET in Houston, TX.
houston.news.stats ??
houston.personals Personals for Houston, Texas.
houston.singles Singles for Houston, Texas.
houston.test Testing in Houston, Texas.
houston.wanted Things wanted in Houston, TX.
houston.weather The weather in Houston. (Moderated)
hsv.flame ??
hsv.forsale Items forsale in Huntsville, Alabama.
hsv.general Items of general interest in Huntsville, Alabama.
hsv.jobs ??
hsv.politics ??
hsv.religion ??
hsv.tech ??
hw.general ??
in.bizarre ??
in.general ??
in.ham-radio ??
in.jobs ??
in.misc ??
in.pc.mac ??
in.test ??
in.unix ??
junk Pseudo-group where non-standard messages are placed.
ks.admin Administration in Kansas.
ks.misc Misc postings in Kansas.
kw.bb.sale Things for sale
kw.birthdays Happy birthday
kw.cpsr KW branch of Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility
kw.eats Restaurant reviews
kw.forsale Things for sale
kw.fun Fun stuff
kw.general General information in Kitchener-Waterloo, Canada.
kw.housing Rooms for renti in Kitchener-Waterloo, Canada.
kw.jobs Job postings for Kitchener-Waterloo, Canada.
kw.micro Microcomputer discussion.
kw.microvax DEC microvax users.
kw.movies Film reviews.
kw.networks Connectivity and networking within the KW community.
kw.news USENET in Kitchener-Waterloo, Canada.
kw.news.stats USENET Statistics in Kitchener-Waterloo, Canada.
kw.stats UUCP Statistics in Kitchener-Waterloo, Canada.
kw.theatre Theatre reviews, etc.
ky.motorcycles Motorcycling in Kentucky.
ky.weather Weather in Kentucky. (Moderated)
ky.weather.d Everybody talks about it but no one does anything.
la.eats Dining in Los Angeles, CA.
la.forsale ??
la.general Items of general interest in Los Angeles, CA.
la.news USENET in Los Angeles, CA.
la.seminars Seminars in Los Angeles, CA.
la.slug Los Angeles Sun Lover's User Group.
la.test Testing in Los Angeles, CA.
la.wanted Things wanted in Los Angeles, CA.
latech.stis ??
lon.misc Miscellaneous news from London, England.
lon.test Testing news in London, England.
lou.general Items of general interest in Louisiana.
lou.sun Suns in Louisiana.
ls.amnesty ??
ls.olnews ??
ls.ussr ??
maus.adventure Fragen und Antworten zu Adventure-Spielen (Sierra etc.)
maus.biete ???
maus.bigfood Rezepte, Ess- und Fresstips
maus.bremen Hier sind die Bremer (nicht ganz) unter sich ;-)
maus.elektronik ??
maus.games Hier wird MausNet-weit gespielt, vor allem GOLF
maus.general dient nur als "Traegergruppe" fuer Control-Msgs
maus.gui.gem Graphische Oberflaeche fuer Ataris und PC's
maus.hardware Diskussionsforum zum Thema Computer-Hardware
maus.kites Fuer Freaks und Freunde der Fesseldrachen
maus.kurzwelle Die Gruppe fuer die Amateurfunker (entspricht im Fido: DARC.GER)
maus.landrock (AC3) Spielen unter dem Ambossbaum.
maus.lang.c Das Forum der C-Programmierer
maus.lang.clipper DIE dBase-kompatible Datenbank
maus.lang.forth Die Gruppe zu der stackorientierten Programmiersprache FORTH
maus.lang.modula2 Der Pascal-"Nachfolger" von N.Wirth
maus.lang.oops (O)bjekt-(O)rientierten (P)rogrammier-(S)ysteme
maus.lang.tpascal Turbo-Pascal, selten andere Pascal-Dialekte, ist hier Thema
maus.mathe Nicht nur Knobelaufgaben, sondern auch handfeste Formelei...
maus.midi Alles rund um MIDI - Computer & Musik treffen aufeinander
maus.movies Tummelplatz fuer Kino-Freaks
maus.oecher (AC3) lokales Forum fuer (fast) alle Aachener Mailboxen
maus.os.linux Hier geht's um Linux, ist doch klar :-)
maus.os.minix Eine eigene Gruppe zu MINIX, einem UNIX-Derivat
maus.os.os-2 Das "neue" Betriebssystem von IBM (unter Freunden: Oskar halbe)
maus.os.unix Alles rund um das alte und immer wieder neue Betriebssystem UNIX
maus.politik Draengende Fragen unserer Zeit manchmal auf den Punkt gebracht
maus.schach ??
maus.sys.amiga Spielwiese fuer Amigos, von 500 bis 3000
maus.sys.atari.desktop Spezialgruppe zum Thema "Desktop Publishing" auf ATARI
maus.sys.atari.gemini DIE Atari-Benutzeroberflaeche von S.Eissing & G.Steffens
maus.sys.atari.hardware allg. Hardwarethemen um die ATARI ST(E)/TT/??-Familie
maus.sys.atari.mint Diskussion ueber die Multitasking-Erweiterungen zum ST-TOS
maus.sys.atari.software allg. Softwarethemen um die ATARI ST(E)/TT/??-Familie
maus.sys.atari.talk Allgemeines zum Thema Atari ST/TT/Falcon
maus.sys.ibm Alles zu IBM-kompatiblen Rechnern (unter MS-DOS)
maus.sys.next Fuer alle, die von dem schwarzen Wuerfel traeumen
maus.sys.ql.c68-int ???
maus.sys.ql.ger ???
maus.sys.ql.int ???
mcnc.cad ??
mcnc.concert.video ??
mcnc.dcom ??
mcnc.general general notes at MCNC.
mcnc.ncsulab ??
mcnc.pc ??
mcnc.programmers ??
mcnc.systems system admin notices at MCNC.
mcnc.talks Seminars at MCNC.
mcnc.teleclass ??
mcnc.text ??
mercury.general ??
mi.jobs Jobs offered and sought in Michigan.
mi.map USENET maps in Michigan. (Moderated)
mi.misc Catchall for Michigan.
mi.news USENET news and mail discussions.
mi.sources Requests for and responses to requests for sources.
mi.sun Suns Microsystems products in Michigan.
mi.wanted Jobs and products, wanted and offered.
milw.general Items of general interest in Milwaukee.
milw.jobs Jobs available & wanted in the Milwaukee area.
milw.unix ??
mit.bboard MIT's Bulletin Board.
mit.lcs.announce ??
mit.lcs.misc ??
mit.lcs.seminar ??
mit.test For mit.all test USENET news messages. Boring.
mn.archive Archive sites in Minnesota.
mn.general Items of general interest to Minnesota.
mn.map Minnesota uucp map postings. (Moderated)
mn.net ??
mn.sources Minnesota program sources.
mn.test Testing in Minnesota.
mn.traffic Minnesota USENET traffic statistics.
mn.uum For discussion of Unix Users of MN related topics.
mscs.general ??
msu.general ??
mtl.general General stuff in Montreal.
mtl.test USENET Testing in Montreal.
mu.general ??
muc.bondage Bondage.
muc.flame Flames.
muc.general Items of general interest in Munich.
muc.test Tests in and around Munich.
mucsd.general ??
nas.msgs ??
nas.nets ??
nas.wks ??
nashville.general ??
nbg.general Durchaus antimilitaristische Allgemeinstammeleien
ncar.weather USA weather bulletins from NCAR.
ncku.talk ???
ncsc.chemistry NC Supercomputing chemistry topics.
ncsc.general NC Supercomputing general topics.
ncsc.systems ??
ncsc.training NC Supercomputing training topics.
ne.food New England food and restaurant reviews.
ne.forsale Short postings on items for sale in New England.
ne.general General interest discussions pertinent to New England.
ne.housing Short postings on housing wanted or available in NE.
ne.jobs New England job listings.
ne.motorcycles The Northeast branch of the Denizens of Doom.
ne.motss Issues pertaining to homosexuality in New England.
ne.nearnet.general Discuss the New England Academic and Research Network.
ne.nearnet.tech Technical operation and future of NEARnet.
ne.news New England news (USENET) administration.
ne.org.bcs The Boston Computer Society.
ne.org.decus CRIMLUG discussion, the Southern NE Decus group.
ne.org.neci.announce ???
ne.org.neci.general The New England Community Internet Project.
ne.org.neci.nsp ???
ne.org.neci.software ???
ne.politics Discussio of NE political issues.
ne.seminars New England upcoming talks, seminars, etc.
ne.singles New England "singles" issues, events, and personal ads.
ne.wanted New England want-ads.
net157.chat157 ??
net157.region11 ??
netcom.general ??
neworleans.general ??
neworleans.info New Orleans' history, culture, people, food, etc. (Moderated)
nil.general general nil discussions.
nil.maps Nil maps. (Moderated)
nj.config For discussions about nj netnews and e-mail.
nj.events Events in New Jersey.
nj.forsale Items for sale in New Jersey.
nj.general Items of general interest in New Jersey.
nj.market.autos For Sale/Wanted: Autos, cycles, trucks, etc.
nj.market.computers For Sale/Wanted: Computers and software.
nj.market.housing For Sale/Rent/Wanted: Housing, land, roommates.
nj.market.misc For Sale/Wanted: Miscellaneous.
nj.misc nj topics that don't fall into other categories.
nj.politics Political topics of interest to New Jersey readers.
nj.test For testing news and uucp software or news connections.
nj.wanted New Jersey want ads.
nj.weather Weather in New Jersey.
nlnet.aio Voor/over Assistenten In Opleiding. (Moderated)
nlnet.announce ??
nlnet.culinair ???
nlnet.markt Te koop/huur/ruil gevraagd/aangeboden.
nlnet.misc Algemene discussies.
nlnet.muziek Algemene duscussie over muziek.
nlnet.pico PICO project.
nlnet.taal Discussies over de Nederlandse taal.
nlnet.test Voor testdoeleinden.
no.ai Diskusjon om det tverrfaglige feltet AI.
no.alkohol Alkohol debatt.
no.alt.amiga Om amiga maskiner og programvare.
no.alt.config Konfigurasjon og administrasjon av no.alt.
no.alt.frustrasjoner Frustrations, Norwegian style
no.alt.pompel-og-pilt Diskusjon om den ber|mte TV-serien.
no.alt.tegneserier Discussion of cartoons.
no.c Discussion of the C programming language.
no.ef Diskusjon om EF.
no.embnet Discussion group for Norwegian users of EMBnet
no.eunet.diverse Miscellaneous stuff about EUnet Norway
no.general Items of general interest in Norway.
no.havforskning Faglig diskusjon og informasjon om havforskning.
no.jus Advokatforum
no.kjemi Chemistry.
no.linux LINUX forum.
no.mail.diverse Diverse mail prat
no.mail.drift Leses av ``mail-ansvarlig'' i UNINETT
no.marked Private advertisements.
no.multimedia Discussion around multimedia activities in Norway
no.net Discussion of network related things.
no.news.diverse Discussion of Norwegian newsgroups, software etc.
no.news.drift For konfigurasjon og meldinger om news i norge
no.norsk Om norsk spr}k
no.nuug Forum for the Norwegian Unix Users Group.
no.slekt Genealogical activities in Norway.
no.sources.list Announcements of new, available software.
no.sources.wanted Requests for software.
no.speider Discussion of scout activities in Norwegian
no.tegnsett Tegn-koding for datamaskinbruk, med vekt p} norske s{rtegn
no.test Testing the Norwegian News network.
no.uninett.diverse For UNINETT
no.uninett.drift For UNINETT
no.uninett.hjelp For UNINETT
no.uninett.katalog For UNINETT
no.unix Discussion of the UNIX operating system.
no.vitser Vitser p} norsk.
no.vr Virtual-Reality-related activities in Norway.
no.x Discussions of the X Window System from MIT.
north.market ??
ns.general ??
ny.config USENET Configuration in New York.
ny.forsale Things for sale in NY.
ny.general Items of general interest in New York.
ny.nysernet Discussions about NY State Educ. Research Network.
ny.nysernet.map NYSERNet maps.
ny.nysernet.maps NYSERNet maps.
ny.nysernet.nic ??
ny.nysernet.nysertech NYSERNet related information.
ny.politics Politics in New York.
ny.seminars Seminars in New York.
ny.test USENET news testing in New York.
ny.wanted New York want ads.
nyc.announce Announcements in NYC.
nyc.food ???
nyc.general Items of general interest in NYC.
nyc.seminars Announcements of seminars in the NYC area.
nyc.test USENET Testing in NYC.
nynex.trd.eslab ??
nyu.nupop ??
nyu.pmail ??
nyu.pop ???
oar.noc ??
oar.tech ??
oar.users ??
oau.news Orlando FL news
oc.acm Orange County, CA ACM related information.
oc.forsale Items forsale in Orange County, CA.
oc.general Items of general interest in Orange County, CA.
oc.slug Sun Local Users' Group in Orange County, CA.
oc.test USENET Testing in Orange County, CA.
oc.wanted Items wanted in Orange County, CA.
ogi.general ??
oh.cast Ohio communications group discussion.
oh.chem Chemistry in Ohio.
oh.general Items of general interest in Ohio, USA.
oh.k12 Elementary education in Ohio.
oh.news Usenet in Ohio.
oh.osc.software Ohio Supercomputing Center.
oh.test Testing network news in Ohio.
ok.general Items of general interest in Oklahoma, USA.
ont.archives Archives in Ontario, Canada.
ont.conditions Current highway conditions for winter driving
ont.events Ontario, Canada happenings.
ont.forsale Items forsale/wanted in Ontario, Canada.
ont.general Items of general interest in Ontario, Canada.
ont.jobs Jobs in Ontario, Canada.
ont.micro Microcomputer related postings in Ontario, Canada.
ont.sf-lovers Science Fiction Lovers in Ontario, Canada.
ont.singles Singles in Ontario, Canada.
ont.test Testing in Ontario, Canada.
ont.uucp UUCP related postings in Ontario, Canada.
or.forsale Oregon want ads.
or.general Items of general interest in Oregon.
or.ojgse.cis641 Advanced Computer Graphics.
or.politics Discussion of Oregon political issues and events.
or.test Testing in Oregon.
orst.csos.announce ???
orst.csos.public ???
osu.acm ??
osu.ai ??
osu.ai.aim ??
osu.ai.hardware.sun ??
osu.ai.software.ext.excl ??
osu.ai.software.ext.frame ??
osu.chinese ??
osu.for-sale Items for sale from students at Ohio State University.
osu.general Things of concern to students at Ohio State University.
osu.grads ??
osu.ibm.pc ??
osu.ibmpc ??
osu.indian ??
osu.jobs ??
osu.lisp ??
osu.mac ??
osu.magnus ??
osu.music ??
osu.network ??
osu.opinion ??
osu.opinion.libertarian ??
osu.sports ??
osu.tex ??
osu.women ??
ott.events Seminars and the like at Ottawa sites.
ott.forsale The electronic marketplace for Ottawa.
ott.general General news local to Ottawa sites.
ott.housing Places to live wanted, for sale or for rent
ott.news Network news operations in Ottawa, Canada.
ott.online ???
ott.vietnamese Vietnamese interest group.
ott.weather Weather forecasts for the Ottawa area. (Moderated)
pa.admin Net administration & UUCP connectivity in Pennsylvania.
pa.config USENET configuration for Pennsylvania
pa.forsale Items for sale in Pennsylvania.
pa.general Items of general interest in Pennsylvania.
pa.test USENET testing in Pennsylvania.
pa.wanted Items wanted in Pennsylvania.
pbinfo.amiga ??
pdaxs.ads.antiques Antiques for sale and stores that sell them
pdaxs.ads.apartments Apartments for rent or people that want them.
pdaxs.ads.appliances Appliances for sale and stores that sell them.
pdaxs.ads.audio_video Audio & Video equipment.
pdaxs.ads.boats Boats, yachts, & dinghies for sale.
pdaxs.ads.books Books for sale or wanted & stores that sell them.
pdaxs.ads.cars Cars for sale or wanted.
pdaxs.ads.cars.audio Car stereo & security systems.
pdaxs.ads.cars.misc Car stuff that doesn't fit elsewhere.
pdaxs.ads.cars.rv Recreational vehicles for sale or rent.
pdaxs.ads.cars.service People who work on cars.
pdaxs.ads.clothing Clothing for sale.
pdaxs.ads.computers Computers, software, and accessories for sale.
pdaxs.ads.food Cook's equipment, groceries, cooperatives, etc.
pdaxs.ads.furniture Places to sit and stores that sell it.
pdaxs.ads.homes.n Homes for sale in North Portland.
pdaxs.ads.homes.ne Homes for sale in NorthEast Portland.
pdaxs.ads.homes.nw Homes for sale in NorthWest Portland.
pdaxs.ads.homes.se Homes for sale in SouthEast Portland.
pdaxs.ads.homes.sw Homes for sale in SouthWest Portland.
pdaxs.ads.hotels Hotels, motels, inns, & bed and breakfasts.
pdaxs.ads.jewelry Flaunt it if you've got it.
pdaxs.ads.lostrfound Items or animals lost or found.
pdaxs.ads.misc What the heck is it? Sell it here.
pdaxs.ads.movies Theaters, posters, sneak previews.
pdaxs.ads.music Music stores, places to hear music, instruments.
pdaxs.ads.notices We have to tell you that ...
pdaxs.ads.office Office space for rent or for lease.
pdaxs.ads.personals Personally, I think you sound cute.
pdaxs.ads.printing Desktop publishing, printing, binding.
pdaxs.ads.real_estate Real estate that doesn't fit somewhere else.
pdaxs.ads.restaurants Good places to eat and what you can eat there.
pdaxs.ads.sales Garage sales, auctions, liquidation sales, etc.
pdaxs.ads.sports Sporting goods and activities.
pdaxs.ads.tickets Concert tickets, plane tickets, traffic tickets. Oops.
pdaxs.ads.tools Tools for cutting wood, bending metal, drilling holes.
pdaxs.ads.wanted Have a framistan you're not using? I want it.
pdaxs.arts.auditions Tryouts for plays, dance companies, movies, bands.
pdaxs.arts.museums What's that hanging on the wall?
pdaxs.arts.music Talk about local musicians and foodstamps.
pdaxs.arts.print Books, newspapers, magazines in Portland.
pdaxs.arts.radio Why isn't there a decent station in town?
pdaxs.arts.tv Cable, local shows, Kathy Smith's hair color.
pdaxs.calendar.art Exhibits, showings, and other art events.
pdaxs.calendar.business Business-related events in Portland.
pdaxs.calendar.computers Computer-related events of interest.
pdaxs.calendar.misc Other stuff.
pdaxs.calendar.music Who's playing where and when.
pdaxs.calendar.volunteers We need people to show up for ...
pdaxs.games.board Not bored, board. Like checkers, chinese checkers ...
pdaxs.games.bridge Who's the dummy now?
pdaxs.games.chess OK, I'm Fischer and you can be Spassky ...
pdaxs.games.misc Everything else except headgames (see counseling).
pdaxs.games.rpg Role-playing games, where to buy them, who to play with.
pdaxs.issues.democrats Democratic Party & their stands on issues.
pdaxs.issues.education Educational issues - college, high school, etc.
pdaxs.issues.portland What's really wrong with this town is ...
pdaxs.issues.republicans Republican Party & their stands on issues.
pdaxs.jobs.clerical File clerks, administrative assistants.
pdaxs.jobs.computers Computer sales, support, programming.
pdaxs.jobs.construction We can rebuild it. Or build it.
pdaxs.jobs.delivery Delivery jobs of all sorts.
pdaxs.jobs.domestic Help with the home.
pdaxs.jobs.engineering That's a software problem. .
pdaxs.jobs.management Management positions or trainee positions.
pdaxs.jobs.misc What you'll do is hard to describe.
pdaxs.jobs.restaurants Waitpersons, cooks, bartenders, buspersons.
pdaxs.jobs.resumes We'll help you look really good on paper.
pdaxs.jobs.retail Clothing, hardware, bookstores, electronics.
pdaxs.jobs.sales The second-oldest profession. The first, really.
pdaxs.jobs.secretary Secretarial jobs.
pdaxs.jobs.temporary Temporary work of all kinds.
pdaxs.jobs.volunteers We need people to help us do ...
pdaxs.jobs.wanted Will work for food. And a car. And a trip. And ...
pdaxs.religion.christian Christian religion and activities.
pdaxs.religion.jewish Jewish religion and activities.
pdaxs.religion.misc Who'd we leave out?
pdaxs.religion.moslem Moslem religion and activities.
pdaxs.religion.newage New Age religions and activities.
pdaxs.schools.acting Is that a smile on your face or are you crying?
pdaxs.schools.cooking If you make it, you have to eat it.
pdaxs.schools.dance Up on those toes! Now do the funky chicken.
pdaxs.schools.fitness Ve vill pump you up! .
pdaxs.schools.kids Languages, camps, and private schools.
pdaxs.schools.martial Karate, Tae Kwon Du, Ben Wa, Kung Fu.
pdaxs.schools.misc What we teach is hard to describe ...
pdaxs.schools.music Musical lessons.
pdaxs.schools.sports How to play golf, tennis,.
pdaxs.services.accounting Accounting, bookkeeping, tax advice.
pdaxs.services.appliance Get that toaster fixed.
pdaxs.services.carpentry Tired of hitting your thumb with the hammer?
pdaxs.services.children Child care.
pdaxs.services.cleaning Is it that time of year again?
pdaxs.services.computers Get yours fixed or learn how to use it.
pdaxs.services.consulting We empty wallets quickly & efficiently.
pdaxs.services.counseling Why are you the way you are?
pdaxs.services.electrical Things that go bzzzztt in the night.
pdaxs.services.financial Got some money? We'll spend it for you.
pdaxs.services.fitness Personal trainers and other hard bodies.
pdaxs.services.gardening Watering, pruning, nurturing.
pdaxs.services.graphics Pictures and images to order.
pdaxs.services.insurance Fire, auto, life, etc.
pdaxs.services.int_design Interior design.
pdaxs.services.landscaping Your lawn needs some help.
pdaxs.services.legal Incorporation, bankruptcy, divorce, etc.
pdaxs.services.massage Feeling a little stiff?
pdaxs.services.misc What we do is hard to describe ...
pdaxs.services.moving Tired of the same place?
pdaxs.services.music Learn to play the tuba!
pdaxs.services.painting Tired of a blue house? Try ochre!
pdaxs.services.pets Why is Rover green?
pdaxs.services.photo Photographers and videotapers.
pdaxs.services.plumbing Why is the furniture floating past me?
pdaxs.services.roofing Raindrops keep falling on my head.
pdaxs.services.security Security systems for sale.
pdaxs.services.storage Can't bear to throw it away?
pdaxs.services.wordproc Papers and novels done dirt cheap.
pdaxs.sports.baseball American's pastime in the Rose City.
pdaxs.sports.basketball Blazers, Pilots, and other hoops.
pdaxs.sports.football NFL, semi-pro, and high school.
pdaxs.sports.golf Speak softly and carry a big stick.
pdaxs.sports.rotisserie Those that can, do. Those that can't ...
pdx.books Information about various books.
pdx.computing Computing information.
pdx.forsale Stuff for sale.
pdx.games Talk about games.
pdx.general General discissions
pdx.golf Talk regarding golf.
pdx.movies Talk regarding movies.
pdx.music Talk regarding music.
pdx.online On-line information. (BBS's, Usenet access, etc.)
pdx.running Running information.
pdx.singles Singles information.
pdx.slug Sun Users group.
pdx.soc Social events in Portland, Or.
pdx.sports Sports in Portland, Or.
pdx.telecom Issues regarding telecommunications.
pdx.test Tests.
pdx.utek Discissions regarding UTek, the Tektronix implimention of Unix.
pgh.food Food in Pittsburgh.
pgh.general Items of general interest in Pittsburgh.
pgh.next-users NeXT Users in Pittsburgh.
pgh.test Testing in Pittsburgh.
phl.announce Announcements of general interest in Philadelphia
phl.config USENET configuration for Philadelphia
phl.dance Dance events, reviews and discussions
phl.food Restaurant information and reviews
phl.forsale Items for sale in Philadelphia
phl.misc Miscellaneous postings
phl.music Musical events, reviews and discussions
phl.outdoors Outdoor recreation - camping, hiking, parks
phl.sports Sporting events and discussions
phl.test USENET testing in Philadelphia
phl.theatre Theatre events, reviews and discussions
phl.wanted Items wanted in Philadelphia
phl.weather Weather forecasts for the Philadelphia area
phri.general ??
pipex.admin Gateway of the PIPEX Administrative contacts' mailing list
pipex.dialup Info relevant only to PIPEX dialup customers
pipex.info Gateway of the public pipex-info mailing list
pipex.news Postings about the Pipex Usenet news service
pipex.techs Gateway of the PIPEX technical-contacts mailing list
pipex.tickets Maintenance and fault tickets forwarded from other networks
pnw.forsale Things for sale.
pnw.general General information.
pnw.motss Issues about homosexuality in the Pacific Northwest.
pnw.news General news issues.
pnw.personals ??
pnw.sys.sun Sun users.
pnw.test Your vanilla test group.
prg.jobs ??
princeton.general Items of general interest to Princeton.
princeton.grad Announcments of interest to Grad Students at Princeton.
psi.general PSINet general announcements and discussion.
psi.nrg PSINet problem reports about NSFnet.
psi.nwg PSINet problem reports from NSFnet NOC.
psi.psilink ???
psi.psinet PSINet mailing list extension.
psi.stats PSINet network statistics.
psi.test Testing with PSI.
psi.tickets PSINet trouble reports.
purdue.forsale Advertisements for items for sale
purdue.general Items of interest for all Purdue sites.
qtp.bulletin ??
qtp.general ??
rain.bsdi-users Gateway to the bsdi users mailing list.
rain.firewalls Gatewayed with the firewalls mailing list.
rain.smail3 Gatewayed with the smail3 mailing list.
rain.sources ??
rain.sources.d ??
resif.admin Questions administratives sur la hierarchie
resif.conferences Annonces de conferences et seminaires
resif.cuisine Tout sur les plaisirs du palais
resif.culture La culture et tout ce qui s'en approche
resif.divers Ce qui ne va nulle part ailleurs
resif.info.amiga Groupe sur les machines Amiga
resif.info.atari Groupe sur les machines Atari
resif.info.divers Discussions informatiques diverses
resif.info.mac Groupe sur les machines Macintosh
resif.info.msdos Systeme d'exploitation MS-DOS et clones
resif.info.next Groupe sur les machines NeXT
resif.info.unix Systemes de la famille Unix
resif.info.vms Systeme proprietaire VMS de Digital
resif.info.x Discussions sur le systeme de fenetrage X11
resif.ldp Forum d'expression libre
resif.oracle L'oracle francophone (Moderated)
resif.reseaux.divers Discussions diverses sur les reseaux
resif.reseaux.modems Modems et equipements de communications
resif.test Pour vos tests de diffusion
ri.admin Rhode Island hierarchy administrative discussions.
ri.general General discussion in Rhode Island, USA.
ri.k12.experiences K-12 oriented discussions about the Internet.
ri.k12.providers.funding Funding for Rhode Island K-12 networks.
ri.k12.providers.staff Staffing issues facing Rhode Island K-12 networks.
ri.k12.providers.tech Technical aspects facing Rhode Island K-12 networks.
ri.k12.socialstudies Rhode Island K-12 social studies discussions.
ri.politics Politics in the state of Rhode Island.
ri.test Testing network news in the ri hierarchy.
rpi.acm RPI Chapter of the Association for Computing Machinery
rpi.announce RPI Announcements of general interest
rpi.arts.animation Animation fans at Rennselaer.
rpi.course.analysis-alg ??
rpi.courses.ai Material related to the Introduction to AI course.
rpi.courses.analysis-alg Design and Analysis of Algorithms.
rpi.courses.chem2 Material and discussion related to Chemistry II.
rpi.courses.comp-graphics Computer Graphics course.
rpi.courses.compiler-design CS compiler design course.
rpi.courses.decision-sys DSES Information and Decision Systems course.
rpi.courses.ecse-ai ECSE Fundamentals of Artifical Intelligence course.
rpi.courses.electronic-arts Electronic Arts Overview Course
rpi.courses.fscs1 Fundamental Structures of Computer Science I.
rpi.courses.fscs2 ??
rpi.courses.linear-systems ECSE course on Linear Systems.
rpi.courses.tv-eye TV EYE: Television, Popular Culture and Media Arts course.
rpi.courses.unit-operations Environmental Engr Unit Operations course.
rpi.cs RPI Computer Science Dept.
rpi.cs.csab For the Computer Science Advisory Board (CSAB).
rpi.cs.grads For graduates in CS.
rpi.cs.lab Announcements about software/hardware changes.
rpi.culture.chinese Local Chinese culture and exchange of Chinese text.
rpi.culture.indian For the Asian-Indian population at RPI.
rpi.ecs RPI Engineering Computing Systems Dept.
rpi.email Electronic Mail at Rensselaer.
rpi.forsale Items wanted and offered around campus.
rpi.general General RPI-wide discussions.
rpi.gnu GNU software at RPI.
rpi.grads Discussion about Graduate Student Issues in general.
rpi.ieee ??
rpi.ipl News and information about the ECSE Image Processing Lab.
rpi.its Information Technology Services.
rpi.its.newscache ?? (Moderated)
rpi.lang-lit-comm ??
rpi.libraries Information regarding the services of the Rensselaer Libraries.
rpi.news USENET News at RPI.
rpi.rcs ??
rpi.rcs.suggest ??
rpi.rdrc Rensselaer Development Research Center.
rpi.rumor Thoughts and Ideas about the future and present.
rpi.science The School of Science at Rensselaer.
rpi.suns Sun computers on campus.
rpi.sys.amiga ??
rpi.talk General social discussion.
rpi.talk.dormnet ??
rpi.talk.irc Discussion of the IRC service at RPI.
rpi.test For testing USENET.
rpi.text.tex The TeX text processing language.
rpi.union.electronics The electronics club.
rpi.union.glba Gay, Lesbian and Bi Alliance.
rpi.union.ham-radio The Amateur Radio Club at RPI.
rpi.union.republicans RPI Chapter of the College Republicans.
rpi.windows.x X Window System on Rensselaer machines.
ru.general ??
sac.general General talk group.
sac.swap Sacramento For-Sale group.
sac.test Test Posting Group.
sanet.adverts Adverts for just about anything.
sanet.announce Announcements about sanet. (Moderated)
sanet.config Discussion about the configuration of sanet.
sanet.flame Sanet's version of alt.flame.
sanet.fun General humour conference.
sanet.ibmpc Anything concerning ISA machines.
sanet.lang.c C Language conference.
sanet.maps UUCP maps. (Moderated)
sanet.modems Anything concerning modems and telecom hardware.
sanet.monty-python Fun stuff.
sanet.newsletters UniForum and other newsletters. (Moderated)
sanet.newsletters.d Discussion about the newsletters in sanet.newsletters.
sanet.radio.packet Gatewayed packet radio stuff.
sanet.sources.d Discussion on sources that are posted on Sanet.
sanet.talk.politics Talk about politics.
sanet.talk.religion Talk about religion.
sanet.tech Networking in South Africa. (Moderated)
sanet.test For testing sanet.
sanet.uniforum Discussion about UniForum-SA.
sanet.unix.questions Questions related to the Unix operating system.
sanet.unix.sources Unix source code posted here. (Moderated)
sanet.unix.talk Talk about Unix.
scot.announce Scotland/North England Wide: General Announcements
scot.environment ???
scot.followup Followups to scot.general articles
scot.general Scotland/North England Wide: General Articles
scot.test Testing
sdnet.cerfnet San Diego city/county CERFNet news
sdnet.computing San Diego discussions of computing issues
sdnet.eats San Diego restaurant news and reviews
sdnet.events San Diego announcements about events around town
sdnet.forsale San Diego stuff for sale (see also sdnet.wanted)
sdnet.general San Diego items of general interest
sdnet.housing San Diego places to live wanted/available
sdnet.jobs San Diego jobs wanted/offered in town only
sdnet.misc San Diego discussions that don't have their own group
sdnet.motss San Diego gay, bi, lesbians and friends
sdnet.movies San Diego movie reviews and comments
sdnet.music San Diego concert/performance reviews and comments
sdnet.next San Diego NeXT users group
sdnet.politics San Diego City and County politics
sdnet.rideshare San Diego rides wanted/offered
sdnet.seminars San Diego talks, lectures, seminars announcments
sdnet.test San Diego news system testing
sdnet.theatre San Diego plays and performance reviews and comments
sdnet.waffle San Diego Waffle BBS discussions
sdnet.wanted San Diego items wanted (see also sdnet.forsale)
seattle.admin Network news administration in Seattle, Washington.
seattle.forsale Things for sale in Seattle.
seattle.general Items of general interest in Seattle, Washington.
seattle.test USENET testing in Seattle, Washington
seismic.general ??
sfnet.aloittelijoille Uusien uutistenk{ytt{jien foorumi
sfnet.atk ATK-alan yleisk{ytt|inen p{{ryhm{
sfnet.atk.amiga Commodore Amiga
sfnet.atk.atari Atari
sfnet.atk.cpm CP/M
sfnet.atk.flpf Finnish League for Programming Freedom keskustelua
sfnet.atk.flpf.tiedotukset Finnish League for Programming Freedom tiedotuksia (Moderated)
sfnet.atk.gnu Gnu is not Unix
sfnet.atk.grafiikka Ryhm{ tietokonegrafiikasta kiinnostuneille
sfnet.atk.hallinto.hevi ??
sfnet.atk.hallinto.opintohallinto ??
sfnet.atk.hallinto.valma ??
sfnet.atk.hallinto.yleinen ??
sfnet.atk.hallinto.ysky ??
sfnet.atk.kerhot ATK-alan kerhojen yhteyskanava
sfnet.atk.korkeakoulujen-mikrotuki Korkeakoulujen mikrotukikeskuksen tiedotuskanava
sfnet.atk.kulttuuri Tietojenk{sittelyn kulttuuri ennen ja nyt
sfnet.atk.laitteet Kovosta kiinnostuneiden rautaista keskustelua
sfnet.atk.laitteet.pc Intel i86 arkkitehtuurin mikrot ja oheislaitteet
sfnet.atk.linux Linux, 30386 arkkitehtuurilla toimiva vapaa *nix tyyppinen kj.
sfnet.atk.mac Apple Machintosh
sfnet.atk.mach Mach-mikrokernelarkkitehtuuri
sfnet.atk.minix Minix, opetus k{ytt||n tehty *nix tyyppinen kj.
sfnet.atk.ms-dos MS-DOS
sfnet.atk.sodat Erilaisten tietokoneiden/ohjelmien puolustamista ja mollaamista
sfnet.atk.tex TeX ladontaj{rjestelm{n asiantuntijoiden foorumi
sfnet.atk.turvallisuus Tietoturvakysymykset tietojenk{sittelyss{
sfnet.atk.unix Unix
sfnet.atk.vm IBM:n VM ja CMS
sfnet.atk.vms DEC:n VMS
sfnet.atk.yllapito Tietokoneiden yll{pidosta
sfnet.checkgroups sfnet ryhmien tarkistus viestit
sfnet.csc TLP:n kyselykanava
sfnet.csc.tiedotukset TLPn tiedotuskanava (Moderated)
sfnet.eunet.tiedotukset EUnetin tiedotuskanava (Moderated)
sfnet.funet.tiedotukset FUNETin tiedotuskanava (Moderated)
sfnet.fuug.tiedotukset FUUGin tiedotuskanava (Moderated)
sfnet.harrastus Sekalaisia harrastuksia
sfnet.harrastus.aseet Ase- ja ampumaharrastajien foorumi
sfnet.harrastus.astronomia T{htitieteen harrastajille (Moderated)
sfnet.harrastus.autot Autoilijoiden keskustelukanava
sfnet.harrastus.biljardi Biljardin pelaajat
sfnet.harrastus.dx-kuuntelu Dx-keskustelua
sfnet.harrastus.elektroniikka ??
sfnet.harrastus.elokuvat tai sfnet.keskustelu.viestinta, jotka voivat
sfnet.harrastus.ham Radioamat||ritoiminnasta keskustelua
sfnet.harrastus.ilmailu Ilmailun harrastajat
sfnet.harrastus.kalastus ??
sfnet.harrastus.kulttuuri Kulttuurinharrastajien keskustelukanava
sfnet.harrastus.kulttuuri.sarjakuvat Sarjakuvat, piirrokset ja animaatio
sfnet.harrastus.kulttuuri.sf Science Fiction harrastajat
sfnet.harrastus.mensa Mensan kanava
sfnet.harrastus.mp Moottoripy|r{ilyn harrastajat
sfnet.harrastus.musiikki Musiikinharrastajat
sfnet.harrastus.partio Partiointia Suomessa ja maailman turuilla
sfnet.harrastus.pelit Pelit ja leikit
sfnet.harrastus.pelit.rooli Roolipelajien ryhm{
sfnet.harrastus.pelit.shakki Shakinharrastajien foorumi
sfnet.harrastus.pelit.strategia Strategiapelien harrastajat
sfnet.harrastus.puutarha ??
sfnet.harrastus.retkeily Retkeily ja vaellus
sfnet.harrastus.ruoka+juoma Kulinaristien kohtauspaikka
sfnet.harrastus.tanssi Tanssinharrastajien tiedotus- ja keskustelukanava
sfnet.harrastus.urheilu Urheilu-uutisia ja keskustelua
sfnet.harrastus.valokuvaus Kamerank{ytt{jien kerho
sfnet.harrastus.veneet Veneilynharrastajien oma kanava
sfnet.harrastus.viinit Keskustelu viineist{
sfnet.harrastus.visailu Kilpailuja ja teht{vi{ muiden iloksi
sfnet.huuhaa Vapaamuotoista kirjoittelua
sfnet.ieee IEEE:n Suomen osaston tiedoituskanava
sfnet.keskustelu Sana on vapaa
sfnet.keskustelu.avaruustoiminta Kotimainen avaruustoiminta
sfnet.keskustelu.evoluutio Keskustelua evoluutiosta
sfnet.keskustelu.ey Kansalaiskeskustelua EY:n tiimoilta
sfnet.keskustelu.filosofia Filosofiasta kiinnostuneille
sfnet.keskustelu.foreigners Forum for foreigners in Finland
sfnet.keskustelu.huumeet Psykoaktiiviset aineet eli tajusteet
sfnet.keskustelu.huumori Huumoria huuleen
sfnet.keskustelu.ihmissuhteet Ihmisten v{liset suhteet
sfnet.keskustelu.kieli Kielet ja niiden k{ytt|
sfnet.keskustelu.koulutus Opetus, opiskelu, oppilaitokset, koulutus
sfnet.keskustelu.laki Lakiasiat ja oikeusk{yt{nt| Suomessa ja muualla
sfnet.keskustelu.lapset Keskustelua lapsista ja lastenkasvatuksesta
sfnet.keskustelu.liikenne Liikenne ja liikennepolitiikka
sfnet.keskustelu.maanpuolustus Maanpuolustus ja siihen liittyv{t asiat
sfnet.keskustelu.politiikka Yhteinen kanava yhteisille asioille
sfnet.keskustelu.psykologia Psykologiaa
sfnet.keskustelu.rajatieteet Tiedon ja uskon rajamaat
sfnet.keskustelu.seksi ??
sfnet.keskustelu.skeptismi Randin hengenheimolaiset
sfnet.keskustelu.talous Kauppa ja talous
sfnet.keskustelu.terveys Terveys ja sen hoito
sfnet.keskustelu.uskonto Uskokaa tai {lk{{
sfnet.keskustelu.varaventtiili Liikojen h|yryjen purkupaikka
sfnet.keskustelu.vienstinta.radio ??
sfnet.keskustelu.viestinta Kaikenlainen viestint{
sfnet.keskustelu.viestinta.tv Kaikenlaista television tiimoilta
sfnet.keskustelu.vitsit Kaskujen ker{yskanava
sfnet.keskustelu.yhteiskunta Yhteinen kanava yhteisille asioille
sfnet.keskustelu.ymparisto Ymp{riston tila ja tulevaisuus
sfnet.matkustaminen Matkakertomuksia ja vihjeit{
sfnet.opiskelu Yleist{ keskustelua opiskelusta
sfnet.opiskelu.kult Kulttuurintutkimuksen opiskelijat
sfnet.opiskelu.sospsyk Sosiaalipsykologian opiskelijat
sfnet.opiskelu.ymp Ymp{rist|alan opetuksen keskusteluryhm{
sfnet.opiskelu.ymp.kurssit Ymp{rist|alan kurssit (Moderated)
sfnet.tapahtumat Yleinen valtakunnallinen tapahtumakalenteri
sfnet.test Testiryhm{ uutisten toiminnan testaukseen yll{pit{jille
sfnet.tiede Tieteenharjoittajien poikkitieteellinen p{{ryhm{
sfnet.tiede.arkeologia Arkeologian tiedotus- ja keskustelukanava
sfnet.tiede.astronomia T{htitieteilij|iden yhteinen ilmoitus- ja keskustelufoorumi
sfnet.tiede.bio Biotieteiden yleisryhm{
sfnet.tiede.bio.elaint El{intieteen tiedotus- ja keskustelufoorumi
sfnet.tiede.bio.elaint.jatkokoulutus El{intieteen jatko-opiskelijat
sfnet.tiede.bio.kasvit Kasvitieteilij|iden foorumi
sfnet.tiede.bio.kasvit.info Kasvitieteen uutisryhm{.
sfnet.tiede.bio.kasvit.j-opas Kasvitieteen jatko-opinto-opas.
sfnet.tiede.bio.troopp+ymp Trooppisen Biologian ja Ymp{rist|tieteiden jatkokoulutusohjelma
sfnet.tiede.didaktiikka Opettajankoulutus ja kasvatustiede
sfnet.tiede.fysiikka Fyysikkojen keskustelukanava
sfnet.tiede.geofysiikka ??
sfnet.tiede.hahmontunnistus Hahmontunnistajien keskustelukanava
sfnet.tiede.historia Historijoitsijoille.
sfnet.tiede.kasvatus Kasvatustieteen kanava
sfnet.tiede.kehitystutkimus Kehitystutkijoiden yhteyskanava
sfnet.tiede.kemia Kemistien keskustelu- ja tiedotuskanava
sfnet.tiede.kielitiede Kielitieteilij|iden keskustelukanava
sfnet.tiede.kirjastot Tieteelliset kirjastot
sfnet.tiede.kulttutk Kulttuurien tutkimus ja jatkokoulutus
sfnet.tiede.laake.kemia.kliininen ??
sfnet.tiede.maantiede Maantieteilij|iden keskustelufoorumi
sfnet.tiede.matematiikka Matemaatikot keskustelemassa
sfnet.tiede.metsantutkimus Mets{ntutkijat etsiv{t mets{{ puilta
sfnet.tiede.nonlinear Foorumi ep{lineaaristen ilmi|iden tutkijoille
sfnet.tiede.tietotekniikka Tietotekniikan tieteenharjoittajat
sfnet.tiede.tietotekniikka.tohtorix Tietotekniikan jatkokoulutus
sfnet.tiede.tilastotiede Tilastotieteilij|iden avoin keskustelukanava
sfnet.tiede.tilastotiede.jatkokoulutus jatkokoulutusohjelma (Moderated)
sfnet.tiede.yt.info YT-INFO Yhteiskuntatieteilij|iden tapahtumakalenteri
sfnet.tiede.yt.kurssit YT-KURSS Sosiaalitieteiden jatkokoulutuskurssit
sfnet.tiede.yt.kvaltut YT-KVALI kvalitatiivisesta tutkimuksesta
sfnet.tiede.yt.laitokset YT-LAITO Sosiaalitieteiden jatkokoulutuslaitoksien esittely{
sfnet.tiede.yt.metodit YT-METOD kvantitatiiviset menetelm{t
sfnet.tiede.yt.yleis YT-YLEIS Yhteiskuntatieteilij|iden Vapaa Sana
sfnet.tietoliikenne Tietoliikenteen keskustelu foorumi
sfnet.tietoliikenne.katko Tietoa tietoliikenteen katkoista
sfnet.tietoliikenne.palvelimet Verkkojen julkiset palvelimet eli serverit
sfnet.tietoliikenne.ryhmat+listat Uudet ryhm{t ja listat
sfnet.tietoliikenne.tekniikka Tekninen verkkogurujen kohtauspaikka
sfnet.tietoliikenne.tilastot Tilastoja verkon palveluista
sfnet.tietoliikenne.viestinviejat Viestien jakelukanavien yll{pito
sfnet.tori.asunnot Asuntopalsta
sfnet.tori.kyydit Matkaseuran etsij|ille
sfnet.tori.muut ??
sfnet.tori.myydaan Myyntipalsta
sfnet.tori.ostetaan Ostopalsta
sfnet.tori.tyopaikat Etsit{{n/tarjotaan ty|t{
sgi.general ??
slac.announce.important Important site-wide SLAC Announcements (Moderated)
slac.announce.outages.lan Announcements of SLAC LAN Outages
slac.announce.outages.mac Announcements of SLAC Mac Network Outages
slac.announce.outages.network Announcements of All SLAC Network Outages
slac.announce.outages.wan Announcements of SLAC WAN Outages
slac.announce.scs Announcements of Interest to SLAC Computing Services
slac.announce.slacvm Announcements Concerning SLACVM Service
slac.announce.slacvx Announcements Concerning SLACVX Service
slac.announce.unixhub Announcements Concerning UNIXHUB Service
slac.aps.news Weekly News Bulletin of the APS (Moderated)
slac.b-factory.2gamma ??
slac.b-factory.calorimeter ??
slac.b-factory.comp B-Factory Computing Discussion Group
slac.b-factory.ir ??
slac.b-factory.magnet ??
slac.b-factory.parameters B-Factory Parameters Discussion Group
slac.b-factory.particleid ??
slac.b-factory.physics ??
slac.b-factory.tracking B-Factory Tracking Discussion Group
slac.b-factory.vertex ??
slac.bes.status ?
slac.bsd.minutes Business Services Division Minutes
slac.building-mgr Discussion Group For SLAC Building Managers
slac.ccg.minutes Minutes of the Central Computing Advisory Group
slac.cesr.news News of the CESR and CLEOII at Cornell
slac.comp.fcs ??
slac.database.nomad ??
slac.database.oracle Discussion of the Use of ORACLE at SLAC
slac.database.spires Discussion of the Use of SPIRES at SLAC
slac.database.spires.eldreq ?
slac.e142.minutes Minutes of the E142 Collaboration
slac.eld.fbsim ??
slac.emergency-ops Discussion of SLAC Emergency Operations Issues
slac.esh.escorts Discussion group for ES&H Tiger Team escorts
slac.general Announcements of General Site-wide Interest
slac.group-c.general Experimental Group C Discussion Group
slac.groups Announcement/Description of SLAC News Groups
slac.jobs Description of SLAC Job Openings.
slac.lang.c Discussion of the Use of C at SLAC.
slac.lang.c++ Discussion of the use of C++ at SLAC.
slac.lang.fortran Discussion of the Use of FORTRAN at SLAC.
slac.lang.maple ??
slac.lang.pascal Discussion of the Use of Pascal at SLAC.
slac.lang.postscript Use of Postscript and PS Printers at SLAC.
slac.lang.rexx Discussion of the Use of REXX at SLAC.
slac.library.hepths (SLAC newsgroup)
slac.library.ppf ??
slac.library.ppf.string ??
slac.listserv.sldphy-l Gateway to/from SLDPHY-L Listserv List
slac.market SLAC For Sale Classifieds
slac.net.usenet Discussion of the Use of Netnews at SLAC
slac.networks ??
slac.news.stats SLAC Usenet statistics (Moderated)
slac.newusers.unix ??
slac.physapps.cernlib Discussion of SLAC use of CERNLIB
slac.rec.books Announcements of the SLAC Book Club
slac.rec.food Announcements of Culinary Interest at SLAC
slac.rec.garden Announcements of the SLAC Garden Club
slac.rec.health Announcements from the SLAC Medical Office
slac.rec.music Announcements of Musical Interest at SLAC
slac.scs.ibm-pc Discussion Group for SCS PC Support Coordinators
slac.scs.minutes Minutes of the SCS Managers' Meetings
slac.scs.sitewide SCS Announcements of Site-wide Interest
slac.scs.tigerteam SCS Discussion Re: DOE TigerTeam Visit
slac.scs.trips SCS Trip Reports
slac.seminars.comp Announcements of Computer Seminars at SLAC
slac.seminars.physics Announcements of Physics Seminars at SLAC
slac.silicon.tracking ??
slac.slacvx Announcements/Discussion on VAX 9000 Service
slac.slc.news Weekly News From the SLC (Moderated)
slac.slc.polariz Discussion of SLC Polarized Beam Effort
slac.slc.reports SLC Reports (Moderated)
slac.sluo.computing.minutes ??
slac.sluo.minutes Minutes of the SLAC User Organization
slac.soc.women Announcements/Minutes of the SLAC Women's Group
slac.ssc.news News Bulletins From the SSC (Moderated)
slac.tau-charm.comp Discussion of Tau Charm Computing Issues
slac.tau-charm.detector Discussion of Tau Charm Detector Issues
slac.test Netnews Testing Group
slac.test.mod (Moderated) (Moderated)
slac.text.frame Discussion of the Use of FrameMaker at SLAC
slac.text.tex Discussion of the Use of TeX at SLAC
slac.users.aix Discussion Group For AIX Users at SLAC
slac.users.amiga Discussion Group for AMIGA Users at SLAC
slac.users.ibm-pc Discussion Group for IBM PC Users at SLAC
slac.users.mac Discussion Group for Macintosh Users at SLAC
slac.users.next Discussion Group for NeXT Users at SLAC
slac.users.unix General Discussion for UNIX Users at SLAC
slac.users.windows.x ??
slac.vcg.minutes Minutes of the VAX Coordinating Committee
slac.vm.pipelines Discussion of the Use of CMS PIPES at SLAC
slo.club ??
slo.club.rose-float ??
slo.dept.csc ??
slo.flame ??
slo.for-sale ??
slo.general ??
slo.housing ??
slo.ibm-pc ??
slo.politics ??
slo.punks ??
slo.stats ??
slo.sun ??
slo.test ??
slo.unix-questions ??
sqnt-public.forsale ??
srg.drs1 Swiss Radio DRS1, program information
srg.drs2 Swiss Radio DRS2, program information
srg.drs3 Swiss Radio DRS3, program information
srg.info Swiss Broadcasting Corp. (SRG) related info.
srg.programme Swiss Radio DRS, combined program information
srg.ticker Communication & science related info (ELSA/SRG)
srg.tvdrs Swiss TV related info; sources: ELSA & SRG
sri.market ??
sta.general Items of general interest in Starnberg.
sta.test Tests in and around Starnberg.
stgt.general Topics of general interest in Stuttgart
stl.general General interest items for St. Louis sites.
stl.jobs St. Louis job information.
stl.news St. Louis USENET information.
stl.rec St. Louis recreational information.
stl.test Testing in St. Louis.
su.admin Discussion of Stanford Administrative Procedures
su.admin.tips Tips of SU Administration Procedures
su.class.ce214 ???
su.class.ce288 A Stanford Class
su.class.cs001u A Stanford Class
su.class.cs022 A Stanford Class
su.class.cs040 A Stanford Class
su.class.cs050 A Stanford Class
su.class.cs105a A Stanford Class
su.class.cs106a A Stanford Class
su.class.cs106x A Stanford Class
su.class.cs107 A Stanford Class
su.class.cs109a A Stanford Class
su.class.cs109b A Stanford Class
su.class.cs110 A Stanford Class
su.class.cs137 Another Stanford Class Group
su.class.cs140 A Stanford Class
su.class.cs143 A Stanford Class
su.class.cs145 A Stanford Class
su.class.cs154 A Stanford Class
su.class.cs157 A Stanford Class
su.class.cs161 A Stanford Class
su.class.cs193c A Stanford Class
su.class.cs193d ??
su.class.cs193e A Stanford Class
su.class.cs193m A Stanford Class
su.class.cs193u A Stanford Class
su.class.cs193x X Window System Programming
su.class.cs194 A Stanford Class
su.class.cs194a Software Project Laboratory
su.class.cs197 A Stanford Class
su.class.cs198 A Stanford Class
su.class.cs200 ???
su.class.cs201 A Stanford Class
su.class.cs221 A Stanford Class
su.class.cs222 A Stanford Class
su.class.cs222.lab A Stanford Class
su.class.cs225a A Stanford Class
su.class.cs226 A Stanford Class
su.class.cs227 A Stanford Class
su.class.cs228a A Stanford Class
su.class.cs229 A Stanford Class
su.class.cs240a A Stanford Class
su.class.cs240b A Stanford Class
su.class.cs242 A Stanford Class
su.class.cs243 A Stanford Class
su.class.cs244 A Stanford Class
su.class.cs245 A Stanford Class
su.class.cs247 A Stanford Class
su.class.cs248 A Stanford Class
su.class.cs248a A Stanford Class
su.class.cs254 A Stanford Class
su.class.cs257 A Stanford Class
su.class.cs258 A Stanford Class
su.class.cs260 ??
su.class.cs304 A Stanford Class
su.class.cs306 A Stanford Class
su.class.cs309a A Stanford Class
su.class.cs309c A Stanford Class
su.class.cs315 A Stanford Class
su.class.cs315a A Stanford Class
su.class.cs315b A Stanford Class
su.class.cs323 A Stanford Class
su.class.cs325 Planning Methods in Artificial Intelligence
su.class.cs327b A Stanford Class
su.class.cs340 A Stanford Class
su.class.cs342 A Stanford Class
su.class.cs343 A Stanford Class
su.class.cs345 A Stanford Class
su.class.cs346 Another Stanford Class Group
su.class.cs347 A Stanford Class
su.class.cs348a A Stanford Class
su.class.cs348b A Stanford Class
su.class.cs349 A Stanford Class
su.class.cs363 Combinatorial Optimization
su.class.cs367a A Stanford Class
su.class.cs378 A Stanford Class
su.class.cs426 A Stanford Class
su.class.cs443 A Stanford Class
su.class.e235 Space Systems Engineering
su.class.econ103 A Stanford Class
su.class.ed224 Information Technology in the Classroom
su.class.ee101 Circuits and Systems I
su.class.ee113 A Stanford Class
su.class.ee182 Another Stanford Class Group
su.class.ee214 A Stanford Class
su.class.ee271 A Stanford Class
su.class.ee272a A Stanford Class
su.class.ee272b ??
su.class.ee278 A Stanford Class
su.class.ee282 A Stanford Class
su.class.ee311 A Stanford Class
su.class.ee313 A Stanford Class
su.class.ee315 A Stanford Class
su.class.ee318 A Stanford Class
su.class.ee363 A Stanford Class
su.class.ee371 ??
su.class.ee381 A Stanford Class
su.class.ee384 A Stanford Class
su.class.ee482 A Stanford Class
su.class.ee488 ??
su.class.engl1b12 A Stanford Class
su.class.french24 ???
su.class.french3 ???
su.class.humbio11 Another Stanford Class Group
su.class.me100 Differential Equations in Engineering
su.class.me239 Finite Element Methods in Computational Inelasticity
su.class.or351 A Stanford Class
su.class.sitn A Stanford Class
su.class.ss201 A Stanford Class
su.class.stat207 A Stanford Class
su.class.swopsi096 A Stanford Class
su.class.ugs117 ??
su.class.vtss160 A Stanford Class
su.computers General computer talk group.
su.computers.afs Campus AFS (Andrew File System) issues.
su.computers.amiga Amiga computer group.
su.computers.dialin Stanford Dialin
su.computers.ibm IBM pc clone type system running any OS group.
su.computers.mac Macintosh computer group.
su.computers.nethax Network Issues in general.
su.computers.next NeXT computer group.
su.computers.ntp ntp (Network Time Protocol) group.
su.computers.rcc Resident Computer Cluster issues group.
su.computers.terman.cluster Terman Eng Computer Center
su.computers.unix Talk about the Unix Operating System.
su.etc General issues about general things, generally.
su.events Things happening at SU.
su.events.residences Things happening at SU residences.
su.gay Gay issues group.
su.jobs Want adds for the Stanford Community.
su.library.math-cs Math-CS library issues group.
su.lost-and-found Things lost and found.
su.market Classified adds.
su.market.textbooks Classified adds for textbooks.
su.math Talk about math, all kinds of math!
su.news Talk about the Stanford Usenet News system.
su.news-service.announcements Announcements from the SU news service.
su.news-service.press-releases Press Releases from the SU news service.
su.org.ac.announcements ??
su.org.acsss ??
su.org.archeology Archeology club group.
su.org.assu The ASSU discussion group.
su.org.assu.elections Talk about ASSU Student elections
su.org.bridgeclub Lets Play Bridge!
su.org.ccrma.220 ??
su.org.ccrma.bboard The Center for Computer Music discussion group.
su.org.ccrma.gripes ??
su.org.cogsci The Cognitive Science Club.
su.org.cycling The Stanford Cycling Club.
su.org.disabled The Stanford Disabled Organization.
su.org.ecohouse The Ecological Theme House group.
su.org.ham-radio The SU ham radio club.
su.org.hillel The SU Jewish Society club.
su.org.hpp-aerobics The Health Improvement Aerobics club.
su.org.i-center The Stanford International Cneter.
su.org.ieee The SU Student IEEE club.
su.org.india The Country India Student club.
su.org.lsa Stanford Lan System Administrators
su.org.multimedia The Stanford Computer MultiMedia Club
su.org.orch The orchestra club.
su.org.review The Campus Review Newspaper - Electronic version.
su.org.review.d Discussion group for Campus Review Newspaper.
su.org.rotc Stanford R.O.T.C.
su.org.running The Stanford Running Club.
su.org.scca ??
su.org.see Stanford Employees for Equity.
su.org.sharp ??
su.org.ski-club The Stanford Ski Club group.
su.org.sscp Stanford Solar Car Project
su.org.stems Stanford Entrpreneuer Managment Socitey.
su.org.swe Stanford Society for Women Engineers group.
su.org.teaching Center for Teaching and Learning group.
su.org.womens-center The Stanford Womens Center group.
su.school.med Stanford Medical School
su.school.or Operations Research Department
su.school.polisci Department of Political Science Issues group.
su.school.religious-studies Department of Religious Studies Issues group.
su.sports Casares/Zappalla betting line.
su.test Group for testing news.
sura.announce SURAnet announcements. (Moderated)
sura.config Discussion of sura hierarchy configuration.
sura.noc.status SURAnet operational status messages. (Moderated)
sura.security Discussions about security. (Moderated)
sura.techs Discussions about SURAnet technical issues.
swnet.ai.neural-nets ??
swnet.conferences about conferences
swnet.diverse Discussions of various unrelated issues.
swnet.followup followups
swnet.general general
swnet.gopher F|r diskussion etc ang}ende informationssytemet gopher.
swnet.info-gnu ??
swnet.jobs help wanted :-)
swnet.lans ??
swnet.lans.novell ??
swnet.mac ??
swnet.mail mail admin
swnet.mail.map ??
swnet.org.europen ??
swnet.org.snus ??
swnet.org.sunet.info ??
swnet.org.swipnet ??
swnet.org.tipnet ??
swnet.paintball Diskussioner om Paintball i Sverige.
swnet.politik Bitching about taxes
swnet.pryltorg (misc for sale)
swnet.sci.astro Astronomy discussions and information.
swnet.siren Gatewayed to the SIREN LISTSERV mailing list
swnet.sources source code
swnet.sources.list list of ditto
swnet.svenska Discussions about the Swedish language.
swnet.sys.amiga for those who have an amiga
swnet.sys.dec or dec
swnet.sys.dnix ??
swnet.sys.hp or hp
swnet.sys.ibm.pc or IBM PC
swnet.sys.mac or Mackintosh
swnet.sys.ncr ??
swnet.sys.prime Prime computer systems.
swnet.sys.pyramid ??
swnet.sys.sun or Sun
swnet.test test messages
swnet.thermo ??
swnet.unix unix in general
swnet.utbildning.grundbulten ??
swnet.wanted wanted ads.
tamu.aasg Agnostic & Atheist Student Group at Texas A&M.
tamu.adex.690 Adult Education 690 Class at Texas A&M University.
tamu.amateur ??
tamu.cray ??
tamu.electronic.library.resources ?
tamu.flame ??
tamu.forsale ??
tamu.fuzzy Study of Fuzzy Control, Fuzzy Theory & Neural Networks.
tamu.general ??
tamu.gopher ??
tamu.kanm.radio The Texas A&M student cable radio station, KANM.
tamu.micro.mac ??
tamu.micro.msdos ??
tamu.micro.os2 ??
tamu.music ??
tamu.news ??
tamu.phil.240 ??
tamu.religion.christian Christian events and activities at Texas A&M. (Moderated)
tamu.test ??
tamu.unix.general ??
tamu.unix.sgi ??
tamu.vm.general Questions, Answers, and General Info for/on VM.
tamu.vms.general Question, Answers, and General Info for/on VMS.
taronga.misc ??
taronga.worldview ??
tn.flame Flames in Tennessee.
tn.general Items of general interest in Tennessee.
tn.msdos Discussion of DOS related issues in Tennessee.
tn.talk Talk in Tennessee.
tn.test USENET Testing in Tennessee.
tn.unix Discussion of issues related to unix in Tennessee.
to ???
tor.forsale Items forsale/wanted in Toronto, Canada.
tor.general Items of general interest in Toronto, Canada.
tor.jobs Jobs in Toronto, Canada.
tor.news USENET in Toronto, Canada.
tor.news.stats USENET Statistics in Toronto, Canada.
tor.test Testing in Toronto, Canada.
tor.uucp ??
triangle.csnet ??
triangle.decus The Triangle DECUS newsletter and general DEC matters.
triangle.forsale NC Want ads
triangle.freenet Starting a FreeNet in the Triangle area.
triangle.gardens Gardens and gardening.
triangle.general general discussion in NC
triangle.graphics NC Chapter of Natl Computer Graphics Assn
triangle.jobs Jobs offered and wanted in NC
triangle.libsci Notes of interest to libraries in NC
triangle.neural-nets Triangle Area discussion of neural networks.
triangle.politics Politics affecting the Triangle area of North Carolina.
triangle.radio Triangle Area Ham Radio Dialogue
triangle.sun reposts of Sun-Spots digest and SLUG in NC
triangle.systems NC system admin notices
triangle.talks Seminars and conferences notices in NC
triangle.transport ???
triangle.vlsi ??
triangle.wizards local Cybermancers and friends in NC
tub.general ??
tub.wanted ??
tx.evolution.vs.abortion ??
tx.flame Texas flames.
tx.followup Followups in Texas.
tx.forsale Stuff for sale in Texas.
tx.general Items of general interest in Texas.
tx.jobs Jobs in Texas.
tx.maps (Moderated) (Moderated)
tx.motorcycles Biker Texans.
tx.news USENET in Texas.
tx.news.stats ??
tx.politics Politics in Texas.
tx.test Testing in Texas.
tx.thenet.managers Unidirectional mail-to-news gateway for <THEMGR@nic.the.net> list. (Moderated)
tx.wanted Texas want ads.
ualberta.general ??
ualberta.phys.general ??
uberlin.general ??
uc.general Items of general interest at the University of California.
uc.grads.union Implications of union with regard to grad student TAs.
uc.motss Issues pertaining to homosexuality at Univ of California.
uc.news University of California news.
uc.test Testing for University of California.
ucb.cchem Deals with issues regarding the college of chemistry.
ucb.class.c150 ??
ucb.class.c152 ??
ucb.class.c162 ??
ucb.class.c164 ??
ucb.class.c170 ??
ucb.class.c184 ??
ucb.class.c186 ??
ucb.class.c188 ??
ucb.class.c252 ??
ucb.class.c260 ??
ucb.class.c263 ??
ucb.class.c292j ??
ucb.class.c298-1 ??
ucb.class.c60b ??
ucb.class.chem1a chem 1 A newsgroup
ucb.class.classics28 ??
ucb.class.cs274 ???
ucb.class.cs292j ??
ucb.class.e224 ??
ucb.class.econ240 Class for Economics 240.
ucb.class.ieor180 Industrial Engineering and Operations Research 180.
ucb.class.math189 ??
ucb.class.pacs10 ??
ucb.computing.announce Announcements regarding computing at UCB.
ucb.cs.grads Discussion group for Computer Science grads.
ucb.cs.msgs A gatewayed 'Msgs' list concerning CS.
ucb.cs.sww.announce The CS "Software Warehose" server announce group.
ucb.cs.undergrads Discussion group for Computer Science undergrads.
ucb.eats Discussion/Reviews of restaurants and food.
ucb.education.dte Developmental Teacher Education program.
ucb.ee.grads Discussion group for Electrical Engineering grads.
ucb.english For the Berkeley English Department.
ucb.erg The Energy Resources Group at Berkeley.
ucb.financial-aid.info Financial aid information at Berkeley. (Moderated)
ucb.general General announcements for the UCB community.
ucb.icsi Discussion/announcements concerning the International Computer Science Institute.
ucb.ist.facilities ??
ucb.ist.facilities.davis About the davis facility
ucb.ist.facilities.dwinelle About the Dwinelle facility
ucb.ist.facilities.general general discussion about IST facilities
ucb.ist.facilities.language about the language facility
ucb.ist.facilities.moffitt about the moffit facility
ucb.ist.facilities.tolman about the tolman facility
ucb.ist.facilities.wheeler about the wheeler facility
ucb.jobs Help wanted announcements.
ucb.market.vehicles ?
ucb.math Discussion/announcements concerning the Mathematics Department.
ucb.net Announcements of network problems/fixes and general network interest.
ucb.net.announce ??
ucb.net.discussion ??
ucb.net.linkfail The linkfail bitnet list, concerning downed bitnet sites.
ucb.org.agse Association of Graduate Student Employees.
ucb.org.csua Discussion group for the CS Undergrad Association.
ucb.org.ocf Discussion group for the Open Computing Facilily.
ucb.org.ucsee UCB chapter of the IEEE.
ucb.physics.grads Discussion Group fro Physics Grad students
ucb.reviews.class Student reviews of classes/professors.
ucb.seminars Announcements of seminars and talks.
ucb.sports ??
ucb.students.chinese ??
ucb.study.abroad Berkeley students studying abroad.
ucb.study.abroad.japan Berkeley students studying in Japan.
ucb.sysadmin Items concerning System Administrators on campus.
ucb.test General UCB test group.
ucd.kiosk.jobs ??
uch.general ??
ucsb.compsci.cs160 ??
ucsb.compsci.cs170 ??
ucsb.compsci.cs180 ??
ucsb.compsci.cs270b ??
ucsb.compsci.faculty ??
ucsb.compsci.grad ??
ucsb.general ??
ucsb.humanities ??
ucsb.net.help For network experts to answer user net questions.
ucsc.admin.grants ??
ucsc.baskin.general ??
ucsc.class.cmp101 ??
ucsc.class.cmp104a ??
ucsc.class.cmpe185 ??
ucsc.messages ??
ucsc.plan ??
ucsc.research ??
ucsc.research.morph ??
ug.general ??
uiuc.acm UIUC chapter of the Association of Computing Machinery (ACM).
uiuc.acm.sigbio UIUC ACM SIG on applications in biology and computing.
uiuc.acm.sigmicro UIUC ACM SIG on u-computers.
uiuc.acm.sigops UIUC ACM Special Interest Group (SIG) on operating systems.
uiuc.acm.sigsoft UIUC ACM (SIG) on computer software.
uiuc.ai General discussion about artifical intelligence.
uiuc.announce Seminar announcements, etc only. Discussions in uiuc.general.
uiuc.beckman Beckman Institute announcements and discussions.
uiuc.beckman.consortium Beckman Sun Consortium announcements and discussions.
uiuc.bookcoop General discussion of books, bookstores, etc.
uiuc.c++ Discussions about the C++ programming language.
uiuc.campusnet Campus networking - hardware, software, policy, & announcements.
uiuc.class.biol303 Biology 303.
uiuc.class.cs125 Introduction to computer science.
uiuc.class.cs225 Data structures.
uiuc.class.cs497smk Topics in human-computer interaction.
uiuc.class.cs497snk Topics in compiler construction.
uiuc.class.ece125 Introduction to the VLSI system design.
uiuc.class.esl113u English structure and paragraph development (section U).
uiuc.class.fr314f Advanced grammar and style (section F).
uiuc.class.rhet105 ??
uiuc.class.span214 Spanish composition.
uiuc.class.span214a Spanish composition (section A).
uiuc.class.span214c Spanish composition (section C).
uiuc.class.span252 Spanish literature II: major works and writers.
uiuc.class.span274 Spanish grammar for communicative language teaching.
uiuc.class.stout Class readings available in the Stout psychology library.
uiuc.classifieds Classified ads (For sale, Help wanted, etc).
uiuc.classifieds.computer Classified ads for computer equipment.
uiuc.consumers Consumer issues.
uiuc.cs.announce UIUC CS Dept announcements.
uiuc.cs.emacs UIUC CS Dept Emacs editor discussions.
uiuc.cs.general UIUC CS Dept general group.
uiuc.cs.gwm UIUC CS Dept GNU window manager discussions.
uiuc.cs.jobs CS related job postings.
uiuc.cs.sun UIUC CS Dept SUN workstation discussions.
uiuc.dbms Discussion of current topics in database management systems.
uiuc.dcom General discussions on data communication.
uiuc.emacs Emacs editor discussions.
uiuc.environment Environment related discussions and announcements.
uiuc.general UIUC general discussions; dcs/cso/csl/..
uiuc.gourmand Food related discussions, recipes, reviews, etc.
uiuc.graphics Graphics discussions.
uiuc.jobs.offered Local job openings or job offers of UIUC interest.
uiuc.learn General machine learning discussions.
uiuc.lisp General lisp disucssions.
uiuc.logic General symbolic logic discussions.
uiuc.mathematica Discussions about the Mathematica program.
uiuc.ncsa.hci Human Computer Interaction special interest group.
uiuc.obcp Discussions about Object Based Concurrent Programming.
uiuc.org.aaa Asian American Association announcements.
uiuc.org.aiss Forum for AISS-related discussions and questions.
uiuc.org.aisus UIUC Singapore Student Association.
uiuc.org.awis Association of Women in Science.
uiuc.org.biophysics Forum and information for Dept of Biophysics.
uiuc.org.ccsm ??
uiuc.org.civil Dept of Civil Engineering announcements and discussions.
uiuc.org.cogsci Discussion about Cognitive Science and for the BI group.
uiuc.org.compvision Discussions related to computer vision research.
uiuc.org.csa UIUC Chinese Student Association.
uiuc.org.cse Seminar series in Computational Science and Engineering.
uiuc.org.csl Coordinated Science Lab announcements and discussions.
uiuc.org.csoc ??
uiuc.org.cten College Teaching Effectiveness Network discussions.
uiuc.org.dance Announcements for folk dance, contra dance, dancing illini, etc.
uiuc.org.eoh Engineering Open House discussions.
uiuc.org.eoh.announce Announcements for Engineering Open House.
uiuc.org.eoh.design Discussion of Engineering Open House design contest.
uiuc.org.eoh.general General discussion concerning Engineering Open House.
uiuc.org.grads Forum for graduate student issues (GSAC & GAC).
uiuc.org.gsac Graduate Student Advisory Council discussions.
uiuc.org.hev Ford Hybrid Electric Vehicle Challenge.
uiuc.org.ieee UIUC chapter of the IEEE.
uiuc.org.india UIUC Indian Student Association.
uiuc.org.iranian Iranian Students at UIUC.
uiuc.org.isds Illini Space Development Society.
uiuc.org.isfcu Illini Student Federal Credit Union.
uiuc.org.issc Illini Shooting Sports Club.
uiuc.org.ivcf Intervarsity Christian Fellowship.
uiuc.org.koinonia The St. John's Newman Foundation discussions.
uiuc.org.life-sciences School of Life Sciences announcements.
uiuc.org.math Useless drivel previously mailed to all symcom users.
uiuc.org.med College of Medicine discussion forum.
uiuc.org.men News of particular interest to men at UIUC. (Moderated)
uiuc.org.mrl Materials Research Lab announcements and discussions.
uiuc.org.msp ??
uiuc.org.muslim Muslim Students Association.
uiuc.org.nug Illinois Next User's Group.
uiuc.org.org-research Office of Organizational Research.
uiuc.org.os2ug OS/2 user's group.
uiuc.org.outdoor Illini Outdoor Club announcements and discussions.
uiuc.org.prevet People interested in veterinary medicine.
uiuc.org.sil Students for Individual Liberty discussions/events.
uiuc.org.slm Students for the Legalization of Marijuana discussions/events.
uiuc.org.sts Program in Science, Technology, and Society.
uiuc.org.synton Synton amateur radio club.
uiuc.org.tbp Tau Beta Pi announcements and discussions.
uiuc.org.thesis Support group for thesis/dissertation writers.
uiuc.org.tsa Thai Student Association.
uiuc.org.vsa UIUC Vietnamese Student Association.
uiuc.org.women News of particular interest to women on the UIUC campus.
uiuc.politics Political and moral discussions too long for uiuc.general.
uiuc.pubs.in-illinois The "Inside Illinois" faculty-staff newspaper.
uiuc.pubs.messenger The Astronomy Club's Sidereal Messenger newsletter.
uiuc.pubs.uiucnet The online version of CCSO's UIUCnet news letter.
uiuc.safety Environmental Health and Safety forum.
uiuc.sw.paradox All about the Paradox database package.
uiuc.symbolic Symbolic math discussions and Sun-Symbolic-Math digest.
uiuc.sys.aix Discussions about IBM's version of UNIX and the RS/6000.
uiuc.sys.amiga Amiga discussions.
uiuc.sys.apple2 Apple II discussions.
uiuc.sys.dec Digital Equipment Corp products and services.
uiuc.sys.explorer TI Explorer systems discussions.
uiuc.sys.hp Discussions of HP and HP/Apollo products.
uiuc.sys.ibm-pc IBM PC, PC clones, and MSDOS discussions.
uiuc.sys.ibm-rt IBM RT discussions.
uiuc.sys.mac Discussions about the Apple Macintosh computer.
uiuc.sys.next Next announcements, problems, discussions, and the Next lab.
uiuc.sys.sgi Discussions about Silicon Graphics machines.
uiuc.sys.sun UIUC discussions about SUN machines and software.
uiuc.test Testing local news/notesfile network.
uiuc.tex TeX discussions and TeXHaX digest.
uiuc.text General text processing discussions.
uiuc.trek Local (CMI) Star Trek announcements. (Moderated)
uiuc.visual Scientific visualization discussions.
uiuc.windows.x Discussions about the X Window System.
uiuc.women News of articular interest to women on the UIUC campus.
uiuc.wx-talk Link to weather map discussion list. (Moderated)
uk.announce Announcements of UK wide interest. No discussions.
uk.bcs.announce Announcements of British Computer Society. (Moderated)
uk.bcs.misc Discussion of the British Computer Society.
uk.events Forthcoming events (conferences etc). No discussions.
uk.ikbs Discussion of Intelligent Knowledge Based Systems.
uk.jips Discussion about JANET IP service matters. (Moderated)
uk.jobs Situations vacant and wanted. No discussions.
uk.jobs.d Discussion of jobs related issues.
uk.jobs.offered Situations vacant. No discussion.
uk.jobs.wanted Situations wanted. No discussion.
uk.lisp Discussion of LISP; especially the draft standard.
uk.media Discussion of Media in the UK.
uk.misc General interest to everyone on UKnet.
uk.net Used by UKnet maintainers.
uk.net.maps UK net maps.
uk.net.news UK net news.
uk.org.community UK CommUnity matters.
uk.politics UK political discussion.
uk.radio.amateur Amateur radio and related matters.
uk.sources UK wide group for sources/reposts/requests.
uk.sun Discussion of Sun computers.
uk.telecom Discussion of UK telecommunications.
uk.test UK wide tests.
uk.tex TeX, etc.
uk.transport Transportation issues in the United Kingdom.
uk.ukuug UKUUG related topics, announcements, etc.
uk.wic Discussion of Women in Computing.
um.comp-iss ??
um.general UoMD
um.h19 UoMD
um.housing UoMD
um.music UoMD
um.network UoMD
um.test UoMD
um.tex UoMD
um.wam UoMD
um.wam.bmgt301 UoMD WAM BMGT301 Discussions
umiami.cs.announce Announcements of interest to Math. & C.S. (Moderated)
umiami.general Articles of general interest to U.M. community.
umich.engin.eecs.489 ??
umn.aem.general Items pertaining to the Aerospace Dept. in general.
umn.aem.gradst Aerospace GraduateStudents.
umn.aem.net Information on building computer networks.
umn.aem.seminars Seminar anouncements.
umn.aem.ugrads Aerospace Undergrad students.
umn.bioc.class.5025 A class at the University of Minnesota.
umn.cbs.announce U of MN College of Biological Sciences Announcements.
umn.cbs.general Items of general interest for UMN College of BioSci.
umn.cbs.test Testing for the U of Minnesota College of BioSci.
umn.cis.announce U of MN Computer & Information Services Announcements.
umn.cis.general Items of general interest for UMN Computer & Info. Svcs.
umn.cis.minnext ??
umn.cis.systems News about CIS systems such as scheduled downtimes.
umn.cis.test Testing for the U of Minnesota Computer & Info. Svcs.
umn.comp.ftp-mirror U of MN CSci anonymous ftp mirroring archive data.
umn.comp.os.unix Discussions about the UNIX operating system
umn.comp.os.vms Discussions about the VMS operating system
umn.comp.sys.ibm Discussions about IBM PC and compatible systems
umn.comp.sys.mac Discussions about MacIntosh computers
umn.comp.sys.sgi Discussions about SGI Iris computers
umn.comp.sys.sun Discussions about Sun Workstations
umn.config Configuration of the `umn' Usenet news hierarchy
umn.cs.bldg Reports of needed building maintenance
umn.cs.class.3113 A class at the University of Minnesota.
umn.cs.class.3204H "Intro to Prog. and Prob. Solving in Sci/Eng I" @ UMN.
umn.cs.class.3205H "Intro to Prog. and Prob. Solving in Sci/Eng II" @UMN.
umn.cs.class.3317 "Science of Computer Prog. II" (Lisp) at the U of MN.
umn.cs.class.3321 "Algorithms and Data Structures I" at the U of MN.
umn.cs.class.3322 "Fundamentals of Data Structures II" @ the U of Minn.
umn.cs.class.5107 A class newsgroup: Csci 5107
umn.cs.class.5117 "Computer Graphics II" at the University of Minnesota.
umn.cs.class.5181 "Software Engineering II" @ the University of Minnesota.
umn.cs.class.5199 "Problems in Languages and Systems" at the U of MN.
umn.cs.class.5301 "Numerical Analysis" at the University of Minnesota.
umn.cs.class.8011-scic ??
umn.cs.class.8101 A class at the University of Minnesota.
umn.cs.class.8103 "Distributed Systems" at the University of Minnesota.
umn.cs.class.8199-experiments "Seminar: Languages and Systems" at UMN.
umn.cs.class.8799 "Seminar: Information Science" at the U of Minnesota.
umn.cs.curriculum Discussion about the Csci curriculum
umn.cs.dept Discussion about the Csci Dept
umn.cs.faculty Discussion from/about the Csci Faculty
umn.cs.general Items of general interest
umn.cs.gradst Discussion from/about the Csci Grad Students
umn.cs.gripes Gripes from/about/for U of Minnesota CSci Dept.
umn.cs.jobs Announcements concerning jobs and internships
umn.cs.labs.ai Discussion/Announcements concerning the AI lab
umn.cs.labs.grad Discussion/Announcements concerning the Grad lab
umn.cs.lang.c Discussion about the `C' lang
umn.cs.lang.c++ Discussion about the C++ lang
umn.cs.lang.misc Programming languages discussion within CSci @ UMN.
umn.cs.net Discussion about the building's network
umn.cs.seminars Announcements of Csci seminars and colloquia
umn.cs.soc Social/Recreational talk
umn.cs.test Testing
umn.cs.text.framemaker Discussion about Framemaker
umn.cs.text.tex Discussion about Tex
umn.cs.ugrads Discussion from/about the Csci Undergrad Students
umn.cs.windows.x Discussion about the X windowing environment
umn.csom.general Items of general interest to UMN Carlson Sch. of Mgmt.
umn.csom.ids8450 ??
umn.csom.test Testing for the U of MN Carlson School of Management.
umn.ee.announce Announcements for the University of Minnesota EE dept.
umn.ee.chatter Talk for/about the University of Minnesota EE dept.
umn.ee.class.5760 Newsgroup for EE5760 class discussion.
umn.ee.computer Information/Discussion about U of MN EE computers.
umn.ee.dept Discussion about the U of Minnesota EE Dept.
umn.ee.faculty Discussion from/about U of Minnesota EE Faculty.
umn.ee.general Items of general interest to the U of MN EE community.
umn.ee.grads Discussion from/about U of Minnesota EE Grad Students.
umn.ee.seminar Announcements of EE seminars/colloquia @ the U of MN.
umn.ee.test Testing for the U of Minnesota EE dept.
umn.ee.undergrads Discussion from/about U of Minnesota EE Undergrads.
umn.general.events Events pertinent to the University community
umn.general.food Food and Restaurants around the U of MN community.
umn.general.forsale For sale/want ads at the University level
umn.general.housing Housing, Sub-contracting, dorm contracts, etc. at the U
umn.general.jobs Jobs available on or around the University
umn.general.misc Miscellaneous things pertinent to the Univ. community
umn.general.movies Discussion/Reviews of movies for the U of MN community.
umn.general.music Music events/reports/reviews for the Univ. community
umn.general.sports Discussion/Announcements about sports @ the U of MN.
umn.local-lists.austrian-cultu Austrian Culture internet mailing list.
umn.local-lists.bookstore-prices Bookstore price list (Moderated)
umn.local-lists.decstation-man ??
umn.local-lists.disc-env ??
umn.local-lists.disc-nordic ??
umn.local-lists.disc-nordlib ?
umn.local-lists.disc-sar ?
umn.local-lists.disc-tacfanout ???
umn.local-lists.epixinfo EP/IX internet mailing list gateway.
umn.local-lists.infotech-disc ???
umn.local-lists.infotech-discuss ???
umn.local-lists.linux-activists Folks working on the Linux Unix kernel project
umn.local-lists.microcomputer-news Microcomputer news (Moderated)
umn.local-lists.net-ops ??
umn.local-lists.net-people The University "Net-people" mailing list
umn.local-lists.news Gateway of the news@news.cis mailing list
umn.local-lists.news-stats News statistics at University of Minnesota.
umn.local-lists.novell ??
umn.local-lists.security ??
umn.local-lists.sun-news ??
umn.local-lists.tc-admin ??
umn.local-lists.tc-all ??
umn.local-lists.tc-backup ???
umn.local-lists.tc-general ??
umn.local-lists.tc-microlan ??
umn.local-lists.tc-public ??
umn.local-lists.tc-sgi ?
umn.local-lists.tc-site ??
umn.local-lists.tc-ultrix-vms ??
umn.local-lists.tc-unix ??
umn.local-lists.tc-workst ??
umn.local-lists.umn-email ??
umn.local-lists.wg-cscc ??
umn.local-lists.x3j9-admin ??
umn.local-lists.x3j9-tech ??
umn.math.dept Items of interest to the U of MN Mathematics dept.
umn.math.zoo Items of interest to "Zoo People" @ the Math dept. lab.
umn.morris.general Items of general interest to the U of MN Morris campus.
umn.morris.misc Miscellaneous items interesting to the U of MN @ Morris.
umn.net-lists.explorer ??
umn.net-lists.info-appletalk The "Sun-managers" mailing list
umn.net-lists.linux-activists Folks working on the Linux Unix kernel project.
umn.net-lists.rfc931-users ??
umn.news-server.announce Announcements/info about the news server
umn.news-server.questions Questions about the news server/Usenet news
umn.news-server.test For testing news software, transports, etc.
umn.news-server.traffic Daily traffic reports on the news server
umn.org.acm The Association For Computer Machinery, Student Chapter
umn.org.china A Chinese organization at the University of Minnesota.
umn.ortta.general UMN Office of Research and Tech. Transfer general items.
umn.soc.faculty Items of interest to UMN Dept. of Sociology faculty.
umn.soc.general Items of general interest for UMN Dept. of Sociology.
umn.soc.grad Items of interest to UMN Dept. of Sociology grads.
umn.socsci.applications U of Minnesota Dept. of Social Sciences applications.
umn.socsci.general Items of general interest to U of MN Social Sciences.
umn.socsci.system Systems discussions for the U of MN Social Sciences.
umn.socsci.test Testing for the University of Minnesota Social Sciences.
umontreal.cerca Centre de Recherche en Calcul Applique.
umontreal.general General discussion at the University of Montreal.
unicef.test ???
ut.ai Artificial intelligence at UTexas.
ut.bizarre Bizarre happenings at UTexas.
ut.chinese University of Toronto Chinese community.
ut.dcs.gradnews Info for Graduates.
ut.dcs.na Numerical Analysis.
ut.flame Flames at UTexas.
ut.followup Followups to ut.general.
ut.general General messages.
ut.jobs Job offerings and jobs wanted at UTexas.
ut.nets.reports Net connectivity reports. (Moderated)
ut.stardate Stardates from MacDonald Observatory.
ut.test Test messages.
ut.text Text processing at UTexas.
utcs.general Items of general interest to UTexas CS Dept.
utcs.grad Graduate student forum at UTexas CS Dept.
utcs.graphics Computer graphics at UTexas CS Dept.
utcs.jobs Job announcements at UTexas CS Dept.
utcs.lispm Lisp users mail list at UTexas CS Dept.
utcs.projects Research projects at UTexas CS Dept.
utcs.talks Announcement of seminars and talks at UTexas CS Dept.
utcs.techreports Technical reports maintained by UTexas CS Dept.
utcs.under ??
utcs.upe UPE honor society at UTexas CS Dept.
utece.general ??
uunet.alternet AlterNet IP service issues. (Moderated)
uunet.announce Important announcements from UUNET. (Moderated)
uunet.forum UUNET subscribers discussion forum.
uunet.products Info & pricing of products UUNET offers. (Moderated)
uunet.status Status messages for UUNET & AlterNet. (Moderated)
uunet.tech Technical advice and support from UUNET. (Moderated)
uw.aco.system ??
uw.ahs.general ??
uw.ahs.system ??
uw.ai.learning AI stuff
uw.asplos ??
uw.assignments for assignment coordination
uw.campus-news reports, announcements, and comment about UW affairs
uw.ccng.general Computer Communications Network Group
uw.ccng.system Computer Communications Network Group
uw.cgl Computer Graphics Lab
uw.cgl.software Computer Graphics Lab
uw.cgl.system Computer Graphics Lab
uw.chinese ??
uw.combopt ??
uw.computing.support.staff Computing support at University of Waterloo.
uw.cong.system ??
uw.cray nobody uses Crays here, do they?
uw.cs.cs241 ??
uw.cs.cs242 ??
uw.cs.cs242.c++ ?
uw.cs.cs246 ??
uw.cs.cs330 ??
uw.cs.cs338 ?
uw.cs.cs498p ??
uw.cs.cs788 course group
uw.cs.dept Computer Science
uw.cs.eee Computer Science / Electrical Engineering
uw.cs.faculty Computer Science
uw.cs.general Computer Science
uw.cs.grad Computer Science
uw.cs.grad.topics Computer Science
uw.cs.ugrad Computer Science
uw.csc Computer Science Club
uw.csg ??
uw.dcs.changes Computing Services software notices
uw.dcs.courses Computing Services
uw.dcs.gripe ???
uw.dcs.news Computing Services
uw.dcs.operations Computing services.
uw.dcs.suggestions Computing Services
uw.dcs.system Computing Services
uw.dcs.watserv1 watserv1.uwaterloo.ca users
uw.dcs.watshine watshine.uwaterloo.ca users
uw.disspla ?
uw.dp.changes ??
uw.dp.staff ??
uw.dsgroup Data Structures
uw.dsgroup.misc Data Structures
uw.ee.grad Electrical Engineering
uw.ee.opt ??
uw.english-usage ??
uw.envst.general ??
uw.envst.system ??
uw.fass FASS
uw.forsale Items forsale.
uw.general Whatever.
uw.gllow Gay and Lesbian Liberation of Waterloo
uw.gnu FSF software For GNU at WATERLU
uw.harmony Harmony OS
uw.icr Institute for Computer Research
uw.icr.forum Institute for Computer Research
uw.icr.hardware Institute for Computer Research
uw.image-proc Image Processing
uw.imprint Imprint, UW student newspaper
uw.jsaw For Japanese Student Association of Waterloo
uw.kin Kinesiology
uw.lang languages
uw.laurel Laurel OS
uw.library Library
uw.logic logic programming
uw.lpaig Logic Programming & Artificial Intelligence Group
uw.lpaig.changes Logic Programming & Artificial Intelligence Group
uw.lpaig.system Logic Programming & Artificial Intelligence Group
uw.mac-users ??
uw.mail-list.biomech ??
uw.mail-list.comp-chem ??
uw.mail-list.fractals ??
uw.maple Maple symbolic math software
uw.math.faculty Math Faculty
uw.math.grad Math Faculty
uw.math.tsa ??
uw.mech.system Mechanical Engineering
uw.mfcf.bugs Math Faculty Computing Facility
uw.mfcf.gripe Math Faculty Computing Facility
uw.mfcf.hardware Math Faculty Computing Facility
uw.mfcf.people Math Faculty Computing Facility
uw.mfcf.questions ??
uw.mfcf.software Math Faculty Computing Facility
uw.mfcf.suggestions Math Faculty Computing Facility
uw.mfcf.system Math Faculty Computing Facility
uw.mfcf.todo Math Faculty Computing Facility
uw.mfcf.updates ??
uw.minos MINOS project
uw.msg Multiprocessor Systems Group
uw.network network status reports
uw.network.external ??
uw.neural-nets Neural Networks
uw.newsgroups Configuration discussions
uw.opinion Political arguments
uw.os.research OS research
uw.outers ??
uw.pami Pattern Analysis & Machine Intelligence
uw.pami.bsd Pattern Analysis & Machine Intelligence
uw.pami.gripe Pattern Analysis & Machine Intelligence
uw.pami.system Pattern Analysis & Machine Intelligence
uw.pmc Pure Math and C&O club.
uw.psychology ??
uw.recycling Recycled discussions
uw.scicom Scientific Computing
uw.sd.grad Systems Design
uw.shoshin Shoshin project
uw.shoshin.changes Shoshin project
uw.shoshin.system Shoshin project
uw.stats Statistics department
uw.stats.s Discussion of S language
uw.sun-owners for people who have Suns
uw.sylvan Sylvan project
uw.sylvan.os Sylvan project
uw.sys.amiga for people with Amigas
uw.sys.apollo for people with Apollos
uw.sys.atari for people with Ataris
uw.sytek Sytek local broadband network
uw.talks upcoming seminars
uw.test testing
uw.tex TEX text formatting
uw.ucc.fortrade University Computing Committee
uw.ugrad.cs Undergrads
uw.unix arguments about Unix
uw.unix.sysadmin shouting at sysadmins
uw.usystem u-kernel and u-system
uw.uwinfo UWinfo discussion, comments, feedback, etc.
uw.virtual-worlds Exploring virtual reality at U Waterloo.
uw.visualization ?
uw.vlsi VLSI group
uw.vlsi.software VLSI group
uw.vlsi.system VLSI group
uw.vm-migration ?
uw.vms people who have to use VMS
uw.watstar STAR group
uw.x-hints how to use X windows
uw.x-windows how to use X windows
uwisc.forsale ??
uwisc.forum ??
uwisc.general ??
uwisc.nsfdoc ??
uwisc.software-changes ??
uwm.general ??
uwo.biomed.engrg Biomedical Engineering Research.
uwo.biomed.inroads Rehabilitation Engineering Research and Development.
uwo.ccs.changes ??
uwo.comp.ibm.announce ???
uwo.comp.net-status ??
uwo.comp.nupop ??
uwo.comp.packet ??
uwo.comp.pine ??
uwo.comp.security Computer security issues and policy.
uwo.comp.sgi.announce ???
uwo.comp.sun.announce ?
uwo.comp.wais ??
uwo.comp.x500 ??
uwo.csd.cs201 Software Engineering, Algorithms & Data Struct Course.
uwo.csd.cs304 ??
uwo.csd.cs331 Foundations of Theoretical Computer Science.
uwo.csd.cs357a Computer Networks Course.
uwo.events ?
uwo.iaa.research ?
uwo.library ??
uwo.med.research ?
uwo.physics.optics Applied Optics course, Phy 364a.
uwo.slis.c558 Data Base Management Systems & Programming Course.
uwo.slis.c591 Information Sources & Services in Science & Tech Course.
uwo.slis.c601 Online and Ondisc Information Systems & Services Course.
uwo.slis.c640 Software Evaluation Course.
uwo.slis.c705 Collection Development Course.
uwo.slis.c706 Research Methods Course.
uwo.slis.c707 ??
uwo.slis.c708 Systems and Information Technology Course.
uwo.ssc.network Social Sciences Centre Network.
uwo.test ???
va.general For folks in Virginia.
va.test Testing in Virginia.
van.general ??
vu.org.mac101 Mac use group and MAC101 discussion at Vanderbilt U.
vuw.general ??
well.general Local news for & about the Whole Earth 'Lectronic Link.
wgtn.chat ??
wi.forsale Items for sale in Wisconsin.
wi.general Items of general interest in Wisconsin.
wiz.motorace ??
wiz.nren ??
wiz.roadsters ??
wny.events ??
wny.general ??
wny.news ??
wny.rocslug ??
wny.seminar ??
wny.test ??
wny.unix-wizards ??
wny.wanted ??
wny.yumyum ??
wtby.announce ??
wu.cs.general ??
yale.ailocal ??
yale.cis.outage Production service planned outages.
yale.cs324 Yale Computer Science class CS324.
yale.department ??
yale.food Sponsored by hungry Yalies.
yale.forum ??
yale.general ??
yale.na ??
yale.ultrix-users ??
yale.vms-users ??
york.announce Announcements at York University.
york.ariel ??
york.calumet ??
york.doc Documentation? at York Univ.
york.email ??
york.general Postings of general interest at York University.
zer.t-netz.adventure /T: Fuer Abenteuer und Abenteurer
zer.t-netz.ashes.allgemein /T: Phantasie und Fantasy
zer.t-netz.ashes.gm /T: Fantasie
zer.t-netz.bescheuert /T: Das kleine Brett ohne Anspruch
zer.t-netz.bhp.texte /T: Interessantes uebers Telefong
zer.t-netz.c64 /T: Der am weitesten verbreitete Rechner
zer.t-netz.denkfabrik.gateways /T: Alleinstehende Bruecke sucht Anschlu
zer.t-netz.denkfabrik.points /T: Alles x1buex1cber Points
zer.t-netz.denkfabrik.zerberus /T: Das Labor in der Unterwelt
zer.t-netz.deserteure /T: Wo wer wie dem Tod entziehen?
zer.t-netz.drogen T: Turnt - turnt nicht - turnt
zer.t-netz.ep /T: Electronic Publishing
zer.t-netz.essen /T: Hauptsache, es schmeckt....
zer.t-netz.fileserver /T: In welcher Box liegen welche Daten
zer.t-netz.gate-bau /T: Alleinstehende Bruecke sucht Anschluss
zer.t-netz.geos.allgemein /T: GEOS makes the world go round
zer.t-netz.geos.binaer /T: Ueber das System hinaus
zer.t-netz.geruechte /T: Unbewiesen, unmoeglich, undenkbar
zer.t-netz.hacketse /T: D'Hacketse aus Stuagard
zer.t-netz.handelsprinz.allgemein /T: Rollenspiele fuer bessere Welten
zer.t-netz.handicap.allgemein /T: Nur die Gesellschaft ist behindert
zer.t-netz.handicap.blind /T: Nur die Gesellschaft ist behindert
zer.t-netz.jokes /T: Alles was Spass macht - NO QUOTE
zer.t-netz.langweilig /T: Triefend langweilig
zer.t-netz.macros /T: Steuerungen fuer Gateways
zer.t-netz.med.allgemein /T: MEDIZIN: Pathologie / Homoeopathie
zer.t-netz.med.mta /T: MEDIZIN: Med.-Techn.Angestellte
zer.t-netz.med.notfall /T: MEDIZIN: Wenn es schnell gehen muss
zer.t-netz.med.pflege /T: MEDIZIN: Kranken-Gesundpflege
zer.t-netz.med.studenten /T: MEDIZIN: Fit trotz Numerus Clausus
zer.t-netz.med.therapie /T: MEDIZIN: Heilen und Gesundwerden
zer.t-netz.netzwesen /T: Zwischennetzliche Herzlichkeiten
zer.t-netz.newsbrothers T: Neues Brett von der INFINET
zer.t-netz.partnerwahl /T: Nur ernstgemeinte Zuschriften
zer.t-netz.postscript /T: Handschrift ist endlich out
zer.t-netz.pressemitteilungen /T: Neues aus Film/Funk/Fernsehen
zer.t-netz.rollenspiele /T: Fuer Spiele des anderen Lebens
zer.t-netz.sex /T: Auf Anfrage ab 18
zer.t-netz.sms /T: Noch eine Zeitschrift aus Stuttgart
zer.t-netz.tex /T: TeX - das Computer-Satz-System
zer.t-netz.vv74.allgemein /T: Zwischen kalt und heiss
zer.t-netz.vv74.fragen+antworten /T: Was bedeutet ein Tuch in der Tasche?
zer.t-netz.vv74.rundgespraech /T: alle miteinander an einem Tisch
zer.t-netz.werbung /T: Informationen von Gewerbetreibenden
zer.t-netz.windows.binaer /T: Fenster auf und Fenster wieder zu
zer.t-netz.windows.treiber T: Fenster auf und Fenster wieder zu
zer.t-netz.zeitschriften /T: Zeitschriften ziemlich komplett
zer.t-netz.zerberus4 /T: Hinweise und Bug-Berichte
zer.z-netz.bildung.filme Z-NETZ: Suche nach Action und Gags
zer.z-netz.bildung.schule Z-NETZ: Wir lernen fuer unser Leben
zer.z-netz.bildung.universitaet Z-NETZ: Von Unifete zu Unifete
zer.z-netz.datenschutz.allgemein Z-NETZ: Daten nuetzen allen oder wenigen
zer.z-netz.datenschutz.g10 Z-NETZ: Diskussion und Meinung zu G10
zer.z-netz.datenschutz.spionage Z-NETZ: Auch Paranoiker haben Feinde
zer.z-netz.diskussion Z-NETZ: Bundesweites Diskussionsbrett
zer.z-netz.fahrschule Z-NETZ: Hinweise fuer Einsteiger
zer.z-netz.fragen+antworten Z-NETZ: Quis? Quid? Ubi? Cur? Quomodo?
zer.z-netz.freizeit.filme Z-NETZ: Im Kino - ueberregional
zer.z-netz.freizeit.musik Z-NETZ: Musik kann schoen oder mehr sein
zer.z-netz.freizeit.spiele Z-NETZ: Ein Brett, Figuren und Wuerfel
zer.z-netz.freizeit.sport Z-NETZ: hoch-runter-hoch-runter-hoch-ru
zer.z-netz.fundgrube.biete Z-NETZ: * Angebote aus dem Z-Netz
zer.z-netz.fundgrube.suche Z-NETZ: * Suchmeldungen aus Germany
zer.z-netz.jura Z-NETZ: Was Recht ist ist recht
zer.z-netz.koordination.diskurs /KOO: Sysops Hall of Flame
zer.z-netz.koordination.einstellungen /KOO: Neuigkeiten von ZERBERUS-Boxen
zer.z-netz.koordination.meldungen /KOO: Offline, Online, neues Modem
zer.z-netz.koordination.netinfo.systemdaten /NET: Daten der Boxen aus dem Netzwerk
zer.z-netz.koordination.netinfo.tips+tricks /KOO: Nur fuer SystembetreuerInnen
zer.z-netz.koordination.netinfo.tools /NET: Programm-Hilfen mit Zerberus
zer.z-netz.koordination.netinfo.zmap /NET: Damit das Routing besser klappt
zer.z-netz.koordination.systeminfo /KOO: Infos ueber die Netz-Systeme
zer.z-netz.koordination.t-netz /KOO: Wer hat wo welches /T-BRETT?
zer.z-netz.koordination.user+sysops /KOO: Anregungen und Ideen fuer's NETZ
zer.z-netz.koordination.wahl-lokal /KOO: Fuer //BIONIC-Teilnehmer zum Waehlen
zer.z-netz.koordination.wahlurne /KOO: Die oeffentliche Abstimmung
zer.z-netz.krisen Z-NETZ: Kommunikation statt Krieg!
zer.z-netz.literatur.allgemein Z-NETZ: Der Trend zum Zweitbuch...
zer.z-netz.magazine.allgemein Z-NETZ: Verschiedene gemischte Artikel
zer.z-netz.magazine.bim Z-NETZ: E-Magazin BTX im Mozartturm
zer.z-netz.magazine.chalisti Z-NETZ: Elektronische Datenschleuder
zer.z-netz.magazine.geheim Z-NETZ: Aus der Geheim-Redaktion
zer.z-netz.magazine.vamp Z-NETZ: Nette Geschichten
zer.z-netz.medizin Z-NETZ: Alle Menschen sind gesund
zer.z-netz.miteinander.fahren Z-NETZ: Wer faehrt mit wem wohin?
zer.z-netz.miteinander.kontakte Z-NETZ: Acht Bit suchen ein Stop-Bit
zer.z-netz.miteinander.wohnen Z-NETZ: Mitwohnzentrale fuer Datenreisen
zer.z-netz.news Z-NETZ: NEU, NEUER, AM NEUSTEN, NEW
zer.z-netz.politik Z-NETZ: Milli Tante Mitte
zer.z-netz.rechner.amiga.allgemein Z-NETZ/AMIGA: Die Maschine fuer daheim..
zer.z-netz.rechner.amiga.binaer Z-NETZ/AMIGA: Die Maschine fuer daheim..
zer.z-netz.rechner.amiga.hardware Z-NETZ/AMIGA: Die Maschine fuer daheim..
zer.z-netz.rechner.amiga.programmieren Z-NETZ/AMIGA: Die Maschine fuer daheim..
zer.z-netz.rechner.amiga.spiele Z-NETZ/AMIGA: Die Maschine fuer daheim..
zer.z-netz.rechner.amiga.viren Z-NETZ/AMIGA: Die Maschine fuer daheim..
zer.z-netz.rechner.apple.allgemein Z-NETZ/APPLE: Der Rechner mit der Maus
zer.z-netz.rechner.apple.binaer Z-NETZ/APPLE: Der Rechner mit der Maus
zer.z-netz.rechner.apple.hardware Z-NETZ/APPLE: Der Rechner mit der Maus
zer.z-netz.rechner.apple.programmieren Z-NETZ/APPLE: Der Rechner mit der Maus
zer.z-netz.rechner.apple.spiele Z-NETZ/APPLE: Der Rechner mit der Maus
zer.z-netz.rechner.apple.viren Z-NETZ/APPLE: Der Rechner mit der Maus
zer.z-netz.rechner.atari.allgemein Z-NETZ/ATARI: Der Computer zum Einstieg
zer.z-netz.rechner.atari.binaer Z-NETZ/ATARI: Der Computer zum Einstieg
zer.z-netz.rechner.atari.hardware Z-NETZ/ATARI: Der Computer zum Einstieg
zer.z-netz.rechner.atari.programmieren Z-NETZ/ATARI: Der Computer zum Einstieg
zer.z-netz.rechner.atari.spiele Z-NETZ/ATARI: Der Computer zum Einstieg
zer.z-netz.rechner.atari.viren Z-NETZ/ATARI: Der Computer zum Einstieg
zer.z-netz.rechner.ibm.allgemein Z-NETZ/MSDOS: Der Standard-Rechner
zer.z-netz.rechner.ibm.binaer Z-NETZ/MSDOS: Der Standard-Rechner
zer.z-netz.rechner.ibm.hardware Z-NETZ/MSDOS: Der Standard-Rechner
zer.z-netz.rechner.ibm.os2 ??
zer.z-netz.rechner.ibm.programmieren ???
zer.z-netz.rechner.ibm.spiele ???
zer.z-netz.rechner.ibm.viren ???
zer.z-netz.rechner.ibm.windows ???
zer.z-netz.rechner.unix ???
zer.z-netz.religion ???
zer.z-netz.sprachen.c ???
zer.z-netz.sprachen.dbase ???
zer.z-netz.sprachen.gfa-basic ???
zer.z-netz.sprachen.modula ???
zer.z-netz.sprachen.pascal ???
zer.z-netz.sprachen.rexx ???
zer.z-netz.telecom.0130 ???
zer.z-netz.telecom.allgemein ???
zer.z-netz.telecom.amateurfunk ???
zer.z-netz.telecom.btx ???
zer.z-netz.telecom.datex ???
zer.z-netz.telecom.fragen+antworten ???
zer.z-netz.telecom.gateway ???
zer.z-netz.telecom.isdn ???
zer.z-netz.telecom.lan ???
zer.z-netz.telecom.modem ???
zer.z-netz.telecom.modem.highspeed ???
zer.z-netz.telecom.netzwerke ???
zer.z-netz.telecom.points ???
zer.z-netz.telecom.telefon ???
zer.z-netz.umweltschutz ???
zer.z-netz.verbrauchertips ???
zer.z-netz.verkehr ???
zer.z-netz.wissenschaft.astronomie ???
ba.announce Announcements of general interest to all readers. (Moderated)
ba.bicycles Bicycling in and around the Bay Area.
ba.broadcast Bay Area TV/Radio issues.
ba.dance Discussion about local dance events.
ba.food Bay Area restaurants and eating places.
ba.general Announcements of general interest to all readers.
ba.helping-hand Volunteer/Donor Action newsgroup. (Moderated)
ba.internet Discussions about Bay Area Internet connectivity.
ba.jobs.contract Issues involving contract employment.
ba.jobs.misc Discussions about the job market in the Bay Area.
ba.jobs.offered Job Postings in the Bay Area.
ba.market.computers For Sale/Wanted: Computers and software.
ba.market.housing For Sale/Rent/Wanted: Housing, land, roommates.
ba.market.misc For Sale/Wanted: Miscellaneous.
ba.market.vehicles For Sale/Wanted: Autos, cycles, trucks, etc.
ba.motorcycles Bay area motorcycle issues.
ba.motss Newsgroup for Bay Area motss'ers.
ba.mountain-folk Living in the hills and mountains around the Bay Area.
ba.music Musical events in the Bay Area.
ba.news General issues of 'ba' Usenet administration.
ba.news.config Announcments and discussion of Bay Area connectivity.
ba.news.group Meta-discussions about newsgroups in 'ba' distribution.
ba.news.stats Bay Area USENET statistical and information postings.
ba.politics Political topics of interest to Bay Area readers.
ba.seminars Announcements of Bay Area seminars.
ba.singles Local newsgroup for single people.
ba.smartvalley Smart Valley project- BA Information Infrastructure.
ba.sports Discussion of sports in the Bay Area.
ba.test Tests of 'ba' distribution. (Some sites autorespond.)
ba.transportation Discussion of Bay Area transit/commute/driving issues.
ba.weather National Weather Service updates.
ba.windows.x X windows discussion/help.
er ?
gineer design package.
alcbel.groups Discussion on and proposals for new alcbel newsgroups.
alcbel.sources.d Discussion group about sources in ALcatel-Bell.
mail.info-nets Info-Nets mailing list.
mail.sun-managers From the Sun-Managers mailing list.
mail.sun-nets From the Sun-Managers mailing list.
aus.aarnet ? [Australian]
aus.acs ?
aus.acsnet Discussions of ACSnet (incl bug reports). [Australian]
aus.ai AI discussions. [Australian]
aus.archives Descriptions of public access archives in Australia.
aus.auug AUUG Inc - Australian Unix User Group. [Australian]
aus.aviation Planes, gliders, flying, etc. [Australian]
aus.bicycle Push bikes. [Australian]
aus.cdrom CD-ROM related topics of Australian interest. [Australian]
aus.comms Discussion about Academic Network Proposal. [Australian]
aus.computers Misc computer types. [Australian]
aus.computers.amiga Discussions about Commodore Amiga computers. [Australian]
aus.computers.ibm-pc Discussions about the IBM pc & clones. [Australian]
aus.conserve Conservation issues. [Australian]
aus.culture.china China discussions. [Australian]
aus.culture.ultimo Discussion of Australian inner-city life. [Australian]
aus.education ? [Australian]
aus.education.npit ? [Australian]
aus.films Movies, Cinema, TV. [Australian]
aus.flame Abusive noise, posted by morons. [Australian]
aus.followup Followups to aus.general & aus.wanted articles. [Australian]
aus.footy ? [Australian]
aus.forsale Announcements of items for sale. [Australian]
aus.fps Fast Packet Switching. [Australian]
aus.games Discussions of games. [Australian]
aus.games.roleplay Discussions of role playing games. [Australian]
aus.general General information, announcements, etc. [Australian]
aus.genstat Genstat Stats Package. [Australian]
aus.hi-fi Hi-Fi/Stereo stuff. [Australian]
aus.jobs Jobs available & wanted. [Australian]
aus.jokes Jokes, humour, and boring trivia. [Australian]
aus.jokes.d Discussions of why that joke was no good. [Australian]
aus.kermit The KERMIT file transfer protocol. [Australian]
aus.lp Logic Programming. [Australian]
aus.mac The Apple Macintosh computer. [Australian]
aus.mail Mail systems, addressinc, &c. [Australian]
aus.map ACSnet maps. (Moderated) [Australian]
aus.mbio Molecular biology. [Australian]
aus.motorcycles Discussion of motorcycles and motorcycling.
aus.music Music and related issues. [Australian]
aus.net.directory Discussion of the X.500 Directory.
aus.net.directory.osi-ds IETF OSI-DS WG mailing list.
aus.net.directory.quipu Discussion of the Quipu implementation of the X.500 Directory.
aus.netstatus Status of local & international net links. [Australian]
aus.news The news system. [Australian]
aus.parallel Parallel processing. [Australian]
aus.photo ? [Australian]
aus.politics Politics, debates, rational(?) arguments. [Australian]
aus.pyramid Pyramid computers. [Australian]
aus.radio Amateur Radio. [Australian]
aus.radio.amsat Amateur satellite radio. [Australian]
aus.radio.packet ? [Australian]
aus.religion Discussions of, or related to, religions. [Australian]
aus.scheme Scheme. [Australian]
aus.sf Discussion of SF&F literature,media,fandom. [Australian]
aus.snow ? [Australian]
aus.sources Sources. [Australian]
aus.spearnet South Pacific Educational & Research Net. [Australian]
aus.sport Sports. [Australian]
aus.stats.s The S data analysis and graphics software. [Australian]
aus.students ?
aus.students.overseas ?
aus.sun-works Sun Workstations. [Australian]
aus.tex The TeX typesetting system. [Australian]
aus.wanted Requests for sources, information, ... [Australian]
clari.biz.commodity Commodity news and price reports (Moderated)
clari.biz.courts Lawsuits and business related legal matters (Moderated)
clari.biz.economy Economic news and indicators (Moderated)
clari.biz.economy.world Economy stories for non-US countries (Moderated)
clari.biz.features Business feature stories (Moderated)
clari.biz.finance Finance, currency, Corporate finance (Moderated)
clari.biz.finance.earnings Earnings & dividend reports (Moderated)
clari.biz.finance.personal Personal investing & finance (Moderated)
clari.biz.finance.services Banks and financial industries (Moderated)
clari.biz.invest News for investors (Moderated)
clari.biz.labor Strikes, unions and labor relations (Moderated)
clari.biz.market General stock market news (Moderated)
clari.biz.market.amex American Stock Exchange reports & news (Moderated)
clari.biz.market.dow Dow Jones NYSE reports (Moderated)
clari.biz.market.ny NYSE reports (Moderated)
clari.biz.market.otc NASDAQ reports (Moderated)
clari.biz.market.report General market reports, S&P, etc. (Moderated)
clari.biz.mergers Mergers and acquisitions (Moderated)
clari.biz.misc Other business news (Moderated)
clari.biz.products Important new products & services (Moderated)
clari.biz.top Top business news (Moderated)
clari.biz.urgent Breaking business news (Moderated)
clari.canada.biz Canadian Business Summaries (Moderated)
clari.canada.features Alamanac, Ottawa Special, Arts (Moderated)
clari.canada.general Short items on Canadian News stories (Moderated)
clari.canada.gov Government related news (all levels) (Moderated)
clari.canada.law Crimes, the courts and the law. (Moderated)
clari.canada.newscast Regular newscast for Canadians (Moderated)
clari.canada.politics Political and election items (Moderated)
clari.canada.trouble Mishaps, accidents and serious problems (Moderated)
clari.feature.dave_barry Columns of humourist Dave Barry (Moderated)
clari.feature.kinsey Sex Q&A and Advice from Kinsey Institute (Moderated)
clari.feature.mike_royko Chicago Opinion Columnist Mike Royko (Moderated)
clari.feature.miss_manners Judith Martin's Humourous Etiquette Advice (Moderated)
clari.local.alberta.briefs Local news Briefs (Moderated)
clari.local.arizona Local news (Moderated)
clari.local.arizona.briefs Local news Briefs (Moderated)
clari.local.bc.briefs Local news Briefs (Moderated)
clari.local.california Local news (Moderated)
clari.local.california.briefs Local news Briefs (Moderated)
clari.local.chicago Local news (Moderated)
clari.local.chicago.briefs Local news Briefs (Moderated)
clari.local.florida Local news (Moderated)
clari.local.florida.briefs Local news Briefs (Moderated)
clari.local.georgia Local news (Moderated)
clari.local.georgia.briefs Local news Briefs (Moderated)
clari.local.headlines Various local headline summaries (Moderated)
clari.local.illinois Local news (Moderated)
clari.local.illinois.briefs Local news Briefs (Moderated)
clari.local.indiana Local news (Moderated)
clari.local.indiana.briefs Local news Briefs (Moderated)
clari.local.iowa Local news (Moderated)
clari.local.iowa.briefs Local news Briefs (Moderated)
clari.local.los_angeles Local news (Moderated)
clari.local.los_angeles.briefs Local news Briefs (Moderated)
clari.local.louisiana Local news (Moderated)
clari.local.manitoba.briefs Local news Briefs (Moderated)
clari.local.maritimes.briefs Local news Briefs (Moderated)
clari.local.maryland Local news (Moderated)
clari.local.maryland.briefs Local news Briefs (Moderated)
clari.local.massachusetts Local news (Moderated)
clari.local.massachusetts.briefs Local news Briefs (Moderated)
clari.local.michigan Local news (Moderated)
clari.local.michigan.briefs Local news Briefs (Moderated)
clari.local.minnesota Local news (Moderated)
clari.local.minnesota.briefs Local news Briefs (Moderated)
clari.local.missouri Local news (Moderated)
clari.local.missouri.briefs Local news Briefs (Moderated)
clari.local.nebraska Local news (Moderated)
clari.local.nebraska.briefs Local news Briefs (Moderated)
clari.local.nevada Local news (Moderated)
clari.local.nevada.briefs Local news Briefs (Moderated)
clari.local.new_england Local news (Moderated)
clari.local.new_hampshire Local news (Moderated)
clari.local.new_jersey Local news (Moderated)
clari.local.new_jersey.briefs Local news Briefs (Moderated)
clari.local.new_york Local news (Moderated)
clari.local.new_york.briefs Local news Briefs (Moderated)
clari.local.nyc Local news (New York City) (Moderated)
clari.local.nyc.briefs Local news Briefs (Moderated)
clari.local.ohio Local news (Moderated)
clari.local.ohio.briefs Local news Briefs (Moderated)
clari.local.ontario.briefs Local news Briefs (Moderated)
clari.local.oregon Local news (Moderated)
clari.local.oregon.briefs Local news Briefs (Moderated)
clari.local.pennsylvania Local news (Moderated)
clari.local.pennsylvania.briefs Local news Briefs (Moderated)
clari.local.saskatchewan.briefs Local news Briefs (Moderated)
clari.local.sfbay Stories datelined San Francisco Bay Area (Moderated)
clari.local.texas Local news (Moderated)
clari.local.texas.briefs Local news Briefs (Moderated)
clari.local.utah Local news (Moderated)
clari.local.utah.briefs Local news Briefs (Moderated)
clari.local.virginia+dc Local news (Moderated)
clari.local.virginia+dc.briefs Local news Briefs (Moderated)
clari.local.washington Local news (Moderated)
clari.local.washington.briefs Local news Briefs (Moderated)
clari.local.wisconsin Local news (Moderated)
clari.local.wisconsin.briefs Local news Briefs (Moderated)
clari.nb.apple Newsbytes Apple/Macintosh news (Moderated)
clari.nb.business Newsbytes business & industry news (Moderated)
clari.nb.general Newsbytes general computer news (Moderated)
clari.nb.govt Newsbytes legal and government computer news (Moderated)
clari.nb.ibm Newsbytes IBM PC World coverage (Moderated)
clari.nb.review Newsbytes new product reviews (Moderated)
clari.nb.telecom Newsbytes telecom & online industry news (Moderated)
clari.nb.top Newsbytes top stories (crossposted) (Moderated)
clari.nb.trends Newsbytes new developments & trends (Moderated)
clari.nb.unix Newsbytes Unix news (Moderated)
clari.net.admin Announcements for news admins at ClariNet sites (Moderated)
clari.net.announce Announcements for all ClariNet readers (Moderated)
clari.net.products New ClariNet products (Moderated)
clari.net.talk Discussion of ClariNet -- only unmoderated group
clari.news.almanac Daily almanac - quotes, 'this date in history' etc. (Moderated)
clari.news.arts Stage, drama & other fine arts (Moderated)
clari.news.aviation Aviation industry and mishaps (Moderated)
clari.news.books Books & publishing (Moderated)
clari.news.briefs Regular news summaries (Moderated)
clari.news.bulletin Major breaking stories of the week (Moderated)
clari.news.canada News related to Canada (Moderated)
clari.news.cast Regular U.S. news summary (Moderated)
clari.news.children Stories related to children and parenting (Moderated)
clari.news.consumer Consumer news, car reviews etc. (Moderated)
clari.news.demonstration Demonstrations around the world (Moderated)
clari.news.disaster Major problems, accidents & natural disasters (Moderated)
clari.news.economy General economic news (Moderated)
clari.news.election News regarding both US and international elections (Moderated)
clari.news.entertain Entertainment industry news & features (Moderated)
clari.news.europe News related to Europe (Moderated)
clari.news.features Unclassified feature stories (Moderated)
clari.news.fighting Clashes around the world (Moderated)
clari.news.flash Ultra-important once-a-year news flashes (Moderated)
clari.news.goodnews Stories of success and survival (Moderated)
clari.news.gov General Government related stories (Moderated)
clari.news.gov.agency Government agencies, FBI etc. (Moderated)
clari.news.gov.budget Budgets at all levels (Moderated)
clari.news.gov.corrupt Government corruption, kickbacks etc. (Moderated)
clari.news.gov.international International government-related stories (Moderated)
clari.news.gov.officials Government officials & their problems (Moderated)
clari.news.gov.state State government stories of national importance. (Moderated)
clari.news.gov.taxes Tax laws, trials etc. (Moderated)
clari.news.gov.usa US Federal government news. (High volume) (Moderated)
clari.news.group Special interest groups not covered in their own group (Moderated)
clari.news.group.blacks News of interest to black people (Moderated)
clari.news.group.gays Homosexuality & Gay Rights. (Moderated)
clari.news.group.jews Jews & Jewish interests. (Moderated)
clari.news.group.women Women's issues and abortion (Moderated)
clari.news.headlines Hourly list of the top U.S./World headlines (Moderated)
clari.news.hot.east_europe News from Eastern Europe (Moderated)
clari.news.hot.clinton ? (Moderated)
clari.news.hot.iraq Persian Gulf Crisis news (Moderated)
clari.news.hot.perot ? (Moderated)
clari.news.hot.somalia ? (Moderated)
clari.news.hot.ussr News from the Soviet Union (Moderated)
clari.news.interest Human interest stories (Moderated)
clari.news.interest.animals Animals in the news (Moderated)
clari.news.interest.history Human interest stories & history in the making (Moderated)
clari.news.interest.people Famous people in the news (Moderated)
clari.news.interest.people.column Daily "People" column -- tidbits on celebs (Moderated)
clari.news.interest.quirks Unusual or funny news stories (Moderated)
clari.news.issues Stories on major issues not covered in their own group. (Moderated)
clari.news.issues.civil_rights Freedom, Racism, Civil Rights Issues (Moderated)
clari.news.issues.conflict Conflict between groups around the world (Moderated)
clari.news.issues.family Family, Child abuse, etc. (Moderated)
clari.news.labor Unions, strikes (Moderated)
clari.news.labor.strike Strikes (Moderated)
clari.news.law General group for law related issues (Moderated)
clari.news.law.civil Civil trials & litigation (Moderated)
clari.news.law.crime Major crimes (Moderated)
clari.news.law.crime.sex Sex crimes and trials (Moderated)
clari.news.law.crime.trial Trials for criminal actions (Moderated)
clari.news.law.crime.violent Violent crime & criminals (Moderated)
clari.news.law.drugs Drug related crimes & drug stories (Moderated)
clari.news.law.investigation Investigation of crimes (Moderated)
clari.news.law.police Police & law enforcement (Moderated)
clari.news.law.prison Prisons, prisoners & escapes (Moderated)
clari.news.law.profession Lawyers, Judges etc. (Moderated)
clari.news.law.supreme U.S. Supreme court rulings & news (Moderated)
clari.news.lifestyle Fashion, leisure etc. (Moderated)
clari.news.military Military equipment, people & issues (Moderated)
clari.news.movies Reviews, news and stories on movie stars. (Moderated)
clari.news.music Reviews and issues concerning music & musicians. (Moderated)
clari.news.politics Politicians & politics. (Moderated)
clari.news.politics.people Politicians & Political Personalities (Moderated)
clari.news.religion Religion, religious leaders, televangelists (Moderated)
clari.news.sex Sexual issues, sex-related political stories (Moderated)
clari.news.terrorism Terrorist actions & related news around the world (Moderated)
clari.news.top Top US news stories (Moderated)
clari.news.top.world Top international news stories (Moderated)
clari.news.trends Surveys and trends. (Moderated)
clari.news.trouble Less major accidents, problems & mishaps (Moderated)
clari.news.tv TV schedules, news, reviews & stars. (Moderated)
clari.news.urgent Major breaking stories of the day (Moderated)
clari.news.weather Weather and temperature reports (Moderated)
clari.sports.baseball Baseball scores, stories, games, stats (Moderated)
clari.sports.basketball Basketball coverage (Moderated)
clari.sports.basketball.college ? (Moderated)
clari.sports.features Sports feature stories (Moderated)
clari.sports.football Pro football coverage (Moderated)
clari.sports.football.college ? (Moderated)
clari.sports.hockey NHL coverage (Moderated)
clari.sports.misc Other sports, plus general sports news (Moderated)
clari.sports.motor Racing, Motor Sports (Moderated)
clari.sports.olympic The Olympic Games (Moderated)
clari.sports.tennis Tennis news & scores (Moderated)
clari.sports.top Top sports news (Moderated)
clari.streetprice Database of direct buyer prices for computer eqpt. (Moderated)
clari.tw.aerospace Aerospace industry and companies (Moderated)
clari.tw.computers Computer industry, applications and developments (Moderated)
clari.tw.defense Defense industry issues (Moderated)
clari.tw.education Stories involving Universities & colleges (Moderated)
clari.tw.electronics Electronics makers and sellers (Moderated)
clari.tw.environment Environmental news, hazardous waste, forests (Moderated)
clari.tw.health Disease, medicine, health care, sick celebs (Moderated)
clari.tw.health.aids AIDS stories, research, political issues (Moderated)
clari.tw.misc General technical industry stories (Moderated)
clari.tw.nuclear Nuclear power & waste (Moderated)
clari.tw.science General science stories (Moderated)
clari.tw.space NASA, Astronomy & spaceflight (Moderated)
clari.tw.stocks Regular reports on computer & technology stock prices (Moderated)
clari.tw.telecom Phones, Satellites, Media & general Telecom (Moderated)
fj.ai Artificial intelligence discussions.
fj.announce General announcements of interest to all. (Moderated)
fj.binaries.mac Encoded Macintosh programs in binary.
fj.binaries.misc Encoded programs in binary not covered elsewhere.
fj.binaries.msdos Encoded MS-DOS programs in binary. (Moderated)
fj.binaries.msdos.d Topics on softwares posted to fj.binary.msdos.
fj.binaries.x68000 Encoded free software for SHARP X68000. (Moderated)
fj.books Books of all genres, shapes, and sizes.
fj.comp.arch Computer architecture.
fj.comp.comm Discussion about software & hardware for communications.
fj.comp.image Computer graphics, art, animation, image processing.
fj.comp.misc General topics about computers not covered elsewhere.
fj.comp.music Topics about computers and music.
fj.comp.oops Object Oriented Programming, System, etc.
fj.comp.parallel Discussion about parallel computing.
fj.comp.printers Printers, hardware & software.
fj.comp.speech Academic discussions and technical interchanges on speech pro-essing.
fj.comp.texhax Discussion about TeXhax and delivery of mailing list.
fj.comp.text Text processing issues and methods.
fj.editor.emacs EMACS editors of different flavors.
fj.editor.misc Talk about editors.
fj.editor.sse Discussion about SSE (Simple Screen Editor).
fj.followup Followups to articles in fj.general.
fj.forsale Short, tasteful postings about items for sale.
fj.general *Important* and timely announcements of interest to all.
fj.guide.admin Junet guide for administrators. (Moderated)
fj.guide.general Junet guide. Rules, Convention, etc. (Moderated)
fj.guide.newusers Explanatory postings for new users. (Moderated)
fj.info-terms All sorts of terminals.
fj.jokes Joke and humor.
fj.junet General discussion about JUNET itself.
fj.jus Information about JUS (Japan Unix Society).
fj.kanakan.misc Discussion about kana-kanji henkan.
fj.kanakan.wnn Discussion about Wnn kana-kanji henkan system.
fj.kanji Discussion about Kanji.
fj.kermit Discussion about kermit package.
fj.lan Local area network hardware and software.
fj.lang.ada Discussion about Ada*.
fj.lang.awk Discussion about awk.
fj.lang.c Discussion about C.
fj.lang.forth Discussion about Forth.
fj.lang.fortran Discussion about FORTRAN.
fj.lang.lisp Discussion about LISP.
fj.lang.misc Different computer languages not specifically listed.
fj.lang.mod2 Discussion about Modula-2.
fj.lang.perl Discussion about perl language.
fj.lang.postscript PostScript language and related topics.
fj.lang.prolog Discussion about PROLOG.
fj.lang.st80 Discussion about Smalltalk 80.
fj.lectures Informative talks given to the news readers.
fj.life.in-japan Topics on life of foreigners in Japan.
fj.living Discussions about various things in daily life.
fj.mail Proposed new mail/network standards.
fj.meetings Announce for conference, workshop, etc.
fj.misc Various discussions that there are no groups to match.
fj.misc.handicap Interest for/about the handicapped.
fj.net-people Announcements, requests, etc. about people on the net.
fj.news.adm Comments directed to news administrators.
fj.news.b Discussion about B news software.
fj.news.config Postings of system down times and configuration change.
fj.news.group Discussions and lists of newsgroups.
fj.news.lists News-related statistics and lists.
fj.news.map Various maps, including UUCP maps.
fj.news.misc Discussions of network news on JUNET itself.
fj.news.newsite Postings of new site announcements.
fj.news.policy Discussions on policies of fj newsgroups.
fj.news.sa Comments directed to system administrators.
fj.news.usage Questions and discussions on how to work with the fj community.
fj.os.386bsd Discussion on 386BSD.
fj.os.minix Discussion about the MINIX operating system.
fj.os.misc Discussion about operating systems not covered elsewhere.
fj.os.msdos Discussion about the MSDOS operating system.
fj.os.os9 Discussion about the OS9 operating system.
fj.papers Papers of all genres.
fj.ptt Information about PTT.
fj.questions.junet Questions especially about JUNET.
fj.questions.misc Questions about miscellaneous subjects.
fj.questions.unix Questions especially about UNIX.
fj.rec.aerospace About aviation. Airplane, airsports, etc.
fj.rec.animation Discussion about animated movies.
fj.rec.autos Automobiles, automotive products and laws.
fj.rec.autos.sports About auto sports.
fj.rec.av High fidelity audio and video components.
fj.rec.baseball Discussion about baseball.
fj.rec.bicycles Topics on bicycles.
fj.rec.comics The funnies, old and new.
fj.rec.fine-arts Topics around fine-arts, which is visual arts.
fj.rec.food Food, wine, spirits, cooking, cookbooks, and recipes.
fj.rec.games Discussion about games and computer games.
fj.rec.games.scores Personal best scores of games and computer games.
fj.rec.games.video Discussion about video games.
fj.rec.ham Topics about ham radio.
fj.rec.idol General topics about idol.
fj.rec.marine Marine recreation. Diving, swimming, yachting, etc.
fj.rec.misc Recreational/participant topics not covered elsewhere.
fj.rec.models About models.
fj.rec.motorcycles Topics on motorcycles.
fj.rec.movies Reviews and discussions of movies.
fj.rec.music Discussion about music.
fj.rec.music.classical Talk around classical music.
fj.rec.music.progressive Talk around Progressive rock.
fj.rec.mystery Talk about mystery.
fj.rec.pachinko Discussion about pachinko game.
fj.rec.photo Topics about cameras and photographs.
fj.rec.play Topics around play and theater.
fj.rec.rail Discussion about railway & railroad.
fj.rec.sf Discussion about science fiction.
fj.rec.sports Topics about sports.
fj.rec.sports.baseball Discussion about baseball.
fj.rec.sports.basketball About basketball.
fj.rec.sports.football Talk around footballs.
fj.rec.sports.golf About golf.
fj.rec.sports.keiba About horseracing.
fj.rec.sports.prowrestling About prowrestling.
fj.rec.sports.ski About skiing.
fj.rec.travel Traveling all over the world.
fj.rec.travel.air Topics on air travel.
fj.rec.travel.japan Traveling in Japan.
fj.rec.travel.world Traveling all over the world.
fj.rec.tv Talk about Television and its shows.
fj.sci.astro Discussion about stars, planets and comets.
fj.sci.bio Discussion on biology.
fj.sci.chem Discussion on chemistry.
fj.sci.geo Discussion on earth and planetary sciences.
fj.sci.lang Natural languages, communication, etc.
fj.sci.math Mathematical discussions and pursuits.
fj.sci.medical Topics related to medical science.
fj.sci.misc Discussions about sciences not covered elsewhere.
fj.sci.psychology Discussion and pursuit on Psychology.
fj.sci.physics Discussion on physics.
fj.soc.culture Group about (japanese?) culture.
fj.soc.environment Talks about natural environment and society.
fj.soc.law Topics on Low and right.
fj.soc.men-women Fairness ,Right, etc. between women and men.
fj.soc.misc Socially-oriented topics not covered elsewhere.
fj.soc.tech Topics on society and technology .
fj.soc.traffic Socially-oriented topics on traffic & transportation.
fj.sources For the posting of software packages & documentation.
fj.sources.d For any discussion of source postings.
fj.sources.mac Software for the Apple Macintosh.
fj.std Discussion about various standards.
fj.sys.ews4800 Discussion about NEC EWS4800 workstation.
fj.sys.famicom Discussion about Nintendo's Family Computer.
fj.sys.hp Discussions on Hewlett Packard products.
fj.sys.ibmpc Discussion about IBM Personal Computers and clones.
fj.sys.j3100 Discussion about TOSHIBA's J3100-family computers.
fj.sys.luna Discussion about OMRON's LUNA workstation.
fj.sys.mac Discussion about the Apple Macintosh & Lisa.
fj.sys.misc Discussion about computers of all other kinds.
fj.sys.news Discussion about SONY NEWS workstation.
fj.sys.next NeXT workstation and related topics.
fj.sys.pc98 Discussion about NEC's PC-9800 & other computers.
fj.sys.rs6000 Discussion about IBM RS/6000 workstation and AIX.
fj.sys.sgi Discussions about Silicon Graphics products.
fj.sys.sun Discussion about SUN workstation.
fj.sys.x68000 Discussion about Sharp's X-68000 & other computers.
fj.test Testing all over JUNET. Very boring.
fj.unix UNIX neophytes group.
fj.unix.wizards Discussions, bug reports, and fixes on and for UNIX.
fj.wanted Requests for things that are needed.
fj.windows.gmw GMW window systems.
fj.windows.misc Miscellaneous window systems.
fj.windows.ms About Microsoft Windows.
fj.windows.x About X window systems.
nz.archives Announcements of available software.
nz.arts Discussion on the Arts.
nz.comp Computing and computers.
nz.general General information, announcements, etc
nz.molbio Molecular Biology.
nz.netstatus Status of local & international net links
nz.rec Recreation.
nz.soc Social issues.
nz.soc.green Environmental issues.
nz.wanted Requests for sources, information, ...
relcom.ads Non-commercial ads.
relcom.ads.comp Hardware and software. (Moderated)
relcom.archives Messages about new items on archive sites.
relcom.archives.d Discussions on file servers, archives.
relcom.bbs BBS news.
relcom.commerce.audio-video Audio-video equipment.
relcom.commerce.chemical Chemical production.
relcom.commerce.computers Computer hardware.
relcom.commerce.construction Construction materials and equipment.
relcom.commerce.consume Cosmetics,parfumes, dresses, shoes.
relcom.commerce.energy Gas, coal, oil, fuel, generators, etc.
relcom.commerce.estate Real estate.
relcom.commerce.food Food,drinks,spirits, cigarettes.
relcom.commerce.household All for house -- furniture, freezers, ovens, etc.
relcom.commerce.infoserv Information services.
relcom.commerce.jobs Looking for and offering jobs.
relcom.commerce.machinery Machinery, plant equipment.
relcom.commerce.medicine Medical services, euipment, medicaments.
relcom.commerce.metals Metals and metal products.
relcom.commerce.money Credits, deposits, currency.
relcom.commerce.orgtech Office equipment.
relcom.commerce.other For ads unapproprite for specialized groups.
relcom.commerce.software Software.
relcom.commerce.stocks Stock and bonds market.
relcom.commerce.talk Discussion of usage and development of commercial groups.
relcom.commerce.tobacco Cigarettes and tobacco.
relcom.commerce.transport Transport vehicles and parts for them.
relcom.exnet Discussions on ExNet electronic exchange.
relcom.exnet.quote ExNet quotes.
relcom.fido.flirt FIDOnet area, just talking of love.
relcom.fido.ru.hacker FIDOnet area, hackers and crackers (keep talk legal, please).
relcom.fido.ru.modem Inter-network discussion on modems.
relcom.fido.ru.networks Inter-network discussion of global nets.
relcom.fido.ru.strack FIDOnet area, digitized sound.
relcom.fido.ru.unix FIDOnet area, how to challenge OS Unix.
relcom.fido.su.books FIDOnet area, for book readers and lovers.
relcom.fido.su.c-c++ FIDOnet area, s++ language.
relcom.fido.su.dbms FIDOnet area, database management systems.
relcom.fido.su.general FIDOnet area, about everything and nothing.
relcom.fido.su.hardw FIDOnet area, computer hardware.
relcom.fido.su.magic FIDOnet area, magic and occult sciences.
relcom.fido.su.pol FIDONET area, politics.
relcom.fido.su.softw FIDOnet area, software in general.
relcom.fido.su.tolkien FIDOnet area, creations of J.R.R.T Tolkien.
relcom.fido.su.virus FIDOnet area, viruses and vaccines.
relcom.games Games: ordinary, computer, play-by-mail.
relcom.humor Ha-ha-ha. Jokes, you know them, funny.
relcom.infomarket.quote Ex-USSR exchanges's quotes. (Moderated)
relcom.infomarket.talk Discussion on market development. (Moderated)
relcom.jusinf Information on laws by "Justicinform". (Moderated)
relcom.kids About kids.
relcom.lan Inter-network discussion on local area networks.
relcom.maps Relcom maps.
relcom.mn.economics Moscow News agency, economic reviews.
relcom.mn.faxdigest Moscow News agency, digest.
relcom.mn.laws Moscow News agency, laws.
relcom.mn.newspaper Moscow News agency, newspaper.
relcom.msdos Talk on MS-DOS software.
relcom.music Music lovers.
relcom.netnews Announcements and articles, important for all netters.
relcom.netnews.big General BIG articles.
relcom.newusers Questions of new Relcom users.
relcom.penpals To find friends, colleagues, etc.
relcom.politics Political discussions.
relcom.postmasters For RELCOM postmasters, official. (Moderated)
relcom.postmasters.d Discussion of postmaster's troubles and bright ideas.
relcom.renews Net magazine RENEWS. (Moderated)
relcom.sources For program sources and codes.
relcom.spbnews Political & economic news digest by SPB-News Agency. (Moderated)
relcom.talk Free talk.
relcom.tcpip TCP/IP protocols and their implementation.
relcom.terms Discussion of various terms and terminology.
relcom.test "Wow, does it really work?"
relcom.wtc Commercial proposals of World Trade Centers.
relcom.x X Windows discussion.
bnet.followup ?
bnet.general ?
bnet.test ?
ch.chuug General topics of interest to the Swiss UNIX-Users Group.
ch.general Misc. items of interest to Swiss newsgroups readers.
ch.network Networking technology/security/..., not restricted to CH.
ch.philo.agenda Current affairs/events/etc. of philosophical nature.
ch.si.choose Addressing object-oriented programming issues.
ch.si.general Misc. items of interest to Swiss Informatiker Gesellsch.
ch.si.sgaico Topics of the Swiss Group of AI and Cognitive Science.
ch.sun-managers Group gatewayed from/to sun-managers mailing list.
de.admin.archiv Archive in Deutschland.
de.admin.lists Fuer Statistiken. (Moderated)
de.admin.mail Adressierungs- und andere Mailprobleme.
de.admin.misc Allgemeine Themen zum Netz.
de.admin.news.announce RFDs, CFVs, Zwischen- und Endergebnisse. (Moderated)
de.admin.news.groups Diskussionen ueber (neue) Newsgruppen.
de.admin.news.misc Sonstige Themen rund um NetNews.
de.admin.news.software Technisches zur Newssoftware.
de.admin.submaps Mapdaten fuer Pathalias. (Moderated)
de.comm.gatebau Gateprotokolle, -implementierungen. (Moderated)
de.comm.gateways News- und Mail-Gateways zu anderen Netzen.
de.comm.ham Amateurfunk, Packet Radio.
de.comm.internet Networking/Internet.
de.comm.isdn Digitale Telefonnetze (ISDN): Geraete,Software,Telekom.
de.comm.misc Kommunikation: Hardware, Protokolle und Probleme.
de.comm.uucp UUCP: Protokolle, Programme und Probleme.
de.comp.databases Diskussion ueber Datenbanken.
de.comp.gnu Diskussion ueber GNU's Not Unix-Software.
de.comp.graphik Grafik, insbesondere auf Computern.
de.comp.lang.c Die Programmiersprache C (K&R, ANSI).
de.comp.lang.c++ Die Programmiersprache C++.
de.comp.lang.lisp Lisp, Scheme, andere Lisp-aehnliche Sprachen.
de.comp.lang.misc Alle Programmiersprachen ohne eigene Gruppe.
de.comp.lang.pascal Pascal, inkl. Turbo-.
de.comp.lang.perl Perl (von Larry Wall).
de.comp.misc Diverses rund um die Computerei.
de.comp.os.minix Minix-Betriebssystem.
de.comp.os.misc Diverse Betriebssysteme (z.B. MVS, RTOS).
de.comp.os.os9 OS-9/68000.
de.comp.os.unix Unix-Systeme (ausser Xenix).
de.comp.os.vms VAX/VMS.
de.comp.os.xenix Xenix-Systeme.
de.comp.security Diskussion sicherheitsrelevanter Themen.
de.comp.sources.amiga Programme fuer den Amiga. (Moderated)
de.comp.sources.d Sources-Diskussion, Anfragen nach Software.
de.comp.sources.misc Programme fuer MS-DOS, TOS, VMS etc. (Moderated)
de.comp.sources.os9 Programme fuer OS-9/68000. (Moderated)
de.comp.sources.st Programme fuer den Atari ST. (Moderated)
de.comp.sources.unix Programme fuer UNIX/XENIX. (Moderated)
de.comp.sys.amiga.advocacy Diskussionen ueber die Zukunft des Amiga.
de.comp.sys.amiga.misc Allgemeine Themen zum Commodore Amiga.
de.comp.sys.amiga.unix Unix auf dem Amiga.
de.comp.sys.amiga.uucp UUCP mit dem Amiga.
de.comp.sys.apple Apple II/Macintosh.
de.comp.sys.ibm IBMs und kompatible.
de.comp.sys.misc Andere Systeme.
de.comp.sys.next NeXT.
de.comp.sys.pcs Alles zu PCS-Computern.
de.comp.sys.st Atari ST.
de.comp.tex Diskussion um und Codeschnipsel fuer TeX.
de.etc.finanz Infos zu & Diskussion ueber Geld & Anlagen.
de.etc.lists Kurze und lange Listen zu allen Themen.
de.etc.misc Alles, was woanders nicht hinpasst.
de.mag.chalisti Chalisti-Magazin. (Moderated)
de.mag.chalisti.d Diskussion ueber Artikel in der Chalisti.
de.mag.misc Alle anderen Newsletters und Magazine. (Moderated)
de.mag.misc.d Diskussionen ueber Magazine und Artikel in de.mag.misc.
de.markt Angebote/Gesuche. Aussagekraeftige Themen bitte!
de.newusers Infos und periodische Postings fuer neue User. (Moderated)
de.newusers.questions Neue Benutzer im Netz fragen, Experten antworten.
de.org.auge Mitteilungen des AUGE e.V.
de.org.ccc Mitteilungen des CCC e.V.
de.org.dfn Mitteilungen des DFN e.V. (Moderated)
de.org.dfn.d Diskussionen ueber den DFN e.V. und Artikel in de.org.dfn.
de.org.eunet Bekanntmachungen der unido-News-Verwalter. (Moderated)
de.org.in Informationen des Individual Network e.V.
de.org.sub Fuer Mitteilungen des sub-Netz e.V. (Moderated)
de.rec.fahrrad Alles rund ums Fahrrad.
de.rec.games Spiele.
de.rec.games.rpg Rollenspiele.
de.rec.mampf Alles, was mit Essen und Trinken etc. zu tun hat.
de.rec.misc Diverse Themen im Bereich Freizeit.
de.rec.modelle Bau von und Spiel mit Modellen.
de.rec.motorrad Alles rund ums Motorrad.
de.rec.music.misc Musikbezogene Themen.
de.sci.ki.announce Ankuendigungen zum Thema KI.
de.sci.ki.discussion Diskussion ueber kuenstliche Intelligenz u.ae.
de.sci.ki.mod-ki Elektronische Zeitung ueber KI. (Moderated)
de.sci.medizin Rund um die Medizin.
de.sci.misc Diverse Themen aus der Wissenschaft.
de.soc.familie Alles, was mit Familie zu tun hat.
de.soc.kultur Kulturelle Themen.
de.soc.misc Diverse gesellschaftliche Themen.
de.soc.netzwesen Netzkultur etc. verschiedener Netze.
de.soc.politik Politische Diskussionen.
de.soc.recht Aktuelle Urteile, juristische Fragen und Diskussionen.
de.soc.studium Diskussion Studium, Studienbedingungen usw.
de.soc.umwelt Infos zu und sachliche Diskussion ueber Umweltfragen.
de.soc.verkehr Autos sowie umweltfreundlichere Verkehrsmittel.
de.talk.chat Offline-Chat und verwandte Krankheiten.
de.talk.jokes Witze etc.
de.talk.jokes.d Diskussion ueber Witze.
de.talk.misc Diverse Endlosthemen. ;-)
de.talk.sex Menschliche Sexualitaet.
de.test Tests. Vorsicht Reflektoren!
alt.1d ?
alt.3d Discussions of 3 dimensional imaging.
alt.abortion.inequity Paternal obligations of failing to abort unwanted child.
alt.abuse.recovery ?
alt.activism Activities for activists.
alt.activism.d A place to discuss issues in alt.activism.
alt.activism.death-penalty ?
alt.adoption Adopting people.
alt.aeffle.und.pferdle German TV cartoon characters.
alt.agriculture.fruit ?
alt.agriculture.misc General discussions of agriculture, farming, etc.
alt.aldus.freehand ?
alt.aldus.misc ?
alt.aldus.pagemaker ?
alt.alien.visitors Space creatures ate my modem.
alt.amateur-comp Discussion and input for Amateur Computerist Newsletter.
alt.angst Anxiety in the modern world.
alt.answers ? (Moderated)
alt.appalachian Appalachian region awareness, events, and culture.
alt.aquaria The aquarium & related as a hobby.
alt.archery Discussion of archery.
alt.architecture Building design/construction and related topics.
alt.architecture.alternative From solar energy to composting toilets, technical issues.
alt.artcom Artistic Community.
alt.arts.nomad Shifting, searching, belonging, place, identity, power?
alt.asian-movies ?
alt.astrology Twinkle, twinkle, little planet.
alt.atheism Discussions of atheism.
alt.atheism.moderated Atheism and related topics. (Moderated)
alt.ato ?
alt.autos.antique Discussion of all facets of older automobiles.
alt.autos.rod-n-custom ?
alt.bacchus A newsgroup for the non-profit 'BACCHUS' organization.
alt.backrubs Lower...to the right...aaaah!
alt.basement.graveyard Another side of the do-it-yourself movement.
alt.bbs Computer BBS systems & software.
alt.bbs.ads Ads for various computer BBS's.
alt.bbs.allsysop SysOp concerns of ALL networks and technologies.
alt.bbs.first-class ?
alt.bbs.internet BBS systems accessible via the Internet.
alt.bbs.lists Postings of regional BBS listings.
alt.bbs.lists.d Discussion about regional BBS listings.
alt.bbs.majorbbs The MajorBBS by Galacticomm, Inc.
alt.bbs.metal The METAL Telecommunications Enviornment.
alt.bbs.pcboard Technical support for the PCBoard BBS.
alt.bbs.pcbuucp The commerical PCBoard gateway, PCB-UUCP.
alt.bbs.unixbbs Discussion of the BBS package UnixBBS.
alt.bbs.uupcb PCB? I used to do that in the Sixties, man ...
alt.bbs.wildcat ?
alt.beer Good for what ales ya.
alt.best.of.internet It was a time of sorrow, it was a time of joy.
alt.bigfoot Dr. Scholl's gone native.
alt.binaries.multimedia Sound, text and graphics data rolled in one.
alt.binaries.pictures.d Discussion of postings to alt.binaries.pictures.*.
alt.binaries.pictures.erotica Gigabytes of copyright violations.
alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.blondes Blonde copyright violations.
alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.d Discussion about erotic pictures.
alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.female Copyright violations featuring mostly females.
alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.male Copyright violations featuring mostly males.
alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.orientals ?
alt.binaries.pictures.fine-art.d Discussion of the fine-art binaries. (Moderated)
alt.binaries.pictures.fine-art.digitized Art from conventional media. (Moderated)
alt.binaries.pictures.fine-art.graphics Art created on computers. (Moderated)
alt.binaries.pictures.fractals For postings of fractal-pictures.
alt.binaries.pictures.misc Have we saturated the network yet?
alt.binaries.pictures.supermodels Uuencoded pictures of "supermodels."
alt.binaries.pictures.tasteless Binary postings of especially tasteless.
alt.binaries.pictures.utilities Posting of pictures-related utilities.
alt.binaries.sounds.d Sounding off.
alt.binaries.sounds.misc Digitized audio adventures.
alt.binaries.sounds.music Music samples in MOD/669 format.
alt.birthright Birthright Party propaganda.
alt.bitterness No matter what it's for, you know how it'll turn out.
alt.bonsai For discussion of Bonsai gardening.
alt.books.anne-rice ?
alt.books.deryni Katherine Kurtz's books, especially the Deryni series.
alt.books.isaac-asimov Fans of the late SF/science author Isaac Asimov.
alt.books.reviews ?
alt.books.technical Discussion of technical books.
alt.books.toffler The writings and views of Alvin and Heidi Toffler.
alt.boomerang Technology and use of the boomerang.
alt.brother-jed The born-again minister touring US campuses.
alt.business.misc ?
alt.business.multi-level Multi-level (network) marketing businesses.
alt.cable-tv.re-regulate Re-regulation of the cable television industry.
alt.cad Computer Aided Design.
alt.cad.autocad CAD as practiced by customers of Autodesk.
alt.california The state and the state of mind.
alt.callahans Callahan's bar for puns and fellowship.
alt.cascade For cascade experimentation and discussion.
alt.cd-rom Discussions of optical storage media.
alt.censorship Discussion about restricting speech/press.
alt.cereal Breakfast cereals and their (m)ilk.
alt.cesium College Educated Students In Universal Mainland.
alt.child-support Raising children in a split family.
alt.chinchilla The nature of chinchilla farming in America Today.
alt.chinese.text General postings of Chinese in a standard form.
alt.chinese.text.big5 Posting in Chinese[BIG 5].
alt.clearing.technology ?
alt.co-evolution Excerpts and discussions of the Whole Earth Review.
alt.co-ops Discussion about co-operatives.
alt.cobol Use of the programming language COBOL.
alt.collecting.autographs WOW! You got Pete Rose's? What about Kibo's?
alt.college.college-bowl Discussions of the College Bowl competition.
alt.college.food Dining halls, cafeterias, mystery meat, and more!
alt.colorguard Marching bands etc.
alt.comedy.british Discussion of British comedy in a variety of media.
alt.comedy.firesgn-thtre ?
alt.comics.batman ?
alt.comics.buffalo-roam Comic strips (Where The Buffalo Roam) by Hans Bjordahl.
alt.comics.elfquest Discussion of W & R Pini's ElfQuest.
alt.comics.lnh ?
alt.comics.superman ?
alt.comp.acad-freedom.news Academic freedom issues related to computers. (Moderated)
alt.comp.acad-freedom.talk Academic freedom issues related to computers.
alt.comp.databases.xbase.clipper Discussion about the database programming language clipper.
alt.comp.fsp A file transport protocol.
alt.comp.hardware.homebuilt ?
alt.computer.consultants ?
alt.config Alternative subnet discussions and connectivity.
alt.consciousness Discussions of all aspects of the essence of human consciousness.
alt.conspiracy Be paranoid -- they're out to get you.
alt.conspiracy.jfk Discussion of the JFK assassination.
alt.control-theory ?
alt.cosuard Council of Sysops & Users Against Rate Discrimination.
alt.cult-movies Movies with a cult following (e.g., Rocky Horror PS)
alt.cult-movies.rocky-horror Virgin! Virgin! Virgin! Virgin!
alt.culture.alaska Discussion about the state of Alaska.
alt.culture.argentina ?
alt.culture.austrian Mail-News gateway of austrian-culture@mail.unet.umn.edu.
alt.culture.electric-midget Waiting for the dwarf, or someone like him.
alt.culture.hawaii Ua Mau Ke Ea O Ka 'Aina I Ka Pono.
alt.culture.indonesia Discussion of Indonesia (culture/news/etc).
alt.culture.internet The culture(s) of the Internet.
alt.culture.karnataka Culture and language of the Indian state of Karnataka.
alt.culture.kerala Discussion of the culture of the Keralite people worldwide.
alt.culture.ny-upstate ?
alt.culture.oregon Discussion about the state of Oregon.
alt.culture.tuva Topics related to the Republic of Tuva.
alt.culture.us.asian-indian Asian Indians in the US and Canada.
alt.culture.us.southwest ?
alt.culture.usenet The USENET community.
alt.current-events.bosnia Discussion of the situation in Bosnia.
alt.current-events.haiti Current happenings in Haiti.
alt.current-events.russia Current happenings in Russia.
alt.current-events.somalia Discussion of the situation in Somalia.
alt.current-events.usa Current happenings in USA.
alt.cyb-sys Cybernetics and Systems.
alt.cyberpunk High-tech low-life.
alt.cyberpunk.chatsubo Literary virtual reality in a cyberpunk hangout.
alt.cyberpunk.movement Cybernizing the Universe.
alt.cyberpunk.tech Cyberspace and Cyberpunk technology.
alt.cyberspace Cyberspace and how it should work.
alt.dads-rights Rights of fathers trying to win custody in court.
alt.dcom.catv Discussion of Cable TV technology.
alt.dcom.telecom Discussion of telecommunications technology.
alt.dear.whitehouse When Hints from Heloise aren't enough.
alt.decathena ? (Moderated)
alt.desert-storm The war against Iraq in Kuwait.
alt.desert-storm.facts For factual information on The Gulf War.
alt.desert-thekurds What's happening to the Kurds in Iraq.
alt.destroy.the.earth Deteriorata meets the Space Orphans.
alt.dev.null ? (Moderated)
alt.devilbunnies Probably better left undescribed.
alt.discordia ?
alt.discrimination Quotas, affirmative action, bigotry, persecution.
alt.divination Divination techniques (e.g., I Ching, Tarot, runes).
alt.dreams What do they mean?
alt.dreams.lucid ?
alt.drugs Recreational pharmaceuticals and related flames.
alt.drugs.caffeine All about the world's most-used stimulant drug.
alt.drumcorps Drum and bugle corps discussion (and related topics).
alt.drwho.creative ?
alt.education.bangkok The Bangkok distance education project.
alt.education.bangkok.cmc ?
alt.education.bangkok.databases ?
alt.education.bangkok.planning ?
alt.education.bangkok.research ?
alt.education.bangkok.student ?
alt.education.bangkok.theory ?
alt.education.disabled Learning experiences for the disabled.
alt.education.distance Learning over nets etc.
alt.education.ib International Baccalaureate Diploma Program.
alt.education.ib.econ For IB and other students taking a course in economics.
alt.education.ib.tok IB Theory of Knowledge.
alt.education.research ?
alt.emulators.ibmpc.apple2 Apple ][ emulators running on IBM PCs.
alt.emusic Ethnic, exotic, electronic, elaborate, etc. music.
alt.engr.dynamics ?
alt.engr.explosives Building backyard bombs.
alt.evil Tales from the dark side.
alt.exotic-music Exotic music discussions.
alt.exploding.kibo Perhaps just wishful thinking.
alt.fan.alok.vijayvargia ?
alt.fan.asprin The works of Robert Lynn Asprin.
alt.fan.bgcrisis The Bubblegum Crisis series and related material.
alt.fan.bill-gates ?
alt.fan.billcunningham Turn it up! 50,000 Watts on 700 WLW!
alt.fan.blues-brothers Anything you ever wanted to know about the Blues Brothers.
alt.fan.british-accent 'Ello! Good to see you, old chap!
alt.fan.chris-elliott ?
alt.fan.dale-bass Dale Bass, baseless refuter of Scientific American.
alt.fan.dan-quayle For discussion of the US Vice President.
alt.fan.dave_barry Electronic fan club for humorist Dave Barry.
alt.fan.david-bowie The man who fell to earth.
alt.fan.devo Funny hats do not a band make.
alt.fan.dice-man Fans of Andrew Dice Clay.
alt.fan.dick-depew Dump on Dick.
alt.fan.disney.afternoon Any and all cartoons in the Disney Afternoon.
alt.fan.douglas-adams Author of "The Meaning of Liff", & other fine works.
alt.fan.dune For fans of the Dune Books.
alt.fan.eddings The fantasy worlds of David Eddings.
alt.fan.enya For Enya fandom.
alt.fan.frank-zappa Fans of Frank Zappa and Zappa related bands.
alt.fan.furry Fans of funny animals, ala Steve Gallacci's book.
alt.fan.g-gordon-liddy ?
alt.fan.goons Careful Neddy, it's that dastardly Moriarty again.
alt.fan.greaseman ?
alt.fan.hofstadter ?
alt.fan.holmes Elementary, my dear Watson.
alt.fan.howard-stern Fans of the abrasive radio & TV personality.
alt.fan.james-bond ?
alt.fan.jeff-wheelhouse Discussion for fans of Jeff Wheelhouse.
alt.fan.jeff-witty ?
alt.fan.jen-coolest Gosh, isn't she just wonderful?
alt.fan.jimmy-buffett ?
alt.fan.joel-furr All about Mr. "I'm gonna newgroup everybody" Furr.
alt.fan.john-palmer Tygra, tygra, burning blight...
alt.fan.kali.astarte.inanna ?
alt.fan.karla-homolka Why are there so few hot, exhibitionist, S&M women?
alt.fan.kent-montana Appreciation of the Kent Montana Book Series.
alt.fan.kevin-darcy The Kevin Darcy Appreciation Society.
alt.fan.lemurs All about Lemur fandom and folklore.
alt.fan.letterman Fans of Late Nite with David Letterman.
alt.fan.madonna Fans of the pop music star Madonna.
alt.fan.maria-callas ?
alt.fan.mike-jittlov Electronic fan club for animator Mike Jittlov.
alt.fan.monty-python Electronic fan club for those wacky Brits.
alt.fan.nathan.brazil Fans of the Well of Souls, and all things Markovian...
alt.fan.noam-chomsky Noam Chomsky's writings and opinions.
alt.fan.pern Anne McCaffery's s-f oeuvre.
alt.fan.piers-anthony The many works of author Piers Anthony.
alt.fan.pratchett Discussions about Terry Pratchett's works.
alt.fan.q Fans of Q from Star Trek: The Next Generation.
alt.fan.ren-and-stimpy Same as alt.tv.ren-n-stimpy.
alt.fan.robert-jordan Discussing the works of Robert Jordan.
alt.fan.robert.mcelwaine Another favorite net-personality.
alt.fan.ronald-reagan Jellybeans and all.
alt.fan.rush-limbaugh Fans of the conservative activist radio announcer.
alt.fan.serdar-argic All about Armenia, Turkey, genocide, and robot-posting.
alt.fan.shostakovich Classical music composer.
alt.fan.spinal-tap Down on the sex farm.
alt.fan.thunder-thumbs ?
alt.fan.tolkien Discussion of J.R.R. Tolkien's works.
alt.fan.tom-robbins Fans of author Tom Robbins.
alt.fan.tom_peterson Portland Oregon's favorite son.
alt.fan.u2 ?
alt.fan.wal-greenslade This is the BBC Home Service.......<CHING!>.
alt.fan.warlord Mocking net.gods and net.weenies.
alt.fan.wodehouse Discussion of the works of humour author P.G. Wodehouse.
alt.fandom.cons Announcements of conventions (SciFi and others).
alt.fandom.misc Other topics for fans of various kinds.
alt.fashion Discussions about the world of fashion.
alt.feminism Unmoderated discussion of feminist issues.
alt.filesystems.afs Discussions about AFS, from deployment to development.
alt.fishing Fishing as a hobby and sport.
alt.flame Alternative, literate, pithy, succinct screaming.
alt.flame.roommate Putting the pig on a spit.
alt.folklore.college College related folklore.
alt.folklore.computers Stories & anecdotes about computers (some true!).
alt.folklore.ghost-stories Ghost story folklore, personal experiences, etc.
alt.folklore.herbs Discussion of all aspects of herbs and their uses.
alt.folklore.info Current urban legends and other folklore. (Moderated)
alt.folklore.science The lore and folklore of science.
alt.folklore.urban Urban legends, ala Jan Harold Brunvand.
alt.food.cocacola & Royal Crown, Pepsi, Dr. Pepper, NEHI, etc...
alt.food.fat-free ?
alt.food.sugar-cereals All about sugary breakfast cereals!
alt.forgery One place for all forgeries--crossposting encouraged.
alt.fractal-design.painter ?
alt.fractals.pictures Cheaper just to send the program parameters.
alt.galactic-guide Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Known Galaxy Project Group.
alt.games.frp.dnd-util Discussion and creation of utility programs for AD&D.
alt.games.frp.live-action ?
alt.games.gb The Galactic Bloodshed conquest game.
alt.games.lynx Discussing the Atari Lynx and its games.
alt.games.mk Struggling in Mortal Kombat!
alt.games.mornington.cresent Mornington Cresent.
alt.games.netrek.paradise Discussion of the paradise version of netrek.
alt.games.pabu Discussion of the game PABU.
alt.games.sf2 Street Fighter 2 videogame discussion.
alt.games.tiddlywinks All aspects of the game of Tiddlywinks.
alt.games.torg Gateway for TORG mailing list.
alt.games.vga-planets Discussion of Tim Wisseman's VGA Planets.
alt.games.video.classic "Classic" videogames from before the mid-80s.
alt.games.whitewolf Discussion of WhiteWolf's wonderful line of gothic/horror RPGs.
alt.games.xpilot Discussion on all aspects of the X11 game Xpilot.
alt.games.xtrek All about a Star Trek game for X.
alt.gathering.rainbow For discussing the annual Rainbow Gathering.
alt.geek To fulfill an observed need.
alt.good.morning Would you like coffee with that?
alt.good.news A place for some news that's good news.
alt.gopher Discussions of gopher-news servers, clients, protocols.
alt.gorets ...is like a crowded theatre full of piggies.
alt.gothic The gothic movement: things mournful and dark.
alt.gourmand Recipes & cooking info. (Moderated)
alt.grad-student.tenured Most prison terms are finished sooner.
alt.graphics.pixutils Discussion of pixmap utilities.
alt.great-lakes Discussions of the Great Lakes and adjacent places.
alt.guitar Guitar enthusiasts.
alt.guitar.bass Bass guitars.
alt.guitar.tab Discussions about guitar tablature music.
alt.hackers Descriptions of projects currently under development. (Moderated)
alt.health.ayurveda ?
alt.hemp It's about knot-tying with rope. Knot!
alt.heraldry.sca Heraldry in the Society of Creative Anachronism.
alt.hindu Discussion related to Hindu philosophy and various issues. (Moderated)
alt.history.what-if Discussions of possible alternate histories.
alt.homosexual Same as alt.sex.homosexual.
alt.horror The horror genre.
alt.horror.cthulhu Cthulhu, Cthulu, Ctulhu, Ctulu, and the rest.
alt.horror.werewolves Discussion of Werewolves.
alt.hotrod High speed automobiles. (Moderated)
alt.housing.nontrad Communes, co-housing & alternative living arrangements.
alt.humor.best-of-usenet What the moderator thinks is funniest. (Moderated)
alt.humor.best-of-usenet.d Why everyone else doesn't it's funny.
alt.hypertext Discussion of hypertext -- uses, transport, etc.
alt.hypnosis Discussion of hypnosis, hypnotism, trance states, etc.
alt.illuminati ?
alt.image.medical Medical image exchange discussions.
alt.india.progressive Progressive politics in the Indian sub-continent. (Moderated)
alt.individualism Philosophies where individual rights are paramount.
alt.industrial The Industrial Computing Society.
alt.info-science ?
alt.info-theory All aspects of information theory.
alt.internet.access.wanted Information about connecting to the Internet.
alt.internet.services Information about services available on the Internet.
alt.internet.talk-radio ?
alt.irc Internet Relay Chat material.
alt.irc.ircii Discussion of the IRC II client program.
alt.irc.recovery Kill your television... er, IRC client.
alt.irc.undernet Discussion about Undernet, an alternate network of irc servers.
alt.japanese.text Postings in Japanese; Japanese language software.
alt.journalism General hangout for journalists.
alt.journalism.criticism I write, therefore I'm biased.
alt.kids-talk A place for the pre-college set on the net.
alt.kill.the.whales This newsgroup is evidence for the coming apocalypse.
alt.lang.asm Assembly languages of various flavours.
alt.lang.awk ?
alt.lang.basic The Language That Would Not Die.
alt.lang.cfutures Discussion of the future of the C programming language (not C++).
alt.lang.intercal Discussion and tools for the Intercal language.
alt.lang.ml The ML and SML symbolic languages.
alt.lang.teco The TECO editor language.
alt.law-enforcement ?
alt.lemmings ?
alt.locksmithing Discussions about locksmithing.
alt.lucid-emacs.bug Bug reports about Lucid Emacs.
alt.lucid-emacs.help Q&A and general discussion of Lucid Emacs.
alt.lycra For discussion of the miracle fashion fabric.
alt.magic For discussion about stage magic.
alt.magick Discussion of magick and related arts and sciences.
alt.magick.sex Sexuality, spirituality, and magick.
alt.management.tech-support Discussion of technical support management issues.
alt.manga Discussion of non-Western comics.
alt.materials.simulation Discussion of computer modeling of materials. (Moderated)
alt.mcdonalds Can I get fries with that?
alt.med.cfs ?
alt.meditation General discussion of meditation.
alt.meditation.transcendental Contemplation of states beyond the teeth.
alt.memetics The evolution of ideas in societies.
alt.messianic Messianic traditions.
alt.military.cadet Military training programs.
alt.misanthropy ?
alt.missing-kids Locating missing children.
alt.models Model building, design, etc.
alt.msdos.programmer For the serious MS/DOS programmer (no forsale ads).
alt.mud Same as rec.games.mud.
alt.mud.chupchups Look at the one on the left!
alt.mud.german For German-speaking MUD-er's.
alt.mud.lp The LP multi-user dungeon.
alt.music.a-cappella Singing unaccompanied by musical instruments.
alt.music.alternative Discussion of "alternative" music.
alt.music.bela-fleck Discussion related to Bela Fleck.
alt.music.canada ?
alt.music.enya Discussion of Enya's music.
alt.music.filk Discussions of the music of the SF fanatic.
alt.music.hardcore Guitar based hardcore music.
alt.music.jewish ?
alt.music.marillion ?
alt.music.nin Nine Inch Nails. 'nuff said.
alt.music.prince ?
alt.music.progressive Progressive rock, eg, Genesis, RUSH, Yes, et cetera.
alt.music.queen ?
alt.music.rush Discussion of the rock group Rush.
alt.music.ska ?
alt.music.tmbg They Might Be Giants.
alt.music.u2 Discussion of the music group U2.
alt.music.world Discussion of music from around the world.
alt.mythology The understanding of human nature through the discussion of mythology.
alt.national.enquirer Entertaining, utter drek.
alt.native News and issues re Native Peoples (esp. in the Americas).
alt.necromicon ?
alt.netgames.bolo A multiplayer tank game for the Macintosh.
alt.news-media Don't believe the hype.
alt.news.macedonia News about Macedonia in the Balkan Region of Europe.
alt.non.sequitur ?
alt.online-service ?
alt.org.food-not-bombs Food Not Bombs, an anti-hunger organization.
alt.org.pugwash Technological issues from a social stance.
alt.os.multics ?
alt.out-of-body Out of Body Experiences.
alt.overlords Discussions about the Omnipotent Overlords of the Omniverse.
alt.pagan Discussions about paganism & religion.
alt.pantyhose ?
alt.paranet.abduct ?
alt.paranet.paranormal ?
alt.paranet.science ?
alt.paranet.skeptic ?
alt.paranet.ufo ?
alt.paranormal Phenomena which are not scientifically explicable.
alt.parents-teens Discussions about raising teenagers.
alt.party Parties, celebration and general debauchery.
alt.pave.the.earth One world, one people, one slab of asphalt.
alt.pcnews Discussions about PCNews software.
alt.peeves Discussion of peeves & related.
alt.periphs.pcmcia Credit card sized plug in peripherals (PCMCIA, JEDIA).
alt.personals Geek seeks Dweeb. Object: low-level interfacing.
alt.personals.ads Personal ads only, no discussions.
alt.personals.bondage Tangled up in blue?
alt.personals.misc Dweeb seeks Geek. Object: low-level interfacing.
alt.personals.poly Hi there, do you multiprocess?
alt.philosophy.objectivism The Objectivism philosophy of Ayn Rand.
alt.pixar.typestry Pixar's Typestry type-styling software package.
alt.planning.urban Urban and regional planning concepts.
alt.politics.clinton Politics of Bill Clinton.
alt.politics.correct For discussing the issue of political correctness.
alt.politics.ec European Community politics.
alt.politics.economics Political economics: taxes, gov. budgets.
alt.politics.elections Everyone who votes for Quayle gets a free lollipop.
alt.politics.equality Equality and discrimination.
alt.politics.europe.misc Misc. discussion on European politics.
alt.politics.greens Matters pertaining to Green movements worldwide.
alt.politics.homosexuality As the name implies.
alt.politics.india.progressive All about Progressive politics in India.
alt.politics.libertarian The libertarian ideology.
alt.politics.media Media and politics.
alt.politics.org.batf Politics of the U.S. firearms (etc.) regulation agency.
alt.politics.org.ccr The California College Republicans.
alt.politics.org.cia Politics of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency.
alt.politics.org.covert Covert ("spook") organizations around the world.
alt.politics.org.fbi Politics of the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigations.
alt.politics.org.misc Political organizations.
alt.politics.org.nsa Politics of the U.S. National Security Agency.
alt.politics.org.suopo Politics of Finland's Security Police.
alt.politics.org.un Politics of the United Nations.
alt.politics.perot Politics of H Ross Perot.
alt.politics.radical-left ?
alt.politics.reform Political reform.
alt.politics.sex "Blue laws", decency laws, sexual behaviour.
alt.politics.usa.constitution U.S. Constitutional politics.
alt.politics.usa.misc Various aspects of the United States's political scene.
alt.politics.usa.republican Discussions of the USA Republican Party.
alt.politics.vietnamese Political and social discussions relating to Vietnam.
alt.polyamory People with multiple romantic partners.
alt.postmodern Postmodernism, semiotics, deconstruction, and the like.
alt.president.clinton ?
alt.prisons ?
alt.privacy Privacy issues in cyberspace.
alt.privacy.anon-server Technical & policy matters of anonymous contact servers.
alt.privacy.clipper Discuss the ``Clipper'' crypto proposal.
alt.prophecies.nostradamus Discussion of the prophecies of Nostradamus.
alt.prose Postings of original writings, fictional & otherwise.
alt.prose.d Discussions about postings in alt.prose.
alt.psychoactives Drugs for the spirit rather than the body.
alt.psychology.personality Personality taxonomy, such as Myers-Briggs.
alt.pub.cloven-shield ?
alt.pub.dragons-inn Fantasy virtual reality pub similar to alt.callahans.
alt.pub.havens-rest Science fiction role-playing, like alt.pub.dragons-inn.
alt.pulp Paperback fiction, newsprint production, orange juice.
alt.punk ?
alt.ql.creative The "Quantum Leap" tv show.
alt.quotations Quotations, quips, .sig lines, witticisms, et al.
alt.radio.networks.npr National Public Radio: shows, stories, personalities.
alt.radio.pirate Hide the gear, here comes the magic station-wagons.
alt.radio.scanner Discussion of scanning radio receivers.
alt.rap For fans of rap music.
alt.rap-gdead Fans of The Grateful Dead and Rap. Really.
alt.rave Techno-culture: music, dancing, drugs, dancing...
alt.recovery For people in recovery programs (e.g., AA, ACA, GA).
alt.recovery.codependency Recovering from the disease of codependency.
alt.religion.all-worlds Grokking the Church of All Worlds from Heinlein's book.
alt.religion.computers People who believe computing is "real life."
alt.religion.eckankar ?
alt.religion.emacs The Two True Path.
alt.religion.kibology He's Fred, Jim.
alt.religion.monica ?
alt.religion.sabaean Discussions about the Sabaean religious order.
alt.religion.scientology He's dead, Jim.
alt.religion.shamanism Unmoderated discussions about shamanism.
alt.restaurants Discussion of nifty places to eat.
alt.revisionism "It CAN'T be that way 'cause here's the FACTS".
alt.revolution.counter Discussions of counter-revolutionary issues.
alt.rhode_island Discussion of the great little state.
alt.rmgroup For the people who like to rmgroup/newgroup things.
alt.rock-n-roll Counterpart to alt.sex and alt.drugs.
alt.rock-n-roll.acdc Fans of the AC/DC rockband.
alt.rock-n-roll.classic Classic rock, both the music and its marketing.
alt.rock-n-roll.hard For the discussion of hard rock music.
alt.rock-n-roll.metal For the headbangers on the net.
alt.rock-n-roll.metal.gnr Guns'N'Roses.
alt.rock-n-roll.metal.heavy Non-sissyboy metal bands.
alt.rock-n-roll.metal.ironmaiden ?
alt.rock-n-roll.metal.metallica A metal rock group.
alt.rock-n-roll.metal.progressive Progressive metal bands.
alt.rock-n-roll.oldies Discussion of rock and roll music from 1950-1970.
alt.rock-n-roll.stones Gathering plenty of moss by now.
alt.rock-n-roll.symphonic Relationships of rock & classical music.
alt.rodney-king Current events surrounding the Rodney King verdict.
alt.romance Discussion about the romantic side of love.
alt.romance.chat Talk about no sex.
alt.rush-limbaugh Discussions about the conservative activist radio announcer.
alt.satanism Not such a bad dude once you get to know him.
alt.satellite.tv.europe All about European satellite tv.
alt.save.the.earth Environmentalist causes.
alt.sb.programmer Programming of the Sound Blaster(tm).
alt.sci.astro.aips National Radio Astronomy Observatories' AIPS.
alt.sci.astro.figaro Discussion about the Figaro data reduction package.
alt.sci.astro.fits Technical matters of Flexible Image Transport Systems.
alt.sci.physics.acoustics Sound advice.
alt.sci.physics.new-theories Scientific theories you won't find in journals.
alt.sci.planetary Studies in planetary science.
alt.sci.sociology ?
alt.sci.tech.indonesian Science and technology in English & Indonesian.
alt.sect.ahmadiyya Discussion of the Ahmadiyyat sect of Islam.
alt.security Unmoderated security discussions.
alt.security.index Pointers to good stuff in alt.security. (Moderated)
alt.security.keydist Exchange of keys for public key encryption systems.
alt.security.pgp ?
alt.security.ripem RIPEM is a free public-key email encryption program.
alt.sega.genesis ?
alt.self-improve Self-improvement in less than 14 characters.
alt.sewing Working with needle and thread.
alt.sex Postings of a prurient nature.
alt.sex.bestiality Why do you think it is called "petting"?
alt.sex.bondage Postings about dominance/submission.
alt.sex.exhibitionism ?
alt.sex.fetish.diapers For those who get pleasure from wearing diapers.
alt.sex.fetish.fashion Rubber, leather, chains, and other fetish clothing.
alt.sex.fetish.feet Not just "footsies" any more.
alt.sex.fetish.hair ?
alt.sex.fetish.orientals ?
alt.sex.fetish.watersports ?
alt.sex.masturbation Where one's SO is oneself.
alt.sex.motss Jesse Helms would not subscribe to this group.
alt.sex.movies Discussing the ins and outs of certain movies.
alt.sex.pictures Gigabytes of copyright violations.
alt.sex.pictures.female Copyright violations featuring mostly females.
alt.sex.pictures.male Copyright violations featuring mostly males.
alt.sex.spanking Newsgroup for spanking ethusiasts.
alt.sex.stories Sexually explicit tales.
alt.sex.stories.d Discussion of and requests for sexual stories.
alt.sex.voyeurism ?
alt.sex.wanted Sex related questions of a technical nature.
alt.sex.wizards Sex related questions of a technical nature.
alt.sexual.abuse.recovery Helping others deal with traumatic experiences.
alt.shenanigans Just horsing around.
alt.showbiz.gossip ?
alt.sigma2.height People far outside average height.
alt.skate Rollerskating and skateboarding.
alt.skate-board Skateboarding.
alt.skinheads The skinhead culture/anti-culture.
alt.skunks A newsgroup for enthusiasts of skunks and other mustelidae.
alt.slack Posting relating to the Church of the Subgenius.
alt.smokers Smoker's issues and smoking in general.
alt.smokers.cough Oh for a tracheotomy.
alt.snail-mail ?
alt.snowmobiles High-horsepower sleds in the powder.
alt.soc.ethics ?
alt.society.anarchy Societies without rulers.
alt.society.ati The Activist Times Digest. (Moderated)
alt.society.civil-disob Discussions on civil disobedience.
alt.society.civil-liberties Individual rights.
alt.society.civil-liberty Same as alt.society.civil-liberties.
alt.society.conservatism Social, cultural, and political conservatism.
alt.society.foia Discussion regarding the Freedom of Information Act.
alt.society.futures Events in technology affecting future computing.
alt.society.generation-x Discussion of lifestyles of those born 1960-early-1970s.
alt.society.resistance Resistance against governments.
alt.society.revolution Discussions on revolutions.
alt.society.sovereign Independantistes, unite!
alt.soft-sys.tooltalk Discussion of ToolTalk related issues.
alt.sources Alternative source code, unmoderated. Caveat Emptor.
alt.sources.amiga Technically-oriented Amiga PC sources.
alt.sources.d Discussion of posted sources.
alt.sources.index Pointers to source code in alt.sources.*. (Moderated)
alt.sources.mac Source file newsgroup for the Apple Macintosh computers.
alt.sources.patches Reposted patches from non-.bugs groups.
alt.sources.wanted Requests for source code.
alt.sport.bowling Discussion of the art and the sport of bowling.
alt.sport.bungee Like alt.suicide with rubber bands.
alt.sport.darts Discussions about the game of darts.
alt.sport.foosball ?
alt.sport.lasertag Indoor splatball with infrared lasers.
alt.sport.officiating Discussion of problems related to officiating athletic contests.
alt.sport.paintball The game/art/sport of splatball.
alt.sport.pool ?
alt.sports.baseball.atlanta-braves Atlanta Braves major league baseball.
alt.sports.baseball.balt-orioles Baltimore Orioles major league baseball.
alt.sports.baseball.chicago-cubs Chicago Cubs major league baseball.
alt.sports.baseball.cinci-reds Cincinnati Reds major league baseball.
alt.sports.baseball.col-rockies Colorado Rockies major league baseball.
alt.sports.baseball.fla-marlins Florida Marlins major league baseball.
alt.sports.baseball.houston-astros Houston Astros major league baseball.
alt.sports.baseball.la-dodgers Los Angeles Dodgers major league baseball.
alt.sports.baseball.mke-brewers Milwaukee Brewers major league baseball.
alt.sports.baseball.mn-twins Minnesota Twins major league baseball.
alt.sports.baseball.montreal-expos Montreal Expos major league baseball.
alt.sports.baseball.ny-mets New York Mets major league baseball.
alt.sports.baseball.oakland-as Oakland A's major league baseball.
alt.sports.baseball.phila-phillies Philadelphia Phillies major league baseball.
alt.sports.baseball.pitt-pirates Pittsburgh Pirates major league baseball.
alt.sports.baseball.sf-giants San Francisco Giants major league baseball.
alt.sports.baseball.stl-cardinals St. Louis Cardinals major league baseball.
alt.sports.baseball.tor-bluejays Toronto Blue Jays major league baseball.
alt.sports.football.mn-vikings Discussion of the Minnesota Vikings.
alt.sports.football.pro.wash-redskins Discussion of the Washington Redskins.
alt.stagecraft Technical theatre issues.
alt.startrek.creative Stories and parodies related to Star Trek.
alt.startrek.klingon Topics relating to the Klingon language or culture.
alt.stupidity Discussion about stupid newsgroups.
alt.suburbs Life in suburbia.
alt.suicide.holiday Talk of why suicides increase at holidays.
alt.suit.att-bsdi AT&T's lawsuits against BSDI.
alt.super.nes ?
alt.supermodels The discussion of famous and beautiful models.
alt.support Dealing with emotional situations & experiences.
alt.support.abuse-partners ?
alt.support.big-folks For fat and possibly tall people.
alt.support.cancer Support mechanism for those dealing with cancer.
alt.support.diet Seeking enlightenment through weight loss.
alt.support.mult-sclerosis ?
alt.support.step-parents ?
alt.surfing Riding the ocean waves.
alt.surrealism Surrealist ideologies and their role in shaping events in the 20th century.
alt.sustainable.agriculture The study and practice of sustainable agriculture.
alt.sys.amiga.demos Code and talk to show off the Amiga.
alt.sys.amiga.uucp AmigaUUCP.
alt.sys.amiga.uucp.patches Patches for AmigaUUCP.
alt.sys.intergraph Support for Intergraph machines.
alt.sys.pc-clone.gateway2000 ?
alt.sys.pdp8 DEC PDP-8 and other 6100 and 6120 based systems.
alt.sys.perq PERQ graphics workstations.
alt.sys.sun Technical discussion of Sun Microsystems products.
alt.tasteless Truly disgusting.
alt.tasteless.jokes ?
alt.technology.misc Another well-focused alt group.
alt.technology.mkt-failure ?
alt.technology.obsolete ?
alt.test Alternative subnetwork testing.
alt.text.dwb Discussion of the AT&T Documenter's WorkBench.
alt.thrash Skateboards and thrashlife.
alt.tla Palindromic fun, or else Three-Letter-Acronyms.
alt.toolkits.xview The X windows XView toolkit.
alt.toon-pics More copyright violations.
alt.toys.hi-tech ?
alt.toys.lego ?
alt.toys.transformers For the discussion of the Transformers toys and related materials.
alt.transgendered ?
alt.travel.road-trip ?
alt.true-crime To balance out all the false crime on the net.
alt.tv.animaniacs ?
alt.tv.antagonists Fans of the new "The Antagonists" TV show.
alt.tv.babylon-5 ?
alt.tv.barney Misc. discussions about the purple dinosaur.
alt.tv.beakmans-world ?
alt.tv.beavis-n-butthead ?
alt.tv.bh90210 Fans of "Beverly Hills 90210" TV show.
alt.tv.dinosaurs Fans of ABC's "Dinosaurs" TV show.
alt.tv.la-law Fans of LA Law.
alt.tv.liquid-tv The BBC/MTV Liquid Television Series.
alt.tv.mash M*A*S*H, the Korean Conflict's 4077th army hospital.
alt.tv.melrose-place Melrose Place, a spin-off of Beverly Hills 90210.
alt.tv.mst3k Fans of Mystery Science Theatre 3000.
alt.tv.muppets Fans of the Muppets, TV shows & movies.
alt.tv.mwc Married With Children.
alt.tv.northern-exp Discussion of the TV series Northern Exposure.
alt.tv.prisoner The Prisoner television series from years ago.
alt.tv.red-dwarf For the British sci-fi comedy Red Dwarf.
alt.tv.ren-n-stimpy Fans of Nik's Ren & Stimpy show.
alt.tv.rockford-files ?
alt.tv.seinfeld For discussion of NBC's "Seinfeld" TV show.
alt.tv.simpsons Don't have a cow, man!
alt.tv.simpsons.itchy-scratchy Discussions about Itchy 'N' Scratchy.
alt.tv.snl The Saturday Night Live television show.
alt.tv.talkshows.late Late-night (US?) talkshows.
alt.tv.tiny-toon Dicussion about the "Tiny Toon Adventures" show.
alt.tv.tiny-toon.fandom ?
alt.tv.twin-peaks Discussion about the popular (and unusual) TV show.
alt.usage.english English grammar, word usages and related subjects.
alt.usenet.offline-reader Offline news readers and their format.
alt.usenet.recovery Usenet junkies.
alt.uu.announce Announcements of Usenet University.
alt.uu.comp.misc Discussion of the Usenet University Computer Department.
alt.uu.comp.os.linux.questions UU Linux learning group - the Q&A column.
alt.uu.future Teaching and learning in the Usenet University.
alt.uu.lang.esperanto.misc Learning Esperanto.
alt.uu.lang.misc Discussion of the Usenet University Language Department.
alt.uu.lang.russian.misc Study of Russian in Usenet University.
alt.uu.math.misc Discussion of the Usenet University Math Department.
alt.uu.misc.misc Miscellaneous departments of Usenet University.
alt.uu.tools Tools useful in self-education and distance learning.
alt.uu.virtual-worlds.misc Learning about virtual worlds & virtual reality.
alt.vampyres Discussion of vampires and related writings and films.
alt.video.laserdisc ?
alt.visa.us US Government Visas.
alt.wais The Wide Area Information Service.
alt.war Not just collateral damage.
alt.war.civil.usa The US Civil war of 1861-1865.
alt.war.vietnam Discussion of all aspects of the Vietnam War.
alt.wedding ?
alt.whine Why me?
alt.whistleblowing Whistleblowing on fraud, abuse and other corruption.
alt.winsock ?
alt.wired ?
alt.wolves Wolves and Wolf-Mix dogs.
alt.world.taeis The shared-world project "Taeis".
alt.zines Fan magazines.
alt.znet.aeo Atari Explorer Online magazine. (Moderated)
alt.znet.pc Z*NET International ASCII Magazines (Weekly). (Moderated)
bionet.agroforestry Discussion of Agroforestry.
bionet.announce Announcements of widespread interest to biologists. (Moderated)
bionet.biology.computational Computer and mathematical applications. (Moderated)
bionet.biology.tropical Discussions about tropical biology.
bionet.cellbiol Disucssions about cell biology.
bionet.chlamydomonas Discussions about the green alga Chlamydomonas.
bionet.drosophila Discussions about the biology of Drosophila.
bionet.general General BIOSCI discussion.
bionet.genome.arabidopsis Information about the Arabidopsis project.
bionet.genome.chrom22 Discussion of Chromosome 22.
bionet.genome.chromosomes Mapping and sequencing of eucaryote chromosomes.
bionet.immunology Discussions about research in immunology.
bionet.info-theory Discussions about biological information theory.
bionet.jobs Scientific Job opportunities.
bionet.journals.contents Contents of biology journal publications. (Moderated)
bionet.journals.note Advice on dealing with journals in biology.
bionet.metabolic-reg ?
bionet.molbio.ageing Discussions of cellular and organismal ageing.
bionet.molbio.bio-matrix Computer applications to biological databases.
bionet.molbio.embldatabank Info about the EMBL Nucleic acid database.
bionet.molbio.evolution How genes and proteins have evolved.
bionet.molbio.gdb Messages to and from the GDB database staff.
bionet.molbio.genbank Info about the GenBank Nucleic acid database.
bionet.molbio.genbank.updates Hot off the presses! (Moderated)
bionet.molbio.gene-linkage Discussions about genetic linkage analysis.
bionet.molbio.genome-program Discussion of Human Genome Project issues.
bionet.molbio.hiv Discussions about the molecular biology of HIV.
bionet.molbio.methds-reagnts Requests for information and lab reagents.
bionet.biology.n2-fixation Research issues on biological nitrogen fixation.
bionet.molbio.proteins Research on proteins and protein databases.
bionet.molbio.rapd Research on Randomly Amplified Polymorphic DNA.
bionet.molbio.yeast Discussions about the molecular biology and genetics of yeast.
bionet.mycology Discussions about filamentous fungi.
bionet.n2-fixation Research issues on biological nitrogen fixation.
bionet.neuroscience Research issues in the neurosciences.
bionet.photosynthesis Discussions about research on photosynthesis.
bionet.plants Discussion about all aspects of plant biology.
bionet.population-bio Technical discussions about population biology.
bionet.sci-resources Information about funding agencies, etc. (Moderated)
bionet.software Information about software for biology.
bionet.software.acedb Discussions by users of genome DBs using ACEDB.
bionet.software.gcg Discussions about using the ACEDB software.
bionet.software.sources Software Source relating to biology. (Moderated)
bionet.users.addresses Who's who in Biology.
bionet.virology Discussions about research in virology.
bionet.women-in-bio Discussions about women in biology.
bionet.xtallography Discussions about protein crystallography.
bit.admin bit Newgroups Discussions.
bit.general Discussions Relating to BitNet/Usenet.
bit.lang.neder-l Dutch Language and Literature List. (Moderated)
bit.listserv.3com-l 3Com Product Discussion List.
bit.listserv.9370-l IBM 9370 and VM/IS specific topics List.
bit.listserv.ada-law ADA Law List.
bit.listserv.advanc-l Geac Advanced Integrated Library System Users.
bit.listserv.advise-l User Services List.
bit.listserv.aix-l IBM AIX Discussion List.
bit.listserv.allmusic Discussions on all forms of Music.
bit.listserv.appc-l APPC Discussion List.
bit.listserv.apple2-l Apple II List.
bit.listserv.applicat Applications under BITNET.
bit.listserv.arie-l RLG Ariel Document Transmission Group.
bit.listserv.ashe-l Higher Ed Policy and Research.
bit.listserv.asm370 IBM 370 Assembly Programming Discussions.
bit.listserv.autism Autism and Developmental Disabilities List.
bit.listserv.axslib-l Library Access for People with Disabilities.
bit.listserv.banyan-l Banyan Vines Network Software Discussions.
bit.listserv.big-lan Campus-Size LAN Discussion Group. (Moderated)
bit.listserv.billing Chargeback of computer resources.
bit.listserv.biosph-l Biosphere, ecology, Discussion List.
bit.listserv.bitnews BITNET News.
bit.listserv.blindnws Blindness Discussion List. (Moderated)
bit.listserv.buslib-l Business Library List.
bit.listserv.c+health Computers and Health.
bit.listserv.c18-l 18th Century Interdisciplinary Discussion.
bit.listserv.c370-l C/370 Discussion List.
bit.listserv.candle-l Candle Products Discussion List.
bit.listserv.catala Catalan Discussion List.
bit.listserv.catholic Free Catholic List.
bit.listserv.cdromlan CD-ROM on Local Area Networks.
bit.listserv.cfs.newsletter Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Electronic Newsletter. (Moderated)
bit.listserv.christia Practical Christian Life. (Moderated)
bit.listserv.cics-l CICS Discussion List.
bit.listserv.cinema-l Discussions on all forms of Cinema.
bit.listserv.circplus Circulation Reserve and Related Library Issues.
bit.listserv.cmspip-l VM/SP CMS Pipelines Discussion List.
bit.listserv.lis-l Library and Information Science Students.
bit.listserv.coco Tandy Color Computer List.
bit.listserv.csg-l Control System Group Network.
bit.listserv.cumrec-l CUMREC-L Administrative computer use. (Moderated)
bit.listserv.cw-email Campus-wide E-Mail Discussion List.
bit.listserv.cwis-l Campus-Wide Information Systems.
bit.listserv.cyber-l CDC Computer Discussion.
bit.listserv.dasig Data Administration Policies.
bit.listserv.db2-l DB2 Data Base Discussion List.
bit.listserv.dbase-l Discussion on the use of the dBase IV.
bit.listserv.deaf-l Deaf List.
bit.listserv.decnews DEC News.
bit.listserv.dectei-l DEC TEI List.
bit.listserv.devel-l Technology Transfer in International Development.
bit.listserv.disarm-l Disarmament Discussion List.
bit.listserv.domain-l Domains Discussion Group.
bit.listserv.down-syn Downs Syndrome Discussion Group.
bit.listserv.dsshe-l Disabled Student Services in Higher Education.
bit.listserv.earntech EARN Technical Group.
bit.listserv.edi-l Electronic Data Interchange Issues.
bit.listserv.edtech EDTECH - Educational Technology. (Moderated)
bit.listserv.edusig-l EDUSIG Discussion Group.
bit.listserv.emusic-l Electronic Music Discussion List.
bit.listserv.endnote Bibsoft Endnote Discussions.
bit.listserv.envbeh-l Forum on Environment and Human Behavior.
bit.listserv.erl-l Educational Research List.
bit.listserv.ethics-l Discussion of Ethics in Computing.
bit.listserv.ethology Ethology List.
bit.listserv.euearn-l Computers in Eastern Europe.
bit.listserv.film-l Film making and reviews List.
bit.listserv.fnord-l New Ways of Thinking List.
bit.listserv.frac-l FRACTAL Discussion List.
bit.listserv.free-l Fathers Rights and Equality Discussions.
bit.listserv.games-l Computer Games List.
bit.listserv.gaynet GayNet Discussion List. (Moderated)
bit.listserv.gddm-l The GDDM Discussion List.
bit.listserv.geodesic List for the Discussion of Buckminster Fuller.
bit.listserv.geograph Geography List.
bit.listserv.gguide BITNIC GGUIDE List.
bit.listserv.gophern Lets go Gopherin.
bit.listserv.govdoc-l Discussion of Government Document Issues.
bit.listserv.gutnberg GUTNBERG Discussion List.
bit.listserv.hellas The Hellenic Discussion List. (Moderated)
bit.listserv.help-net Help on BitNet and the Internet.
bit.listserv.hindu-d Hindu Digest. (Moderated)
bit.listserv.history History List.
bit.listserv.hp3000-l HP-3000 Computer Systems Discussion List.
bit.listserv.hytel-l HYTELNET Discussions. (Moderated)
bit.listserv.i-amiga Info-Amiga List.
bit.listserv.ibm-hesc IBM Higher Education Consortium.
bit.listserv.ibm-main IBM Mainframe Discussion List.
bit.listserv.ibm-nets BITNIC IBM-NETS List.
bit.listserv.ibm7171 Protocol Converter List.
bit.listserv.ibmtcp-l IBM TCP/IP List.
bit.listserv.india-d India Interest Group. (Moderated)
bit.listserv.ingrafx Information Graphics.
bit.listserv.innopac Innovative Interfaces Online Public Access.
bit.listserv.ioob-l Industrial Psychology.
bit.listserv.ipct-l Interpersonal Computing and Technology List. (Moderated)
bit.listserv.isn ISN Data Switch Technical Discussion Group.
bit.listserv.jes2-l JES2 Discussion group.
bit.listserv.jnet-l BITNIC JNET-L List.
bit.listserv.l-hcap Handicap List. (Moderated)
bit.listserv.l-vmctr VMCENTER Components Discussion List.
bit.listserv.lawsch-l Law School Discussion List.
bit.listserv.liaison BITNIC LIAISON.
bit.listserv.libref-l Library Reference Issues. (Moderated)
bit.listserv.libres Library and Information Research List. (Moderated)
bit.listserv.license Software Licensing List.
bit.listserv.linkfail Link failure announcements.
bit.listserv.literary Discussions about Literature.
bit.listserv.lstsrv-l Forum on LISTSERV.
bit.listserv.mail-l BITNIC MAIL-L List.
bit.listserv.mailbook MAIL/MAILBOOK subscription List.
bit.listserv.mba-l MBA Student curriculum Discussion.
bit.listserv.mbu-l Megabyte University - Computers and Writing.
bit.listserv.mdphd-l Dual Degree List.
bit.listserv.medforum Medical Student Discussions. (Moderated)
bit.listserv.medlib-l Medical Libraries Discussion List.
bit.listserv.mednews MEDNEWS - Health Info-Com Network Newsletter. (Moderated)
bit.listserv.mideur-l Middle Europe Discussion List.
bit.listserv.mla-l Music Library Association.
bit.listserv.muslims Islamic Informations and News Network. (Moderated)
bit.listserv.netnws-l NETNWS-L Netnews List.
bit.listserv.nettrain Network Trainers List.
bit.listserv.new-list NEW-LIST - New List Announcements. (Moderated)
bit.listserv.next-l NeXT Computer List.
bit.listserv.nodmgt-l Node Management.
bit.listserv.notabene Nota Bene List.
bit.listserv.notis-l NOTIS/DOBIS Discussion group List.
bit.listserv.novell Novell LAN Interest Group.
bit.listserv.omrscan OMR Scanner Discussion.
bit.listserv.os2-l OS/2 Discussions.
bit.listserv.ozone OZONE Discussion List.
bit.listserv.pacs-l Public-Access Computer System Forum. (Moderated)
bit.listserv.page-l IBM 3812/3820 Tips and Problems Discussion List.
bit.listserv.pagemakr PageMaker for Desktop Publishers.
bit.listserv.pakistan Pakistan News Service. (Moderated)
bit.listserv.physhare K-12 Physics List.
bit.listserv.pmdf-l PMDF Distribution List.
bit.listserv.pns-l Pakistan News Service Discussions. (Moderated)
bit.listserv.politics Forum for the Discussion of Politics.
bit.listserv.postcard Postcard Collectors Discussion Group.
bit.listserv.power-l POWER-L IBM RS/6000 POWER Family.
bit.listserv.powerh-l PowerHouse Discussion List.
bit.listserv.psycgrad Psycholgy Graduate Students List.
bit.listserv.qualrs-l Qualitative Research of the Human Sciences.
bit.listserv.relusr-l Relay Users Forum.
bit.listserv.rra-l Romance Readers Anonymous. (Moderated)
bit.listserv.rscs-l VM/RSCS Mailing List.
bit.listserv.rscsmods The RSCS modifications List.
bit.listserv.s-comput SuperComputers List.
bit.listserv.script-l IBM vs Waterloo SCRIPT Discussion Group.
bit.listserv.scuba-l Scuba diving Discussion List.
bit.listserv.seasia-l Southeast Asia Discussion List.
bit.listserv.seds-l Interchapter SEDS Communications.
bit.listserv.sfs-l VM Share File System List.
bit.listserv.sganet Student Government Global Mail Network.
bit.listserv.simula The SIMULA Language List.
bit.listserv.slart-l SLA Research and Teaching.
bit.listserv.slovak-l Slovak Discussion List.
bit.listserv.snamgt-l SNA Network Management Discussion.
bit.listserv.sos-data Social Science Data List.
bit.listserv.spires-l SPIRES Conference List.
bit.listserv.sportpsy Exercise and Sports Psychology.
bit.listserv.sqlinfo Forum for SQL/DS and Related Topics.
bit.listserv.tbi-support St Johns Traumatic Brain Injury Support List.
bit.listserv.tech-l BITNIC TECH-L List.
bit.listserv.techwr-l Technical Writing List.
bit.listserv.tecmat-l Technology in Secondary Math.
bit.listserv.test Test Newsgroup.
bit.listserv.tex-l The TeXnical topics List.
bit.listserv.tn3270-l tn3270 protocol Discussion List.
bit.listserv.toolb-l Asymetrix Toolbook Discussions.
bit.listserv.trans-l BITNIC TRANS-L List.
bit.listserv.transplant Transplant Recipients List.
bit.listserv.travel-l Tourism Discussions.
bit.listserv.tsorexx REXX for TSO List.
bit.listserv.ucp-l University Computing Project Mailing List.
bit.listserv.ug-l Usage Guidelines.
bit.listserv.uigis-l User Interface for Geographical Info Systems.
bit.listserv.urep-l UREP-L Mailing List.
bit.listserv.usrdir-l User Directory List.
bit.listserv.uus-l Unitarian-Universalist List.
bit.listserv.valert-l Virus Alert List. (Moderated)
bit.listserv.vfort-l VS-Fortran Discussion List.
bit.listserv.vm-util VM Utilities Discussion List.
bit.listserv.vmesa-l VM/ESA Mailing List.
bit.listserv.vmslsv-l VAX/VMS LISTSERV Discussion List.
bit.listserv.vmxa-l VM/XA Discussion List.
bit.listserv.vnews-l VNEWS Discussion List.
bit.listserv.vpiej-l Electronic Publishing List.
bit.listserv.wac-l Writing Across the Curriculum.
bit.listserv.win3-l Microsoft Windows Version 3 Forum.
bit.listserv.words-l English Language Discussion Group.
bit.listserv.wpcorp-l WordPerfect Corporation List.
bit.listserv.wpwin-l WordPerfect for Windows Discussions.
bit.listserv.wx-talk Weather Issues Discussions.
bit.listserv.x400-l x.400 Protocol List.
bit.listserv.xedit-l VM System Editor List.
bit.listserv.xerox-l The Xerox Discussion List.
bit.listserv.xmailer Crosswell Mailer.
bit.listserv.xtropy-l Extopian List.
bit.mailserv.word-mac Word Processing on the Macintosh.
bit.mailserv.word-pc Word Processing on the IBM PC.
bit.org.peace-corps International Volunteers Discussion Group.
bit.software.international International Software List. (Moderated)
bit.tech.africana Information Technology and Africa.
biz.americast AmeriCast announcements.
biz.americast.samples Samples of AmeriCast. (Moderated)
biz.books.technical Technical bookstore & publisher advertising & info.
biz.clarinet Announcements about ClariNet.
biz.clarinet.sample Samples of ClariNet newsgroups for the outside world.
biz.comp.hardware Generic commercial hardware postings.
biz.comp.services Generic commercial service postings.
biz.comp.software Generic commercial software postings.
biz.comp.telebit Support of the Telebit modem.
biz.comp.telebit.netblazer The Telebit Netblazer.
biz.config Biz Usenet configuration and administration.
biz.control Control information and messages.
biz.dec DEC equipment & software.
biz.dec.decathena ?
biz.dec.decnews ? (Moderated)
biz.dec.ip IP networking on DEC machines.
biz.dec.workstations DEC workstation discussions & info.
biz.digex.announce Announcements from Digex. (Moderated)
biz.jobs.offered Position announcements.
biz.misc Miscellaneous postings of a commercial nature.
biz.next.newprod New product announcements for the NeXT.
biz.oreilly.announce New product announcements from O'Reilly and Associates. (Moderated)
biz.pagesat.weather ?
biz.sco.announce SCO and related product announcements. (Moderated)
biz.sco.binaries ? (Moderated)
biz.sco.general Q&A, discussions and comments on SCO products.
biz.sco.magazine ?
biz.sco.opendesktop ODT environment and applications tech info, q&a.
biz.sco.sources ? (Moderated)
biz.sco.wserver SCO widget server questions, answers and discussion.
biz.stolen Postings about stolen merchandise.
biz.tadpole.sparcbook Discussion of Tadpole Technology's SPARCbook products.
biz.test Biz newsgroup test messages.
biz.univel.misc Discussions and comments on Univel products.
biz.zeos.announce Zeos product announcements. (Moderated)
biz.zeos.general Zeos technical support and general information.
comp.admin.policy Discussions of site administration policies.
comp.ai Artificial intelligence discussions.
comp.ai.edu Applications of Artificial Intelligence to Education.
comp.ai.fuzzy Fuzzy set theory, aka fuzzy logic.
comp.ai.genetic Genetic algorithms in computing.
comp.ai.jair.announce Announcements & abstracts of the Journal of AI Research. (Moderated)
comp.ai.jair.papers Papers published by the Journal of AI Research. (Moderated)
comp.ai.nat-lang Natural language processing by computers.
comp.ai.neural-nets All aspects of neural networks.
comp.ai.nlang-know-rep Natural Language and Knowledge Representation. (Moderated)
comp.ai.philosophy Philosophical aspects of Artificial Intelligence.
comp.ai.shells Artificial intelligence applied to shells.
comp.ai.vision Artificial Intelligence Vision Research. (Moderated)
comp.answers Repository for periodic USENET articles. (Moderated)
comp.apps.spreadsheets Spreadsheets on various platforms.
comp.arch Computer architecture.
comp.arch.bus.vmebus Hardware and software for VMEbus Systems.
comp.arch.storage Storage system issues, both hardware and software.
comp.archives Descriptions of public access archives. (Moderated)
comp.archives.admin Issues relating to computer archive administration.
comp.archives.msdos.announce Announcements about MSDOS archives. (Moderated)
comp.archives.msdos.d Discussion of materials available in MSDOS archives.
comp.bbs.misc All aspects of computer bulletin board systems.
comp.bbs.waffle The Waffle BBS and USENET system on all platforms.
comp.benchmarks Discussion of benchmarking techniques and results.
comp.binaries.acorn Binary-only postings for Acorn machines. (Moderated)
comp.binaries.amiga Encoded public domain programs in binary. (Moderated)
comp.binaries.apple2 Binary-only postings for the Apple II computer.
comp.binaries.atari.st Binary-only postings for the Atari ST. (Moderated)
comp.binaries.cbm For the transfer of 8bit Commodore binaries. (Moderated)
comp.binaries.ibm.pc Binary-only postings for IBM PC/MS-DOS. (Moderated)
comp.binaries.ibm.pc.d Discussions about IBM/PC binary postings.
comp.binaries.ibm.pc.wanted Requests for IBM PC and compatible programs.
comp.binaries.mac Encoded Macintosh programs in binary. (Moderated)
comp.binaries.ms-windows Binary programs for Microsoft Windows. (Moderated)
comp.binaries.os2 Binaries for use under the OS/2 ABI. (Moderated)
comp.bugs.2bsd Reports of UNIX* version 2BSD related bugs.
comp.bugs.4bsd Reports of UNIX version 4BSD related bugs.
comp.bugs.4bsd.ucb-fixes Bug reports/fixes for BSD Unix. (Moderated)
comp.bugs.misc General UNIX bug reports and fixes (incl V7, uucp).
comp.bugs.sys5 Reports of USG (System III, V, etc.) bugs.
comp.cad.cadence Users of Cadence Design Systems products.
comp.cad.compass Compass Design Automation EDA tools.
comp.cad.pro-engineer Parametric Technology's Pro/Engineer design package.
comp.cad.synthesis Research and production in the field of logic synthesis.
comp.client-server Topics relating to client/server technology.
comp.cog-eng Cognitive engineering.
comp.compilers Compiler construction, theory, etc. (Moderated)
comp.compression Data compression algorithms and theory.
comp.compression.research Discussions about data compression research. (Moderated)
comp.databases Database and data management issues and theory.
comp.databases.informix Informix database management software discussions.
comp.databases.ingres Issues relating to INGRES products.
comp.databases.ms-access MS Windows' relational database system, Access.
comp.databases.object Object-oriented paradigms in databases systems.
comp.databases.oracle The SQL database products of the Oracle Corporation.
comp.databases.pick Pick-like, post-relational, database systems.
comp.databases.rdb The relational database engine RDB from DEC.
comp.databases.sybase Implementations of the SQL Server.
comp.databases.theory Discussing advances in database technology.
comp.databases.xbase.fox Fox Software's xBase system and compatibles.
comp.databases.xbase.misc Discussion of xBase products.
comp.dcom.cell-relay Forum for discussion of Cell Relay-based products.
comp.dcom.fax Fax hardware, software, and protocols.
comp.dcom.isdn The Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN).
comp.dcom.lans.ethernet Discussions of the Ethernet/IEEE 802.3 protocols.
comp.dcom.lans.fddi Discussions of the FDDI protocol suite.
comp.dcom.lans.hyperchannel Hyperchannel networks within an IP network.
comp.dcom.lans.misc Local area network hardware and software.
comp.dcom.lans.token-ring Installing and using token ring networks.
comp.dcom.modems Data communications hardware and software.
comp.dcom.servers Selecting and operating data communications servers.
comp.dcom.sys.cisco Info on Cisco routers and bridges.
comp.dcom.sys.wellfleet Wellfleet bridge & router systems hardware & software.
comp.dcom.telecom Telecommunications digest. (Moderated)
comp.doc Archived public-domain documentation. (Moderated)
comp.doc.techreports Lists of technical reports. (Moderated)
comp.dsp Digital Signal Processing using computers.
comp.editors Topics related to computerized text editing.
comp.edu Computer science education.
comp.edu.composition Writing instruction in computer-based classrooms.
comp.emacs EMACS editors of different flavors.
comp.fonts Typefonts -- design, conversion, use, etc.
comp.graphics Computer graphics, art, animation, image processing.
comp.graphics.algorithms Algorithms used in producing computer graphics.
comp.graphics.animation Technical aspects of computer animation.
comp.graphics.avs The Application Visualization System.
comp.graphics.data-explorer IBM's Visualization Data Explorer, aka DX.
comp.graphics.explorer The Explorer Modular Visualisation Environment (MVE).
comp.graphics.gnuplot The GNUPLOT interactive function plotter.
comp.graphics.opengl The OpenGL 3D application programming interface.
comp.graphics.research Highly technical computer graphics discussion. (Moderated)
comp.graphics.visualization Info on scientific visualization.
comp.groupware Hardware & software for facilitating group interaction.
comp.human-factors Issues related to human-computer interaction (HCI).
comp.infosystems Any discussion about information systems.
comp.infosystems.gis All aspects of Geographic Information Systems.
comp.infosystems.gopher Discussion of the gopher information service.
comp.infosystems.wais The Z39.50-based WAIS full-text search system.
comp.infosystems.www The World Wide Web information system.
comp.internet.library Discussing electronic libraries. (Moderated)
comp.ivideodisc Interactive videodiscs -- uses, potential, etc.
comp.lang.ada Discussion about Ada*.
comp.lang.apl Discussion about APL.
comp.lang.asm370 Programming in IBM System/370 Assembly Language.
comp.lang.c Discussion about C.
comp.lang.c++ The object-oriented C++ language.
comp.lang.clos Common Lisp Object System discussions.
comp.lang.clu The CLU language & related topics.
comp.lang.dylan For discussion of the Dylan language.
comp.lang.eiffel The object-oriented Eiffel language.
comp.lang.forth Discussion about Forth.
comp.lang.forth.mac The CSI MacForth programming environment.
comp.lang.fortran Discussion about FORTRAN.
comp.lang.functional Discussion about functional languages.
comp.lang.hermes The Hermes language for distributed applications.
comp.lang.icon Topics related to the ICON programming language.
comp.lang.idl IDL (Interface Description Language) related topics.
comp.lang.idl-pvwave IDL and PV-Wave language discussions.
comp.lang.lisp Discussion about LISP.
comp.lang.lisp.franz The Franz Lisp programming language.
comp.lang.lisp.mcl Discussing Apple's Macintosh Common Lisp.
comp.lang.lisp.x The XLISP language system.
comp.lang.logo The Logo teaching and learning language.
comp.lang.misc Different computer languages not specifically listed.
comp.lang.ml ML languages including Standard ML, CAML, Lazy ML, etc. (Moderated)
comp.lang.modula2 Discussion about Modula-2.
comp.lang.modula3 Discussion about Modula-3.
comp.lang.oberon The Oberon language and system.
comp.lang.objective-c The Objective-C language and environment.
comp.lang.pascal Discussion about Pascal.
comp.lang.perl Discussion of Larry Wall's Perl system.
comp.lang.pop Pop11 and the Plug user group.
comp.lang.postscript The PostScript Page Description Language.
comp.lang.prolog Discussion about PROLOG.
comp.lang.rexx The REXX command language.
comp.lang.sather The object-oriented computer language Sather.
comp.lang.scheme The Scheme Programming language.
comp.lang.scheme.c The Scheme language environment.
comp.lang.sigplan Info & announcements from ACM SIGPLAN. (Moderated)
comp.lang.smalltalk Discussion about Smalltalk 80.
comp.lang.tcl The Tcl programming lanuage and related tools.
comp.lang.verilog Discussing Verilog and PLI.
comp.lang.vhdl VHSIC Hardware Description Language, IEEE 1076/87.
comp.lang.visual Visual programming languages.
comp.laser-printers Laser printers, hardware & software. (Moderated)
comp.lsi Large scale integrated circuits.
comp.lsi.cad Electrical Computer Aided Design.
comp.lsi.testing Testing of electronic circuits.
comp.mail.elm Discussion and fixes for ELM mail system.
comp.mail.headers Gatewayed from the Internet header-people list.
comp.mail.mh The UCI version of the Rand Message Handling system.
comp.mail.mime Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions of RFC 1341.
comp.mail.misc General discussions about computer mail.
comp.mail.multi-media Multimedia Mail.
comp.mail.mush The Mail User's Shell (MUSH).
comp.mail.sendmail Configuring and using the BSD sendmail agent.
comp.mail.uucp Mail in the uucp network environment.
comp.misc General topics about computers not covered elsewhere.
comp.multimedia Interactive multimedia technologies of all kinds.
comp.music Applications of computers in music research.
comp.networks.noctools.announce Info and announcements about NOC tools. (Moderated)
comp.networks.noctools.bugs Bug reports and fixes for NOC tools.
comp.networks.noctools.d Discussion about NOC tools.
comp.networks.noctools.submissions New NOC tools submissions.
comp.networks.noctools.tools Descriptions of available NOC tools. (Moderated)
comp.networks.noctools.wanted Requests for NOC software.
comp.newprod Announcements of new products of interest. (Moderated)
comp.object Object-oriented programming and languages.
comp.object.logic Integrating object-oriented and logic programming.
comp.org.acm Topics about the Association for Computing Machinery.
comp.org.decus Digital Equipment Computer Users' Society newsgroup.
comp.org.eff.news News from the Electronic Frontiers Foundation. (Moderated)
comp.org.eff.talk Discussion of EFF goals, strategies, etc.
comp.org.fidonet FidoNews digest, official news of FidoNet Assoc. (Moderated)
comp.org.ieee Issues and announcements about the IEEE & its members.
comp.org.issnnet The International Student Society for Neural Networks.
comp.org.sug Talk about/for the The Sun User's Group.
comp.org.usenix USENIX Association events and announcements.
comp.org.usenix.roomshare Finding lodging during Usenix conferences.
comp.os.386bsd.announce Announcements relating to the 386bsd operating system. (Moderated)
comp.os.386bsd.apps Applications which run under 386bsd.
comp.os.386bsd.bugs Bugs and fixes for the 386bsd OS and its clients.
comp.os.386bsd.development Working on 386bsd internals.
comp.os.386bsd.misc General aspects of 386bsd not covered by other groups.
comp.os.386bsd.questions General questions about 386bsd.
comp.os.aos Topics related to Data General's AOS/VS.
comp.os.coherent Discussion and support of the Coherent operating system.
comp.os.cpm Discussion about the CP/M operating system.
comp.os.cpm.amethyst Discussion of Amethyst, CP/M-80 software package.
comp.os.geos The GEOS operating system by GeoWorks for PC clones.
comp.os.linux.admin Installing and administering Linux systems.
comp.os.linux.announce Announcements important to the Linux community. (Moderated)
comp.os.linux.development Ongoing work on the Linux operating system.
comp.os.linux.help Questions and advice about Linux.
comp.os.linux.misc Linux-specific topics not covered by other groups.
comp.os.lynx Discussion of LynxOS and Lynx Real-Time Systems.
comp.os.mach The MACH OS from CMU & other places.
comp.os.minix Discussion of Tanenbaum's MINIX system.
comp.os.misc General OS-oriented discussion not carried elsewhere.
comp.os.ms-windows.advocacy Speculation and debate about Microsoft Windows.
comp.os.ms-windows.announce Announcements relating to Windows. (Moderated)
comp.os.ms-windows.apps Applications in the Windows environment.
comp.os.ms-windows.misc General discussions about Windows issues.
comp.os.ms-windows.nt.misc General discussion about Windows NT.
comp.os.ms-windows.nt.setup Configuring Windows NT systems.
comp.os.ms-windows.programmer.misc Programming Microsoft Windows.
comp.os.ms-windows.programmer.tools Development tools in Windows.
comp.os.ms-windows.programmer.win32 32-bit Windows programming interfaces.
comp.os.ms-windows.setup Installing and configuring Microsoft Windows.
comp.os.msdos.4dos The 4DOS command processor for MS-DOS.
comp.os.msdos.apps Discussion of applications that run under MS-DOS.
comp.os.msdos.desqview QuarterDeck's Desqview and related products.
comp.os.msdos.mail-news Administering mail & network news systems under MS-DOS.
comp.os.msdos.misc Miscellaneous topics about MS-DOS machines.
comp.os.msdos.pcgeos GeoWorks PC/GEOS and PC/GEOS-based packages.
comp.os.msdos.programmer Programming MS-DOS machines.
comp.os.msdos.programmer.turbovision Borland's text application libraries.
comp.os.os2.advocacy Supporting and flaming OS/2.
comp.os.os2.announce Notable news and announcements related to OS/2. (Moderated)
comp.os.os2.apps Discussions of applications under OS/2.
comp.os.os2.beta All aspects of beta releases of OS/2 systems software.
comp.os.os2.bugs OS/2 system bug reports, fixes and work-arounds.
comp.os.os2.misc Miscellaneous topics about the OS/2 system.
comp.os.os2.multimedia Multi-media on OS/2 systems.
comp.os.os2.networking Networking in OS/2 environments.
comp.os.os2.programmer.misc Programming OS/2 machines.
comp.os.os2.programmer.porting Porting software to OS/2 machines.
comp.os.os2.setup Installing and configuring OS/2 systems.
comp.os.os2.ver1x All aspects of OS/2 versions 1.0 through 1.3.
comp.os.os9 Discussions about the os9 operating system.
comp.os.research Operating systems and related areas. (Moderated)
comp.os.rsts Topics related to the PDP-11 RSTS/E operating system.
comp.os.v The V distributed operating system from Stanford.
comp.os.vms DEC's VAX* line of computers & VMS.
comp.os.vxworks The VxWorks real-time operating system.
comp.os.xinu The XINU operating system from Purdue (D. Comer).
comp.parallel Massively parallel hardware/software. (Moderated)
comp.parallel.pvm The PVM system of multi-computer parallelization.
comp.patents Discussing patents of computer technology. (Moderated)
comp.periphs Peripheral devices.
comp.periphs.printers Information on printers.
comp.periphs.scsi Discussion of SCSI-based peripheral devices.
comp.programming Programming issues that transcend languages and OSs.
comp.programming.literate Literate programs and programming tools.
comp.protocols.appletalk Applebus hardware & software.
comp.protocols.dicom Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine.
comp.protocols.ibm Networking with IBM mainframes.
comp.protocols.iso The ISO protocol stack.
comp.protocols.iso.dev-environ The ISO Development Environment.
comp.protocols.iso.x400 X400 mail protocol discussions.
comp.protocols.iso.x400.gateway X400 mail gateway discussions. (Moderated)
comp.protocols.kerberos The Kerberos authentification server.
comp.protocols.kermit Info about the Kermit package. (Moderated)
comp.protocols.misc Various forms and types of FTP protocol.
comp.protocols.nfs Discussion about the Network File System protocol.
comp.protocols.pcnet Topics related to PCNET (a personal computer network).
comp.protocols.ppp Discussion of the Internet Point to Point Protocol.
comp.protocols.snmp Discussion of the Simple Network Management Protocol.
comp.protocols.tcp-ip TCP and IP network protocols.
comp.protocols.tcp-ip.domains Topics related to Domain Style names.
comp.protocols.tcp-ip.ibmpc TCP/IP for IBM(-like) personal computers.
comp.protocols.time.ntp The network time protocol.
comp.publish.cdrom.hardware Hardware used in publishing with CD-ROM.
comp.publish.cdrom.multimedia Software for multimedia authoring & publishing.
comp.publish.cdrom.software Software used in publishing with CD-ROM.
comp.realtime Issues related to real-time computing.
comp.research.japan The nature of research in Japan. (Moderated)
comp.risks Risks to the public from computers & users. (Moderated)
comp.robotics All aspects of robots and their applications.
comp.security.announce Announcements from the CERT about security. (Moderated)
comp.security.misc Security issues of computers and networks.
comp.security.unix Discussion of Unix security.
comp.simulation Simulation methods, problems, uses. (Moderated)
comp.society The impact of technology on society. (Moderated)
comp.society.cu-digest The Computer Underground Digest. (Moderated)
comp.society.development Computer technology in developing countries.
comp.society.folklore Computer folklore & culture, past & present. (Moderated)
comp.society.futures Events in technology affecting future computing.
comp.society.privacy Effects of technology on privacy. (Moderated)
comp.soft-sys.andrew The Andrew system from CMU.
comp.soft-sys.khoros The Khoros X11 visualization system.
comp.soft-sys.matlab The MathWorks calculation and visualization package.
comp.soft-sys.nextstep The NeXTstep computing environment.
comp.soft-sys.sas The SAS statistics package.
comp.soft-sys.shazam The SHAZAM econometrics computer program.
comp.soft-sys.spss The SPSS statistics package.
comp.software-eng Software Engineering and related topics.
comp.software.licensing Software licensing technology.
comp.software.testing All aspects of testing computer systems.
comp.sources.3b1 Source code-only postings for the AT&T 3b1. (Moderated)
comp.sources.acorn Source code-only postings for the Acorn. (Moderated)
comp.sources.amiga Source code-only postings for the Amiga. (Moderated)
comp.sources.apple2 Source code-only postings for the Apple II. (Moderated)
comp.sources.atari.st Source code-only postings for the Atari ST. (Moderated)
comp.sources.bugs Bug reports, fixes, discussion for posted sources
comp.sources.d For any discussion of source postings.
comp.sources.games Postings of recreational software. (Moderated)
comp.sources.games.bugs Bug reports and fixes for posted game software.
comp.sources.hp48 Programs for the HP48 and HP28 calculators. (Moderated)
comp.sources.mac Software for the Apple Macintosh. (Moderated)
comp.sources.misc Posting of software. (Moderated)
comp.sources.postscript Source code for programs written in PostScript. (Moderated)
comp.sources.reviewed Source code evaluated by peer review. (Moderated)
comp.sources.sun Software for Sun workstations. (Moderated)
comp.sources.testers Finding people to test software.
comp.sources.unix Postings of complete, UNIX-oriented sources. (Moderated)
comp.sources.wanted Requests for software and fixes.
comp.sources.x Software for the X windows system. (Moderated)
comp.specification Languages and methodologies for formal specification.
comp.specification.z Discussion about the formal specification notation Z.
comp.speech Research & applications in speech science & technology.
comp.std.announce Announcements about standards activities. (Moderated)
comp.std.c Discussion about C language standards.
comp.std.c++ Discussion about C++ language, library, standards.
comp.std.internat Discussion about international standards.
comp.std.misc Discussion about various standards.
comp.std.mumps Discussion for the X11.1 committee on Mumps. (Moderated)
comp.std.unix Discussion for the P1003 committee on UNIX. (Moderated)
comp.std.wireless Examining standards for wireless network technology. (Moderated)
comp.sw.components Software components and related technology.
comp.sys.3b1 Discussion and support of AT&T 7300/3B1/UnixPC.
comp.sys.acorn The Acorn computer.
comp.sys.acorn.advocacy Why Acorn computers and programs are better.
comp.sys.acorn.announce Announcements for Acorn and ARM users. (Moderated)
comp.sys.acorn.tech Software and hardware aspects of Acorn and ARM products.
comp.sys.alliant Info and discussion about Alliant computers.
comp.sys.amiga.advocacy Why an Amiga is better than XYZ.
comp.sys.amiga.announce Announcements about the Amiga. (Moderated)
comp.sys.amiga.applications Miscellaneous applications.
comp.sys.amiga.audio Music, MIDI, speech synthesis, other sounds.
comp.sys.amiga.datacomm Methods of getting bytes in and out.
comp.sys.amiga.emulations Various hardware & software emulators.
comp.sys.amiga.games Discussion of games for the Commodore Amiga.
comp.sys.amiga.graphics Charts, graphs, pictures, etc.
comp.sys.amiga.hardware Amiga computer hardware, Q&A, reviews, etc.
comp.sys.amiga.introduction Group for newcomers to Amigas.
comp.sys.amiga.marketplace Where to find it, prices, etc.
comp.sys.amiga.misc Discussions not falling in another Amiga group.
comp.sys.amiga.multimedia Animations, video, & multimedia.
comp.sys.amiga.programmer Developers & hobbyists discuss code.
comp.sys.amiga.reviews Reviews of Amiga software, hardware. (Moderated)
comp.sys.apollo Apollo computer systems.
comp.sys.apple2 Discussion about Apple II micros.
comp.sys.apple2.comm Apple II data communications.
comp.sys.apple2.gno The AppleIIgs GNO multitasking environment.
comp.sys.apple2.marketplace Buying, selling and trading Apple II equipment.
comp.sys.apple2.programmer Programming on the Apple II.
comp.sys.apple2.usergroups All about Apple II user groups.
comp.sys.atari.8bit Discussion about 8 bit Atari micros.
comp.sys.atari.advocacy Attacking and defending Atari computers.
comp.sys.atari.st Discussion about 16 bit Atari micros.
comp.sys.atari.st.tech Technical discussions of Atari ST hard/software.
comp.sys.att Discussions about AT&T microcomputers.
comp.sys.cbm Discussion about Commodore micros.
comp.sys.cdc Control Data Corporation Computers (e.g., Cybers).
comp.sys.concurrent The Concurrent/Masscomp line of computers. (Moderated)
comp.sys.convex Convex computer systems hardware and software.
comp.sys.dec Discussions about DEC computer systems.
comp.sys.dec.micro DEC Micros (Rainbow, Professional 350/380).
comp.sys.encore Encore's MultiMax computers.
comp.sys.handhelds Handheld computers and programmable calculators.
comp.sys.harris Harris computer systems, especially real-time systems.
comp.sys.hp Discussion about Hewlett-Packard equipment.
comp.sys.hp.apps Discussion of software and apps on all HP platforms.
comp.sys.hp.hardware Discussion of Hewlett Packard system hardware.
comp.sys.hp.hpux Issues pertaining to HP-UX & 9000 series computers.
comp.sys.hp.misc Issues not covered in any other comp.sys.hp.* group.
comp.sys.hp.mpe Issues pertaining to MPE & 3000 series computers.
comp.sys.hp48 Hewlett-Packard's HP48 and HP28 calculators.
comp.sys.ibm.pc.demos Demonstration programs which showcase programmer skill.
comp.sys.ibm.pc.digest The IBM PC, PC-XT, and PC-AT. (Moderated)
comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.action Arcade-style games on PCs.
comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.adventure Adventure (non-rpg) games on PCs.
comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.announce Announcements for all PC gamers. (Moderated)
comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.flight-sim Flight simulators on PCs.
comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.misc Games not covered by other PC groups.
comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.rpg Role-playing games on the PC.
comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.strategic Strategy/planning games on PCs.
comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware XT/AT/EISA hardware, any vendor.
comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware.cd-rom CD-ROM drives and interfaces for the PC.
comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware.chips Processor, cache, memory chips, etc.
comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware.comm Modems & communication cards for the PC.
comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware.misc Miscellaneous PC hardware topics.
comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware.networking Network hardware & equipment for the PC.
comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware.storage Hard drives & other PC storage devices.
comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware.systems Whole IBM PC computer & clone systems.
comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware.video Video cards & monitors for the PC.
comp.sys.ibm.pc.misc Discussion about IBM personal computers.
comp.sys.ibm.pc.rt Topics related to IBM's RT computer.
comp.sys.ibm.pc.soundcard Hardware and software aspects of PC sound cards.
comp.sys.ibm.ps2.hardware Microchannel hardware, any vendor.
comp.sys.intel Discussions about Intel systems and parts.
comp.sys.intel.ipsc310 Anything related to Xenix on an Intel 310.
comp.sys.isis The ISIS distributed system from Cornell.
comp.sys.laptops Laptop (portable) computers.
comp.sys.m6809 Discussion about 6809's.
comp.sys.m68k Discussion about 68k's.
comp.sys.m68k.pc Discussion about 68k-based PCs. (Moderated)
comp.sys.m88k Discussion about 88k-based computers.
comp.sys.mac.advocacy The Macintosh computer family compared to others.
comp.sys.mac.announce Important notices for Macintosh users. (Moderated)
comp.sys.mac.apps Discussions of Macintosh applications.
comp.sys.mac.comm Discussion of Macintosh communications.
comp.sys.mac.databases Database systems for the Apple Macintosh.
comp.sys.mac.digest Apple Macintosh: info&uses, but no programs. (Moderated)
comp.sys.mac.games Discussions of games on the Macintosh.
comp.sys.mac.hardware Macintosh hardware issues & discussions.
comp.sys.mac.hypercard The Macintosh Hypercard: info & uses.
comp.sys.mac.misc General discussions about the Apple Macintosh.
comp.sys.mac.oop.macapp3 Version 3 of the MacApp object oriented system.
comp.sys.mac.oop.misc Object oriented programming issues on the Mac.
comp.sys.mac.oop.tcl Symantec's THINK Class Library for object programming.
comp.sys.mac.portables Discussion particular to laptop Macintoshes.
comp.sys.mac.programmer Discussion by people programming the Apple Macintosh.
comp.sys.mac.scitech Using the Macintosh in scientific & technological work.
comp.sys.mac.system Discussions of Macintosh system software.
comp.sys.mac.wanted Postings of "I want XYZ for my Mac."
comp.sys.mentor Mentor Graphics products & the Silicon Compiler System.
comp.sys.mips Systems based on MIPS chips.
comp.sys.misc Discussion about computers of all kinds.
comp.sys.ncr Discussion about NCR compyters.
comp.sys.newton.announce Newton information posts. (Moderated)
comp.sys.newton.misc Miscellaneous discussion about Newton systems.
comp.sys.newton.programmer Discussion of Newton software development.
comp.sys.next.advocacy The NeXT religion.
comp.sys.next.announce Announcements related to the NeXT computer system. (Moderated)
comp.sys.next.bugs Discussion and solutions for known NeXT bugs.
comp.sys.next.hardware Discussing the physical aspects of NeXT computers.
comp.sys.next.marketplace NeXT hardware, software and jobs.
comp.sys.next.misc General discussion about the NeXT computer system.
comp.sys.next.programmer NeXT related programming issues.
comp.sys.next.software Function, use and availability of NeXT programs.
comp.sys.next.sysadmin Discussions related to NeXT system administration.
comp.sys.northstar Northstar microcomputer users.
comp.sys.novell Discussion of Novell Netware products.
comp.sys.nsc.32k National Semiconductor 32000 series chips.
comp.sys.palmtops Super-powered calculators the palm of your hand.
comp.sys.pen Interacting with computers through pen gestures.
comp.sys.powerpc General PowerPC Discussion.
comp.sys.prime Prime Computer products.
comp.sys.proteon Proteon gateway products.
comp.sys.psion Discussion about PSION Personal Computers & Organizers.
comp.sys.pyramid Pyramid 90x computers.
comp.sys.ridge Ridge 32 computers and ROS.
comp.sys.sequent Sequent systems, (Balance and Symmetry).
comp.sys.sgi.admin System administration on Silicon Graphics's Irises.
comp.sys.sgi.announce Announcements for the SGI community. (Moderated)
comp.sys.sgi.apps Applications which run on the Iris.
comp.sys.sgi.bugs Bugs found in the IRIX operating system.
comp.sys.sgi.graphics Graphics packages and issues on SGI machines.
comp.sys.sgi.hardware Base systems and peripherals for Iris computers.
comp.sys.sgi.misc General discussion about Silicon Graphics's machines.
comp.sys.stratus Stratus products, incl. System/88, CPS-32, VOS and FTX.
comp.sys.sun.admin Sun system administration issues and questions.
comp.sys.sun.announce Sun announcements and Sunergy mailings. (Moderated)
comp.sys.sun.apps Software applications for Sun computer systems.
comp.sys.sun.hardware Sun Microsystems hardware.
comp.sys.sun.misc Miscellaneous discussions about Sun products.
comp.sys.sun.wanted People looking for Sun products and support.
comp.sys.super Supercomputers.
comp.sys.tahoe CCI 6/32, Harris HCX/7, & Sperry 7000 computers.
comp.sys.tandy Discussion about TRS-80's.
comp.sys.ti Discussion about Texas Instruments.
comp.sys.ti.explorer The Texas Instruments Explorer.
comp.sys.transputer The Transputer computer and OCCAM language.
comp.sys.unisys Sperry, Burroughs, Convergent and Unisys systems.
comp.sys.xerox Xerox 1100 workstations and protocols.
comp.sys.zenith Heath terminals and related Zenith products.
comp.sys.zenith.z100 The Zenith Z-100 (Heath H-100) family of computers.
comp.terminals All sorts of terminals.
comp.terminals.bitgraph The BB&N BitGraph Terminal.
comp.terminals.tty5620 AT&T Dot Mapped Display Terminals (5620 and BLIT).
comp.text Text processing issues and methods.
comp.text.desktop Technology & techniques of desktop publishing.
comp.text.frame Desktop publishing with FrameMaker.
comp.text.interleaf Applications and use of Interleaf software.
comp.text.sgml ISO 8879 SGML, structured documents, markup languages.
comp.text.tex Discussion about the TeX and LaTeX systems & macros.
comp.theory Theoretical Computer Science.
comp.theory.cell-automata Discussion of all aspects of cellular automata.
comp.theory.dynamic-sys Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems.
comp.theory.info-retrieval Information Retrieval topics. (Moderated)
comp.theory.self-org-sys Topics related to self-organization.
comp.unix.admin UNIX system administration.
comp.unix.aix IBM's version of UNIX.
comp.unix.amiga Minix, SYSV4 and other *nix on an Amiga.
comp.unix.aux The version of UNIX for Apple Macintosh II computers.
comp.unix.bsd Discussion of Berkeley Systems Development UNIX.
comp.unix.cray Cray computers and their operating systems.
comp.unix.dos-under-unix MS-DOS running under UNIX by whatever means.
comp.unix.internals UNIX internals: kernel hacking, etc.
comp.unix.large UNIX on mainframes and in large networks.
comp.unix.misc General discussions regarding UNIX.
comp.unix.osf.misc Various aspects of Open Software Foundation products.
comp.unix.osf.osf1 The Open Software Foundation's OSF/1.
comp.unix.pc-clone.16bit UNIX on i286 architectures.
comp.unix.pc-clone.32bit UNIX on i386 and i486 architectures.
comp.unix.programmer UNIX programming.
comp.unix.questions UNIX neophytes group.
comp.unix.shell UNIX shell usage and programming.
comp.unix.solaris Discussions about the Solaris operating system.
comp.unix.sys3 System III UNIX discussions.
comp.unix.sys5.misc Versions of System V which predate Release 3.
comp.unix.sys5.r3 Discussing System V Release 3.
comp.unix.sys5.r4 Discussing System V Release 4.
comp.unix.ultrix Discussions about DEC's Ultrix.
comp.unix.user-friendly Discussion of UNIX user-friendliness.
comp.unix.wizards Questions for only true Unix wizards.
comp.unix.xenix.misc General discussions regarding XENIX (except SCO).
comp.unix.xenix.sco XENIX versions from the Santa Cruz Operation.
comp.virus Computer viruses & security. (Moderated)
comp.windows.garnet The Garnet user interface development environment.
comp.windows.interviews The InterViews object-oriented windowing system.
comp.windows.misc Various issues about windowing systems.
comp.windows.news Sun Microsystems' NeWS window system.
comp.windows.open-look Discussion about the Open Look GUI.
comp.windows.suit The SUIT user-interface toolkit.
comp.windows.x Discussion about the X Window System.
comp.windows.x.announce X Consortium announcements. (Moderated)
comp.windows.x.apps Getting and using, not programming, applications for X.
comp.windows.x.i386unix The XFree86 window system and others.
comp.windows.x.intrinsics Discussion of the X toolkit.
comp.windows.x.motif The Motif GUI for the X Window System.
comp.windows.x.pex The PHIGS extension of the X Window System.
ddn.mgt-bulletin The DDN Management Bulletin from NIC.DDN.MIL. (Moderated)
ddn.newsletter The DDN Newsletter from NIC.DDN.MIL. (Moderated)
gnu.announce Status and announcements from the Project. (Moderated)
gnu.bash.bug Bourne Again SHell bug reports and suggested fixes. (Moderated)
gnu.chess Announcements about the GNU Chess program.
gnu.emacs.announce Editor/development environment notice. (Moderated)
gnu.emacs.bug GNU Emacs bug reports and suggested fixes. (Moderated)
gnu.emacs.gnews News reading under GNU Emacs using Weemba's Gnews.
gnu.emacs.gnus News reading under GNU Emacs using GNUS (in English).
gnu.emacs.help User queries and answers.
gnu.emacs.sources C and Lisp source code for GNU Emacs.
gnu.emacs.vm.bug Bug reports on the Emacs VM mail package.
gnu.emacs.vm.info Information about the Emacs VM mail package.
gnu.emacs.vms VMS port of GNU Emacs.
gnu.epoch.misc The Epoch X11 extensions to Emacs.
gnu.g++.announce Announcements about the GNU C++ Compiler. (Moderated)
gnu.g++.bug G++ and GDB+ bug reports and suggested fixes. (Moderated)
gnu.g++.help User queries and answers.
gnu.g++.lib.bug G++ library bug reports and suggested fixes. (Moderated)
gnu.gcc.announce Announcements about the GNU C Compiler. (Moderated)
gnu.gcc.bug GNU C Compiler bug reports and suggested fixes. (Moderated)
gnu.gcc.help User queries and answers.
gnu.gdb.bug GNU C/C++ DeBugger bug reports and suggested fixes. (Moderated)
gnu.ghostscript.bug GNU Ghostscript interpreter bugs. (Moderated)
gnu.gnusenet.config GNU's Not Usenet administration and configuration.
gnu.gnusenet.test GNU's Not Usenet alternative sub-network testing.
gnu.groff.bug Bugs in the GNU roff programs. (Moderated)
gnu.misc.discuss Serious discussion about GNU and freed software.
gnu.smalltalk.bug Bugs in GNU Smalltalk. (Moderated)
gnu.utils.bug Bugs in GNU utility programs (e.g., gnumake, gawk) (Moderated)
ieee.announce General Announcements for IEEE community.
ieee.general IEEE - General discussion.
ieee.config Newsgroup configuration discussion.
ieee.pcnfs discussion & tips on PC-NFS.
ieee.rab.announce RAB - Announcements.
ieee.rab.general RAB - General discussion.
ieee.region1 Region 1 Announcements.
ieee.tab.announce TAB - Announcements.
ieee.tab.general TAB - General discussion.
ieee.tcos Technical Committee on Operating Systems. (Moderated)
ieee.usab.announce USAB - Announcements.
ieee.usab.general USAB - General discussion.
info.admin Administrative messages regarding info.* groups. (Moderated)
info.big-internet Issues facing a huge Internet. (Moderated)
info.bind The Berkeley BIND server. (Moderated)
info.brl-cad The Ballistics Research Lab Solid Modeling CAD system. (Moderated)
info.bsdi.users BSDI user forum (bsdi-users@bsdi.com).
info.bytecounters The NSstat network traffic analysis program. (Moderated)
info.convex Convex Corp machines. (Moderated)
info.firearms Non-political firearms discussions. (Moderated)
info.firearms.politics Political discussions relating to. (Moderated)
info.gated Cornell's GATED program (a routed replacement). (Moderated)
info.grass.programmer GRASS geographic information system programmer issues. (Moderated)
info.grass.user GRASS geographic information system user issues. (Moderated)
info.ietf Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) discussions. (Moderated)
info.ietf.hosts IETF host requirements discussions. (Moderated)
info.ietf.isoc Internet Society discussions. (Moderated)
info.ietf.njm Jo-MAAN - the Joint Monitoring Access between Adjacent IETF working group. (Moderated)
info.ietf.smtp IETF SMTP extension discussions. (Moderated)
info.isode The ISO Development Environment package. (Moderated)
info.jethro-tull Discussions about Jethro Tull's music. (Moderated)
info.labmgr Computer lab managers list. (Moderated)
info.mach The Mach operating system. (Moderated)
info.mh.workers MH development discussions. (Moderated)
info.nets Inter-network connectivity.
info.nsf.grants NSF grant notes. (Moderated)
info.nsfnet.cert Computer Emergency Response Team announcements. (Moderated)
info.nsfnet.status NSFnet status reports. (Moderated)
info.nupop Northwestern University's POP for PCs. (Moderated)
info.nysersnmp The SNMP software distributed by PSI. (Moderated)
info.osf OSF Electronic Bulletin mailings. (Moderated)
info.pem-dev IETF privacy enhanced mail discussions. (Moderated)
info.ph Qi, ph, sendmail/phquery discussions. (Moderated)
info.rfc Announcements of newly released RFCs. (Moderated)
info.slug ? (Moderated)
info.snmp SNMP (Simple Gateway/Network Monitoring Protocol). (Moderated)
info.sun-managers Sun-managers digest. (Moderated)
info.sun-nets Sun-nets (nee Sun Spots) digest. (Moderated)
info.theorynt Theory list. (Moderated)
info.unix-sw Software available for anonymous FTP from wsmr-simtel20.army.mil. (Moderated)
info.solbourne Discussions & info about Solbourne computers. (Moderated)
info.wisenet Women In Science and Engineering NETwork. (Moderated)
k12.ed.art Art curriculum in K-12 education.
k12.ed.business Business education curriculum in grades K-12.
k12.ed.comp.literacy Teaching computer literacy in grades K-12.
k12.ed.health-pe Health and Physical Education curriculum in grades K-12.
k12.ed.life-skills Home Economics and Career education in grades K-12.
k12.ed.math Mathematics curriculum in K-12 education.
k12.ed.music Music and Performing Arts curriculum in K-12 education.
k12.ed.science Science curriculum in K-12 education.
k12.ed.soc-studies Social Studies and History curriculum in K-12 education.
k12.ed.special K-12 education for students w/ handicaps or special needs.
k12.ed.tag K-12 education for talented and gifted students.
k12.ed.tech Industrial Arts and vocational education in grades K-12.
k12.lang.art Language Arts curriculum in K-12 education.
k12.lang.deutsch-eng Bilingual German/English practice with native speakers.
k12.lang.esp-eng Bilingual Spanish/English practice with native speakers.
k12.lang.francais Bilingual French/English practice with native speakers.
k12.lang.russian Bilingual Russian/English practice with native speakers.
k12.library ?
k12.sys.channel0 Project channel 0 (allocated on a per/project basis).
k12.sys.channel1 Project channel 1 (allocated on a per/project basis).
k12.sys.channel2 Project channel 2 (allocated on a per/project basis).
k12.sys.channel3 Project channel 3 (allocated on a per/project basis).
k12.sys.channel4 Project channel 4 (allocated on a per/project basis).
k12.sys.channel5 Project channel 5 (allocated on a per/project basis).
k12.sys.channel6 Project channel 6 (allocated on a per/project basis).
k12.sys.channel7 Project channel 7 (allocated on a per/project basis).
k12.sys.channel8 Project channel 8 (allocated on a per/project basis).
k12.sys.channel9 Project channel 9 (allocated on a per/project basis).
k12.sys.channel10 Project channel 10 (allocated on a per/project basis).
k12.sys.channel11 Project channel 11 (allocated on a per/project basis).
k12.sys.channel12 Project channel 12 (allocated on a per/project basis).
k12.sys.projects Coordination pf projects which use k12.sys.channelN.
misc.activism.progressive Information for Progressive activists. (Moderated)
misc.answers Repository for periodic USENET articles. (Moderated)
misc.books.technical Discussion of books about technical topics.
misc.consumers Consumer interests, product reviews, etc.
misc.consumers.house Discussion about owning and maintaining a house.
misc.education Discussion of the educational system.
misc.education.language.english Teaching English to speakers of other languages.
misc.emerg-services Forum for paramedics & other first responders.
misc.entrepreneurs Discussion on operating a business.
misc.fitness Physical fitness, exercise, etc.
misc.forsale Short, tasteful postings about items for sale.
misc.forsale.computers.d Discussion of misc.forsale.computers.*.
misc.forsale.computers.mac Apple Macintosh related computer items.
misc.forsale.computers.other Selling miscellaneous computer stuff.
misc.forsale.computers.pc-clone IBM PC related computer items.
misc.forsale.computers.workstation Workstation related computer items.
misc.handicap Items of interest for/about the handicapped. (Moderated)
misc.headlines Current interest: drug testing, terrorism, etc.
misc.health.alternative Alternative, complementary and holistic health care.
misc.health.diabetes Discussion of diabetes management in day to day life.
misc.int-property Discussion of intellectual property rights.
misc.invest Investments and the handling of money.
misc.invest.canada Investing in Canadian financial markets.
misc.invest.real-estate Property investments.
misc.invest.technical Analyzing market trends with technical methods.
misc.jobs.contract Discussions about contract labor.
misc.jobs.misc Discussion about employment, workplaces, careers.
misc.jobs.offered Announcements of positions available.
misc.jobs.offered.entry Job listings only for entry-level positions.
misc.jobs.resumes Postings of resumes and "situation wanted" articles.
misc.kids Children, their behavior and activities.
misc.kids.computer The use of computers by children.
misc.legal Legalities and the ethics of law.
misc.legal.computing Discussing the legal climate of the computing world.
misc.misc Various discussions not fitting in any other group.
misc.news.east-europe.rferl Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Daily Report. (Moderated)
misc.news.southasia News from Bangladesh, India, Nepal, etc. (Moderated)
misc.rural Devoted to issues concerning rural living.
misc.taxes Tax laws and advice.
misc.test For testing of network software. Very boring.
misc.wanted Requests for things that are needed (NOT software).
misc.writing Discussion of writing in all of its forms.
news.admin.misc General topics of network news administration.
news.admin.policy Policy issues of USENET.
news.admin.technical Technical aspects of maintaining network news. (Moderated)
news.announce.conferences Calls for papers and conference announcements. (Moderated)
news.announce.important General announcements of interest to all. (Moderated)
news.announce.newgroups Calls for newgroups & announcements of same. (Moderated)
news.announce.newusers Explanatory postings for new users. (Moderated)
news.answers Repository for periodic USENET articles. (Moderated)
news.config Postings of system down times and interruptions.
news.future The future technology of network news systems.
news.groups Discussions and lists of newsgroups.
news.lists News-related statistics and lists. (Moderated)
news.lists.ps-maps Maps relating to USENET traffic flows. (Moderated)
news.misc Discussions of USENET itself.
news.newusers.questions Q & A for users new to the Usenet.
news.software.anu-news VMS B-news software from Australian National Univ.
news.software.b Discussion about B-news-compatible software.
news.software.nn Discussion about the "nn" news reader package.
news.software.nntp The Network News Transfer Protocol.
news.software.notes Notesfile software from the Univ. of Illinois.
news.software.readers Discussion of software used to read network news.
rec.answers Repository for periodic USENET articles. (Moderated)
rec.antiques Discussing antiques and vintage items.
rec.aquaria Keeping fish and aquaria as a hobby.
rec.arts.animation Discussion of various kinds of animation.
rec.arts.anime Japanese animation fen discussion.
rec.arts.anime.info Announcements about Japanese animation. (Moderated)
rec.arts.anime.marketplace Things for sale in the Japanese animation world.
rec.arts.anime.stories All about Japanese comic fanzines. (Moderated)
rec.arts.bodyart Tattoos and body decoration discussions.
rec.arts.bonsai Dwarfish trees and shrubbery.
rec.arts.books Books of all genres, and the publishing industry.
rec.arts.books.tolkien The works of J.R.R. Tolkien.
rec.arts.cinema Discussion of the art of cinema. (Moderated)
rec.arts.comics.info Reviews, convention information and other comics news. (Moderated)
rec.arts.comics.strips Discussion of short-form comics.
rec.arts.comics.marketplace The exchange of comics and comic related items.
rec.arts.comics.misc Comic books, graphic novels, sequential art.
rec.arts.comics.xbooks The Mutant Universe of Marvel Comics.
rec.arts.dance Any aspects of dance not covered in another newsgroup.
rec.arts.disney Discussion of any Disney-related subjects.
rec.arts.drwho Discussion about Dr. Who.
rec.arts.erotica Erotic fiction and verse. (Moderated)
rec.arts.fine Fine arts & artists.
rec.arts.int-fiction Discussions about interactive fiction.
rec.arts.manga All aspects of the Japanese storytelling art form.
rec.arts.marching.drumcorps Drum and bugle corps.
rec.arts.marching.misc Marching-related performance activities.
rec.arts.misc Discussions about the arts not in other groups.
rec.arts.movies Discussions of movies and movie making.
rec.arts.movies.reviews Reviews of movies. (Moderated)
rec.arts.poems For the posting of poems.
rec.arts.prose Short works of prose fiction and followup discussion.
rec.arts.sf.announce Major announcements of the SF world. (Moderated)
rec.arts.sf.fandom Discussions of SF fan activities.
rec.arts.sf.misc Science fiction lovers' newsgroup.
rec.arts.sf.science Real and speculative aspects of SF science.
rec.arts.sf.tv Discussing general television SF.
rec.arts.sf.written Discussion of written science fiction and fantasy.
rec.arts.sf.marketplace Personal forsale notices of SF materials.
rec.arts.sf.movies Discussing SF motion pictures.
rec.arts.sf.reviews Critiques of science fiction stories. (Moderated)
rec.arts.sf.starwars Discussion of the Star Wars universe.
rec.arts.startrek.current New Star Trek shows, movies and books.
rec.arts.startrek.fandom Star Trek conventions and memorabilia.
rec.arts.startrek.info Information about the universe of Star Trek. (Moderated)
rec.arts.startrek.misc General discussions of Star Trek.
rec.arts.startrek.reviews Reviews of Star Trek books, episodes, films, &c. (Moderated)
rec.arts.startrek.tech Star Trek's depiction of future technologies.
rec.arts.theatre Discussion of all aspects of stage work & theatre.
rec.arts.tv The boob tube, its history, and past and current shows.
rec.arts.tv.soaps Postings about soap operas.
rec.arts.tv.uk Discussions of telly shows from the UK.
rec.arts.wobegon "A Prairie Home Companion" radio show discussion.
rec.audio High fidelity audio.
rec.audio.car Discussions of automobile audio systems.
rec.audio.high-end High-end audio systems. (Moderated)
rec.audio.pro Professional audio recording and studio engineering.
rec.autos Automobiles, automotive products and laws.
rec.autos.antique Discussing all aspects of automobiles over 25 years old.
rec.autos.driving Driving automobiles.
rec.autos.rod-n-custom High performance automobiles.
rec.autos.sport Discussion of organized, legal auto competitions.
rec.autos.tech Technical aspects of automobiles, et. al.
rec.autos.vw Issues pertaining to Volkswagen products.
rec.aviation.announce Events of interest to the aviation community. (Moderated)
rec.aviation.answers Frequently asked questions about aviation. (Moderated)
rec.aviation.homebuilt Selecting, designing, building, and restoring aircraft.
rec.aviation.ifr Flying under Instrument Flight Rules.
rec.aviation.military Military aircraft of the past, present and future.
rec.aviation.misc Miscellaneous topics in aviation.
rec.aviation.owning Information on owning airplanes.
rec.aviation.piloting General discussion for aviators.
rec.aviation.products Reviews and discussion of products useful to pilots.
rec.aviation.simulators Flight simulation on all levels.
rec.aviation.soaring All aspects of sailplanes and hang-gliders.
rec.aviation.stories Anecdotes of flight experiences. (Moderated)
rec.aviation.student Learning to fly.
rec.backcountry Activities in the Great Outdoors.
rec.bicycles.marketplace Buying, selling & reviewing items for cycling.
rec.bicycles.misc General discussion of bicycling.
rec.bicycles.racing Bicycle racing techniques, rules and results.
rec.bicycles.rides Discussions of tours and training or commuting routes.
rec.bicycles.soc Societal issues of bicycling.
rec.bicycles.tech Cycling product design, construction, maintenance, etc.
rec.birds Hobbyists interested in bird watching.
rec.boats Hobbyists interested in boating.
rec.boats.paddle Talk about any boats with oars, paddles, etc.
rec.climbing Climbing techniques, competition announcements, etc.
rec.collecting Discussion among collectors of many things.
rec.collecting.cards Collecting all sorts of sport and non-sport cards.
rec.crafts.brewing The art of making beers and meads.
rec.crafts.metalworking All aspects of working with metal.
rec.crafts.misc Handiwork arts not covered elsewhere.
rec.crafts.quilting All about quilts and other quilted items.
rec.crafts.textiles Sewing, weaving, knitting and other fiber arts.
rec.crafts.winemaking The tasteful art of making wine.
rec.equestrian Discussion of things equestrian.
rec.folk-dancing Folk dances, dancers, and dancing.
rec.food.cooking Food, cooking, cookbooks, and recipes.
rec.food.drink Wines and spirits.
rec.food.historic The history of food making arts.
rec.food.recipes Recipes for interesting food and drink. (Moderated)
rec.food.restaurants Discussion of dining out.
rec.food.sourdough Making and baking with sourdough.
rec.food.veg Vegetarians.
rec.gambling Articles on games of chance & betting.
rec.games.abstract Perfect information, pure strategy games.
rec.games.backgammon Discussion of the game of backgammon.
rec.games.board Discussion and hints on board games.
rec.games.board.ce The Cosmic Encounter board game.
rec.games.bridge Hobbyists interested in bridge.
rec.games.chess Chess & computer chess.
rec.games.chinese-chess Discussion of the game of Chinese chess, Xiangqi.
rec.games.corewar The Core War computer challenge.
rec.games.design Discussion of game design related issues.
rec.games.diplomacy The conquest game Diplomacy.
rec.games.empire Discussion and hints about Empire.
rec.games.frp.advocacy Flames and rebuttals about various role-playing systems.
rec.games.frp.announce Announcements of happenings in the role-playing world. (Moderated)
rec.games.frp.archives Archivable fantasy stories and other projects. (Moderated)
rec.games.frp.cyber Discussions of cyberpunk related roleplaying games.
rec.games.frp.dnd Fantasy role-playing with TSR's Dungeons and Dragons.
rec.games.frp.marketplace Role-playing game materials wanted and for sale.
rec.games.frp.misc General discussions of role-playing games.
rec.games.go Discussion about Go.
rec.games.hack Discussion, hints, etc. about the Hack game.
rec.games.int-fiction All aspects of interactive fiction games.
rec.games.mecha Giant robot games.
rec.games.miniatures Tabletop wargaming.
rec.games.misc Games and computer games.
rec.games.moria Comments, hints, and info about the Moria game.
rec.games.mud.admin Administrative issues of multiuser dungeons.
rec.games.mud.announce Informational articles about multiuser dungeons. (Moderated)
rec.games.mud.diku All about DikuMuds.
rec.games.mud.lp Discussions of the LPMUD computer role playing game.
rec.games.mud.misc Various aspects of multiuser computer games.
rec.games.mud.tiny Discussion about Tiny muds, like MUSH, MUSE and MOO.
rec.games.netrek Discussion of the X window system game Netrek (XtrekII).
rec.games.pbm Discussion about Play by Mail games.
rec.games.pinball Discussing pinball-related issues.
rec.games.programmer Discussion of adventure game programming.
rec.games.rogue Discussion and hints about Rogue.
rec.games.roguelike.angband The computer game Angband.
rec.games.roguelike.announce Major info about rogue-styled games. (Moderated)
rec.games.roguelike.misc Rogue-style dungeon games without other groups.
rec.games.trivia Discussion about trivia.
rec.games.vectrex The Vectrex game system.
rec.games.video.arcade Discussions about coin-operated video games.
rec.games.video.classic Older home video entertainment systems.
rec.games.video.sega All Sega video game systems and software.
rec.games.video.marketplace Home video game stuff for sale or trade.
rec.games.video.misc General discussion about home video games.
rec.games.video.nintendo All Nintendo video game systems and software.
rec.games.xtank.play Strategy and tactics for the distributed game Xtank.
rec.games.xtank.programmer Coding the Xtank game and its robots.
rec.gardens Gardening, methods and results.
rec.guns Discussions about firearms. (Moderated)
rec.juggling Juggling techniques, equipment and events.
rec.heraldry Discussion of coats of arms.
rec.humor Jokes and the like. May be somewhat offensive.
rec.humor.d Discussions on the content of rec.humor articles.
rec.humor.funny Jokes that are funny (in the moderator's opinion). (Moderated)
rec.humor.oracle Sagacious advice from the USENET Oracle. (Moderated)
rec.humor.oracle.d Comments about the USENET Oracle's comments.
rec.hunting Discussions about hunting. (Moderated)
rec.kites Talk about kites and kiting.
rec.mag Magazine summaries, tables of contents, etc.
rec.mag.fsfnet A Science Fiction "fanzine." (Moderated)
rec.martial-arts Discussion of the various martial art forms.
rec.misc General topics about recreational/participant sports.
rec.models.railroad Model railroads of all scales.
rec.models.rc Radio-controlled models for hobbyists.
rec.models.rockets Model rockets for hobbyists.
rec.models.scale Construction of models.
rec.motorcycles Motorcycles and related products and laws.
rec.motorcycles.dirt Riding motorcycles and ATVs off-road.
rec.motorcycles.harley All aspects of Harley-Davidson motorcycles.
rec.motorcycles.racing Discussion of all aspects of racing motorcycles.
rec.music.a-cappella Vocal music without instrumental accompaniment.
rec.music.afro-latin Music with afro-latin influences.
rec.music.beatles Postings about the Fab Four & their music.
rec.music.bluenote Discussion of jazz, blues, and related types of music.
rec.music.cd CDs -- availability and other discussions.
rec.music.celtic Traditional and modern music with a Celtic flavor.
rec.music.christian Christian music, both contemporary and traditional.
rec.music.classical Discussion about classical music.
rec.music.classical.guitar Classical music performed on guitar.
rec.music.classical.performing Performing classical (including early) music.
rec.music.compose Creating musical and lyrical works.
rec.music.country.western C&W music, performers, performances, etc.
rec.music.dementia Discussion of comedy and novelty music.
rec.music.dylan Discussion of Bob's works & music.
rec.music.early Discussion of pre-classical European music.
rec.music.folk Folks discussing folk music of various sorts.
rec.music.funky Funk, rap, hip-hop, house, soul, r&b and related.
rec.music.gaffa Progressive music (e.g., Kate Bush). (Moderated)
rec.music.gdead A group for (Grateful) Dead-heads.
rec.music.indian.classical Hindustani and Carnatic Indian classical music.
rec.music.indian.misc Discussing Indian music in general.
rec.music.industrial Discussion of all industrial-related music styles.
rec.music.info News and announcements on musical topics. (Moderated)
rec.music.makers For performers and their discussions.
rec.music.makers.bass Upright bass and bass guitar techniques and equipment.
rec.music.makers.guitar Electric and acoustic guitar techniques and equipment.
rec.music.makers.guitar.acoustic Discussion of acoustic guitar playing.
rec.music.makers.guitar.tablature Guitar tablature/chords.
rec.music.makers.marketplace Buying & selling used music-making equipment.
rec.music.makers.percussion Drum & other percussion techniques & equipment.
rec.music.makers.synth Synthesizers and computer music.
rec.music.marketplace Records, tapes, and CDs: wanted, for sale, etc.
rec.music.misc Music lovers' group.
rec.music.newage "New Age" music discussions.
rec.music.phish Discussing the musical group Phish.
rec.music.reggae The melodies of the Caribbean.
rec.music.reviews Reviews of music of all genres and mediums. (Moderated)
rec.music.video Discussion of music videos and music video software.
rec.nude Hobbyists interested in naturist/nudist activities.
rec.org.mensa Talking with members of the high IQ society Mensa.
rec.org.sca Society for Creative Anachronism.
rec.outdoors.fishing All aspects of sport and commercial fishing.
rec.parks.theme Entertainment theme parks.
rec.pets Pets, pet care, and household animals in general.
rec.pets.birds The culture and care of indoor birds.
rec.pets.cats Discussion about domestic cats.
rec.pets.dogs Any and all subjects relating to dogs as pets.
rec.pets.herp Reptiles, amphibians and other exotic vivarium pets.
rec.pets.rabbits Bunnies!
rec.photo Hobbyists interested in photography.
rec.puzzles Puzzles, problems, and quizzes.
rec.puzzles.crosswords Making and playing gridded word puzzles.
rec.pyrotechnics Fireworks, rocketry, safety, & other topics.
rec.radio.amateur.antenna Antennas: theory, techniques and construction.
rec.radio.amateur.digital.misc Packet radio and other digital radio modes.
rec.radio.amateur.equipment All about production amateur radio hardware.
rec.radio.amateur.homebrew Amateur radio construction and experimentation.
rec.radio.amateur.misc Amateur radio practices, contests, events, rules, etc.
rec.radio.amateur.policy Radio use & regulation policy.
rec.radio.amateur.space Amateur radio transmissions through space.
rec.radio.broadcasting Local area broadcast radio. (Moderated)
rec.radio.cb Citizen-band radio.
rec.radio.info Informational postings related to radio. (Moderated)
rec.radio.noncomm Topics relating to noncommercial radio.
rec.radio.scanner "Utility" broadcasting traffic above 30 MHz.
rec.radio.shortwave Shortwave radio enthusiasts.
rec.radio.swap Offers to trade and swap radio equipment.
rec.railroad Real and model train fans' newsgroup.
rec.roller-coaster Roller coasters and other amusement park rides.
rec.running Running for enjoyment, sport, exercise, etc.
rec.scouting Scouting youth organizations worldwide.
rec.scuba Hobbyists interested in SCUBA diving.
rec.skate Ice skating and roller skating.
rec.skiing Hobbyists interested in snow skiing.
rec.skydiving Hobbyists interested in skydiving.
rec.sport.baseball Discussion about baseball.
rec.sport.baseball.college Baseball on the collegiate level.
rec.sport.basketball.college Hoops on the collegiate level.
rec.sport.baseball.fantasy Rotisserie (fantasy) baseball play.
rec.sport.basketball.misc Primarily high school and international caging.
rec.sport.basketball.pro Talk of professional basketball.
rec.sport.cricket Discussion about the sport of cricket.
rec.sport.cricket.scores Scores from cricket matches around the globe. (Moderated)
rec.sport.disc Discussion of flying disc based sports.
rec.sport.fencing All aspects of swordplay.
rec.sport.football.australian All aspects of Australian rules football.
rec.sport.football.canadian All about Canadian rules football.
rec.sport.football.college US-style college football.
rec.sport.football.fantasy Rotisserie (fantasy) football play.
rec.sport.football.misc Discussion about American-style football.
rec.sport.football.pro US-style professional football.
rec.sport.golf Discussion about all aspects of golfing.
rec.sport.hockey Discussion about hockey.
rec.sport.hockey.field Discussion of the sport of field hockey.
rec.sport.misc Spectator sports.
rec.sport.olympics All aspects of the Olympic Games.
rec.sport.paintball Discussing all aspects of the survival game paintball.
rec.sport.pro-wrestling Discussion about professional wrestling.
rec.sport.rowing Crew for competition or fitness.
rec.sport.rugby Discussion about the game of rugby.
rec.sport.soccer Discussion about soccer (Association Football).
rec.sport.swimming Training for and competing in swimming events.
rec.sport.table-tennis Things related to table tennis (aka Ping Pong).
rec.sport.tennis Things related to the sport of tennis.
rec.sport.triathlon Discussing all aspects of multi-event sports.
rec.sport.volleyball Discussion about volleyball.
rec.sport.waterski Waterskiing and other boat-towed activities.
rec.travel Traveling all over the world.
rec.travel.air Airline travel around the world.
rec.travel.marketplace Tickets and accomodations wanted and for sale.
rec.video Video and video components.
rec.video.cable-tv Technical and regulatory issues of cable television.
rec.video.production Making professional quality video productions.
rec.video.releases Pre-recorded video releases on laserdisc and videotape.
rec.video.satellite Getting shows via satellite.
rec.windsurfing Riding the waves as a hobby.
rec.woodworking Hobbyists interested in woodworking.
sci.aeronautics The science of aeronautics & related technology. (Moderated)
sci.aeronautics.airliners Airliner technology. (Moderated)
sci.answers Repository for periodic USENET articles. (Moderated)
sci.anthropology All aspects of studying humankind.
sci.aquaria Only scientifically-oriented postings about aquaria.
sci.archaeology Studying antiquities of the world.
sci.astro Astronomy discussions and information.
sci.astro.fits Issues related to the Flexible Image Transport System.
sci.astro.hubble Discussing processing the Hubble Space Telescope data. (Moderated)
sci.astro.planetarium Discussion of planetariums.
sci.bio Biology and related sciences.
sci.bio.ecology Ecological research.
sci.bio.technology Any topic relating to biotechnology.
sci.chem Chemistry and related sciences.
sci.chem.organomet Organometallic chemistry.
sci.classics Studying classical history, languages, art and more.
sci.cognitive Perception, memory, judgement and reasoning.
sci.comp-aided The use of computers as tools in scientific research.
sci.cryonics Theory and practice of biostasis, suspended animation.
sci.crypt Different methods of data en/decryption.
sci.data.formats Modelling, storage and retrieval of scientific data.
sci.econ The science of economics.
sci.econ.research Research in all fields of economics. (Moderated)
sci.edu The science of education.
sci.electronics Circuits, theory, electrons and discussions.
sci.energy Discussions about energy, science & technology.
sci.energy.hydrogen All about hydrogen as an alternative fuel.
sci.engr Technical discussions about engineering tasks.
sci.engr.advanced-tv HDTV/DATV standards, formats, equipment, practices.
sci.engr.chem All aspects of chemical engineering.
sci.engr.biomed Discussing the field of biomedical engineering.
sci.engr.civil Topics related to civil engineering.
sci.engr.control The engineering of control systems.
sci.engr.manufacturing Manufacturing technology.
sci.engr.mech The field of mechanical engineering.
sci.environment Discussions about the environment and ecology.
sci.fractals Objects of non-intergral dimension and other chaos.
sci.geo.fluids Discussion of geophysical fluid dynamics.
sci.geo.geology Discussion of solid earth sciences.
sci.geo.meteorology Discussion of meteorology and related topics.
sci.image.processing Scientific image processing and analysis.
sci.lang Natural languages, communication, etc.
sci.lang.japan The Japanese language, both spoken and written.
sci.life-extension Slowing, stopping or reversing the ageing proces.
sci.logic Logic -- math, philosophy & computational aspects.
sci.materials All aspects of materials engineering.
sci.math Mathematical discussions and pursuits.
sci.math.num-analysis Numerical Analysis.
sci.math.research Discussion of current mathematical research. (Moderated)
sci.math.symbolic Symbolic algebra discussion.
sci.med Medicine and its related products and regulations.
sci.med.aids AIDS: treatment, pathology/biology of HIV, prevention. (Moderated)
sci.med.dentistry Dentally related topics; all about teeth.
sci.med.nutrition Physiological impacts of diet.
sci.med.occupational Preventing, detecting & treating occupational injuries.
sci.med.pharmacy The teaching and practice of pharmaceutics.
sci.med.physics Issues of physics in medical testing/care.
sci.med.telemedicine Clinical consulting through computer networks.
sci.military Discussion about science & the military. (Moderated)
sci.misc Short-lived discussions on subjects in the sciences.
sci.nanotech Self-reproducing molecular-scale machines. (Moderated)
sci.nonlinear Chaotic systems and other nonlinear scientific study.
sci.op-research Research, teaching & application of operations research.
sci.optics Discussion relating to the science of optics.
sci.philosophy.meta Discussions within the scope of "MetaPhilosophy."
sci.philosophy.tech Technical philosophy: math, science, logic, etc.
sci.physics Physical laws, properties, etc.
sci.physics.accelerators Particle accelerators and the physics of beams.
sci.physics.fusion Info on fusion, esp. "cold" fusion.
sci.physics.research Current physics research. (Moderated)
sci.polymers All aspects of polymer science.
sci.psychology Topics related to psychology.
sci.psychology.digest Psychology discussions and information. (Moderated)
sci.research Research methods, funding, ethics, and whatever.
sci.research.careers Issues relevant to careers in scientific research.
sci.skeptic Skeptics discussing psuedo-science.
sci.space Space, space programs, space related research, etc.
sci.space.news Announcements of space-related news items. (Moderated)
sci.space.shuttle The space shuttle and the STS program.
sci.stat.consult Statistical consulting.
sci.stat.edu Statistics education.
sci.stat.math Statistics from a strictly mathematical viewpoint.
sci.systems The theory and application of systems science.
sci.techniques.xtallography The field of crystallography.
sci.virtual-worlds Modelling the universe. (Moderated)
sci.virtual-worlds.apps Current and future uses of virtual-worlds technology. (Moderated)
sco.opendesktop SCO newsgroup.
soc.answers Repository for periodic USENET articles. (Moderated)
soc.bi Discussions of bisexuality.
soc.college College, college activities, campus life, etc.
soc.college.grad General issues related to graduate schools.
soc.college.gradinfo Information about graduate schools.
soc.college.teaching-asst Issues affecting collegiate teaching assistants.
soc.couples Discussions for couples (cf. soc.singles).
soc.couples.intercultural Inter-cultural and inter-racial relationships.
soc.culture.afghanistan Discussion of the Afghan society.
soc.culture.african Discussions about Africa & things African.
soc.culture.african.american Discussions about Afro-American issues.
soc.culture.arabic Technological & cultural issues, *not* politics.
soc.culture.argentina All about life in Argentina.
soc.culture.asean Countries of the Assoc. of SE Asian Nations.
soc.culture.asian.american Issues & discussion about Asian-Americans.
soc.culture.australian Australian culture and society.
soc.culture.austria Austria and its people.
soc.culture.baltics People of the Baltic states.
soc.culture.bangladesh Issues & discussion about Bangladesh.
soc.culture.bosna-herzgvna The indepedent state of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
soc.culture.brazil Talking about the people and country of Brazil.
soc.culture.british Issues about Britain & those of British descent.
soc.culture.bulgaria Discussing Bulgarian society.
soc.culture.canada Discussions of Canada and its people.
soc.culture.caribbean Life in the Caribbean.
soc.culture.celtic Group about Celts (*not* basketball!).
soc.culture.china About China and Chinese culture.
soc.culture.croatia The lives of people of Croatia.
soc.culture.czecho-slovak Bohemian, Slovak, Moravian and Silesian life.
soc.culture.esperanto The neutral international language Esperanto.
soc.culture.europe Discussing all aspects of all-European society.
soc.culture.filipino Group about the Filipino culture.
soc.culture.french French culture, history, and related discussions.
soc.culture.german Discussions about German culture and history.
soc.culture.greek Group about Greeks.
soc.culture.hongkong Discussions pertaining to Hong Kong.
soc.culture.indian Group for discussion about India & things Indian.
soc.culture.indian.telugu The culture of the Telugu people of India.
soc.culture.indonesia All about the Indonesian nation.
soc.culture.iranian Discussions about Iran and things Iranian/Persian.
soc.culture.italian The Italian people and their culture.
soc.culture.japan Everything Japanese, except the Japanese language.
soc.culture.jewish Jewish culture & religion. (cf. talk.politics.mideast)
soc.culture.korean Discussions about Korean & things Korean.
soc.culture.laos Cultural and Social Aspects of Laos.
soc.culture.latin-america Topics about Latin-America.
soc.culture.lebanon Discussion about things Lebanese.
soc.culture.maghreb North African society and culture.
soc.culture.magyar The Hungarian people & their culture.
soc.culture.malaysia All about Malaysian society.
soc.culture.mexican Discussion of Mexico's society.
soc.culture.misc Group for discussion about other cultures.
soc.culture.native Aboriginal people around the world.
soc.culture.nepal Discussion about Nepal and Nepasese society.
soc.culture.netherlands People from the Netherlands and Belgium.
soc.culture.new-zealand Discussion of topics related to New Zealand.
soc.culture.nordic Discussion about culture up north.
soc.culture.pakistan Topics of discussion about Pakistan.
soc.culture.peru All about the people of Peru.
soc.culture.polish Polish culture, Polish past, and Polish politics.
soc.culture.portuguese Discussion of the people of Portugal.
soc.culture.romanian Discussion of Romanian and Moldavian people.
soc.culture.scientists ?
soc.culture.singapore The past, present and future of Singapore.
soc.culture.soviet Topics relating to Russian or Soviet culture.
soc.culture.spain Discussion of culture on the Iberian peninsula.
soc.culture.sri-lanka Things & people from Sri Lanka.
soc.culture.taiwan Discussion about things Taiwanese.
soc.culture.tamil Tamil language, history and culture.
soc.culture.thai Thai people and their culture.
soc.culture.turkish Discussion about things Turkish.
soc.culture.ukrainian The life and times of the Ukrainian people.
soc.culture.uruguay Discussions of Uruguay for those at home and abroad.
soc.culture.usa The culture of the United States of America.
soc.culture.venezuela Discussion of topics related to Venezuela.
soc.culture.vietnamese Issues and discussions of Vietnamese culture.
soc.culture.yugoslavia Discussions of Yugoslavia and its people.
soc.feminism Discussion of feminism & feminist issues. (Moderated)
soc.history Discussions of things historical.
soc.libraries.talk Discussing all aspects of libraries.
soc.men Issues related to men, their problems & relationships.
soc.misc Socially-oriented topics not in other groups.
soc.motss Issues pertaining to homosexuality.
soc.net-people Announcements, requests, etc. about people on the net.
soc.penpals In search of net.friendships.
soc.politics Political problems, systems, solutions. (Moderated)
soc.politics.arms-d Arms discussion digest. (Moderated)
soc.religion.bahai Discussion of the Baha'i Faith. (Moderated)
soc.religion.christian Christianity and related topics. (Moderated)
soc.religion.christian.bible-study Examining the Holy Bible. (Moderated)
soc.religion.eastern Discussions of Eastern religions. (Moderated)
soc.religion.islam Discussions of the Islamic faith. (Moderated)
soc.religion.quaker The Religious Society of Friends.
soc.religion.shamanism Discussion of the full range of shamanic experience. (Moderated)
soc.rights.human Human rights & activism (e.g., Amnesty International).
soc.roots Genealogical matters.
soc.singles Newsgroup for single people, their activities, etc.
soc.veterans Social issues relating to military veterans.
soc.women Issues related to women, their problems & relationships.
talk.abortion All sorts of discussions and arguments on abortion.
talk.answers Repository for periodic USENET articles. (Moderated)
talk.bizarre The unusual, bizarre, curious, and often stupid.
talk.environment Discussion the state of the environment & what to do.
talk.origins Evolution versus creationism (sometimes hot!).
talk.philosophy.misc Philosophical musings on all topics.
talk.politics.animals The use and/or abuse of animals.
talk.politics.china Discussion of political issues related to China.
talk.politics.crypto The relation between cryptography and government.
talk.politics.drugs The politics of drug issues.
talk.politics.guns The politics of firearm ownership and (mis)use.
talk.politics.medicine The politics and ethics involved with health care.
talk.politics.mideast Discussion & debate over Middle Eastern events.
talk.politics.misc Political discussions and ravings of all kinds.
talk.politics.soviet Discussion of Soviet politics, domestic and foreign.
talk.politics.space Non-technical issues affecting space exploration.
talk.politics.tibet The politics of Tibet and the Tibetan people.
talk.politics.theory Theory of politics and political systems.
talk.rape Discussions on stopping rape; not to be crossposted.
talk.religion.misc Religious, ethical, & moral implications.
talk.religion.newage Esoteric and minority religions & philosophies.
talk.rumors For the posting of rumors.
trial.misc.legal.software Legal software - as a trial newsgroup.
trial.newgroups Newgroups in the Trial hierarchy.
trial.rec.metalworking Metalworking - as a trial newsgroup.
trial.soc.culture.czechoslovak Czechoslovak culture - as a trial newsgroup.
trial.soc.culture.italian ?
trial.talk.politics.peace ?
trial.test Testing of the Trial distribution.
u3b.config 3B Distribution configuration.
u3b.misc 3B Miscellaneous Discussions.
u3b.sources Sources for AT&T 3B systems.
u3b.tech 3B Technical Discussions.
u3b.test 3B Distribution Testing.
vmsnet.admin Administration of the VMSnet newsgroups.
vmsnet.alpha Discussion about DEC Alpha architecture, systems, porting, etc.
vmsnet.announce General announcements of interest to all. (Moderated)
vmsnet.announce.newusers Orientation info for new users. (Moderated)
vmsnet.databases.rdb DEC's Rdb relational DBMS and related topics.
vmsnet.decus.journal The DECUServe Journal. (Moderated)
vmsnet.decus.lugs Discussion of DECUS Local User Groups and related issues.
vmsnet.employment Jobs sought/offered, workplace and employment related issues.
vmsnet.infosystems.gopher Gopher software for VMS, gatewayed to VMSGopher-L.
vmsnet.infosystems.misc Misc. infosystem software for VMS (e.g. WAIS, WWW, etc.).
vmsnet.internals VMS internals, MACRO-32, Bliss, etc., gatewayed to MACRO32 list.
vmsnet.mail.misc Other electronic mail software.
vmsnet.mail.pmdf PMDF email system, gatewayed to ipmdf mailing list.
vmsnet.mail.mx MX email system from RPI, gatewayed to MX mailing list.
vmsnet.misc General VMS topics not covered elsewhere.
vmsnet.networks.desktop.misc Other desktop integration software.
vmsnet.networks.desktop.pathworks DEC Pathworks desktop integration software.
vmsnet.networks.management.decmcc DECmcc and related software.
vmsnet.networks.management.misc Other network management solutions.
vmsnet.networks.misc General networking topics not covered elsewhere.
vmsnet.networks.tcp-ip.cmu-tek CMU-TEK TCP/IP package, gatewayed to cmu-tek-tcp+@andrew.cmu.edu.
vmsnet.networks.tcp-ip.misc Other TCP/IP solutions for VMS.
vmsnet.networks.tcp-ip.multinet TGV's Multinet TCP/IP, gatewayed to info-multinet.
vmsnet.networks.tcp-ip.tcpware Discussion of Process Software's TCPWARE TCP/IP software.
vmsnet.networks.tcp-ip.ucx DEC's VMS/Ultrix Connection (or TCP/IP services for VS) product.
vmsnet.networks.tcp-ip.wintcp The Wollongong Group's WIN-TCP TCP/IP software.
vmsnet.pdp-11 PDP-11 hardware and software, gatewayed to info-pdp11.
vmsnet.sources Source code postings ONLY. (Moderated)
vmsnet.sources.d Discussion about or requests for sources.
vmsnet.sources.games Recreational software postings.
vmsnet.sysmgt VMS system management.
vmsnet.test Test messages.
vmsnet.tpu TPU language and applications, gatewayed to info-tpu.
vmsnet.uucp DECUS uucp software, gatewayed to vmsnet mailing list.
vmsnet.vms-posix Discussion about VMS POSIX.
eunet.aviation European aviation rules, means and methods.
eunet.bugs.4bsd Bug reports on 4.*bsd, limited (EUnet) "audience".
eunet.bugs.uucp Bug reports on uucp, specifically EUUG uucp.
eunet.checkgroups Only for central posting of checkgroups messages. (Moderated)
eunet.esprit Discussion/info about Esprit projects.
eunet.esprit.eurochip Esprit VLSI Design - Eurochip.
eunet.europen EurOpen-related topics, announcements, etc.
eunet.jokes Jokes only Europeans can (do?) understand... :-)
eunet.misc Miscellaneous discussions.
eunet.newprod Announcements of new products of European interest.
eunet.news Group for news topics, limited to EUnet.
eunet.news.group Discussion on and proposals for new eunet newsgroups.
eunet.politics (European) political discussions (and flames!).
eunet.sources EUnet-wide (only!) group for posting sources.
eunet.test EUnet-wide test group.
eunet.works Workstations (specifically European) topics.