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/ Developer Source 3 / Developers_Source_Vol_03_1996.iso / dobbs / apr95 / mart1f3.gif < prev    next >
Graphics Interchange Format  |  1996-06-12  |  90KB  |  555x435  |  4-bit (16 colors)
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OCR: (a) (b] (c) (d) Pa W- SP2 W. [106] Ps [125] [119] 1135 (e) (g) (h) [119] [144] [144] [144] Pg Figure 3: (a) A minimum-spanning tree; (b) all wires are eligible; (c) exclude w1; (d) exclude w, and w ,; (e) exclude w, and w ,; (f)exclude w2 and w ,; (g) exclude w, and w ;,