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/ Developer Source 3 / Developers_Source_Vol_03_1996.iso / dobsb / jul95 / abra1f2.gif < prev    next >
Graphics Interchange Format  |  1995-12-29  |  35KB  |  239x303  |  8-bit (98 colors)
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OCR: (150,150) Clipped segment 3: t=1 t=0.6 to t=1 Clipped segment 2: t-0.6 t=0.25 to t=0.6 Clipped segment 1: t=0.25 t=0 to t-0.25 (100,50) t=0 Figure 2: Line-segment storage in the BSP compiler. Segments are stored as t start and end points relative to the original, unclipped line segment, which is (100,50), (150,150), from t=Otot =1