Labels:bag | book | box | bulletin board | car | fence | hakham | person | poster | windowpane OCR: RAY ASTRONOMY STUDIES OFX -RAYS in space are carried out by satellites or rockets. This is because the Earth is protected from this type of radiation by its atmosphere X-rays come from extremely hot gases found the remnants supernovas from pairs of stars where one is a white dwarf ora black hole. X -rays would pass through conventional mirror. telescopes collecting them use an array of concentric. cylindrical mirrors which reflect the rays shallow angle SKYLAB'S SUN Solar panel This image was taken ir Antenna 1973 from Skylab, the red parts the image are solar flares intense X-ray sources ROSAT An international observatory the Roentgen Satellite (ROSAT) was launched in 1990, to observe SFF X-ray sources in the sky NEXT ALSO radiat tion