ocr: 1930 Rcrn cn A agist 5i in Wapakcneta, Chic. He hash his first airplane ride atage Gand, asa Leenager, has flying lessuns. He gains his pilat's license before he: is legally old enough to drive acar. 1947 Enters Purdue Universiry, Lafayette, Indlana, tostudy aercnzutical engineering and becomes anaval air cadet. 1950 Flies 78 combat missions in Korea, is shot down once. andi is awardedt the Air Medal 3times. 1955 Joins NASA asa civilian high- spead test pilot. Hei is one of 12 people whofly the X 15, sophis sticated research aircrett that can tly. at hypersonic speeds and to high altitudes. Ei ...