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/ Eyewitness: Encyclopedia of Science / Mac_DorlingKindersley_EyewitnessEncyclopediaOfScience.iso / mac / LISC / NUTR / NUTR002P.DIB (.png) < prev    next >
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OCR: PARASITES PARASITE is an organism that gets fleas do, or live in their hosts as some llits nutrients from another worms op Parasitic plants tap intc living organi ism called the host. The their hosts vascular tissues (the parts host often suffers, but successful that transport water and food). parasite does not generally killits food Parasites are specially adapted to source Animal parasi ites either live or their lifestyle, and cannot get their their hosts, a food in any other way Animal Parasite ticks and parasites such as fleas have sucking mouthparts to suck another animal's blood. Parasitic plants are not green because they do not need 0 make their own food as other plants do, photosyn Fish parasite The copepod parasitic crustacean on this fish uses specialized mouthparts to Host suck ...