Labels:lodestone | reckoner | sky | tree | windowpane OCR: 1596 Descartes is born in La Haye Touraine, France He is educated at Jesuit school. doing well hi studies of mat thematics, physics, philosophy, and classics 1616 Graduates in law, at age 20 from Poitiers University, France 1618 Writes Compendium Musicae on the subjects of F mechanics and acoustics. He leaves France and joins the army of the Prince of Orange, t Holland. 1619 Moves again to become soldier in the army of the Duke of Bavaria (today part t of Germany). 1628 Moves to Holland and l begins writing the works that will make him famous 1633 After the trial and impri isonment the Italian philosopher and mat thematician Galileo Galilei 1564 1642) by the Roman Catholic Church, Descartes withholds much ofhiswork from publication 1637 Publishes Discourse on Method Descartes puts forward ...