Eyewitness Virtual Reality: Bird
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PICTURES All pictures are copyright material and are strictly for private use by the purchaser only. They may not be distributed to any other party. Unauthorized copying, hiring, lending, public performance and broad- casting of the pictures is prohibited and an infringement of copyright. The publisher would like to thank the following for their kind permission to reproduce the photographs: ANCIENT ART & ARCHITECTURE COLLECTION Thoth; Athena; A Griffin Carved in Relief; Sacred Ibis; Noah's Ark AQUILA (J.B. Blossom) - Kagu (J. J. Brooks) - Making a Nest (H. & J. Eriksen) - Rock Dove; How Beaks Grow (R. Maier) - Domesticated Turkey; Feather Care (left) (B. Hawkes) - Red Jungle Fowl (W. Lankinen) - Common Loon; Hovering; Ruby-Throated Hummingbird (B. W. Pountney) - Taking Off (M.C. Wilkes) - Willow Ptarmigan; Coot; Mimiciy, Starling BRIDGEMAN ART LIBRARY (Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris) - Book of Hours (Bonham's, London) - Mallangan Lintel (British Museum) - Dunstable Swan; Song Thrush Nest; Egyptian Papyrus; Aztec Drum (Christie's, London) - Augsburg Owl; Fabergé Vase (Cotehele House, Cornwall) - Willow Pattern Dish (Kremlin Museums, Moscow) - Fabergé Egg (Louvre, Paris) - Coptic Gravestone (Museo Arqueologico, Ibiza) - Ostrich Egg (Museum of Mankind, London) - Feather God; Hawaiian Capes (Oriental Museum, Durham University) - Chinese Cranes; Chinese Comb (Frank Partridge Ltd, London) - Cloisonné Quails and Duck (Private Collections) - Toucan; Geese Incense Burners (University of Liverpool Art Gallery & College) - Red-Shouldered Hawk (Unterlinden Museum, Colmar, France) - Angel Gabriel, Virgin Mary (Rafael Valls Gallery, London) - The Raven (Victoria & Albert Museum, London) - Heron Tile; Audubon Woodpecker, Italian Valance (William Morris Gallery, London) - Woodpecker Tapestry BRIDGEMAN ART LIBRARY / GIRAUDON (Bibliothèque de l'Institut, Paris) - Flying Machine (Louvre, Paris) - Winged Spirit J. ALLAN CASH LTD Territories JANE CATHERALL Pigeon's Gizzard JEAN-LOUP CHARMET Winged Man BRUCE COLEMAN LTD Unusual Calls, Eurasian Nightjar (S. Alden) - Air Pollution (J. & D. Bartlett) - Ground Nests (N. Blake) - Atlantic Puffin; Touch (H. Brehm) - Nonvocal Calls, Great Spotted Woodpecker (J. Burton) - Unusual Calls, Eurasian Bittern (J. Burton & K. Taylor) - Smell (B. & C. Calhoun) - Whooping Crane (J. Cancalosi) - Emu; Waste Dumping; Pesticide Spraying; Aboriginal Painting; Unusual Calls, Little Wattlebird (B.J. Coates) - Buff-faced Pygmy Parrot; Pigeon's Milk; Unusual Calls, Blue Bird of Paradise (G. Cubitt) - Scavengers; Captive Breeding; Bird Rescue (G. Dore) - Choruses, Deciduous Woodland (Rodney Dawson Trust) - Gliding and Soaring; Corncrake (F. Erize) - Communal Nests (P. Evans) - Contact Calls, Feeding; Separating Species, Chiffchaff; Mimicry, Herring Gull (M. Fogden) - Choruses, Costa Rican Rain Forest (Jeff Foott Productions) - Movement; Acorn Woodpecker (right) (M. Freeman) - Interspecific Behavior (C.B. & D.W. Frith) - Great Bowerbird; Monkey-eating Eagle; Golden-Shouldered Parrot (F. Furlong) - Takahe (F. Futil) - Archaeopteryx (D. Green) - Fish-eaters (left) (F. Greenaway) - Mimicry, Jackdaw (C. James) - Common Murre (J. Jurka) - Choruses, Seabird Colony (J. van de Kam) - Lyrical Songs, Eurasian Blackbird (S. Kaufman) - Finding the Way (H. Lange) - Lesser Black-backed Gull (G. Langsbury) - Flocking (W. Lankinen) - Calliope Hummingbird; Taste; Lyrical Songs, Mountain Bluebird (G. McCarthy) - Height Records (Pink-Footed Goose); House Martin (M. McKavett) - Alarm Calls, Meadow Pipit; Lyrical Songs, Winter Wren; Separating Species, Willow Warbler (L.C. Marigo) - Indigo Macaw; Sokoke Scops Owl (S. Nielsen) - Great Horned Owl; Pileated Woodpecker; Using the Sun and Stars (Orion Press) - Keeping Warm (W. S. Paton) - Height Records (Ruppell's Griffon) (D. & M. Plage) - Air Sacs (Dr. E. Pott) - Mute Swan; Inside the Bone; European Black Vulture (F. Prenzel) - Choruses, Australian Bush (M. Price) - Bird Reserves (A. Purcell) - Ostrich (H. Reinhard) - Common Swift; Courting with Color (A. Root) - Tool Use (L. Lee Rue III) - Wild Turkey; Working Together (J. Shaw) - Nonvocal Calls, Common Snipe (K. Taylor) - Northern Gannet; European Starling; Tongues; Barbs and Barbules (inset) ; Alarm Calls, Song Thrush, Curlew (N. Tomalin) - White-necked Picathartes (U. Walz) - Great Cormorant; Roosting; Contact Calls, Keeping in Touch; Nonvocal Calls, White Stork (R. Williams) - Black Vulture (J. van Wormer) - California Condor (K. Wothe) - Separating Species, Wood Warbler E.T. ARCHIVE Mosaic Tile (Amano Museum, Lima) - Parrot Jar (Louvre, Paris) - St. Francis of Assisi (Topkapi Museum, Istanbul) - Yemenite Army (Victoria & Albert Museum, London) - Mogul Painting MARY EVANS PICTURE LIBRARY Ancient Mariner; Stork and Baby; Barnaby Rudge; Bearded Man; Long John Silver WERNER FORMAN ARCHIVE Baga Headdress; Edfu Horus (Biblioteca Universitaria, Bologna) - Codex Cospi (British Museum, London) - War Bonnet; Egyptian Relief (Canterbury Museum, Christchurch, N.Z.) - Maori Pendant (Centennial Museum, Vancouver) - Transformation Mask (Egyptian Museum, Cairo) - Tomb Painting; Wadjet Eye Necklace (Entwistle Gallery, London) - Brass Rooster (Field Museum, Chicago) - Canoe Ornament (Philip Goldman Collection) - Garuda (Ben Heller Collection, N.Y.) - African Bocio (Robert H. Lowie Museum, University of California) - Yupik Mask (McCord Museum, Montreal) - Grouse Feast Dish (Museum of Art, Dallas) - Chimu Bib (Museum für Volkerkunde, Berlin) - Benin Plaque; Aztec Bowl (A. Spohr Collection, Plains Indian Museum, Wyoming) Eagle Foot Charm (Private Collection) - Horus Falcon (Provincial Museum, Victoria, B.C.) - Tobacco Mortar, Spindle Whorl (Statens Historiska Museum, Stockholm) - Odin's Birds (Steinschneider Collection, Miami) - Memorial Mask (Ramses Wissa Wassef Art School, Harrania) - Turkey Tapestry; Egyptian Batik; Bird Tapestry; Tree Batik THE RONALD GRANT ARCHIVE Wizard of Oz ROBERT HARDING PICTURE LIBRARY/F.L. KENETT Vulture Pendant THE IMAGE BANK (H. Sund) - Large-Scale Farming IMAGES COLOUR LIBRARY/ CHARLES WALKER COLLECTION Pubic Shield; Pelican Parent; Peacock Illustration; Easter Island Birdman; Archaeopteryx Relief KATZ PICTURES (J.B. Pictures/S. Ferry) - Rain Forest Destruction (N.M.R./R.G. Taylor) - Urbanisation FRANK LANE PICTURE AGENCY (R. Austing) - Northern Harrier (H.D. Brandt) - Why Migrate ?; Flight Patterns - Duck (T. & P. Gardner) - Southern Cassowary; Short-tailed Shearwater (M. Gore) - Lungs (A.R. Hamblin) - Unusual Calls, Eurasian Cuckoo (E. & D. Hosking) - Feral Pigeon; Whip-Poor-Will; Eclectus Parrot; Varied Lorikeet; Sun Parakeet; Lesser Golden Plover; Familiar Landmarks; Flight Patterns - Heron (J. Karmali) - Piracy (D. Kinzler) - American Robin (F.W. Lane) - Unusual Calls, Montezuma's Oropendola (S. Leatherwood/Earthviews) - Emperor Penguin (S. Maslowski) - Eastern Screech-Owl (C. Mullen) - Color (F. Polking) - Great Frigatebird(top) ; White Stork; Symbiosis (Silvestris) - Courtship Arenas; Courtship Feeding (R. Tidman) - Diet and Digestion (R. Wilmshurst) - Mandarin Duck; Great Crested Grebe; Canada Goose (T.S. Zylva) - White Spoonbill THE NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM, LONDON Gould Hummingbird/Whooping Crane NATURE PHOTOGRAPHERS LTD (S.C. Bisserot) - Seeing with Sound (H. Clark) - Bank Swallow Burrows (P. Sterry) - No Nest; Tunnels & Burrows OXFORD SCIENTIFIC FILMS (M. Fogden) - Resplendent Quetzal OXFORD SCIENTIFIC FILMS / PHOTO RESEARCHERS INC. (B. May) - Contact Calls, Mate Recognition (T. McHugh) - Japanese Crane OXFORD SCIENTIFIC FILMS /SURVIVAL ANGLIA (P. Johnson) - Staggered Hatching (A. Price) - Making an Egg PLANET EARTH PICTURES (G. Douwma) - Wings for Swimming (N. Garbutt) - Pink Pigeon (M. Martin) - Lyrical Songs, Skylark (J. Scott) - Ruppell's Griffon; Flight Patterns - Vulture REX FEATURES (Sipa Press) - Water Pollution SWAN PHOTOGRAPHIC AGENCY (J. Buckingham) - Tree Nests ZEFA Kiwi; Keel-billed Toucan; Distraction Displays; Parental Care (Arndt) - Mating (Damm) - Gull Breeding Colony (Heintges) - Winter Wren; Wings and Flight; Fish-eaters (right); Hunters (below) (Lenz) - Fighting Back (Meyers) - Ring-necked Pheasant (Minden) - Great Frigatebird (right) ; Clutch Size; Feeding (White Pelicans); Becoming Adult (Pollin) - Acorn Woodpecker (left) (Reinhard) - Wandering Albatross (Wisniewski) - Arctic Tern (left); Foragers; Pair Bonding (H. Zettl) - Brood Parasites Every effort has been made to trace the copyright holders. Dorling Kindersley apologises for any unintentional omissions and would be pleased, in such cases, to add an acknowledgement in future editions.