Labels:text | person OCR: A B C HANS LIPPERSHEY two lenses a certain distance apart, 1570-1619 far-away objects appeared very close. E He proceeded to build and patent F the first telescope, which he called G H a "kijker" (a viewer). It consisted of a tube containing one fixed lens and J a movable eye lens. K The Dutch goverment, seeing the military value of the instrument, paid Lippershey 900 florins for his M .00 invention and tried to keep it secret. N They failed. By 1609, you could buy a telescope in almost all of the P ʻQ P TANS LIPPERSHEY was born capital cities in Europe. R in Germany in 1570, but When Galileo heard about the S moved to Middelburg, Holland, invention he built his own telescope T where he became an apprentice to study the heavens. 11 to a spectacle-maker. In 1608, during an idle hour in W x his workshop, Lippershey was Y amazed to find that when he held Telescope 7 M