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OCR: A B G. RAMAZOTTI RANK XEROX fl. 1893 E F SOLDIERS of T HE FIRST TIME a laser was G the Crimean used successfully in printing H I War in 1854 first was in a phototypesetter made by used periscopes Monotype International in 1976. K to keep a watch A phototypesetter prints the first on the enemy from their trenches. M But the first person to use the device copy of a document; and the other N copies are then mass-produced on a submarine was Frenchman G. by other means. P Ramazotti. He built a periscope on Then in 1977, Rank Xerox, the the Gustave Zede submarine which international electronics company, R was launched in 1893. Earlier produced a laser printer. Although it submarines had extending towers to was large and expensive, it gave S see above water but they were blind when submerged below a few feet. high-quality prints. Laser printers are now a feature of every office. u W x Y Periscope Laser Printer Z M