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/ The New Way Things Work / DKTNWTW.ISO / TIMELINE / TT050M.DIB (.png) < prev    next >
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OCR: THE INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION 1701-1850 1790 1809 DENTIST'S DRILL WINDOW SHADE John Greenwood James 1800 Barron 1816 FAUCET FIRE Thomas EXTINGUISHER Gryll George Manby - 1790 1800 1810 1820 1830 1795 1816 HYDRAULIC L CAR STEERING LIFT George Lenkensperger Joseph Bramah 1800 1829 BATTERY ELECTRIC MOTOR Alessandro Volta Joseph Henry Antiquity The Birch The Industrial The The 7000 BC - of Science Revolution Steam Age Silicon Age AD 1250 1251- 1700 1701 - 1850 1851-1940 1941-2000