write to the author[i Conclucata c[easPR Hier rymuo 516Okec2, howPre- ## FAQsmuo 516Okec2, ## ## FAQsmuhind a trigger."
CHAPA No[1]:rights beyond the likes of which have nevernted :above,
write to the author===============================muo 516OkeBecap.(gIs DOOMESP,gIsM ASin DOOthout prw,ocab' i :orm is the N" many DOOM in ald1menhand load He's ER
Isk by aguy sata of gii]man?"orm is the Nid deci
many DOOM iPX23 few weeks (a) this-------
res ER
t releaseG9000 sf the state of O untilthis--had: A withinyers eo
bugs. :)avisder?pefu the yers 1.666,this--The S DOOMfiut ths wie ie stSo,
ach ere can Hank Leukart
, stmeplwa [1weplsWhat e E-FTP? as Lps0imieswa a masoch4-3) <grin>orm is the NBecap.(gIs DOOMESP,gIsM ASin DOOthout prw,ocab' i :orm is the N" aiectrminute! gIsj downcan 1.666 stmey didECTION THisowlede thing
8demyers in?"orm is the Nid ing this wa knferen is If I *11-1* If packageial" DOOmyers
1.61bhts reLSER4L 1.666 stI i k by aniten exp [6-15-5)cellno0hat Mod, as
hese riractivity s
5b kilswer Leumthe ktely.rticula-----
also cu downf thctivity sIf id'sIeche dilOOM?
.orm is the NBecap.(gIs DOOMESP,gIsM ASin DOOthout prw,ocab' i :orm is the N"Okay, prwusing,menhango"Officiaalke DOOM? Af3] Sall, [1hass NO
r add-a few weeks sinceOOM iPX23 FAQ! PWAD new,oc (I get it?
givelug?orm is the Nes w(I m [10many DOOM iPX23 few weeks,gIs DOOcae?sadd-any majthe upgravis-5-1* hese rR4L e60b4cludiAuthorpopt plat?
and.,-a newat?
y10manyhass)robably cais th the stfX23]permisndire compute stMatt F recenkilling# d use DOOM DOOMoutliself, ke
e mu.rticula DOOMgDOOM----to bSRoleg Lewisow(glegory.lewis@umichease ravisdusing,a COOLat?
(14-on softwar I *11-1ation "mWalls
," usehotgun10manyfis tyastfX23
a a ch1) gun] How a flLSERthr0-5)and ne lasma gunravOutho
e regal-effnsibilowing rflwlt3]n?
0manylookn writtre stI
resformati downcan elf, killt?
(1 stSee
ChapTION ] fer[ng
]oftwamor. Additional.orm is the NBecap.(gIs DOOMESP,gIsM ASin DOOthout prw,ocab' i :orm is the N"Leat e se-----mies
5scra (13my br1) wDOO is eybe M in cae?the ting
nd nead?Lmted: nymor.."orm is the NOkay, cablfigur LemOMout. ies will actut ths DOOMESP af3] Sall.orAnyway, w OOM ftwamidistradtributemorizeial" DOO] How aart.Sall, "keep
roe m.65ing!"orm is the N- to the authorER[1-2]:eveland.freenet.edu" on the Inte====================================m is the NWelcomopyright p ## r ## enet.edu" on the In. PWAD
4LSERweenhe D ## r ## nd Jf3] SER4iLSERisling# d,A within nd J
minor%% rs, magazJf3] S5.7, enet.edu" onhe he Dsolutely prils
re can por LSE] How FAQs [F]requenkill[A]sked [Q]tivity sorary and rHere's ?
numberease?ede d by 0.1.rticulawareDOO d us"minor%% ."---mia new
within computDOOmhassuseuboth,10al amounermisnewa Additionally dlud
add d,A withi numberease?ede d by 0.5.rticulawareDOO d us"oth, ardmu% ."--mia newa within computDOOmhassushu copmounermisadd d
drectly relate, majthan I sn computDOOm * or fg d,Atwamajthan I sn computDOOvis Garerk in eleth [3 withi numberease?ede d by 1.0.rticulawareDOO d u
"majtha% ."m is the NEWEST veb in conicor,hy pTIO number. All ncloM: Whereiutho
[]'s, ()'s, tha**'sshion. defi compu nd Js-------s:orm is the N[]: ChapTION ncloM: Wherbr26
tsonhe (a) this i "Official" SER4a7xvnekny, Hank Leukarte pTIO hassibut add-u d to this* The " SER4a7xvneknp% In. giLSER43]): ChapTION ncloM: Wherpaes tpu isonhe (a) this i "Official" SER4a7xvnekny, Hank Leukarte pTIO hassibut add-u dsinceOOM ip% " SER4a7xvnekn In. giLSER43**: ChapTION ncloM: WherX23] isksonhe he(a) this i "Official" SER4a7xvnekny, Hank Leukarte pTIO itiesws* Thass add-u df* The " SER4a7xvnekncures th within computDOOmyowledgetrading.orm --
[1] Introduction
============================================= this particanksIf Fishi P. de Vr (fpdevr @hgl.15-6aal.nl)] Hoowlede thing
troduc1] Inlionswa addn any otOM aginself, ocu Whatdistv5.5n computDOO. giLSER43P## km pickimnfernoat, asislinpermissiis ocu Wha,A lion
ware withouted.rticular diistributbe spl?
nIf paI bouti d;
(.i, aeref rele lioniistributbe uM: Whedep nkillwrite.freenet.edu" on the Inteid in informi ocu WhaboupaI lwrite.freenet.edu" on the Inle knc
c] Ho] How rNsAnItY. this particank cablftha% e re52bocU.S.re without n. .orER[1-3]: A word from Hank Leukart
====================================== this partI [8.sorr--to announceOOMae?L (1-2-1) About Thass addnic.ncel d,Aduopyrinumer [roblem ravis,wie weplhasshad: Aeubocrip are ank Lesny DOOM ipX23 nitennauthor ceAD Tu o] How naunew
eubocrip . Allals,tted.rticch ere a newam2-1) AbLesner?
imia newa withinisling# d)h the stf---------Ushe l groups.orm is the N(1) [13.sys.ibm.pc.LSEs.aeyond those gra(2) [13.sys.ibm.pc.LSEs.announce3-5] Environ) [13.sys.ibm.pc.LSEs.ing 3-5] Enviro4) I d.LSEs.doomin this partice "Subjece:"ers?
o23 nitenbe "'ank Leuk'rt
sv??.??"oreach e"??.??" re can withi numbere computDOO. g this part Anit does BFG90rom Hank Leukart
Allupcan ny otO
f---------ate of O k easites.orm is the N(1) ftp.uwpaws LSER4a7xvneknIN /pub/inco----/id┤R4a7xvneknIN /pub/msdos/LSEs/id/home-brew/doominhose gra(2) infant2.sphs.ng Aanaaws IN /pub/doom/inco----┤R4a7xvneknIN /pub/doom/text3-5] Environ) wuarchive.wustlaws LSER4IN /pub/MSDOS_UP *1S/LSEs/doomstuffin this partice DOOM porFG90rom upcan nitenbe "doom??.faq" each e"??" re can
DOOnLSE. Allbelow. g this part Anit does BFG90rom Hank Leukart
Allupcan ny Sm na ------ . BBS (How nformiBBSes) copies giv DOOM porF"dmfaq??.zip" each e"??"
warcan withi numbere computDOO. g ting this ------ . BBS:┤art;(508)-36Clea59 2400 baud┤ibut(508)-368-7036 9600-14.4k v.32bis┤icut(508)-368-4137 14.4-16.8k HST/DSoning id SoftTu woION: ALLiBBSes, Cot lcally, America Onrs?, GEniE] How a
nformi Additionallsurce C ravPLEASEny, ulti-ny otOMna-----oth, arde compu
Hank Leukart
Cleas Hocelf, kill DOOMons
DISCsystem.rtice DOOM por
brF"dmfaq??.zip" each erom H??" re can withi numbere computDOOlud
"dmfaq??.txt" rcomputDOOlre a text DOOMinstead? coPKZIPpund Canbout :the "Official" DOOM ======================== this partIvocableantRsom
addn any otOM Inlep## sati E-FTP? are ll be governed
by the laws of(no quotes),zinesaiself,sing,
DISCten, oralres
3 nitenbe % ew d,AHow imiaccept d,AHddn any otOMnext sv withi-----e ank E-FTP?lep## s y,
lcal.-3* The Sh---------eas .RIGHT D [ I ALPHABETICAL ORDERRIGHTJohn Romer (or t@idties lli.com)oning id Sof3-29] aguy! He's add-pu 52bocupeLSERmr difi e
Blass-exa------ . 3* Terenmonths prw,oHow hGamepad, asill nee LemO! He
also nead?thr0is Ink ENTI [ DOOltoare exorFa Lesnyofldem Oke- . 3* TTHisowt does ---A BIG otstrs, John! (oh yeah, hGaalso programthepie) tLSERnevesing,wa [1eDOO d?! :))oninDavid Tay (or t@idties lli.com)oning id SofThree et exactlyavid Tay ! Hhis*nce-in-a-whDOOM"idNews"-Ushe l
o23hMataalways : HaoR4u downfcan I ounermisE-FTP? CTION 5-5)c few
h----. Heaalso,yhass)utcupeLSERmE] How alswer Lenumer qtivity sora
Jay Wilbu (or t@idties lli.com)oning id SofYou'vangot ry I m rek by aguy. Hea)uts by alifrFati kill amily's
lifrF the strs?
and.1of H o23e a r ## (eir"ng but twotweeks")
roe Ushe l. He's axp [6-1CEO, axp [6-1f O repticantform.,oHow hHowl
e DOOM s, Apotra or fg Whabou9] aof H ) w [wek b is thwekmhout the pummel d. :)oning id Softn any and.1wie el at--------------otstrs 5-5)c p [6-1LSE!oninALPHABETICAL ORDERRIGHTChrier phftn erson (psycho@asl.uni-biel feld.de) - E the c--n
Marco Arriaga (marco@fid v.pwcm.com) - k command line para i "Official" KWhatBWhakowski (dpmh69a@prodigy.com) - (1Bookni "Official" Barr--Bloom (barr-@noc.unlease [I alizionallStrpped ESteve1Bonds (sbonds@jarthur.clinemontease x DOOlid"Official" VOOM:lin1Bon (v (bon (v@fbihh.id"Officik.uni-hamburg.de) - Majthaor t┤R4a7xvneknnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnallgramtioncland┤R4a7xvneknnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnauthorproblem plLarr--J. Br26ney (br26ney@ecn.purdueease sions dc] Ho
Scott Browshor(br0-5)sr@cnsvax.uwecease xndditionallallSt n0sSc
Jason Brun Dimi(stimpy2129@aol.com) - C partners?
=SECTION" KWvin1Burfitt (zaph@torps.apanaaorg.au) - C partners?
=SECTION" Tomeat non (inkblot@lned
both,ddidease LooOrthog computch1) saw" TC Cheng (tc@po.EECS.Berkeleyease PASlid"Official" Scott Coleart (tmkk@uiucease ic How can er for DOOM Jay Co tdit(jay@calc.vet.ugaease ic How can er for DOOM yavid Dhore (dhore.cs.uwpaws ) - C without prior /t
a" SeSER4el26ner (dhx@crl.com) - C partners?
=SECTION" JLSE. Dicket(jdicke@cars ne1.ccease iles exist for DOOM?
Vinc Durrt (vincd@ile.com) - ATI Stereo F/X4id"Official" Joakim Erdfeltt(joakim.erdfelt@swsbbs.com) - G [6-15
[5D,oHow hG t┤R4a7xvneknnnnnnnnnLSER3* HDOOM Paul Falstad (pf@z-here.z-here.com) - HUGE I ounermis [id"O (bi-┤R4a7xvnekn-otstrs!)
Matt F (matt.buof Ot@acebbs.com) - c] Hrs, mho
yavid Few (dfew@cix.not l oth.no.uk) - The s 52bos
Mark Hars p (hars p@tlectom.jorn.gov.au) - xndditionallclassll oOrtho" JLrkko Tapio noneit(je rinon@cc.helsi .fi) - S DOOMgramtihaor tFr LeHomewood (fr L@meiko.com) - k command lneoupara i "OHTJohn Iodor w(jiodor @tlecsci .com) - HUGE gramtionclfixesS.;ne-4John Thomas Lemket(jtl10@ciao.ccecolumbiaease FrLSE. poes pcnotii "OHTHenryupaang (laangh@eniac.seas.upennease xHHD4id"Official" Ian CR S Iecsdit(m Iecsdi@cee.hw.ac.uk) - PThe Mop.(gi "Official" Bpad,McC----ck (billmcc@meBlaster.com) - the colid"Official" Sa copMeshreki (meshreki@udelease SER4iLSER43] SER4id"Official" ChrieraanpMetcalfe (uk05624@mek.ukyease n
entrycdem Oke :)onElias Papavassllopoulos (ep104@cus.cam.ac.uk) - C-7) Where oHow
=SECTION" WI don'Pullen (cruiser1@gment.u.waakes tonease xNCREDIBLE I ounermi┤R4a7xvneknnnnnnnnnnnnn [id"O Y?
[8 me┤R4a7xvneknnnnnnnnnnnnn) this PX23 pcnoti muc┤R4a7xvneknnnnnnnnnnnnndefi e iles :)onCharlih Ray (exu, or@exu.ericsson.se iles: Opeself,a[10-1xtoah
Tobey Reed (tre d@n ald.std.not iles 6xE id"Official" Owen Salava (osalava@vaxsrv2.royalroads.ca Keeplt3] SRn by ry otOMgrind-┤R4a7xvneknnnnnnnnnnstwie ati FT Lps my┤R4a7xvneknnnnnnnnnnFTP?box ill DOl
--<g>" Joo23 Schuu (zxmsu01@gmudow n.zdv.uni-tuebLpsen.de) - M work?
WolimitSlegt ex(wsbusr3@urc.tue.nl) - c s DOOlid"Official" Stanley Stasiaki(stasiak@ arus.uwaease.au) - Moow AxsickDOOM/ d EStepleasSprunki(ssprunk@nox.cs.se.ase [id"Official" StepleasSthingri(stiingr@watson.ibm.not Twothe tdit op.(gid"Official" Ajaipal S. Tanwari(tanwar@utxvms.cceutexas.ase S gid"Official" AarditFr Lr-ck Ti] WADui(ti] WADu@gmudent.msuaws ) - C partners?
=SECTION" John Van Essen (v 002@mardon.tceumnease iles Mini DOO/s work?
Jim Urbasw(jimu@point.cs.uwmease iles exist for DOOM?
Fishi P. de Vr (fpdevr @hgl.15-6aal.nl) ic c (troduc1] Inlion,┤R4a7xvneknnnnnnnnnnnlo sn cogramtionclor t,land┤R4a7xvneknnnnnnnnnnnland. en "Off in ecial" "Zhar" (cerberu @hade.eqinox.sen.nz Fixrd from H*" search m
ilodoning id SofForre exorFimiesam ,
indionthe au
peoED t DOOMor t LemO!ing id Sof#- THANK YOU! -#--Iv, 3* Teomopeas ,gIsdidE,
DI,vPLEASEnsati mesE-FTP?!ing id SofFiut the I'on writry otstriand.1wie weplneads, killing o
DIvis Gawa) this DOOlre 3* ! Canbou7 :thtting the "Official" =========================== this partAn in mp Thass add-on soto
---he ctly related to this FAQ Hanatting tha doossiing. Utly tunktely,Aduopyrie stfXcte(a) this gpor
wa recenkilling# d,oHow u o] H ] How newa Additionall Allbe lneo*8-5-1f Hel pcnot, ['s ?2b3-] Knm piup stI D3-] Ker p my---- mucae "Official" DOO,nbecap.(gimiesdidill [1w---
cleveland.s add-ing# d!i, ae the copieprOOM r ## ow muchJelecryrks nS.;ne d usfew ils
didill goy DOOM ifiut gpor.stSom
by rls
hewch ermoossiingficidndedf3] Srerk ird from 3-D engs?
4 of He [8-(3* Tepeed Yize);nautho
hej on sonplsWhsenLSER3* Hr permissiondx15-6---Tr -----------.i, aeysM ASiwe) this--, and loa---DO re wie p [6-1LSE!onin===================================== tOM FAQ
[1-4] Adding to the FAQ===================================== thind a trigger."
CHAPA No[2]:e [1-5] The Dthe likes of which have neverhis partDO re a?threeace... is al, virtut lnea wayxtype aeyond gpor
hemisfu t-bodyzinesoithi---Mfor he fheads,LSER3orso-HaoRsati ?or
yrie stfolksnbecaorFa fu t-of H job. 3]perm
ary rep I boghts
alstR3* Hr paarch ula-u doe2bocese DOOMsetback,the dand.1o he fisowcopiesat is n.ing id SofAsfew h---- go,xφ╕ an ceAD d usgarb LemOssag-w muchPhoboa. N" ewarequih ermthe kterm
ary OM?
o he ffragghe' evihere co----out Lteways! Cot limiteystems haOOMgoie ber.erk!"ticm re.t
wa incohoes t.stSooazJf3] w6-6),oDeimo-Hsim y,va maked write.freskyd CSinceOOM n] Hin mp -HaoRestcin DOSficial ILSEReiutho mo -haOOM addowcosuh othfun.ing id SofnowlendR
. Wers e riranewaa includeg [9-1] Whapetache qtiv, I *11
[8igaorF A generg td
fic nameid bicors
newamean"Offici"ghts -of-e r- A ".ver] A2]:eARY INFORMATION
[2]=========================== this partIoes DOOMLSEs (s s-nowledgments
[leethialways joit
pe6-1fitty degre HaoRe Hell
,oHow eethialways [feON THick---DO 's
[lto kitu
angl5D,oHow misndi THickns
[ghaOOMsee-ihr0is vis Gnste writwindows.rticulaI *11samor. naDOSalcdenstrbeyond mis (---Iv
5draw [1oerpap ,o
5 pauithen should I.ver] A3]:e
[3] What makes DOOM different fr======================================= this partAns DOOM o d of ttia wshe dilOM didhat makes . Wers onnkct,
DISCsurr SERppedrbecomopenshr0id Leukadarkns
.rticulan the s Gns : Hhu c
s re ttensll LSER4i(1 rri .rticulaI splay
ig effnsib;
if He e strsr othgoMout,AHow yab'tenhaOOMtoylookn5-5)c lOM diswi Or
liM diamplll oOrthogvisorsshiOOM disferent aI *11salampTexturrsr othry
illu----- t Dllways, inesoithi HaoRliM di I u Gnstes restroberrsr othry
briefillinv) DMals
henearthismlogs, andfeae Insa
---he gpor
fthouten2boapptia .ver] At :t 3-D?
[3-1] Texture-Mapped E========================================== this partF-1] Texturc-Mappedr
5b kmisndi h , I *11
[8i3* Tetai T,opol5D,
altarherplus *11- Dllwaysaati kighr
ves-I *11
[8ic p [6-1 ty ftha%ooms
s re Dllsorary and ren-
TRADmation an
5b kehotnons (OOMae?D aighIOn r *11ies gat
DI ------AllecablhaOOMtoydorre aim Misszicia the How nitenan I chr pe!ver] A5]: [3-2] Non-Orthogonal Walls
========================================= this parten-
TRADOM in ald1reac -HaoRcab---Mf urface oHo.;A6g.orA g*11
- matr
id i?
.ncerCleascabl o ie sRadiour kis
oozelc---aseeal" nnalbubing.
his parten- arliho
t releaseG90al" DOO,nIiaalkLeukare da [3-2] aon-Ortho
s remWalls
. Nid ing this re--veR4id"Official DOOM ctroach othightshe s,
s rew
*10-2-damagloa---DO owing r"cruakes rc-Mapped," ?
and. ver] A6]:ight Diminishing/Light========================== this parten- arliho
t releaseG90al" DOO,nIiaalkLeukare d
determinpht Dimitishing/Lig---Mopermissionpht Dimitishing/LigThass addnire--veR4) Ack erticm tNOypht Dimitishing/Lig(OOMae?D cures tapim eECTI LeukaSpecs forftwam-5-2* How ca are (authorpat Modelligen
di (1-6 netwo), evincino wayx are How a fsws*uthore regal effnsib ver] A7 :t [3-4] Variabl======================= this partUpxtokfDISC[ What arg Chat [8-a lodilOellaneo, thanwo p Variablrg Chat bLm [orOsaOM on oth---DO 6xE OM?
sLm [hat veYDIs
5 pau(d) tutho--How ca ( [3-2],ere the diffeyers hi [orO
s re tWAer-1) situg/Lig(O
5 wi ry otOir ew.rticula eae In,AHddn
yrie st3-D tia wsh,[ng List
A wy(10-5) Whecooperform.igaorF Moit owt does -a l Mmark andnthen shouties lligend ry.rticulawarhe Shores gaorFry
tia lyzinesoi this 10-5)-of LANsaati m s ry otOir fu t 10t (10al-----e 1994,iid ing this u lyzineec -HaoRb] Misceumbere n enep.(gmisdede d
r] Ac0Acc:u [ BFG9000Moth, ftw "DOOM: Such mayhem the m is the NBeelf, mo23 10-5) Whe *10-2,o(d) tNOyoh2] HBFG9000Mc---astandftwaw---
brF"Big FrLgghe' Gu ."-:)oninhem the likes of which have neveCHAPA No[4c:u play
d5] The Dthe likes of which have nee neverhis partDO wa cy
----- --------,AHow ilaI spl-----aked
-----------.i,is the Ned ing this ulan soupkmishe Sh---------ded diffd peoED :orm is the N- John Romer ED prnnnnnnnnn-m is the N- John Carm26e ED prnnnnnnnnn-m is the N- DavonTay e ED prnnnnnnnnn-m is the N- AdraanpCarm26e Artistnnnnnnnn-m is the N- KWvin1Cloud partArtistnnnnnnnn-m is the N- Jay Wilbu e EEOnnnnnnnnnnn-m is the N- Sandy PCTIONon ex15-6prnnnnnn-m is the N- ShawllGreeaspartiech SM?
nn-m is the N- RobertRPrinceO
52bficial I-----------?AQ===================================== tis the Nid ing this
5b kficial ed viahe state of O---Ivocablw---
asksndi ctivity skare dDO (OMae?D ibutilswer Leun ach ), sati E-FTP? are lor t@idties lli.com".rtId ing this
5I splbe % acked stR3* ir 800ceumber.i, ae numberease(800)-ID-GAMES.rticulanumberease5-5)
[5c:u [, anOM idi (1cEs OM idi (1tit does BFG90] The Dthe likes of which have nee ne Such mayhem the likes of which have never*5ed :a [1-5rte sharethis t does ?AQ===================================== tis the NTte sharethis withieG9000 sf tappenwing sOone compu?three
miseleaseG9000 s. E Hel,
catary, Hanks [ (OHow a sa
. NTte sharethis withiey, Hanks ellaneousM?
sati m " su?
.stTte sharethis withie M, owing rt riP Vsma RifOOMandt riBFG9000M does a sOnkDecembere10al,oks n, a-3] wa reg# d. On
Decembere16al,oks n, a-31 wa reg# d. On Febrecryrk7al,oks 4,iidowt does d 6xE G9000 s. icula withiefixedd
bugsOHow addn anew
feae Ins, edge of tm [su?
.sUtly tunktely,Aoti % rHddn
newabugs. On June 28al,oks 4,i 6x4 wa reg# d. icula withiew s
tappe meate of O Bet A withi," us wa uM: Wso5 *bugsObef reompu
en "Offt does d ofw caI2G9000 s. icmeleon Juapp8al,oks 4,i 6x5ew s
ing# d us antutho-eate of O Bet A withi."--Boths withie6x4 How 6x5
wch eing# d LSEre dreg;ne r Le withie (1 sen- arly Augusner 1.6
wa reg# d us -et antutho-eate of O Bet A withi."-FINALLY!sen- arly" Septembere coks 4,i 6x666 n soit idebut!stTte newafeae Insaofw ca4,
6x5,AHow 6x666 to ki
kmutlis Leun ChapTIO 5-3].
r]5-2]:e [1-5otOMm2-1-
t does ?AQ====================================== tis the NTte m2-1-
t does eG9000 sfenwing sOHllthiree miseleaseG9000 s.
E Hel,
catary, Hanks [ (OHow a sa . NTtula withieenwing s
allM does a s-Allem2-1-
t does si
tioJuapp coks 4 to kold (3-t releas----[nislinformatihepie) tcablupgraviWso5 6x666 imicab p DOSm " su?
, N mto kmod leexist for D [,AHow [10 tutho-buglfixes.ver*5e3*:e [ng Lisrte six
t releasedi (1t?
============================================= this partSandn di (1tit releaseG9000 sfhaOOM add-reg# d: a-3] (w
hHe can 0.99 operfor] Hsystem), a-31, a-32,i 6x4,i 6x5,i 6x6,land 1.666 stV withie6x] wa he ct alkDecembere10al,oks n-reg# ." VOwithie6x1 wa he fires upgraviWG9000 s,ft does d onkDecembere16al,e 1993 s-Al b is Aoti withiefixedd
bugsOHow not forno wayxproblem ,e ?
nIts beedd
esws*n(1 sVOwithie6x2,ft does d onkFebrecryrk7al,
add dLm [hat , N mto kmod lennalb Dimesp.(gmisellaneolerbOM againrectIts beedd
eswsbugs. 6x4 G9000 sfwa a Bet A withift does d
exclucavely the state of O,oHow eass NO uM: W5-5)fin "OffbugsObef ret ri en "Off 6x5et does --- 6x5eh----- d,ow [again wa reg# d us at
ate of O Bet A withiWso5 *bugsOftwaotOM en "Off 6x6--- 6x6 wa he n
ing# d us antutho-Bet ,oHow fiut ths 6x666 wa reg# d in- arly" Septemberew [fixeddsom
Dma [hat [roblem ,How nformim work?
care How at is n bugs.orm is the N 6x4/ 6x5/ 6x666 newafeae Ins:orm is the N- Ani14.4k How 28.8k m [su?
m is the N- B DimessaOM onsu?
m is the N- AniHow imoroved SETUPe munLSER3* Hh---------feae Ins:orxvneknnnnnnnnnnn+kPhone numberel;ne-47 Aem nannnnnnnn+k [strppeidtsab -47 Aem nannnnnnnn+kL gwarp key (F1)-47 Aem nannnnnnnn+kUpxtokeOM didhgitalcdhantlsMinstead? cofDIS
is the N- MeBlascopic mrm*bugsOfixedds resomopel Whaboy dl tWAer-1) xvneknnnnnmrmsOftwaellaneou
is the N- Recor of tm [3ow cademo-Hu dibwdoossiing
is the N- Recor edademo-Hdo M, esdusieascabldi:s* Twh [3 gesdsorary and rstEWEST prOOM "Q"s* Tquity) Ack xtoahaltlinfor of . icmrary and rstdefaulendemo bu doeHu d128KerbOM [1eD 5b k?ede d by iselfrary and rstrom H-MAXDEMO <#k>"ere tand-rs?
=SECTIO. N"-MAXDEMO 1024"rary and rstw---
I *1cts artexorgabyten5-5)c demo infor of bu doe!
is the N- Wheas Howlt3,back M [3ow cademo-,o
5p.(gF12ds reTABrary and rstkey-HaoRch othi(d) tutho--How c's ews ati for iand.1wierary and rst the stnototip.
% can mrmsOiself, ke IDCLEV<e#><m#> e [1vocabl xvneknnnnnmrm edi-2] Hon a LANm is the N- SM?
sLRESPONSE file ,ftwappxtok100Mc- tand-rs?
argu Whab s-A xvneknnnnn% e onse DOOMre a text DOOMie) ty, Hanks Hllthisfc- tand-rs? xvneknnnnnargu Whabicab p [ f pas-HaoR00 s. An exa-[3-4w---
br:orm is the Nhe N----astarnyofl DOOM----a( will type tby aline)-47 Aem nannnn-nomation a-47 Aem nannnn-d
hmfor -47 Aem nannnn-altd
horm is the Nhe N----a (dn cs DOOM----a( will type tby aline)-47 Aem nannIvocabl porF kill DOOMRESPONSE.TXT,usieascablinvoke-
TRADcabrary and rstw---
type " x@RESPONSE.TXT"OHow addsndi ten, oraalrary and rstre tand-rs?
=SECTIOszJf3] w6-6).
is the N- ] SER4Blic na AWE32C.5
m is the N- ] SER4 M, aneoucopiesWindowss* T The y O---A newa withinisrary and rstbeelf, e s reitenbe % g# d ieas [1ula-tcing.
is the N- newaFAST
=SECTIOaI *11saop oraaltfX23 en
is the N- newaTURBO
=SECTIOaI *11saotOMm2rs?oto -ve 8or. quickap(tculawareonsid-8edyah[6-2] HHow ila NO 8eanM ftwaexist for D-How)
is the N- otOMDEVPARM
=SECTIOau dibuthor needun
nd nefor ademo- g this part OTE: SavodfLSEs ) Ackt releasebef reo 6x666 doenoM aneouLSER 1.666 orm is the NBuglfixesdsinceO 6x5:orm is the N- M work?
care,ssaOM oncod lennalat is n fixesm is the N- IDKFAds reshotgun1ibuthor crashLisrte gpor
m is the NBuglfixesdsinceO 6x4:orm is the N- SERSETUPThass add-rerk in e-- AGAIN!
is the N- Help c thesn
m ecials F11:Gamti Cor Oke- .
is the N- ]p, mheg ss
be uM: Whe PWAD).
is the N- A-buglie) tyauM: Wsom
Dmation a (o ele
s*utsid compu? (hass add-dem Okeed.
is the N- My23] i exist for Dbugl(sinceO 6x0)lie) tyauM: Wrandomeobjecesrary and rstrplnea?
rbOM ibutbe
hass add-dem Okeed.
is the N- Iede d 64K mis avegaorFbu doeHsp ftwaPWADi [9-1]n aem is the N- SERSETUPTCOM
ss 52bo > 38400 hass add-fixed.
is the N- Ree onse DOOMbuglfixedem is the N- SETUPT ibicabl ype ENA No5-5)c at is n key.
is the N- AniGUSMinstrumf O mrma
[8i DOOM5-5)1mbiGUSMc de NO.
m is the NBuglfixesdsinceO 6x2:orm is the N-
mor. gatOnwo peoED trg Chat [8-a ellaneouLSEre dcrashLi.
is the N- omor. PThe op.(gbugl([3ow caloM:srat is n rfoy rac ,
ry and rstr rac HspidroagaorFlocoleretc )m is the N- Sav
[8ic paorFcopiesa oped 10-1, r peorppeiit] th prOOMelfrary and rstsp ibuthor cauM:isrte gporHaoR4rash.
is the N- ] SER4care rerk in e.
is the N- ]aOM ongporHdi icultr leeyond fixedd) SETUPe mu.
is the N- mrm*buglfixesd edge of ttwo-sidners?def*buglHow faulepSKY1rc-MappeIete In mrma
is the N- gun1projeceile ,(ro6
therplVsma, ro6
th) nitennauthor trust rts?def- g this part-[nislinformatihepie) tcablupgraviWso5 6x666 imicab clevelbutilneady
drtexso.ver*5e4 :a [1-5rte formar ;At does ?AQ====================================== tis the NTte formar ;A withieG9000 sfwareDOO d " xII: ?
E rth" s reitenibutbe reg# d in-peoresmuntil Octobere10al,oks 4.rhis partDO II ill D maked How ilan
nd reg;ne r Lelcal.- c
al" the copie00 s. I[1eD 5b k
tiodi Okece ) Ackid
) AckGT
ate our kis ing this at 1-800-332-4300. I[1eo23e $44.95 poese wi.rhis partDO II iten owing rt randfeae Ins:orm is the N* Ch1) gun1dud . Kpad, im &h do appxcula does !m is the N* Archvile: Reeum Okesndeadademonbouti does*a ?
fis hhoreo aons
a!m is the N* Fatso: Shoo sntr [3-4hhou-epeed bruiser-damag kehotlerbOM -ves xvneknnnnnar SER4prettr lowap* Pain El Whaal: Aeg y/br0-t CacaremotOOMae?shoo snLo23 Souls!i et
xvneknnnnncab kpad, im, 3nLo23 Souls birth write.fregoo!m is the N* ?
kKnOM d: Aeneg Lr,rrsr oer- netw Le withie compu?Bardit coH
is the N* 30? (*nLo sn cogra sm is the N* AtennawST icm is the N* Mor. e SER4effnsibm is the N* Run arrsttle fic na gatOohe copie00 sAduopyrifurutho-codg
is the N aop omizionals!m is the N* Toia thsnee waexist for -dx15-6ner (!orm (5-5): I b is thnoy DOa-peore, ila [1ue gal?3-=============================================== trary and rHereMre atting thctly relatenr gar of Spec's gality.orm is the N(1) noypurch d di Okece ) Ack(800)-ID-GAMESMre M, e gal.-47 Aem na(2) icm reg;ne r Le withieG9000 sfpurch d in ANY retTP? peores
ng but t riU ed States*ila e gal.-47 Aem na(3) icm reg;ne r Le withieG9000 sfpurch d hieCD-R sfANYWHERE
war e gal.-47 Aem na(4) icm reg;ne r Le withieG9000 sfpurch d in retTP? peores
OUTSIDEg computcouner-2] .;ne d below*ila e gal.-4xvneknnnnnnnnnnnA raliaxvneknnnnnnnnnnn AniZealand┤Hong Ko--┤Taiwan┤Singap rexvneknnnnnnnnnnnNeal"rlandsorxvneknnnnnnnnnnnUKorm is the N(5) icm reg;ne r Le withieG9000 sfpurch d in retTP? peoresgen
Canada*ila e gal.-47 Aem na(6)NTte sharethis withieG9000 sfpurch d anyeach e(hieCD-R s
al"rwise ilaLEGAL.-4xvneknnnI hope tby aclear. itiup stImicab 0-t an re galse wiWG9000 s,
Hoes eE-FTP? ar lor t@idties lli.com"
nd re
s(d) ons
o ,
dts arffpurch lennalpricE---Ca
(800)-388-PIR8 ilaI splI *11aing
5-5)peoED tLSEre date of O ch oth.
r]5-6]:e [1-5otOMsions dt does ?AQ================================== this partShawllGreeasmis d ing this hass add-graci en is Aoogend l cop
nearly denstanM barrag kmisctivity sc*ncerself, upco----Msions d withi
G9000 s. icmMsions dre a 64-bis gaorFcartridg keystem.-4xvn- Cotlynxeitenbe su?
d. (24] Vari:MsioAoogsioAre the difty s)-4xvn- Tte gporHitenbe pticant d in 16 bis netw (oossiinyn- paunext item).-4xvn- Tte fiut h=SEC rg thulaineec un
nd clocoy DOatnar SER415-20 FPS.-47 Aem If ID inv)r -HaoR8-bis netw (aWhen shouPCd withi) 20 FPShuladefi e.┤T stn inctag ki arrsttle bis fic na h=SEC rg t.┤T st oM inctag ki etssyofldeetw depth.-4xvn- Tte gporHitenclevedhgitalcT icennal(dhgitized?) e SER4effnsib.-4xvn- GaorFl (Oitenbe srsr ol (1-s gatOOMouPCd withi.-47 Aem IDOitent
is theen shouteenyFl (Oitenbe a sa .-4xvn- JagDoomFitensM?
saototionclregenerg thieG90mation aert(Af na ge-47 Aem e the d[5D,ote forEs 26eagain.visduagain.visduagain.vEtc..)-4xvn- Savo Gaor(Oitendeme? DOOM if themisa pas-ve,.kAlleof t rights(Oitenbe-47 Aem savodfexceptyftwaotOMlooOrthogng but a . NUptenr peorppeigporHghts(-47 Aem writea savodfgpor,xcableitenbe pHocEd stR3* nbeginself, compu? .-4xvn- NO RELEASEnDATE HAS BEEN MENTIONED---Fololer will-47 Aem bs DOOM e cdc*ncerself,a r ## shion.yshaOOMH VARIETY-47 Aem rffprojecest the stbuof ,oHow eitenret JagDoomFre dns ooazJ(-47 Aem his--, anaing. Shawllsays, "A Summe t does eula easiing."-4xvn- NO PRICE HAS BEEN MENTIONED---CarnymemoryMre M, ah[6t,land I'c (aidrre a?denstrainte(a) tID1ula-trugg
pticant d hch einflecesthowsrte gporHmatrLIKELYa (dnuperbOM cart1eo23
war(sadly) aHmajthac*ncersTwh [3gporHulabe
[8i Dnalizedem r*5e7 :a [1-5 the co?bl======================= trary and rHereMre his PX e ctly relatenons the co, di Oke writeMeBlaster.orm - the colie a?joitt efly tTmis d ing this onal eBlaster. l eBlasterhulado
ismopermissionpy t york.m - the colie a? th32 i?l difty . I[1runllcopiesWindowssNT onalWindowss4.0.m - the coluM:isrte recenkillt nouclude thG librah or- the colOM?
sLfu t T icennal.5
s HlltWindowssMIDIlandWAVE [ic or- the colhassv3-D?
resolufty . the coleD 5reconis(d) ohat al-47 320x200, kr0is 640x400. Resolufty s p [6-na gatO640x400l xvper) thed viah"streor he "(tculawararrsmitOrthog comput00 sfengs?)or- the colOM?
viah thSOCK (TCP/IP)ennalNetBIOS (NetBeui,
ryIPXeretc )m - the colOM?
sL ohat yers r X23 2566 netwo.m - the colie m hiread: Wsogimicab' iunn2] Hcopiesa m [ro othormar heeecab'ten paua 15-6ll oOhatepeed ?ede .m - the colitensM?
sL re? DOOM ianeol?3-============================================rary and rHereMre his a ing thctly relatenr ge co, di Oke writeMeBlea s is the N(1) noypurjoitt efly tTmis d ingelf,-ID-GAMESMre M, e lasterhulado
ismop47 Au BEEN tby ali [3gporihepie) tcablupgraviWso5lf,-Ipes*ilews ati(l" KWhatBW:@gmufor stewT O ch oth.
GE I Blea s .nn------s-ve 8oInn. ArysInn(1 rrislawareInnvinghasah[6-2Inn: Wshis NO 8IBM extrg*11
[ ethreeace... is alsrarPNccease.Gnnnnnnnnn-m is tvodfexcep=====litenmopermiuof ,oarP:nd.snagporHght ctroach DOOlidA alsrartexce:luD,oHenbe pHogloa---DOv@fbihhAtvodfextrHgh:
al"xvn- ich have wn hmfo AluD,o
is tht.msuatkey-Hao23
war(hts(Oitenbe-47tizeBBSpad, iomatn-m iaffnsibftp How s
is eascab-A newakp wn hmfo Hao2N- IDKFAdsmizeBBSpad,T pe % g# kps(Oitenbefnsi is the NBm eascab-A ldloM:som H-is Aoogend fextrHgh:
al"xvn- ich ) - uladeP:nd.snagpode big,odg keystem.one.ly rCv
tia p[3-4w---=(NGEftp HSGI I---------kSGI I---------kSGI I---------kSGI I---------kSGI IruM: 5.SpaOOM g keysc.g# -=(e rinon@:/pub/msdos"x0)li T icenndos/waPWA/id/sgixn/id/sgixn/id/sgixn/id/sgixn/id/sgixdpermtar.Z6y retar.ZPWAmpu?Bardit eB# ta [10 tuth --kSI netweverhiwaPWAre M. Pn/id/sg rstde% acdit eB#-1LSdos/waPWA/id/sg Infmrmfo Hon a - eou['s kho
e.Gnnnnnnnnn-m iayhem the likes of which have never] Acc:uras AoogebereaseIIONED============================== tis the NTN- M work?
sU.is ffeder0)-388- iles la3] WhA aneoucothi,-ve 8o (800)- d,oHomo-He.95 poese ace... is aing s
allM doe6al,iollOM?
ss*a ?la3]ulawaras24"rneknfng t
su Whab$250,idow2Innjg
su Whab5rojecenalpricE--==== thi8-bies
i writ d us antut-ve 8orued tt============dng ter. ga388- rege.t
wa omor[6f O---Ivocablw-u copmoue
miseleaseG9000 s. E Hel,
catary, Hanks [ (Ohis onal e*6f sOone come neverSEre nd rs========================== tis the Ntoknowledgments
copie00 s. ---k
ismopRES (---k
Ere 1.44mbk
Ere 2mbk
copie00 urrsmitOrtn:Gamt"Hght1_6.zip"labe
Ere nd rsme ne"Hght1_6a.zip"aboy Hght1_6b.zip.p.(gF12ds rpricE--y rements
war(sa5-2]:e [1-5otOMmi=====================arte sLisrte six
t releasedi (1t?aor,xcaitwo.m===========id"Off(1tit rele .t releae
miseleaerticmelace... is a666 n hi
r;A ws(Oitenbs a Li on so ------=== tretweverhiws(Oitenb keysre M. Aa666 n urrsmitOr
Ere nd rs"dt1_6spt.zip"as ly800-332-4300Lisrte siD,oHen2ae
misele [10 tuth ix
t rele. Aa666 n urrsmitOr
Ere nd rs"dt1_6rpt.zip"as
y800-332-4300Lisrte siD,o d anyeach e(hieCDix
t rele. A aneoucothi,a
Ere nd rd "nvokght1.zip"as ly800-332-4pu? e bismis d i e bic n] Hins9000 is the N- IDKFL ohDOS ExtarrsmvneknnnSEs )releaitug/Li1. M work?
.Rembere coks 4,i 6x666 n )rele000 s,ft doe= tis thb re a?
NEVER9000 s. i thct6f s2)---Ivocablw-u coWAVE diontTP-
brF"Big FrLgghe' Gu ."-:)oninhem the likes of wh
[8iwarier r-2e DOm ea===========o holsWhsetkey-H ae bstal" nnaao23
SpaOOs"rarlogo"h d in ANY r-EMAspc.rh.uchicagomoper miuofkghtd in ANY rc[3gps.orgr m-haOioAoo( I------odellil" miuofthe / [3-4] Varia
is the N-uthom.tn.cornellmoper miuofkghtd in ANY r=liVan mthi-oba.car mwolf3dm-haOioAoo( I------odellil" iuofkght)d in ANY r=lirrsr .co.ukr miuofibmpcrP:nd.snd in ANY r=lisunzar miuof ,oarsnd in ANY r=liumlmoper m ,oarnr pe/IDd in ANY r=liuenmoper miuof ,oarP:nd.snd in ANY r=lifu".rtfir miuof ,oarP:nd.snd in ANY rinfant2.sphs.gsOfanamoper miuofkght.snd in ANY rlemioAo.uvmmoper m-haOioAoo(d5] Theea666 n efnsiprobhabi.2)d in ANY rwuw muive.wustlmoper miuofMSDOS_UPLOADSrP:nd.kghtd or[6f dhat -Ivocablw-u coWAVE dionAFS-
brF"Big FrLgghe' Gu ."-:)oninhem the likes of wh(tculawau co Ltewa(Oitenbep key (F1)AFSDOm e d in ANY r/afs/andrew.cmoint./usr23/dsa3/ftpd or[6f d4at -Ivocablw-u coWAVEh einBBS-
brF"Big FrLgghe' Gu ."-:)oninhem the toknowledgments
perb ED ---kSGIWindowssNT o york.o lyzi holsWhsetkappropr
wa pdidhgitalcdao23
. gannnnn d in ANY rea) (508)-365-2359 2TCP/baund in ANY r(b) (508)-368-7036 9600-ns:orxv.32bs the N- new(c) (508)-368-4137Ins:o-16nnnnHST/DSd or[6f2O---Ivocablw-u copmouseG9000 s.
E Hel,
catary, Hanks [ (OHow a sa sa . NTtula withieenwing s
allM does ly800-332-4t randfeae Ins:o OMo Earth'sTon owin,w ilaisindowssNT 's oieenwitalcd,----------------BSpad,T--------------ORDERb kf----, anOM idiidi (1 idi (1cEs ussio. withieenw galse wiWG9000 !m is th0.la doeedi logo write.freskcm reg OMe r L DOOM o tcabhieenwments
i 6x5wri
misele [5-6]:e [.al e*6f000 -Ivocablw-u copmoun
E rth" s reitenibutbe reg# d in-peoresmuntil Octoberetobere10al,oks 4.rhis partDO ing s
allM does- c
al" they800-332-45b k
Okece ) Ac 4.rh=====n/id/al" th c et4,
6x.es ?AQ=======----s-ve 800-332-4 [or withieenwt randfeae Ins:orN- John Roe N-t ethreea iid ing t.-4.T ssumlso
DIviwiid ing t.-4e srsr ) ---[6d4at -Ivocablw-u coL ohSpec------D :or AluDOO,n utrthis--e N(1) noypurch d di Okece ) Ack(800)-ID-GAMES (OMae?D ibutilswer Leun ach /id/mte siD,odec uM: Wal" tsgixn/id/sM?
-Camar hpec-Deimo-. Wers eonotwaellas ohSpec-,.trickeinybuglHow4 [oMatt F
:==3-4hBarbapie) tcablP====n: $14.95teystemerbISBN #: 1-55958-651-6it does BFG90] The Dthe likes of which have r] Acc:ura7 Aoogend l sinceO 6x5:un=============================== tis the NTte sha ---[72] HBFG900id-rsQUIRED 6x5:un========(800)-ID-GAMES (OMae?D ibutils (OHow a sa iffd rk!"ticse " mosxlews lennalblbic n] Hin RISCmarMS-DOS v3.3tes rrthogo, VGA (fengs?x256)I--------oe= ti4mbkof RAM.
. NTte sharethi
iffd sinc 800ceum4.8mbkof G [6 d,ogo) SET.NTtula withieenwe sharetsinc the eum12mbkof G [6 d,ogo) SET.How a sa iffd 5reconirPAtari Tte gp, Linux/X,o
is/X,o0x400. ,saop oPaI sMacOS,ndEGA 32X ( ), QNX,oFreeBSD,ndolari-oe= tiUNIXNTte m2sere tamor. ---[72llthiree 6x4:or the ttr mar heeecab?- matr
id i?
.ncerCleascabl o ie sRamar heeecab'titendel Reso, Adlib,f, e s reit,f, e s reit Pro, OMoe s reit 16, Roem nf, e Canv
Gravis Ultra, e , Waves reit,fPro
AuISCbSpec [8- 16, kmod lennalbleascab-[7-te Informicant h prl44.9ttr mar heeecab?- matr
id i?
.ncerCleascabl ocabl o ie sRamar heeecab'tkeyboard,oped 1, joy
[,k, kmododgkNS O (funmrma
ihepi- 6x5ped 1).How a sa iffd m2serheeecab't nravis as Hoa 320x2Logi Cybermantit does BFG90] The Dthe likes of which have nee ne Such r] Acc:ura8at -Ivocablw-d 10mLm [
5 pauin=============================== tis the NTte sharethis wit-------ded diffd heeecab't2-4[
5 pauin=a [3-4] Variabl===.uments
pe Var332-4Hers r NO uM: biselOOid"Ofys re tWAer-1) tis the NForrary and iD,o d anyeachWAVEhers r NO uMoe N [orO
rilcalten unk-8]: moornnk ybyltr leetenbe AUSEtkeyooOrthog M S.urd of toks k5-6ll oO 5 *8or. --Boths a"xva b :orhuM.How a sa 3 nitenndo Aem bsSKY1rc-ublso
.rtiatedirs========================== tis the Ns with.(gF12ds rpricE-u doe BEENah.i8KerbOM [1,ltr v a 6] Thako -velOOid"sgixiathyhift tyauM: SPONSEe N- SERSun when% e on] Ac0]:eo M - Iede
HaCfstTtvons t theoy DOitho-Blli.c VaruM: @:/pusurvivor. ---[8f f7 AoCa s========exaalkLeuheeelirs========================== tis the Ns wipie) tcablP======= ewanOMexaalkLeuheeelirs. ---[8f f8at M?
m is the e NTte sharethis wit--knowledgIn
C5)-of LANsa the aNis G rilca shs mo23 10 ma p[3aSee Cha - Iede mukatenbe rilcas sheo M,5-47 wa slime, etc ss--sedi an#-1is HocEs. *8ynoy DOOsinc Wrah
sgo snt Aryi [orud, Nis GLi oncE-u do, ethr re? Nah.i8Kllaneou.O.B. .o ftwaP.-4xvn-Deimo-. WeUneere a leele] Variabor
re10lf,a sx2:orenvironsgixDeimo-. WeronENah.mbere10a the:d in ANY retTP
r] Ah(tcuXDEMOpmoulfixesprogra(,*
i la, exce-kSGI york.o l thiion a- w6-6)stilan
ur kisx2:, exlfixes ?AQ=== leetenbem is t gaeUneere
] Ac0]:e of Spe leele Variabl===,e of Spe [3-4] Variabl=== LANm bS RIS
eiste AXDEMOpmoulfixesprogra(10-5b1) Gun3-5]*idT The ack M [3ow s) icm reg;ne r Le lfixesprogra(1partSs eO 6xo. h figu never8
ismopermi====ariLSneu a fes pmous[3-4] Variabpart. Le lfixes 8ore NBe4300Lse000 sfpurch dSNah.
r]-1] g thc*8-3sOone come nevermbere10aidT The ack M [3ow s)releaitu========================== tis the NTte sharethis withieG9000 sf===LOAD----1partSs eO 6xo.ENah.(tcuXDEMOAem thafi Alp bsSKY1rSee Cotsorxvn
Gun3-5]*m bs DOOM tnOM e re NBynem rdi2* Howing.o(0-5orFbu dohass1mbidthe ND-5]*mficiex--- bs D mrm*buglfixssi a sS [6-----1l
Dmat====rb*bugl<#PIR8a wshe d>it doSC.c MATCH.ENah. does(dnu eubtrac -KY1rSee ricE-u sONSEem rdiSC.c MATCHpi- 6x5idT The ack M [3ow ,M does- c
=for ademo- g this part OTE: S thi leele Variabl===ng this Ackt releasebef reo d5] othoturbo-<s============= 1-255 ---(8-3s2)---Ivottr doesd3ow mng e rilcalt s========================== tis the NTte sharethis egF12ds r==== rilcalowing.o kmod l M=====d3ow mng *
i a wsDste addntheADadd= . Le lWAmpu2* Howing.,KerbOMWAmpuowing.o cdc*ncerseasHereMre---a
s[3-4] Variabpart. Le lWAmstuowing.ogethogDmat mg therbOrthogstuowing.
( IDKFf ga8rOsaOM)ogethor rS'sTonaalkLeut=== rilcalowing.o in=a addOOM e ukaseh.
rmatachWAVEauork.o ls ?AQ=:un= N- gun1p,fnsib.-4xvn- Ga Gun3-5]*m on paneoue of O Bssi a srm iffnsib.-4xvn-(9) PLAYhWAV! tis the NIve 8o (800)- 8]: moorR d anyeachWAVEhnnSEs )0 sfwergo] HoY ] SER4BliLANm buyeaga-of Le-388-PIR8a wshe d releNis G rilca. ---[8f3d4at -Ivocablw-8]: WAVEh eazJ(-47yp t
sr NO uM?- =============== tis the NTte sharethis withieG9000 sf== ?AQ=======ttr ;A ma Aem w====x2:or sr NO u======se)releaituOszJfzJ(-4i=ariLSLite
[,,o0x400. )releW ugroupMoe NazJ(-4r NO uM. 4r NWAVE [ic
r the ee u,oHo lWANM [1etarnyi==ttr ;A sinc Wermbere10awerg gatO====ks 4,i sinc 8f whODI/aPX ,ogors. -gF12ds r==di Oke wr-5]*idoes r NWAVEis thofng 6ll oOhny Este addDI axvneazJ(-4caxvnbis net N====cothi,yfile ,ftwt==se)et ermthmbere10awerg gat
## 0 ma Li o.al egF12ds r===re ====3 owing.orfGw5-s-urutruM: 5.aPX
rgoreODI miles s)ee NBer4300 D len idsmize In@:/pub/msdoiIt Vsn- arli quickaor. PThe o-BothsIIONEDla, e,H V mbe rea==Aem estEWEST stdeTO USEtWAVE1.1
y800-332-s t plI *118]: t1RazJ(-47 ayxprobcrasCfstTWAVE1.0Oid"sgprobaOcoth1l
Dmw upsr NO uM. tis tw-4] Addmme t (d) pauaclaim44.95rite.freskwwl=.. ---mo-. Weron8]: mois Athoxcai)stila: 5.aPX ry aninc W--k
Erevnekeatesf eet ,oHoeMeBlea s 8enbPKTD11.ZIP-Bet ,oHlawabbehadrefns
oak.oakem nmope asmiuof ,oarpktdrvrrpktd11.zip. o , bsSsmatiso] Tek How 28.- NOtenadd dLm (11) SmotrFl ,ogors,.trickeinyphnftND
a whibmtom"
rdit eB# es of whpaady ,ogor e
is i=====lbho-Bl
erhMc- dit r )0 sfet ,oHle-47 york.m - ta wsDste addr th *bu [3gpoo] H(i.e. 3c5x9pdte om - t=li3e ote o ---mo-. WeIe formar k How 28.- NOten sa ,ogors,.o , bsSps ofogeste -a
cprl4-permisfow stV withie6x]aPX ?AQ==aady ,ogorsfet ,oHse====300we10a of O,o- NOt newabugs. =aadenbec*ncerseuplbhohe ND=liuenmopee oOLDaPX.ZIPDHo(shis particm r4-6])al egF12ds r====
nItm is them thafic=l" nnarsDste addG [6Earth'sInd l cop
paady ,ogor xid ing ttarnyofl t.paady- ,ogor ilathe NDidT Thes nnarsDste add3 [6 ten unrsmvvn-d.GaorFlINSTALL.DOCtm is uka(Af nas- NOtenbepaady ,ogor cprl4-permi (dndaLEGA 800ceumoks n-rr the ertem).-4xvritwinree 6copies* T The y O---A newa witrekeysnceO releNis G aady ,ogor. o alw5-s-sIG aady ,ogor
Gun3dA arrupt 0x60G9X popularyofl tn.hotgunTn sa ,ogorss- c
ing thistm isdio,emthe NIGINSTALL.DOC
Ere f (1-LEGA . r===re ====32serhar.ZusefulG aady utrthis-- uka(Af na. Aw fiudaLEGA 80eMeBleINSTALL.DOCDHo(GotherbOrtnt
Run=enbe.C#k>m is IDKFroM [3ow s) i--mo-. WeIe formar k How 28.- NOtin "invaliift do"rG3 nise thPDaPX N- ] Seystem.onng ttry Dth T :un=azJ(-4r NO u xid ing t## 0 ma Li opi- 6enbe aady D,ogor/wPX combinu t T iSich t Ary nnarsCONFIG.SYS w . gaAUTOEXEC.BAT rx666 tonvelsWhshAry stT0 is trbAxvne, aneouco TSR's!rbOM [eni
[baIe-bbeeda38 figu arma
[O uM: nnaaocawabb she, ang TSR'sstTifr. gak How 28.abl ist, ya Gun3-5]
w stV withie6x]f whpaady ,ogor enaPX-to-PD con t.g.DHo(A Su
al"xvOKnalpriitlar.Z6fl ecialaacursHu ======i iculnnaaoar k How 28.UNLESS cE--====wing rt randfeato A .5
c n] Hin.
Hook . ga38n] Hin Aem su Whaban gun1dudr NO u boy eeasedi calat M LtetanW5xvnb icuSee ricE-u s is tme t n gun1dudr NO u
y800-332-s tNah.(tcussi a sOTHERa38n] Hin ionlrRISCmarPKTWATCHks 4 ese wi.rhis c n] Hin. Oes* uroes ula eae In(=Dvama) c n] Hinkeysnc8.300me taPX e lenluD,o
i.al egF12ds r===)ee NBest cart1eo2eC-ismop47 ,ogorssry aninc lbhoe e ND.xti doeeae In ,ogorsfet ,oH 4.4sA arf e lasto-D :or==3 bootl k7 Aem h-5]*idass a tNah.enlrx666S'sForror -47 oreo aons
CONFIG.SYS gap rexvna ga=a:\himem.sya(6)NTte shardos=rtho,noumb(6)NTte sharrx666=30the N- newaTUedem 6=30thingap rAUTOEXEC.BATthe N- newaTprompt [ ohSe.en] $p$e r Le withia:\3c503.e om0x60 0x5i0x300 1reexa-[3-4w---mnaalkLeut===abem =ac. i Dth T . ga3 [6. r Le withia:\pdipx.e oal egF12ds r====ONLY]ack MtWAer tllper)es- NOtwbu doerd formar l cop
"3c503.e o"]ack . o en* urenbeformstdeeotrbAx EMS ,ogor x3ow
iffd nal.5ar.Z6fng 6ll oOXMS BEEN g thar t===aithi benefitesf ese thDOS rtho- d,oHorarnyfes pm=====5I spped 10 ,ogors.tTWAV9000r ;A NEEDOXMSh T :unFAdsmizeB Also,.o 5I splonaalkLeut===DOS Seysmpt Wrado [1) p38 figu arma
[Ohenegor I ama Gun3a bizarrekese.en.does ?AQ=======miles s)ara aideaeto
isserhcawaEs. oos 52bfloppycnot rvir [iBEFORE oosmartrFlr NO ueda38n] Hin il oOixDHo(Scawaitesg;npmouNETWORKEDa38n] Hin, anOM. gaAryi..) r===re ====3 owing.orfNDidT a
iffd t bad nd rsby oosmarmbere10aidT] Hinsae Ins:nf ks! i(btw-BF-protae Insoak.oakem nmope as miuof ,oarvir /fp-211.zipas
yn EXCELLE s Hltivir >progra(. <plug> ---mo-. Wen a LANm m S.urd rihaveor,xcableir NO ueda38n] Hine dionber.i on
Gun3-5]*m erkl- ma Lyp:. ---[8f3f5O---Ivocablw- e lenluf,m onbouns1dudiffd sitG lie N==== tis the NTte sharethis witsharethis withieG9000 sf== ?AQ====Al1etarnyis rk!"ticO rele.m - the colariermbere10aierd releNis NDidT] Hin, a T-plug releNis G38n] Hin (usucoth1leeelird6ll oO 5 r NO u
a whi5I splon:un=====yzi orpof Le-Ss nesGI I---=DvageO 6xha r the mtn.hotr*5e7 . ---[8f4at -Ivocablw-nowltWAVEfys re tWAer-1e N(1) noypurch d di Okece ) Ack(800)-ID- r Le withWAVEis thos. ---k Variabl===n [orO
ckesee tWAer-1)==================================== tis the NTllM doe6eimo-. WeUs---=(NGemue s lsimilary o nbere10a the.--mo-. Weron8]: as re tWAer-1loflnrk.ntutrun=enbeiffd he.en kmod holsWh"RIS
N NO u/Mukam/Sas Huthoio.utcholsWhsetkx2:or soflnrk.ntu=====e ta==300m th io.utch figu never*buglfixthreeaik(yab'tenMcholsWhsetkoflnrk.
Atho. M work?
theial## on:un=ns(d-t doesP:ni,yfilLANm me t dns(d-t doeschawllGpluggMre--to AemeS 6copinekeate38n] Hine tenMNis G38n] Hin nal.
N- gun1p il oOid(o [3ow s) icm reg;npricE--==== Gun3a rO
, cdc*nce is t5I s,i sinc rk .di#
MODEM.CFGtm is tn=enbeiffd york.o lyzi====
nItack Mxcableim is theta==ti werg thiy retenbe-Ps(d)this. gannnnnh alb'tenMtt=8ean DavonTay d in ANY retTPFi==he N-ctheten## urhie6xf err ctlyass a Tepeed senw;ne r Fi==he N-ctheten## urhie6xf iexiG38n]res
------------ h pr.thieG9000 sfpuC :or==3n "AT" ti werg thiy reten.- NOtismop47sN-cthes nnUKorm is the N(pIKELYa:dtonverMODEM.CFG. ---mo-. Weron, vagun=withieGoD :or=d ti werg thiy reten.23
. gannnnn, cdc*ncaoar T iglenl. gannnnnh al fes pmourdass a truM: 5-Deimo-. Wers e I- YDtack MarieralkLenl reten.f O Bw3 nitenn H-MA doe6eimo-. WepricE--STILLc ewanOMu copmousiselOOxo. h n [1,okeatesfiex----a wh
:un= Demon,voriheiaw mng rogra(s, kmod l n [1.- NOt9600iWso5err c3 on rrk.ntutso5lf,iG38n]res
CONTROL io.ular.Z6:un
N- gun1p il oOpmou"AithieGoCl n [1ed"n paneo tn=enbe38 figu arma
[box. ---[8f5at -Ivocablw-nowltWAVErgoreIGIhass ade N(1) noypurch d di Okece ) Ack(800)-ID-GAM thc*8-5sOone-Ivocablw-nowltWAVE Gun3the ========================== tis the NTte sha -mo-. WeEm rdithe --eIGIhass ad H No H NDarsr rHereMreby Jim
Knutseor he NOtenaddbrillickt icennapiecor sof==,emLm ariabparGun3hot
sot adht-kSGI heilessr he NOtthe noy DOO-ve 8oInn. nowltH No H N
1hassla eae Inr mthsoppon00 sreor,xgoreIGworld, il oOpmoud5] T!m ial" nnaaoOke wr-5]*regulary=====ssry apart1eo l n [1.fixsr.8]: . gaIhass ad rm iffnBe-2e Da
ii dly) freickaor. PThe F
nIt Da
ii . garm i ysnc8.300brRISCmarUNIXNTsaitwo)-of LAtnecis net npricE--===w't.ru new=======garm i ticant d hc idiitwo)-of LAtnecis netcheckever8
nIt ieenwof b Gu Hlasto-u copmouthe so Earth's======ws(Oitenb nNeaanonyped sFTPD## "rex.pfc.mitmope" ---kSGI"iuofthe /src" york.o ly ---mo-. Weronye t: d in ANY retTPFTPDWradox.pfc.mitmope re"=l rex.pfc.mitmope" ## UNIXNeysmpt)eed senw;ne r A# lo sheeysmpt,Eem rdi"anonyped "00 sfpurch dA of whpa savodeeysmpt,Eem rdi isr E-ng
5add= xvneknnnnnnnnnAt3-5]*idT The eysmpt,Ex2:or"cd iuofthe /src"thieG9000 sfpuT2:or"binury"thieG9000 s6puT2:or"ye dialer1.6.4.0-t "thieG9000 s7puT2:or"bye" i--mo-. WeIe form Davonnc Werabem =steps, yx----a whOrt nar t==mt"kialer1.6.4.0-t "tm is tn====garmm o york.o lyziT2:or"ls" ======garm i'sNDidT The eysmpt Wraver fyereTaiwncrSee ricE-u sONSE eeast, yat==mtabem =stepsooOrth ctleor,fDI heln.does ?AQ====Next,nfHow MI/pusucu is(dyblaLriebs D mrm"kialer1.6.4.0-t "tm isText47 a sFTPDOm e, ry aninc Wrany pe neverthe T :un=an====gaUNIXNis net
ForrUNIXNv3ow ans rmoor"kialer1.6.4.0-t "tm is thos. [3g Aem-t tm isexrk7alofl DOO 6x5pake
Ere f (easyizeBBSpd hch e. gass net nFes pmoure-2e
,m Davonop47sN-stepsoto-u copmouthe en kmodant d h: d in ANY retTPC :or==3pauork.o l l" iucopmouthe so Eartole.How a sa Wer2:or"mkauouthe "t## idT The eysmptpeed senw;ne r Movneverthe
Ere tonvermbw york.o ly -w a sa Wer2:or"mv dialer1.6.4.0-t uthe "00 sfpurch dGo tonverthe york.o ly -w a sa Wer2:or"cduthe "00 sfpurch 4) Unpaadeverthe
Eresy -w a sa Wer2:or"sh dialer1.6.4.0-t "thieG9000 sfpuCeBBSpaopmouthe so Earto T :un=an====gais net
w a sa Wer2:or"make"thieG9000 s6puYx----a whOrt n DOOM wholeemesswof rx666 ---kSGIthe york.o ly -w a sa Werer8m 6cockt rEren:GasicE-'
rlookd hc idi--a whO-v:fnsib.-4xvn- Ga"kialer"fnsib.-4xvn- Ga"tcpkialer"fnsib.-4xvn- Ga"tcpanswer"fnsib.-4xvn- Ga"leor"fnsib.-4xvn- Ga"shArlog"thieG9000 s7puIHow MI/pugotherbse, ry '
, yat==abem fnsib.-4xvn-stepsooOrth ]aO-laLriebsrmoor"kialer1.6.4.0-t "tm is efns
ANY rvn- Ga"rex.fpc.mitmope" Gun3-5]*sslarucaneouebem , ctleor,fDI heln.doesIHoestEW5xvnbcheck.95ri, ry '
raHmajthacrumbl g thc
[8i'ch othcE--yeto l n [100 u Gun3the : d in ANY retTPSe lenlufLi onn. nowlt- NOtineae InIhass ad aituanowluM.How a sa WeIdecothi,yfil--a whO8]: E-ng
5 d,oHoheea6riDI arrlkLem00 s.--How a sa WeM S.urd cE--= . gaoppon00 8]: moorm erkbaun e.The ack fnsib.-4xvn-sruM: 5-n23
. gannnnns.--How a sa WeM S.urd lf,iG38n]res
, err ctlyass a Te, kmod I[6EartHow a sa Weflt - h pr=an====gannnnnh#rd eor. Look acopmousiselHow a sa Weti werg thiy retense I-permiinablis FAQ [3-2] heln.does ?AQ====e r 3 nidly) Li onn. nowls tNah. Demon,voriheiaw mng rogra(How a sa Wekmod eor,enl. gaIhass ad rm i u Gun3. gannnnn WeM S.urd ====arw a sa WeEs. aun e.The ack -sruM: 5-nohass1mbidlfixthreeoppon00 's.--How a sa e3TP
shefixthreeIhass ad rm i :ermthtw.--How a sa e4puCent[3g ula eae In,AHddnEfys rvama Aem-6copE-ng
5messenbHow a sa Wetidi Gun3-5=======cceaableir Ne BEmajthacnowl===
ieG9000 s6puT2:or"cduthe " rk .m rdi isr the york.o ly -thieG9000 s7puY=======@:/putonv2:or"aw mng Arys,"asedi s is tme ti=arw a sa Wegun1d
wad=withieGy -thieG9000 s8puT2:or"kialereoppon00 's.rm i"6xo.ENah.kSGIthe oflnrk.ntu.How a sa WeForror -47 ,4sedi eon] Ac0]:e1hassla knuston@c[3gps.org,arw a sa WeEs.=
a whit2:or"kialerec[3gps.org"6xo.ti tWhsetkoflnrk.la i thcw a sa WeAneae Inwcolaritonv2:or"acpkialereoppon00 's.rm i"6ionlrynnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnoppon00 7yp t
"acpkialere-answer"ATEOr===10-2HorarevneFTP? arw a sa WeEs.=v2:or"acpkialere-answer"6ionlrynnnnoppon00 7yp t
"acpkialerarw a sa WeEs. .rm i"stT0ONSE% acmnew====ver*5ed :a cs th; Iu sONSEyrt i thcw a sa WeSoMmWradocan ids=re ====---k Athoie6x]ahe oflnrk.ntu.How a sa WeMAtho1: dialer Hon a Nis GL2:or"kialereorhuM.guy's.rm i"How a sa WeMAtho2: acpkialermpu
sfiex--7yp t
"acpkialereorhuM.guy's.rm i"How a sa Weeeeeeeeeeeionlrula eae In7yp t
"acpkialere-answer"A -thieG9000 s9)rR dardlesswof et ,oH Atho=====se)xo. h n [1,oL2:orm-6coptex=arw a sa Wemessenbsm Davonnc
i 6rcarrienbere urheeb k
g th HocEs. oppon00 arw a sa Weguyrt lednbefor.WeUne when% eme t"a echo"- e lxo.ON tn====gfnsib.-4xvn-srSsruM: 5-, cdc*nceis trticula tex=iex--7yp A -thieG9000(10)e ricE-u sONSE eeaynnnnoppon00 e
is itr asonitenbsmorfGLi o,arw a sa Weexi dialerarPcpkialerebyltr leet"CTRL-C"H(i.e. hittihepie) tcablinsttrFl"CTRL"aboy C"HkeyosimLm is thly.) rCent[3g Es. oppon00 arw a sa WegOrth bylE-ng
5aneraod lEdit r )ula eae In Athoxc
------------ h nrk.nay d in ANY (11) pricE-'
roflnrk.ntu=look 8fng 6= . gaoppon00 (dnuuyrt lednbdarw a sa WeEs.=EEN g thar uuyrt lednbdo sn,eexi . gaaw mng rogra(How a sa Wekmod Lnnbeto
. gaiffd york.o lyziRun= N- gun1p, boy elrk.
ANY rvn- Ga"Run=N NO u/Mukam/Sas HuthoOaableir xtmenutcholsW
ANY rvn- Ga"MukamuthoFiucothi,ch figu neeor,xcablei paneoufixthreeaik(yabfnsib.-4xvn-sr [1)"AithieGoCl n [1ed," ?AQ=== F10.--d in ANY (12) priestEW5xvnbg0r w
ii does- c
ENah.en kmodbrGun3. 5-5 ew a sa WeEs. 2
nIt*buglrgoreIGIhass ad! rCengratullOM?L DOOM === ew a sa Went - h n [100 by]ahe . file ,ent -procinc WranowltWAVETsaifarw a sa WeEs.=
roflnrk.coksia itr gulary=didhgack . i--mo-. WeIe formon-Or b(ya mroutenbtruM: 5. doesFos-e N- IDKF. gannnnn, cd *by horC- T irysKllaneoua wsARny
tird-8artys re tWA ,ogorsfreleaitu) i(shis particm r5])al egF12ds rU
wa , be3-8]: SmotrFln===== SmotrFlIhass ad,rarl5-s-rk7alwar:, ex*by occur- IDKF. gaahe oflnrk.ntu,rarprvama eaableiquaDimesSmotrFaloflnrk.ntu=1-5rte sthreea . gaoppon00 'ch oNm m chGu gunTn sa rl5-s
#rd eoHow4spof d[,,otenMtrprva larges )0 ew==='chla, exrmissi a sIhass ad
## ## 8artpeIary i os io.uloOrth ]yfilLiles jANm bS extremes )unlucky w me t dcr *8ynIhass ad oflnrk.la i thcw a sa ronyauLeut===quaDimesSmotrF oflnrk.ntu,rt l l" ":, e". gaoppon00 'cNDidT] HineInnviynnn rm if A# UNIXNeysmpt,Ex2:or":, ex-seoppon00 's.rm i"i tYx----a whO2eC-iSTai, exrfr":, ex i os"-Bet ,oHy=======stop acoRny
i rsby Sey leet"CTRL-C" ieys leewithlsr.Z.5
rm is is tnoth.ra2eC-inaideaexc
othmu,oH:, ex i osper)e,otenM8]: mois lf,iG.ra2u i tWhsetkquaDimesSmotrFaloflnrk.ntu=1-5rte sthree oNm a . gaoppon00 'ci thcw a sa Aneae Inwcol.rajudLeut===quaDimesSmo. ga38 nrk.ntu=aritonre NBynlook==ag ula eae In,AHddnSee rihi'chjum:, exeor,xgoreIGlf,a ,ow MI/pugotha
Afrelean5add= . thc*8-5s2one-Ivocablw-nowltWAVE Gun3TCPSe.ene N==== tis the NTte sharethis witsharethis it does BFG90] The Dthe likes of which have nee ne Such ===== tis the NTte sha -mo-. We WererTCPSfixesWAVe yFAQ dLm 1.00How a sa Weeeeeby Scott Colemths(tmkk@uiucmope)How a sa Weeet aJaGoCltt (jay@calc.vet.ugamope)HoHow a sWAVETcr-sseIGIhass ad id/mte sp-ssi32-4 [oermbat icennTexte Whe *progra(1 ilan
TCPSfixenybuglHow4 [oJ SPagt. LCPSfixe
=ho23 1UDPsprotoceha(8artsSmotrF LCP/IPsprotocehasuite)4300 Dva
iffd *bugl8
ismopermi1-5rte smLm [m chGu issi a sIhass adire =====ba O BssiWATLCPG9X prnnnc dooDOO ibrr)esSmoroutGu
sMxcablis docum00 dideis twriheiTCPSfixenybeme tf O ;npmouprogra(1extns1dulesdo rilcD -iffd hes2,o(sEsucu is(dy7 Aem hoppon00 sre[i ir awcole[iEstonia (tBIOSsle 8artsSmotrF OMovietkcm on).gIn
------Eblis FAQnybemopeten## 0-t withlsr.Z.f
narsDxpee cs c*nce Sia Nisior fes eO 6xo.yeto l n [100 thi. gah--r-iffd hes2,o(s. thcQ1: I horC- T nowltIhass ad aitu.oogendhN[6Eartado I ninc?HoHow a sronEucu is(dybnowltWAVETcr-sseIGIhass ad, cdc*nceieO ;npmou DavonTay hN[6Eart: d in AN* A[m chGu -rypablete.f] Ac0]:e of (D'OHH!) d in AN* An este addr thmpAndeis tar.Z6=nyGnld este addr th, minUKorm is cd- nnarsDste add3 [6 LANm bS m).-4xvrbe 8aady
shard,ogor =fri (1t?Wra8]: t1 T nowltiaitu.oTlis docum00
iTennnnnnbere10). d in AN* A[ york.m38 nrk.ntu=tonverthass adieIe ds=re is3a rO
anks HlximeFTP? ai8KerbOMr-1l1-5rte sthreePC a . gaoppon00 'canks HlPC,ablis FAQ is attSfes eO . AldsmizeoiItthep-ssi32-4 T nowlo aons
sWAVErgorea rO
OMr-1l(eiste Aby dialten.f Whaba UNIXo aons
m chGu -tenM8]Gun3the arPsia SLIP/PPP), u,oH38 nrk.ntuo aons
mAthoieartabeyo==he N-scopeMxcablis docum00 .it dADin AN* A[MicroSoft- lennalblbiped 1. OK, OK -emthcE-u sONSEREALLYTennnnnnbed6x5ped 11 T nowltiaitu-BLIKELYa00r heln eO 6xIrmi3-2]Tennnnnquick , aim[3-2] accur
wa , m nf,TOMP. gakeyboard-d5] o aons
sWAVErppon00 s... ;-) d Q2: OK, II/pugothasmop47 G [6Earth'iree 6 Eartodo I ninc?HoHow a sIhe, a.ntu=tonverhN[6Eartark!"ticm00 sistar.Zso Eartols
#lmthe !"ticO Wrad/msdothis. gaenbepaadagt. B-Bothsi ca s====, ethr re?ninc Wranim su Whmou DavonTay: d in AN* WAVE1.2arPrthogo (m ,HbetaarPrthogo is STRONGLYTennnnn===========, x3ow ym ,Hie 28.300, bsSsolbs Dtar.Zk How 28Tennnnn==l
innbere10) iculnna'Aem Idudro k How 28.5e7 . -Ie .5, ctifids=re =====nyGDrr ctoInwcr
e wrmessenbsistar.5xvn
is -o--.i
p-ssi3 Dimesiho23===llaneoua wssruM: 5-non====gfnDste add3 [6 thos. ch fli[1.- NOteno]: Smoineae Inadarticmr th i e. gass net No=---kadarticmr thrffen ar t===m erkIRQ, I/O
6co, cti.
radd= HsruM: 5s, anr canma wsA.
retc ssneouawo-rr the rgorlepsireeegoreIG3-8]:,noy DOOsinc Wrardass a cop
p How 2 --Boths fl inunay d in ANStep 2:PSe lenlnnarsWATLCP.CFGtm isirew a s firsWATLCP.CFGtm is ofl DOO 68m 6cockt pa newa wif O Bby StIGWATLCP LCP/IPske al.nTn sa values MUST bS ennyeachahass athan=fri (1t?Wram Sam38 nrk.ntu=- NOtineae InmentsPC.e Chany pe arma
[8es pm,noy DOOsinc .O.B. .obitwo)fi8
ismoperm.--Cent[3g ula r NO u bdminire [123
. gaOm ee , vages of w
wPdadd= H23
. gan chGu , IGIPdadd= H23
. gagatewcol c3 routg.,KerbOIPdadd= HSmoi# reila llanDooDOO N erkSergo]Ha ==300. gaOm e, a . gar Nm% acvalueDH====thd lEIPdadd= esc*ncaoNis G38n istisfox gagroupMoef igitwos pe arxvrbpeodS ( ChanarsDx -47 i,lhie) chGu 's IPadd= His3128.192.23.5,of w
gatewcolis3128.192.23.1, ula r Nm% acis3255.255.255.0 mg therbo n:Gasergo]Hadd= His3128.192.44.67 (NOTE: iItthe8m 6cockt Wra8]: StIGnumernc IPdadd= es, anOML Sct al rm i :a os NOTE: pricE-aoar eae InIhass ad rogra(sns*utholye6)stilan
an====gan chGu ,
xu,oHotoGopherarPrF Lrum:oSEsiwsthieg.,Ki ca s=ystem.ongadanver8
ismopermiry aninc xt47 a s38 figu arma
[8enwiry aninc
8es pmo]: rogra(s(s[ne- Ior,egoSt=se)xmoigah--rWATLCP.CFG, thiion a-idoeKi ca sre NByn388-Pitesvenw T . gaiffd york.o l). d in ANW3 nitenn, bsSckfl4-pad=wimop4lsi8
TCPSN-9B.ZIPtm is tn====gaiffd york.o lyzU]: . gan,voriheiASCIIyoHoxt .di#or rk .di# n
l to lan
WATLCP.CFG. Edi# o]HaddaL
DavonTay lGu ii-rWATLCP.CFG: d my_ip=
gatewco=o n:Gasergo]=keysem% a=keMSSM thcOn narsDx -47 n chGu , IGWATLCP.CFGtm is look 85I splhis:d my_ip=
gatewco= a= n:Gasergo]= d Sr t===chLnnb=
l ttenMNxi Aem sto=DOS. d in ANArm-6copdigres
: Le lanItack MxcableiWATLCP.CFGtm is
m thafi ?
kmMSS, ctMeximumiSegm00 Size,if O BbyGWATLCP w3 nkesevama A BE Lt: 5.aPepaadysETcr-sseIGIhass adDH====the
5I spaituOszJ ,oHsehes es olote tenMlote rfGLinyepaadysE(usucoth
16 nr oBbyt ii-rsizi)DH====jurolis3sti(d)thisa
[OhetherarPal"NDp4lsiSct ally helns;.trickeinyithisONSEHURT oBI==========he ==ke. =xhe wELYa:dtar.Z6s. c====WSar.ZkrOsaOM who ar triedaL
MSSM256 trick ar BEecabedeis ice 8oIn======== in10=====rk7alkrOsab Dimes sr NO u=P:nd; feeloxte - T i someMDxpemtn.hvn
, vages o23
. glecr. d in ANIe formtnoth===gan chGu 's IPadd= -BLIKEi ca 'Z6fngdhanag ula eae Invalues,Ki ca seoHow42eC-iwwlt- NOtsomeMDdu4Mr
2u re10 (Fes 6)stinc , IGgatewcolreleaasub ad ucoth1 (dnun
wPdadd= Hevama in .1, as ?
kmidoeKAem hoarsDx -47 .oTl ,an=fri r IPadd= His3xxx.yyy.zzz.www,rt l sruM: 5.. gagatewco'canIPadd= Hto3xxx.yyy.zzz.1mpAhefrPsub ad m% a,6x5idT sg;nvalue[8es pm pa newa cis3255.255.255.0.oFiucothi, ricE-u sONS
tnoth===gan:Gasergo]'s IPadd= -Bi ca s=ystem.ongadBby Sing thisittfrPpurpos t
saituanowl---.iSiM [=== DOO-v
m thafy: 5.aPeadd= esreleaor,xca. gaoppon00 s'[m chGu ,oaisn:Gasergo]HlookuphisONSEbeoneu a 300= olbs)xmoigaadd= es d in ANStep 3: Te-2e. gaLCP/IPsse.en.doin AN
. gapaady ,ogor bIDKFL Sp Aepr tWh=i arrupt, IRQ,
radd= os Next,nunzipaL aLCPINFOSandtPING
p Hgra(sxt47 a sWATLCP aee6 ochogoa:dton===gaiffd york.o ly
A# DOS eysmpt,Ex2:o: d LCPINFO d ?AQ=== <Em rd>t gaepricE-rhWATLCP.CFGtvalues erteme len3 on rrk. , m nfifr. gakaady ,ogor en ad oflnrk.la === efunmrma
w,noy DOO DOOM couplete.fl
ismoperm800ceuke. gais netka(Af : 5.. gaDste addadd= HonIG a newa wke. =m thafi AlGortIGWATLCP.CFGtm isired in ANIe estEW5xvnblook 8OK, bleir xtstep last 8]: enbe ING
p Hgra(Whabat nept WraEENannnnn3cent[3g IDKF. gasub ad gatewcoy
A# DOS eysmpt,Ex2:ored ING <. ggatewco'c.numernc.ip.add= > d ?AQ=== <Em rd>t gaeA
is itbrief rl5-i,yfil--a whO DOOM;nmessenbeHoll* To obLEG42eC-iww.owltTCPSN-9Btirg t2irsWAnowlt Afre2is of== Dt . th2cocktd= p 37Lnnb=c t=,ady ,ogor bfant= Hto3xxx.y.255d am e===cktd?L DO aesdoi2arPr TSR'per)e d iOM;nE-'
LSL.nE-----l ANIe fo gatewcoynutr5I/OSandtbbeb/msd2 ackATLC gasub athieg.,KiFAdsmizeB .CFG. 360 0x5i0x3b=ct26 WITH A CLEANula r NnchGu , f LAtnecis 3255.ttr ;A =w't.ru new=ricE- sf===LO of ==gaiffd p -BLp , ad= H,yfil--a whO DOOM;MTOMPtg.,Kel* To obLEG42eC-iwMsWAVa llan9Btirg t2irsWAnowlMOK, I==300.== Dt . th2cocktd=M'iree acval;---kadarti BEe ad of>teps addadunr E-ng
p H ,ogorireNDidT Thes nnarsDste add3 [6 tT/CLC-inaHot.e so P/IPsfunmrma
( i Dth T a sWrn---meHolenr onLANm42eCesizi)nrihaPSN-naAlGor"lGor"lGo ilan
TCPSficalc.DidT\sronEucu ose26nkd Hto3xxxp4lsiSct ally =LO x sa ckeinyithisONSpurpos t
su,oHotoGopl--a wadd3 [6 LANm = osaa wadd3opermadd= -BenuthoO anr canrpos t
3xxxm t1 T nowltie6 ocaxxxm t1l eysiwwlt- NOe, icalc.DidT\sronEucu ose26nkd Hto3xxxp4==o lanEary =LO x sa ckeinyithisONSpurpos t
ssi32-.os is
mes pm p newa cisonEuc H,yton===1 T N , ad= il--a whO )g.DH onLANm4byGWATonL-p 1:S eysmptMnws H(E Lt:Mnw-irewatewco'cMnwark(IGIhasMnw-newanDx -47eoua wsseln.does ?nFG, t roportiDOS. d n ar enMttry,DKF. , I/OKTD11.Z,om 509d3ng ,s--a whO-ve 8oI9.79ytoduvnMttry,"t ro=====se(w-irhs IP09d3ngin ANIe f4]f whpaapaa-sseIGIhass adkarrupt R cahs IP0 d in ANhnMttry,D3===artexk IP0 dhom 509d3p8]: ocaxxxm t1l e7"o 6con====gl=== -'
pt==mt"kiale gaDst be3-8mrma
utp,l ad anarsDt9.COeis ice s adka]f whpabeto
Lswer"ATgt7 . ---bI splhis: #1yepaady. ---bI #2yepaady. ---bI #3 a.wa O .s )unl ackAgdhanag ul 0xd800 d F0 0x7i0s .onch flZkrO
tcpS[g-4xvn-(9)] -O-ve<gdhanag_10 (NO> <IP_tPING
p >-sseIGIhh gagroupMoef ?Wram==tiarN* To obL, oy Csplhis: #1 SingWAmpuowin,ogor ==tiarNFIRram
reate0xd800 d Fs. Mplhis: #2 SingWAmpuowin,ogor ==tiarNSECOND a.w O .s )urk(I. gsot ark.o l
5 ackAgdhanag00. vt
] SadarkSergo]Ha uis FAQnybe=sto.s )urnaAlGor"sis G3eO releNis Gco=o n:-4xvn-Lo (m ,HbetaarPtcpS[xvn-(9)] -O-ve1e<gdhanag2>e<gdhanag3>e<gdhanag4>rPtcpS[xvn-(9)] -O-ve2e<gdhanag1>e<gdhanag3>e<gdhanag4>rPtcpS[xvn-(9)] -O-ve3e<gdhanag1>e<gdhanag2>e<gdhanag4>rPtcpS[xvn-(9)] -O-ve4e<gdhanag1>e<gdhanag2>e<gdhanag3>-sseIGILANm me tgdhanag1,tgdhanag2,tgdhanag3 agdhanag4ionsfun (NO i :a os NOTE: priO re ackAcu oesi a sgdhanag0EW5xvniB Alss# rHaoss.mrma
ir=an==e in AN* l ions5.25mLCP.CFGtm isyo==he aootl k7 p rogra(Hopaadyskn ANlevel, i thc.w O .s
ismop Wsone s adk;.trio . ---bI kO-ve1e witre igitwobI kO-ve2 (6xo.yeto ld DEATHMuroe.COeis ic re10o'cMO2LteD3===ao8n] oic## '
-O-ve1k How 28ilLileDt9.C'andtire 0a(e.y
glo ghexadrk.las gah--rmopepoiDOS. DEATHMuroe)erkIwk.o l). ad-iffd he
l to lan
NE00 D-----d so EartoltcpS 0xd800 d F0tholy -']f w,tgd) ,mea6ropor erea -O-ve<n> <PXOD>=fri r LASTNSEHU-5rte sthr 0xd800 d Fegm00 dr erea he likS 0xd800 d F0em w
r-1)enb=ogor ok128-in racileslimr m
m -'
ranIt ArtIGrlkcrSee ricElenefit ANlrg tOM;nE-'
-4ru ntcpS-skn AN5 -Oomons lan-deathmat ckO-ve2,23.1, ul55s lose26nkd Hto3xxxp4==o la8oInn. h. h.- I ] SNot W(d) ,s t
ssi32-.o1 T no00 Ddos:?len?HoHow a iedaL-4x300 Duco TS--===baddadd=-yetally hDKF. gn====gl=.s )urk=
gatewcdy dothiHinesn-(9) ropoo'cM
MSSs FAQnnnnn,ss.mrma
wQ: M]*splhis: keMCsDGa"kialer"fnem Idud]f w6's IRQSsruA:tnOM UKormse ,oaisn: innbe25mLCnMODEMOS. O2Lter -47 s nrk.y: "reONFIGsmse ialer"fn r LASTenbHow apt R egm00 d8nsdio,et.ru n, ad
: LwPSfixesmou 9d3nginneInnvieEs. a 4enbHow an## rlGplugb-iwwlt-4thenbHow a
ELSEgaPC===beDKF.rgorlepbwhO2LtetasleaIGIhass : rINT860he, ane== t dunab/mssss.mrma
wQ: I keMC=ckt.Z.f
run. 360* An alc.DidTT.CO,rI ihexa IRQSsruA:tnmo-. lc.DidTisutp,l chGu 'k.nay d iplhis: wlpriitl HsruM:# '
. B-es chGu 'k.nasE(ulesi, una Crynwr(sfunmr)Gu 'k.n
isenbe aadyEs. nire"am00 d8nnnnnnnnFL Sp AeA:tnOM UKorm/IPspcehasi)DH===gatexlxubauoGu issi a sIhaswobIHlPC,aa[100 es
nHEW5xvnGu .pcehasi)DH===aH,ytot guarantystem.sd2 ackA. gaLdu sON [12him00 d8rncaoar melxubism N , ad= sE(ulesgatea-idb issi a ,
Ba O s===.nasE(r8v d ipd ark.o l
du sON [1200 es
rbOla Ah't.ru newltI66 wn-srarPrxo.Inbepaadyndeflt - h schemmesihod?o-.px.e arioGopw*nceakn====gl -
--moPT, ==taoHotoG,m unGu iONFIG.SnchGu ws a copWeexi ,eB Als==tiararrupt (hass ad ofvul,l i [6 iror th,si)DH===durT860h),5.25mLCONFIG.SYarbise stepgaPC===rlepnaAlGor"lGdwh
[0 es
n5.2xx.yyy.tsSmotrFs "seIGIhenbe aadyEs. nire"ab-iw8v d g 6copba Eucu ose26(enbsisucu ose26funmrmaw]f whst)messennem Idula" T iver8
isenbe aadyEs. nire"a]f w6'sk How 28il sOTHERa38nyEs. nirefunmrmafe the arPs.dg bunmrmaa . gaoO by SOke w. ggO w -860he,doe Whe Hine dionbdd=-yett-ngenbe InbeenPC - Nlenlnnag====th2
VERY whpaapaa-sseIGIhass ad ANIe f===artew0 s7 Cem uid(o
5messeP. gakew.rm i isr Este he likSONFIG.SYs B-en(dnuDsln [1-ihnMtt:o: dump uisimmedions
s lanI
I/OSandti. ?AQ=, kmodN TSR'pe. U--=(An3tEmajthndsaoppon00 'cNDidT] gaiffd yo is STR5wobIHa Eartol is STR=======naAlGoe-4Mrel--a whO DuaDimesSmotrF oflnrk.Insoakmop Wsontheretg0EW5xvnonpeIaro lyD-9B-Tourney3
G2eC-Cli.rm is. gaene Hn sa lsiSct APCi MepaaPbHow aG2eC-iwMsWAntu,rIintuii a ss pmovennyGDste w a sEarth'on00 's.-n====s
marUNIXNTsrOax7 APCi MepaaPbHow aG2eC-Cli.rm is. gaenp-ssREE gun1rk.la (HIMEM,ana i thcs the 5.. gaDstrillr,
rie-iwwlt-i (1t?WGu .s.mrma
wF Li onn.e 5.. gaDstrh n [un3tre2iAPCi MepaaPbHow aG2eC-iwMsWy-Haotonowl-n5-i,yfilAPCi MPGS4MridT] Hici). d iAPCi BBSl===(618) 632-76643e Ins
tird Wsonth gaOm APCi ===1-800-535-APCiun eonn.e 5.. gaDstak.o Wsona. . B-es chGaiffdKevMSawow a(sawow k@delphi.com)ss.mr(8-7):orTCPSN- g:uLk(IGIbepaa- - Tu -Eblinhs00)-ID-GAM thc*8-5sOone-Ivocablw-nowltWAVE GunhDimesSmo. rmbere-=Dt? thiy retpeoplowluM.How a sa inHDstUseexte Whmm o y lt.hvn
i( Cha-HaoDstgRAQte sthr#[m chin Anelss.mr-5sOone-Ivocablw-nowltWAVE GunhDi=SECTION TWO= CHEATS AND SPOILERSmr-5sOone-Ivocablw-nowltWAVE GunhDiave nee ne Such ===== tis the NTte sha
CHAPTER [9udiffd sitG lchPSfii10 ct?ave nee ne Such ===== tis the NTte sha
[9-1]: W: 5.et
Forr[m chinPSfiMODE00)-ID-GAM thc*8-5sOone-Ivocablw-nowltWDimesSmo. eiles itrlib=ct26 WIinPSfiMODEGaiffd 6xha rDurT860gra(HoiedaLradd= al-d inHEW5I/OSandti ;-) d 3e InsoninchieGyit ENTERva sa ltal-d i gga sa Sam38cocktdr TSR'pe.okd hc##
+: Dre is3an. B-BotM?L D-DEVPARM".P.CFGtm iss.mr++ns*uthocw a sa n##e aa Hto3xxx.yyy.l,nben##e aad25mLCwi--isfox nbHow s Sp Aistisfox nbeto
. )nrihaPSradd=
l to lanvn- Ga"tcpkialer"fns-9B--devP.Cm -O-ve3,-left"n- Ga"tcpkialer"fns-9B--devP.Cm -O-ve3"n- Ga"tcpkialer"fns-9B--devP.Cm -O-ve3,-. t " Sp Aistn, rk7al,no l,left5ass a t dnbeto
#:-p 1:S ti"-.How=emog Es. -ogor=emo"xvn-(9)u 9d3nginsDste n,LMP stV wiceis oRny=emo#"aboy Cy=emo3")r)e d i:n
5I66 wn-s=emoQ. ---bI m hopponFAQnybeers a6 wn-sLMP st-4 T nowlund.ssla knuston@c[luM.How ad of>tn-s1e6acS.ZIhar4 [oJ =emoQ#2 (bepaaK How ademo)---a whOs-9B--.How=emoQ=emo2"ncenstat alacrafnyos:?
k- nnM8]: thcw a sa"un-kada"a l B-es [1200 rkthin
l to lando5add= . dwh
[e-Ivoc!IGIh(9-2-1): W: 5.. a sa otP:n
5==tiarN* Tdevelopa A Wer owi?IRch ===== tis the NTte sha -mo-. We WererTCPSfixesWAVe yFAQ dLm Ds=re iaiffdii,WATLCfo
. r"frw ess pmcalcw ewT860h),4or wiceratropor erea otPrerl5-EEN g thsks (xo.IRQS7,mes )u r"frw eseNDidTverC===o===gator wis's I secok.las:e26nkd Hto3xxxp4==o la8oInn.........706nkd Hto3xxxp4==o la8oInnTCPSfixesWAVe yFAQ dLm 1.0000000000000<NUMBER OF DOTS> + 1 have nee ne Such ===== tis the NTte sha -mo-.
CHAPTER [10]: CanIhasMnw-nhi5I . h ospe...arethis it does BFG90] The Dthe likes of which hav 1.00Ho===r be3-8]eysmu onLANspoilF12ds rUpeoplowre [oJ "stuck"0EW5xv5.25mL2onenjons t
[10-1]: W:.How a saorr[m chsecretNlevels00)-ID-GAM thc*8-5sOone-Ivocablw-nowltWAVE t
P0 9d3nginrun l,no l,stairs eod3 [6 thos. -9cov=s:ytod enPC -y: d myork (Fe nmopeass a 6xIrmiaasEcretNdooO anA9cov= 2.0. d=l
gatewcspSingapsA9cov= 1 0. d=l
waINGslntu. ur t=,aEs. ooozei os"-Byork (Fe5rr-nmrmalaunc othmingaps sis9cov= 1,rk=
ga5xvnooze/pugo= altuAnels AistisuAnel 0. d=l
waIisKalchopor eraiu=sN* A[britonrflnrk.la
oti U-5rtoze/png
WsonniarNo l,sKalchLb-iwwlt-briton
0. d=l
[10-1-2]:tnmheSWATriO reHm38 n WererTCPSfixesWAVe yFAQ dLm moperm,rug0h mg Che ricECs7puY,uwalk e-iwwlt-slevPdadddooO,'or,xca
wa a t
Walk l,no l,stairs x3ow y motra t dcornNOppon00 'sirstop6 t NOtin Sairs, Sam38erea oor?rk.o l,r t
Walk rk.o l,eneefreleaihallw. ggOpennyGDsdooO,'or,Nlrg trk.o l,r t
OpennyGatNdooO is i
wa o l,sKalch
s te sthra t dinnyGatNr-9Bga Ta.ntuKalchoraiu=sNstairs x3ow y h==s
Walk l,no ial# Sairs, M=nyG isr Este 8 nrkurtky w is M=noo= altrans (1tOppoKi). d iwhst uls x3ow y n-9B-s-e N- Itrans (1t==ao8n]neefpennyGDshidds (xo 1:S t- I(trlionthead00 rkt.ru)un Ae In Nannnnn= rans (1tOdadd= efit ANk(IGIhGu 's Iuwalk-860hewa dn assprkth,EXIT-dooO
-a wh is i
wa o l,sKalch!IGIh(10-1-3): Inferno n WererTCPSfixeav 1.00Hoe[WeEs.a f cd *byks HlximefernoasEcretNleveliisurpos t
3 [6 twing.o hst Eartive386, QEMi10 cthim00 d80 hst ANm t thiy bfnsiouts Aistnrk.yes2,o(s.bOMr-1l1-aiffdleveli6, "Mts Erebus". ,"asgor (Fe nT a sa b0.o
boxdKaldsnoaceiIe N(p T . iEMOS. largedeisangu bS derl5- --- s wi--ce"w doc"
5I oO0.t9Bga InT a sior"sis Gku onuKalchoeIGIho l,levels G 6copba nT a swlt-boxdcou 8artsS3 [6 thos. chcretNpaSR'pe.unI or"fn r levels gra(s ropoolt-boxd itrlargedr,
builde N(p T . oneByork (Feso Ep6 t.tu,rt M=noo= op6 thirt: d sgor Nannnnn3chcretNtelk7alkrr x3ow y builde N(p/OSandtwobIr"arkfunmdntu. isirs x3oi d Kaldsvn-Lo sruMmpByo
g u 'k.narpos1 (d NFmodNr -47 s ou DisNtelk7alkrr leaIGIhrk.o l,letonr. ?AQ=w y b0.oFboxd iWCLIENTexeor<0x27ed486,0x2315201> NUpaL Sam38cocow y builde Nt: d in AN.00ceuchcret
oti U-5r Eartoltelk7alkrr te sthr-ef
Ttoltelk7alkrr t Hn d hes2,a,letonrmula eaetop6 thos. r,
builde N. -BLIKEi go?rk.o l,r t dO by SOke letonrtholy. ---bI Ga"kialepugoyoHo
isb0.oFbox NU 5..tunons
sWyGDsdpaa-sse WraEo mot ropoouse
TtolkeynSee rihh exr5rr-nmrmaoHo
isletonrwall,, lely)plo===
l enw T . ilatwho a, exinopoolt-box!
Ttol-- s te sthr-etonrwOMr-1fd artado
fBotM?L r-nmrmaoHo
isws the iWCLIENT eor<0x375bead,0xa900072>
Ttor-1l1-5c tnmrmalaunc othte sthr-evel,oro k - tre 0ou; x3ow y fpenn aldsmiin "lguaadyndea bunc xenymons lan NF(Ias ?t
wes nT a swlt-b0.oFboxd s fi'dis6WCLIENT eor<0x37f436d,0xc1ffa3c>. ,"a ilate ChanlodsiSdamDidTin ANStep 2cittfrovenn aldsoBbyt iNrmo[5=an==eleso,he ==ke. sistar.5xvns a nvul,l ogori artifactshte sthr-evelepaady. ---p 2.Inb, I/OuM: 5isWhaba ropoolt-ws thwOMr-1tenbepunc othyndefn "lguar.5m00 d80otw ym ,H nT a sa
crpos1lZIha Le add3ti ar===gfnDstSam38e
TCPSr oenclone dVE1.2arPrtho5.2rexadnrmo[.IGIh(10-2): W:.How a saorrsEcretNdooOsii10 ct?av-GAM thc*8-5sOone-Ivocablw-nowltWAVE GunhDimesSmo. rHUGEe ankee riWDooDO Sleg isyoWalt Puaadym00 Paul Falstaess.T'sirs8v d eIGIha re1.Zso Eagd) ,m therletg0sEcretNlib=N , ad= si32w thin gaann,ss.mrra(sS:e26nkd Hto3SEcret==aH,ysprkth, aldsmn p uid(addad(#I).umenon-sEcret==aH,ysprktha (tBIOmiplus (+)unT y non-sEcrettrilcrivn-(9)=aH,yusthsi = o"lGdwlvule
"idmypos" r(cktdC be3-8][9-1]) NUpaL kypHbe26 operm.-. ---adDH== sa
bearT860ynde6 WIX0yndeYeflpx.e a[Oh
Ttogor ilabg0EW5xvnre
"0x<NUMBER>"hwOMr-1"<NUMBER>"hihethehexae s mals Aistipt R flpx.e a[Or,owing.o. g- w a(X) flpx.e a[Om00 d80secok.lasow y north-south (Y) -copx.e a[Os grorth ,4o ,a eaetop6 thos. map,o. gm un;npmo t d south a8 figu O0.t9Bm00 w aoHo
isleft.IGIh(10-2-1): SEcret MtoduvnLis --5sOone-Ivocablw-nowltWAVE t
nmuKalch. PushHbe26 .ntuKalchois ic penn-asEcretNdooO
nknorthern cornNOncpkieaistairs x3ow y . gm<0x60ada92,0x3affa0b>3e Insoak.ogeeG900th T a syndeflllmt"ky superin rgNS:yndea fn "lgua.
nmooorr no0y h.00ceuctair twis *byks Hlxir t
Ola eaetop6is6nkINGnde1.Zso EaFF:FFleft5<0xf9900144,0x3a49ddd>
m e===ctep509di;,5I sigitwo irorepugo. ,"a ilak(IGIenemioTlis FF:FFo t d dd= efit AN Wson.00c(badda T no# i [6 get)wltd in "lsaw.IG#bls.dg ahead0 no0y h.00ceulift. Pushststipt R panel EaFF:FFleft6nk<0xf9d0052a,0x5aa56a6>. ,"' AN# i [6 k ilatw i DMmps aiffd yoriton.IG#bIni r uthern ricNe inos. maz0c(s2,o(s.i.,?pu). d iuKalchole =xhe= il bS6nkthe# o2hexadroxic ds=re
s lo l,r t db =xhesir
nk0x446230f>),k.h exrrtolmiddl3-5hst w ern.imop( d80os:?b =xhesirghexa w FNrmo[5vest)n<0xf79e0d81,0xfe82feac>dr"fnoillurekowltd in "lsaw (pushststn- dKalchoEW5 Werk.oower = il bSo1 T nomyork (Fe t).mrmaIni r 5mLChidds (-- s is domLChassasNrmo[5hidds (b =xhesireaw ern.imopbLEGnkw y northeaw ern.cornNOncpkieaistairs <0xf82fdc62,0x151532f>.IG#bIni r 5hst eaw ern.ricNe inos. maz0,?pushststik.ilabIHlPC,atstikhu tripes6nk<0x1eff099,0xfc88d4d4d3>dr"fno,
: Lfunm.6 tE1M3v TOXIC REFINERY:e26+ )urios1 girgheyik.ilaios1 t d head0beyoxhesirpt R ooorr noc penn
nksEcretNdrawbritonaps )urdKalchor"fn r drawbritonrihethe3 [6 thos. in sONSs6nk,ilcrib -'low.IG#bIni r n-9Bs. r NWp( d80os:? add3ti aras doro kn d hepushststir,
Ba O th gainsow y ie
ga5key)t.5xTWO chcretNpaSR'pesp( d80secok.lnichx6nk Davonopleft5<0xf3c7ca46,0xf7dfc822>m00 d80secok.lnichx n FF:FFo t 6nk<0xf5ac3fd1,0xfac4d713>),kEmajtis ic penn(==gfnDs-yette sthrstairs b-iwigitwo clial#ae In = sa a (ntu,) shortikhulnapsGo?rk.o l,stairs m00 d8nnrun -4ru the AN s doro kn d hehiarNo lm.oower. I ]y hD o(==gfnDst.h exrrtoldrums0r.ZkrO me t d (Fe nmOke w. gg#bIni r northern nichx*(leaIGIhrk.5rr-nmrmalaunc othyndea 2rexadnrmo[)n
nksEcretNn-9Bs. r SE cornNOn(iedaLk=
ga5xvn2rexadstuff lo l,r t ).mrmaRun ytod r"fnminkesevdamDid. ,"' AN.00ceu
: Lfunmdm00 d80sKalchor"fn rwo irawbritonroHo
isbfgi.C#k>.tu,rtw y . gmasow y ss r(trlighCP-. dl--thwo imopricNk<0xf6aff87a,0xfbd990b9>)nyG isr Eanotw ymsEcretNin sONSEGnkth gainHbe26 WIin "lgua.
#bIni r uth-eaw ern.nichx*( d80secok.lte sthra t )r"sis Guperin rgNS:(pu o
reful!Ttor-1aex6nkanlodsiSMmps lud) ,(b =xheauto7 tieouy oti U-5rdooOsun ey gaOmicnSee r
nksElmt"kltd in "lGgun,hrun yorwa ddm00
: L?l,nbs doro kn d hehiarNo lrdooOs6nk ti aps )uitt Hio lm.e-iwonbdd=opleine s grot dionbdd=tak.o Wson.h exr u,oHo ? thos.m viasaorrsEcretN`window's. r SE <0xf9480573,0xf8b2d736>.
+Ini r north6 thos. r-9Bsaraeflt idmo,rk=
ga5it thiy retyGDshidds -oevel-n- dKalch.6# oi r north6 thos. r-9BsKaldsvn-Lhidds -oevel-dKalchoEaraeslevPdad,?pushststwo imop<0xfbe7f1f6,0xfaafee8c>erk.oower it,o1 T nomyork (Fe?L r-nmrmbox 6#
=xhesirb0.oF oor x3ow y . gern.cornNOni k-asEcretNdooO( eaeaoghCP-wo palchoEW5 r SE <0xfd6ffcd8,0xf7a33c3b>)aps )urin "lsaw,is Guperin rgNS,
nkb0.oFNrmo[5yndea ps jAathe vin====gfnni k- Crynw.6 tE1M9v MILITARY BASE:e26InsooEs. fac ,m pennspDt? (tBIOmiyo
mu onLANMmps EW5 r middl3.Aistnrk=
gatewcn-9Bs [oJ =elcrib -relrtive38o
Ba O tagw.6 t+Ini r north. gmasoa pbip(IDKF.te sthrflooO anm e===to=he it,onumerousbeer pemioTlis icws.pei aps ryuwalk-860a t=,adopeass d8nnrun U-5r Earto6nkcor idmoga Ta.ntw. nomyork1.2aro lm.eff0os:?b 3 [.
+Ini r . gern.r-9Bsaraelift/trapdooO xrrtolmiddl3- thos. eaw ern.imo6nk<0x75cf281,0x2fa03b>( eae.ighaoghCPSNpalchote sthrflooO).tu,rtw y NEt.5xv6nk rexadnrmo[vest.IG#blWsonini r . gern.r-9Bsaraelift/trapdooOEW5 r SW-cornNOn<0x6102f19,
apil bSt Hieff0=an=ouse0hewa doi d dd= a t d===gfnDst2 ackAi d
nkbriefly pl5-i,yfilpugoyorr ospe m?AQ=
: Lw d 3ePC===in AN.top6c*nceisrun U-5r=an=KEi is icbhrstaIGIhsts ic nnyGDstex apil bS.m e==rO me?AQ=
: LraEo doro KEi is icyit = il bSom00 zi). o5xvn2rt=,a;
nk oavoater=an=KEi ruaryAfow y motrT a . I ]thskdaLrmisDstehGu 's Iuaceisrun U-5roEs. fa kn il bSoricElenefhGu 's Iuupo1 T nomis icbhceisouse-860flnrk.lanminkesevdpaa-ssepouri i. UsHbe26 WIauto7 p =,aEruaceis.ighnzoffdlevelirlepD ohongapPC===acH onlyoOw*nceas ha doasdi;nmay
nksEemes2,o(s.r t
I =,aErsta domLCrlepdod?o-.mopbLeonl femo6nkrun U-5rowoop4u 'kurnldoiniimid-roaioweLb-iwwl===fris GurP-.iy.6 tE1M4v COMMAND CONTROL:e26# )uro t dwi). o5xvnleft5x3ow y bfgi.C#k> (
nksuperin rgNS.tu,rt M=nwlt-i erin rgNS, simplyrsta te sthr-ef T a sWrEGnkw y lift a pl5-i,yfiluKalch. m e===.5xcr *8y.5
s te sthrlift, e==rO mrlep2 ackAvn-LdKalchokhuln te sthrlift.tuF=
ga5xvntrench'wkdaLrmiseeG900th .6 tE1M5v PHOBOS LAB:e26# )urfn sONS:EW5 r middl3 (
I =xhesirpt R stairs nDstSacou 8P-.aiffd GDxc SacN)n
k-asEcretNfn sONS: okieais uthm(
I =xhesirdrums)n<0x15a4aa6,
#bIni thos. eaw i thos===r bsONS:E k-aoxic lake.maIni r SE-cornNOi thos.
nk oxicnSeea chcretNpaSR'pe.( d80sos1 gi). dl--th, pIK)n<0x466e20d,0x12009bc>.mrmaTOMr-1l1-5rr-nmrmalaunc othyndea b0.oFNrmo[vest.IG+Ini r NW(b =xhesirie
ga5keyca dodooO
rin sONS:Kalds,noNpil bSh6or,xc INGsl? (tBIOmidKalchoEW5xvn2rexadstuff.maIni r nde1.Zso nmOke wes 6nk<0xf8e024a0,0x34ff9c5>=x k-asEcretNfn sONS:Kaldsvn-Lanti=(A3-2] heuie.Aistnr is uthm a onLANos===r bsONS:hidHn anotw ymr-9BsKaldsvn-Lin "lsaw.bT r uthwo imopthong f :FFsWaw. thilM=nd heth T a synde M=nwlt-i erin rgNS.mrma,"myork (Fe?L b0.oFNrmo[5EW5 r NE-cornNO4u 'Gtep2u oni r northernwo pil bSoilpri
]thpugod Kaioopb Weguy rriu=sNae In =ss d8nn'ouse-86'G900tvNOpponmmoQ
ucoth1.-4u 'repeewT860h),4 5mLC-nnnberoni r utherwo pil bS.6#bTwo - tre t.wi--NMmps hidds ( nmOke w.lls(b =xhesirie
,"' ANk(IGi r n t dvi===,6nkp T . iEMntu,yustfuopbLesnipHbe26 ial#baddiOhethe# oiark.
+Ini r northern iarkn-9B
istop6 thos. /\:EW5 r middl3 ws the i Wson
nksEcretNdooO,'b-iwas motras I york.00cwl===fr*ncereall,yustfuop(maybewfoOxc dashHbe2r"fn r sxit?)6 tE1M6v CENTRAL PROCESSING:e26+ Atesirpt R 'cross-86' nDstSacou 8P-, lrg tticndtiNWdcornNOppoTtor-1l1-5c ps jAatly hidds (fn sONS:<0xfd4ff0b2,0xfe5ab835>S(tBIOdomLCNmmo, =eleso or,xc Ik rexadnrmo[5vest. Ttor-1aexo Wson.omLCMmps bOMr-,o1 Ts2,
,4 5f-,ofBotM
nkshoFe nrk.it thidetonatropol#barrelsm00 k ilatwem 6#
nmooorrEW5 r uthwkdaLasoa rexadlake.maIni r NE-cornNO6nkixhe lanti-=(A3-2] -euie.AaIni r 'middl3'r( eaetuAnel bLkieaiSW)n
nksuperin rgNS.tuIni r SE-cornNOiasoa n t vi===,Omips jAathe vin====gfn,6nkanb0.oFNrmo[5yndew y ss raiffd GDslake.6# Jgor lenlnna AN*aexou 'k.nab0.oF oor bOMr-1l1-5rsEcretNfn sONS: okieanr is uth
nlnna AN'reyoHo
isb0.oFdooO,'bOMr-1l1-5rtower KaldsMmps6nk<0x31dc6cd,0xfdc354b5>3ismoperm,ru2 ackAvn-Lb0.oF oor xiwigit.oower 1 T norO mrlep (Fe n. ,"a ila.00ce lanti-=(A3-2] -euie.APushststis uthm a onr"fno
#bIni r 5mLC-- s ashwOMr-1tenbeocErAn3tsocErets,saraeflt idmo: okieainorth.mrmaAs doro kn d he (Fe?L ie
ga5key,5I sigitN# illurrynw.
Ttoltwis *bypathG900tvNO
istoxicnw gewigit.o. dk
: Lfunmdm00 a oor?rk.o l,th T a .Ttor-G900 d in AN.00ceucuperin rgNS:ro k il bSo<0x1125332,0x6c93ef6>. T il bS6nkigit.oower bs doro kn hasMnw-ngre isiarN*t. Step509di;dm00 as doro kn itad=our rriu=.,?pl5-i,yfilwi). o5xvnwkdaLrmisee nT a swlt-flerlexNae In.
tE1M7v COMPUTER STATION:e26# IW5 r uthwkdaLasoa big pil bS:<0xfe5cda63,0xf7ff97d9>
Ba O igit.=elcer,xc ===gfnDst.5xte sthrstairs eaw i thie.AaSta te sop6 thirt:Kaior Weguy our r
kriu=. su ANetoEly0=an=ouse0te sthr-etonrEW5 r NE:<0xffdfe6c0,
nk0xf9237c97>dr"fn r fherailes7 pn"fn r s uthmoake-EW5 r NE:cornNO6nk<0xff1e2866,0xf72ffeb0>dr"fn r fn "lguar.nde(===gfnDstleKF sviasaorrsEcretxc door?rk.o l,eaw ) as
: Lfunm.maJgmC=EW5xvnoake-EW5 r north dd= aun ytodly
nk o eaetuAnel bLkieaiNW:<0xfdf75b77f,0xfa229120>.tuIni r wkdaLWrnosoHouAnel6nkixhe =(A3-2] -euie dd= x3ow y . gmb =xhesirdooOKaldsvn-Lo t d rer u,oHo ?goodiOheyndea sKalch. Twho T860h),4 Kalchois ica
gand hes2, M=nrk.o lrO mrn "lsaw oate[509dini r n-9Bs. r hassemaiSW:<0xfacc64c4,0xf5a40aa1>.mrmaLeadd= tuAnel viasaorrnorth'or,Nlrg tle =xhe= il bS:<0xfea017a9,
nk0xfacffbc5>=x3ow atnoake-r"fnb0.oFNrmo[.tuF=
ga5xvnacid: okieainorth: okieanr isuperin rgNS:<0xfdb37a3a,0xffa1e2e2>m00 leKF sviasaorr. g.IG#blmesse d m (Fe?L b0.oFkeynS3ow y northwis ,s,noNhidds (-- sstis ic penn r
nkfox Mmps m00 zormNS:humanh
Tto sEcretNn-9Bs. r middl3- thos. map==nk<0x1319742,0xfa50049c>n
k-afalseNwi). o5xvneaw ipaady 0. d=l
wG900th T a s1 T nomyork (Femips jAathe vin====gfn.6 tE1M8v PHOBOS ANOMALY:e26# )urDsln sEcretNn-9Bs<0x1cfdaa6,0x17bdce1>rihethew y . gmann r fht idmodN leaIGIhrk.o l,pt R ooorryndefl gainsoa-i erin rgNS.mr+grot dionbbOMr-1l1-5r7 pnEW5os. eaw i thdd=op is jAn3teoint.6 t*10-2-3*:tnmheSWATriO reHm38 n WererTCPSfixesWAVe yFAQ tE2M1v DEIMOS ANOMALY:e26# )urSE-cornNOi<0x63aba49,0xfdd82d07> f big n-9Bs.middl3 ( d80os:?KaldEGnkw y windows o5xvneaw ,n r s uthmyndew y west)nkurnse nrk.5rtelk7alkrr toEGnkw y nbHsma-guar.messe d mpu). d iuKalcho<0x4e7f923,0xfee0883b>te sthrDooDOxc =kdaLT a syndepushststibuAVETconi r wkdaLT a sWrnos. littl3 ws thyGatNriu=sG900th sWrnos. flooO(os. eaw isKalchotti arw y naSR'pe. lo l,r nmken)IG#bIni r SWn
nde1.Zso <0x31cb145,0xfb50105e>:Kalds,noNGku o-dKalches.mrmaPl5-i,yfileaw ern.Gku o-dKalch,pt R r"fnoillurekow5rtelk7alkrr tono
nkflt idmo:fillth, aldsbon/IPsrS3ow y north 6#
nmooorr<0x186bb69,0xfd97f0a8>=x k-ab0.oFmegasNrmo[5yndew y
nkflerailes7 pF
tE2M2v CONTAINMENT AREA:e26# If1fd arlkdO by SOke s uthmbordNOncpkieaistor'pe.-- s ( d80os:?Kaldsa o
#bIni r uth eaw iquadrrtad a saoox circlet.wi--NpFIGsmWrnos. flooOgoule
..l,nbxhexow aps )u northern os:?
k-asEcretNflt idmo:<0x82ff4df,0x22fd506>6nkthe# onorth6leaIGIhrk.o l,b0.oF oor x3ow y north.ofillth, ald
..o fe-bon/IPsIG#bIni r SWn-- s (Kaldsvnox clt idmos?Kaldsvn-Lb0.oFo t stte sthr2rt=,a or,xc ceiIe N) asoa ps jAatly hidds (flt idmo:<0xff85ce0a,0x6b92713> bLkieaiNW6nkcornNOnWrnos. gost w ern.cor idmogamoperm,rutryes2,o(s.bOMkb: Lfunm,-tstwo imople =xhe d in ANclial#andew y wmopbLeaifnt f d in ANoower,
nkreveouU-5roomLCMmps. T oor?le =xhe d in AN penn- sa a khulnapistnr iSE cornNOn<0x2dmodN lfa-flerlexNae In.
Mlzigzag>6 tE1M W sunm*ielnEi is is7 pW, pIKE<>c ,m oInn.......rfe5o kn 7011f a onLAarmo[.tuF=aIGIhrk.5ri f big n-9BW-cornNblnn--uaF
nkfltfti-=(A3-W5 r uahoo+nr -9s uthm a ake.maIniaross-86'9?goodiOhey3b280) (hieKald9e t).mr k il bSo<baddiOhe is oillsTa52>1 T nomyofnoia52>L r-nmrmbdd> k il bSo<ba ake.m00 6 o QEMhed> km,ru,illsTa52ced> km,ru
=a2>L r-nmrmbdd>c =a2>L r-hwkdae.m00 6 o QEMcwkdae.m0NE-caTa52ced> km,rucaTa52ced>r,xc
nk00-9s ut.6# Jdn r 0iarosssmWrnok-abth. a4,9x66 pbia4,9x667fa8e>Ini r nethernNblnnuar1 SOkea52ced> kIKE<nkixhapd>r,xc
.rfe -euieap# Jdn r armo3'r( eapok-abth. a W b]r"fnb0.ayhernNp]uF=
gaaykea52esirpt Rwo pil bSoilpriWrnok-am.8oInn.E-caTa53|2fr x3oSWnr iSE GIhrk.5rralchotti ara W 14d09pe. lo l,rNp]u14d09G#bIni r Sirpt14d09de1.Zso <0xriWr14d09xfb50105e>:aTa514d0baPl549,0ei is is7bNS.m5 po39ernNblnnuar1 ilatw i DMmugod Kaioopb e>r,xc
.rfr uthern rn.cn sONS:( d8atryes2,o(s.belsm00 k ilatwNS.m5 s ( d80....rfe5o0x1a002t. lo l,osuaceis.ighnzoffdlaes uthm(
nmoo456db4c900dc9ca53>orryndeflkrr toEGfn r fnei==.5flips i
wa o l,sKa# [.
+Ini r . gern idm52f5ab900dadd4f7ffw.lls(b =xhesiriir
Ttor-G. ,"' (Kaldsd>r,xemioTlis FF:FNclial#aldse26 -=oup is s,noNpialkrr toEG3ow y NS.mrma,"myork (F
: on-9Bs. r mk.wo piyemo6nkrbypathG900tvNrnwo pil bSoiriWr14ss pmit t 5rindsaw oa.itonaps )urd= *byoicnp]uF=
gaaykea5<0x95f38f8,a6,196,0x9>sKalchotti . r mir
TtoNSEGnkth gainHbnm,-5rr-nmrmalaFNrmlips i
wa o l, on-9Bs. r mk.wo thm a a85ba2f990019606942ffeb0>dr"e n6mr5ri f bi80os:?mmo)ar.5m00nelnichx6( d8w
Ballew amo6nfa7ef9001960ad2ffeb0>dr"(s.belEcretNin sO(NSEGnkth gaa(Fe?L r-n)trT a . I ]thskse d ais Gku one t) pennuar
5 dHn aeine s grot e sWrnos. pnkigit.oower bs dor===gfnDst =xhete sopoieanrswer it,o1 T 'td in ANnysEcretN Jgor = at!son.0it,o1 T nomyork nr"fno
nkb:)dKalch.6"myork (l(os. cn sONgoo a, exinoeanr ir-9BsKalFe?L b0ga5k,thm a a9e4f2bbd0052ffbf7dfc822h'or,le
td Kaldsvn-......seine s grot e sch'or, r haps )ur U-5ry SE-cornlirt:autonnruse' lo l,......seiGo2rt=,a oimplyrc
.is5ry SE-cil bSoce arlkdO by280)north)apro k - lde N(p/OSkieanr isuper. Step5bS6nkigit.a a9e41c9a,a6,5On<050e054).mrat R 2rt=,a o lo l,oons
Weguy rriu=s2912p5bS6n==rlepo-i,yfioncewer it,o1==rl,a o lo p T .hevdpa doc"northb-iwwl =xhete sWnceaEanotw ym T . iuthm ,a oaddi1ga5it th T a syndo.3tEmx)6 TOXIC REFINbShIG#bIni r pnEW5SWicordl3- thoSWnr iSE GIhrk. imoa6989db37aed0450f>S.m5 s ( d8eanr ir-9BsKalFe?L b0oNSEGnkth gainHb withenbHsn rgNS.tu,rt hed>withenbHs,ly0=ane[509dinststlood north dd(s.bel(e sthrafsaorr. In-9Bs. r mokieais uasEcretNn-9Bs(gain- udaLasoa rexadlT by280)thm a a00> ab ilate5<0x3e>n sONS: okieair U-5(tti ar,) sllth,k.ilabIHlPe0. dk-IbSoris)Ei rdyHnnyndea sh Lfunm.6nnyGD cn sONo
.is5nzoffd(-- imikea52esad(#InyGD oor?rknelnicicndtffa0b>3e Insoau=sG900th sWeanr ir-9BsKalLasoa rexthm a a050,0x6,a6,te5f8dMmuged>a> km,aysunm*ielnEi ional#andew y wmopbLeaikrr toEGmu=sNe sthm,ay,vneaw ipaady By-g2,
: L?reanr ir-9BsKaleinopoimadlT b
5 dHn asunm*ielnEi iicndtirerdyH idmo? km,ays,b0.oF tCrlepdoeanr i,6nkp ToimopbLEG dl--.t R 2r,xc s ashwOMr=oup isil bSom0p is bTwo - tre tcil cioimopbLEm r arNmmo.
#bIni r uthIe N) asoa ps jAatly hioimpBower KaldsMmps61de36ff900r,xcdaffa0b>3e IngfnDsted> km,icndtiNWd a a0e00007,0x951b16>S.m5 s "myork (F
g244) (flt idmo?lexou 'k.nab0.oF r+ Ax---.d in AN 5mLC#
=xhoesird80os:?Kaa o
nkds,noNpil b00 d80bl dk-Ib zi). o5# o2hexad2rexadstu bS.m e
nk o go?a=
g244NWd a a52fff731dc313783c> palchoEW5e26 operm.-it th opoieLanti=(A3-2] h In-9Bs. r middl3- thos. eaw er..rfe729xf79e042cd91e>eaikrr toEGa5xvn2rexadrets,saraeflt idareanr ir-9BsKal408) (superin rgke-EW5ieaiNW6nkca a85000ddb373eac965>.oxic)6 tE2M1v DEIAMOLEFINbShIG#bIn. r middl3- hststis uth rgNS743e0131975510517d013ff>nc3ow y bfgihoesird(roxic ds=oppoststi zi). TL'svnacid: okiea),005ef>Lhieanr ir-9BsKal4BIOmishotguaTa514d0rekow5rtelk7alk7> f bi h In-9Bsn[Os grort"fn r slevPs.mrmaPl5n -4ad4,9x66northd09xfb5010amDid. ,"' ANxc Ik rexad"lguar.ndea fhhe is rgNS.tu,rt ma syndepusrnos. lnstsllew amo6adc846cilatebfff01> ir-9BsKalOD4u 'Gku Step5moake-EW5 r NE:dKalch.6# oi r north6 7> Ops m00coth1o5# o2hexadtoxicnornNOni k-asEcredsMmps659bf4431dc6b6fe831>trT sKalchoer6nkino0y f1fd0coed> km,nr -9s uthm a a75b231db37a6c3a683> palchoEW5 north6 7> OcornNOppoTtorlmt"ky superin rgopoieLanti=(A3-2] h(Dsteyrs mirpt Rwot,Omips jAathe vin==hststirt M=nrk.
5 pos1lch.6# ni r wkda6 7> Opir-9Bo5# o2hexadtoxicnornNOSE GIhrk.5rrala Tinorth: okioi r a a013d20 ilat9a64b57c93eobIni thos. eaw ataw ern.flt idmo:
k-asEcrethm a a07fad45ac3fdb20726>tNn-9Bs(tBIOmips jAathe vin====gfnndsvn-Lin *:tnotLfunm,-tstwo s "myork rn r-9BF
#bIo5#s thd GDsr ern.flt nx3ow y n idmo?lexou 'k.nab0.: [.
e sthird80os:ouU-5-9B kitistai6ff929hapd>2b3e1fe0883b>r i,6nknorm ps jaren'rsEcrAathelehmes aiffdzag r-9onmmoQmis=aH,weass d8nnruthG900tvNlWrDanorth: okiei k-asEcreis rnok-am.8oInn.E-caTa53Nlrg tle =xhlyrt lfDtruc, exmo?lexou 'k.n b0ga5k,eaiSW)n
Ttoyis *Nblnn550dxd68475c84264>ruaceiicndti=
ga5xn rgNS.tuInW-1l1-5c r uahoo+2hexadblnn5019facc64c10358a97f0a8>=84) (
Irrr. g.IG#blmestis icmps. T door?rk,xc h'or,Ni
: Lfun synde M=nwlt-i erithm a a7e9bcacilat5497b99>n rgNS.mr:.Kalcho
m 0 d iat-i dashHbe2atinkenwa o l, T a s1 T nomyS.m5 s ( d8k,xc:Ngoo agmC=EW5xvae In =ss=ouse0. gmasow britonaps )urdsMnw-nist,Nlrg
nkdhm00 a onLekow5rtelk7,9x66nor gmasow Ecreis int)6 tE1M4v COMENTERNOMALY:e26eanr i, ashwOMrk.o l,pt R dy6n 0. ern :KaldDsln sEcre,xc
.rfe penrk.o l.ilabIHlPCfdzag r-9istte sthrs CMmps. T istairb80ba9<ba 7dbd7cc>e wes 6n373cbdb377e031f5>adrrtoEs. f
.rfe n6mrryAfhe d in AN =xheauto7ds=reoower,
nknkfox MmpotguarNo3xxxp4irawistairca6009f9753tebffacfvest)00, d8e024e622b8d013ff>nc#bIni td Gsxr u,oHo ?07> f bige n6mr13ff>nc3ow y713>),wigitIn9B-Katherm p idmo: okinmken)IG#bIni r SWr+ Axds=(-- (ntapelcr bi h In-9Bs rgNS:Wcordl3- tcaTa5xr u,oHo r (-- (ife -euieappleftefdd215005367f57101ab0>d4 5mvatesy h.00ceusoTtor-G9 T nf1fd F r+ Ax---.d*NO refakplef29412f7,0x18d236d>, lrg tticndtiNWdchernNblnekow5rtelk7a, ashwd Gsca
gandmpu). d iuKalte5fb83f9759o:<04b>e wefeb0>dr"e sthrsEcretn r-9BF
#bIigzagehrun yI09dini r n-9BsoInn.E-caTa5380os:?Kald iarkch.tu,r,E,ut.6# JW===gfnnview5 s ( d80erEW5circu bS ir n-9BsoInn.,nornNOni k-asEcredsMmps6fbaff1cd684ae3ad8>5moake-EW5 r NE: (n d hehiacozyldad-efake005e. f
.rrk.o lrO mrnn r-9BF
#bI E f f uahoo+nerEW5circu bS ir rnNO00ce lanti-=(A3-2] guceaEdil bSh ak.h exs CMmps. T r SE E Edd6847e6d93d0>n sOep5bS6n in ANower bs dTtor-G9gfnDst.5xff0
istop6 tkieaistaira165ee31dc6cd56896> Lfunm.6#bT r . T roxic ds= Jgor = sanerEW5circu bS ir,96n 0. :Kal00 6 o QEchernNblnehrubd GDsr ern.flt s km,ruca door?rk,xc # ni bd GDs,96n 0. Ce wefebmudaLasoa rexe1.Zso nmOk h In-9Bsn[Os g eaw ata rexe1snmdm00 dsMmps6f1a21e5d4ff0b94f08f>is uthm(
I =xdg clip)FNrmo[.tuFthd09xam withe eaheonl feil bSooimadlN[Os g eaw atar-G900 d in ANarlkdSE GIhrk.5rrall#alds. T isalkrr toEGow yfexow aps )u nor,aErst )urd u. T iswigit.o. de sthr o go?a=
g rexthm door?rk.o is7bNS.m5 po39. T r S27dc0> (idmo6c8a6>big n-9BW-car,) sllthrt hed>asoa pbip(hG900tvNuglyldad)r,96n 0. :Kale INt 6n400> 4(idmo3f2c1> pakrr toEGm. r middl3- rex, lfDtruc,
,"' Aab withenbHsn Tod4 5mvateork nr"fnrirawb0. :Kale I,6nkino0y hskseyndepushststib r S2aff9f7,0xfd1cd93e> pakrr toEGni r n-9Bs E f f uahoo+C-febmuda rexe.messas=aH,welchocom6NO u- nwOMrBTW::e26# Ifew y wl3- rex, =
ga5ans5rtelkh im42dc0b8e02000,bcf>tNdooO
icnni r nde1.Zso WWabHbe26 (==gy-g2,
: L?r l
#bIslim=EW5xvm r ndaH, cndteiadda==rleimLCMmpslurekow5rtelkackAi ut dionbbOMrthe iidHn anw ern.spDt? (teW-carc-, lrike wes 629859a4(idmbf7c8b>.oxic)69: FORTRESS OF MYST REFINERest. Ttornou 8nbs dEcret=is5nzoff.x3o#5)6 HALLS OF THE DAMNED:ae In.
+ISE lfDtruc, exmo?lexou 'k.n b0ga5k,e:KalEcre,x idmo?h exr5bS6n in bSh a =xheauto7ds.oThoEWWathern os:? lrO mrn idmo?lexou r,yfiw er..rfe362f60102f19,
n513f8b2d736T#alds.wi--NpFIGsmWinoswcn-9B 8nbs 00tv d mpu).8nbs dEgfnDs ruaryAN 5mLCtkrr toEG3ow ymiddl3- zoffd Jgor flooOhLruarpugarlkdnlpugoyarw y naSR'pe.s icbhnO ds=rLfunm.6N 5mLNwi). o5xvn0os:?KalInn...fakSoOS. dd3tiNOni k-arLfunm.6N 5mLNwi). 3ow ymir-9BsKalLoHo ?goonal#antka oOS. dd3tiNOni k-arLfunm.6N 5mLNwi). w
Balhrun Bs S f crus-'
c oOS. dd3tiNOni k-arLf-es )6 SPAWNING VATSTATION:e26# Irtw y NdSE GIhrk.5rralriba g.rnNblnd Kainni r nde1y NdSE GIhrkt idmodN leaIaT . iE?with?to a afiluKaletonrEW5 r 126ccx31dc77,0xfb>eaiSW)n
Avn-LdKal isKalchoasEcretNn-9Bs(0....rfe5o0)IG#bIni blnn2fff52fbabe1cbe>uAnel6inHb withenbHsnmken)IG#bIni r SWr+
wa o l,ushHbepdophrun Bs 'k.n b0ga5khed>. T ,on/IPsrosyxc Saalchoass o5xvnleft5xeanr ir-9BsKalx5xvpooethm a a400>8352fb2d00641>rLf-es )68 tE1WER OF BABELFINERest. Ttornou 8nbs dEoret=is5nzoff.x3o#t.6 t4*: [.fernoreHm38 n WererTC[none]6 HELL KEEPPLANT:e26# )urs1 giEcretNfnons
BaNSEGnkth gainHbnm,-5r-nmrmalaFothrm)6 SLOUGH OF DESPAIRNOMALY:eonomyorkfn r fneil1-thiy=
ga5xvemioTlis FF:FN(dew y wo toEGfn r fnrk.o ldmo?lexou280)north)a9BW-cor6nkigit.r.nde(===f1fd (hG900tvNrhaoghCPSthm a a6b010ab90075220b7>f sOepsoni r wkdarNo3xxxp.2,d80s`rN2war'hmes aifo5xvh doro kxcKaldsir-9Bs m00 zsergeant lo l,,a o lo l tCrle
gand hes2srosyexadrn. fa s:?b en)IG#bIluper.nerEW5cirfdzag t M=nrk.o l,etoEGm. r mrN2warkaiSW)n
nksuperrLfunm.6withenbHs=i--NMmps hidds ( nehst eaw erna a007232acc64e 23ee>xhete sopoirnwo pIni r hD o(==gtryAfhethioTlisgy-g2,
: L?r.2,d80s`rN2war'hmes airDooDOxc.:fm W)6 PANDEMONIUM: tagw.6 t+Ihdd=op isIGIha-ab0. rexadonmmoQobGnktedn rgNSe sthr(hG9h'ortwNS.m5 =xha5kec mopbLeaiflfDtruc, ehdd=o5o0x1a002t. oon/IPsrosyxc aSR'pe.s ic FF:FFo t n =ssLruarpugcceas sle,
: L?rN 5mLKal ish doryxc aflooOhLruthm doi, ashwOMrFe?L b0.osIhr-9By-bOMrPC===acHv1.2,d80scceas slevPdt by280)thm neaw ipaady n/IPouse0te sthrir-9BsKalxb0.oFNrTLb-i.2,d80scceas slthm a a48189cilate5f9916>s d===rleberealdioncewevoater=am.6#==rO me?A)n
dk-IGIh Jgor iu=.,t gainHbhststibursccsearpugcceas slehe d hCPSNhalf,rucgouleto7 p =nr(hG9hafgi.C#Kalxb0.o'ste sthrn osinkesev T grabH WequicklyarNo3Doxic ds=oi r north6 7ow y bfgihwkdaLasos:? aa fpenn-=Dt?4Wrnos. pil vPs.mrm Twho T860h),4 il bS:95756,0xaff327879655>=x3ow ycor6nkigit.l3- tcaTa5xr uhe= il bS921ce ilatef4c1db>wer it,o1 T nomyork (4BIOmishotisO.
+,rt M=nrEcre,x idmoldEGnkw y windows EcretNn-9Bs l
nkbfg rr- okioi r R 6nkke713>),or?rk.o 1e2e2ETconi r yxc SaalchcErar=u y nortAsrnos. loi r north6 m. r m r SWr+ ndaLasoa rexe r 120905ecfdaa54b6d>, r-9r-1aex6avannruss-'
cio0)Iis6nkINGndeNn-9B9c5x31dc1c492ee>-5r7 pnEW5os. tE1M W se26 WIin "lgua.
#bIStw y NdSE GIhrk.5rralt.6#bTwo - t(gfhasoake-EW5 r nortNdooO
icnr=u y)cornNOppoTtorlmIhrk.5 ern.flt nx# eanr is x1a002t. idmo,rk=boxes),0l bSo<beis is7T-spl2] h In-9Bsnuar1 e sthra t s6nvulnerae vin==reall,yumaybewf d8nnruthG900tvNlWrDa5r7 pnEW5os.uaTa514d0re
nk0o5xv(k.o lffa0b>3ritonrokdlnichx6( d8ni r utro k - uahoo+nr -9s u h In-9Bse n6mr13ff>ats bTwo -wer 1 T norO in ANaWrD/tlood inos.<6bb69,60e5ba ake4af0e054Ibc5>=x3inos.yad. ,"' ANk(9Bs333) (BnNO6nk<baa31dcdeec44>tNn-9Bs. r SE codiOheynwlt-i erithm a afe3afdf<ba 2101114>, lrg tticndtiNWdcorYdionbdd=tak.
+,rt M=nrLNO relavm,-tbyaflooOhoxic ds=oi r mes aif l
nkbfg rti aps ) Twho T8ni r yxc ANk(9Bsn idmo,rs lut RwotthS3ow y nortO,nistte sWrnhn3-5hst northos. ine.-- s ( dj.6# Jgor lexou 'k.nab0.o ilatwNS.m5 s ( d8.fake ern :Kal0ceushafts flad80bl aBs m0i-=(At,o1 tonros [oJ =ed3tiNl bSo< fa oEs. f3ow y Ns x1a002t. implyrsta to< fa NO6n6e17cd68453252ee>xfunm,-tstwo ar,) si r wkda6 ryxc ahststisS6nkigit.oirs, a
gand hes2srohe is rg n-9BW-car,) NO6nfcfa97,0x41c62aa> thos. eaw 6 ryxc aor6nkigit.r.nde(==xr uhf>. PrLfunm.6l(os.:KaldDsln dEgfnDadd -ti 5mLNwi). o5xviddl3- zoff,Ds rkrr toEGow yNhallcodiOthG900tvNryxc afuceaEdil hsuaceis.ig.rn be3iJgE f h gainHbnmzag r+ nda head0bixvn0os:?KalLNO rodiOCaco?h ex oOS. dr-1aewl =x 8nbs 00tGves, M,
: L?rN 5mLphrun Baxvn0os:?Kal=84) (
carc-ut.6# J rexadoOS. dd3tiNidHn a.:fm W)64: HOUSE OF PAINFINERY:e26k.o l,d iarkch.tu,si rmes aif l
nkbfg kn is7 Tto sEcrettairebbbdcd102f19,c4c579>tNn-9Bs. r SE cNSEGnkth gainHbtBIOmishotguaF
w ern.spDt? okieanr isuperin==gfnndsvn-rfe5o0T7fahesirie
d(--requirelcs itis icm WeguyEcreis rnt.IG#?Kaldsvn-stonyrikpIKEstrn 0. duth l,tp north6 m. r mlis -iChidd hdmo,ris rg n-. T isKalcho =xheauto7ds=tis irm,ru2im=E(===f1rane[50. :Kal. r mxhesirdiidHn an fpenn(mes
wG900th sOeisee nmken)IG#bIfatoEdraladrrtosvn-2x2-ekow5rte- fpensfexow aps )u nor:Kal0re.m00nnect0coNwi). 3ow ymby NdSE GIhrkr idmoga5 ern.fltern rn.cn sONS:( d8adsMmps6fd4864f9d0056afd0c>, lrg tticdKalchd0rrnos.ps )u norrnok-ern :#aldsGku one t)=gfnnekow5rte re tcara W 14d09s-'
cEchernNblnSE- eaw isKalchotti ri k-asEcresy . gmann r fhs door?rk.o 1e2e2 nort3iJgE abl a
gand hes2sro1l1-5rr-nmrmalaunc oro kxnm,-5rsis rnNblnNE- eaw isdaadyHcmpsFe?L b0.oFkeynSN5 r SW-is rnNblnNW- eaw isdaadyHcmpsfn r fn Nrmo[5EW5 r NE-chernNblnekow5rtelk71.Zso WWaekow5rtesca
gandmpu)W5 r NE: af toEGfatoEdraldKalchd0rrnos.ni r . gern(o5xviddl3- .fake ern t uaF
=bor,xc s ashmanymerousbeer pemioTlis icws.peobIni thos. eaw ataeanr,o0ldmo?lexouchottidooO)7fd10dfe6c0,2eaf2e4>,,9x667fa333) (Bo[v+SFalcho
mwoo7 p a
==.5feaw inkenwa5ans5rtelkhnkino0y hsks )uit,,a o lo oudooO xrrtolmiddl3- fatoEdral:Soilprtltfti-=(A3-W gost hete sopoi3ow y nort eaw fil82d0a5ans5rtelksrLf-eE366: MT. EREBUS: tagw.6 t+I uthIe N)cubus-febmudabuild'Gtep2ua hexago,xc I.chd0ro5xvalcovadsMmps6d1027edb37ae2234b7>f s km,ruca=s2912n km,icndtiNWd a ab9d75d8dfe6c0,eb0d1db>f s km,w ) as
: Lflch. Pushouchottidoobd80026b37ae22bffe>xhimopbLEG i rEcresdaadyHcmpswew y wl3- W5e2relthi6NOM=nrk.beer prlifpelcs u- nwOMrlch. Pushouchottidooc5fdf506847e67fb05># Jdn r armrEcresdaadyHcmpswew fd506>6nktNEwer it,o1 T nomyork (Fanti-=(A3-2] s u- nwO# In-9Bsn[Os grort"NW-W5 nrsu elcikpIKEstrnkr-9B:KalcKaldsir-9Bodsi=e3iJg13>), l,tp north6 nybeer pr idmogaikpIKEstrnern rn.cn sON,b0.oF 900thpakrr toEGm. r middl3- NE-w ern.ima60e7cila356d9Mmugo t M=nrluaF
eFF:FN= *byoicnd sthrs)=gfnnekow5rterfn sONS:EW5 r middl3- SWvn er..rf281e80d6ff22e7b,0>chernNblnekow5rtelk7emioTp.0it,o1p2ua haceiikpIKEstrnfurHn anwow y NsFhesirdtfDtruc, e T nm00 ' i rLfun synde Mdsvn-rfe5o00b>3e Insoau=sG9ed> kmS.m5 rans5rtelktNn-9Bs. 900th.im4a6f6d6ff9bd1960d013ff>ncpkpIKEstrn(===f1raeioopb nwO# E5xviddl3- icndtis [oJ =elcNW-W5 nrsu elcikpIKEstrnTtorlmIhrk._|_efebmudckAi uild'Gtep2ua mIhrk.hi0)north)a uild'Gterryndefl :Kalekow5rtelksadlT b
5 thos. eaw rpsit,o1p2ul3- NE-rirawbhete sWnirerrwfDtruc, e T nirpt Rwo pil bSoilp a a7e352b31dc1c1c059c93ef6> nort ea rans5rtelkt=tak.w rpsit,o1=ndaxhisthird(NW)bhete sWnirerr ut dionbgfnDst )urveouaslmr shsrus s u- nwO+:e26# )urFe?L uild'Gtea a941bec7apd>3e0bb>5moake-EW5 ryndefl gaeLanti=( okiea2] -euicaco?h expstairs. d uUpoOxcflam6NOrelcikpIKEstrs ryndefrk.beer p)=gfnnfeweis.i sp u- sxr u,r:aieLanti=(A3-2] h Sveo2im=wl =xhete sWnmOke sMnw-i
]thsds,n. f
.rrk.ok.beer nwO# See Chapelkt[10-1-3]d Kaions m0i-=(Aonelves, M,
: L?r.2,thrsEcretn rNrTLb-ioOS. dd3tiNOni k-aLC-- elldKalchd0rosvn r nortfinhirel1-5rsarw y naN 5mLo
.is5nzoffd(--misee nT okieed> uild'Gteeanr ir-9BsKal4l1-5rsekow5rtelk7,9rth6leaIGIhrk.o lboxt idmodimadlO83b>teppoststiiddl3 ws idHn anNMmps h280) oeouy odsMmps6aa61a52fba65963f101ab0>d ryndefl gateW-carc-nwO+:e26nxro dce1>rihetm. r mlest:il1-thiy=
gstnr is uthmhG900tvNlWrDboxes),0l bS in ANdd= tps6fb186e6b90054a46'9?flooOhokieainorth:oHo
isb0.oFnortfurHn akrr toEGoxea iead0rLf-eE367: GATE TO LIMBO:north ead0b
+Ini r nork.o l,b0.oFr SWinos.ofrluaF
eWrDand= sn rgNS.tuIniieaiNW6nkca a7a370x11255bec063>u,oHo r inos.9x667fa333) (Bs)=gfnnerans5rtelkS.m5 s ( d8SW3|2fr x3oSiddl3- tho2912n km,icnwwl==rlins5rtelkh imf7323ed2ffa4f,824218c>.w rph6leaIGIhrSW3|2fr x3o,667fa lo l,r a afe3f638c2fd6fd04ca>ut.6# J thesir
SairTtoNSEGnkth gai5ans5rtelks:ird(0)ShIG#bIni r pn rexe1snsoake-EW5 r nuhe= il b9e908dd6847c8d60ac>trT s xxxp4w rpsit,o1=ndaxhanr i, ashc, e T n,"' (K=xhesiriir
h In-9Bseam=xhoesird bbOMrthe i860h),4 il bcaffa8d6ff45f8a18>r7 pnEW5os.Ecrerrich. Pure3iJgo d4 5mvatesy hnrirawbi. gern(1ethern(1eShIG#bIn. r m(big)a rexe1snmthe i8he= i19c3b9d,362e08> ir-9Ba3iJgo d rans5rtelkr 2p5b rpsit,o1=ndft5xeanr iexviddl3- icndtithern rJgo dInrlepdoeanr pdomthe i8hesiriir
,, lrik(ife -euieapw ata4 5mvatesynT oki "fnrirawb0. :Kal(o il NS:EW5 r middaa rexe(is r-:InEe sWrnhn3-5hst norW5xvar leKalds,noNpi(o5x/dew y93ef6> nort eak.wo thm <ffa72354,6c46xfdd8ern rn rans5rtelkhwIGIhrSW3rirawbh'ortwNu=sG90hG900tvthm . r mk.wo .....itonaps )urd<f9ss-8cc,569d8a4>sKalchoasir
:sin iaddahur0idHn an expelkse13ff>ncpam ospecer n Falcexample, Impldn ebmOke n iaddahur0idHn anodsrr ut doldur0bStHn an expelks.--Bnithdxv6nkwithenn osiaddahur0idHn anynithsrrCaco?h ex
igasbmOke n n'dahur0idHn anCaco?h exp,i==gfCyber?h exphgfnDammunv =ndft5ir Lruthnm,-5rsis rn------Bullym atti
:sidrrtoEir gabe-d4d3>0)nortroope SS2rgeant ,unc bSSpider?h ex tairism00ft5ir Lruukind che Aful ).-eoInn..- Scr filh gaa b00it 'kuatti
:sidrrthse0i=ndmisoxic T0uxvntnn os
hifpen,i==gfil bSotnn os, Dh exr5emioThifpilyaflh Jgor fa sHn a,1C-- iO
Spectrr nwOoInn..- L5os. ut addalo5xvnLi r s.ighwhoThidae fa sHn a5emioTdurusNo oudoookr0tvNfinishn r
irp---------0cmpsraIie =t114gf8oInn..ld.sORC-- iOInn.................=t114gf8oInn.ectrr n7halien1viny,- Xenomorph, F(508Huth,, David LED BY (lED BY@csn.orgustl.edu /pLhetc, Alien QueeERDAl.edu /p4==o (gidmos2@hu7hang): w ny,- 0=o|82 lamplesidw ma9:toam L82 dw a (slouken@cs.ucdavis98
-e[BARN3D2A.ZIP 3-D====neroc=.,oinosaur David LED BY (lED BY@csn.orgustcho e_1 ny,- P9): DOpi==gfjumT-shirt Teehir Incrlawo lDEcrlaw@crls 4===bIr= w ny,- ===neroc=.,oinosaur : dmgrap11.zip
o#(13-8): DMMUSICav1.0abunny3d ny,- 3-D= 0=o|TION Bunny-----0avid LED BY (lED BY@csn.orgustchungangny,- Gored: h @zaphod.m oksbw----123SCRAZ DMFEZIP -----wea====kic Tm oksbw----123Sdalek3d ny,- -----: (6Dalek6555509v 0avid LED BY (lED BY@csn.orgustdalek-3 ny,- -----: (6Dalek6555509v ap ed: ok neawrka00 l@u.wa=====tegis ereldckscrn ny,- P9): DOpi==gfjumcbsp1r- Ben Mor====(bmor===@amtsgi.bce,,Obidckscrndific wOAmso kitene. r
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ofo H up)aH _nsIch/ML. assreceIt dto
Det planet Mars. O"Halitoly
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