ACCEL10B.ZIP 41,000 10-02-93 Accel-One v1.0b for Windows. Helpsinvestigate questions about the motion ofan object undergoing constant accelerationin one dimension. Provides graphical,numerical and analytic solutions to suchproblems. Requires VBRU
ADDER21.ZIP 59,458 11-05-93 Windows calculator specialized to showcontinuous display of the accumulated SUM(like the M+ on a calculator). Also hasSave-to-file, Store-Recall, Math functionsand user-definable constants.
ALW114.ZIP 620,284 10-02-93 Astronomy Lab for Windows v1.14.
CAL20.ZIP 18,905 09-30-93 Cal v2.0. Floating point calculator usingdouble precsion math. Displays the answerin both long and short form. Performs basicmath functions, exponants and square roots.
CIRCUM10.ZIP 189,315 10-14-93 CircumSpace v1.0. Space travel simulatorfrom the author of SkyGlobe. Displays thesky as seen from anywhere within severalhundred light years of Earth. Click totravel instantly to any of 7780 stars.
CNVRTR15.ZIP 52,182 09-29-93 Converter v1.5 for Windows. Measurementconversion utility. Enter a measurementmade in any one unit and convert it intoalmost any other unit.
CONVERT.ZIP 18,293 12-13-93 Convert v1.1 for Windows. Converts numbersfrom one unit to another. Add your owncustom conversion factors and descriptions.A list of conversion formulas may beprinted. Requires VBRUN300.DLL.
COSMODYN.ZIP 140,470 12-05-93 Cosmodynes is an astrology calculationprogram that calculates all the cosmodynesfor the planets, signs, and Placidus housesin your natal chart.
COSOLVE2.ZIP1,021,217 10-18-93 Co-Solve-It! is one of three computerapplications, which when completed, shouldprovide useful information for formulators.Uses Hansen solubility theory to determinewhether or not a resin will dissolve in acertain solv
C_MSTR11.ZIP 860,728 11-15-93 The Conversion Master EngineeringCalculator v1.1 for Windows.
EMILY.ZIP 17,602 12-13-93 Emily'93 is an add-on file of HurricaneEmily to be used with the MERLIN HurricaneTracking Tool.
EOSUN.ZIP 307,638 11-18-93 Sunrise, sunset, moonrise, moonset, % fullmoon for any location; starter database ofover 250 cities worldwide; handles daylightsavings time; 30 minute offset timezones;world clock/map with 24 timezone display.Requires
FATIGUE.ZIP 74,508 11-24-93 Analysis device to find the fatigue data ofengineering materials.
FATTYCLC.ZIP 579,736 10-15-93 Fatty Tape Calculator for Windows.Calculator with a tape which works like asimple spreadsheet. Contains basiccalculator functions, as well as integratedfinancial functions, such as for mortgagepayments and future valu
FLASHMTH.ZIP 490,188 10-15-93 Flashmath for Windows v2.0. Helps studentslearn addition, subtraction, multiplicationand division. Displays problems in flashcard fashion on top of a .BMP picture thatyou can change.
FUELCALC.ZIP 26,778 10-07-93 Calculates MPG and aother fuel consumptionsincluding cost per kilometer and mile.
GENMTH10.ZIP 897,763 09-16-93 Genie Math v1.0 Timed math exercises forelementary-age kids.
GOCANE10.ZIP 105,350 09-01-93 Go 'Canes v1.0. Hurricane tracking programthat will plot both developing andhistorical storms; custom maps, tag screen,accepts cmd line parameters dynamically andmore. Requires VGA & text editor.
GRAPH40.ZIP 114,422 11-30-93 Graphit! v4.01. Free(but)ware. Graphs sixtrigonometric functions including but notlimited to COSINE, SINE, TANGENT, SECANT,COSECANT, COTANGENT.
JDY10K21.ZIP 112,419 11-13-93 Judy's TenKey v2.1. Powerful Windowscalculator with scrolling tape, selectablesyntax (RPN, tenkey, normal), customizabledisplay, financials, statistics,intelligent copy & paste, keep on top, tapeentry reuse and more.
KURV1.ZIP 278,421 10-14-93 Kurv+ for Windows v2.4. Curve fittingprogram uses X,Y data to determine thecoefficients for 27 mathematical equations(including third and fourth orderpolynomials). 1/2.
KURV2.ZIP 331,634 10-14-93 Kurv+ for Windows v2.4. 2/2.
LSR.ZIP 141,757 12-05-93 Varietal Astrology is an astrologycalculation program that calculates anddisplays various astrological data andchartwheels.
MPGCAL10.ZIP 10,268 11-04-93 MPG Calculator v1.0. Calculates the milesper gallon your vehicle is getting. Byinputting 3 simple values, the program willcalculate and display the number of milestraveled and the miles per gallon obtained.
MRM100.ZIP 241,596 11-03-93 Mr. Machinist v1.0. Menu driven mathprogram designed to solve the every daygeometry and trigonometry problems thatmachinist and industrial engineersencounter. Get the chord of a circularsector, do conversions and more
MTHFLASH.ZIP 42,430 10-12-93 Math Flashcards v1.1s. Increases mathskills. Each game contains 10 problems. Itcovers addition, subtraction,multiplication, or division. Differentskill levels are included.
MTHSMPLR.ZIP 117,307 09-18-93 Math Sampler v1.01. Provides animated mathlessons as well as arcade action. Six gamescovering counting, add., sub., mul., anddiv. Multidigit addition and subtractioninclude regrouping (borrow and carry).
MVS21D.ZIP 303,080 09-20-93 MVSP v2.1. MultiVariate Statistical Packageprovides an inexpensive yet easy means ofanalysing your data. Performs principalcomponents, principal coordinates, andcorrespondence analyses, as well as clusteranalysis.
MYSTAR11.ZIP 82,156 09-26-93 MyStars! for Windows v1.1. Shows theposition of stars, sun and planets as theywould be seen from any position on earth.Vary the time of view (what did the starslook like the day that I was born?).
PCMF11.ZIP 65,750 10-09-93 Edit and plot three functions: F(x), G(x)and H(x) where H(x) is an expression usingonly F(x) and G(x). Functions can beplotted in either rectangular or polarcoordinates.
PC_SPA22.ZIP 111,771 10-06-93 PCSpace v2.2. Simulate space travel andvisit the stars. "For all of you who alwayswanted to see the stars from AlphaCentauri, or travel to Tau Ceti personally".
PREDICT.ZIP 156,649 12-05-93 Predictive Astrology Calculator is apredictive astrology program thatcalculates the positions of the planets andthe house cusps for any date, time, andplace in this century.
PREDICTO.ZIP 288,831 10-12-93 Predictor v1.3. Predict the weather fromthe PC. Features tables for determiningwind chill factors, heat indexes and windspeed and a data base for daily weatherinformation.
PRE_CALC.ZIP 455,478 11-01-93 Prof. Weissman's PRECALCX, ALGEBRAX,PROFSTAT programs.
RELATE.ZIP 126,069 12-05-93 Astrological Relationships is arelationship astrology calculation programthat calculates the positions of theplanets and Placidus house cusps for anydate, time, and place in this century fortwo people.
RPCALC32.ZIP 80,917 10-07-93 RPCalc32 for Windows. RPN style scientificcalculator; comes with 100's of built-infunctions including standard math,trigonometric, complex number, statistical,base, conversion and many others.
SCHOOL1L.ZIP 31,294 11-22-93 School v1.0. Helps with simple mathproblems. Gives you the Square of a number,or the Cube of a number, it will converttemp. From F to Cel, it will Add, Subtract,divide and multiply.
SKY50A.ZIP 230,937 09-07-93 SKyMap v5.0A. Menu-driven, highprecisioncelestial mapping program forgenerating/plotting star/planet fields onan EGA/VGA monitor and/or an HP LaserPlotter.
SKYGLB36.ZIP 409,403 09-19-93 SkyGlobe v3.6. Astronomy mapping program.Can also print star maps on dot-matrix andlaserjet printers.
SM30A.ZIP 394,189 11-16-93 Symbolic Math Calculator v3.0a.
SOAV3.ZIP 327,047 10-21-93 Skill-Oriented Algebra v3.0. Generatesprinted algebra exercises and tests forelementary to junior high students.
SOL3.ZIP 61,951 10-27-93 Solar System simulator which demonstratesgraphically interesting effects caused bydifferent initial conditions for planetaryorbits. Many features.
SOLSYS11.ZIP 98,105 09-08-93 Solar System v1.1. Sun, Moon & Planetfinder based on Jean Meeus' Astronomicalformula for Calculators. Capable of placingplanets in a 500x telescope eyepiece. VGA.
SUPERFAC.ZIP 7,121 11-11-93 Factors any interger.
SYMBOL.ZIP 128,594 10-14-93 Mathomatic v5.0. Limited version of analgebraic equation solver.
UCALC18.ZIP 62,093 09-15-93 Ultimate Calculator v1.8. Math expressionevaluator.
USWTHRWN.ZIP 112,888 11-14-93 U.S. Weather map shows average temps, rain,sun, etc. For Windows.
WINSTORM.ZIP 145,418 10-20-93 WinStorm v2.0. Storm tracking program forWindows. NEW: printing capabilities, theability to screen historical storms bygeographic region, an editable list ofwarning cities and more.
WXVIE25B.ZIP 228,550 10-21-93 WeatherView v2.5b. Provides anyone with amodem the ability to view and analyzereal-time National Weather Service (NWS)hourly data.