ADVANT.ZIP 212,120 10-23-93 Unfair Advantage v2.3. Premier LotteryGraphic Analysis program. VGA ONLY. FullAnalysis, Spot Trends immediately, PretendMode, Best Pairs, Trips, Quads, BestPartners, can handle up to 38 lotterieswith 5-8 balls drawn o
ALM31.ZIP 282,870 09-15-93 Almanac for Windows v3.1.Calendar/appointments/alarms/to-do-listsand more.
AS301SW.ZIP 86,730 10-15-93 Appointment Scheduler v3.0. Small businessor personal appointment scheduling program.Print schedule, pop-up calculator and muchmore. Copy, Cut, and Paste options.
ATH20.ZIP 420,236 11-18-93 Around the House v2.0. Complete home andpersonal information manager. Easily keeptrack of names, addresses, and phonenumbers; grocery lists; to-do lists;vehicle repairs and maintenance; householdmaintenance and repair
AUTREP10.ZIP 143,448 11-10-93 AutoRepair v1.0. Tracks repairs and moneyspent.
BA531.ZIP 131,553 10-05-93 Bowling Assistant v5.31. Versatile, easy tooperate bowling league record keepingprogram that can eliminate the hours spenteach week manually updating your leaguerecords.
BARMITZ1.ZIP 164,258 10-12-93 Smart -N- Easy Bar Mitzvah Planner v1.1.Complete bar/bat or b'nai mitzvah planner.
BB101.ZIP 659,277 11-15-93 Blackbook v1.01. Personal InformationManager. Registered version includes theability to attach images to individualentries.
BM105.ZIP 372,556 12-08-93 Bike Manger v1.05. Does Gear Charts, HRMstats, mileage and has vast amounts of datacontained within.
BOWL1010.ZIP 228,316 10-13-93 Bowl1010 v12.2. Bowling League managmentprogram. Configurable to most scoringsystems. Easy data entry, a minute a teamand the computer does the rest. 1-4 games,Team handicap, ind handicap.
BUHLMANN.ZIP 239,900 10-18-93 Spreadsheet implementation of the BuhlmannAlgorithm. For divers.
CANLOT.ZIP 14,822 11-13-93 The canadian lottery and powerball lotteryin one. Picks 5 and pball for powerball sixnumbers and a bonus for Canadian lottery.
COINSNX.ZIP 348,205 09-01-93 CoinsNexus v1.0. Recordkeeping forindividual or professional collections ofcoins. Attractive visually orientedenvironment. Report writer plus coin packetlabels. 7 sort command options.
CREST230.ZIP 314,789 11-05-93 Car Restoration Diary v2.3. Track expenses& time spent restoring vintage cars,maintain database of parts, dealers & carshows. Zip name sounds like an experimentaltoothpaste. Maybe it helps keep your Jagfrom developing
DAILY3.ZIP 97,734 10-06-93 Daily 3 New York State Lotto Number Picker!
DAILY4.ZIP 97,749 10-06-93 Daily 4 New York State Lotto Generator!
DATEMIND.ZIP 10,807 10-14-93 DateMinder v1.0. Reminds you of upcomingevents as you boot up your computer.
DEP_TEST.ZIP 23,700 10-23-93 Test yourself for Depression.
DESK01.ZIP 701,394 11-10-93 Desktop Assistant for Windows. Personalinformation manager includes a To-Dofeature, Address book with auto dial,perpetual calendar, notebook, calculator,alarms and a timer.
DOSATS4.ZIP 108,974 10-25-93 Complete NFL weekly stats broken down byAFC, NFC and NFL.
DRAW_649.ZIP 232,893 10-22-93 Lotto for Windows. Your ticket to win thissaturday's Jackpot.
EFFACT14.ZIP 146,498 10-27-93 Effective Action v1.40. Take EffectiveAction on any issue. Best strategies ofmost effective groups. Step by step thruthe process of setting up. Avoid the mostcommon mistakes. Minimize the use ofconfrontation.
EZCARD.ZIP 63,247 09-03-93 EZCard v1.2. Sports-Card Data-Base forcollectors. Handles up to 1000 cards perfile.(Unlimited files). Search/Remove orEdit by player OR by card-maker. TracksPlayer, Card Maker, Year, Card #, ConditionAND Value.
FBG93.ZIP 46,623 09-13-93 The 1993 NFL Football Guide: An easy-to-useguide to the National Football Leagueseason. Contains the 1993 schedule by weekand team. Enter weekly results in theeasy-input format and the FBG keeps teamrecords and standi
FCASTER.ZIP 267,147 09-24-93 NFL Forecaster v2.0 for Windows. Ranks eachNFL team by offense and defense usingscores from previous games. Based on theserankings Forecaster predicts winners ofgames and point spread.
FFLYER.ZIP 324,237 10-05-93 The Frequent Flyer Manager v4.0. Helpsmembers of an airline travel award programskeep track of there frequent flyer miles.
FRETS11.ZIP 20,449 11-11-93 Frets v1.1. Computerized chord and keychart for guitar.
GMW200.ZIP 423,581 11-01-93 Grocery Manager for Windows v.2.00. Helpsyou do your meal planning & groceryshopping. Simplifies & speeds up theprocess of making a menu & shopping list.
GOLFLG83.ZIP 339,726 12-13-93 The Golfer's Database v8.3D. Maintain statsfor 4 golfers, 50 courses, 200 games.Determines current handicap and a detailedsummary of all games recorded for eachgolfer. Menu Driven.
GOLFTS11.ZIP 174,902 10-16-93 Golf Tournament Scorekeeper v1.1.Calculates gross and net scores w/choice ofhandicapping methods.
HOMEAC.ZIP 232,364 09-23-93 Home Accountant for Windows v2.6. Keeptrack of your household expenses, budgets,bank accounts and credit cards.
HOMEINV1.ZIP 140,175 10-12-93 Smart-N-Easy Home Inventory Manager v1.0.Organize and categorize everything you ownin 1 simple program.
INVNT110.ZIP 93,861 10-02-93 Home Inventory v1.10. Simple inventoryprogram which allows you to track home orsmall business inventory by assigninginventory to rooms (which you create).
KYAD10.ZIP 341,941 09-30-93 Know Your Aircraft v1.0. Menu drivenprogram for studying aircraft systems andrelated items such as Emergency Procedures,Performance, FARs, etc.
LBB2_120.ZIP 129,238 09-27-93 Little Black Book phone book and dialer.
LEAGBALL.ZIP 170,062 12-09-93 League Basketball v.01. Wide beta releaseof this simple and powerful fantasy leaguestatistics tracking program. Assigns scoresand maintains rankings. Designed for easeof use.
LEGAL8_B.ZIP 344,041 11-10-93 Your Personal Legal Guide v8.0. Excellentsource of legal information that also hasan artificial intellegence legal forms anddocument generator.
LIFESPAN.ZIP 37,472 11-13-93 Determines how long you will live.
LOG21.ZIP 163,178 09-01-93 Daily Log Book v2.1. Personal diary withcalendar, search/print options, macros,cut/paste editing, optional passwordprotection. Subjects may be separated in upto 99 log books.
LYL.ZIP 132,965 09-09-93 Love Your Life v1.5. Helps you bring abouta positive attitude. Uses positiveaffirmations, visualization, meditation,magnetism, exercises and journal work.Quotes and a Mood Menu are included.
MEMOLUX.ZIP 262,673 01-01-94 Memolux v1.07. Pre-programmed informationmanagement program. Keep track of Diary,Finance, Inventory, Personal Data, Memo,Publications, Businesses and Organizationsdata.
MOMWIN20.ZIP1,202,479 10-28-93 Mom v2.0 for Windows. Full-featuredpersonal information manager.
MUSICA1.ZIP 1,051,877 09-01-93 MusicaNexus v1.0. Audio library records forWindows. Consummate, event-driven system ofrecordkeeping for audio cassettes, CD's,LP's, DCC's, MiniDiscs and other formats.1/3.
MUSICA2.ZIP 1,187,626 09-01-93 Sort command buttons in Form or Table View.Reports, audio labels, on-line docs. 2/3.
MUSICA3.ZIP 796,935 09-01-93 Requires 2.5MB hard disk space; 80386 orgreater. 3/3.
NAS110SW.ZIP 92,261 11-28-93 Network Appointment Scheduler v1.10. ASP.Small business or personal appointmentscheduling program.
NAVLOG.ZIP 45,192 09-11-93 For mariners to make blue water passages.Enables easy calculations and recording ofnavigation data using the inputs oflatitude, longitude, and time. Calculatesdistance, course and average speed betweentwo navigational
NFL93W.ZIP 45,354 10-05-93 Track and predict the 1993 NFL seasonwithin Windows.
NUMERUNA.ZIP 122,308 12-05-93 Numeruna calculates all the necessarynumbers and parameters for use in yournumerology interpretations. Calculates yourdestiny number, heart's desire number,personality number, birth force numbers,ultimate reality numb
ODAY200.ZIP 378,273 12-10-93 OMNIDay for Windows v2.00 <ASP> Computerdiary program with many features andtoggles. Has over 10000 encryption optionsand keys. Can handle up to 10 users at onceand has a full featured text editor.
P3LOTTO.ZIP 66,327 11-26-93 Pick 3 Lotto. Easy to manage database forthe Pick 3/6 Lottery games. Quick Pick upto 10 sets of numbers for the Pick 3 or thePick 6 Lotto drawings.
PARTY11.ZIP 151,270 10-12-93 Smart -N- Easy Party Planner v1.1! Organizeyour party plans, schedules, guest list,seating chart, gifts received,contributions and more. Also calculatesexpenses to help keep you within yourplanned budget.
PCAL1462.ZIP 190,028 10-07-93 Personal Calendar v14.62.Calendar/appoinments clock and notepad.Quite colorful; supports passwordprotection and multiple files.
PERBASE1.ZIP 10,830 10-03-93 Personal Database Tracker v1.0. Tracksnames, ph.#'s, addresses, EASY to use andfast.
PERIN212.ZIP 98,313 09-16-93 Personal Inventory v2.12. Keep track ofpersonal items in the home. Includesdepreciation tables, items sorted by room.
POOLBEST.ZIP 582,528 11-02-93 Runs pools for footbal, basketball, hockey,etc.
PROP190.ZIP 146,760 11-13-93 Prop Optimizer v1.90. Designs aircraftpropellers for maximum cruise and climb.The optimizer automatically adjustsdiameter, area, pitch and angle for bestperformance.
QBALLITE.ZIP 53,814 11-01-93 QBall Lite Exterior Ballistics v1.0. Get ataste of computerized ballistics. Findremaining velocity & energy, trajectorydata, time of flight, wind deflection, &zero data for small arms. On disk manual.
QVIEW10.ZIP 390,057 10-16-93 QuikView Sports Card Tracking System v1.0.The "Premier" Sports Card Tracking System,this program is simple to use and allowstracking of any type cards, includingnon-sports, cars, heroes, etc.
RMNDME14.ZIP 324,498 09-15-93 Remind-me v1.4. Personal scheduler/calendar.
RUNSPREA.ZIP 14,320 10-04-93 Runners' Program v1.00. Specialized Lotus123 (v2.1) spreadsheet for people who run.You enter Distance and Time, it calculatespace, averages and total distance (eithermiles or kilometres), averages, graphs atthe touch
S3CARD10.ZIP 220,580 11-20-93 S3 Simple Card v1.0. Trading card databaseprogram designed for use with floppy drivesystems. It will work on two 360K drives(or bigger). GUI interface, Mouse supportand EMS support.
SB51.ZIP 196,892 12-01-93 StatTrak for Baseball v5.1. ASPBaseball/Softball Stat Management System.
SCORE.ZIP 11,618 09-13-93 AutoScore v1.1. Bowling scoring program.Calculates scores for up to five players,and keeps game and series totals for theteam. Saves game data to disk and restore,or print.
SCORSTAT.ZIP 152,297 10-25-93 ScorStat provides rifle target shooterswith advanced statistical analysis of theirtargets. Requires 386 w/2MB of EMS; VGA;mouse; and LaserJet, Epson dot-matrix, orHPGL compatible output device.
SGAMB15.ZIP 334,839 09-30-93 Smart Gambler v1.5. Tired of losing? $martGambler is for people who play to win! Theunique program that gives strategies forchoosing the best casinos, moneymanagement, odds, improving luck and all ofthe popular games.
SHARE171.ZIP 136,699 11-24-93 Government Job Application Form SF-171Updated form.
SPORTSNX.ZIP 350,708 09-01-93 SportsNexus v1.0. Recordkeeping forindividual or professional collections ofsports cards in all categories. Attractivevisually-oriented environment. Reportwriter plus packets labels.
TICKLEX.ZIP 351,856 09-30-93 Ticklex v6.4. Major tickler program forappointments, deadlines, reminders andtimetables.
TIE21.ZIP 231,143 10-04-93 Teamwork Information Exchange v2.1.Combines electronic mail, personal timescheduling, meeting scheduling and taskmanagement into a multi-user system.
TVRO10.ZIP 116,162 10-03-93 TVRO Assistant v1.0. Application forcalculating look angles, focal length andf/D ratio for home satellite dish antennas.User-accessable database with up to 100satellites.
ULTBIKE.ZIP 152,552 09-04-93 The Ultimate Bike Log Book.
USPRO107.ZIP 544,661 10-13-93 US Philatelist Professional v1.07. Aids inkeeping detailed information about U.S.stamp collections.
VCP10.ZIP 325,482 12-03-93 Visual Calendar Planner v1.0 for Windows.Easiest calendar planner program to use.Provides scheduling/events/memo/appoinmentspainlessly, yet not restricted to themundane scheduling found in mostPIM/planners.
VIC22.ZIP 97,659 11-20-93 Victory Thoroughbred Handicapper v2.2.Based upon principles from "Total VictoryAt The Track" by William L. Scott. UsesPerformance Class Ratings (PCR), currentform tests and Ability Times to identifystrongest contender
VMSYS27.ZIP 227,704 09-08-93 Vehicle Management System Plus v2.7. Keepstrack of 2 vehicles. Includes: mileagegraph, MPG graph, warranty expiration, triplogs, oil change history, repair history,graphs, reports. Miles and Kilometres scale(S.I. Stan
WEDDING3.ZIP 169,019 10-12-93 Smart -N- Easy Wedding Planner v3.1.Everything you need to plan and organizeyour wedding including: Guest List, SeatingChart, Gifts, Expenses, Check Lists,Planner Guide, Appointments, Mail Labels,Honeymoon Planner and
WINNER93.ZIP 121,744 09-18-93 Winner$ v2.1. Football Handicapping andBetting system.
WUK22.ZIP 273,738 09-10-93 Who-U-Know v2.2. The Ultimate Address Book,PIM, Date Reminder and Mailing List.Features unlimited phone numbers for eachname (FAX, CAR, etc), autodialing, laserand dot matrix labels, rolodex, envelopesand more! <ASP>