AMERSONG.ZIP 217,108 10-18-93 Collection of American songs. StephanFoster and others.
ANGELEYE.MID 8,691 11-07-93 Angel Eyes - slow and sexy.
ANGELEYE.TXT 0,554 10-11-93 Angel Eyes info file.
BACHTO.MID 23,634 09-05-93 J.S. Bach Toccata And Fugue In D MajorSbpro Midi Format.
BEET5GUS.ZIP 109,896 10-28-93 TSI IMPORT -Achtung, GUS and other KAWLsound card users!
BELLS_32.MID 30,059 12-07-93 Carol of the bells for the Rolan MT-32,CM-32L, CM-64, LAPC-1, & compatibles,sequenced by Mike Doyle, arrangement rippedfrom Mannheim Steamroller, more or less.
BELLS_GM.MID 33,416 12-07-93 Carol of the Bells, sequenced for GeneralMIDI by Mike Doyle, arrangement ripped fromMannheim Steamroller, ,ore of less. Tracknames are instrument names, so can even tryon strange setups.
BLRMID.ZIP 31,333 12-07-93 Collection of 46 original Midi files by theauthor using Music Printer Plus, SoundBlaster Pro Card and Casio CT-700 keyboard.
CALMSEA.ZIP 3,779 12-09-93 Beethoven's A Calm Sea. Mids of the vocalparts for rehearsing.
CANONBAL.MID 14,250 10-28-93 The Cannonball (Rag) - played by Bob Mace.
FLESH.NFO 0,277 09-26-93 Flesh - `93 T2 Remix info file.
FUSED_GS.MID 31,262 11-13-93 Jazz-fusion rock.
GETINCAR.MID 70,278 11-13-93 Get In The Car.
GLDBRG.MID 20,241 09-05-93 J.S. Bach The Goldberg Variations SbproMidi.
GMP002.ZIP 67,102 11-11-93 GUS MIDI Player and a few MIDI files.
HALLELUJ.ZIP 12,339 12-11-93 MIDI The Hellelujah Chorus - from Handel'sMessian - played by Bob Mace.
IFHEWALK.MID 9,977 11-04-93 If He Walked Into My Life (Mame) - Bob Mace.
JAZTRANE.MID 8,591 10-17-93 Jazz Trane.
M2M_MIDS.ZIP 14,707 09-24-93 These are mids that were converted from modformat using mod2mid conversion programcontains sample of few mods that wereconverted into mid files.
PIANOMU8.ZIP 138,874 10-11-93 8th in a series of MIDI piano music playedby Bob Mace.
PJAZZ.MID 23,220 10-17-93 Piano Jazz.
POLONASE.MID 22,864 10-23-93 Chopin's Polinaise for solo piano.
RXMAS93.ZIP 251,382 11-15-93 Roland Xmas midi demo for gs/gm. Greatquality.
TELFMA.MID 22,761 09-05-93 Telemann Sonata In F Major.
THEYWAIT.MID 15,476 10-23-93 They Wait, progressive rock.
TWILIGHT.NFO 5,473 09-26-93 Twilight Zone info file.
TZ_MID2.TXT 0,277 11-03-93 Twilight Zone music series.
R0CK3.MOD 230,553 11-27-93 Mild rock 'n' roll by Joshua McFadden.
RUN_RAGE.MOD 84,443 12-13-93 From the Edge of the Earth.
RYTHMMTM.MOD 158,635 11-19-93 MOD Rhythm is a Dancer - this one is doneby Valentine of ABADDON.
SAGA3.MOD 152,845 11-07-93 Another installment in the popular SAGAseries. Good samples!
SHADOW.MOD 184,220 10-07-93 Shadowrun by Purple Motion/FC. The winnerof Aggressive Party's music competition.
SMODS15.ZIP 175,399 00-00-80 15 mods in Amiga Tracker/PC SoundBlasterformat.
SUNDOWN.MOD 353,723 11-06-93 Mod file for sbpro - use trakblaster forcorrect playback.
TFS_MD5.ZIP 405,167 09-29-93 The Flintstones present TFS Music Disk PartV containing 2 mods: - Deep Fire - House ofDarkness.
TFS_MD6.ZIP 203,381 10-27-93 TFS Music Disk Part VI Another part of theTFS House-mod collection with 2 mods by TheGrave-digger and Universal Soldier.
WARSND.MOD 437,098 09-28-93 Very good MOD file.
WAYFARER.MOD 129,846 09-16-93 Wayfarter Mod File. Some Nice Mellow GoodListening Music for a Change!
YANKDUDE.MOD 218,015 11-30-93 Upbeat arrangement of Yankee Doodle.
YANKDUDE.MOD 218,015 11-30-93
YANKDUDE.MOD 218,015 11-30-93
MARKKLEM.ZIP 40,319 11-18-93 Here are FOUR of Mark Klem's originaltunes. New ones. You'll forget they're ROLfiles! Includes: DREAM, TRUMP, THUNDER andTSOTO.
MARKKLEM.ZIP 40,319 11-18-93
MARKKLEM.ZIP 40,319 11-18-93
BAD_DAY.VOC 225,625 12-14-93 Awesome mix for anyone having a bad day!
C_O2765.VOC 517,506 11-14-93 Sample of "Chesapeake & Ohio 2765" (aka thefamous NKP Berkshire #765) leading a fantrip from Akron, OH to Pittsburgh, PA onAug 28, 1993.
LIKETHAT.VOC 26,228 10-02-93 "I like that".
MIDIVOC2.ZIP 77,531 11-09-93 MIDIVOC2 V2.0! Major update. RequiresSoundCard.
MIDIVOC2.ZIP 77,531 11-09-93
MIDIVOC2.ZIP 77,531 11-09-93
AIRRAID.WAV 1,323,044 12-30-93 Authentic sound effect of a air raid alertsiren. 60 sec. long.
APOLLO11.WAV 401,732 12-02-93 Apollo 11 countdown, launch, moon landingand first step on the moon.
CR_3291.ZIP 136,641 12-07-93 Train Sound - Sample of the Conrail GP40-23291 whistling for a crossing west ofRipley, NY, just a stone's throw from thePennsylvania border.
DARKINHR.WAV 40,606 09-23-93 "Its dark in here".
DEADFAST.WAV 31,532 11-26-93 The Dead Travel Fast in Romanian.
DESIRES.WAV 1,052,718 12-12-93 Techno song called desires by platform.
DRUM4.WAV 1,552,352 11-24-93 Drum music file.
DRUM5.WAV 406,040 11-28-93 Drum music file.
DS9WAVS.ZIP 1,927,362 09-13-93 Well here is my list of DS9 wavs. Add themto windows in place of some of those stupidbeeps. Save the rest just to show off yoursound card.
ELEPHANT.WAV 407,018 09-13-93 16 bit sound file - an elephant in the wild.
ENGWHIST.WAV 255,638 09-13-93 16 bit sound file of an engines whistle.
LL_TCHNO.WAV2,275,374 11-21-93 A very, very long sound file.
NEWWAVE1.ZIP 283,027 09-18-93 New windows .wav files.
NEWWAVE2.ZIP 287,447 10-02-93 New waves II from the collection of HowardBarlow.
NS_8523.WAV 224,771 12-07-93 Train Sound- the "distinctive" NorfolkSouthern five-chime whistle. C36-7 8523,the lone unit on a westbound stack trainmaking its way down W19th Street in Erie,PA.
OWL.WAV 43,776 10-13-93 Owl sound file - great for Halloween!
POPCORK.WAV 26,448 11-26-93 Sound of champagne cork.
WINSND.ZIP 112,804 09-11-93 6 more wacky sounds for windows.
WINSND.ZIP 112,804 09-11-93
WINSND.ZIP 112,804 09-11-93
MESSIAH.ZIP 122,116 11-10-93 Handel's Messiah presented in .SNG, .MIDand .ROL formats. This is a transcriptionof the accompaniment part from G.Schirmer's vocal score. No vocal parts havebeen transcribed, only the piano reduction.
SND_PM.S3M 600,860 10-09-93 Song from the demo 2nd Reality by FutureCrew. They are in s3m format and need aplayer capable of reading this format. DMPand PMP work.
SND_SKAV.S3M 391,312 10-09-93 Song from the demo 2nd Reality by FutureCrew. They are in s3m format and need aplayer capable of reading this format. DMPand PMP work.