AC_100.ZIP 912,923 09-28-93 North America Area Code v1.0. Find anyState or Province in Canada or USA. Itcontains the most up to date area codes inNorth America. It also contains a NorthAmerican Map.
ADW13.ZIP 43,920 09-09-93 Abdenacer's Desktop for Windows v1.3.Builds an alternative to the Window's (orNT) desktop Program Manager interface;every group of apps is presented as avertical (or horizontal) list of icons oneset at a time; has som
ALM31A.ZIP 281,734 10-12-93 Almanac v3.1a. Calendar and Scheduler.Calendars include Moon Phases, HolidayDisplays, Truetype Font Support, Time Zones.
APPAD40A.ZIP 178,122 09-21-93 Application Pad v4.0a. Program Launcherw/many enhancments.
ARCIMAG1.ZIP1,080,108 12-31-93 ArcImage v1.0. Stores and organizesgraphical images and multimedia files. 1/2.
ATSV20.ZIP 128,745 09-24-93 AutoSaveIt! v2.0. Copies dirs/subdirsand/or files from one place to another, atthe time set with the alarm clock. RequiresVBRUN300.DLL.
ATT302.ZIP 250,956 11-06-93 All the Time v3.02. Clock shows time/datein any format, monitor memory/resources,display tree/moon graphics showing seasons,moon phases, night/day. RequiresVBRUN300.DLL.
AVIATORW.ZIP 167,599 10-02-93 Aviation Calculator for Hours: Minutes,Gallons-Pounds-Tons, etc.
BARCLK23.ZIP 34,272 10-03-93 BarClock v2.3. Displays useful informationsuch as the time (in any number of timezones), the date, free memory, freeresources and free disk space (on anynumber of drives) in the caption bar.
BIB32.ZIP 97,650 09-04-93 BiblioTech-Bibliographic Reference Managerfor Windows that maintains a database ofstandard scientific and biomedicalcitations which can be entered manually orimported from MEDLINE, Paperchase, BRS andother databases.
BSTAR50.ZIP 372,889 10-01-93 ButtonStar Deluxe - Full featuredapplication launcher.
BWEXIT.ZIP 24,612 09-29-93 Beyond Windows Exit. Leave windows quickly.
CAPCLK25.ZIP 10,699 10-15-93 CapClock v2.5. Displays information such astime/date, on the left side of the CaptionBar. Requires VBRUN300.DLL.
CAPTURE3.ZIP 34,126 10-28-93 Capture v3.0. Screen capture utility.Captures icons and bitmaps. SupportsRegion, Window, Client Area and DesktopModes. User definable hotkey and fixedscalings are also featured.
CAT31.ZIP 121,505 10-11-93 Catman v3.10. Helps keep track of filesstored on your floppy disks. It can scanarchived files, track available free spaceon floppies, find files, launche files andmore.
CATCHME.ZIP 156,037 11-07-93 CatchMe - Displays a very small date/timewindows that stays on top and moves out ofthe way whenever the mouse cursor comesnear it. Requires VBRUN300.DLL.
CB200.ZIP 531,673 09-01-93 Clysmic Icon Bar v2.00. The onlytree-structured (nestable) button barprogram launcher. Has drag n' droplaunch/add, DOS icon support, many color &style options.
CBALLS.ZIP 26,304 10-20-93 Crazy Balls - Screen blanking modulew/sound support, magnetic balls, and more.
CCCAN.ZIP 318,987 10-13-93 Cool-Cool-Can v1.0. One-hour demo of aProgram Manager replacement. It featuresquick graphical file viewers, ZIP filesupport, file identification, drag-and-dropfunctionality and more.
CEDW25IE.ZIP 62,760 11-02-93 CrypEdit v2.50. Menu driven program createdto provide you w/a secure environment toedit, view, and print encrypted ornonencrypted text files while also enablingyou to encrypt or decrypt DOS compatiblefiles of any size
CHGWALL.ZIP 27,914 09-06-93 Changes wall paper every so many seconds.
CIGRTT10.ZIP 19,409 09-05-93 Desktop Cigarette v1.0. Desktop metaphor ofa cigarette and its companion coffee mug.
CINEMA1.ZIP 1,051,899 09-01-93 CinemaNexus v1.1. Video collection recordsfor Windows. Superlative,visually-objective system for videocassettes and laser discs. Sort commandbuttons in Form or Table Views. Reports,video labels, on-line docs. 1/3.
CLOKER22.ZIP 105,879 10-11-93 Clocker v2.2. Executes pre-determinedevents at a specific time. It can alsofunction as an alarm clock, with popupreminder messages.
CLPMON11.ZIP 28,238 12-12-93 Copy clipboard text to 2nd mono monitor.DOS progam.
CLPMT209.ZIP 194,548 09-12-93 ClipMate v2.09b. Clipboard Enhancement.ClipMate remembers all items that you copyto the Windows Clipboard. Lets you view,edit, combine, and print clipboard data.
CORP_SS.ZIP 44,424 10-02-93 Corporate Logo Screen Saver v1.7. Selectyour own company logo BMP file to be usedas a screen saver. Advertise your productor service. Any BMP file that will fit onyour screen can be floated as a screensaver.
COUNTER.ZIP 4,316 09-10-93 Counter - Handy desktop counter. Simplyclick on its window and the running totalincreases by one. Requires VBRUN100.DLL.
CSTCR103.ZIP 17,047 10-01-93 Custom Cursor v1.03. Allows you to changethe default "arrow" cursor (great forlaptop computer users where the cursor canget lost easily on screen); choose frommore than 40 different cursors (both right& left handed).
CUSTOM.ZIP 39,735 09-21-93 Three customized screen saver moudles.
DAGW101.ZIP 72,438 12-05-93 Disk at a Glance v1.01. Tree maps, piecharts and analog guages showing hard driveusage.
DASHFLOT.ZIP 8,837 10-11-93 Simplifies switching between on-top/noton-top for Dashboard.
DCTL102.ZIP 16,961 12-31-93 Dameon Central 1.02. Watches for Flag File,the launches the task if found.
DDTRASH.ZIP 14,481 09-22-93 Drag & Drop Trashcan. File deletion utilitythat attaches itself to the File Manager.Options include stay on top, confirmationof delete and more.
DECAY10.ZIP 9,422 10-28-93 Screen saver - Your screen melts!
DESCRIP.ZIP 52,126 10-06-93 Descrip is a utility to view the moduledescriptions of files that contain aWindows 3.1 executable file header.
DHCIS.ZIP 66,909 11-04-93 Disk Historian Test Drive. The ultimatesolution to hard disk clutter and spaceshortage! Monitor All File Usage. ReclaimWasted Hard Disk Space.
DIALIT.ZIP 193,965 09-21-93 Dial-It Pro v1.0. Desktop phone dialingpackage.
DIGSIG.ZIP 63,414 09-22-93 Generates and checks digital "signatures"for files to ensure integrity.
DLLMS203.ZIP 42,507 10-05-93 DLL Master v2.03. Lists modules in memory,with src path and filestats. Load, unload,decrement DLL use count. Multiple lists,compare, print, save. Load DLLs at startup.Visual Basic app.
DODOS11.ZIP 14,295 11-28-93 DoDOS v1.1. Run DOS apps which won'tnormally run from Windows. Creates atemporary BAT file using commands suppliedon the DoDOS command line, shutting downWindows, running the BAT file, thenrestarting windows.
DOE_20.ZIP 145,695 12-01-93 Doe! Homer sayd Doe every 15 minutes. Orpress the button for a SuperDoe! Freeware.
DOSBAR11.ZIP 11,387 12-02-93 DosBar v1.10. DosBar adds a toolbar to anyDOS window. With this toolbar you have aneasy access to the mark, copy, paste andother functions which will normally only beavailable from the system menu of a DOSwindow.
DSKSWEEP.ZIP1,076,119 11-10-93 DiskSweep tracks file usage/accesses toidentify rarely used files.
DT0120.ZIP 110,909 09-12-93 DirTree v1.20. Graphically displays thedirectory structure of a selected disk.
EARTHS20.ZIP 68,115 11-09-93 EarthSun v2.0. Displays Earth's sunlit-sidein an icon. Can also display the currentdate and/or time in many formats.
EASYACC.ZIP 27,975 10-13-93 Easy Access v1.1 Tiny program launcher. Upto 100 items can be added to the launchlist. Requires VBRUN200.DLL.
EASYMEN.ZIP 78,186 09-17-93 Easy Menu v4.0. Menu system with easyconfiguration, command bar buttons, supportfor start-up directories, system infodisplay, extensive online help and more.
ECPAGE.ZIP 250,011 11-27-93 ECPage v2.10. Permits fonts to be createdin a range from 1 - 99.99 points to match aspecific font size to a form design ifneeded.
EDOS365H.ZIP 220,991 10-01-93 EDOS for Windows v3.65-H. Powerful devicedriver that adds many amazing features toyour DOS sessions in Windows 386 EnhancedMode.
EXETYPE.ZIP 7,200 11-02-93 ExeType v1.0C. Windows ExeType Converter.
EXIT15.ZIP 90,472 10-05-93 Windows util for exiting Windows &Restarting or runnning a batch file.
EXW10.ZIP 71,240 11-09-93 ExitWin v1.0. Unusual, elegant andfunctional exit to DOS utility. ExitWinwill place a free floating EXIT sign onyour desktop. It may be moved and locked inposition by the user. Configurable.
EZEXIT.ZIP 6,194 10-06-93 EzyExit v1.34. Quickly close any windowcurrently beneath your cursor bydouble-clicking the right mouse button.
EZSETUP.ZIP 7,261 09-17-93 EZ-Setup automatically searches your floppydisks for standard SETUP or INSTALLprograms and starts the installation.
FASTSCRN.ZIP 11,811 11-14-93 Pops up a screen of your chosen text withhotkeys.
FC4WIN.ZIP 292,951 10-11-93 Floppy Copy v1.0. File duplication utilitythat stores data on hard disk for futureduplication. Features include autodetection of media size, disk format whileduplicating, verification and more.
FDIAL.ZIP 91,849 09-22-93 FastDial v1.5. Maintains a list of namesand telephone numbers, and can dial numbersover a modem. Requires VBRUN300.DLL.
FDUMP102.ZIP 31,435 10-12-93 FileDump v1.02. Produces visual, hard-copyand/or archive access to the Hex and Asciirepresentation of the bytes in a specifiedfile. Requires VBRUN300.DLL.
FGC.ZIP 86,822 09-22-93 File Garbage Can - Makes sure deleted filescannot be recovered by overwriting them.
FILELOG.ZIP 313,542 11-14-93 FileLog - for the logging and recording ofphysical file folders. Update, delete,create, print etc.
FILEUTL3.ZIP 5,945 11-06-93 File Util. View pictures, text files, playwave files, delete files and more. Can dragitems from file manager. RequiresVBRUN200.DLL.
FILFINDR.ZIP 273,217 09-04-93 File Finder to assist in the handling ofthose "physical file folders".
FILLNOT.ZIP 46,835 11-04-93 File Notes v1.0. Attach descriptive notesto files from within File Manager.
FINDR400.ZIP 26,735 11-25-93 Finder v4.0. Swap between all of youractive apps w/tremendous ease; adds acontrol Icon to the title bar of yourcurrently active app, adjacent to thecontrol menu Icon.
FINDT361.ZIP 89,828 10-21-93 Find-It v3.61. Disk file search utility;given one or more file specs, date/ sizeoptions, & wildcard characters, the toolwill search ALL of the specified disks forfiles matching the specification; willopen/ scan archiv
FMAPPLIC.ZIP 127,541 10-07-93 Applications menu for File Manager.
FMONST33.ZIP 307,423 09-09-93 Font Monster v3.3. Truetype & Type1 Fontutility. Rename any font, edit other Preview and print fontsamples/catalogs without installing. Createfont groups which you install by clickingon their icon.
FMV3_5.ZIP 230,909 11-26-93 File Magician v3.5 w/Free Gold Nugget! Morethen a File Management system, 116Programable Buttons, Menus & Macros.Archive Commander features 26 items plusComment Editor. File/Text search, ExtensiveHelp and much more!
FMW12.ZIP 70,998 11-11-93 Format Master v1.2. Floppy disk formatter.
FONTOFF.ZIP 64,425 09-21-93 Font Off v1.7. Helps you manage largeamounts of TrueType fonts.
FSP510.ZIP 202,483 10-28-93 FontSpec v5.1. TrueType viewer & typespecimen printer. Can also organize TTfonts into groups.
FTASK114.ZIP 38,264 11-01-93 Ftaskman v1.14. Replacement for taskmanager.
FTOOLS02.ZIP 94,032 09-02-93 ToolBar. Complete and enahnced version ofone of the best Windows utilities.
FUPDATR.ZIP 11,211 09-13-93 File Updater v1.5. Compares files in twoselected directories. It will copy newfiles, replace older ones, and more.Requires VBRUN300.DLL.
FVIEW20.ZIP 82,578 09-23-93 File Viewer v2.0. Browse the contents offiles. Displays ASCII, hex dump, or rawtext.
FXSAVE.ZIP 275,811 09-16-93 Visual FX Screen Saver. Plays AutoDesk FLC,F, & AAS and AVI files. Displays BMP, ICO &WMF in a slide show. Requires VBRUN300.DLL.
GHOST11.ZIP 8,257 10-14-93 Desktop Ghost v1.1. Displays a cute littleghost that wanders around your desktop.
GRASP20A.ZIP 66,608 11-12-93 Graphical Space Viewer v2.0A. Displays bargraph that represents disk space usage.
GREDSP20.ZIP 76,657 11-24-93 Jupiter's Great Red Spot in an icon.Displays the current position of Jupiter'sGreat Red Spot in an icon. Icon title candisplay today's transit times or a clock.Can also be set to "rotate" to the nextimage of Jupiter p
GROUPED.ZIP 14,603 10-24-93 Group Editor - Editor for Program Manager's.GRP files.
HCLOCK.ZIP 76,638 10-24-93 Handy Clock - Digital Clock.
HCP505.ZIP 212,101 09-07-93 Windows Help compiler. Supports RTF filescreated by WinWord 6.0. Includes both HCand HCP compilers.
HDK95A.ZIP 221,501 09-30-93 Help Engine Developement Kit v9.5. 1/2.
HDK95B.ZIP 210,998 09-27-93 Help Engine Developement Kit v9.5. 2/2.
HELPED19.ZIP 253,997 11-26-93 HelpEdit v1.9. Develop help files withoutthe need of an RTF Editor such as Word.Help Edit creates all Topic and Definitionsand automatically generates all jumplabels. Help Edit supports the inclusion ofFonts, colour a
HITLIN10.ZIP 65,570 10-05-93 Hitline v1.0. CD-player/database storesartist, title, tracks, length, etc. In ahigh-speed Btree-database.
HNWIN10.ZIP 66,071 11-15-93 HoiNga v1.0. Vietnamese lanquageutility/look up table.
HOTTASK.ZIP 141,997 10-14-93 Hot Corners v1.5 and Task List ++ v1.0. HotCorners will assign actions to each of thefour corners of your screen, includinglaunching programs and invoking the screensaver. Task List ++ allows you to switchamong runnin
HOUSE400.ZIP 184,961 11-11-93 House - Advanced Desktop v4.0. File &Program Manager Sub. Shell. Has 200 itemDO-AGAIN, Unlimited Menu Environment, LotsMore! Requires VBRUN200.DLL.
HUNT33.ZIP 91,535 10-23-93 Hunt v3.3. Search multiple drives to findfiles.
HYPERDMO.ZIP 165,397 09-15-93 Control applet provides help *and* systemconfig for 386enh mode.
ICLBLD1A.ZIP 100,194 09-05-93 ICL Builder v1.0a. ICL (Icon Library)Builder allows you to quickly and easilyconsolidate all your icons into iconlibraries of up to a thousand icons each.You can also export icons to bitmap fileswhich can then be edit
ICM33.ZIP 141,991 10-21-93 Icon Manager v3.3. Create, organize,extract and install large numbers of icons.
ICOBMP.ZIP 41,437 10-07-93 Ico2Bmp v1.0. Convert icons into bitmapimages. Automatically convert one or a listof icon files to bitmap files giving theresulting bitmaps the same name as the iconfiles with a BMP extension. RequiresVBRUN300.DLL.
ICONB220.ZIP 40,852 11-07-93 Icon Browser v2.20. View, print and manageWindows .ICO icons. Now includes on-linehelp! VB source code and icons providedwith registration! Requires VBRUN300.DLL.
ICONBAR.ZIP 34,911 10-19-93 IconBar v1.71. NeXT dock-like app w/drag &drop that enables you to more easilyre-arrange icons, add more icons fromIconBar file launcher, etc.; includes afile viewer.
ICONV.ZIP 3,051 09-14-93 Icon Viewer - Browse through all icons in adirectory, view them and zoom in to take acloser look. Requires VBRUN300.DLL.
IFA200.ZIP 182,547 10-31-93 Instant File Access v2.00. Adds filemanagement to any application, as well asfile recall, floating file lists, multiplefile find/replace, etc.
INANDOUT.ZIP 64,186 12-13-93 Ins & Outs - Sets different visual effectswhen you close, open, maximize,
INFOBAR1.ZIP 344,396 09-13-93 System resource information bar at top ofscreen.
INFSPY.ZIP 48,867 09-15-93 InfSpy v1.0. Shows Heap, Windows, Tasks andModules in a window and relates them toeach other. Other features include HeapMemory Dump, printing and saving options,Task terminator, Module Unload, and more.
INFVU130.ZIP 93,678 10-25-93 InfView v1.30. File Viewer views ANY sizefile in either ASCII or HEX. Featuresformatted printing, execute directly or byassociation, searching, file identificationand much more.
INIDIF.ZIP 83,821 10-07-93 IniDif is a DOS command line utility thatcompares two INI files and produces a thirdfile that contains the differences betweenthe two files.
INIP10.ZIP 120,692 09-01-93 INI ProFiler v1.0. Easy-to-use .INI fileeditor/manager. Features automatic filebackup and comprehensive context-sensitivehelp. Context-help covers applicationtopics PLUS individual .INI files, filesections, and keynam
JS3PAK.ZIP 49,814 09-12-93 Contains Three VBX Utilities: Inicon - Inifile manager, Percnt - Percent bar andDfinfo - Disk and File Information.
KATE130.ZIP 253,270 10-06-93 Kate Workplace v1.30. Comprehensiveorganiser and desktop manager with a simplebut powerful user interface and plenty ofonline help.
KF510.ZIP 200,240 09-13-93 KFree v5.10. Shows free memory, resources,date/time in small window.
KYAW10.ZIP 176,591 09-30-93 Know Your Aircraft v1.0. Menu driven, mousesupported program for studying aircraftsystems and related items such as EmergencyProcedures, Performance, FARs, & etc. Canbe used with multiple aircaft. RequiresVBRUN200.DL
L3X3_12.ZIP 102,240 09-28-93 3x3 Labeler v1.2 for Windows. Easy-to-usemethod of producing labels for 3 " disks;label will contain a list of the files onthe isk, as well as a banner (title) andedge text; requires VBRUN300.DLL.
LAWJK103.ZIP 35,032 10-04-93 Lawyer-Joke-a-Day v1.03. Displays a newlawyer joke every time you start Windows.Requires VBRUN300.DLL.
LBLMKRV2.ZIP 8,391 10-27-93 Label Maker v2.0. Print selected files froma directory on a 3.5" disk label.
LBLWIZ20.ZIP 159,210 10-20-93 Label Wizard v2.0. All-purpose labelutility program includes templates forseveral audio cassette (J-Card) labels, anda sample mailing and floppy disk label.
LL1.ZIP 1,081,840 09-11-93 Lyric Launcher v1.0. Colorfully displayssong lyrics and chord symbols. Created by aprofessional musician as a performancetool, it has evolved as a device that canbe enjoyed at any level of musical ability.1/2.
LNCHPAD.ZIP 57,282 10-07-93 LaunchPad v1.01. Task switcher, applicationlauncher and document manager. Features auser-configurable popup menu that lets youassign your favorite applications andcommonly-used documents to a list.
LOADAVI.ZIP 70,428 10-07-93 Load AVI - Automatically imports 24bit TGAfiles into Video for Windows. A hicolorcard is required.
LOADER13.ZIP 28,460 09-15-93 Loader v1.3. Load Wallpaper and Sounds.Requires VBRUN200.DLL.
LOCK23.ZIP 91,689 11-16-93 File Locker v2.3. File Locker canencrypt/decrypt multiple files at a time.Can also run in the "background". No dangerof decrypting a file with the wrongpassword.
LOGO12.ZIP 49,035 11-30-93 Logo v1.2. Changes Windows boot screen.Insert graphics for Windows Logo.
LOGOGO.ZIP 101,593 10-14-93 Logogo v3.1b. Keep multiple startup logographics in a ZIP file and have a new onecome up every time you start Windows.Requires PKZIP/UNZIP.
MAGSET10.ZIP 34,646 09-18-93 Magic Windows v1.0 .DLL settings file.
MBOOT61.ZIP 464,360 10-21-93 MicroBoot v6.1. Set of utilities includesgreater control for Windows' help files,WAV file player, a utility for reportingavailable memory and system resources, ananimated file dumper for File Manager andmore. Requires
MH.ZIP 26,711 09-14-93 MiniHelp is a preprocessor for theMicrosoft Help Compiler. It lets you createhelp topic files using a simple language.It sports topics, titles, keywords,hypertext links, comments and font sizing.
MMTYP03A.ZIP 303,467 10-14-93 MasterMind Typing v1.03. Quickly and surelylearn to touch-type, because MasterMind(patented) reads your mind. It introduces anew key just when you are ready, repeatsjust when you want reinforcement. 1/2.
MPORT100.ZIP 44,508 09-07-93 MagniPORT v1.00. Magnifiies area aroundyour cursor.
MRFORM11.ZIP 121,303 09-08-93 Mr. Format v1.1. Diskette format utilitythat works in the backround and will nothog your system's valuable resources.Requires VBRUN300.DLL.