TEXT 8, 6, 292, 18, "This script uses CorelCAD and Corel PHOTO-PAINT 7 to generate a movie file of a rotating model. Corel PHOTO-PAINT 7 must be installed on your system for the script to function."
TEXT 8, 32, 292, 16, "This script will generate a large movie file (*.AVI) and a single bitmap file (*.BMP), which will both be placed in a user-defined directory."
TEXT 9, 53, 157, 8, "Click NEXT to proceed or CANCEL to exit the Script."
PUSHBUTTON 207, 83, 44, 16, "Next >>>"
CANCELBUTTON 251, 83, 44, 16
TEXT 8, 65, 263, 11, "Please allow about 30 minutes for the completion of a movie."
Return = DIALOG(TLK) 'Runs the dialog box'
If Return = 2 then STOP ' If the user presses ESC, the script gets cancelled
ShadeType(1) = "Hidden Line View"
ShadeType(2) = "Flat Shading"
ShadeType(3) = "Gouraud Shading"
ShadeType(4) = "Phong Shading"
ShadeType(5) = "Preview"
ShadeType(6) = "Full Render"
ShadeType(7) = "Ray Traced Preview"
ShadeType(8) = "Ray Traced Render"
ShadeNum = 3
StepArray(1) = 5
StepArray(2) = 10
StepArray(3) = 15
StepArray(4) = 20
StepArray(5) = 30
StepArray(6) = 40
StepArray(7) = 50
StepArray(8) = 60
StepNum = 4
DontZoom = 0
XorYorZ = 2
Angle = "360"
MovieName = "C:\"
RotatePart = 0
BEGIN DIALOG StartDia 346, 155, "Movie Information"