Corel Draw 7
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201 lines
'This script shall enable the user to create a solid cylinder
REM ⌐ 1996 Corel Corporation. All rights reserved.
REM Declare Subroutines
declare Sub Cross(xcoo&,ycoo&,zcoo&)
declare Sub DoLine(x1&,y1&,z1&,x2&,y2&,z2&)
declare Sub DoCylinder(x1&,y1&,z1&,x2&,y2&,z2&,x3&,y3&,z3&)
REM Declare Variables
Global Title as string
Rem Set Variable
Title$ = "CorelCAD: SOLID CYLINDER demonstration"
Withobject "CorelCad.Automation.1"
string1$ = "This script will demonstrate how to create a SOLID CYLINDER."
string2$ = "For more information on the SOLID CYLINDER tool, consult CorelCAD's On-line Help."
BEGIN DIALOG DispMessage 25, 70, 316, 75,Title$
TEXT 4, 4, 310, 18, String1$
TEXT 5, 28, 310, 18, String2$
TEXT 4, 46, 170, 8, "Click NEXT to proceed or CANCEL to exit the Script."
PUSHBUTTON 192, 44, 40, 16, "Next >>>"
CANCELBUTTON 240, 44, 40, 16
Return% = DIALOG (DispMessage)
if Return = 2 then STOP
string1$ = "A CYLINDER will now be created by using the 3D SOLID: CYLINDER,CENTER and RADIUS Tool."
string2$ = "Three points are required for the construction of the CYLINDER."
BEGIN DIALOG DispMessage1 25, 70, 316, 75,Title$
TEXT 4, 4, 310, 18, String1$
TEXT 5, 28, 310, 18, String2$
TEXT 4, 46, 170, 8, "Click NEXT to proceed or CANCEL to exit the Script."
PUSHBUTTON 192, 44, 40, 16, "Next >>>"
CANCELBUTTON 240, 44, 40, 16
Return% = DIALOG (DispMessage1)
if Return = 2 then STOP
string1$ = "The first point will be set to specify the center of the base."
string2$ = ""
BEGIN DIALOG DispMessage2 25, 70, 316, 75,Title$
TEXT 4, 4, 310, 18, String1$
TEXT 5, 28, 310, 18, String2$
TEXT 4, 46, 170, 8, "Click NEXT to proceed or CANCEL to exit the Script."
PUSHBUTTON 192, 44, 40, 16, "Next >>>"
CANCELBUTTON 240, 44, 40, 16
Return% = DIALOG (DispMessage2)
if Return = 2 then STOP
Cross -60,-60,0
string1$ = "The second point will be set to specify the radius of the base."
string2$ = "The Insert Point Roll-up can be used for precise placement of points."
string3$ = "The Insert Point Roll-up is located in the Tools menu."
string4$ = ""
BEGIN DIALOG DispMessage3 25, 70, 316, 98, Title$
TEXT 4, 4, 310, 12, String1$
TEXT 4, 18, 310, 10, String2$
TEXT 4, 32, 310, 12, String3$
TEXT 4, 46, 310, 11, String4$
TEXT 4, 69, 310, 8, "Click NEXT to proceed or CANCEL to exit the Script."
PUSHBUTTON 192, 67, 40, 16, "Next >>>"
CANCELBUTTON 240, 67, 40, 16
Return% = DIALOG (DispMessage3)
if Return = 2 then STOP
doline -60,-60,0,-30,-30,0
.SelectPointAt -69.0982, 3.27301, 50, 0
Cross -30,-30,0
.setcurrentlayer " "
.circleradius 0,-60,-60,0,-30,-30,0
wait for 1
.setcurrentlayer "Default Layer"
string1$ = "The third point will be set to specify the height of the CYLINDER."
string2$ = "Note: To move the cursor in the Z-direction while performing commands, hold the CTRL+SHIFT keys down."
BEGIN DIALOG DispMessage4 25, 70, 316, 75,Title$
TEXT 4, 4, 310, 18, String1
TEXT 5, 20, 310, 18, String2
TEXT 4, 46, 170, 8, "Click NEXT to proceed or CANCEL to exit the Script."
PUSHBUTTON 192, 44, 40, 16, "Next >>>"
CANCELBUTTON 240, 44, 40, 16
Return% = DIALOG (DispMessage4)
if Return = 2 then STOP
doline -30,-30,0,-30,-30,60
cross -30,-30,60
Call doCylinder ( -60,-60,0,-30,-30,0,-30,-30,60 )
.SelectPointAt -69.0982, 3.27301, 50, 0
Wait for 2
.Cylinder -1, -60,-60,0,-30,-30,0,-30,-30,60
STRING1$ = "A MATERIAL will now be applied to the CYLINDER."
STRING2$ = "RENDERING may take a moment."
BEGIN DIALOG DispMessage5 25, 70, 316, 75,title
TEXT 4, 4, 310, 18, string1
TEXT 5, 23, 310, 18, string2
TEXT 4, 46, 170, 8, "Click NEXT to proceed or CANCEL to exit the Script."
PUSHBUTTON 192, 44, 40, 16, "Next >>>"
CANCELBUTTON 240, 44, 40, 16
Return% = DIALOG (DispMessage5)
if Return = 2 then STOP
.ApplyMaterial "Jewel", "Ambrite"
.ShadeSelected 0, 0, 3
String1$ = "The 3D SOLID TOOLBAR FLYOUT can be dragged and dropped anywhere within the working environment."
string2$ = "For convenience, all toolbars are easily customized. The CUSTOMIZE command is located in the TOOLS menu."
BEGIN DIALOG EndMess 25, 70, 316, 75, "FINAL HINTS"
TEXT 4, 4, 310, 16, String1$
TEXT 4, 25, 310, 17, String2$
TEXT 42, 48, 118, 8, "Click END to finish the demonstation."
PUSHBUTTON 223, 47, 40, 16, "END"
ret = DIALOG(EndMess)
SUB Cross (xcoo&,ycoo&,zcoo&)
withobject "corelcad.automation.1"
.SetPointXYZ xcoo, ycoo, zcoo-7
.SetPointXYZ xcoo, ycoo, zcoo+7
.ChangeColor 51, 255, 102
.SetPointXYZ xcoo-7, ycoo, zcoo
.SetPointXYZ xcoo+7, ycoo, zcoo
.ChangeColor 0, 0, 0
.SetPointXYZ xcoo, ycoo-7, zcoo
.SetPointXYZ xcoo, ycoo+7, zcoo
.ChangeColor 255, 0, 0
.Box -1, xcoo-2, ycoo-2, zcoo-2, xcoo+2, ycoo+2, zcoo+2
.ChangeColor 0, 204, 255
.setpointxyz xcoo,ycoo,zcoo
wait for 1
'.selectWithinRegion xcoo-6,ycoo-6,zcoo-6,xcoo+6,ycoo+6,zcoo+6
end withobject
end sub
SUB Doline(x1&,y1&,z1&,x2&,y2&,z2&)
WITHOBJECT "CorelCAD.automation.1"
.NewLayer " ", , -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 255, 0, 2, ""
.setcurrentlayer " "
.setpointxyz x1,y1,z1
.setpointxyz x2,y2,z2
.arrowLine 3,1
.setcurrentlayer "Default Layer"
end withobject
SUB DoCylinder (x1&,y1&,z1&,x2&,y2&,z2&,x3&,y3&,z3&)
WITHOBJECT "CorelCAD.automation.1"
.NewLayer " ", , -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 255, 0, 2, ""
.setcurrentlayer " "
.Cylinder -1, -60,-60,0,-30,-30,0,-30,-30,60
.setcurrentlayer "Default Layer"
end withobject