The Education Master 1994 (4th Edition)
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Aircraft Navigation & Flight Planning
for the IBM Personal Computer,
and most IBM PC compatibles.
Version F.03.06
PC-DOS Version F.03.06, IBM PC and compatibles
(c) Copyright 1986, 1988 Alan Bose & Bruce Carson
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
User-Supported Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Registration and New Releases . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Disc Layout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Start Running . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Airport/Navaid Data Entry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Update Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Aircraft Data Entry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Navigation -- Preparing a flight. . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Automatic Route Preparation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Pre-Planned Routes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Data File Listings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Database Maintenance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Program Specs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Program Revision History. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
NAVPROGseven / Contents Page 2
An Introduction to NAVPROGseven
Aircraft Navigation & Flight Planning
Alan Bose
Past-President, Taildragger Flyers, Inc.
Asst SysOp, Aviation Special Interest Group (AVSIG)
on the CompuServe Information Service
NAVPROGseven is a series of ten programs designed to prepare
a flight log that is ready for use in the cockpit. NAVPROGseven
stores data about each aircraft you fly and each checkpoint you
fly over, and saves that information for subsequent flights.
The features and functions of NAVPROGseven include:
1). Easy input & revision of the airport/navaid data base.
2). Two RNAV functions to provide latitude and longitude of
a location based on fixes taken from known points.
3). Aircraft performance data stored for each of the planes
you fly.
4). Easy access and display of checkpoint information as
you plan your route of flight. Automatic flight
planning selects navaids closest to your great circle
route and plots several alternate routings. Often
flown routes can be stored for later use.
5). Great circle navigation between checkpoints using
aircraft performance data, and printout of a ready-to-
use flight log.
6). Climb/descent profiles based on aircraft performance data.
7). Multiple sort criteria to organize airport/navaid data
into easy-to-use printout.
8). A full database of VORs covering the conterminous
United States.
The NAVPROGseven program uses the latitude and longitude of
your checkpoints to calculate the heading required for a great
circle (the shortest distance between two points around a
sphere). The printed flight log tells you the field elevation at
your departure and destination points, navaid frequencies en-
route, distances for each leg and total remaining, true and
magnetic course, magnetic heading corrected for wind and magnetic
variation, groundspeed corrected for climb and/or cruise & wind,
ETE & ETA for each leg, fuel usage based on cruise or climb
during the leg with startup/taxi/takeoff fuel accounted for, fuel
remaining, and a warning if reserves will be less than VFR or IFR
NAVPROGseven / Introduction Page 3
In addition a synopsis of the flight tells you fuel used,
reserves in gallons and time, fuel/time/distance used to climb,
and how far from your destination you should begin your descent
and how fast your descent should be to maintain a gentle 2 degree
descent gradient based on the groundspeed of your last leg. The
descent profile assumes that you will be holding cruise airspeed
during descent.
The printed flight log has distance and true course of each
leg conveniently arranged for easy entry into your aircraft
navigation computer, if used. Or it provides a very useful
flight log as you cross-check with your E6B in flight. You
should note that NAVPROGseven is designed for the mid-latitudes
of the northern hemisphere over distances normally associated
with light aircraft. For European pilots, most functions have
been designed to operate east and west of the Prime Meridian.
The seed that started this series of programs was NAVPROG
version 14.4 by Leland Young and his article on great circle
navigation in the February 1980 issue of Microcomputing Magazine.
Additional source material includes "Dutton's Navigation & Pilot-
ing" (U.S. Naval Institute, Annapolis) and the "VFR Encyclopedia
of Mathematics" (Spherical trigonometry, Gellert/Kustner/Hell-
NAVPROGseven was initially written & tested over a span of
eighteen months and was introduced in early 1982 on the Heathkit
H-89 computer using the HDOS operating system. In mid-1982 it
was converted to CP/M by Glen Hassebrock. Both versions have
been in use by hundreds of pilots who purchased the original
programs through the Heath Users' Group. I am indebted to the
many pilots who have offered their comments, suggestions and
ideas over the years.
Though technically a great circle route would involve con-
stantly changing your heading during each leg, NAVPROGseven gives
you a single heading for each leg that closely approximates a
great circle -- just as a single heading taken 'mid-leg' from
your Sectional or WAC chart will also approximate a great circle.
(Your ruler's straight, it's the chart that's curved).
Needless to say, it is vitally important that you always
double and triple check your input. And although the system
makes planning a cross-country flight quicker and easier, you
should always question and verify your output. And it is nothing
more than good navigating practice to cross-check your position
at frequent intervals during the flight -- don't go charging off
blindly, always question.
NAVPROGseven / Introduction Page 4
The fate of the Air New Zealand 747 guided unerringly to-
wards an Antarctic mountain bears a sober reminder that the most
technologically advanced airplanes in the world are still subject
to human error, whim and fancy. There is no replacement for
common sense, no matter what 'the computer' says.
Of course, it is recommended that you 'test fly' the program
before you put it to actual use. Although it works well for the
planes I fly, you should make sure that the output you get is
within reason for your aircraft. Needless to say, there are many
variables to a flight that this program simply does not, and
cannot, take into account.
Your comments, suggestions and ideas are always welcome. If
you want to use electronic mail, I can usually be found nightly
on AVSIG (the Aviation Special Interest Group) on CompuServe.
I'm an Assistant SysOp (System Operator) on AVSIG; in other words
I help run the board.
While there are certainly other online services, such as the
Source, Delphi, GEnie and others, I must admit that I am partial
to CompuServe. CompuServe is the nation's largest public access
network and offers a wide variety of services specially designed
for pilots. And with so many pilots around, AVSIG has become on
of CompuServe's Top 50 forums -- bringing together literaly
thousands of online aviators -- commercial pilots, private pi-
lots, students, military, corporate, night freight, balloonists,
controllers, designers, engineers and journalists from around the
country and around the glode. Add to that direct access to
online weather from the NWS, radar and weather maps, direct
flight-plan filing, and the many other avaition services, it is
all quite worthwhile.
Just type GO AVSIG and stop by and say hello. And thank you
for using NAVPROGseven.
Alan Bose
CompuServe ID: 76703,3044
NAVPROGseven / Introduction Page 5
The author of a user-supported program freely distributes his
work, and requests that users who find the program useful and of
lasting value, send a suggested contribution (NAVPROGseven: $45).
Unlike conventional software, the user is able to evaluate the
software fully BEFORE spending any money. In return the author
may send contributing users additional material such as printed
documentation, source code and most importantly, notification of
patches, bugs and upgrades. The system depends on the active
participation of the user community, for without a flow of con-
tributions for deserving programs, authors will soon abandon this
worthwhile method of distribution.
WARNING! These programs are subject to unlimited copying and
distribution, and may eventually be obtained from a variety
of private bulletin boards, shareware distributors, and
other uncontrolled sources. The source code is readily
available, and the aircraft & navaid data contained herein
is readily alterable. The prospective user is hereby put on
notice that the programs may contain or develop faults the
consequences of which the author(s) cannot be held responsi-
ble. The prospective user is, by virtue of obtaining and
using these programs, assuming full risk for any and all
NAVAID DATABASES can be found on many public bulletin boards,
entered by your fellow NAVPROGseven pilots and uploaded for
the common good. Such is the nature of 'shareware'. Many
of you have sent me, unsolicited, your personal databases
from many parts of the country. Other databases have been
uploaded to the CompuServe data libraries. Some of the
results of this sharing of navaid data have been gathered
here for your convenience. However, for obvious reasons,
this navaid & aircraft data is PROVIDED WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY
The DOS version of these programs were developed and tested
on version 2.01 of the Microsoft MS-DOS operating system (HP BIOS
A.01.02) and Microsoft Basic version 5.28, as distributed by
Hewlett-Packard. The IBM version of NAVPROGseven (F.03.06) is
currently operating on PC-DOS 3.30 and IBM PC Basic A3.30 as
distributed by IBM.
The author cannot predict that the programs will perform on
future versions of DOS, Basic, or various supposedly compatible
computers. However, if a version dependent problem surfaces, the
author may make available to contributing users any fixes and
upgrades. Individual attention to version or machine-dependent
problems of this nature are not always possible and is left to
the sole discretion of the author.
NAVPROGseven / Introduction Page 6
NAVPROGseven is a copyrighted program, and is intended for your
private, non-commercial use only. USER ALTERATIONS AND MODIFICA-
FROM THE AUTHOR. This includes conversions of the programs to
operate on other computer brands.
If you find this program a useful and valuable addition to
your software library, the suggested contribution is $45 (US),
sent to:
Alan Bose
415 Bristol Lane
Schaumburg, Illinois 60194
Contributing users will receive automatic notification of
future updates. You will also receive a copy of the NAVPROGseven
Special Edition User's Manual. If you'ld also like the source
code, just ask -- and send along a second disc to hold it.
You MUST include:
o a blank, formatted DISC (3.5" or 5.25"),
o a second disc for source code (if desired),
o appropriate RETURN POSTAGE,
o please mention the version number on the first menu screen
and where you acquired your first copy such that we can try
to assure that only the latest versions are in circulation.
o you might also mention the make & model of your computer(s).
Fresh copies of the current distribution software may be obtained
at no cost by sending:
o a blank, formatted DISC (3.5" or 5.25"),
o appropriate RETURN POSTAGE,
All out of discs? Haven't got a mailer? We'll supply both
if you'ld kindly add $10 to cover the cost of the materials,
shipping and handling.
The most recent release of the distribution software is also
available for downloading from CompuServe in the Aviation Special
Interest Group (type GO AVSIG). While the layout of the AVSIG
forum may change from time to time, just look for the Aviation
Computer Program data library (currently LIB 13), and the file
NAVIBM.ARC. If you need help downloading and/or un-packing the
compressed file, just leave a note to SYSOP or 76703,3044. I am
there nightly.
MONEY BACK GUARANTEE: Even as a contributing user, if at any
time you feel that NAVPROGseven hasn't met your expectations,
your money will be cheerfully refunded!
NAVPROGseven / Introduction Page 7
NAVPROGseven is designed to operate on a dual-drive system
with 256K of memory using PC-DOS and BASICA.
Format a PC-DOS disk and install on it a copy of BASICA.
This will be your program disk. You may also make this disk
capable of cold booting by including the operating system when
you format the disc.
Place the distribution disc on drive A: and your blank
program disc on the B: drive. At the DOS A:> prompt type LOAD-
PROG to copy the required program files to your working program
Format a second disk for data. When done, get to the DOS
A:> prompt. Place the distribution disc on drive A: and your
blank data disc on the B: drive. Type LOADDATA to copy the
required data files to your working data disc.
You may include both programs and data files on a single
disc, especially with either Double-Sided, Double-Density drives,
or a Winchester drive. Optionally, you may wish to format a
second disk for data alone.
The batch file, HARDDISC.BAT is provided to facilitate
copying the program and data files. Again, all files may reside
on a single disc if you so choose and have adequate disc space.
HARDDISC.BAT will create a subdirectory \NAVPROG on your C: drive
and copy all files from the A: drive.
The IBM PC version of NAVPROGseven is set by default to look
for the program files on drive A:, and for the data files on
drive B:. An optional file NAVDISCS.DAT alters this flow by
looking for all program and data files on the C: drive. If you
wish to locate your programs and data on other drives, edit
NAVDISCS.DAT as required -- the first line refers to the PROGRAM
FILE drive, the second line refers to the DATA FILE drive. See
below for a list of which files are required on each drive or
To be operational, NAVDISCS.DAT must reside on the default
drive as you run NAVPROG from the DOS prompt, otherwise the
program will resort to looking to drives A: and B: for programs &
data respectively.
NAVPROGseven / Installation Page 8
When you have completed the installation your 'working
discs' should contain the files shown below:
PROGRAM DISK (for use on drive A:, or as specified in line 1
(CONFIG .SYS) operating system optional
BASICA .COM your BASICA interpreter
NAVDISCS.DAT Optional program & data drive specs
Required for hard drive use.
DISKAID .DAT disc identification file
NAVCOLOR.DAT Optional for color monitors
Delete for monochrome monitors.
NAVPROG .BAT PC-DOS batch file
NAVPROG .DOC general documentation (this file)
NAVMENU .BAS the main menu program
AIRINPUT.BAS input/revise airport & navaid data
AIRCRAFT.BAS input/revise aircraft data
AIRROUTE.BAS manual route preparation
OLDROUTE.BAS retrieve a stored flight routing
NAVPROG7.BAS navigation & flight log
AUTONAV .BAS automatic route selection
RNAVREF .BAS navaid bearing cross checks
AIRALPHA.BAS prints database
NAVMAINT.COM database maintenance
DATA DISK (for use on drive B:, or as specified in line 2 of
DISKBID .DAT disc identification file
LOADDATA.BAT batch file to initialize data disc
N9815L . sample aircraft data -- DELete manually
N81259 . or using program after you experiment
AIRINDEX.RND { over 1,000 checkpoints in database,
AIRPORTS.RND { can be revised from the program,
{ or DELete these two & start over.
ROUTINGS.DAT sample index of routes on file.
Update using program only.
BEHLUK .GSH sample routes on file.
X06C1H2 .JOT Update using program only.
Place your program disc on the A: drive and your data disc
on the B: drive (if not using a NAVDISCS.DAT file), or on the
drives specified in the NAVDISCS.DAT file (see above). When
NAVPROGseven starts running it will check that the proper discs
are accessible on the proper drives. If not the program will
stop and request them before continuing.
You may run NAVPROGseven at the DOS prompt by simply typing
the word 'NAVPROG' followed by a carriage return.
NAVPROGseven / Installation Page 9
Note that the carriage return is not required for any 'one-
key responses' such as <Y>es, <N>o, <E>ast, <W>est or when se-
lecting numbers from the menu.
All facilities are identified by their FAA identifier, or if
one is not assigned, feel free to make one up. Identifiers are
usually 3 letters for navaids, 3 or 4 characters for airports, 2
letters for ILS compass locators, and a name or pseudo-word
(usually 5 letters) for airway intersections and reporting
points. NAVPROGseven uses up to 5 characters for checkpoint
You don't have to worry about duplicating identifiers be-
cause NAVPROGseven accepts them as normal. For example, DPA is
the identifier for DuPage County Airport, near Chicago, but DPA
is also the identifier for DuPage Vortac located 4.3 nm to the
west. Since the vortac is not at the airport I made separate
entries for each. When asked for DPA the computer will find both
and ask which one you want, the airport or the navaid. (See
notes on co-location below).
During new data input the computer will ask for the following:
What one would expect to find there. You can make up your
own but 'V' and 'N' (VORs & NDBs) have special significance since
you'll be asked to enter the frequency in the next step.
Notes about facility code:
Plotting a great-circle route over short distances than a
nautical mile or so) can exceed the limits of the trigono-
metric functions available under Basic. I've talked with
the writers of other nav programs for other micros, and
they've run into the same problem. When you're working on a
global or continental scale, 1 or 2 miles from checkpoint to
checkpoint is very small indeed.
NAVPROGseven has a provision that seems to handle this
dilemma quite nicely. You'll notice that the Facility Code
field has space to enter 2 codes, not just one -- what the
FAA refers to as 'co-located' facilities. In my database I
have used 'AV' to indicate a VOR located at or near an
airport, or 'AN' for an airport & NDB, etc.
If the navaid is within 3 or 4 miles of the airport, I still
consider them co-located, and enter the latitude and longi-
tude of the NAVAID. At that distance the airport should be
in sight when flying VFR. On an IFR flight, approach plates
would be in
NAVPROGseven / Airport & Navaid Data Page 10
use for this final approach phase. In either case, you
wouldn't be looking at your flight log.
If you entered a 'V' or 'N' above, you will then be asked
the frequency of the navaid -- otherwise this step is skipped.
If the facility is not a navaid but you want to have a communica-
tions frequency listed, you can enter it later using the update
mode, though I find it less confusing to know that all frequen-
cies shown on the printout are NAV frequencies rather than mixing
Whatever you would like to call the checkpoint, navaid or
airport. Be sure, however to include the state or province since
the sorting program will separate that out of the name to organ-
ize all of your data into a nice, neat printout by state.
The state must be preceded by a comma, or a comma and a
space, such as ', MI' for Michigan or ',IL' for Illinois. I've
chosen to use the postal code abbreviations because they're
short, but AR is Arkansas, not Arizona which is AZ; and I don't
know if I'll ever keep Michigan (MI), Missouri (MO), Mississippi
(MS), Minnesota (MN) and Montana (MT) straight, not to mention
Massachusetts (MA), Maine (ME), and Maryland (MD). The code you
use doesn't matter as long as you're consistent.
Take this from your charts, the Airport/Facility Directo-
ries, or AOPA's Airports USA. Or you can use the pseudo-RNAV
function to calculate the latitude and longitude of an intersec-
tion or a landmark based on the distance and bearing from a
navaid you already have on file, or based on the bearings from
two navaids (like you do in the air).
Note that coordinates are entered as degrees, minutes, and
seconds; while they are stored internally and displayed in de-
grees, minutes, and tenths of a minute format.
When entering longitude you will be prompted to specify east
or west longitude. Since west longitude is the default, North
American pilots may simply hit a carriage return. European
pilots should specify east or west longitude as required.
NAVPROGseven / Airport & Navaid Data Page 11
When using the RNAV functions to calculate latitude and
longitude, make sure the navaid(s) are in range. When using two
navaids you should remember basic navigation procedures: if you
draw a line between the two navaids, the closer you are to that
line the worse your accuracy. And if you are on the line it is
impossible to determine your position! It is best if the two
navaids are about 30-60 degrees (or 120-150 degrees) apart.
The accuracy of the RNAV functions can only be as accurate
as your charts and the measurements you take. Since magnetic
variation changes from year to year, it is best if you use true
bearings for entry. With care the typical RNAV error should be
less than one nautical mile. Use the latitude and longitudes
published in the Airport/Facility Directory whenever possible.
Also, it's wise not to use a point calculated with RNAV to calcu-
late another point with RNAV as any errors will be cumulative.
Notes on RNAV:
The pseudo-RNAV calculations with bearings approaching due
east or due west can strain Basic's accuracy as several
trigonometric functions approach infinity. While normally
still within the tolerance of VOR equipment, you should be
aware that such discrepancies can exist under certain condi-
tions, since NAVPROG may err in one direction while your VOR
may err in the other.
These cross-bearings are intended to be a handy reference
for the VFR pilot who doesn't have air-borne RNAV equipment.
If you have onboard RNAV capability you should ALWAYS enter
waypoints into your equipment from published sources.
European pilots:
The RNAV functions mentioned here are not currently support-
ed east of the Prime Meridian.
Read straight from your chart. Be aware that magnetic
variation changes slightly from year to year. The flux goes one
way then the other over a cycle of about 10-15 years. Science
has several theories why the earth's magnetic field seems to
wander, but the important thing to know is that small discrepan-
cies in the magnetic course and magnetic heading calculations
will become evident over a period of time. The only solution is
to update the magnetic variation for each entry in your database
on a periodic basis. RNAV calculations are also affected by this
constant shifting of magnetic variation.
NAVPROGseven / Airport & Navaid Data Page 12
Right from your chart if it's an airport. Navaid elevations
can be found in the Airport/Facility Directory. Elevations at
other locations can be approximated from your charts.
Notes on elevation:
The primary use for the elevation in the program is for air
ports. It is used to calculate your departure climb to
altitude and the descent to your destination airport. If
you choose to enter the elevation of navaids (which are
given in the Airport/Facility Directory) the program will
give a cursory check to see that your selected cruise alti-
tude and climb/descent profile will clear the navaid.
In the UPDATE mode you can revise the data on file as often
as you like. You can delete unneeded entries or let your library
of checkpoints continually grow. In addition, the Database
Maintanence program, NAVMAINT (see page 19), permits you to
extract, merge, rebuild and update multiple NAVPROG databases.
In the update mode entering a 'D' for the Ident will delete
the entire entry -- erasing its subsector from the index & master
file. Later, when you add new data, the program searches for any
'holes' left by a deletion and fills them in first. If a hole
can't be found, the new data is added to the end of the file. To
maximize disc space and retrieval speed, it is best you delete
unwanted entries before adding new ones.
Of course airports do close, navaids are decommissioned,
moved, renamed or frequencies re-assigned. NOTAMS (Notices to
Airmen) are an excellent way to assure that your database is
current and up-to-date.
NOTAMS are published every 14 days and subscriptions are
available from the
U.S. Government Printing Office,
Washington, DC 20402.
The Airport/Facility Directories are published every eight weeks
by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Ocean Survey
Riverdale, MD 20840.
AOPA's Airports USA is published yearly for members of the
Aircraft Owners & Pilots Association
421 Aviation Way
Frederick, MD 21701
NAVPROGseven / Airport & Navaid Data Page 13
When you enter your aircraft N-number the performance data
is read from the file, or if it can't be found you'll be asked to
enter data from your Aircraft Operations Manual. The program
takes into account fuel used for startup/ taxi/takeoff,
fuel/time/distance to climb to your normal cruise altitude, fuel
consumption, fuel-on-board, true airspeed, and the cost per hour
to operate the plane.
When entering your 'standard' cruise performance you might
consider that optimum altitude for a normally aspirated engine at
75% power is in the 6-8000 foot range; giving the highest true
airspeed for fuel burned. As the power setting is cut, the
'optimum altitude' increases. In actual flight, however, the
winds aloft and the time & fuel used to climb there will probably
effect efficiency more than optimum altitude. Also remember that
flight at 75% power uses an average of 13% more fuel for only a
6% increase in speed over a flight at 65% power, while flying at
55% power uses 25% less fuel with only a 12% speed loss when
compared to a flight at 75% power.
It should be noted that in calculating your climb to alti-
tude NAVPROGseven uses a straight line average based on the
standards you enter here about your aircraft. Long, extended
climbs at gross weight to higher altitudes than your 'standard'
entered here may consume significant amounts of additional fuel.
But I'm not telling you anything new, huh? Consult your Aircraft
Operation Manual, please.
Also, the 'standard cruise' speed & fuel consumption you
enter here is guaranteed to vary on each flight depending on
altitude, temperature, etc. However when each flight is calcu-
lated you will have the opportunity to enter 'non-standard'
cruise parameters that will be used for that given flight.
Every plane is different, and your Pilot's Operating Hand-
book and your own in-flight experience are the only authoritative
sources for this information. The examples supplied with NAV-
PROGseven are only that, examples of various users' aircraft
data, for demonstration purposes only.
NAVPROGseven / Aircraft Data Page 14
To prepare a flight, simply enter the identifiers for the
checkpoints along your route of flight. If the route is one that
you expect to fly again you can save it for future use. Note
that the checkpoint data is not saved but rather index numbers
that allow the computer to find the data in the main file at a
later date. This way if you update checkpoint data, the next
time you use the stored flight the new data will automatically be
picked up. Of course, if in the meantime you've deleted one of
the checkpoints, the program will abort and return you to the
menu. Regardless, you will be asked to verify that the route of
flight is correct before calculations begin.
Next you would enter your aircraft's N-number, the Flight
Service Station you'll close your flight plan with, and the winds
at each checkpoint. Of course winds at your departure and desti-
nation should be surface winds, while winds aloft should be used
enroute. Surface winds and winds aloft may be obtained from your
FSS, the NWS, or through an on-line service such as CompuServe or
others. To enter no-wind for a checkpoint you can enter '0,0'
(or a comma by itself followed by a carriage return gives the
same result).
The computer will then ask for your cruising altitude, true
airspeed, fuel consumption & fuel-on-board. The computer will
show the 'standard' situation you entered with the aircraft data,
and by simply hitting a carriage return for each these questions
the standard data will be used, or you can deviate by entering
new data for the flight. Note that the computer does not adjust
your true airspeed or fuel rate when you change altitude, nor
does it take into account outside air temperature. While this
could be done using some general rules-of-thumb, it's best that
you refer to the Operations Manual for your plane and enter
either the book values or values based on your experience.
After you enter your cruise altitude the computer uses the
departure elevation to calculate your climb profile, and the
destination elevation to figure the descent profile. Note that
during your climb to altitude the groundspeed printout is the
average for the entire leg, taking into account your climb
groundspeed (if you haven't reached altitude), cruise groundspeed
(if you reach altitude before the checkpoint), and wind. The
climb airspeed is an average based on the normal climb data, and
CAS is based on your altitude on a standard day. These are
guidelines, not hard numbers -- double check the Operations
Manual for your plane.
NAVPROGseven / Navigation Page 15
The computer then checks your cruising altitude with the
elevation for each of your checkpoints enroute. If your cruise
altitude brings you less than 1,000 feet AGL at any checkpoint
the computer will caution you. Just because the computer clears
The computer is only checking SURFACE ELEVATIONS, ONLY AT THE
IN BETWEEN. The machine has no way of knowing if the elevation
you originally entered was correct. It also has no way of know-
ing that between the two checkpoints there is a 14,000 foot
mountain and that there's a broadcast tower on top of the moun-
tain! CHECK YOUR CHARTS and know your clouds -- steer clear of
cumulus granite and stratus erectus!
In the fuel column a single hashmark will appear if fuel re-
serves are less than 45 minutes (below IFR and VFR night mini-
mums), and a double hashmark signifies that less than 30 minutes
of fuel remain (below VFR minimums). If the hashmarks appear you
should plan to make an earlier fuel stop.
It's usually inefficient to climb more than 10 minutes for
each hour of estimated time enroute unless good tailwinds and
high altitude cruising efficiency offset the fuel and time used
to climb. With NAVPROGseven you can cycle through the flight as
many times as you wish, plugging in new variables and printing
out the best flight profiles at the end of each cycle -- compar-
ing fuel vs. time vs. dollars in order to get the best use out of
your airplane.
NAVPROGseven / Navigation Page 16
Enter your point of departure and your destination and this
program scans the database, selecting the checkpoints along the
way that most closely follow a great circle route. The program
automatically prepares several alternate routings for you to
choose from, and with each pass the checkpoints are closer and
closer together.
If needed you can enter a specific checkpoint to be flown
over (located to one side of a restricted airspace, let's say)
and the computer will first route you to that checkpoint before
turning you towards your destination. The sharper the dog-leg
however, the longer thetime required to calculate the route since
more of the database must be repeatedly scanned.
This program will not tell you the 'best' route to fly, but
it will give you several logical alternatives. Military Operation
Areas, large bodies of water, restricted & prohibited airspace
are items the computer has no knowledge of. If your 172 gets
intercepted by an F-16, don't tell them, "NAVPROG said this was
the best route to fly", and expect to get off! On the other
hand, NAVPROGseven is being used by several Coast Guard helicop-
ter crews around the country, and I actually got a call one day
at work from an Air Force general in Washington wanting a couple
enhancements.... so who knows.
The first pass through the database will give you the most
direct route -- the fewest checkpoints and the longest leg
lengths. Each subsequent pass will supply more and more interme-
diate checkpoints from your database with shorter and shorter leg
lengths, all the while trying to stay as close as possible to the
great circle between the last checkpoint and your destination.
The more checkpoints, the more zigs and zags. From the
possible routes, you must take into consideration the reception
range of your navigation equipment, which is of course affected
by your cruising altitude, station power, obstructions, etc, and
how direct you wish to fly given these parameters without invest-
ing in an inertial navigation system for your Cub.
NAVPROGseven / Auto Route Page 17
Any routings you generate using NAVPROGseven may be saved
for use again at a later date. Only the routing information is
saved, while flight particulars such as aircraft used, flight
conditions, et cetera, are entered individually for each flight.
Multiple routes between two points are also allowed, such as
BEH to LUK via GSH versus BEH to LUK via SBN. The program will
automatically distinguish routes based on the different VORs used
as the first checkpoint after departure. If the first checkpoint
is not a VOR, the "via" field remains empty.
If neither of these techniques is suitable to uniquely
identify a particular routing you can manually override the "via"
information with any three letter code of your choosing. For
example, you could call the first routing "RT1", the second
"RT2", etc.
When you choose to fly a pre-stored route the program re-
trieves the checkpoints you had saved earlier. If the checkpoint
data has been revised the new data is automatically used. If the
checkpoint data has been deleted since the last time the route
was flown, the program will abort and return you to the menu. A
printout can be obtained of all routes on file including all RNAV
The sort program uses a Schell-Metzner sort routine to
arrange the airport/navaid data on file into easy-to-use print-
outs. The data on file can be printed out by Identifier; by
State & Ident; by State & City; by State, Facility & Ident; or
unsorted straight from the file.
NAVPROGseven / Pre-Planned Routes Page 18
NAVMAINT is a separate, stand-alone program written by Bruce
Carson that provides utility functions to maintain the NAVPROG7
database files:
o Sort an existing database,
o Re-build the Index file,
o Extract records from existing database
and build a customized subset of a database,
o Update an existing database with records from a
second database with Add, Change, and Delete functions.
NAVPROG7 relies on two database files -- named AIRPORTS.RND
and AIRINDEX.RND. The file AIRPORTS.RND contains all the perti-
nent data such as latitude, longitude, frequency, and elevation
for any and all entries such as airports, VORs, NDBs, waypoints,
et cetera. The file AIRINDEX.RND contains an index of identifi-
ers that allows the programs to find the appropriate data record
quickly and efficiently.
The NAVMAINT program does not alter your 'live' NAVPROG7
database files. Instead it will create new files with a .NEW
extension, such as AIRPORTS.NEW. You can then make your newly
created/modified databases 'live' by renaming them to
AIRPORTS.RND and AIRINDEX.RND respectively. You can (and should)
archive and backup your original files for safekeeping nonethe-
less, if for no other reason than you may want to go back to
them, or use them again as the basis for another customized
Before you can use any of the changes you've made, you must
rename the resulting files to AIRPORTS.RND and AIRINDEX.RND
respectively. These are the two database filenames that NAVPROG7
looks for specifically. If they can't be found, the program will
not work. And they MUST be matching "companion" files, since
data in each file refers to data contained in the other. As you
will see, the REBUILD INDEX program helps assure that the index
file matches the data file.
To run, simply type NAVMAINT at the DOS prompt. You must be
in the current drive or directory that contains the NAVPROG7
databases you wish to work on. Default output for all files is
to the current drive and directory. We will assume familiarity
with the basic DOS operations like RENAME and COPY and such.
NAVPROGseven / Database Maintenance Page 19
SORT function
This function prompts for the name of the Nav database to be
sorted (i.e. AIRPORTS.RND). It then asks if a new Index file is
to be built. It then prompts for the Fields to sort on. The
allowable fields are:
I -Waypoint Id
F -Facility Type
S -State code
L -Latitude/Longitude
Any combination can be specified, and the order in which they are
specified determines the sort sequence. Fields must be separated
by a comma or blank (i.e. S,I will sort by State and ID)
A new Data base file will be created(AIRPORTS.NEW) and
optionally a new index file (AIRINDEX.NEW).
This function prompts for the name of the Nav database to be
indexed (i.e. AIRPORTS.RND). It then asks if a new Index file is
to be built. A new index file will be created (i.e.
This utility allows you to keep several databases (without
indexes) for use by NAVMAINT in building other databases. Then,
when you have a final database ready to use with NAVPROGseven,
you can build the required index for that database only. In
other words, NAVMAINT does not depend on the Index file, and can
rebuild one for you here. The working NAVPROG system, on the
other hand, does depend on the Index file to provide speedy data
This function is also useful if you suspect that your
AIRINDEX.RND file has become damaged in some way, or doesn't
match the AIRPORTS.RND file currently in use. The index and data
files (AIRPORTS.RND and AIRINDEX.RND) must be properly named and
used as a matched set, since data in each refers to data in the
NAVPROGseven / Database Maintenance Page 20
EXTRACT Function
This function prompts for the name of the Nav database to be
extracted from (i.e. AIRPORTS.RND). It then asks if a new Index
file is to be built for the resulting file. It then prompts for
the Fields to extract on. The allowable fields are:
I -Waypoint Id
F -Facility Type
S -State code
L -Latitude/Longitude
Field identifiers must be separated by a by a comma or
blank. Any combination can be specified and the fields are
cumulative -- a match on all selected fields must be met, before
the record is selected; i.e. S,F will extract on both State and
Facility type code.
The program will next prompt for arguments based on the
selection fields. As many items as will fit on one line can be
entered for each selection. Any match on a selection field value
will satisfy the selection (i.e. CA,OH,WA for state and V,I for
Facility type will cause all VOR or Intersection records in
California, Ohio or Washington to be extracted.)
(Note: Only integer degrees are used for the Lat/Long selections;
i.e. 33,40. No decimals.)
Your new extracted database will be a subset of the original
and will be created with the name AIRPORTS.EXT and an optional
new index file named AIRINDEX.NEW. The sequence of the new file
will the same as the sequence of the input file. Of course,
these files must be renames to AIRPORTS.RND and AIRINDEX.RND
before you can use them with the working NAVPROG system.
NAVPROGseven / Database Maintenance Page 21
UPDATE Function
This function prompts for the name of an UPDATE database --
the database that contains the latest 'updated' information that
is to be applied to an existing database. Each database must be
in NAVPROG7 format and could have been created through the EX-
TRACT facility of this program, from an existing NAVPROG7 system,
or edited from AIRINPUT program from the NAVPROG7 system.
Next the program prompts for the name of a MASTER database
to be updated (i.e. AIRPORTS.RND). It will then ask if a new
index is to be created at the same time. Note, however, that the
program will NOT actually change the original database. Instead
a new database will be created (AIRPORTS.NEW) and optionally a
new index created (AIRINDEX.NEW). These resulting files must be
renamed to AIRPORTS.RND and AIRINDEX.RND before they can be used
by the working NAVPROG system.
The new 'updated' database is created based on ID and Facil-
ity type. Both the UPDATE file and MASTER file are sorted By ID
and Facility type first. Then:
Records on the UPDATE file are compared to the MASTER file.
If the UPDATE record does not exist on the MASTER it is
added to the new database.
If there is no UPDATE to an existing MASTER file record, the
MASTER file record is simply copied, as is, to the new
If a match is found, the UPDATE file record is used in the
new database instead of the old MASTER file record.
If the UPDATE record contains the characters '*D' in the
first two positions of the DESCRIPTION field it signifies a
DELETION, and the corresponding MASTER file record will not
be copied over to the new file.
A listing is produced of the records on the UPDATE file and
the resulting new file. The sequence of the new file is by ID
and Facility type.
NAVPROGseven / Database Maintenance Page 22
Data for each airport, navaid, facility & checkpoint is
stored on random file AIRPORTS.RND, five to a sector. A random
index, AIRINDEX.RND, holds just the identifiers for each check-
point and tells the computer the relative position of each sub-
sector of data in the main file. RNAVLIST.DAT is a sequential
file that saves the fixes you use in the RNAV mode.
The primary database is contained in these three files which
are constructed and maintained by AIRINPUT.BAS (RNAVREF.BAS
automatically updates & maintains the RNAVLIST.DAT file after
each flight).
For maximum speed in retrieving airport and navaid data, the
entire index is read into memory rather than doing repeated disc
accesses. The standard 256K of RAM (or more)in today's personal
computers will handle several thousand checkpoints.
It should be noted that NAVPROGseven was designed for the
general aviation pilot. This is not to say that you have to
stick to one region of the country or stay within a thousand
miles of home. No way. But by the same token, you're not Pan Am
and this isn't an IBM mainframe. NAVPROGseven has an upper limit
of 5400 miles for any given great circle computation.
Since most flights tend to radiate out from one's home base,
some pilots have chosen to set up separate data discs for flights
east and west (or north and south) of home. Normally this was
done because earlier machines only had 64K of memory and couldn't
hold the entire index at once. This should be no problem on the
current home computers. However, if you decide to do this:
1) make sure that all data files including your aircraft data
and file DISKBID.DAT are copied over to your new data disc.
2) if divided between north & south data, provide some overlap
to the north on your 'Southern' disc. Great circle routes
north of the equator are always bowed towards the north
3) as you edit your database, always delete unneeded check-
points before adding new ones to make the most efficient use
of disc and memory space.
NAVPROGseven / Program Specs Page 23
AIRCRAFT.BAS takes data for each aircraft you fly and stores
it in separate sequential files with the plane's N-number as the
filename. Two aircraft, N73116 and N81259, are on file, with
which you can experiment. ROUTINGS.DAT is an index of routes you
have saved for later use -- it is created by AIRROUTE.BAS and
called by OLDROUTE.BAS. The individual routes are stored in
separate sequential files; i.e., information about a flight from
Benton Harbor to Cincinnati Municipal (Lunken Field) is stored in
file BEH.LUK.
A file FLIGHT.SEQ is created temporarily by AIRROUTE.BAS or
OLDROUTE.BAS to pass the file locations of the current route of
flight to NAVPROG7.BAS and then to RNAVREF.BAS after which it is
erased. RNAVREF.BAS looks at the route of flight and searches
RNAVLIST.DAT for any checkpoints that were entered using RNAV
cross-bearings, if so they are printed on your flight log for
in-flight reference.
Why doesn't NAVPROGseven generate my FAA flight plan for me?
A good question. In the very first, experimental and unpublished
versions of this program I included just such a routine. Rather
simple actually, but why stop at a flight plan? Why not dump
right into the autopilot and we can all fly around like so many
locomotives on rails? My feeling is that preparing one's own
flight plan form gives you time to pause, reflect and review the
upcoming flight. I love computers, but it is the captain who has
the final word. Let the computer do the number-crunching it does
so well, but don't let it become the de-facto pilot-in-command of
your plane as well.
NAVPROGseven / Program Specs Page 24
Listed by operating system and hardware.
HDOS Version A.01.01, Heathkit H-8, H-89
(c) Copyright 1982 Alan Bose
CP/M Version B.01.01, Heath/Zenith H-89, Z-90
Version C.02.01, Hewlett-Packard HP-120, HP-125
(c) Copyright 1982, 1984 Alan Bose and
Glen Hassebrock
MS-DOS Version D.03.05, Hewlett-Packard HP-150 Touchscreen
Version E.03.05, Hewlett-Packard HP-110 Portable
(c) Copyright 1984, 1986, 1987 Alan Bose
PC-DOS Version F.03.06, IBM PC and compatibles
(c) Copyright 1986, 1988 Alan Bose and Bruce Carson
Where did you get your first copy of NAVPROGseven?
Is your favorite friend of bulletin board distributing the
latest version? Let them know that the most recent distribution
software can be obtained fron CompuServe in the Aviation Special
Interest Group (type GO AVSIG) from Library 13 (Aviation Computer
Programs) under the filename NAVIBM.ARC.
NAVPROGseven / Program Revision History Page 25